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GeorgeElmer CASTLEBERRY was born in March 1884 in the State of Arkansas one of severalchildren born to Rittie and John T. CASTLEBERRY. The parents were from Missouriand Tennessee respectively as reflected on the 1900 Federal census for IndianTerritory, Choctaw Nation, Twp 5.


. Rittie Feb 1861 MO
. George E. Mar 1884 AR
. Henry O. May 1885 AR
. John W. Dec 1889 AR
. Lizzie Feb 1892 AR
. Arthur Oct1896 AR
. May Aug 1898 AR

Georgemoved with his family to western Oklahoma in the Sandstone-Herring area. In 1914he married Nora BATES who had come from Texas. George and Nora owned andoperated a general merchandise store, post office and cream station at Herring.

ToGeorge and Nora BATES three children were born.

Rita who died is infancy

Viola C.

George Elmer, Jr.



From The Hammon Advocate, 13Jan 1916

Robert Duncan CHAMBERS, 6 years, 3 months, 4 days is dead. Robert tooktyphoid fever on Nov 18, 1915. After recovering from the fever but still inweakened condition he developed pneumonia on December 4 and died Tuesday nightat 8:00 o’clock, 11 January 1916.

Robert Duncan CHAMBERS was theson of Robert C. CHAMBERS and Minnie Louise FIELD who were early settlers in theKiowa Community

Robert C. CHAMBERS was born 15November 1869 and died 11 May 1934, age 64. No obituary found for him. Manyissues of The Hammon Advocate are not in state archives.

*   Mrs. CHAMBERS was the step-daughter of David C. FIELDS.Her maiden name was DUNCAN.


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1900 Federal Census, OT, Roger Mills Co.

CHAMBERS Robert C. Nov 1869 TX TN TN
Minnie L. Nov 1874 TX TX TX
Effie Aug 1890 NM TX TX
Grace Apr 1893 NM TX TX
Willie Jan 1895 IT TX TX
Ruth Feb 1897 IT TX TX
Ollie Aug 1893 OT TX TX

From The Hammon Advocate,Thursday October 8, 1964, under Kiowa Items

This community was saddened last Monday September 28, 1964 by the passingof a real pioneer settler of this vicinity. Mrs. Minnie CHAMBERS died at herhome in Elk City. She and her husband and three small girls came in 1897. Mr.CHAMBERS homesteaded the farm now owned by Mrs. Francis FIDDLER. They moved toTexas for a few years, but came back and lived since at Hammon, Sandstone andElk City. Mr. CHAMBERS and a son preceded her in death. Relatives from adistance who were at the cemetery Wednesday included her daughter, Mrs. GeorgeBARNES, her husband and daughter from LeHigh, Oklahoma, her two daughters, Mrs.Chessie FRESBIE and Mrs. Ollie FLINT and children, Amarillo, Texas. The funeralwas held at Martin Chapel in Elk City but a number oaf the old neighbors andfriends were at Kiowa Cemetery.


From the same issue of TheHammon Advocate

Services Are Held For Mrs. CHAMBERS

Funeral services for Mrs. Minnie Louisa CHAMBERS, 90, were held at 2:30p.m. Wednesday at the Martin Funeral Chapel. Mrs. CHAMBERS died September 28 ata local hospital.

Reverend L. D. THOMAS, Jr., Methodist Church Minister, conducted the ritesand burial was at the Kiowa Cemetery southwest of Hammon.

Mrs. CHAMBERS was born August 21, 1874, in Lee County, Texas, and wasmarried to Robert C, CHAMBERS on June 25, 1889 at Lake Valley, New Mexico. Shecame to Oklahoma 66 years ago and had made her home in Elk City for the past 12years.

She was a member of theMethodist Church.


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Survivors are five daughters, Mrs. Grace BARNES, Elk City; Mrs. WillieBARNES, LeHigh, Oklahoma; Mrs. Ruth BULLARD, Las Cruces, New Mexico; Mrs. OllieFLYNT and Mrs. Jessie FRESBIE both of Amarillo; one brother, Payne FIELD ofClovis, New Mexico; 13 grandchildren and several great grand children and greatgreat grandchildren.


From The Hammon Advocate, 7December 1950

Two Daughters Visit Old Home Town Of Mrs. Minnie CHAMBERS

Mrs. Robert Celby CHAMBERS, nee Minnie DUNCAN, now living in Hammon,Oklahoma, although 76 years old, is still desirous of reviving incidents,memories and contacts with her girlhood, having lived here when she was twelveyears old, and later as a young woman when her husband was employed in themines. Sunday, two daughters, Mrs. T. E. FRISBIE OF Amarillo and Mrs. RuthBULLARD of Hatch, accompanied by the granddaughters, Mrs. John DITTERLINE ofAnthony, and young Mrs. BULLARD, with four great grandchildren, all in quest ofanything that might be of interest to Mrs. CHAMBERS.

