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Theparents of Guy BROTHERS interred here were Joseph I. BROTHERS and Elizabeth“Betty” WEBB who were living in the Coulter Community in 1900. Mr. BROTHERSwas the first postmaster of that post office. Other children of J. I. and BettyBROTHERS were; Charley, Dick, Ollie, Mae, Gilbert, Everett and Will R. BROTHERS.

From the Cheyenne Star, Thursday, 26 June 1975


As quietly as he had lived, Guy BROTHERS died in the morning of June 10,1975 in a hospital at Dumas, Texas. Funeral services were held at Hunt’sMemorial Methodist Church in Dumas, Texas with burial in Kiowa Cemetery atHammon, Oklahoma Thursday, June 12th.

His was not as easy like, but a very rich and wholesome one. He was bornto pioneer parents in Oklahoma Territory in the Coulter Community on 20 March1900. Guy had to assume the responsibility of the household when his widowedmother became ill.

On June 7, 1923, he married the young school teacher, Georgia FORD fromHammon, who was teaching in the Crawford school. Guy and Georgia shared theirhome with his two younger brothers Everett and Bill.

Over the years, they lived in several communities in westernOklahoma—Crawford, Kiowa, Reydon, Grimes, Sandstone, and Moorewood. It was inthese communities they raised their three sons, Ray, Gene, and Alan as well as anephew Billy SHAY.

After the children had left home, Guy and wife, Georgia, moved toFairfield, Missouri in 1951 where they farmed until they retired to Dumas, Texasin 1970.

Though Guy’s responsibilities were heavy, he was never too busy tolisten to and help his neighbors. The host of friends, and his families’affection attest to his success.

He is survived in death by his wife, Georgia of the home: three sons, Rayof Alva, Oklahoma, Gene of Booker, Texas and Alan of Dumas, Texas; threebrothers, Everett of Sayre, Oklahoma, Dick of Cheyenne, Oklahoma and Bil ofWichita, Kansas; eleven grandchildren, four great grandchildren and a host ofnieces and nephews.


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Georgia Alice (FORD) BROTHERS

Georgia FORD BROTHERS died in aWichita, Kansas hospital following hip surgery on Wednesday morning 21 December1977 just two weeks after her 77th birthday and 16 days after the death of herolder brother, Dennis FORD.

Georgiawas born in Oklahoma Territory near Cloud Chief to William Alfred FORD and AddieRHODES. At three weeks, she moved with her parents to the Kiowa Community,southwest of Hammon in Roger Mills County. Soon there-after, her mother becameill with tuberculosis and she was left in the care of Nancy LACEY, a neighbor,when only six months old. She lived in the LACEY home after her mother’s deathuntil 30 July 1902 when her father married Maggie LACEY, Nancy’s daughter. Nocloser relationship ever existed between mother and daughter than between Maggieand Georgia.

In1922 when teaching school at Crawford, Oklahoma, Georgia met and the followingyear marred Guy E. BROTHERS. To this union were born four children. The BROTHERSfamily lived in several communities in Western Oklahoma (Crawford, Kiowa, neatHammon, Reydon, Grimes, Sandstone, and Moorewood) Fairview, Missouri and TexasPanhandle (Dumas and Booker). Georgia always made friends with her neighborsbecause she was always a friend to them.

Georgiawas preceded in death by an infant daughter, her husband, parents, two brothersand one sister and two grandchildren.

Survivorsinclude three sons; Gilbert Ray BROTHERS of Alva, Ok. Gene BROTHERS of Booker,Texas and Alan BROTHERRS of Amarillo, Texas; three sisters; May Zelle BROTHERSof Wichita, Kansas; Lena FORD and Leila EVETT, both of Oklahoma City and anaunt, May LACEY, also of Oklahoma City; ten grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren; numerous nieces, nephews and cousins and a host of friends.

Funeralservices were held in Martin Funeral Home Chapel at Elk City at 2:00 PM Friday23 December 1977 with Reverend Jim TEETER, Booker, Texas officiating. Intermentwas in Kiowa Cemetery on the LACEY homestead.


