News about County Residents (Grouped by Year) Taken from the “Local and Personal Columns” in Early Newspapers.
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March 1, 1901
NEWS ABOUT TOWN: Mrs. Mary Rogers is visiting friends. C.E. Williams of this county was married to Orpha Pollock at the residence of Rev. J.W. Whatley yesterday at noon. The happy couple left on this morning’s train for Kansas City where Mr. Williams’ parents live. Messers Littrell and Sheehan from the south part of the county had business with the Register of Deeds here Tuesday. The southside folks are beginning to awaken to the advantages of Cheyenne as a trading point. The establishment here of one of the largest firms in the southwest is attracting them and will continue to do so in spite of railroads.
A distressing accident occurred at the home of T.E. Howard last Thursday in which their infant boy was very seriously burned.They were doing the family washing by fire in the yard when the dress of the little one, who was playing about the fire, became ignited and in a moment he was enveloped in flames. The terrified mother smothered out the flames as soon as possible, but not before the boy was badly burned about the side and back. At the present time, the little fellow is doing well and will in all probability soon recover. Miss Alice Hendrix has located permanently in Cheyenne, and is prepared to do all kinds of artistic photography.
NOTICE: The accounts of Bert Strong have been placed in my hands for collection. All persons knowing themselves indebted will please call at my office in the court house, within ten days from date, and make a settlement. January 28, 1901. Otis E. Fletcher, Attorney. FINAL PROOF CLAIM: David Bassel on SE1/4 Sec 9, T13, 21W. DEATH: Mrs. T.R. Nelson died at her home on Buffalo last Sunday, leaving one boy and four orphaned children. BORN: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sheehan a 9 pound girl. Mr. and Mrs. John Stahl had a son.
March 8, 1901
NEWS ABOUT TOWN: A preacher named Johnson had his tent and household goods destroyed by fire last Sunday. The fire extended to the prairie and burnt off considerable country. Mr. A.O. Miller lost about 400 bushels of corn, besides other feedstuffs last Sunday from a prairie fire. The sheriff lodged two men in jail Sunday to answer a charge of stealing horses. Another prisoner was lodged in jail today charged with horse stealing. He was captured in Wichita Falls, TX.
The Rock Island RR Company is said to be making preparations to extend its line west through Cheyenne and on to Amarillo, TX.
A number of citizens who were thought to have been exposed to smallpox were quarantined some time ago. As no cases developed, they were released Wednesday. H.C. Harris, who left here for his old home in Alabama last fall, writes that he has been down the past month with bilious fever. The month of March has started out as if it is determined to keep up its reputation for blowing. The fame of Roger Mills County corn has extended clear down into southern Texas, and parties there have had their seed corn shipped from this place.
Mr. Crabtree, a resident of the Crowe neighborhood, was a guest of his niece, Mrs. O.H. Young. Some folks make certain improvements with the view of adding to their comfort, Scotty Falconer, one of our old-timers, says he has been compelled to throw comfort to the dogs and build anyhow, because he is being surrounded by neighbors. It is reported here that a colony of Mormons are in Day County. In March, 1894, two years after this county was opened to settlement the population was 1,023. Two years after, in 1896, it was 1267. In 1898 the population was 2262, and in March, 1900, it had jumped to 6173. Today there are probably over 8,000 inhabitants. The trousers of a lazy man always wear out at the same places.
March 15, 1901
BORN: Mr. and Mrs. H. Anderson a daughter. On Saturday last to Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Gray, a daughter. NEWS: Mr. and Mrs. Cowgil of Indianapolis, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Cowgil and Mrs. Collins are sisters. Very little business is being transacted by stockmen. Everybody seems to be waiting for grass before trading. Burgulars broke into G.F. Turner’s business house last Saturday night. Two suits of clothing were missing from the stock, but it is not known positively what if any other goods were taken. Frank Tatum, who lives on the Washita below town, was bitten by what is supposed to have been a mad dog, Thursday, March 7. He started to Texas Tuesday in search of a madstone. Several dogs in that neighborhood have died and the balance should be closely watched. What might have proved to have been a very serious fire broke out about noon in L.A. Beaty’s store. A quantity of sawdust and sand had been placed under and around the heating stove and this became ignited in some manner. As the fire was confined to the lower portion of this rubbish, it had eaten its way through the floor before being noticed. Luckily plenty of help was at hand and but little damage done. At this season of the year when most cisterns are low or dry, special care should be taken as there would be no telling where a fire would end after once gaining anything like headway.
There has been quite a number of horses stolen in our county, and adjoining counties. Those who lost them should not delay in giving information to the officers. By coming promptly to the sheriff and getting cards printed describing stock it is hardly possible for a thief to escape unless he gets into Texas before the mail can head them off. Even then the chances are good for recovery of property. With the horse thief capture at Wichita Falls last week, Sheriff Bullard recovered a stolen saddle and two horses. Mr. Lewis rusticating out on his farm for a few days.
DIED: The nine month old baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brazel died on Tuesday last. The child had attempted to swallow a grain of corn which became lodged in its windpipe and strangled it to death. The parents had started for El Reno but death overtook them at Hammon and the body was brought back and interred at this place.
You can buy your school books at Hutcheson Drugs. {Steve Lippencott reported having in the past found a bottle from Hutcheson Drugs Store, Cheyenne O.T.} Mr. Hutcheson returned earlier in the week bringing a pair of pedigreed dogs. A buggy team belonging to Frank Turner broke loose from a hitching post in town Tuesday and started off at a full gallop. The buggy struck another post which broke the tongue and the trace hooks, turning the team loose. The horses were captured before doing more damage. There are said to be about 100 tents erected on the townsite of Elk Creek, and others are arriving daily. It promises to be a lively place for a time. O.E. Fletcher returned yesterday from a trip to the Texas panhandle. J.W. McMurtry left yesterday for the new town of Elk. $3,000 has been offered and refused for a choice claim on the Washita which is at the rate of $18.75 per acre.
March 22, 1901
CHURCH NOTICES: The Baptist will hold services here on the second and fourth Sundays of each month with Rev. T.D. Penn, Pastor. The Methodist Episcopal Church South will hold services here on the first and third Sundays of each month. Rev. John H.D. Terrald, Pastor. Joel Prestridge gave notice of his intention to make final proof of his claim for the S1/2SE1/4 and S1/2SW1/4 Sec 21-14-23. His witnesses were Fredrick O. Leach, Herman O. Hass, Kirby Little, Fredrick Tunnard all of Cheyenne, O.T.
NEWS ABOUT TOWN: A protest has been filed against the issuance of license for the sale of liquor in the town of Elk, and the county commissioners have been called to meet next Wed. to act on same.Mrs. R.J. Bean as a curiosity in the hen line; or rather, a hen that produces curiosities in the way of eggs, the latter being about the size of pigeon eggs and without a yolk to them. Although the hen has been laying several months, all her eggs are of the above description. Mr. Beeks Erick, townsite manager for the Choctaw Railway filed in the Register of Deeds office Tuesday a plat of the new town of Elk. It is said that $19,000 worth of lots were sold in Elk on Monday last. Another town started on the Choctaw right-of-way, Mr. W.R. Hext, a stockman well-known here, being owner of the townsite. Cosmo Falconer, who has long enjoyed a local reputation as an artist, is beginning to attract general attention. The Kansas City Star has published numbers of his sketches and Cosmo last week filled an order for a private citizen of Kansas for a set of 12 pictures which will adorn his bachelor quarters.
F.E. Herring, Klebe Thurmond, Clarence Thurmond left for the new town of Elk on a business trip Wed. A telephone line will be erected between Cheyenne and the Choctaw Railroad. The citizens of our town have taken the matter in hand and will push the work at once.
A petition will be presented to the commissioner’s court at their next meeting asking that a public road be laid out between this place and Elk. N.J. Parsons arrived from Kentucky Wednesday. He will practice law in our county in partnership with O.E. Fletcher, with whom he has long been acquainted. DIED: Yesterday, at the Wilson Restaurant, Mr. C.N. Carter. Deceased had been in poor health for a number of years. AD: Seed potatoes, onion sets and garden seed at Herring & Young.
March 29, 1901
Marriage licenses have been issued to Mr. U.A. Hill of Arapaho and Miss Frances Marshall of Berlin, and to Mr. M.N. Morton and Miss Rachel Stevenson, and also to Mr. J.W. Keith and Miss Lucy Donathan of Texmo, O.T. Married on Monday last C.O. Hensley and Miss Jessie Brazell. Married on Friday, March 22, John Longaker of Crowe, and Miss Jessie Dempsey of Berlin. {Crowe was the postoffice at Elk City.}
The alfalfa fields in this neighborhod are looking remarkedly green and promising. A much larger acreage is expected to be in evidence next year as it has proven to be the best crop for our county from a financial point. It has always been troublesome to preserve, but one of our farmers has tried the experiment of stacking alfalfa with grass, putting alternate loads of each into a rick, and this method has proven such a success that it should be generally adopted. The young folks had a party at the residence of Dr. Johnson and wife last Friday evening. A young man charged with forgery was lodged in jail last week.
What has become of the Cheyenne Brass Band? Mr. Young of the firm of Herring & Young spent a couple of days in Weatherford on business. Prof. W.H. Brimberry, who has been teaching school in Day County, gave us a pleasant call Tuesday. He will attend normal school at Alva during the next three months. The celebrated Tom Smith “drunk” case resulted in a verdict of guilty Tuesday with a fine of $10 and costs, to which an appeal was taken.
BORN on Friday last, to Rev. T.J. Archer and wife a 10 pound son.A number of young folks went out to a party at Mr. Monroe’s last evening. The rain and hail last night did a large amount of good and put some fine drinking water into cisterns. Seventy-five houses are said to be in construction in Elk City. From present indications grass is going to be early this spring. The county commissioners after examining petitions signed by a majority of the resident tax payers of Elk Township issued the following liquor licenses: Sullivan Brothers, L.M. Whiteside & Co. and Story and Shafer of Elk City.
NOTICE: the annual examinations of applicants for public school diplomas will be held at Cheyenne, Thursday and Friday, April 4 & 5, 1901. The examination will begin at 8:30 o’clock. Those desiring to take the examination are requested to be on hand at that hour. W.B. Stovall, Superintendent. Notice is given by James Hensley of final proof of support of his claim for the W1/2SW1/4Sec27-and E1/2SE1/4 Sec 28-14-23 and witnesses were John Stahl, Clarence Thurmond, Gilbert W. Hodges and Oscar Thurmond of Cheyenne O.T. Notice is given by Charles Hensley of final proof of support of his claim for the W1/2SE1/4 and E1/2SW1/4 Sec 28-14-23. Witnesses were Clarence Thurmond, E.E. Tracy, Alfred Hitchcock and John Caffey all of Cheyenne O.T.
April 5, 1901
BORN: to Mr and Mrs. H.B. Price, a son. The soil is now in excellent condition for farm work, the heavy snow Monday having thoroughly moistened the earth. Work should be pushed from now on, it being generally safe to expect no frosts after Easter, but there is never a rule without an exception. There was a man shot at Elk City last Saturday. The injury was received whilst wrestling for possession of a six-shooter. W.C. Earnest has accepted a position at the Cheyenne State Bank. The owner of a black horse branded IL_ on left shoulder, with white streak in face, wire cut on right knee, 10 years old, can learn whereabouts of said animal by applying at this office and paying for notice.