After making a tour of the town and the old buildings, they roamed thecemetery, locating graves of those whose deaths had become legendary to thesesucceeding generations. By writing to Mrs. CHAMBERS of Hammon, old friends andacquaintances would no doubt be giving her much pleasure as well asthemselves.—Sierra County Advocate, Hot Springs, N.M., Nov 17, 1950.

Due to not being able to go into the high altitude Mrs. CHAMBERS did notmake the trip with her daughters to her childhood home at Lake Valley, near HotSprings, N. M.

Mrs. FRISBIE and Mrs. CULLARD reported an interesting trip—they was thebirthplace of Mrs. CHAMBERS, a former fort of which only the walls remain; theyalso visited the house where the marriage of their parents took place.

Mrs. CHAMBERS and her husband came to Oklahoma in 1898; and filed on afarm in Roger Mills County in the Carpenter Community.

Three other daughters of Mrs. CHAMBBERS are Mrs. E. R. BARNES, Mrs. O. C.FLYNT, Hammon, and Mrs. George BARNES, LeHigh, Oklahoma.

The above item taken from theHammon Advocate is printed here to call attention to difference as shown inbirthplace here and in funeral home record that reflects Lee County, Texas.


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DYKES Family

HenryClay DYKES was born 15 March 1871 in Wolfe County, KY. He married Eliza JaneHALL born 18 March 1873 in Carter County, Kentucky. They came to OklahomaTerritory with two brothers of Henry Clay – George and Abner DYKES whoreturned to Kentucky. Abner’s son Newt DYKES had married Almeda THOMAS,daughter of Isom and Amanda (WILLIAMS) THOMAS so he remained in Oklahoma.

The pioneers Henry Clay andEliza Jane DYKES contributed greatly to the Kiowa Community. They weresuccessful in establishing the Larned Post Office in NE corner of section 28,T13N, R21 WIM and Eliza served as the first post-mistress. Children born to Clayand Eliza DYKES:

Nathan H.    b 15Mar 1894   d. 2 Jan 1910

Artie Hannah   b. 20 Jan1897   d. 29 May 1980   md. BENDER


Reuben   md. WHITSETT




Ella   md. MCWHORTER

Amanda   B. 7 Sept 1903   d. 12 Apr 1951    md. BRADFORD

Ted   b. 28 Jan 1912   d. 2 July 1974


From The Hammon Advocate,Thursday 19 April 1951

Mrs.Eliza DYKES Passed Away: Services Sunday,

April 15

Services for Mrs. Eliza Jane DYKES were conducted Sunday at 3:30 p.m. inthe Pentecostal Holiness Church, with Reverend Albert T. TRENT, Hobart,officiating. Burial was in the Kiowa Cemetery.

Eliza Jane HALL was born at Carter, Kentucky on March 13, 1873; departedthis lice on April 12, 1951 in the hospital at Clinton, Oklahoma at the age of 78 years.

On March 18, 1892 she was united in marriage to Henry Clay DYKES. To thisunion were born twelve children, six of them having  precede  her ndeath. Her husband passed away August 25, 1933.

She leaves to mourn her passing four sons, Rubin DYKES, Samona, Ca., BobDYKES, Can Couver, Washington, Ted DYKES, Borger, Texas, Clay DYKES, Skellytown,Texas, two daughters, Mrs. Hannah A. BENDER, Arcadia, California and Mrs. EllaMCWHORTER, Amarillo, Texas, 23 grandchildren; 7 great grandchildren, 1great-great grandson and a host of other friends and relatives.


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JamesMontgomery EAKINS and his brother Noah Jones EAKINS were born in Kentucky andhad lived in Arkansas and Texas before coming to Oklahoma.

James Montgomery ”Jim”EAKINS was born 4 Sept 1845. He married Mary Dialtha JAMES about 1869. She wasthe daughter of W.M.C. and Elizabeth JAMES. To this union were born twelvechildren.

Elizabeth Algenia, Noah Wiley, Charles Blount, Susie Ann, James Robert, Jessie Oliver, SamHouston, Mildred Dialtha, Lola Grace, George Calvin, Nellie Jane and Hattie F.

ThisEAKINS family filed for homestead in February 1898 in Section 13, Township 14North, Range 22 West of the Indian Meridian.


