The Old Settlers Association of the Cheyenne and Arapaho County, the oldest Old Settlers Organization in Western Oklahoma will observe its 90th Anniversary on April 19, 2002. It will be the 110th Anniversary of the Cheyenne-Arapaho Land Run.
Cheyenne is the home of the Old Settlers Association of the Cheyenne-Arapaho County. It was here that the idea was first conceived of forming an association to preserve the early day history of this part of Oklahoma.
The first meeting for this purpose was on April 19, 1907. This meeting was called by “Daddy” Hez Cox, a businessman of Cheyenne, who had set up a business in this city on April 19, 1892, the day the town was established with fifty people. Purpose of the meeting was to establish a custom of meeting on this date, April 19, annually in order to commemorate the date of the Run for homes in the Cheyenne and Arapaho Country of Oklahoma. The first meeting was a picnic with a basket dinner, square dance and a horse race.
On April 19, 1912, the Old Settlers Association of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Country was formed in Cheyenne. Purpose of the organization stated was to “preserve the history of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Country of Oklahoma.” This area comprised the counties of Roger Mills, Custer, Washita, Blaine and Dewey and parts of Kingfisher and Canadian.
First officers of the association were President Dr. J.P. Miller, Secretary and Treasurer Della I. Cann Young. {Mrs. Young held this office until 1945.} W.L. Chalfant succeeded her. In 1922 “Scotty” Cosmo Falconer was elected president of the association, which office he held until his death in 1932. John C. Casady was elected to succeed him as president. In 1950 C.F. Maddux was elected vice-president of the organization. Officers are elected every five years.
In 1950 the Old Settlers Association of the C&A Country was enlarged to include the counties of Beckham, Custer, Washita and Roger Mills. At that time it was decided to hold a celebration each year on April 19th in one of the counties, but that the custom of holding a reunion once every five years in Cheyenne, Roger Mills County, should continue.
The last annual celebration was held in 1917 and then the celebrations were revived again in 1922, but the decision was made to hold the reunions once every five years instead of making it an annual event in Cheyenne. The 1922 celebration featured the crowning of a queen, a parade, a square dance and a basket dinner.
Although the 2002 Reunion of Old Settlers of the Cheyenne-Arapaho Country is scheduled for April 16-20, we pause and reflect on the celebrations of the past. The following are extracts from accounts published in the Cheyenne Star newspaper telling of the Reunions.
The first celebration in Cheyenne of the opening of the Cheyenne-Arapaho reservation occurred last Friday and old settlers were here from every section of the county and many from other counties to converse and mingle with their old time friends.
The celebration began with a band concert by the Cheyenne Band at about 10:30 a.m. on the streets, after which all went to the grounds. The old timers spent several hours conversing of the early days and relating incidents that were peculiar only to the early days.
Dinner was served to the multitude, consisting of barbequed beef, pickles, coffee and bread. Many of the crowd had never seen barbecued beef served before and the old time western s tyle of doing this interested such.
After dinner Senator Mitchell delivered the welcome address in a few well chosen words, and related some of the early day experiences up on the sandy South Canadian at the historic town of Grand. Mr. Mitchell then introduced Mrs. A.S. McKinney, one of the first women of Cheyenne who read a paper, “Early Days in Cheyenne”.
Mrs. Della Young’s address was entitled “Early Days in Roger Mills County” which was full of early day incidents of this county and was of interest both to the new and old settlers. Mrs. Isabella Fields addressed the old settlers on the subject, “The Future Cheyenne” and her address was pleasing and logical. She was frequently applauded during the address. Music was interspersed by the band.
The amusements consisted of ball games, races, bronco busting, etc. The ball game between the profession men and businessmen of the towns resulted in the score of 3 to 5 in favor of the businessmen.
At night the Old Fiddlers’ Contest took place at the school house auditorium and the music furnished was that of the old “fiddler”. Several participated in the contest. H.W. Carl and Willis Daniels were the winners. Special numbers were performed by the Waco Trio of Waco, Texas; Miss Myra Warren of this city rendered a piano solo; Miss Mamie Kendall a vocal solo and Master Robert Higgins a violin solo.
{Handwritten account of the 1917 Cheyenne-Arapaho Old Settlers celebration by Della Cann Young.}
A certain affectionate good fellowship springs up among those who accomplish any great work—no matter how widely they may be removed from the scene of their accomplished labors–the recurrence of seasons and the tally of years causes the heart and mind to hark back and recount with emotion the incidents of the hard days past.
With the approach of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the opening of the Cheyenne-Arapaho country, Cheyenne sent forth a call to all who topped the Red Hills on the banks of the Washita on that never to be forgotten April 19, 1892 and proclaimed the wilderness their home.
Cheyenne dusted her parlor; made up all her beds in clean slips and sheets, filled her cupboards with the best of goodies, had great pits smoking with barbecued beef, powdered her nose, manicured her nails and after dressing in her most becoming cap and gown, proceeded to welcome her friends.
The guests began to arrive as early as Monday and by ten o’clock Thursday the town was literally a swarm with visitors. Such an event as the parade that passed through the streets of Cheyenne that day will never happen again.
Mr. W.A. Young, age 73, on a fine horse and bearing an immense flag led the parade. Mr. Young had the honor of being in Roger Mills County prior to any other man in the assembly (having passed through in quest of stolen horses in 1880). Mr. W.W. Anderson rode to his left and Judge John E. Leary to his right. The snow-white hair of the three veteran pioneers glistened in the sunshine as they rode in stately grace through the streets of the dear old town. Twenty-six autos loaded with those who made the “Run” and other “Old Timers” followed the three horsemen to a park on the west side of town.
Judge John B. Harrison of Oklahoma City but formerly judicial light of Cheyenne was asked to deliver an address Thursday forenoon but on account of circumstances over which he had no control he was unable to be present; thereby disappointing his many admiring friends and himself too, as he assured us in his letter of regrets.
The speakers were shifted in order to fill the vacancy and Hon. D.W. Tracy (since 1908 of Sayre) amid much good cheer was escorted to the speaker’s platform. Instead of delivering a learned and eloquent address on some profound subject, Mr. Tracy with incomparable grace stepped down from his stand and taking his place on a plank in the midst of the crowd, proceeded to recount his experiences as an attorney when Cheyenne still was in her swaddling clothes, and the country had never even attempted to use her legs. The first case he told was that of one George E. Shufeldt, now known to everyone in Roger Mills, charged with the sale of oleomargarine unbranded, prosecuted by Mr. Cunningham, the carpetbagger county attorney and defended by Mr. Tracy. The court was bested in one Jim Tracy, a lad 21 years old (now an able physician of Memphis, Tennessee). Mr. Tracy then told in his most entertaining way, many of how for years he was pitted in nearly every case against our much beloved friend, the Hon. J.W. McMurtry before the court of Judge John E. Leary and how Mr. Leary from the nature of things was bound to rule in favor of Mc, since Mc’s charming daughter Nellie was the goal in Judge Leary’s heart and mind. (And it might be stated the judge’s efforts were not in vain.)