Quite a number of our citizens left yesterday for Elk. The new town promises to be the headquarters for transacting the shipping business of Cheyenne, if a good road is found and laid out between the two points. Uncle Johnny Richerson has opened a wagon yard in Elk, he will catch all the oldtimers. A large quantity of fruit trees have been delivered here this week. Persons well qualified to judge state that the peach crop has not been seriously injured to date.
DIED: On Friday, March 29, at Berlin, Mr. F. Choat, an old resident of our county. A traveling show, owned by a blind man, took in many dimes during the week. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Beau Jones has sold his claim and will leave us for some place where he can have more room for his cattle. He has been a good citizen and the Sunbeam hopes that he will find a suitable location. A cyclone is said to have swept through Washita and Custer County last Monday, killing several persons and damaging a large amount of property.
Our commissioners court met Mon. They have a number of hard problems to solve, but they have evidently made up their minds to tackle and dispose of them in a business like manner. In this, they will step on someone’s toes and there will be a howl, but the vast majority of the taxpayers will sustain them. Fredrick Burns of RedMoon making proof of claim on land Sec6,14-25 with witnesses, Gilbert W Hodges, George Shufeldt, Cyrus L. Boyd, and Ben Anderson. In 1900 the last killing frost of the season visited us on April 12. We hope that it will not repeat its call this year as vegetation is much more forward this spring than last. D.L. Sleeper special agent of the US Land Dept., was transacting business Wednesday. The coming term of district court promises to be the longest on record, judging from the court docket.
In the new railroad town (Elk) water is found in abundance from 10 to 100 feet from the surface. The annual epidemic of spring fever has started in this neighborhood. A very heavy windstorm prevailed here last night,accompanied by light rain. The weather is cooler this morning, but not cold enough to injure vegetation. A prairie fire was raging in the heavy wind last night, and we expect to hear of considerable damage having been done. AD: Persons desiring to buy bulls should call on me at once as I will turn my bunch loose after 10 days.
April 12, 1901
BORN: On Saturday last to Mr. and Mrs. G.F. Bowers of Whiteshield a 10 pound boy. It is now being against the law to sell, give away or have in possession cigarette papers or cigarettes, a large quantity of same was destroyed by our merchants. Dr. Sweet, the El Reno Dentist, will visit Cheyenne Tuesday April 16.All persons wishing to have first class work done should call early. A mule buyer spent several days here this week and secured a number of animals. The heavy rains of the past week have thoroughly soaked the ground, filled the cisterns, creeks, rivers and everybody is hopeful of securing a better harvest than ever before.
Jeff Lowrance passed through town with a bunch of 500 cattle yesterday on his way to the ranch. The cattle had been wintered down below and are in good fix. The Thurmond brothers are delivering 600 head of yearlings to Mr. Lewis, a cowman who will take them to his ranch on the Upper Washita. There seems to be a great deal of uncertainty about the name of the new town on Elk Creek, and the matter should be straightened out. One name at a time ought to be sufficient. {author’s comment – In 1901Elk had been known as Crone, Crowe, Busch, and Elk} F.M. Allen, agent for the Lost Springs Nursery of Kansas, delivered a large bill of trees here during the week. R.L. Hutton and family have returned to their place on the Washita, after a short stay in the Texas Panhandle.
The Thurmond Brothers have contracted to deliver 900 head of three year old steers to parties in Gage next week. A number of mules wanted. Call on F.E. Herring, Cheyenne.
Owing to the rainy weather the road reviewers having in charge the location of a road to Elk could not start until yesterday. The prairies are beginning to look green, but for something real green you should hunt up an alfalfa patch. {Author’s note:The following is an update on the cyclone reported last week} The storm passed through the northern portion of Washita County, the home of John Rogers was completely destroyed by wind and fire resulting in the death of Mr. Rogers and serious injury of Mrs. Rogers and infant child. The supposition is that Mr. Rogers was struck by the stove and instantly killed, his neck being broken, and a great gash cut in his throat and chin. Mrs. Rogers was cut on the face and forehead, her arms and body being painfully bruised. The infant child had an ugly wound cut on its forehead.
A lengthy report was given of injuries and damage to house, farmhouses and churches, some of these in the Burns Community. {Today’s Burns Flat} At the April meeting – the county commissioners John E. Pullen, J.J. Tomlinson, E.G. Thurmond.
G.W. McCullom was appointed Justice of the Peace, Elk Township and bond was approved for him. Brands filed by L.A. Collins, Thomas Skeins, Bee Turner, C.A. Plummer, J.J. Tomlinson, J.L. Gilkey, D.W. Foster,A.B. Jamison and T.J. Grisham. Order recorded.
Bid of John H. Osborn to care for paupers for the sum of $23 per month accepted. Application of F.E. Herring for telephone right of way from Cheyenne to Elk City granted. F.E. Herring, Frank Banks and Gus Jones, appointed viewers on road from Cheyenne to Elk City. Tag Howerton gave notice of his intention to make final proof of his claim in Sec 20-14-22. Witnesses were Edward Holder, Thomas Archer, Poll Wood and William A. Perry all of Cheyenne. Go to the Canyon Springs Saltworks, Greer Co, Ok when you need cheap salt.
April 19, 1901
The road reviewers having in charge the laying out of the road from Cheyenne to Elk City report having found a very satisfactory road and their report will probably be adopted by the commissioners. The length of the road as surveyed will be 26 miles. In the commissioner’s proceedings published last week, there were a number of accounts published as disallowed. It should have been stated that said accounts were disallowed for want of funds and that they should be re-filed for further action of the court. MARRIED: On Sunday last, Mr. Arch Anderson and Miss J.E. Graves.{Later their daughter, Archie would become the first Old Settler’s Queen}.
Most of us were surprised on Wednesday morning by finding the ground covered with snow which had fallen during the night. Verily we have had all kinds of weather lately, and most of it has been of unfavorable character.
DIED: On April 2 at Driscall, OK, Murrel, the 5 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N.D.Wheeler, formerly of Sandstone, this county. Owing to sickness in his family Elder Randall was unable to be present at the quarterly meeting of the ME Church held here past week. Dr. V.C.Nelson, Dentist, will be in Cheyenne May 15, and will make his permanent headquarters here afterwards. Dr. Johnson having moved to his farm on Buffalo Creek, Milo Burlingame and wife have taken the house vacated by him. Mr. Nichols has moved to Elk having sold his house to William Bonner. Mr. T.C. Lewis who has been rusticating in the neighborhood of Pior (later became Doxey), says that a number of settlers there are making arrangements to raise crops without fencing their lands. These people will raise more trouble than crops and should imigrate to a herd law county before they go broke trying to do an impossibility. A warrant was sworn out Wednesday for two young men who had broken the law by shooting at each other. It is said that each of the culprits fired 18 times at his opponent without a hit on either side. Such a waste of ammunition should be punished. Mr. Jernigan from Bells Texas, has purchased a good claim 3 miles east of town.
Mr. Hay a newcomer in the Dead Indian Community died yesterday.He had been sick for several years. OK History Note: Sec. Jenkins has been appointed to succeed C.M. Barnes as Governor of Oklahoma. A very pleasant social gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burlingame last evening. The Elk City Democrat is the name of the latest candidate for public favor in the journalistic line. It is issued by Messrs. Mounts and Stevens, who announce that its politics will be Democratic, and that its columns will be devoted to the best interests of Elk City and Roger Mills County. A sharp frost Wednesday night knocked out what little hope we had for peach crop in this neighborhood. Mr. B.F. Rosser was in town yesterday. Speaking of the profits of raising hogs, Mr. Rosser said that he has one sow that has brought three liters of 14 pigs each during the past year and that he has sold over $200 worth of meat all of which came from these pigs. County Attorney Tracy, Sheriff Bullard and Attorney Fletcher left yesterday for Elk where some parties charged with gambling are on trial in the justice court.
MARRIED: This morning in the courthouse, Mr. Edwards and Miss Smith. FARM FOR RENT, HOGS FOR SALE, F. Tunnard . There are now 6 boarders in the County Jail. Quite a large amount of cotton will be planted here this season.We learn of one party what will put in 40 acres. We should have a cotton gin. Kiowa-Comanche Lands will be opened for settlement by lottery upon 60 days notice by the President of the U.S. Samson Curby filed notice of his intention to make final proof in Sec 30-14-22 and Sec 25-14-23. Witnesses were George W. Hutton, Charles E. Guernsey, John Caffey, James Rochelle Caffey all of Cheyenne, O.T.
April 26, 1901
This week’s news of 100 years ago tell of two tragic incidents which will touch your heartts even though you may not be acquainted with those involved. These stories show how much things have changed here in Roger Mills County in a mere 100 years and how much we have to be thankful. These stories cause one to reflect on the hardships our ancestors endured in paving the way for those of us who followed. The relavance of the first item will becaome clearn uponn reading a later article. I report these as they are recorded in the original issue.
LOCAL & PERSONAL ITEMS: I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors for their help and kindness in the last few days of my bereavement, and if there are any settlements to make with Dean call on me and I will settle. Signed J.F. Cunningham. The public school term at this place has expired. The youngesters had a picnic Wednesday. Parties were in from Day County yesterday after a coffin for the three year old child of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman. Death was caused by the bite of a rattlesnake. The child only lived 10 hours after being bitten. L.L. Collins is able to be up and about after a four weeks spell of inflammatory rheumatism. Will Akes had his food badly crushed on Sunday last whilst riding after a cow. His horse fell on him.
The Sunday school children of Cheyenne will have a picnic on May 15. Mr. Herring and Mr. Stevens have been appointed as a committee to select the site and Mrs. Hodges, Mrs. Dr. Miller and Miss Katherine Wallace will arrange a suitable program. At the Lone Oak School House, situated one mile east of Starvation Creek, in the southern part of this county, a Sunday School has been organized with 99 pupils. A public school is being conducted at the same place by Prof. Lone of Tennessee with an average attendance of 40 pupils. Deputy District Clerk Johnson has moved his family into the Huff residence on main street. The Thurmond brothers opened up their National Bank at Elk last Friday. Deposits to the amount of $40,000 were received the first day, which speaks well for the future of the bank and the reputation of its proprietors.
Roscoe Johnson has moved his family out to his claim on Starvation Creek. Mr. Hutcheson has let the contract for a new business house, which will be located on Broadway opposite his present stand. It will be 20 by 50 feet. {one might assume this is Hutcheson Drug} The site for children’s picnic has not been decided on. If it should be out in the country, ample preparations will be made for taking all the children out. W.T. Bonner will leave next Monday for a visit to his old home in Texas. He will take Miss Nene Alexander with him. The thermometer passed the 90 notch yesterday and straw hats are now in fashion. Cigarette smokers should not be allowed to enter a house or work on the farm. The past week has been unusally favorable for growing crops, and the prairies are now covered with a mantle of green, much to the comfort of both stock and owners. The public school having closed, Mrs. W.A. Young has moved her family back to the ranch. Mr. Hodges went to Canadian Thursday on business.
