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From The Elk City Daily News, February 22, 1959
Mrs. Edna LACEYRites Scheduled For Monday
Services forEdna A. LACEY, 8th and Madison, will be held at 2:30 p.m. Monday fromthe Nazarene Church with Reverend Otto C. PERRY officiating.
Born February16, 1873 in Alabama, Mrs. LACEY died in a local nursing home Friday, February20, following several years ill health.
She wasmarried to Jack B. LACEY and came to this county when it was opened forsettlement. She was a member of the Nazarene Church.
Survivorsinclude three sons, Cecil and Jeff LACEY, Elk City and Forrest LACEY, Perrington,Texas; two daughters, Mrs. Bonnie BILLINGS of Lawton and Mrs. Daisy ROBINSON,Elk City; 35 grandchildren, 42 great grandchildren and one great greatgrandchild.
Burial will bein the Kiowa Cemetery under the direction of Savage Funeral Home.
The Elk City Daily News, March 15, 1959
Jeff LACEYServices Are Set For Monday
Services for Jeff E. H. LACEY, 214 S. Adams, will be held Mondayafternoon, but Saturday the exact time and place was undecided pending arrivalof kinsmen.
Mr. LACEY wasborn in Greer County in 1895 and died early Friday. He had lived in WesternOklahoma all his life.
He was aveteran of World War I, and was inducted into the Army February 23, 1918 andserved with Company B, Engineers until discharged at Camp Pike, Arkansas July23, 1919.
Survivors include brothers, sisters and six children.
Burial will be in Kiowa Cemetery under the direction of Savage FuneralHome.
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George ValentineLACEY 1854 – 1899
George Valentine LACEY was born 31 October 1854 in Missouri. He was theson of Nathaniel Haggard LACEY and Margaret Ann CARR who were married 2 January1844 in Union County, Kentucky. Margaret’s parents were Samuel Walker CARR andPolly HENSLEY. Samuel Walker CARRoperated a ferry across Treadwater Creek.
On 5 March 1852, Nathan and Margaret along with Nathan’s brother Terryand wife Pollinea LACEY sold lands in Union County, Kentucky and moved toMissouri.
Margaret died a few days following George’s birth. In 1855, his fathermarried Mrs. Mary Jane WILLIAMS, widow of Thomas WILLIAMS and daughter of EvanA. STEWART and Nancy B. JENKINS.
In 1873, Nathan took his two sons by former marriage, George and Sam andmoved to Dallas, Texas. In September 1875, George returned on horseback toBolivar, Missouri to marry his childhood sweetheart, Nancy Catherine STEWART,THE DAUGHTER OF Joshua STEWART and Mary STUTZMAN.
The first year of George and Nancy’s married life was lived in Dallas,Texas where their oldest son Nathaniel Joshua (named for his grandfathers) wasborn. When their second child, Samuel Mack was born in 1878, they were living ontheir own farm-ranch near Brownwood, Texas. Their other children Margaret,Edward, Lizzie Lou, George and May were also born there.
In April 1891, George and Nancy sold their land to his brother Sam andmoved to Greer County, Texas (now Oklahoma) taking their children Josh, Sam, Ed,George and May. Little Lou who had died at 35 months lay at rest in Indian CreekCemetery alongside George’s father Nathan LACEY.
George got a thorn in his cheek while clearing briars from their land inGreer County. The thorn was near the eye, the doctors he saw advised to let itgo. The LACEYs lived in Greer County more than three years before they lookednorth for a better place to farm. On 30 November 1894, George made applicationfor homestead on SE ¼ of Section 21, Township 13 North, Range 21 West of theIndian Meridian in Roger Mills County. George and Nancy decided to leave GreerCounty on 1 January 1895 and move to their new home.
Again the work of clearing land, digging well, building fence, plantingand plowing left little time for George to worry about the thorn in his cheek,but by 1898 the pain had become excruciating. An Indian Medicine Man came andlived with the family for several weeks treating his cheek with variouspoultices. To no avail the thorn had already done its dirty work and George diedof cancer caused by the thorn 12 May 1899.
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At the time of his death, George was survived by his widow, Nancy, sixchildren; Josh, Sam, Maggie, Ed, George and May; one grandson Frank (son ofSam); a brother Sam of Brown County, Texas; a sister Rachel STEWART of CokeCounty, Texas; half brothers John E., Jack B., and Emmett; half-sister, AliceYOST; step-mother, Mary Jane LACEY; a niece Lee STEWART, daughter Betty KEPLEYand many nieces and nephews.