Judge Shive of Arapaho then entertained the listeners in his most humorous manner with reminiscences of early days and hardships in the neighborhood of Arapaho.
The scent of the roasting beef and boiling coffee now won the attention of the people and many more visitors having arrived during the speaking some time was spent in greetings. Should you stop to listen, on every side was heard, “Why there’s John Gover, who’d ever thought of seeing you?” “And this is ‘Son’ Thurmond—I’d a known you anywhere” “Have you met my wife?—I sure want you to see her” “This was our baby when we last saw you–some baby now isn’t she?” Prolonged handshakes, exclamations of delight and tears of joy at the meeting of long ago separated friends was the order of the day.
Such a dinner they talked and ate and Cheyenne served till about 1:30 p.m. Dr. J.P. Miller, President of the Old Timers was over heard to whisper to the secretary Della Cann Young, “The beef is all gone — $160 worth and only one meal served! What shall we do?” But the secretary more optimistic than the Dr. answered, “Oh we’ll manage!”
A typical Cheyenne and Arapaho gale begun blowing about 2:00 p.m. and speaking was out of the question on that account we missed hearing Mr. John C. Hendricks of Sayre. Mr. Hendricks with his wife made “The Run”.
A.C. Wilson’s singing class of ’93 and ’94 were there prepared to sing their old time songs but the wind was too high to undertake it. The youngsters then began calling for the “Old Timers” dance, after a great deal of shuffling about to find a fiddle and the fiddler and to get the dancers in couples, two sets of the representative “Old Timers” danced a quadrille with L.A. Hitchcock playing and Dick Cann calling; amid much applause, the floor was cleared and another quadrille danced “Monkey Jim” Wilson, a famous caller of early days calling the changes.
The Cheyenne school children then gave a most beautiful flag drill and closed by singing the national songs. By that time the wind had grown so cold and disagreeable that the dancing was turned over to the young set and the Old Timers took shelter for the night.
The Camp Fire girls of Strong City put on a pleasing entertainment Thursday evening. Friday morning, the visitors still poured in and Cheyenne killed her fatted calves. The beef was boiled and even a better dinner than the day before was served, soup that causes one to grieve yet for more coffee, pickles, buns and all the other good eats that only Cheyenne knows how to cook and serve to the daintiest and greediest. This dinner having put the Hon. J.W. McMurtry in a most amicable mood, he proceeded to entertain his many admiring friends in his imitable way. The good people of Cheyenne and Roger Mills County; what they have accomplished in the teeth of adversity; and the hope that the good women who have shared the hardships of these early days will soon be granted equal suffrage, were some of the topics he discussed.
Mrs. Della Cann Young, Secretary of the Old Timers, then read telegrams and messages sent from distant pioneers and a letter from Mrs. Jessie Goodwin Gill now of Catalina Island, CA, the first white woman in Cheyenne and the first girl married in the new country. Mrs. Young did not neglect to ride her hobby, Community Life, before such a large and appreciative audience.
Judge E.E. Tracy, the first School Superintendent of Roger Mills was the last scheduled speaker. Mr. Tracy was listened to with respectful attention and received much applause. No one wanted to leave. Each knew deep in his heart that such a Roundup of the Old Timers would never be again; so they called for speech after speech. John Gober of Woodward, Dick Cann of Higgins, TX; Mrs. Dr. Standifer of Elk City; Mrs. Fields of Cheyenne and others held the crowd for a while longer.
The ball game much attracted the attention of the visitors and after that the Horse Races. Visiting cars came from Woodward, Higgins, Canadian, Sayre, Elk City and Hammon and an excursion train from Clinton and Clarence Thurmond of Oklahoma City was awarded prize for coming the greatest number of miles to the Reunion.
The following are the names as near as could be secured of those who made the Run into Cheyenne, April 19, 1892 and answered the Roll Call April 19, 1917. Frank Cole, Hamburg; J.H. Anderson, Redmoon; Clyde Young, Redmoon; Dick Cann, Higgins, TX: Scottie Falconer, W.W. Anderson, “John the Varmint” Anderson; Fayette Anderson, all of Cheyenne; John Caffey, Strong City; John E. Leary, “Bill” Turner of Cheyenne; Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hendricks of Sayre; “Son” Thurmond, Clinton; Kleve Thurmond, Sayre; Bob Thurmond, Elk City, Billy Owen, Mendota, TX; J.E. Bradford, Cheyenne; L.A. Hitchcock, Cheyenne; and 24 hour “Sooner” J.W.McMurtry, Hammon.
Wednesday, April 19 had perfect weather for the Reunion of Old Timers. Several thousand from Roger Mills and adjoining counties were present and most of those attending were really old timers. This was the largest reunion of old timers ever held in the Cheyenne-Arapaho Country. The C.&O.W. had a special train for the occasion.
The parade headed by the queen and her attendants followed by the band boys, the American Legion, old soldiers, old settlers, floats of the businessmen an the various organization of the town, was every pretty. Some of the floats were especially attractive.
The principal address of the day was delivered by Governor J.B.A. Robertson who held the crowd for two hours with intense interest. Roger Mills County is a friend of the governor’s as was well displayed by the way his address was received. Governor Robertson spent the day meeting old friends and forming new acquaintances. Cheyenne well appreciates the special favor bestowed on her by the governor in his taking time to come out here and spend a day when he is so very busy.
John B. Harrison, who can claim the friendship of all his large acquaintance here, gave an address, which pleased all, especially the old timers.
F.E. Herring of the firm of Herring & Young, who resides in Oklahoma City, gave a talk reminiscent of old timers, which pleased his many friends here.
Mrs. Bessie McColgin very ably discussed the part women have had in the development of the C&A Country.
The Southwestern Teachers College gave several entertaining numbers including choruses, quartets, colonial and dutch dances which were enjoyed by all.
The old time dance and other sports concluded the day’s program. This was pronounced the best reunion ever held in Cheyenne.
Miss Archie Anderson, the daughter of Mrs. Eva Anderson of Cheyenne was the first queen of the Old Settlers in 1922. Miss Anderson had the peculiar distinction of having the crown placed upon her head by the Honorable J.B.A. Robertson, then governor of the State of Oklahoma. At that time the Queen in a highly decorated float, led the parade and was crowned just before the parade dissembled.