A FATAL FIRE: On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cunningham and their two children returned to their home from a visit to neighbors. Shortly after their arrival, Mrs. Cunningham who was in the cow lot, noticed smoke issuing from the house. Having left her six month old baby on the bed, she rushed in and secured the child which she found enveloped in flames, the bedclothes having caught fire in some mysterious manner. Snatching a pair of blankets, the frightened woman rushed out shrieking as she ran: “My baby! Oh my poor baby!” The child has received such serious injuries that it died that night. In rescuing the child, the mother’s clothes caught on fire but with great presence of mind, she wrapped herself and the child in the blankets and rolled on the ground until the flames were subdued. During this time the father had seen the smoke and heard the screams and was flying home. Arriving there, he found his wife enveloped in the blankets and shrieking, apparantly, for her child, which he supposed was still in the house. Rushing into the blazing room, the father searched the bed vainly for his child. As he entered the door closed behind him and the smoke was so dense that he had great difficulty in getting out again. In searching for the child in the bed, which was a mass of flames, his hands and other portions were terribly burned and he lingered in great agony until one oclock Monday night when he died. The horrible affair has cast quite a gloom over the community and much sympathy is expressed for the bereaved widow and other relatives. Mr. Cunningham was a young man just starting out in life with every prospect for future usefulness and happiness and his sad fate is greatly mourned.
May 3, 1901
On last Sunday evening, George W. Carr one of Day County’s cattleman was thrown from his buggy by a runaway, resulting in two fractured ribs and a number of very painful bruises. Mr. Carr had been giving Mrs. Ellen Clark and her cousin, Miss Sherpy a “spin” over town in the evening being a remarkably fine one, decided to extend the ride a short distance into the country. All went well, until, in descending a rather steep hill about three miles from town on the Gage Road, the harness proved defective and the buggy ran up on the horses heels. The team is a fiery one and they at once began kicking. Mr. Carr, fearing they would run, turned their heads toward the fence. They grazed the wire and on feeling the barbs, turned and ran the buggy into a ravine on the opposite side of the road, throwing the occupants forcably to the ground. Fortunately the ladies were only bruised and after washing the blood from the face of Mr. Carr, who was unable to move, ran to a nearby house for aid. The team was caught after a run of about three miles with the buggy practically unharmed; Mr. Carr was lifted into the rig and the ladies drove slowly back to town. Mr. Carr was badly bruised and jolted, but is getting along nicely now and will be about again as soon as broken bones begin to knit together.
Dr. Miller’s team broke loose from a hitchin’ post at the church house Sunday and ran into a fence, tearing the buggy up considerably. The Brazell brothers have sold their cattle and delivered them yesterday. A year ago, they purchased the bunch from Mr. Herring on time. They made over $900 by the transaction, without, the outlay of any other capital than their energy and good management.
BORN: To Rev. C.R. Roberts and wife, on Sunday, April 28, a son. W.M. Grimes from Parker Co, TX, and a friend of W.O. Mounts, has located in our neighborhood. MARRIED: On Wednesday last, Mr. Jacob Stacker and Miss Elsie Cooper, both of Berlin, Judge Houston presiding. Newt Jackson was acquitted by the court at Miami, TX.
The boys have imported a pair of boxing gloves and there have been several slugging matches that are liable to lead to trouble. A teacher capable of showing the difference between slugging and boxing should not take charge. The railing on the top of the court house has been loose for several months. Someday it will fall and possibly maime or kill someone. It should be repaired or taken off.
BORN: On April 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Anderson, a son. Several weeks ago we announced that all the peaches in this neighborhood has been killed by frost. This was a mistake. Without further damage, there will be a crop. There are only five prisoners in jail here now. Miss Ruth Fields has taken charge of the Berlin School. The local cattle market is very dull this spring, very few deals having been made. As the grass is now good, and sufficient to move cattle on, we look for a demand to spring up for yearlings in the near future.
A KILLING: On Sunday last, the officers brought in a Mr. J.P. Nowlin, a merchant of Carter, this county, and lodged him in jail to await examination on the charge of having killed W.E. Lowery, a blacksmith who had been doing business at the same place. It appears that Mr. Nowlin was annoyed sometime ago by discovering a card nailed to his store bearing the figure of a man hanging by the neck and intimidating that Mr. Nowlin had better leave the country within 10 days.Not having complied with this warning, in a short time afterward, on the 14th of April, his store building and its contents were destroyed by fire. Suspecting that Lowery was connected with the burning, he had the latter’s house searched by officers to see if there was anything there which would indicate the store had been robbed. This action was strongly resented by Lowery and increased the bad feeling which had existed between the two men for some time. On Saturday last, the two men met. Lowery demanded to know if Nowlin suspected him of burning his store, and if so, on what grounds. Nowlin replied that he did suspect him and that his reason therefore was based on his belief that the handwriting of the notice posted on his store building was that of Lowery. The latter immediately attacked Nowlin, cutting his head in 8 or 9 places with a pair of brass knuckles which he wore. In the struggle, Nowlin managed to get out his gun and shoot inflicting a fatal wound. The dead man also had a gun on his person. Both are married men with families. After the fight between the two men, a son of Lowery’s attacked Nowlin with a rock and was shot in the side by the latter, but not dangerously wounded. At the preliminary hearing held yesterday before Judge Houston, the prisoner J.P. Nowlin was discharged on the murder count, but was placed under $1500 bond to answer for shooting at the young man Lowery with intent to kill. The judgement of the court is fully endorsed by the crowd of spectators who heard the witnesses testify.
May 10, 1901
LOCAL & PERSONAL ITEMS: A hailstorm of unusual severity passed over the Croten Creek neighborhood last Thursday. Limbs were torn from fruit trees, crops pounded into the soil, and general destruction was rampant for about 20 minutes. On Saturday last, a man named Pilgrim was accidentally shot by his brother-in-law, who is named Yell. They were on their way home from Cheyenne and were about three miles out when old man Yell shot at a rabbit. As he shot, the team plunged. Just then, Yell, the son, fired at another rabbit, the load going into Pilgrim’s arm as he reached out to gather in the lines to hold up the team. The wound was in the forearm and is serious and may cause loss of the use of one hand.
Marriage licenses issued by Judge Houston on Saturday last to Mr. C.A. Wood and Polly Puryear of Grimes, and to Mr. J.P. Boatwright and Miss Lizzie Betts of Sandstone. The young folks had a pleasant gathering at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Burlingame Saturday evening. The Sunday School picnic will be held on Wednesday next in Mr. Beaty’s pasture on the banks of Sgt. Major Creek. The location is a beautiful one and adjoins the townsite.Its handiness for the town’s people will be appreciated by those having youngesters.The storekeepers of Cheyenne have agreed to close their place of business from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. so that employees may participate in the enjoyment of the occasion. A general invitation is extended to everybody to attend and bring their baskets of refreshments with them.
Mr. Herring, of the firm of Herring & Young returned from Elk Wed. Whilst at the new town, Mr. Herring purchases the entire stock of Mr. Lovey who has been in the Gents Furnishings business. The consideration was $4,000. Messrs Herring & Young will take charge immediately and will add a general line of merchandise just as soon as the goods can be got there. The establishment of a house on the railroad will be of great benefit to this firm, enabling them to handle orders for any class of goods with promptness.
A large number of citizens from Timber Creek have been in town this week in attendance on Probate Court. There have been wars and rumors of wars in that neighborhood for some time and the trouble has now got into court. On Wed. Mr. Deitrich was fined $5 and costs for cutting the wire around Mr. Curran’s farm and on Thursday a verdict of not guilty was entered in the case of Deitrich and Myler charged with fence cutting. The case of the territory vs. Curran for threatening Deitrich was also tried yesterday and the judgement of the court will be rendered today. There is also a case against Curran for wire cutting.
Newt Butler’s case for horse stealing was put off till the fall term at the court at Miami. He was allowed bail. Mr. Beaty is enclosing his alfalfa field with a hog proof fence. Elders Dunn and Nelson of the Christian Church will commence a series of meetings here on the night of May 8. Everybody invited. The railroad bridge at Canadian was damaged by high water early in the week, delaying trains for a short time. Board of County Commissioners met and apppointed G.W. Siefut for Justice of Peace for Berlin Township. Notice is given by Olie E. Boles of Texmo for final proof of his claim in Sec 34-15-21. Witnesses were: Christopher Roberts, James H. Fosburg, William C. Black, Thomas J. Styron, Texmo.
May 17, 1901
This section has been visited by several fine rains during the week. The people of Elk City have had a meeting for the purpose for considering the advisability of incorporating. It was almost unanimously decided to incorporate at the earliest possible time. There is to be a picnic at RedMoon on the 29th inst, to which all are invited. Dancing, tournament riding and all kinds of amusement will be in evidence and if you want to have a good time, you should attend. Mr. Donaldson of Hood Co TX, has purchased a claim near town and will stay with us. Owing to the heavy rainfall Wed, the Sunday School picnic was postponed. The school will select on Sunday next another date. There is a report that a man was killed in Day County last week by his neighbors, who claimed that he had poisoned their cattle. The District Court is set to commence tomorrow, but high water will probably interfere. There has been a decided improvement in the delivery of mail from Canadian since Mr. Wilson took charge. Mrs. Bullard’s parents are here from Indian Territory on a visit.
MARRIED: On Tuesday last, Mr. Dave Torbet and Mrs. I.B.Simpson, both of Sweetwater. Marriage License has been issued to Mr. Newton Dykes and Miss Almeda Thomas of Hammon: Mr. William Hewitt and Miss Alice McCollom this morning, both of Crowe (now Elk City). One of County Assessor Sanders’ cows fell to the bottom of a 35 foot well Monday. She was taken out and is apparantly none the worse for her experience. Miss Florence Thurmond has started home and is expected here tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Beard are expected back this evening – they have spent the winter at their old home in Ohio. The road workers will now have their hands full repairing washouts. FOR SALE: 75 cows and calves, 40 yearling steers, 30 yearling heifers. Apply to C.B. or Tage Howerton, Cheyenne, or Dick Howerton, Elk . Herring & Young are arranging to carry a full line of saddles and harness. NOTICE: Taxpayers are hereby notified that all taxes must be paid on or before the 15th day of June next or they will be delinquent. G.W. Hodges, County Treasurer.
May 24, 1901
District Court: Court opened promptly at 9 a.m. Monday with Judge McAtee and other officers present. The following were selected from those drawn to serve as Grand Jurors:W.W. Foster, A.C. Etter, Crowe; J.W. Younger, W.D. Witherspoon, W.T. Skien, W.T. Kent, Berlin; W.A. Beaty, J.R. Caffey, G.W. Hutton, A.L. Thurmond, Cheyenne; J.T. Turner, Ural; G.Graham, Poarch(east of Carter); A.B. Morton, J.N. Lilly, Hammon; G.W. Puryear, Sweetwater; A.W. Winegar, Pior(Doxey);T.K. Little.The petit jurors were as follows:C.Robinson, P.L. Blackman, A.M. Brewer, D.F. Roberts, A.E. Topper, Sweeetwater; J.T. Marshall, L.W. Drew, Charles Young, J.L. Wilson, Berlin; M.W. Box, S.L. McReynolds, A.L. Wells, Hammon; F.M. Bates, Kid Dobbs, Garrett Harrison, F.E. Herring, S.F. Maddux, M.J. Calvert, William Reed, John R. Hall, B.A. Monroe, C.M. Damron, Cheyenne; J.W. Cain, G.R. Simpson, H.H. O’Bryant, D.E. Watters, C.B. Dallas, W.G. Carter, Poarch(east of Carter); D.M. Parks, Pior(Doxey); J.S. Pettus, Canute; James Edward, Ural; J.E. Gilbert, Wash(South of Sayre); J.M. Rogers, J.R. Dick, C.L. Boyd no addresses.
