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J. C. STRINGFELLOW was born in Mississippi and a CSA veteran of thatstate. After Mr. STRINGFELLOW died in 1906 his widow lived with a daughter thatmoved to Wetumka, Oklahoma.
Mrs. FrancesSTRINGFELLOW died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. RICHARDSON at WetumkaMonday, August 10, 1914 at the age of 84. Mrs. STRINGFELLOW is the mother ofThomas F. STRINGFELLOW of Hammon. The body was brought to Carpenter Wednesdayand taken to Kiowa Burial Grounds for burial. The Advocate extends theirsympathy to the bereaved family.
Adam D. STULTS was born 23 December 1832. He married Mary EDWARDS, born19 March 1856. Their daughter Lena M. married Ellie B. FRANKLIN and is interredin the Kiowa Cemetery. Their daughter Frances Belle married Clone FORGEY. Theirson, Hobson was unmarried.
John STULTS born 15 Oct 1869 the son of Adam D. STULTS.
From The Elk City Daily News, November 17, 1980
Hobson STULTS’Services Set
Funeralservices for Hobson STULTS will be conducted from the Martin Funeral ChapelTuesday, November 18 at 2:30 p.m. with Brother Doyle HARRIS officiating. Burialwill follow in the Kiowa Cemetery.
Mr. STULTS wasborn May 5, 1901 in Roger Mills County and died Saturday November 15, 1980 afteras illness of some weeks. He had lived in Roger Mills and Beckham Counties allhis like. He was a farmer. He was the last of his immediate family.
Survivorsinclude several nieces and nephews, including Lela CURL, Mrs. Geneva FORGEY andMrs. Lonis FORGEY all of Elk City; Mrs. Lena CAYLOR, also of Elk City; and Mrs.Lovinia BAKER of Butler.
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From The Hammon Advocate, Thursday, 20 May 1912
Mrs. PearWHITE of Kiowa Community died Sunday afternoon at 5 o’clock and was buried inthe Kiowa Cemetery Monday at 5 p.m. Reverend G. W. DAY officiating. A largecongregation of sympathizing friends attended the funeral.
Deceased was agood woman and a member of the Methodist Church. She leaves a husband and fourchildren.
“In themidst of life, we are in death.” May the good Father above deal mercifullywith her sorrowing husband and orphan children and the relatives who mourn heruntimely death.
Mrs. WHITE was a widow (Pearl BRADLEY) WHEN SHE AND James J. WHITE weremarried at Cheyenne, Oklahoma 20 Mar 1912.
Oliver Martin WILLIAMS, BORN 23 May 1884 in Harrison County, Arkansas wasone of several children born to Moses WILLIAMS and Margaret WALKER. Otherchildren in the family were: Arthur, Virgil, Emma, Betty, Josephine and Lou.Oliver ventured down to Texas where he met and married Addie Fay MILLER born 28December 1888 in Wilbarger County, Texas, daughter of Charley MILLER and JuliaPHY on 10 August 1907 in Vernon, Texas.
To Oliver and Addie were born four children: Gladys who married OrvilleMOONEY, Melvin MONROE who was born and died 17 May 1913 and one stillborn childand Johnnie Lee who died of typhoid fever at age of 4.
From The Hammon Advocate, Thursday, December 5, 1918
Mrs. OliverWILLIAMS died at her family home in the country Thursday afternoon November 28of influenza. The remains were laid to rest in local cemetery.
After the death of Addie, Oliver WILLIAMS remarried andhad other children. They are Dolletta, Mary, Jimmie and Willie. Sometime in the1920’s Oliver WILLIAMS moved to Norman, Oklahoma where he worked for theCentral State Hospital.
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From The Norman Transcript
Oliver MartinWILLIAMS, 88, died Tuesday at a local nursing home. Services will be 10:00 a.m.Wednesday at Primrose Funeral Home with burial at 3 p.m. Kiowa Cemetery nearHammon.
WILLIAMS was aretired farmer and a retired employee of Central State Hospital. Born inArkansas, WILLIAMS moved to Texas and then to Roger Mills county where he livedfor 16 years. WILLIAMS had lived in Cleveland County since 1926. He was anOddfellow.
Survivorsinclude his wife, Edna of the home; three daughters, Mrs. Gladys MOONEY ofClinton, Mrs. Dolletta LAWSON of Corpus Christi, and Mrs. Mary SAMPLE of Norman;two step-daughters; Mrs. Lois APPEL of Norman and Mrs. Evonne NAUENSCHWANDER ofColorado Springs, Co; two sons, Jimmie WILLIAMS and Willie WILLIAMS both ofNorman; 13 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren.