From The Hammon Advocate,Thursday July 13, 1961

Last Rites Conducted For George C. EAKINS Sunday

Funeral rites for George C. EAKINS, Elk City, were conducted Monday at2:30 p.m. from Fairview Baptist Church, Elk City with Reverend Jesse ROWLEYofficiating.

Born April 22, 1889 in Quannah, Texas. Mr. EAKINS died Saturday July 8 inan Elk City hospital.

He had been a resident of the state and Roger Mills County since he wasseven years old. He moved to Elk City in January. In 1912 he was married toDella RIPPEY in Roger Mills County. She died in 1934 and in 1957 he was marriedto Thelma MORROW, who survives. His church preference was Baptist.

Survivors, and other than his wife, Thelma of the home, include fourchildren, Mrs. C. I. WILSON, Scottsdale, Arizona; Mrs. Doyle FARNI, Elk City;Vade EAKINS, Sanger, California and Joe EAKINS of Hammon; three sisters, Mrs.Mildred LACEY of Cheyenne; Mrs. Grace GREBRD, Wichita, Kansas and Mrs. HattieCOMPTON, Lipan, Texas; seven grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

Burial was in the Kiowa Cemetery under directionof Martin Funeral Home of Elk City.

The above is the only obituaryI was able to find on this EAKINS family. Mr. Jim EAKINS died in 1918 at the ageof 73 years. His widow Mary lived with her son George until her death in 1937.


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NoahJones EAKINS was born in October 1849. The census indicates both parents werealso born in Kentucky. He was married 6 September 1873 to Larissa Florence FRIERin Corsicana (Novarro Co.) Texas. Jones and Flora EKINS filed for homestead inSection 27, Twp 13N, Range 21 West of the Indian Meridian in May 1899. Theiroldest son Charley also filed in that section. Charley died in December of thatsame year. Jones planted a cedar tree at the head of Charley’s grave. Otherchildren born to this union were; Thomas, Augustus, Guy, Fred, Zack and Ella.


From The Hammon Advocate,Thursday 12 July 1951

Services Conducted For Mrs. L. F. EAKINS Sunday

Services for Mrs. Larissa F. EAKINS were conducted Sunday, July 8 at 2:30p.m. at the First Baptist Church in Hammon. The Reverend W. L. MAGAR, Pastor andReverend Frank L. BARNES, Leedey were the officiating ministers.

Casket bearers were J. B. LAMB, A. E. CREACH, Dolph LUTTERELL, ClarkCORDUM, Albert FLYNT and J. W. WALTON. Burial was in the Kiowa Cemetery.

Larissa F. FRIER was born August 31, 1854, near Corsicana, Texas anddeparted this life July 6, 1951 in Tulsa, Oklahoma at the home of her daughter,Mrs. W. G. HAWKINS at the age of 96 years 10 months and 6 days.

She was married to Noah J. EAKINS September 6, 1873 at Corsicana. To thisunion were born eight children, two of whom died in early maturity. She was alsopreceded in death by her husband, who passed away May 8, 1925.

Mrs. EAKINS with her family moved from Texas in 1896, and located in theKiowa Community, where she lived until the death of her husband, then she wentto Tulsa, where she had made her home with her daughter ever since.

She was converted at an early age and united with the Baptist Church atthe time of her passing she was a member of the Hammon Baptist Church. She was afaithful Christian, devote mother, and  aloyal friend. She will be greatly missed by her family and friends.

Mrs. EAKINS is survived by five sons and one daughter, namely, Thomas F.,Coalgate, Oklahoma; Gus and Fred, Hammon, Oklahoma; Guy, Tulsa; Zack, Portland,Oregon; Mrs. W. G. HAWKINS; 18 grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren.


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From The Hammon Advocate,Thursday, 20 September 1956

Fred J. EAKINS Services September 18

Services for Fred J. EAKINS, 68 years, were conducted Tues., September 18,1956 at 10:00 a.m. at the Baptist Church, with Reverend Robert L. FRANKSofficiating. Burial was in the Kiowa Cemetery. Martin-Hullum directed thearrangements.

Fred J. EAKINS was born May 12, 1888 in Denton County, Texas, and died athis home on Friday, September 14, after a four-year illness.

Mr. EAKINS had lived in Roger Mills County since 1894, and in Hammon since1947.