Criminal Cases: O.T. vs. Robert Terrel – larceny dismissed; O.T. vs Keen – larceny dismissed; O.T. vs Pratt Smith, Oval Keen, William Whitehead, Walter Williams-larceny dismissed; O.T. vs. J.C. Yokum shooting with intent to kill, continued; O.T. vs. M.T. Lyle larceny, continued; O.T. vs. Mrs. Fred Caudill, shooting with intent to kill, dismissed; O.T. vs. Sam Rinker forgery dismissed; O.T. vs. P.C. Hughes, assault, fined $5 and costs; O.T. vs. Thomas J.Smith drunkeness, dismissed; O.T. vs. Ed Musgrave gambling, continued for term on motion of defendant; O.T. vs. M.M. Jackson, gambling fined $230 and ninety days in jail; O.T. vs. Dewitt Stone gambling dimissed; O.T. vs. Billie Brown gambling bond forfeited; O.T. vs. C.P. Pittman gambling bond forfeited; O.T. vs. M.F. Allred gambling fined $30 and costs; O.T. vs. George Dietrich passed; O.T. vs. J.H. Curran held under bond. D.W. Tracy , on demand of taxpayers vs. County Commissioners, dismissed.
LOCAL & PERSONAL ITEMS: Mrs. Hodges was very agreeably surprised Monday by the arrival of her sister who came from Texas with Mr. Bonny and Miss Nene. The reported lynching in Day County was not based on facts. Some unscrupulous rascal invented the story and sent it out over the wires. Some enterprising farmer should try a crop of cowpeas for fall pasture. A number of pastures in this country have become fowl with weeks. A few sheep kept on such places would soon remedy the evil. Notices have been placed in the court house notifying those in attendance that those spitting on the floor will be as follows: First offense fine of $1, second offense $2 and third $3. A good rule is stricly enforced. There was a water spout in the Elk Creek neighborhood last Friday, the creek rising eight feet in a few minutes, drowning a horse and mule. A large number of witnesses have been in attendance on court, crowding the hotel and boarding houses to their full capacity. Mr. and Mrs. George Sisson of Hammon, have gone to New Mexico where Mrs. Sisson goes for the benefit of her health. The Red Moon picnic has been postponed from May 29 to 30th. The public cemetery has been surveyed and laid off into suitable lots. Citizens who may desire to own a private burial place, may purchase lots at $15 each from the committee. For further information, call on J.H. Parrish.
A FATAL ACCIDENT: A sad accident happened on Tuesday last on the head of Croten Creek. A man named Stone was digging a well for Mr. McComb and had gotten down some 40 feet. Four curbings had been used, the earth being very loose sandy character. Whilst Stone was at the bottom, the pressure of the loose sand behind one of the curbs dislocated its joints and the sand began to pour in. Recognizing his peril, the man at once commenced climbing carrying with him a plank which he had just been using. He had climbed some 3 feet, and would undoubtedly had been able to ascend faster than the sand fell, but at this juncture, the plank caught on each side, barring his further progress, and the sand soon enveloped him. McComb, who had been assisting the unfortunate man immediately descended, by the aid of his wife, and dug some three feet of sand away before reaching the head of Stone. The latter was dead. Neighbors soon gathered and recovered the body, which was buried in the Cheyenne Cemetery Wed. Stone has been in the neighborhood some two months but little is known of him. He was evidently a man under a cloud of some kind. Although a hard worker, his education had been such as indicated that he had not always been a laborer. He left a fine library of books and some $16 in money. On his person was found a nickel and a Bible. Those acquainted with him say that he has always acted in a strange manner. He would prefer sleeping in an outhouse or stable to occupying a bed, and his food by choice, consisted mainly of bread and salt.It is supposed, from the character of the books left, that he had been connected with the legal profession at some time. D.F. Nichols notifies the public that he is now employed by C.P. Sneed of Elk City as a salesman.
May 31, 1901
LOCAL & PERSONAL ITEMS: Died–on Tuesday last, after two days illness with chlorea infantum, the one year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Shell Caffey. Madden Miller returned Tuesday from Ft. Worth where he had been attending college. Dr. Miller has resigned the position of County Superintendent of Public Health which he has ably filled for a number of years. Sheriff Bullard brought in a young man named J.W. Cates Monday and placed him in jail to answer for cow stealing. J.Y.Jones was committed to jail for one year for forgery, and Charles Fields was sent up for five years for attempting rape. These cases should have appeared in our report of the District Court proceedings last week. The owner of one bay mare, 15 hands, branded Bar ^1 on left thigh, and one bay horse, 14 hands high, branded XT on left thigh can hear of same by applying at this office.
BORN: On Saturday last to Mr. and Mrs. J.K. Reed, a son. When it comes to enterprise, H.D. Cox of this city can always be depended on to be in the front rank. There has been talk and more talk as to the advisability of putting in a cotton gin at this place, but nothing practical has been attempted. Now comes H.D. Cox, and without being sworn, duly deposes and sayeth: “Cheyenne will have a Cotton Gin, and a good one, ready to attend to the next crop.” And in this matter as in others-which have proven of much financial aid to our town, Mr. Cox deserves the support and thanks of our community.
A SHOOTING CASE: News came in Tuesday evening that Dr. McGee, living some 10 miles south of Berlin, had been shot and not expected to live. Later the following particulars were gathered from parties who came from that portion of the county: About an hour before sundown Monday evening Dr. McGee and wife were crossing from home to the house of a neighbor when two men drove in sight in a buggy. When these men got near enough to recognize the doctor, one of them, a young man named Olan Chafin got out and entered a draw near which the doctor would pass, and waited until he got within shooting range. As soon as the doctor saw the man, he turned and commenced to run back home. As he ran, Chafin fired four or five times with a Winchester, one shot taking effect in the back and going through his lung. The two men then left, driving to Boggy Creek that evening, and putting up for the night at the home of Mr. Goff, who furnished them with blankets made them a shakedown in the yard. The next morning Chafin’s body was still in the blankets but the spirit had flown. It is supposed that after the shooting he had taken poison. At the last term of District Court, it appears that Dr. McGee had preferred charges against Chafin for killing a pony belonging to the doctor. This charge no doubt was the cause of the killing. Chafin was a comparatively newcomer here but was highly spoken of by his neighbors, who expressed themselves openely that they don’t believe he was guilty of the crime charged by the doctor.
J.H. Jones, one of the solid stockmen of the Panhandle Country is here receiving cattle. I have at my place on the Washita, one thoroughbred, Maltese Jack, which I will stand for the season at $8 to insure. Charles Guernsey FOR SALE-42 head of stock cattle. Can be seen 3 ½ miles from town. George Campbell, E.F. Stevens, Agent.
Letter to the Editor: Gentlemen: One week ago we employed a man to go over the telephone line from Canadian to Cheyenne which trip costs us$ 18.50, materials $6. We have a report from him today that certain farmers of Rush Creek refused to allow him to repair the telephone line through their places and serve notice on him that they would tear the line down if it was not moved outside of their fields in ten days which will require a move of about three miles. Now we will not move this line for the accommodation of these people without a guarantee from the business men of Cheyenne that they will see this telephone line protected and kept in repair from Shaw’s place to Cheyenne. We will take down this portion of the line first, sell it and divide the proceeds among the stockholders. It is a losing deal for us anyhow, a constant source of aggravation and we will stand it no longer. As you know it is a thickly settled country through there, a man on every 160 acres of land and we will stand it no longer, and will not be moving telephone lines to suit the convenience of every new man who hits that section of the country. We must have an answer from you on or before June 5, or we will put our men in the field to take down that portion of the line and pile up the materials. Yours respectfully, Geo. Gerlach, Manager of C&C Telephone Co.
June 7, 1901
LOCAL & PERSONAL ITEMS: J.B. Freeman of Timber Creek is in town hobbling around on crutches having experimented in wood chopping. Mr. and Mrs. Cox desire to thank the people who have helped and sympathized with them since Mrs. Cox met with an accident on Sunday last. She was returning from a visit to her daughter who lives just south of town. In descending a hill, her horse became unmanageable and started on a run. At the foot of the hill, there is a gully and when the buggy struck there, Mrs. Cox was thrown violently to the ground. Luckily no bones were broken or serious injuries sustained. Frank Dawson of the Elk City area received ugly wounds in his forehead and hand by the explosion of a gun whilst wolf hunting last week. The trial of Russell in connection with the McCree shooting has been in progress in Justice Court the last week. As the testimony is being reduced to writing it is a slow business as well as expensive. The party charged with rape, and whose preliminary trial was had last week, was discharged. The prisoners committed to the penitenary at the end of court are still here. They had to be vaccinated and held for 15 days.
The Sweetwater country is rapidly developing into a fine farming community. About all the land is taken and most of it is being improved. Good soil and plenty of water are features that attract in these days of prosperity, and there seems to be an abundance of money to back the enterprising settlers who wish to make the prairies bloom.
Will Ingram, a sport, whilst temporarily insane from the effect of heavy drinking got after three strangers in Mangum last week and unloaded a shotgun after them. One man received 30 birdshots in each leg whilst each of the others escaped with slight wounds.
A company is being organized for the purpose of establishing a sanitarium in Roger Mills County at some point on the railroad, probably at Elk City. Such an institution would be of great benefit to those of our citizens living where there is no doctor handy, as patients can be moved to the hospital and have the benefit of skilled nurses besides constant supervision by physicians. Dr. Standifer is the head of the movement, and with his customary energy, is pushing the project to successful issue.
FOR SALE: One quarter of deeded land in west Day County OK, on what is known as Eller Flat on the South Canadian River. This land is all level except one corner and it has lots of running water on it, has a four room box house, smoke house and chicken house all covered with shingles; good grainery, crib, stables, sheds and cow houses. A fine vineyard, orchard and grove of timber consisting of walnut, black locust, mulberry, cottonwood, 8 acres in all. Good well of soft water at door. All fenced with cross fence with 4 wires, also lease right on the school section joining this section on the east, has a good 4 wire fence with good running water, enough for 500 head of cattle. There is about 250 acres of good farming land on it, good grass on all of it, with lots of good shade trees, this is the finest farm there is in western OK, price $2500.00, can give possession of house and orchard at any time, balance January 1, 1902. Also 15 cows and calves at $30, 20 dry cows at $20 each, 15 yearling heifers at $15 ea. W.H.Nowlen, Antelope OK. Sheriff Bullard has purchased the Fitzgerald place in town and moved. H.D. Hutchinson has moved his drugs into his new building on Broadway.
June 14, 1901
LOCAL & PERSONAL ITEMS: DIED: Saturday night, June 1 at the residence of her parents on Indian Creek, Mrs. W.H. Sullivan, age 23 years. MARRIED: On Sunday evening at the ME Church, Mr. Lonnie Parrish and Miss LadyBelle Waters. Rev. Penn officiating. BORN to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Maddux a nine pound boy. The folks on Dead Indian are proud of their literary society which meets at the school house every two weeks. Cheyenne State Bank has been refitted with new furniture and now presents a handsome appearance.
A new town is to be started on Long Creek by the railroad townsite people. It will be near the eastern line of our county.