Oliver WILLIAMS died of cancer and stroke 25 September1973.
No contact has been made from any of the WILSON family. On the same stonewith Charity Samantha WILSON are Albert WILSON and Ideler STANFORD which isbelieved are her children. No confirmation.
Mose Lemuel WRIGHT was born in December 1859 in Kentucky.His wife Sarah Ellen WRAY was born in July 1865 I Putman County, Tennessee. Theywere married in Tennessee before coming to Hall County, Texas. To this unionwere born several children. Known children are:
Hattie married Horatio WOOD
Elam W.
Lee David (died as a young man)
Thomas E.
Alta T. married (1) ______Terry (2) Earl ALLEN
Emily Henrietta “Etta” married Fred “Buck” LACEY
Dillard Ollie M.
Katie Bee married Walker ACKLEY
Velma Lee married Emory ACKLEY
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The WRIGHT family moved to Western Oklahoma in 1903 filing for homesteadin Section 15, Township 13 North, Range 21 West of the Indian Meridian. Mr.WRIGHT was a rural mail carrier out of Hammon until becoming too ill tocontinue. He died of cancer 11 February 1928.
Mrs. WRIGHT continued to live in Hammon area until her death 11 November1939. Etta, the oldest daughter at home when her father died began substitu the mail when her father became ill. At his death, she began working atthe Hammon postoffice.
In 1930, Etta married a long time school sweetheart, Fred LACEY. To thisunion were born five children: Fred Leroy, Marietta “Billie”, Faye and Ray(twins) and Richard J. “Ricky”. For more information see LACEY.
From The Hammon Advocate, Thursday, August 26, 1915
Lee WRIGHT,age 20 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Moses L. WRIGHT died Monday from effects of arising in his head. Funeral services were conducted by Reverend TRENT withburial in the Kiowa Cemetery. The family have sympathy extended to them.
The records at the Martin Funeral Chapel at Elk City show the followinginterment.
Jackie Lee YELL born 14 February 1935
Died 18 March 1935
Parents: J. O. YELL and Mayell TIPTON
One of the unmarked field stones must be the grave of this child.
From The Cheyenne Star, 6 August 1937
J. W. YOST wasborn in Rondo, Missouri April 1, 1956, and departed this life July 30, 1937,after 11 weeks of suffering from arthritis, at the age of 81 years, three monthsand 29 days.
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He was firstmarried to Ollie MARGAH of Missouri in 1875. To this union were born two boysand on girl. One boy preceded him in death.
He was marriedto Mrs. Alice BLUE of Missouri in 1880 and to this union were born two girls andone boy. The boy died in infancy. He was also a father to a step-daughter, Mrs.Pearl SHELTON, who was only four years old at the time of his marriage.
They haveresided in Oklahoma for over 40 years and most of the time in this county. Hetaught school in the early days at Nine Mile and Red Top in a “dug-out”.
He professedreligion at the age of 41 and remained very faithful and true to the end. Heused to drive from Elk City in a hack to preach at Kiowa. He also preached atRed Top near Strong City.
Mr. YOSTserved on the school board at Herring for a number of years and wassuperintendent of the Sunday school most of the time for the past 25 years. Thelast year or two he was unable to attend regularly because of ill health.
Grandpa YOST,as he was known to all, was loved, respected and admired by all who knew him. Hewas capable of making everlasting friendships. One of his greatest joys of lifewas being able to see good in everyone. He never joined in conversation againsthis fellowman.
He sufferedand died as he always lived—never asking help of anyone or uttering groan ofcomplaint.
His life onearth was long and hard, yet he faced all things bravely, with a smile of cheer.He lived his own life, never interfering with the business of others, but alwaysin sympathy and willing to render services to anyone in need.
His earthy life would be awonderful example to follow. He led a clean, sweet, pure life that anyone wouldbe proud to own. Even in his agony of death, he tried so hard to be cheerful andcomforting.
It grieves us deeply to give him up but we know he is best at rest.
He leaves tomourn his passing his widow, Mrs. Alice YOST; his daughters, Mrs. Mack SHELTON,and Mrs. M. M. SHELTON of Herring and Mrs. C. E. BROWN of Elk City: Mrs. MyrtleBALDWIN of Escondido, California and a son, Clyde YOST of Collins, MO. He alsoleaves two grandchildren and a number of other relatives and a host of friends.
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His wife wrote this death message to be read:
“Wess is gone on the Gospel Ship
To a glorious land she’s bound.