Arch Anderson, father of Miss Archie, was among those making the run into Roger Mills. He passed away a few weeks before the birth of the daughter and Lafayette Anderson was his brother. Archie later married and became Archie Brewer, operated a beauty salon in Stillwater and is now deceased.
It is impossible to give anything like an accurate estimate of the immense crowd that came to the Old Settlers Reunion, April 19. It has been estimated at from 5,000 to 8,000 people. It was conceded by all to have been by far the largest crowd ever assembled in Roger Mills County. They came from all parts of Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and Arkansas. Large delegations were here from Sayre, Elk City and Clinton.
The Old Timers Reunion held last Tuesday marked the thirty-fifth anniversary of the opening of the C&A Country. Old friends met on this occasion, who had not met for years. Many old timers are growing old and they realized the fact, which added a greater thrill as they visited together. Those who came farthest felt fully repaid for their trip. “I would not take anything for the day” seemed to be the sentiment of all.
Scotty Falconer, president of the organization and Secretary Della I. Young, together with the other officers and committees deserve much credit for the excellent manner in which the Old Settlers Reunion was managed.
The crowd assembled in a tent in the forenoon and Scotty Falconer, presided while a program was rendered. Alvin Moore, mayor of the city, delivered the address of welcome which was responded to by Judge Ray of Lawton, formerly of RMC and who is now recognized as one of the old timers now filling a high place in the state in the legal profession.
Dennis T. Flynn, father of the Free Homes Bill, delivered an address.
Mrs. Violina Miller of Erick, daughter of the late Dr. J.P. Miller, the pioneer doctor of RMC, sang a solo, much to the satisfaction of the old timers who were glad to once again hear her voice. This concluded the morning program.
The barbecue was conceded to be a grand success. It was a gigantic undertaking to feed the immense crowd, but due to the excellent organization of the arrangements committee none were away hungry.
Immediately after dinner the pageant portraying the development of Oklahoma was staged by the Cheyenne School on the grounds east of the site of the Old Timers, in a natural amphitheatre. The queen was Miss Frances Young, a student of Stillwater, both her father and grandfather having made the run. Music was furnished by the Elk City band. All of the parts were given in appropriate costumes; announcements were made through megaphones by Mr. James and Mr. Nickols.
Then came a talkfest in which F.E. Herring of the firm of Herring and Young, early store men in RMC, as well as a leading mercantile firm at the present time, made a splendid speech eulogizing the old timer who had passed from life, those who had gone into larger fields, and those who remained as useful citizens.
While the speaking was going on a portion of the immense throng enjoyed a baseball game between Cheyenne and Strong City in which Strong City won with a score of 25 to 11.
As a conclusion of the day’s program the old timers danced the old time waltz, square, two step, etc. with some of them attired in the old time clothes.
Mrs. Miller, wife of the first doctor to locate in the territory, was present and her daughter, Violina, had a place on the program. Mrs. Cash, who had a part in two “runs” and Mrs. Alice Hendricks, one of the three women in Cheyenne on the opening day, were present. Jim Lester, 1927 sheriff of Roger Mills County has taken part in FOUR RUNS and naturally welcomed back the old timers.
A display of relics incident to the history of the Cheyenne-Arapaho country was to be seen in the window of the C.V. Rice grocery, the history of which would make a story in itself.
The celebration was held on a hill just east of the city and the pageant and other attractions were given in a natural amphitheatre enabling the assembled thousands to have an exceptional view, adding much to the pleasure. No more beautiful or fitting place for such an event could be found in the entire state.
It is a difficult matter to attempt to tell of the events of the entire day for every moment was crowded with pleasure and entertainment. For instance “Cap” Story was there and he was one of the oldest of the old timers. Going along the street he met a man who was in the same “outfit” with him in his cowboy days and they were talking about the time their camp was invaded by a drove of skunks and the time they had getting rid of them. J.D. Taylor of the Clark Barber Shop was there and looking at the old-fashioned dance, said that he used to dance that way in the Cheyenne country thirty years ago. Pete Thurmond said his father established the first store in Cheyenne thirty-five years ago that day, while the Blackburns and others had stories of events of those days when the country was new. Mrs. Young also was able to relate many interesting incidents of the old days. She and Mr. Young located in the country in ’80 or ’81 and have lived there ever since. Col. Herring paid some splendid tributes to the pioneers, as did Judge Mitchell, Dennis Flynn and other speakers.
The hospitality of Cheyenne must not be overlooked. Had it been a city of many times its size there could have been no improvement on the arrangements or the manner in which they were carried out. The businessmen just quit their places of business and took their various places in the line of work and it is remarkable how so small a group handled such a gigantic undertaking. The ladies, too, were busy and did their part and the manner in which everything worked out is certainly a credit to their ability and their progressive spirit.
Miss Frances Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Young, was the Old Settlers Queen in 1927. She had the distinction of having both her father and grandfather in the run, and having them both present at her coronation. Dennis T. Flynn, Father of the Free Homes Bill, placed the crown, which was a relic of Indian beads and feathers, upon the head of the young queen. It was at this reunion that the crowning was made the climax of a gorgeous pageant and has been included in each program. Frances graduated from A&M College and became a teacher in the local high school where she assisted in directing the pageant in 1922. Frances Warrington now lives in Colombia, South Carolina.
Queen attendants: Sarah Shaw, Bonnie King, Blanche Steere, Alia Belle Berry, Mary Jo Caffey, Vashti Young, Edith Parker {unable to come were Nellie Leary, Julia Tracy, Amy Taylor, Georgia Cole and Theresa Shaw}.
The Old Settlers Reunion held in Cheyenne, Tuesday, April 19th, the 40th anniversary of the opening of the C&A Country, attracted the largest crowd that has ever assembled in this city. The crowd was estimated at 10,000 people. All RMC came and large delegations came from Elk City, Sayre, Clinton, Pampa, Canadian, Arnett, Higgins and other cities of West Oklahoma and Texas to mingle with old timers. Undoubtedly more Old Timers of the C&A country gathered than have been together for the past 20 years.
The crowd gathered early to see the parade which started moving promptly at eleven o’clock. The parade was headed by Senator Alvin Moore, marshal of the day, who was attired as an Indian Chief. Then came the cowboys, 200 in number, cowboys from West OK and the Texas plains; then came the ox-wagon, freighter, prairie schooner, buggies, women on horses riding side saddles, the Queen of the C&A in a beautifully decorated auto followed by trucks and cars representative of different organizations and business firms of the city. The parade was preceded by the Elk City Band and was more than a mile in length and carried more than 500 people. This was a great pageant within itself, depicting all modes of travel and of dress. This one feature alone was well worth the day’s entertainment.