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   The BULLARD family had preciously lived in OldGreer County as neighbors to the George LACEY family. In November 1896, AndrewJackson BULLARD and his wife, the former Minnie COZART, filed on SE1/4 ofSection 18, Twp 13 North, Range 21 West of the Indian Meridian.

Thefollowing year 1897, his father and mother, Ephram W. and Eliva Austin BULLARD,filed on adjoining quarter section south (NE1/4 of Sec. 19) and his brotherJames Lee BULLARD filed just south on SE1/4 of Sec. 19 with his sister Eliza andher husband, David D. SULLIVAN, homesteading immediately to the east in Section20.

Andrew Jackson BULLARD wasserving his second term as sheriff of Roger Mills County, Oklahoma Territorywhen he and his deputy John COGBURN were killed on the head of Dead Indian Creekon 2 July 1902. Coverage in the Cheyenne Sunbeam of 4 July 1902, states:

“Sheriff BULLARD was lying dead with 11 bullet wounds in his body andholding his sixshooter in his hand, from which two shots had been fired. Four ofthe wounds entered from the back, six from the front and one ranging downwardfrom the head. His deputy received one shot only and that from the back. He wasevidently sitting on the wagon tongue when he received this shot which provedimmediately fatal, he not having time to use his gun before expiring.”


The Hammon Advocate, ThursdayApril 8, 1915

Death Of E. W. BULLARD

E. W. BULLARD, an old and highly respected citizen, and one of the earlysettlers of Roger Mills County, died at his home on Dry Creek, seven milessouthwest of Hammon, Tuesday, April 16, 1915, aged 80 years.

Mr. BULLARD came to this county from the Chickasaw Nation, and settled onthe place where he died.

He leaves an aged wife, two sons, Tom of near Crawford and James who madehis home with him, three daughters, Mrs. John FARMER, Mrs. Dave SULLICAN of thiscommunity, and Mrs. George SULLIVAN of Texas. The lamented Jack BULLARD, formersheriff of this county was his son.

The body was buried at Kiowa Cemetery on Wednesday.


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The Hammon Advocate, Thursday,October 14, 1915

Aged Lady Injured

GRANDMA BULLARD, who lives southwest of town, fell into a gully near herhome a few days ago, badly bruising one of her hips.

She was picking up sticks for kindling along the bank of the stream neatthe house when she fell with the above results. The bank was about eight feethigh. She lay as she fell for three hours before she was found and carried intothe house.

Mrs. BULLARD is 80 years old and her injuries werequite serious.


The Hammon Advocate, RogerMills County, Oklahoma Thursday July 12, 1917.

Death Of James BULLARD

James BULLARD, an old and highly respected citizen of this community,passed away very suddenly at his home southwest of town early Tuesday morning.

When about twenty-five years of age, Mr. BULLARD was thrown from a horseand the enraged animal pawed him severely injuring his head in such a mannerthat he was an epileptic the remainder of his life, though every effort was madeto remove that trouble.

At an early age he was married but his wife desertedhim in his afflictions.

He leaves an aged mother, with whom he made his home, and three sisters;Mrs. J. W. FARMER of this place, Mrs. Dave SULLIVAN of Elk City and Mrs. GeorgeSULLIVAN of Texas. He was a brother of the lamented Jack BULLLARD, who waskilled while performing his official duties as sheriff of Roger Mills Countyseveral years ago, and Tom BULLARD, who died a few months ago.

The body was buried at Kiowa Tuesday afternoon.

Note:  His only son Lee BULLARD who married Ruth CHAMBERS also survived.


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The Hammon Advocate, RogerMills County, Oklahoma, Thursday, September 19, 1918


Eliza AUSTIN was born November 6, 1837, in Wayne County, Illinois and wasmarried to E. W. BULLARD December 3, 1845. To this union was born eightchildren, of which only three survive; Mrs. J. W. FARMER of Hammon, Mrs. D. D.SULLICAN of Elk City and Mrs. George SULLIVAN of McClain, Texas. The husbandpassed to the land of rest several years ago.

Mrs. BULLARD with her family came to Roger Mills County in 1897. She diedSeptember 13, 1918, and many neighbors and friends gathered to pay their lastsad respect to this food woman.