From The Cheyenne Star, 3 February 1944
NancyCatherine STEWART was born October 7, 1850 near Bolivar, Missouri and departedthis likes at 11:45 a.m. January 20, 1944 at the age of 93 years, three monthsand twelve days. She professed faith in Christ early in life and united with theMissionary Baptist Church, She was a charter member of the Kiowa Baptist Church.
She was unitedin marriage with George Valentine LACEY September 26, 1875 at Bolivar, Missouri.They moved immediately to Tarrant County, Texas. Two years later theyestablished a home in Brown County, Texas. In 1890 they moved to Greer County.Three years later they homesteaded a farm on Big Kiowa Creek in Roger MillsCounty where she remained until her passing.
Her husband, adaughter Lou and a son, Samuel, preceded her in death. She is survived by threesons, Josh and Ed of Coolidge, Arizona, George H. of Hammon; tow daughters Mrs.W. A. FORD and May LACEY of Hammon; two brothers, George STEWART, Lawton andMarion STEWART of Rush Springs; two sisters, Mrs. Jennie ARCHER and Mrs.Margaret MORRISON of Marlow; two grandsons, Frank and Fred who she reared,twenty other grandchildren, twenty-two great grandchildren and two great greatgrandchildren.
Funeralservices were conducted by Reverend R. L. CARTER at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at KiowaChurch, Interment was in Kiowa Cemetery. The Wheeler Funeral Home of Clinton wasin charge.
(Note: Deed records show it was 25 April 1891 when GeorgeV. and Nancy LACEY sold their 340 acres in Brown County, Texas to his brotherSamuel E. LACEY. It was 30 November 1894 when George V. LACEY filed forhomestead on SE1/4 of section 21, Twp 13N, R 21 WIM.)
From The Hammon Advocate, 30 September 1954
Fred B. LACEYServices Sunday At Baptist Church
Services for Fred B. LACEY were conducted Sunday at2:30 p.m. in the First Baptist Church with Reverend Cleo MARTIN, pastor,officiating.
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Burial was inthe Kiowa Cemetery. Casket bearers were Bob ALLEE, Opal BRIGHT, Emory ACKLEY, Fred STUBBLEFIELD, Winford SHELTON and Lon TRENT.
Fred B. LACEYwas born November 29, 1900 to Samuel and Pearl Crocket LACEY at Eldorado,Oklahoma; passed away Tuesday night September 21, 1954 due to a heart attack atthe age of 53 years, 10 months and 22 days.
He was threeyears of age when his mother died and he came to live with his grandmother, thelate Mrs. Nancy LACEY, in the Kiowa Community and lived here and at Hammon untilhis death. He was converted and united to the Missionary Baptist Church at 17years of age.
He was unitedin marriage to Miss Etta WRIGHT in 1930. To this union were born five children,as follows: Leroy, Olivehurst, California; Mrs. Boyd WILLIAMS, Bakersfield,California; Mrs. Slayton DURRETT, Porter, Oklahoma; Jimmy Ray, Austin, Texas andRichard James, Smokeu Hill, Kansas. Two of his sons are with the Air Force.
Both parents preceded him in death.
He is survivedby his five children, six grandchildren, one brother, Frank, three aunts; StellaCARTER, Altus, Oklahoma; Mrs. W. A. FORD, Oklahoma City and May LACEY, Kiowa;one uncle George H. LACEY, Kiowa. He had lived with his Uncle George and AuntMary the past 18 years.
From The Hammon Advocate, Thursday June 21, 1962
Mrs. Etta LACEYServices Held Wednesday First Baptist Church
Services forMrs. Etta LACEY were held from the First Baptist Church, Hammon at 3:00 p.m.Wednesday June 20. Burial was in the Kiowa Cemetery. Reverend O. T. PERKINS w2asthe officiating minister.
EmilyHenrietta (Etta) LACEY was born 9 July 1902 in Esteline, Texas to Moses Lemueland Sarah Ellen WRIGHT. She departed this life on June 15 in California.
She grew toyoung womanhood in Kiowa Community. She was converted and baptized into theBaptist Church at the age of 17.