The American Legion members began serving the barbecue at 12 o’clock. It had been arranged for the crowd to pass in single file by the tables where barbecue, pickles, bread and coffee were served. Five hundred gallons of coffee was made in a large still and served; two truck loads of bread were consumed. In addition to this many baskets of food were brought and many groups of folks spread dinner together.
After dinner there was speaking. Among the notable speakers were Col. F.E. Herring of Elk City, E.L. Mitchell, Judge of Clinton; Ray Disenger, Supt. of the gas line from Wichita to Pampa; Gen. Roy Hoffman of Oklahoma City made the address of the day. Col Herring then presided over an open forum during which time many Old Settlers talked and many interesting events were recounted.
The Cheyenne school put on a pageant portraying events of history in the C&A country, beginning with missionaries claiming the country for Spain, followed by Coronado’s expedition. Battle of Washita, cowmen, sooners, the run, a dance of the flowers, butterflies, an old time square dance and concluding with the crowning of the Queen of the C&A country. Hiss Hazel Mae Cole, eighteen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole was crowned queen and will reign as such for a period of five years. Her father made the run on April 19, 1892 and established a ranch northwest of Cheyenne in the Washita River Valley near Midway. Frank Cole was ill at the time of Old Settlers and was not able to attend. Hazel was one of the county’s outstanding teachers after graduating from Goodwell College. Hazel Cole Peterson is now deceased.
When 10,000 people or more assemble in a town that claims a population of less than 1,000, that town is full of people. That was the condition in Cheyenne Monday when a crowd estimated at between 20,000 and 30,000 gathered here to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the opening of the C&A country. The vast crowd was very orderly with no accidents of any consequence, and no disorderly conduct which was very remarkable for that many people to have assembled.
It was an occasion when every-one seemed to enjoy himself; many pronouncing it the best time they ever had. There was nothing elaborate about the entertainment, but the vast crowd was kept entertained every minute.
Cheyenne has every reason to feel proud of Monday’s celebration. It was a result of united effort; it showed cooperation of other towns; it brought publicity to the town; and all Old Settlers returned to their homes with the thought that Cheyenne was indeed a hospitable town.
The float entered in the parade by Methodist and Baptist churches won the parade prize. The judges were Walter Blackburn, E.L. Mitchell and J.J. Moore.
Hundreds of horsemen rode in the parade led by Dr. C.E. Pyatt and C.F. Maddux. Conspicious in the parade were Lt. Gov. James Berry, Gene Ross, “Red John” Salyer and Senator Nat Taylor.
The Beutler Bros. staged a won-derful rodeo performance with 42 entering the events. There were many in the vast crowd witnessing the rodeo who realized that they were being privileged to see a wonderful free show in which many nationally famous rodeo stars were performers.
Dorothy Mae Purdy, daughter of the late Joe and Ollie Purdy, was crowned 1937 C&A Queen, while living in Clinton at the time.
Tiny little Yvonne Chouteau was here to dance in the parade, the great-great-great granddaughter of the first white settler in Oklahoma.
Leading the parade that year was Sam Maddux and the pretty slender girl who had helped him build a home and take a wild unsettled country. She rode beside him side saddle, as he sat tall in the saddle riding his faithful white horse.
The rain came Saturday the day Cheyenne was all set for the biggest celebration ever held in this city-but the rain merely changed the schedule but did not stop the celebration. Old timers from far states began to gather in Cheyenne Friday afternoon and night and by ten o’clock Saturday morning an estimated crowd of 10,000 people thronged the streets of Cheyenne to see the parade. It was held as scheduled but just as the parade broke up a heavy downpour of rain fell which necessitated a change in plans.
Sayre was given a prize of $10 for winning first place in out-of-town displays in the parade. Sayre had a display led by five men on horse-back carrying flags, an old horse-drawn chuck wagon, the Sayre School band, the WPA string band and thirty saddle horses ridden by Sayre men.
The Red Cross float won the first prize offered for the best Cheyenne float. In this float was a portrayal of home nursing, First Aid, knitting and Red Cross sewing.
Basket dinners were spread in church basements and homes where the old western hospitality prevailed. The 500 gallons of coffee was boiling in the big copper kettle in Black Kettle Park, but so great was the downpour of rain that none crossed Sergeant Major Creek for the coffee.
Each member of the five bands that participated in the parade was given tickets good for their dinner at any café in town. Cheyenne endeavored to see that every visitor was entertained and apparently all had a good time. Many from a distance said it was the best time they had ever had.
Thousands of people stood in the rain in front of the Rook Theatre and listened as Judge E.L. Mitchell presided during the program. Douglas Brann, a soldier at Fort Sill, home to visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.G. Brann spoke on the “Young Generation and the Old”. This was followed by a patriotic address by Robert S. Kerr of Oklahoma City.
Jim McClintic of Washington, D.C. crowned Joaneve Tunnard Queen of the C&A Country for the ensuing five-year period. “In behalf of the great Department of Interior of the US, headed by Harold Ickes, in which department I am em-ployed, I crown thee queen,” said McClintic, “for it is appropriate that the queen of an organization which has as its purpose the celebration of the opening of the C&A Country to settlement for homes should be honored by the Department of National Government under which all public domains come.”
Joaneve Tunnard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Tunnard of Cheyenne was dressed in a white satin formal dress and carried a bouquet of golden roses. Her attendants: Miss Dorothy Lee Caffey of Mangum and Miss Juanita Brown of Elk City were also dressed in white satin. Both the attendants were grand-daughters of men who made the run for homes in the C&A Country on April 19, 1892. Flower girls were Miss Patsy Hall and Miss Jeffa Ann Cross who were dressed in gold satin and carried baskets of white flowers. Miss Jean Chalfant and Miss Wanna Lee Tunnard, train bearers for the queen also wore long white satin dresses. The crowning of the queen was a beautiful display of pageantry.
The 1947 Reunion of Old Settlers was marked by the great number of old timers who returned to Chey-enne for a reunion with former friends. The building now occupied by the Haight Implement Company (then the Brown Building) was set apart for the Old Settlers head-quarters thus providing better opportunity for old timers to meet others. Miss Pauline Porter was crowned Queen of the C&A Cou-ntry, the crown being placed upon her head by T.J. Mabry, Governor of NM (Mr. Mabry, an old timer of the C&A Country is a brother of Mrs. E.B. Savage of Hammon). The queen’s float built by the club women of Durham was built from lumber used by the grandfather of the queen in the first home he built in 1892, soon after the Run. The float was a 1947 version of the covered wagon. The Daily Oklahoman devoted an entire page of their Sunday Oklahoman to the 1947 Cheyenne Reunion.