She came without till; there is noprice,
For Christ has paid his way clear through.
You may have your passage free.
Now I want to ride on the Gospel Ship
And go to meet him there.
It was his wish, it was hisprayer
That his dear friends would meet him there.”
In Memory Of J. W. YOST
This dear, sweet soul has flown away,
From this old world below,
It has gone to be with Jesus
Away from suffering and woe.
If ever a soul deserved a home
In a place like Heaven must be
Away from sorrow or pain or death
I know it is surely he
He sent up materials each day
For his mansion in the skies,
Materials of Kindness, Love , Friendship and Truth,
To a land where the soul never dies
If he could speak to us now
He would say, “You must notworry or moan,
You’ve done your part—it’sup to me
And I’ll have to go it alone
His body is gone but his loveshines on
In the souls of his friendstoday
And our lives have been madehappier
By his having passed our way.
There’s a part of his lifethat stays with us
And will be with us day by day,
So—let us say—“He is notdead,
He is just away.
–a Granddaught
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Alice YOST
Alice Mary LACEY was born in Polk County, Missouri 20 June 1863, daughterof Nathaniel Haggard LACEY and Mary Jane STEWART. In 1880, she married Esau B.BLUE in Venita, Indian Territory. To this union was born on daughter, Pearl whomarried Menard M. SHELTON.
In 1886, Alice married John Wesley YOST, a circuit preacher in Allen,Indian Territory. Alice and Wess brought three children into the woirld.1. Sonwho died in infancy, 2. Elverda Jewel who married Mac Gruver SHELTON, brother toMenard and 3. Goldie who married C. E. BROWN.
The 1900 census show them living in Elk City, Oklahoma Territory. John W.YOST filed for homestead 7 May 1900 in Section 12, Twp 31, R 22 WIM. Menard M.SHELTON filed 14 April 1900 in Section 10, Twp 13N, R 22 WIM. Pearl BLUE filedfor homestead 30 Jan 1903 in Section 12, Twp 13 N, R 22 WIM.
After John Wesley YOST died 30 July 1937, Alice married W. V. GARRETT whoalso preceded her in death.
From The Elk City Daily News, October 31, 1964
Services Are SetFor Mrs. GARRETT
Funeralservices for Mrs. Alice M. GARRETT will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday in the CentralMissionary Baptist Church. Mrs. GARRETT, who celebrated her 100thbirthday in 1963, died on Thursday.
Reverend H. P.ELLIOTT, pastor of the Eastside Baptist Church will conduct the services andburial will be in the Kiowa Cemetery under the direction of Savage Funeral Home.
Mrs. GARRETTwas born June 20, 1863 in Bolivar, Missouri and was married to E. B. BLUE in18880 at Vinita, Okla. Later she was married to W. V. GARRETT who preceded herin death four years ago.
Mrs. GARRETThad made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Pearl SHELTON , the past 16 years.
She joined theBaptist Church at the age of 33 in Allen, Oklahoma. Surviving are threedaughters, Mrs. SHELTON, Mrs. Elverda SHELTON, Hammon and Mrs. Goldie MELBURN,Pacoima, California, nine grandchildren, 28 great grandchildren and 10 greatgreat grandchildren.
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From The Hammon Advocate, Thursday, 5 November 1964
Kiowa New
Funeralservices were held Sunday in Elk City for Mrs. Alice GARRETT who passed awayThursday in an Elk City rest home, at the age of 101 years and five months.Burial was in Kiowa Cemetery. Those from a distance at the cemetery include Mr.and Mrs. George WILLIAMS and Bob WILLIAMS, Johnstown, Colorado, Bert SHELTONfrom Missouri, several families from Amarillo, Texas and Leonard HILL, Wichita,Kansas. Mrs. GARRETT was an aunt of George and May LACEY.
Note: GeorgeWILLIAMS was the son of George Silas WILLIAMS, brother to the deceased. GeorgeSilas WILLIAMS was born 28 December 1851 near Bolivar, Polk Co., Mo. He wasmarried to Ida Paola (who was affectionately called “Hoddy”) KELLY, who wasalso from Polk County, MO. Children born to this union:
Annis 10 August 1889
Sarah Frances 12 Aug 1891
George Washington 1Jan 1893 md Edna BlancheHARRISON
Bertha H. 28Jan 1895
Abe 1 Mar 1897
John Eleck 1 Feb 1901 died 19 Jan 1919
Robert Lee 1 May 1902 mdEdith HARRISON
Elizabeth 5Jul 1905