Fine large catfish are being caught in the river every time we get high water.Mr. and Mrs. Casady spent Sunday visiting their son on Beaver Creek. Mr. McMurtry received information Monday that his father-in-law died last week in his home in Illinois. The deceased was 80 years old. T.B. Jernigan of Bells County is here on a visit to his son, who is located north of town. A shooting scrape happened Sunday evening at a dive just east of town. Deputy Sheriff Hatley attempted to take a gun from Frank Turner when the latter resisted. Each fired one shot, but no damage resulted. Turner claims to have authority as Deputy Constable, to carry a gun. A serious affray occurred in Elk City last Saturday, a quarrel over a dog led to a fight in which a man named Bud Craft received a dangerous cut in the stomach from a knife yielded by Willis Wilson. After receiving the injury, Craft knocked Wilson down with a piece of scantling and inflicted several dangerous wounds on his head. Two other men became implicated in the fracas and received numerous bruises. All of them were arrested. Mr. Jacob Beard has purchased the old saloon building owned by Mr. Bert Strong which he will use for the post office. Price paid was $400.
Complaint was made by an old crippled man named Welch against a young fellow named Manning charging the latter with assault. Complaintant who is 78 years old, brought in the bludgeon with which he was struck. It was large enough to kill an ox. The parties live in the Sweetwater neighborhood. Total assessible value as returned by the County Assessor showed property to the value of $250,722.00.Three or four weeks ago, a young man from the country secured a marriage license from Probate Judge Houston. This week the license was returned, the young man reporting that the girl had gone back on him. The license was marked “not served”, and filed away. A wife beating case comes before Judge Houston tomorrow. This being the first case of the kind in our county there will be a large attendance. Sheriff Bullard and Deputy Bright left Tuesday with two prisoners for the penitenary. From the assessors returns we learned that there are in Roger Mills County 6,302 horses with an average value of $17.20; 1594 mules with an average value of $29.60; 37,230 cattle at $12.14; 302 sheep and goats at $1.93; 4283 swine at $3.20.
AD: G.F. Turner, proprietor of the only exclusive dry goods house in town, has secured the service of S. Jackson as manager and J.W. Kimbell as bookkeeper. These gentlemen will take pleasure in showing you through the well equipped establishment, and hope to secure your patronage by polite attention, fair dealings and low prices. The greatest and grandest Fourth of July ever enjoyed in Roger Mills County, will be witnessed at Red Moon, O.T. This is a natural place for such a celebration beneath the broad boughs of acres of lovely elms, on the banks of our lovely Washita; nature’s place, and nature’s best people behind the project. Come one come all for one hundred miles around and we will entertain you in a royal manner. Eminent and able speakers will be here to read afresh the historical Declaration of Independence and glorious results down to the present time and why we love the “Stars and Stripes”.
All kinds of modern amusements will here be witnessed such as pony racing, slow horse and mule races, sack races, tournament riding, foot races and other sports with purses for winners, ranging from $25 in moderation down for two days, the 4th and 5th of July. The people of all Roger Mills and Day Counties, OK and adjacent panhandle country are all cordially invited to give us their presence, and we will give them no cause to reject coming, but, on the contrary, they will carry away with them happy hearts and a never to be forgotten Fourth of July. Plenty of well roasted beef will be issued out free on the campground. General Standing Committee–Chaarge Day Affairs: G.E. Shufeldt, George Young, C.L. Shufeldt, L.T. Rupert, J.H. Shufeldt, Richard Cann, James Wilson, Charles Winn, Wayne Tackett, C.B. McGough, W.H. Anderson, L.A. Anderson, Claude Berends.
June 21, 1901
LOCAL & PERSONAL ITEMS: Marriage license was issued to V.C. Ward and Miss Ada Ellis of Elk Creek, Saturday and married on Sunday. Mr. John Caffey reports the arrival of a brand new girl at his home, that is; it was brand new about four weeks ago. Frank Turner was fined $25 and costs in probate court on Monday for carrying a six shooter. The Fourth of July will be celebrated in Cheyenne. The money has been subscribed with which to buy 5 beeves for barbequing and other purposes and those who want to have a thoroughly enjoyable time should attend. Mr. J.Jones is here again from the Panhandle purchasing yearling steers. He has secured quite a large number which will be driven to the Jones Brothers Ranch. Mr. Lonnie Parrish is having a residence erected on the east side of town. Sheriff Bullard and Deputy Bright returned from Lansing, Kansas Monday. They report that Roger Mills crops look better than any they saw in eastern OK or in Kansas.
The thermometer passed the 100 mark here last Tuesday. It is the present intention to kill 5 beeves for the barbeque here on the fourth, but if it is seen that more will be required, they will be forthcoming. We are going to have enough for everybody. The Masonic Picnic next Monday promises to be a success. A lovely spot about ½ mile south of town has been selected where there is an abundance of fine shade trees. In the reported wife beating case which came up last week, the wife refused to give incriminating evidence and the man was discharged. There is to be a Fourth of July celebration at Red Moon, Cheyenne, Sweetwater and Elk City. Surely everybody should have a good time to have such a list of places to select from. There will be a large crowd at each place. Mr. O.H. Young and family will move to Elk City next Tuesday to take charge of the Herring and Young business there. We are sorry to lose them; they have made many friends here during their short stay. AD: $3500 buys 1920 acres of good land. Plenty of running water, hay land and shelter, also lots of farming land. Inquire at this office.
The Sweetwater community is in a state of ferment over the herd law question. Some of the people there are determined to attempt to raise crops without fencing, claiming that they have a right to take and hold for damages all stock which may trespass on their unfenced fields. These folks have gone so far as to build a pen in which it is proposed to hold all such stock as they may catch. Of course the owners of stock are not going to allow this program to be carried out without a fight, and in a few days, the ball will open. Money will be wasted by both sides, hard feelings will be generated between neighbors and possibly bloodshed will follow. All this, too, over the lack of a few dollars for fencing. One-half the amount which will surely be spent if violence is resorted to would more than pay for the needed fences, and it would be the part of reason for those interested to do the fencing rather than accept the consequences of a violation of the law. These troubles are always brought on a community by some bull headed ignoramous who has neither respect for himself or neighbors and whose presence is a curse to any county. They are all not graingers, either; there are just such men in every walk of life, they form part of the white man’s burden, and should be handled with care and firmness. The people of this county have declared by their vote that free range at the present time, is what they desire, and this sentiment should be respected until the people at large decide otherwise. If the election at which this decision was given was illegal, there is a proper way to have it so declared and another election ordered; but, legal or not, no man is justified in setting himself up as a law breaker because the laws were not made just to his liking. Looked at from any standpoint, there is no excuse for the man whom maliciously maimes and harrasses dumb brutes, and all such should be arrested and punished. The man who depends on his dogs and rifle to protect his property, shows that he has little faith in his claim in being a just one or he would leave it for the courts to decide. The Sweetwater folks would do well to get together and settle their differences amicably.
NOTICE: It will be impossible for me to grind any more corn for the public before September 1 on account of fuel. H.D. Cox. GASOLINE – $.25
June 28, 1901
Mr. T.C. Lewis has returned from a two weeks trip to his ranch, where he is having extensive improvements made. The Cheyenne Boys took the cake at Berlin Saturday night, but it costs them $21.00. Mr. Ford is now assisting in the Herring & Young Store. Mr. and Mrs. Creagor have gone to housekeeping in the Huff house on main street. Senator J.B. Harrison and Col. R.B. Forrest have been invited to deliver addresses at Cordell on the 4th. Deputy Sheriff Hatley was bound over Monday to await action of the Grand Jury in the Turner-Hatley shooting scrape.Judge Houston issued marriage licenses to the following couples last Saturday: Thornton Stanley and Miss Jessie Brown of Elk City; Arch Rowsey and Miss Willie Morton of Hammon; J.P. Moody and Miss Jewel Boyd of Redmoon; Ninety five wagons loaded with grading tools passed through Elk last Sunday for the Texas line, where work will be commenced right away, and the grading completed to Amarillo. A telephone line is being constructed between Cheyenne and Elk City. There will be a ball in Cheyenne on the night of July 3 with Professors Bryan and Dewey in charge of the music.
A sudden death: J.B. Martin who purchased a claim on the Washita about three miles west of Cheyenne last spring, died suddenly on Wednesday. The deceased had been ailing about a month and had been warned by his attending physician against necessary exertion, as he was afflicted with heart trouble. Wednesday evening he desired to move a hog from one pen to another and was in the act of lifting the animal with the intention of carrying it, when his son interposed, saying that he could fasten a rope to its foot and drive it much easier. Mr. Martin struggled with the animal, however, and he succeeded in lifting it, when he fell back and died almost instantly. His wife and children were the witnesses to the terrible scene. The deceased came from Corsicana, Texas and he and his family had made many friends here since his arrival.
Letter to the Editor: Sweetwater, OK June 26: Not having seen anything in your most highly appreciated paper from this part, we decided to drop you a few lines. We are needing rain badly. Some crops have take the wings of the morning and have disappeared. Corn is twisting up badly in the heat of the day and cannot last much longer without rain. Our people are in a very unsettled condition over the question of herd law. There are some trying to enforce it before it gets here. The stockmen are just waiting for the final decision, making their arrangements to cross the line into the banner state, the Lone Star. In our imagination, when they leave and crops happen to fail, we see Roger Mills a very desolate place.
The Old Settlers are making arrangements to celebrate the 4th by having a barbeque with various kinds of amusements. They are very anxious that all who may come will enjoy themselves while at the same time they are greatly puzzled as to how many beeves they will need, as it is a debatable question among them whether or not their herd law brethren will eat beef! Some claim that if they were to judge them by their acts, that they believe beef only fit for dogs, but it is our opinion that they will, for it is frightening to see them eat clabber. There is decidedly a new kind of grasshopper at work on some cornfields; we believe them to be the old time locusts that John the Baptist eat in the wilderness of Judea. There was one killed here that weighed 300 pounds. Parris Green is a dead shot for them. Signed Rustic
Jacob Buchmann has a stray horse on his place, sec 4, 14-21, Canute. Found one bay bald face mare about nine years old, four white feet, brand illegible, animal not broken. A.G. Gray, County Clerk. Allen Jones of Cheyenne, O.T. made final proof on his claim NW1/4 34, 13-22. Witnesses: Gilbert W. Hodges, Joseph Casady, William A. Bright, Erasmus K. Thurmond, Cheyenne. Henry Caudle and Jasper Arnold proved their claims.
July 5, 1901
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Guest of WildHorse, a daughter. A carload of horses and mules were burned to death at Weatherford, OK last Thursday night. Married on Sunday last, at the residence of the bride’s parents on Timber Creek, W.O. Mounts and Miss Lucille Chaffin, Rev. J.P. Jones, pastor of the Timber Creek Church officiating. Dr. T.E. Standifer and family left for Elk City last Tuesday and Dr. John Standifer has moved into the residence formally occupied by his brother. H.D. Cox has received his cotton gin plant and will have it in operation as soon as the crop comes in. T.L. VanVactor has taken charge of his office as Supt of Public Instruction. The post office has been moved into the building next door to the Cheyenne Motel.