The attendants (all from pioneer families) were: Darlene Lovett, Ola Mae White, Sue Trent, Ruby Keller and Lavona Maddux. Flower girls were Lanita Maddux and Nancy Holt.
The Reunion of Old Settlers in Cheyenne on April 19, 1952 attracted thousands of people. It featured the crowning of Miss Billie Wilson as Queen of the C&A Country. The crown was placed upon the head of the queen by Victor Wikersham, 6th District Congressman. At this reunion a new feature was added, that of naming an Indian Princess to receive a crown. The 1957 Indian Princess selected was Miss Alberta WhiteSkunk. She was attired in a Cheyenne Indian tribal dress as Congressman Wickersham crowned her princess. Another outstanding event was a fireworks display in the evening. In addition to the rodeo’s various contests; special enter-tainment was in progress through-out the afternoon on a platform constructed especially for this purpose. There was a concert and drill by the Kiltie Band of Okla-homa and ceremonial dances by the Indians for the entertainment of the crowd.
Queen Billie Wilson’s attendants were Beverly Hubbard, Lorene Potts, Joan Bingham, Lanita Maddux, Joan Ridgeway, Lois Arlene Gwartney, Betty Brown and Melba Brown. The queen is a descendant of J.J. “Monkey Jim “ Wilson. Alberta WhiteSkunk, the Indian Princess made her own Indian Dress that she wore in 1952.
A heavy rain Thursday night preceding the Reunion made it necessary for workmen to get out at 4 o’clock in the morning to get side streets and the rodeo grounds in readiness. From then on until midnight everything moved in perfect accord to make this the best ever. More families congregated and more celebrities of Oklahoma were present than ever before in Cheyenne.
In the afternoon an outstanding program was given from two platforms, one in each of the two blocks of main street roped off for this special event. Gov. Raymond Gary and Lou Allard, Chairman of the OK Semi-Centennial Commission, each brought greetings. More than 200 quarterhorses exhibited at the Peter McCue Horse Show. Two big dances, one for everyone and one for teenagers, completed the activities of this great day in Cheyenne.
The coronation of Miss Lanita Maddux as 1957 Queen of the C&A Country was unusual in that both her maternal and paternal forbears made the Run for homes on April 19, 1892. The 1957 Queen also had the distinction of having the Governor of Oklahoma, Raymond Gary, place the crown upon her head. Gov. Gary also placed the crown upon Miss Ima Jeanne White Skunk of Hammon, Cheyenne Indian Princess. The 1957 Old Settlers Reunion in Cheyenne kicked off the year long semi-centennial celebrations held throughout Oklahoma. This Re-union received great publicity, both on the state and national level.
Queen Lanita Maddux has the distinction of serving in three capacities, 1947 flower girl, 1952 attendant and 1957 Old Settlers Queen.
Lanita’s maternal grandmother, Elsie Payne also made the Run into Old Day County making Lanita twice blessed.
The 1962 Reunion of Old Settlers in Cheyenne was credited with having one of the biggest parades ever assembled in a town of this size. In this gigantic parade there were 1,000 horses (according to a Daily Oklahoman story), 10 bands, 75 floats and 12,000 people. When Raymond Gary placed the crown upon Barbara Gaynor, 1962 Queen of the C&A Country he crowned a young woman who had been born and still resided in a home built upon town lots in Cheyenne upon which her great-grandfather J.R. Casady had filed in 1892.
Queen Gaynor’s attendants are all descendants of land runners: Patsy Lovett, Ann Chalfant, Gay Chalfant, Martha Anderson, Melba Brown, Carla Dean, Kay Ackley and others Kay Barrett, Agnes Bradshaw, Kathi Burns and Debbie Calvert.
Indian Princess, Eva Marie Old Crow is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Denny Old Crow. Her ancestry is that of royalty among the Cheyenne nation. Both her maternal grandfather, Rollin Black Wolf and her paternal great grandfather, Wolf Black were tribal Chiefs, driven from Montana to Indian Territory. Also her paternal granddad Archie Old Crow was a Cheyenne Headsman and her father was a Cheyenne Chief.
The 1967 Reunion of Old Settlers in Cheyenne on April 19 was the greatest of them all. The 3.02 inches of rain, which fell during Reunion time (when the region was feeling the pinch of a prolonged drought) did not daunt the efforts of the people of the C&A Country to make this Reunion a success. In spite of the rain, 2,023 Old timers registered to swell the attendance to a total of 10,000. The welcome for the honored guest, Mignon Laird of New York City at her namesake airport at 5 o’clock Tuesday afternoon was deluged with rain. The barbecue started about the same time for the 2,000 people who ate. As soon as the feeding was over, the mud was swept from the floor of the Seed House for a program and square dancing, which continued until the wee hours. Although the rain continued, approximately 500 people gathered at the Airport Wednesday for the early breakfast preceding the dedication of the airport, by Governor Henry Bellmon. Only a drizzle prevailed on the four mile parade and Beutler & Son Rodeo was well attended in the afternoon. It was a great day.
C&A Queen Dana Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bufford Thomas and descendant of Frank Cole who made the “run”. Her attendants are Gayle Ann Estes, Donna Smith, Janie Shaw, Jan Porter, Cathy Churchill, Alexia Gay Reynolds, Billye Lee Payne, Ellen Stickley, Barbara Parman and Francine Allee.
Indian Princess Phillis Hart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hart of Hammon is a freshman there. She is the great granddaughter of Chief John P.Hart.
Old Time Dress First place Bess Bullard; Beard Growing John Wells; Fiddling Larry Sutton; Sayre Band; Floats First Place Sorosis Club; Riding Clubs First was Little Wranglers of Beckham County.
During the reunion C.H. Guernsey of C.H. Guernsey Consulting Engineering Co of Oklahoma City (who had contributed the surveying freely) was present to dedicate the Mignon Laird Airport.
“The old west is still living, ripping and snorting at the Old Settlers Reunion”, describes the 1972 Reunion held on Saturday, April 22. On this date Cheyenne celebrated with the greatest event in its 80 year history. There were people present from many states to enjoy the festivities of the day as they visited with old friends.