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She was unitedin marriage to Fred B.LACEY in 1929, and to this union were born five children,Fred LACEY, Olivhurst, California; Mrs. Marietta CASH, Bakersfield, California;James Ray, Muskogee, Oklahoma; Mrs. Phyllis Faye DURRETT, Porter, Okla. AndRichard J. LACEY, Wichita, Kansas.
Mrs. LACEY waspreceded in death by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. WRIGHT, a brother, DavidLee and two sisters, Lela May and Mrs. Hattie Alverda WOOD.
Services were under the direction of Martin Funeral Home Elk City,Oklahoma.
Mary Velma LACEY
Velma LACEY was born Mary VelmaHODGES 15 September 1910. She was the oldest of four daughters born to AndrewPierce HODGES and Lula LINVILLE.
At a very young age she united with the Kiowa BaptistChurch. Her whole life was one of unselfish devotion to her family and friends,always caring and helping those in need.
Velma wasmarried to Frank Crockett LACEY at Cheyenne, Okla. 11 February 1929. To thisunion was born one child, Freddie Houston LACEY.
Most of herlife was lived in the Kiowa Community. When she became ill, she and Frank wentto Pueblo, Colorado where he mother and son were living to seek medical help.Velma had breast cancer two years previously and felt her illness stemmed fromthis. She died of cancer at Corwin Hospital in Pueblo, Colorado on the 18thof November 1951. Her body was returned to Oklahoma for burial in the KiowaCemetery.
At her death,she was survived by her husband, Frank LACEY, a son, Freddie LACEY, her parents,Mrs. Lula BRANNON of Pueblo, Colorado and her father Andrew Pierce HODGES ofAlhambra, California; one brother, Billie BRANNON of Pueblo, five sisters;Mattie VILLERS, Iva WOOD both of Pueblo, Ola LIDDLE of Denver, Colorado, InaELLET of Westbrook, Texas and Venita BETTS of Alamosa, Colorado.
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From The Hammon Advocate
Last Rites ForFrank C. LACEY Conducted Recently
Frank CrockettLACEY was born to Samuel and Pearl (CROCKETT) LACEY, August 7, 1898 at Bailey,Indian Territory and departed this life June 17, 1960 in the home of his sonFreddie at Oklahoma City, after a three year illness. His mother died when hewas five years of age, therefore he was reared by his grandmother, Mrs. NancyLACEY on her farm in the Kiowa Community. He lived in the Kiowa Community untilhe went to Oklahoma City.
Mr. LACEY wasmarried to Velma HODGES February 11, 1929 in Cheyenne, Oklahoma and to his unionwas born a son, Freddie. He received a hope in Christ when young man and unitedwith the Kiowa Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by his parents, his wifeand a brother, Fred LACEY.
Survivorsinclude his son Freddie, two granddaughters, Connie and LaVada, Oklahoma City;two aunts, Mrs. W. A. FORD, Oklahoma City and Miss May LACEY, Hammon and anuncle George LACEY, Hammon; two nieces, Mrs. Marietta WILLIAMS, Bakersfield,California and Mrs. Ray DURRETT, Tulsa, Oklahoma; three nephews, Ray and R. J.LACEY of Muskogee, Oklahoma and LeRoy LACEY of Oklahoma City and a host of otherrelatives and friends.
Funeralservices were conducted June 19, 1960 from the First Baptist Church, Hammon,Oklahoma with Reverend Richard WALKER officiating. Burial was in the KiowaCemetery under the direction of Paylor Funeral Home of Midwest City, Oklahoma.
(Note: Frank and Velma LACEY bought the homestead of Noah and Charley EAKINSlocated I Section 27, Twp 13N, R 21 WIM.)
From The Cheyenne Star, Thursday November 30, 1972
A long andcolorful life which interwove the history of Roger Mills County for over 79years ended 18 November 1972 when George LACEY of the Kiowa Community, six milesouthwest of Hammon, passed away at the Community Hospital at Elk City,Oklahoma.
Born inBrownwood, Texas, October 20, 1886, George LACEY (affectionately called”Pat” by all his friends and acquaintances who appreciated his wit and dryhumor) came with his pioneering parents, George and Nancy LACEY to what is nowGreer County, Oklahoma in 1891. In 1894 the family moved on to the KiowaCommunity where his father filed for homestead on Big Kiowa Creek. AlthoughPat’s father died before patent was issued, this homestead was to be his homefor the remainder of his life.