He was married to Cora MOORE at Hammon on December 21, 1936. He was amember of the Baptist Church. During World War I, he served in the ArmyVeterinary Corps.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Cora EAKINS; two daughters, Mrs. FredaLANCASTER, Lakewood, California, Mrs. Joanne HUTCHINSON, Los Angles, California;two sons, Rex EAKINS Borger, Texas and MM-1c Gus M. EAKINS, stationed with theNavy at Pearl Harbor; a sister Mrs. W. G. HAWKINS, Tulsa; four brothers, Tom,Coalgate, Oklahoma, Gus, Hammon, Oklahoma, Guy, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Zack, Portland,Organ and ten grandchildren.


From The Hammon Advocate,Thursday 25 July 1963

Services Held For Mrs. Cora EAKINS

Services for Cora Lou EAKINS, Hammon, were held at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday inthe First Baptist Church of Hammon with Reverend Lee SLATEN and Harold HEINEY,Officiating. Burial was in the Kiowa Cemetery under the direction of the MartinFuneral Home.

Mrs. EAKINS was born in Cisco, Texas April 2, 1893 and was married to RoyL. CREACH in 1917 at Hammon. Mr. CREACH died in 1930 and she married Fred J.EAKINS in 1937. He preceded her in death in 1956. She was an active member ofthe Hammon Baptist Church for more than 50 years and was a resident of RogerMills County since 1896.

She is survived byfour step-children: Fredda LANCASTER, Los Angeles; Joanne HUTCHINSON of LosAngeles; Rex EAKINS of Borger, Texas and Gus EAKINS who is with the U. S. Navy.She is survived by four sisters: Mrs. Minnie HOUSTON, Anderson, California; Mrs.Stella CARDER, Yakima, Washington; Mrs. May DICK and Mrs. Rose ALLEN of ElkCity, Oklahoma. She was preceded in death by five brothers and one sister.


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Additional data on Cora EAKINS.  Cora Loucreta MOORE was born 2 April 1893 in Cisco, Texas daughter ofMillard Monroe MOORE and Molly MORTON. She was one of a large family ofchildren, namely; William Ocie, Minnie Etta, Mintie May, Calvin Joshua, JohnNathaniel, Rose Malinda and Stella Ida Fay.

Cora did not have any childrenof her own but she was loved and respected by her EAKINS step-children whom shehad mothered from their early years. She was preceded in death by her parents,two husbands, brothers; Ocie, Calvin and Nat; sisters, Minnie Etta, and threeinfant siblings.


Lawrence Elwood EVETT

LawrenceElwood “Larry” EVETT was born on his father’s birthday9 November 1913 inSan Diego, California, the son of Lawrence Elwood EVETT Sr. and Ethel MaudeMETCALF. His father was a real estate broker and his work took the family overmany states. As a child, Larry lived in San Diego, California, Seattle,Washington; Chicago, Illinois and began his schooling in North Olmstead, Ohiowhere his father engaged in real-estate there and in Lakewood, Ohio. His teenyears were spent there, Orlando, Florida then back to Chicago. The depressionyears found Larry in Texas looking for work. Seeing an Uncle Sam poster “Iwant you” he went to the Army Recruiting Office in Houston, Texas on 9 March1939 and was assigned to the Seventh Cavalry Division. From the Calvary torecruiting service to military police, all seven years of military service werestateside.

Whenassigned to the Oklahoma State Recruiting Office at Lawton, Oklahoma, he met andmarried Leila Cordelia FORD, the youngest daughter of William Alfred FORD andMargaret Catherine “Maggie” LACEY. From that date on he was an Oklahoman andlived the remainder of his life in the state.

Hechose law enforcement as a career. After his separation from the military heworked at Tinker Air Force Base as security agent and upon his retirement heworked as deputy sheriff, Oklahoma County and constable, Mid West City, Oklahomaas well as operated a fish and bait stand which he managed until ill healthforced him to close.

Larrydied 3 August 1979 at his home following surgery at Houston, Texas for heartcondition At the time of his death he was survived by his wife Leila, two sons,Steve Vincent EVETT and Gary Bruce EVETT both of the home, a sister ShirleyMILLER and a brother William Vincent EVETT both of Weslaco, Texas. He waspreceded in death by both parents and a sister Vivian MEANY.

FuneralServices were conducted at Bill Eisenhour Northeast Funeral Home Chapel 2:00p.m. Sunday August 5, 1979. Reverend Bill ROSE and Reverend Gilbert BROTHERSofficiating. Pall bearers were: Gerald ROGERS, Tommy GRIFFEN, Allen BOYDSTUN,Jerry GRIFFEN, Olen BOYDSTUN and Doc MATHEWS/ interment was in the KiowaCemetery, Hammon, Oklahoma.