The highlight of the day was the parade, which required two hours to pass in review before the grandstand. There were 14 riding clubs, 7 bands, old cars, decorated floats, wagon trains, cavalry men, a Mounted Boy Scout Troop, the 1972 C&A Queen Faye Ann Churchill, Indian Princess Phillis Hart and Pioneer Woman Mrs. W.L. Chalfant, all climaxed by George Foster, Jr. riding a Brahma bull. Oldest old timer to register was 93 year old Ed Casady of Tulare, CA. Spec Lester was President and Mel Danner served as Secretary. An estimated 20,000 people attended the festivities. Over 190 cowboys participated in the Rodeo with Beutler & Son Stock and announced by Sen. Clem McSpadden. The McAlester Prison Band entertained.
C.E. McCoy won the whiskers contest, Dad dye the boys pioneer dress contest; Mrs. Leland Chandler placed first wit her pioneer dress and Bully Martin stole the fiddler’s show. All of these events were part of the pre-reunion events attended by hundreds of people. They also included a music festival sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.
C&A Queen Faye Ann Churchill had attendants: Gail Merrick, Alexia Reynolds, Janie Shaw, Kathy Churchill, Flo Daniels, Susan Gilliland, Donna Porter and Valerie Bonser. Winners of events: Unusual Ray Young’s Threshing Machine; Old Cars by Larue McEntire; Bands from Sayre; Riding Club of Elk City; Commercial by Convalescent Home; Organizations by AMPI.
An estimated crowd of 20,000 people from all parts of Oklahoma, Texas and many other states attended West Oklahoma’s biggest Old Settlers Reunion in history, Saturday, April 16. It was open house at every home in Cheyenne and mobile homes occupied practically every available space. So well organized was this big affair that all events went as scheduled. A gigantic parade, which started moving at 10:30, kicked off the events for the day. More than 1000 people participated in the 178 entries in this biggest and most colorful parade ever assembled in Western Oklahoma.
Over 4,000 plates of free barbecue topped off with an ice cream cup were served to the crowd prior to the RCA approved rodeo in the afternoon. Sell-out crowds at the rodeo and later at the dances concluded the day for this 85th year. Sixty pioneer women sat in the seats reserved for those over 80 years of age.
The pre-reunion activities included the following winners: Whistlers Neva Little; Whiskers John Reed; Pioneer Dress Erma Lea Burns, Ann Redden, Dean Krober and Ronnie Payne; Talent Show win-ners were Nancy Minor, Jo Beth Moad, and the Cheyenne Cowgirls. Nine former queens attended this Reunion.
Approximately 29 pioneer men and 2 pioneer women over 60 years of age rode horseback in the parade. At the end of the parade, C&A Queen Cathy Churchill was cro-wned to cap off a great cooperative effort by the citizens of RMC.
The Queen, descendant of Fred Churchill, had attendants: Flo Daniels, Gina Chappell, Kandy Harman, Amy Eakins and Becky Hensley. Indian Princess is Connie Hart of Clinton, OK.
“Oh what a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day”. The lyrics of a well known song describes the weather that greeted an approximate crowd of 10,000 people at the Old Settlers Reunion in Cheyenne on Saturday, April 17, 1982. Excitement began to build as the first of the mini marathon runners came dashing down Cheyenne’s main street shortly after 9:00 a.m. The parade was a few mutes late and the huge crowd, standing four to five rows deep didn’t seem to mind the short delay as they mixed and mingled meeting new and old acquaintances.
The Cheyenne Volunteer Fire Department and the RMC Ambulances ushered in the 1982 C&A Old Settlers Parade with a throng of sirens. The 1 and half hour long parade, comprised of beautiful floats topped with lovely ladies and girls and handsome men and boys, bands, honoraries, dignitaries, wagon trains, antique cars, riding clubs and many others, captured the attention of the many cameras clicking to record this “Once Every Five Years” historic celebration.
The climax of the parade was the crowning of the C&A Queen Jamie Maddux by Governor George Nigh. Following the parade, the barbeque was served to approximately 2500 people before the Beutler & Son RCA Rodeo. That evening the CHS Music Department performed “Hello Dolly” to a delighted sell-out crowd.
The Mini-Marathon winners were B.B. Burkitt and C.E. Schicken-danz; Whiskers Jimmy McCoy; Whistler Josh Hammond; Pioneer Dress Kim Boydston (wearing Mae Thomas’ dress) and Melda Moler; Western Dress Debbie Beaty and Fiddlers Buzz Colson.
The Cheyenne-Arapaho Old Settlers Queen for 1982 was Jamie Maddux. Attendants riding on the queen’s float were Nena Bowers, Charlotte Kirk, Sherri Little, Donna Porter, Rona Reimer and Jymay Whitson, Flower girls were Rebecca Lippencott and Mary Maddux. The float was decorated in pink and white.
Jamie’s ancestors making the run were as follows: Great Grandfather Sam Maddux, Great-Great Grandparents John Henry Anderson and wife Martha Emma Wilson Anderson, Great Great Uncles Lafayette Collier Anderson and Archie Albert Anderson; Great Great Great Uncle William W. Anderson; and Fourth Cousins John Albert Anderson and Henry Madison Anderson.
Grand Marshal was Fred Cordell. Parade winners: Riding Club Elk City; Cub Scout in the School Division; Dobson Telephone; Sorosis Club; Sayre Nazarene Church; Grand Inspection.
Visitors from all parts of the country gathered to remember “Home” this year at the C&A Reunion. The first ever 4-H Alumni Reception was attended by twenty-three alumni. Hope Conrad of the 1912 4-H Club was in attendance.
Seventeen hundred people registered at Old Settlers. The parade was two hours long and it was simply a beautiful day. The week began with the dedication of the new Court House on April 11 1987. Monday featured the Talent Show, followed by a street dance. Tuesday a Book Review at the Minnie Slief Library was given by Alice Tracy. The Old Fashioned Style Show and then the Hee-Haw Show. Wednesday’s highlight, the non-denominational sing at the Ag Pavilion. The Whiskers, Fiddlers contests followed by the Old Settlers Dance were Thursday. Friday night was the first performance of the PRCA Rodeo followed by teen dance and Rodeo Dance. Then the Day of the GREAT FUN arrives with Marathon Races, Parade, Art Show, Barbeque, Rodeo, Spelling Bees, Easter Egg Drop, Alumni Basketball Games and Dances. A GREAT time was had by all!
1987 C&A Queen Leaonna Kaye Gilliland was crowned at the climax of the Big parade. LaDonna Porter was the runner-up to the queen. Attendants were Brandy Conley, Renae Lowrance and Angie Gilliland.