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Pat LACEY wasan American Patriot serving his country during the first great war. He wasinducted into military service October 3, 1917 at Cheyenne, Oklahoma. He servedwith Company H of the 58th Infantry, American Expeditionary Forces.He fought innumerable skirmishes as well as four major battles for which he wasawarded the Victory Medal and Service Ribbon with four bronze stars for activelyparticipating in the following major operations of the First World War; Aisne-MarneOffensive; Toulon Sector; St. Mihiel Offensive and Meuse Argonne Offensive.After the Armistice November 11, 1918, he served nine months in the Army ofOccupation in Germany. Pat received his honorable discharge August 12, 1919 atCamp Pike, Arkansas and returned to his beloved hills of western Oklahoma,thankful to be able to live out his remaining years with his family and oldfriends.
He is survivedby his sister May LACEY of the home. His older sister Maggie FORD and brothersJosh, Sam and Ed preceded him in death.
Funeralservices were held on Sunday November 19, 1972 at Martin Funeral Home Chapel atElk City with interment in the Kiowa Cemetery located on the family farm wherehe lies beside his father George Valentine LACEY who, before his death, setaside the cemetery site for the Kiowa Community.
From The Cheyenne Star, Thursday April 19, 1979
May LACEY Rites Held
May LACEY, oneof the first white citizens of the Kiowa Community near Hammon is returning homeWednesday for her finial visit. May, who began teaching career in 1910 byteaching at the Whiteshield School, is remembered by adults over the world todayas their one-time rural school teacher. Her teachings took her to areas in RogerMills, Washita, Beckham and Custer Counties. May, the last of the dying breed ofpioneer school teachers, was born 29 March, 1890 near Brownwood, Texas to GeorgeValentine LACEY and Nancy Catherine STEWART, died Sunday morning 8 April 1979 atthe Oak Hills Nursing Home in Jones, Oklahoma where she had lived since March1973.
In 1894 shemoved with her family to the homestead on Big Kiowa Creek which she considered“home” all her life even though school, teaching and later her healthprevented her from residing there.
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When sheretired from teaching, her remaining fruitful years were spent with her brother,George H. LACEY in caring for their aged mother. May watched her parents, sisterand brothers precede her in death so she has no immediate family members tosurvive her. Survivors are niece, nephews, cousins too numerous to mention—tosay nothing of the world of friends and former students who bear witness to thisgracious woman’s strength of character and endurance.
Funeralservices were held Wednesday 11 April 1979 at the Martin Funeral Home Chapel,Elk City, at 2:00 p.m. Interment was in the Kiowa Cemetery on the LACEYhomestead that has always been “Home” to May.
Not all of the “Original LACEY Homesteaders” areinterred here.
Samuel MackLACEY was born 7 July 1878 in Brown County, Texas. He was married in 1897 in OldGreer County, O.T. to Pearl CROCKETT daughter of James and Jane CROCKETT.
To this union were born two sons
Frank Crockett md Velma HODGES
Fred Clinton “Buck” md Henrietta WRIGHT
Pearl died in1903. Sam left his sons with his mother Nancy LACEY and followed the cattletrails—cooking for cattle drovers, on ranches and breaking wild horses.
Sam died inSafford, Graham County, Arizona on 2 November 1923 from heart condition“mitral insufficiency” with contributing cause “high blood pressure” andwas interred in the Safford Cemetery.
From The Hammon Advocate, Thursday April 8, 1948
Ed LACEY Died InCoolidge, Arizona
Ed LACEY, age65 years, died from heart attack, on Sunday afternoon March 14, while overseeingwork at his ranch, near Coolidge, Arizona.
He was apioneer rancher of Arizona, having lived there 36 years. Mr. LACEY was born atBrownwood, Texas on September 18, 2882. He came to the Hammon vicinity with hisparents and resided her for 20 years.
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Survivors arethe deceased’s widow, Mary LACEY, Coolidge, Arizona, two sisters, Mrs. W. A.FORD and Miss May LACEY both of Hammon, Oklahoma; two brothers, George LACEY,Hammon, Oklahoma and Josh LACEY, Coolidge, Arizona; a daughter, Mrs. AnnaHUMPHRIES, Coolidge, Arizona; three grandsons, Lloyd HUMPHRIES, Forth Worth,Texas, Robert and Dick HUMPHRIES, Coolidge, Arizona.