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From The Cheyenne Star, 29January 1942

Services Held For Pioneer

Last rites for John Wilson FARMER, 81-year old pioneer Hammon farmer andpeace officer were held Thursday afternoon at the Pentecostal Holiness Church atHammon with Reverend Melvin RUMOUGH, pastor, officiating. Burial was in theKiowa Cemetery.

Mr. FARMER who had lived in the Hammon Community since 1900 died Wednesdaymorning after a three-week illness. He was born January 19, 1861 in DentonCounty, Texas and was married December 24, 1881 to Martha BULLARD.

He served for 15 years as a Roger Mills County Deputy Sheriff.

Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Martha FARMER of Hammon and four sons; E.J. FARMER of Lefore, Texas, R. R. FARMER of Hammon, Oklahoma, Tom FARMER ofMaxwell, New Mexico and Clyde FARMER of Kermit, Texas.

Other survivors include two brothers, Henry FARMER of Santa Rosa, NewMexico and Dick FARMER of Randlett, Oklahoma; one sister, Mrs. Mattie MASON ofLos Angeles, California and 11 grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren,—Elk City Daily News.


From The Hammon Advocate,Thursday 1 November 1951


Martha Ellen BULLARD was born August 20, 1862 in Fairfield, Illinois anddeparted this life October 21, 1951 at the age of 89 years, two months and oneday.

She moved with her parents to Weatherford, Texas in 1878, where she wasmarried to John W. FARMER in 1881. To this union were born six sons, three ofwhich preceded her in death, Walter, Ira and Elmer. Elmer passed away at Lefores,Texas in 1943. He husband passed away January 20, 1942.

She leave to mourn her passing, three sons; Richard R. FARMER of Hammon,Tom FARMER of Maxwell, New Mexico and Clyde FARMER of Kermit, Texas; twelvegrandchildren; fourteen great grandchildren, one sister Mrs. Wilma SULLIVAN,Amarillo, Texas; two cousins, John AUSTIN of Herring and Mrs. Joe GARRISON ofGranite, Oklahoma and other relatives.


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She was converted at the age of 18 years and joined the Free Will BaptistChurch. She lived a long useful life, and made many friends who will miss her.

She settled on a farm north of Hammon in 1901 and moved to town in 1940with her husband. The past eight months she had made her home with her son,Richard, who was at her bedside at the time of her death.

Among those who attended services from out-of-town were Messrs. And Mmes.Tom FARMER, Maxwell, New Mexico, Fred FARMER, Wheeler, Texas H. R. FARMER andJerry, Wichita, Kansas, C. R. HOOVER, Wichita, Kansas, L. J. HUME, San Antonio,Texas, Allen WILSON Wilma SULLIVAN, Amarillo, Texas, Walter JAY, Elk City;Buster STAHL and Dave ANDERSON of Elk City.


From the same issue of TheHammon Advocate under Kiowa News

Another pioneer resident of this vicinity has passed on. Mrs. MarthaFARMER died in the home of her son Richard in Hammon, Sunday. She was buried inthe Kiowa Cemetery. Those from this community who did not attend the funeral atthe Pentecostal Church in Hammon assembled at the graveside.


From The Elk City Daily News, 7January 1973

Maude FARMER’S Rites Wednesday

Funeral services for Maude FARMER, 76 if 417 N. Howard, have beenscheduled for 2 p.m. Wednesday, January 10th in the Assembly of God Church inElk City with Reverend R. F. “Bob” MADSEN and Reverend Harold POWELLofficiating. Burial will be in the Kiowa Cemetery under the direction of SavageFuneral Home.

Mrs. FARMER, who came to Oklahoma in 1906, died Saturday, January 6th, inthe Community Hospital in Elk City.

Mrs. FARMER was born April 16, 1896 in Lake Valley New Mexico and wasmarried on August 2, 1913 to R. R. FARMER in Hammon. The couple moved to ElkCity from Hammon in 1955.

She was a member of the Assembly of God Church.

Survivors include her husband of the home; one daughter Mrs. E. J.CALLAHAN of San Antonio, Texas; two sons, Hubert FARMER of Wichita Kansas andDoyle FARMER of Clinton; 5 grandchildren; 7 great grandchildren; two brothers,David FIELD of Crystal River, Florida and Thomas FIELD of Denver, Colorado and 3sisters; Mrs. Dee WILLIAMS of Lockney, Texas Mrs. Ellis HAMMONS of Fenton,Missouri and Mrs. Hazel DUNCAN of Dallas, Texas.