1987 C&A Indian Senior Princess was Cristina Hart while Lisa Gooday was the Junior Princess.
The Art Show winners were: Oils Eileen Schmidt; Water Color Erma Lea Burns; School Lindy Sasser of Reydon.
The Spelling Bee Champs for each grade were: First Tracie Darr, Elk City; Second Allison Higgins, Cordell; Third Tonya McFarland, Elk City; Fourth Leslie Armstrong, Elk City; Fifth Joy Walker, Hammon; Sixth Shane Sturgeon, Cordell.
9.2 Mini Marathon Women First Donna Kincaid, Tulsa; Men’s divisions: Dale Burrows, Cheyenne, Don Moler, Cheyenne, Ted Thomason, Hammon; Over All 2 Mile Fun Run Winner Craig Mahl, Canute.
Rodeo Results: Bareback Troy Ward, Goodwell, OK; Calf Roping Roy Cooper, Durant, OK; Saddle Bronc Robert England, Shadypoint, OK; Steer Wrestling Ron Ary, Pratt, KS; Barrell Racing Beth Brandrick, Terrell, TX; Bull Riding Grant Searchfield, Madera CA.
Parade Winners were HeadStart; Chamber of Commerce; Rural Free Delivery and Cheyenne First Baptist Church.
The week was full of events and the weather was great. Registration was held all week in the Security State Bank and more than 2800 people signed the book. Those over ninety years old who registered for this 100 year celebration of the land run were Don Baker (97), Mable Beavin (97), Betty Porter (96), Jess Dooty (96), Oscar Kennedy (94), Elsie Wells (92), Bernice Clift (92), Johnnie Olson (90), Walt Pasby (89), Lois Wright (89), G.A. Wright (89), Daisy Parman (89), Pauline Gilliland (89).
Dale Roark traveled from Saudi Arabia, 11,400 miles to take the Traveling the Longest Distance Award. The Girl Scouts had a Carnival in the park during the week and the Roll One-Room School had classes all week for people to enjoy. The Sorosis Club under the direction of Jiggs Krober held the Old Fashion Dress Revue in the High School Auditorium.
On Wednesday evening, Norman and June Widener organized the Non-Denominational Gospel Sing that was held at the High School Auditorium. There were over two hours of wonderful inspirational singing.
Thursday began with a Land, Pasture and Range Judging Contest at the Ag Pavilion. Awards are given in memory of L.L. Males. That evening the Dobson Telephone Company provided a free barbeque to 1500 of their patrons, prior to the Variety Show organized by Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Summers and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Beaty. This event featured the Branson hit group, Texas Gold Miners as well as local talent.
On Friday, the Quilt Display was ready at the Methodist Church and the Arts and Crafts Show began at the Chamber Building. An early day slide show by David Kirby was presented at the Library in the afternoon. The area schools, who participate in the C&A Old Settlers Reunion rotation brought their first through sixth grade students and had an old-fashioned spelling bee. Winners in the different grades were Joshua Nachtigall, Zac McDaniel, Bryan Blackwell, Tarryn Roark, Alexandra Burr and LaTisha Barfield. This event was followed by a Senior Citizen Spelling Bee, which brought back lots of memories. The two division champions were Beth Briggs of Cheyenne and Bonnie Hillin of Alamagordo, NM. Beginning at 5:00 were the Whistlers and Fiddlers Contests at the Airport Hanger. The PRCA Rodeo began at 7:30 followed by an Old Settlers Dance and the Rodeo Dance.
Saturday broke with a bright ray of sunshine and the 5KRun from Strong City to Cheyenne was off at 8:00. While those were running, the younger bike enthusiasts were racing on the main street of Cheyenne. There were 34 children who participated in the Younger Bike Race with winners of Janlynn Griffin, Reydon; Shawn Roark, Cheyenne; Misty Musick, Reydon; Jason Taylor, Cheyenne; Kristi Lackey, Cheyenne; Adam Ferrell, Leedey; Erica Smith, Cheyenne; Amanda Thomas, Hammon; Bobby Kirk, Cheyenne; Candi Thompson, Hammon; Matt Merritt, Crawford; and Joel Taylor, Cheyenne. The Bike winners were Tammy Shrader and Chip Anderson. The 15K Run Winners were Brenda Swisher and Craig Mahl, Canute; The runners arrived after 9:00 a.m. to the welcoming shouts of the people who had already lined the streets for this BIG CENTENNIAL PARADE. There were over 110 entries in this our largest parade ever. Jay Warren Chalfant, Joe Frank Moad and John Tracy announced the entries to the thrill of ALL the old timers. The pioneers over 85 years of age rode the Grand Marshal Float and were the honored guests of the day. The Parade winners were as follows: Cheyenne Baptist Church; Forest Service; Nite Hunt; Crawford School and Cheyenne High School Band.
A Memorabilia Display organized by Ellon Ellis and Jana Maddux was on view at the court house during Saturday as well as an Antique Car Show and Funeral Car Show. Winners were as follows: Long distance Plain-view Car Club; Most Modified and Most Original – Keith Wesner; Oldest Vehicle – Melvin Sasser; and People’s Choice – Henry Andrews.
After the crowning of the C&A Centennial Queen Rebecca Lippencott by Rep. Frank Lucas, the crowd adjourned to the Barbeque and Rodeo which began at 2:00 p.m. Afternoon events were downtown entertainment, Centen-nial Mixer at the old American Legion Hut, Alumni Basketball Game followed by the Alumni Banquet, Old Timers Dance, Rodeo Dance and lots of visiting, taking pictures, purchasing souvenirs and more visiting…..
Sunday, April 19 was Easter and a Sunrise Service was held in the School Auditorium at 8:00 a.m.
There were a few FIRSTS at this centennial Old Settlers. A mug, which showed scenes around Roger Mills County as well as buttons, ties and a Land Runners Newspaper were some of the many souvenirs you could purchase.
The Oldest Pioneer present was Don Baker at age 97.
The Centennial Old Settlers Queen was Rebecca Lippencott (line of James Porter) and her attendants were: Lucinda Elledge (Columbus Rogers), Becky Cogburn (Charles Richard Cogburn), LaDona Hughes (Fred Churchill), Angie Wesner (Columbus Rogers), April Calvert (M.J. Calvert), Mary Maddux (Sam Maddux), Kylee Bryan (J.J. Wilson), Chelsea Thomas (James Franklin Cole), and Katie Thurmond (Erasmus Thurmond). The Indian Princess was Ana WhiteShield who is a direct descendant of Chief Black Kettle and lived at Hammon.