A painful accident happened last evening to the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Ernest. The child got hold of a bottle of carbolic acid and poured the burning fluid on its head, face and arm, making painful but not dangerous sores. It is thought that no permanent disfigurement will result. At the examination of teachers last Friday and Saturday, there were eleven applicants all of whom passed. S.Jackson, Oscar Simpson, A.L. Baldwin, Ellen Davis, W.B. Stovall received first grade. Mae Slane, Edith Franklin, Effie Wade received second grade. Carrie Owenbey, Edna Huett and Mae Cunningham received third grade. The hot dry weather is having a bad effect on the crops and everyone is looking anxiously for rain. Mr. Fletcher has rented the old post office building and will use it for a law office. Mr. S.A. Wallace and Mr. Ray have gone on a land hunting trip in Texas. The telephone line between this place and Elk City will be in operation in a few days. The office will be in Hutchison’s Drug Store. Notice was given for incorporation of Elk City.
Strayed or Stolen: $25 for recovery for one sorrel horse, 16 hands high about 10 years old, rough made shod in front, unbranded. One sorrel mare, 15 hands high about 7 years old, unbranded.One paint pony 14 ½ hands high branded BE on right shoulder. A. Miller. Unclaimed letters at the post office: July 1, 1901 Mrs. Hallie Corbin, Matt Dye, Mrs. Bell Anderson, Jackson Hill, William Wood, N.R. Tipton, Riley Dird, Lee Guffin, A.J. Owens, J.L. Mackey, J.J. Mitchell, Mrs. Carl Kent, A.W. Setseratk, Miss Emma Partridge, J.S. Pettus, signed Jacob Beard, postmaster, J.R. Johnson, Assistant.
July 12,1901
Mrs. Burlingame, Mrs. Colburn, Miss McDonald and Sanford Watley left for Canadian Monday morning. Large quantities of fish have been caught in the Washita lately. The boys get after them with pitchforks. Annual school millage of 7 ½ mills is to be voted upon. The county jail is being enlarged by an eight foot addition on the west end, necessitated by the crowded and unsanitary conditions of the original building. The county has erected a temporary hospital for those afflicted with contagious disease. The building is located on the east side of town. A petition is being circulated for a division of school district No. 1. The trouble with our county at present is that we have too many small districts with smaller schools.
A case was up in the probate court Monday which created some amusement for the public. Over in the Berlin neighborhood there are some folks living who do not bear good feelings to each other; in fact they do not speak as they pass by. On or about the 20th day of May, one of these individuals passed by the residence of another with whom he was “at outs”. Seeing a team standing near the house, he yelled “whoa” and then, when the owner came running out, laughed boisteriously and went on his way. No doubt pleased with the joke he had played. But the jokee didn’t laugh; he was hot, and proceeded to call on the law for protection of such a cruel disturbance of the public peace. After sweltering in the court house nearly all day Monday examining witnesses, making speeches, etc., the lawyers for the defense and prosecution left the case with the jury and the latter after a lengthy consultation agreed to disagree and were discharged.The case will come up again in a few days and will probably provide more fun for the public and more hardship for the witnesses.
John D. Taylor has had his Deaf and Dumb Barber Shop re-decorated and furnished in an artistic manner adding much to the comfort of his customers. In front of the Canadian Court House, Mr. John Leonard and Miss Mattie McDaniels who are first cousins were married while sitting in their wagon by Judge Hopkins. First cousins cannot obtain a marriage license under Oklahoma laws. The Canadian River in Day County has gone dry and cattle are said to be suffering. The Day Progress says that there is not a church in Day County and that Sunday Schools are few and create little interest. Some of our local fisherman caught some shad Tuesday from the Washita. This was the first indication that this fish existed in the river.
The telephone line between here and Elk City is now in operation. What a pity that some of the heat cannot be preserved for next winter.(Those thoughts are being expressed even today!) Assessed value for Roger Mills Co is $950,000. The commissioners voted to operate the county on a budget of $24,624.00. Final Proof by George Graves on NE1/4 24-14-24, Witnesses: Matthew H.Denniston, Arch Anderson, Lafayette A. Anderson, George E. Shufeldt (Dwyane Roark) Final proof by John H. Beasley on NW1/4 38-14-24, Witnesses: Arch Anderson, William Dewey, Atlas Hall, Matthew H. Denniston. (Russell Calvert)
July 19, 1901
A very acceptable shower of rain fell in this neighborhood last evening, and there are indications that more will follow today. We are sorry to learn that Boss Herring has again broken his arm. Mr. and Mrs. Chaffin are visiting their daughter, Mrs. W.O. Mounts. Mr. Jernigan has sold his claim to Mr. Creagor. A verdict of not guilty was rendered by a jury in the “Capital Whoa” case. The case of the Territory vs. Fess Holden for cutting off the tale of a blind man’s dog came up again Tuesday and resulted in a hung jury. The case will be tried again in September. Some malicious person or persons took about 500 yards of Dr. Standifer’s fence last Monday night. Born on Friday last to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Guernsey, a son. Roasting ears were brought to town last Saturday, the first of the season. A load of watermelons were also on sale but they were not ripe. The following cattle have been shipped to market from this neighborhood during the week: L.T. Bowman 400 head; J.M. Evans 150; Thurmond Bros. 450; Charles Hensley 2 cars; George Hutton 2 cars.
Commissioners John E. Pullen, J.J. Tomlinson, E.G. Thurmond; Undersheriff W.A. Bright, County Clerk A.G. Gray met July 1, 1901. Petition asking for incorporation for the City of Elk City, granted and ordered that an election be held on the 15th day of July, 1901at the office of the Choctaw Townsite Company, in Elk City where the legal voters will cast their ballots for or against incorporation. W.O. Mounts, Register of Deeds; R.K. Houston, Probate Judge; B.M. Foust Justice of the Peace; J.N. Arnold, Justice of the Peace, W.B. Stovall, County Superintendent; G.W. Hodges, County Treasurer; D.W. Tracy, County Attorney; Sheriff A.J. Bullard; Appointed deputies: L.E. Hatley, L.L. Hatley, D.C. Ramsey.The board accepts a proposition of Reed &Shaffer, of Norman, O.T., for burial of insane from April 1, 1901 to January 1, 1903 for $12.50 each. Brands filed by George H. Hearn, Mary I. Hall, J.M. Miller, C.D. Nichols, A.L. Baldwin, J.C. Howard, C.M. Welch, C.W. Atwood. Road petitions by Paul Ochne, W.F. Foster, M.F. Pruet, D.B. Burckhalter, J.F. Bradley, George M. McCullom, J.H. Morgan, Jim Brazzell, H.A. Russell, Jim Caffey.
T.B. Cree filed his resignation as Treasurer of Cheyenne Township and board appointed A.O. Miller in his stead. The board divided the county into range districts. County Supt. V.O. VanVacter’s bond was approved.School district No. 4 had a school assessment $295, District 28 had $1100.00. Following claims disallowed: J.A. Maddux .75, M.J. Calvert .75, S.F. Maddux .70, W.W. Anderson .50, J.L. Little .90,W.T. Peace 298.50. Claims allowed: Jurors fees J.R. Richerson, J.E. Turner, T.K. Little,George W. Puryear, J.W. Younger, A.B. Morton, A.L. Thurmond, J.R. Caffey, W.A. Beaty, Kidd Dobbs, F.E. Herring, J.R. Dick, William Reed, J.M. Calvert, et al, receiving $2.90 to $9.50 for services. J.D. Clay pauper’s coffins claimed $70, allowed $40 .C. Coffee tent for smallpox patient, $6. C.C. Hughes nursing smallpox patient $24, allowed $10. Blosser nursing smallpox patient. Maggie Cox washing for prisoners, $5.60.J.K. Reed delivered election supplies $16. Election Board: H.B. Bradford, F.O. Leaeb, Gus Jones, James Perry, Sam Farmer, James Goodwin, Winter Stephenson, David Bassell. C.B. Thompson boarding prisoners $6. The following claims were disallowed for want of funds: Dr. Standifer $412, Dewitt Stone, M.D. $70, S.R. Richerson $11.83. Board adjourned.
AD: Go to Beatys and get a can of Cream Foam Baking Powder and a chance for a grammophone for .25. Estimate of needs for the county for next year was $24,624.00. School Fund was 1 mill. Poor and Insane Fund 2 mills.
July 26, 1901
Final Claim to Land – John Caffey, Witnesses: A.A. Hitchcock, Arthur L. Thurmond, Oscar Thurmond, William A. Beaty. News has been received here that Simon Potter and Charley Hackett, former residents of our county, were murdered at Weed, N.M. recently. Horse racing was at the bottom of the trouble, Potter being shot from his horse whilst riding it in a race and Hackett being killed ongoing to Potter’s assistance. Mr. Wallace and Mr. Ray have returned from their trip to Texas, having failed to find any better country than this. Mr. Maddux is being visited by two of his brothers from Parker County, Texas. They will probably remain with us.
Deputy Sheriff Bright is playing a lone hand, Mrs. Bright being away visiting. Mrs. Harvey of Fort Worth, Texas is here visiting her parents, A.O. Millers. 23 converts to the Baptist faith were baptized in Dead Indian Creek last Sunday as a result of the meeting which had been in progress there sometime. A rainstorm which flooded the streets and filled the cisterns visited us yesterday. It was a trashmover!! A.S. McKinney has been laid up.
The total number of persons registered at El Reno and Lawton up to Tuesday evening was 131,875 for the land lottery. They expect 160,000. Mr. Reeves thinks he will get number 1 at the final drawing just because he don’t care whether he gets any number or not.
Judging from reports from farmers the yield of corn per acre in our county will run from 0 to 50 bushels.
Marriage licenses: W.W. Foster and Mrs. M.E. Knight of Elk City. Alfalfa has been holding its own during the hot summer. Raise alfalfa. The OK Agriculture Experiment Station has a small amount of each of the following standard varieties of wheat for sale to Ok wheat farmers who wish to give them a try: Fulcaster, Red Russian, Fultz, Turkey, Sibley’s New Golden and Wisenburg. Limit 4 bushels per person at .90 per bushel. Brands filed: L.P. Beeman, J.L. Reeves, G.W. Dykes, P.Wood. AD: S.R. Richerson, dealer in general merchandise, Berlin, O.T. Full stock of new goods at low prices.
August 2, 1901
LOCAL AND PERSONAL: School Board of the Cheyenne District have secured the services of Prof. Johnson as Principal and Misses Fields and Slane. James R. Woods of Weatherford was the lucky drawer of number one in the Lawton district and Steven C. Holcomb of Pauls Valley secured number one in the El Reno District. {This was for the land lottery of the Wichita-Caddo Lands and the Kiowa-Comanche Lands. There were 170,000 registered for the drawings in El Reno and Ft. Sill. After the Indian allotments and school and publiclands had been reserved, there was only enough acreage for 13,000 homesteaders. The rest of the 170,000 people were disappointed.}
Corn prices will be high at least a year and those who made one-half a crop will make money. D.F. Nichols of Elk City have been spending the week here. Steps should be taken to severely punich the brutes who are shooting and maiming livestock in this neighborhood. Mr. Beaty has had several cows horribly mistreated. The hide was cut through to the bone just below the horns in front and then torn down so that it would hang over the animals’ eyes making it impossible for them to see. Hanging is too good for the brute who performed a fiendish act!
Those of our citizens who are fond of “home-raised spuds”, should leave an order for their winter’s supply with G.W. Hodges who has made expensive preparations for a crop by investing $27.50 in a set of plow harness and has planted four rows nearly ten yards long. G.W. says that if he raises any they will be comparatively cheap as he performed the labor himself; whereas had he hired help, he would be out more than $27.50 and would still be minus the harness.