The remains were interred in the Kiowa Cemetery with Reverend T. C. DEPEWconducting the funeral services.


The next two obituaries ofBULLARDs were buried elsewhere but they are given here because of therelationships and their daughter Ellea BULLARD is buried in the Kiowa Cemetery.


The Hammon Advocate, ThursdayMay 12, 1949

Lee BULLARD Dies, Thursday May 5

Lee BULLARD, 56 year old carpenter-farmer, passed away in an El Paso,Texas hospital on Thursday May 5, 1949 after a ten weeks illness, followingsurgery.

He is a former Hammon resident having moved here when a boy, and livedhere until 25 years ago, when he moved to Hatch, New Mexico.

Mr. BULLARD was a member of the Methodist Church; andwas an Odd Fellow and a Mason.

Funeral services were conducted Friday at the Methodist Church atMesquite, New Mexico and burial was in the Mesquite Cemetery.

Survivors include his widow; one daughter, Mrs. John DITTERLINE, NewMexico; two sons, Theodore BULLARD, Anthony, New Mexico and Jack BULLARD,Mesquite, New Mexico.

Mr. BULLARD wasa son-in-law to Mrs. Minnie CHAMBERS of Hammon.


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The Hammon Advocate, ThursdayJanuary 14, 1965

KiowaNews Items

The announcement of the death of Mrs. Ruth CHAMBERS BULLARD was receivedhere Monday morning. Ruth was born in this vicinity where she grew to womanhoodand married. They resided in Hammon and Sandstone Communities for a time. Shewas born January 17, 1897; died January9, 1965, at LosCruces, New Mexico. Shewas preceded in death by her husband, Lee BULLARD, and two daughters. She issurvived by four sisters; Grace BARNES, Elk City, Willie BARNES, LeHigh, ChessieFRISBIE and Ollie FLYNT, Amarillo, Texas.

Ruth was a pupil of this correspondent in 1911-1912 at Sandstone School.(May LACEY, Correspondent)

Census records for 1900 and1910 indicate that Ephram W. BULLARD was born in Illinois, father born inKentucky and mother born in Tennessee. Eliva was born in Illinois with bothparents born in Kentucky; The BULLARD children were born in Illinois withJack’s wife, the former Minnie COZART born in Texas and her parents both bornin Arkansas.


Another obituary of the deathof Jack’s widow follows. She is not at the Kiowa Cemetery.

The Hammon Advocate, Thursday,December 24, 1914

DeathOf Mrs. WATSON

Mrs. Minnie WATSON, wife of T. C. WATSON was bornDecember 11, 1880 in Hill County, Texas died at the home of her parents, Mr. andMrs. A. B. COZART near Hammon, Monday December 21, 1914.

Mrs. WATSON was twice married; on September 22, 1895 she was married to A.J. BULLARD, to this union was born one child, a daughter Jackie           who survives her. Mr. BULLARD was serving as sheriff of Roger MillsCounty to which office he was twice elected, was murders by outlaws, in June1902. She was again married in December 1906 to T. C. WATSON.

Funeral services were held at the Methodist Church in Hammon Tuesdayafternoon, conducted by Reverend E. SMITH of Hammon after which the body waslaid to rest in the Red Hill Cemetery.


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RobertDuncan BURROWS was born to Robert D. BURROWS and Maud BOREN 6 December 1833 inMcLennon County, Texas. When his mother died, her brother Tom BOREN went byhorseback to get her baby. Robert was reared to manhood by his uncle whoimparted his own high standard of conduct.

RobertDuncan BURROWS married Mae L. SMITH, born 18 April 1875 in Coleman, ColemanCounty, Texas, the daughter of Bird SMITH and Simmie Louise TULLY. To this unionwere born three sons, Oran, Doyle and Robert D., Jr. Mae BURROWS was a verydevout Christian who gave freely of herself to her church and her family.

Thefamily farmed and raised livestock with Mae raising turkeys. They prospered andwere highly successful.

Robertdied 17 January 1967 at Elk City (Beckham County) Oklahoma. Mae’s deathfollowed 3 October 1969.