Rebecca is the great-great granddaughter of James M. Porter, who made the run into the Cheyenne-Arapaho Country on April 19, 1892. Her great-grandfather, Henry Porter, Sr. also made the run as a young boy. Her great uncle, Henry Porter, Jr. still lives and operates this farm in the Durham community. Rebecca is also the great-great granddaughter of M.J. Calvert, who lived here at the time of the run and homesteaded southeast of Cheyenne. Her great grandfather, Frank Calvert still farms this land in 1992.
The weather was super perfect, the Lord really blessed. There were thirty people who were 85 years young and above who registered. The oldest was Leonard Burns at 96 from Reydon, OK. The youngest person registering was Katie Green, three week old daughter of Michel and Amy Green of Cheyenne. The people who traveled the longest distance were Scott and Nancy Springer from Bothell, WA (1960 miles). They were part of the Springer crew who filled a float in the parade!
People 85 or older who registered were: Olive Payne, Lafayette McClellan, Meddie Bradley, Leroy Vick, Wrintha Krows, Leonard Burns, Mary Burns, Alice Welty, Collier Tracy, Lulu Ford, Tom Ford, Frances Young Fisher, Vashti Young Allen, John Chapman, Hardy Lowe Clay, Virginia Foster, Carl Mabra, John Little, Lucille Little, Beulah Isch, Seba West, Helen Ward, Alta Scott, Frank Calvert, Earl Archer, Rheba Green Burkhalter, Johnnie Olson, Marie Hiatt Grable and Lance Brown. Nineteen of these pioneers rode the Grand Marshal Float provided by the Security State Bank.
The whole week of activities had bigger crowds than expected. The CHS Auditorium was nearly full each night and it holds 750 people.
Registration was held each day at the Security State Bank. Black Kettle Museum had Image Through the Ages Display by the Arts Council. The Roll One-Room School had class each day.
Monday – Ribbon cutting of the Community Museum created from Miss Minnie Slief’s home and restored by the Historic RMC to preserve our communities’ histories and a Veteran’s Display.
Tuesday evening the Sorosis Club organized the Style Show of authentic dress and the copies. Dee Ann Ray was emcee. Winners were: Authentic (prior to 1925) Wanda Spurlock; Men’s Suit Bill Spurlock; Boys Outfit Connor Kirk. Copies of the Original Fashions Winners: Ladies who tied Nancy Hay and Becky Dougherty; Girls who tied were Alex McLeod and the Bright girls, Morgan, Kendra, Whitney and Laressa. Western Jennifer Wells and Alex McLeod. The stage was aptly decorated with a 1900’s pongee silk wedding dress loaned by Barbara Hay.
Wednesday – Over two hours of wonderfully talented people shared at the Non-Denominational Gospel Sing in the auditorium—uplifting all of us in HIM!
Thursday-A memorial to Jess Dooty, WWI veteran was in place at the Court House. That evening a variety of talent graced the stage at the school. Who can forget Mrs. Males and her troubles with the “corselette” and ALL the wide and varied entertainment.
Friday-Soil Judging Contest, Arts & Crafts Show at the old gym. Singing games for the elementary students were led by Paula Isch and her music classes. Dobson Telephone fed 1700 people at a free barbeque and the PRCA Rodeo followed by dances.
Saturday-THE BIG DAY arrived with runners in the 15 K Run from Strong City crossing the line on Main Street of Cheyenne. Winners were: Men Craig Mahl, Canute; Women Valerie Smith, Elk City. Antique Machinery Winners were: Oldest Frank Calvert’s tractor; People’s choice Stoney Scrivner. Vehicles Henry Andrews.
The parade had 122 entries with the following winners: Cheyenne FFA; Cheyenne Baptist Church; City of Cheyenne; Dobson Telephone; Cheyenne School Band; Santa Rose Riding Club of Vernon, Texas. The parade announces Charles Hickey, Jay Warren Chalfant and John Tracy.
The 1997 C&A Old Settlers Queen Bridget Schiffner, daughter of Lyndel and Gwenna Schiffner, Liberal, Kansas and granddaughter of David and Marilyn Wilson of Crawford. Bridget is the great-great granddaughter of J.J. “Monkey Jim” Wilson who made the run. “Monkey Jim farmed the lands as did his son Joe and now continuing the heritage is David.
The queen’s attendants are all descendants of men who made the Land Run in 1892. They are: Kari Wesner (Columbus Rogers and three others), Kylee Bryan (J.J. Wilson), LaDona Hughes (Fred Churchill), Chelsea Thomas (James Franklin Cole), Katie and Allison Thurmond (Erasmus Thurmond), Sara Wesner (Columbus Rogers and three others), Carol Ann Gwartney (Granville Allen), and MaKyla and Ashton Wilson (J.J. Wilson).
1997 Indian Princess is Leanna Threlkeld. “Nan” is the fifteen year old daughter of Charlene Threlkeld of Hammon and Barry Threlkeld of Los Angeles, CA. She is also the granddaughter of Frank and Christine Starr of Hammon and Marvin and Marge Threlkeld of Los Angeles, CA. Nan performed dances that afternoon which honored the people of Cheyenne for selecting her as the Indian Princess.
The former queens who rode their float were: 1922 Archie Anderson (the first selected queen) 1927 Frances Young Fisher; 1947 Pauline Porter Lippencott; 1952 Billie Wilson Reynolds; 1957 Lanita Maddux Carroll; 1962 Barbara Gaynor Seigman; 1967 Dana Thomas Hartley; 1972 Ann Churchill Peetom; 1977 Cathy Churchill; 1982 Jamie Maddux Allen; 1992 Rebecca Lippencott.
After the parade 1800 people enjoyed the barbeque prior to the final performance of the PRCA Rodeo. Meanwhile the CHS Alumni Basketball Game, which pits the odd year grads against the even year grads was enjoyed at the new gym.
Methodist and Baptist churches provided hospitality rooms. The downtown entertainment was in full swing. Fiddlers Contest winner was Mr. Selby, Amarillo, TX.
The judges in the Whiskers Contest had great fun in selecting: Handsome Walter Spurlin, Reydon; Most Unique Lloyd Teeter, Foss; Scruffiest John Smith. Followed by the Senior Citizen Spelling Bee. Winners 70 years and older was a nice lady from Amarillo, Texas and Mae Ferguson won for the 59-69 age group.
Many people made the trek up the hill to the Baptist Family Center and the terrific Quilt Show.
Saturday night you could choose among the Old Timers Dance, the Rodeo Dance or the CHS Alumni Banquet (390 people) and the Roger Mills Memories Program of slides, which pulled our heartstrings. If you had to pick one event that had the most attended and enjoyable….you would have to say “VISITING ON MAIN STREET”.