The local cattle market has taken quite a slump owing to everybody to cut down their herds. Now is the time to buy if you have feed and range. Miss Flora, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Thurmond, met with a painful accident Monday by walking into a pile of hot ashes. Her foot was severely burnt but no permanent injury sustained. A traveling horse jockey took some of the boys spare cash Saturday with a fast pony. DIED on Sunday last, Mr. Gus Brewer of the Buffalo neighborhood. O.E. Fletcher has returned from his trip to the panhandle, where he went for the benefit of his health. Mr. W.W. Anderson has had a number of his cattle poisoned. Joe Miller and family have moved out to their ranch on Current Creek. The post office has been fitted up with new furniture. Mr. E.E. Tracy has moved his family to town. Married on Saturday last at the office of Judge Houston Mr. James Henslee and Miss Martha R. Yandell both of Wash.
Herring and Young had for sale bluing, hay forks, mowers and rakes, clothing, shoes and fruit jars. Final Proof of Land: Joseph Beasley on SW1/4, 28-14-24, witnesses: Arch Anderson, William Dewey, Atlas Hall, Matthew H. Denniston all of Cheyenne. James H. Parrish on SW1/4 , 6-13-23, witnesses: Erasmus Thurmond, James Casady, Samuel Wiley, Joseph Casady all of Cheyenne. George W. Graves on NE1/4,34-14-24, witnesses: Matthew H. Denniston, Arch Anderson, Lafayette Anderson, George Shufeldt all of Cheyenne. Winter E. Stevenson on NW1/4,9-12-22 with witnesses: John Joyce, Horace Clemons of Cheyenne, William Lehme and Festus Hefferman of Berlin.
August 9, 1901
Notice in the Aug 9 1901 Sunbeam: Having purchased the drug business formerly held by H.D. Hutcheson, I beg to announce that I will continue to handle none but the best, and that Mr. T.C. Lewis, the druggist, will remain in charge of the prescription department. Soliciting your patronage. Respectfully Scotty Falconer.
W.B. Johnson and family of Canadian arrived here last week and are visiting relatives. BORN: on Thursday, August 1, to R.C. Chambers and wife, of WhiteShield, a daughter. On Monday last, to Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Jurnegan, a ten-pound girl. Judge Houston issued the following marriage licenses on Monday last: Conrad Coester and Mrs. N.E. Holden, Redmoon; Joseph J. Brown and Miss Caroline E. Pickett of Busch; Ed Wilson and Miss Minnie M. Morgan of Busch. Prof. Brimbery has been selected to take charge of the Dead Indian School next term. Dr. W.W. Greer and family from Cameron, TX are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace. Mrs. Greer is Mrs. Wallace’s sister. A young man named Ford accidentally shot himself last Sunday in Elk. His wound is not serious.
The Berlin celebration opened up Wednesday, the main feature of the day’s amusement was a baseball game between the young men of Berlin and the “kaffir corn”{This is a type of milo} boys of the surrounding country. The game was an exciting and amusing one and resulted in victory for the kaffir corns. A killing on Middle Buffalo Creek: Considerable excitement was caused here Monday by the arrival of a messenger from Buffalo Creek who brought information to the officers that a man named Sears had been killed that morning at about 8 a.m. Deputy Sheriff Bright immediately left for the scene of the tragedy, where he learned that a man named Robert L. Reagin had committed the crime, and that Reagin had left immediately afterwards in a southerly direction. Officer Bright set off to follow, and had arrived at Elk City when he learned that Reagin was in charge of the officers’ at Mangum, having given himself up at that place. Bright returned with his prisoner Wednesday evening and lodged him in the Cheyenne jail. It appears that the parties have been near neighbors and good friends until recently, when trouble grew up between them over cattle. On Monday morning, Mr. Sears, a man 48 years old accompanied by his 12 year old son, called on the father of the prisoner and had some hot words with him. Leaving there he was passing in front of the dugout of the prisoner, a young man of about 30 years, when the later accosted him, wanting to know what the trouble had been about at his father’s house. One word led to another and finally Reagin told Sears that he would have to take back an expression he had used or he (Reagin) would kill him. Sears refused to retract and Reagin, reaching into his dugout drew forth a shotgun and fired. The distance between the two men being only about 20 feet, the full load of shot entered Sears face on one side of the mouth, cutting a large hole into his head and killing him instantly. The son of the dead man escaped into a corn field and gave the alarm which led to the arrest of the murderer. Mr. Sears has been a resident of our county some three years and was highly spoken of by those having business or social relations with him, and his tragic death is deeply deplored. The preliminary trial will be held before Judge Houston, Thursday, August 15.
W.T. Bonner has purchased a residence on main street from W.G. Morris. He has also purchased a claim east of Cheyenne from Mr. Creagor. Scotty Falconer has purchased the Hutcheson Drugs Store. His host of friends in this part wish him good luck. County Institute Program, August 31 (County Teacher’s Meeting) Speakers will address such items as Corporal Punishment, How to Control the Bad Boy, Method of Recitation,& Method of Teaching. Teachers on program: S. Jackson, Miss Della Cann, Miss Ray Fields, Prof. Ensey, A.L. Baldwin, A.R. Harris, W.B. Stovall, Miss May Slane, W.H. Brimbery, John McKenzie, O.E. Fletcher, J.H. Osborn, Mrs. Bennett, C.R. Roberts, J.W. McMurtry, Prof. Johnson, Miss Lela Anderson, J.B. Tracy, J.G. Kimbell, Miss Florence Thurmond, Prof. Bevind, Prof. Sewell, T.L. Van Vacter.
August 16, 1901
The railroad track to Elk City was completed last Tuesday. The American Exposition is going on in New York City. Klebe and Bob Thurmond have spent the week in Kansas City on business connected with their bank. A nice rain fell here last week. On Dead Indian the country was flooded and a number of fences washed out. A man named Brady was brought in the Buffalo Creek neighborhood last Saturday and lodge in the jail on a charge of threatening to kill a neighbor, a widow woman. Brady had captured a number of the widow’s cattle and penned them. The widow tried to recover her property but was run off by Brady who advanced on her with a shotgun. Mr. A.O. Miller is having a well drilled in his stable yard.
There was a social gathering at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Anderson last Friday evening, at which the young folks had an enjoyable time. The cotton crop of our county promises to be better than usual. A long hot spell has knocked the profits off some of the cornfields, added to the value of the cotton crop. It pays to diversify. A.G. Gray and family have taken a trip to OKC. There was a social gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burlingame last evening.The examining trial of Robert Regan, charged with the murder of Mr. Sears was commenced yesterday. Some 26 witnesses answered to their names and their examination is still going on. The man who works the road should be required to work on a road a while.{Road workers at this time were landowners compelled to work on roads in their own district.}
Redmoon school has secured the value services of Prof J.B. Tracy as teacher to commence school Sept 2. All are pleased in obtaining such an efficient teacher. Rev. George Turner of Cheyenne has just closed a series of meetings at Redmoon. He said that people of that place were somewhat short on religion, and we are in a position to take his word for it. Mr. L.A. Anderson has just returned from a 10 day trip to the Kiowa-Comanche country. He reports people in hard straights there.
August 23, 1901
PRICES: 25# Sugar, $1; 2 pounds Coffee 25cents; Can of Lye 5 cents; 3 cans corn 25cents; 1 #Gun Powder 50 cents; 6 pounds Salt 25 cents; 2 cans peaches 20cents; 2 cans apples 25cents; 5# prunes 35cents; 1 can Diamond Drips 10cents (can anyone advise as to what is this?)
A lengthy article appeared in this issue concerning loco weed. The experiement station at Stillwater was conducting studies on local cattle who had been “locoed”. Mr. A.O. Miller has sold his cattle to Mr. S.J. Wiley. Mr. G.W. Hodges has purchased the S.J. Wiley residence. We have heard several farmers express the opinion that their corn will yield 50 bushels an acre and the opinion is becoming general that an ample supply for the market will be raised. {The Sunbeam had earlier reported that the corn crop was going to suffer yield reductions below 50 bushels because of drouth.}
Cheyenne Public School will commence on Monday September 2. No scholars will be allowed from other districts unless they pay a tuition fee of $1 in the lower rooms and $1.50 in the upper rooms.These fees must be paid in advance. Faunce Hitchcock met with an accident last Saturday. Riding one horse and leading another, the latter suddenly jerked back, throwing Faunce to the ground and breaking his arm.
Married on Monday last at the Cheyenne Hotel, Mr. Elmo Vance and Miss Ellen Cook both of Berlin, Rev. Osborne officiating. The owner of one red heifer branded MD on the right side, three years old, marked overbit on each ear can hear of same for calling and paying for this notice. Judge Houston has issued marriage license to Mr. J.E. Peery and Mrs. Loretta Mabb, both of Berlin. Our county looks green and fresh and there will be plenty of feed raised for livestock. Where not over-stocked, the grass is fine and still growing.{This in contrast to reports of earlier in the summer}.
Sheriff Bullard returned from Mineral Wells Texas yesterday, having in custody W.Peace, a young man charged with horsestealing, and J.A. Robinson charged with cow stealing. The sheriff says that he was right glad to be back where he could see green grass and good crops. Mrs. Beaty is expected back from her trip to the old home in Texas tomorrow. She writes that Throckmorton County is dried up and drought stricken. The W.O.W. (Woodmen of the World) will hold a basket picnic at the arbor Saturday, August 31. William Ernest left for Elk City today, where he will take a position in the First National Bank. This section was visited by an acceptable rain Wednesday morning which gave us a good supply of cistern water.
John B. Harrison and Scotty Falconer left Wednesday evening for the railroad. BORN on Sunday last to Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Smoot a ten pound boy. J.D. Robinson of the east side of Day County was arrested on Tuesday, Aug 13 instant, while shooting the cattle of C.F. Moor, his neighbor and was brought into Grand by a posse of eight men. It seems that Robinson had been suspected of shooting cattle for some time and on the morning of the 13th instant, Mr. Moor in company with some of his neighbors went close to the farm of Robinson and hid themselves for a while to await developments. They had not been waiting long until the dog of Robinson and then the gun fired, when the party made a dash into the cornfield which was unenclosed and ran up on Robinson with gun in hand yet hot and smokey from the shot, where they arrested him and brought him in and turned him over to the sheriff.
August 30, 1901
Hannibal Turner of Cheyenne made Final Proof SE1/4, 1-13-24 witnesses: Albert McKinney, Samuel J. Wiley, John E. Leary, Alfred G. Gray. Emerson Wheat of Redmoon for portion 32-15-24 with witnesses: Walter Stanton, Oliver Sainer, Luther Rupard, John H. Shufeldt of Redmoon. Minnie E. Wise, sec 2-14-22 and witnesses George H. Wise, Samuel James, Albert Johnson, James Eakin all of Cheyenne. Erasmus Thurmond on portion of 11-14-23 with witnesses: Joseph Purdy, William T. Brown, Henry Bradford, James Hill of Cheyenne. James H. Parrish SW1/4, 6-13-23 with witnesses: Erasmus Thurmond, James Casady, Samuel Wylie, Joseph Casady of Cheyenne. Robert Higgins for portion 26&27,14-23 with witnesses: John Osborn, Charles Guernsey, Joseph Purdy, George Hutton, Cheyenne. David O. Gipson Moore on SE1/4,25-16-22 with witnesses: Alonzo Ganaway, Solomon Grim, James Burch, James Blackater.