CathyAnn BURROWS was born 24 August 1955. She was the daughter of Jack and ElouiseCAMPBELL. On 9 July 1971 she was united in marriage to Larry Don BURROWS. A newsitem follows.

Elk City Daily, 1 January 1973

Wife Dies Of Gunshot

Services for Cathy Ann BURROWS, 17 year old wife of Larry Don BURROWS whodied of accidental gunshot wounds Sunday night in St. Anthony hospital inOklahoma City, will be conducted at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Sayre Gradeschool auditorium with Reverend Juanice PARKHURST of Strong City officiating.Interment will be in the Kiowa Cemetery in Roger Mills County.

Mrs. BURROWS was born Aug. 24, 1955 in Elk City and attended BerlinSchool. She finished the sophomore year in Sayre and at the present time wasattending vo-tech school at Burns Flat.

On July 9, 1971, she was married to Larry Don BURROWSin Cheyenne. He survives her.

Other survivors include her parents, Mrs. Elouise HIL of Las Vegas, Nevadaand Jack CAMPBELL of Sayre; 1 grandmother, Mrs. Ella E. CAMPBELL of Sayre; 1sister Linda Louise CAMPBELL of Las Vegas, and 1 half brother Joe Bradley DAVISOF Las Vegas. She was a niece to Mrs. Bob GREEN, Mrs. Earl JONES and Mrs. EvanWANN, all of Elk City and Mrs. Louise HALL of Berlin.


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Mrs. BURROWS had been in poor condition since suffering from a bulletwould received on November 30 from the accidental discharge of her husband’’gun while he was cleaning it. He serves as Clinton-Sherman Air Force BaseSecurity Officer.


Daniel Leon BURROWS

DanielLeon BURROWS was born 27 August 1969, son of Dalton Leon BURROWS and Carolyn SuePOTTS.

Dannywas riding with his grandfather Robert E. BURROWS double in the saddle whentheir horse stumbled and fell back on them. Danny died from the impact of thesaddle hors near his heart. This was a terrible tragedy for the family andfollowed soon after the death of Cathy Ann BURROWS. Danny died 30 August 1973.Reverend Juanice PARKHURST of Strong City, Oklahoma and Reverend Romayne DODD ofDuncan, Oklahoma officiating. The Reverend DODD was a brother to Mrs. R. D.BURROWS. The pallbearers were: Jack THOMPSON, Henry ANDREWS, J. C. SULLIVAN andWayne PARKHURST. Final resting place, Kiowa Cemetery.



MariahJane BROWN was born in Virginia 14 November 1835. She married her teacher,Professor Braxton CARDER in 1851 and they left for Missouri on horseback. Tothis marriage were born five sons, James, Henry, Bud, Albert, George and Byrd;two daughters, Rose and Sara. In 1910 her son James Henry CARDER brought herfrom Missouri as a widow to Oklahoma to live the remainder of her life. She diedat his home on 3rd of January 1913 and is interred in the Kiowa Cemetery.

Thestone on her grave has been broken. Also the name is spelled incorrectly. Itreads Mariah J. CARDNER. Should be CARDER.

Theunmarked stone beside Mariah CARDER’s grave is that of Paul CARDER, son ofEmmit H. CARDER and Rode BASHAW, a grandson of James Henry CARDER.



RobertLeonard CARTER was born 27 December 1872 in Delta County, Texas. He was the sonof James Thomas CARTER and Hariett MCDANIELS.

MaryCordelia MAPLES was born 26 December 1877 at Drummonds, Tipton County,Tennessee, daughter of William T. MAPLES and Margaret FRANKS.


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RobertL. CARTER and Mary Cordelia MAPLES were married at Pecan Gap, Texas 19 January1895. They moved to Roger Mills County in 1907 living in the Kiowa and Sandstonecommunities. In 1945 they moved to Elk City, Oklahoma After Mr. CARTER’sdeath, Mrs. CARTER moved to Hammon neat her daughters Edith and Myrtle.