Mr. and Mrs.FORD and their son Dennis FORD, Morton Texas and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd HUMPHRIESwere present at the funeral.
The last riteswere conducted in Cole and Maud Chapel by the Reverend Earl WARD, pastor ofCoolidge Community Church on March 18. Interment was in the Valley Memorial Park
In the town ofCoolidge, plans had been made to present the Reverend Earl WARD with a newChevrolet sedan on Easter Sunday, showing the love and high esteem the peopleheld for this minister, who had dome so many kind things for not only his churchmembers, but for all creeds. Mr. LACEY had announced that he wanted the carpresented on Sunday, March 14, so all donors were at church that morning. Wereprint from Coolidge Examiner the following:
“Ed LACEY, pioneer Coolidge rancher, was among the foremost whosponsored the gift of the car—in fact it had been his idea to begin with. Hewasn’t a member of Earl WARD’S church, but had felt the pastor’sunderstanding in an hour of need. Ed LACEY was among the crowd when the car waspresented.
That evening Ed LACEY was dead from a heart attack, and the first tripEarl WARD made in his new car was to the LACEY Ranch.
And from The Cheyenne Star, another original homesteader
Nathan JoshLACEY Obituary
Nathan JoshLACEY was born August 21, 1786 in Brown County, Texas and passed away Saturdayafternoon, August 15, 1953 at the age of 76 years, 11 months and 25 days.
Josh LACEY wasa pioneer of Roger Mills County having moved to the Kiowa Community near Hammonfrom Texas in 1894. Later he moved to a farm in the Five Star Community north ofStrong City where he lived until 1936 when he moved with his family to Coolidge,Arizona.
In 1901 hemarried Mildred D. EAKINS at Cheyenne, Oklahoma. To this union seven childrenwere. Born. Two daughters, Marie and Nellie and one son, J.T. preceded him indeath.
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Josh LACEYhaving lived an untiring life of devotion to his family and friends will long beremembered and loved for his many acts of kindness and thoughtfulness. He andMrs. LACEY moved to Cheyenne last October from Coolidge. Though his return hasbeen brief, there is comfort for those who mourn his passing to know he wasactive until the last hour of his life.
Surviving atehis wife, Mildred; on son, Coy, Durham; three daughters, Mrs. Eula GALLAND,Coolidge, Arizona; Mrs. Lola ALLEN, Gallup, Mew Mexico; and Mrs. Claudie DAVIS,Spokane, Washington; on brother, George LACEY; two sisters, May LACEY and Mrs.Maggie FORD, all of Hammon, Oklahoma; 20 grandchildren; 13 great grandchildren;other relatives and a host of friends.
Funeralservices were held Tuesday afternoon at the Crawford school auditorium afterwhich committal was in the Silent Home Cemetery.
Family Of GeorgeMorrison LACEY
Phoebe Florence LANE was born in Keokuk (Lee Co.) Iowa17 October 1859the daughter of Samuel R. LANE and Margaret Emmeline ARMSTRONG. She died 16March 1938 at the home of her daughter, Loretta NISCHWITZ in Elk City, Ok. Withburial in Kiowa Cemetery 18 March 1938.
George Morrison LACEY was born 31 March 1851 in Polk Co. Mo. He was theson of Benjamin “Bird” LACEY and Elizabeth WATKINS. He died 28 June 1903from tuberculosis on his homestead in Roger Mills County, OT located in Section26, Twp 14N, Range 22 WIM. He requested a stone vault be constructed for hisinterment. The family honored his wish.
It was in Jasper County, Missouri that Florence “Flo” LANE and GeorgeLACY (he had dropped the “e”) decided to cast their lots together and weremarried 5 September 1880 by Reverend F. JOINER, Baptist minister. To this unionwere born six children, namely, Mary born in Galena, Kansas in 1880, Loretta N.b. 1882 (md Jesse NISCHWITZ) Hugh Edward b.1884 at Quapaw, I. T. (died 1937 in California) Emmaline b. & d. Galena,Kansas; Freddie b. & d. Galena, Kansas and Lillian Pearl b. 1895 in Galena,Kansas (md Dick PINKERTON).
After George’s death, Flo married John E. LACEY, a widower and cousinof her first husband. John died in 1935 and is interred in Taylor Cemetery, PieTown, New Mexico.