Robert“Bob” and “Cordie” were the parents of:

Wilmawho married Earl FISHER

Edithwho married (1) Clifford MELTON (2) Sid BLANKSHIP

Myrtlewho married Charles FORD

Lesterwho married Bertha BELILIE

Earlwho married Alice LACY

CatherineJoy who married a ___________ BREVIK


From The Hammon Advocate,Thursday May 27, 1954

Kiowa News

This community was saddened of the death of Reverend R. L. CARTER whopassed away at this home in Elk City early Saturday morning. Reverend CARTERlived in this community and adjoining communities over 40 years. He was a memberof the Kiowa Baptist Church and was ordained to the ministry by this church. Heis survived by his wife and seven children, his being the first death in theimmediate family. His four daughters are Mrs. Wilma FISHER, Nocona, Texas; Mrs.Joye ELLISTON, San Francis, CA. Mrs. Edith BLANKENSHIP, Hammon and Mrs. MyrtleFORD, Herring; three sons, Lester, Covington, Oklahoma, Earl, Martines,California and Everett, Salinas CA. Funeral services were conducted the FirstBaptist Church in Elk City and burial was in the Kiowa Cemetery.


The Hammon Advocate, ThursdayJune 3, 1954 in Elk City

R. L. CARTER Services May 25 in Elk City

Services for Reverend Robert L. CARTER were held at the First BaptistChurch, Elk City, May 25 with Reverend Lewis HANCOCK, pastor, officiating.


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Burial was in the Kiowa Cemetery with Martin-Hullum directing thearrangements.

Casket bearers were Opal BRIGHT, Harlan THOMAS, Wesley DYKES, Lon TRENT,Clay DYKES and John CHAPMAN.

Robert L. CARTER was born December 27, 1873 Delta County, Texas anddeparted this life on May 22, 1954 at his home, 1006 West 7th, Elk City,Oklahoma at the age of 80 years and 5 months.

He was married to Miss Cordelia MAPLES on January 19, 1895 at Pecan Gap,Texas; Mr. Carter moved to Roger Mills County in 1907 and lived here until 1945when he moved to Elk City.

Survivors are his wife; four daughters, Mrs. Earl FISHER, Nocona, Texas,Mrs. Joyce ELLISON, San Francisco, California, Mrs. Charlie FORD and Mrs. SidBLANKENSHIP, Hammon; three sons Lester, Covington, Oklahoma, Earl, Martinez,California and Everett, Salinas, California; four sisters, Mrs. Will GRADY,Pecan Gap, Texas, Mrs. J. R. JACKSON, Wylie, Texas, Mrs. Carrie HALL, Dallas,Texas and Mrs. D. M. GRADY, Hugo, Oklahoma and a brother J. L. CARTER, Bonham,Texas; 15 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren.


From Elk City Daily News, ElkCity, Oklahoma, February 3, 1972

MaryCARTER Rites Friday

Funeral services for Mrs. Mary C. CARTER, who died in Roger Mills MemorialHospital Wednesday, will be conducted from the Baptist Church at Hammon FridayFebruary 4, 1972 at 2:30 p.m. with Reverend Billy PARVIN and Reverend Roy WILSONofficiating. Burial will be in the Kiowa Cemetery.

Mrs. CARTER was born December26, 1877 in Drummonds, Tenn. She was 94. Shewas married to Robert L. CARTER on January 9, 1895 in Pecan Gap, Texas. Theycame to Oklahoma and settled in Roger Mills County in 1907, where she has livedmost of the4 time since except some nine years when she lived in Elk City.

Her husband preceded her indeath May 22, 1954.

She was a longtime member of the Baptist Church.

Survivors include 4 daughters, Mrs. Wilma FISHER, Nocona, Texas, Mrs.Myrtle FORD, Cheyenne, Mrs. Edith BLANKENSHIP, Hammon, and Mrs. Joyce BREVIK,Caliente, Nevada; 3 sons Lester of Covington, Earl or Martinez, California andEverett of Los Gatos, California; 3 sister, Mrs. Leona AZLIN, Winnsboro, Texas,Mrs. Fannie AZLIN, Buckeye, Arizona and Mrs. Annie ABERNATHY, Midwest City; 2brothers, Reverend S. H. MAPLES Ft Worth, Texas and Frank MAPLES who lives inCalifornia; also 15 grandchildren and 48 great grandchildren.