MARRIED on Sunday last Mr. Fayette Moore and Miss Ella Banks, of Hammon. They were in Cheyenne Tuesday and had their beauty perpetuated by the photographer. Monday last was the hottest day of the season, the thermometers in town registered from all the way from 104 to 120. Some excitement was caused here Wednesday by a report stating that a woman had been raped at her home near Berlin. An investigation by the officers showed it to have been a case of indecent suggestion. A severe electrical storm visited us Wednesday night accompanied by a heavy shower of rain. Mrs. Colburn of Canadian is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Burlingame. The editor and family took a trip to Elk City Saturday just to give the youngsters a chance to see the railroad cars. Although regular passenger trains have not commenced, we had the good fortune to be present when the train bearing the committee appointed by Governor Barnes to select a site for the Southwestern Normal arrived, theirs being the first train to enter our county. Elk City has a population composed of wide awake progressive businessmen who are not going to miss any chance of improving their condition, as was evidenced by their reception and entertainment of the Normal Committee, and the chances are that Elk will remain the largest railroad town in our county. It is surrounded by a well-settled country and, although crops are light this year, the prospect for future betterment of conditions are bright. To us in Cheyenne, the growth of a railroad town in our county will be of great advantage, bringing us closer to the business centers and enabling us to secure a few of the luxuries of modern civilization at reasonable prices. The building of an ice plant should be one of the first enterprises undertaken by our neighbor.
Monday night at about 11 o’clock six men drove up near the residence of Mr. Regan in the Sweetewater neighborhood. Two boys were lying in the corn nearby watching to keep out stray cattle. Seeing the strangers approach, the boys mistook them for cattle and set their dogs on them and then ran to where they supposed the cattle to be. Instead of cattle, they found six men on horseback who, on seeing the boys, commenced shooting. This put the Regan family in a terrible state of excitement and they sent to town for officers to protect them. The boys say that the men wore masks, but that would probably be hard to tell at that time of night, especially where there was considerable excitement and all sorts of stories floating. The strongest indication of pre-meditated mischief lies in the fact that during the shooting one of the horses in the party was accidentally killed by being shot through the head. To destroy trace of ownership, this animal’s tail and ears had been cutoff and the brands cut out of the hide, indicating that the party was anxious to keep his identity unknown.
Mr. Huber, a Day County stockman, was in town this week looking up the mortgage record. Some time ago, he purchased a bunch of cattle in this county. Recently a man representing a commission firm called on him and said that 24 steers in the bunch belonged to his employers on a mortgage given by the man who sold to Huber. Believing that the man told the truth, Mr. Huber allowed the man to drive off the cattle and then came over to investigate. Whilst here, he found that the mortgage had been released and that his title was good. He left immediately with the railroad in hopes of heading off the cattle before they were sold. (Scam Artists are nothing new). Pete Thurmond sold his bunch of cattle, 52 head, to Mr. Guernsey for $1,000. Judge McAteehas refused to admit the man Regan to bail pending his trial in District Court.
September 6, 1901
A charter has been granted by the Secretary State of Oklahoma to the Thurmond State Bank of Sayre, Roger Mills County, for 25 years. Capital stock is $10,000 and the directors are: I.C. and E.K. Thurmond of Elk City and O.H. Thurmond of Cheyenne. Esther A. Elliott made final proof on her land in Sec 7-15-21; witnesses: William C. Black, James H. Fosburgh, George L. Black, Christopher C. Roberts all of Texmo, Day County. Samuel A. Pollock made final proof Sec 35-15-25; witnesses: Adam C. Wilson, James F. Cole, Matthew Shaw all of Hamburg, O.T. and Adam Walek of Grand , O.T. Emerson Wheat final proof Sec 32-15-24, witnesses: Walter A. Stanton, Oliver Sainer, Luther T. Rupert,John H. Shufeldt all of Redmoon, O.T.
Minnie E. Wise made final proof on Sec 2-14-22,Witnesses:George H. Wise,James Eakin,Samuel James, Albert Johnson of Cheyenne. Erasmus Thurmond final proof on Sec 11-14-23 Wit: Joseph Purdy, William T. Brown, Henry B. Bradford,James Hill of Cheyenne. James H. Parrish final proof Sec 6-13-23, Wit: Erasmus Thurmond, James R. Casady, Samuel J. Wiley, Joseph M. Casady of Cheyenne. David O. Gipson Moore Sec 25-16-22, Wit: Alonzo Ganaway, Solomon Grim, James Burch, James Blackater (Blackketter?) Of Texmo. Robert N. Higgins final proof on Sec 27-14-23, Wit: John Osborn, Charles Guernsey, Joseph Purdy, George Hutton all of Cheyenne, O.T.
Local and Personal Items: Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Hensley a son. Mr. C. Falconer has moved his family into town and is occupying the Warren House on main street. Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Anderson left Wed for Texas where they will visit their daughter. All ex-confederates are requested to meet at Cheyenne at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28. Respectfully G.W. Hodges and R.K. Houston. Mr. J.P. Johnson has purchased the Scotty Falconer Ranch and cattle. Born on Wednesday last to Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Tracy, a son, after only two days, the little fellow died. The late rains which have visited this section, have put the ground in fine fix for winter wheat or rye, besides insuring fall potatoes, turnips, etc. The watermelons have been of finer flavor than usual this year and have also been abundant, not withstanding that dry spell in July. C.B. Howerton was in town Monday for a coffin.A family of land hunters camped near his place Sunday, when one of their children became sick and died. Sheriff Bullard and family returned Monday from the panhandle country where they had been looking for a location for their cattle. Nothing to suit could be found, and Jack says he is going to winter his stock here.
A prairie fire north of Cheyenne caused some excitement last Saturday. Charles Hensley has been notified of the allowance of his claim against the Indians for deprevations made on his stock years ago in Texas. He will receive some $3 or $4,000. There are several claims of the same kind in which local men are interested, and each one is anxiously looking for good news. Mr. L.L. Collins will commence the erection of a fine business house just east of his present location in the near future. A subscription should be taken up to provide our public school building with a cistern so that the scholars may have plenty of good water without running all over town after it. J.W. McMurtry came in from Elk yesterday. He reports that Mr. Herring is building a brick business house in that town. Mr. Herring’s team ran away in Elk yesterday demolishing a new buggy. Mr. S.J. Wylie has found a winter range for his cattle down in Greer County and will move them down right away. His family will probably remain here.A man named Goodwin of Elk City is on trial this morning in Judge Houston’s court on the charge of cow stealing. Oscar Thurmond has been up in the panhandle country looking for a location for the Thurmond Bros. some 2200 steers. Owing to the rapid settlement of our county, these cattle will have to be moved out before winter. John Hines and J.A. Housburg, two young men of our county were arrested by Sheriff Bullard during the week and turned over to the sheriff of Blaine County, to answer for stealing 3 horses. Our p ublic school started off Monday morning with an attendance of 116 scholars and this number was gradually increased to 128 yesterday.
Mr. H.D. Cox has completed the erection of his cotton gin house and will be ready for business. Stock men who wish to ship on the Choctaw Railroad in this county are having trouble because there is no local cattle inspector. A county inspector should be appointed at once or the railroad will lose considerable business. In the probate court this week, Dave Brady was sentenced to three months in jail and fined $50 for threatening to shoot his neighbor, a widow. In the case of George Holden charged with cutting off the tail of a blind man’s dog, the jury again failed to agree and were discharged. Cotton picking will commence in this neighborhood next week, and the yield per acre will be large. Owing to the short crop elsewhere, prices will probably be good. The evidence in the Jack Neely case, in which defendant was charged with having given a challenge to fight a duel, was not considered strong enough by Judge Houston to justify the prisoners remand to await the action of a grand jury, and he was released. W.B. Milward of Hammon, was found dead in the Washita River last Friday. He had been unwell for some days and was suffering severely from pains in his head caused by fever. His father and mother arrived here from Amity, MO last Sunday. His mother and brother accompany the body to Amity where it was buried. Mr. Milward was a prosperous young farmer of a fine family and leaves many friends and relatives to mourn his loss.
September 13, 1901
Hannibal F. Turner of Cheyenne made final proof SE1/4 Sec 1-13-24, Wit: Albert S. McKinney, Samuel J. Wylie, John E. Leary, Alfred G. Gray all of Cheyenne. Charles Barnes final proof Sec 17-15-21, Wit:Francis H. Crow, James W. Baker, Austin E. Reeves, William S. Williams, all of Texmo.
Mr. Collier and Mr. A. Hall have moved their families into town to give their children the benefit of our school. N.R. Monroe has purchased the Miller Hotel. He will take charge the first of October. The price was $2,000. DIED: On Monday evening last Mrs. C.R. Lee, age 81. Deceased was the mother of Mrs. F.E. Herring of our city, with whom she has lived for the past 15 years. Deceased will long be remembered for her kindly nature by a host of friends made here during her residence, and the entire community is filled with sympathy for those whom her loss is that of a beloved relative. Albert Sinco was brought in Monday by Sheriff Bullard to answer a grand jury indictment for cow stealing. Mr. Ford has gone to work in the Elk City store of Herring & Young and his position here has been taken by Mr. Noe. Mrs. O’Bryant has been selected as the extra teacher in our school owing to the attendance of many more scholars than was anticipated. Fred Tunnard was brought before Judge Houston on Wednesday to answer for refusing to work the public roads. A decision will be given tomorrow. A large amount of seed wheat has been purchased by farmers in this county and more will be taken as soon as it can be shipped here. There are several hogs running lose in town tearing up vines and doing other mischief. Their owners will find it profitable to take them up before someone captures them and makes said owners pay for damages. Joe Casady left Monday morning for Kansas City where he goes to seek treatment for a diseased lip. Mr. R. H. Stephens has purchased the Squire Deniston place on Croten Creek. BORN: On Tuesday last, to Mr. and Mrs. Moody in the Croten Creek neighborhood a son. Several men are talking of forming a company for the purpose of buying a well-drilling outfit and going after artesan water in our town. The opinion is general artesan water could be secured at a less depth than 300′. J.M. Bonner left yesterday for Norman where he will take a business course in the Territorial College. John Beaty and Dave Bowman have gone to the Territorial College at Norman. John will take a course in literature and Dave will attend the business course. Mr. Gilkey was in town yesterday trying to get trace of a bunch of 51 cows which have mysteriously disappeared from his ranch on Sandstone. Clay Anderson was fined 50 cents and costs in probate court Wednesday for contempt of court in not answering a summons to appear as a witness.
AD: Go to Parrish and Cauble when you need a first class livery rig. They are fixing their stable up in good style and are prepared to take the best care of stock. A new stock of buggies are expected daily. Roger Mills County teachers Assoc. met in Elk City on Sept 28. Among those in attendance were Rev. Penn, Prof. J.E. Delaney, Supt. T.L. VanVacter, R.E. Johnson, W.B. Stovall, Miss Ruth Fields, Mrs. Bennett, F.A. Beavin, J.E. Green, A.R. Harris. Miss Ora Edwards gave a talk on how to control the bad boy. Miss Minnie Fober and Mr. C.R. Talkington, Miss Della Cann, Effie DeWade, Miss Howard, Miss May Slain, and J.B. Tracy.
September 20, 1901
President William McKinley is dead.
A large flock of wild ducks passed over town Monday morning and Monday evening the first northerner of the season hurried everyone for his or her overcoat. The Baptist Association has been in session in the week at Elk City. Several delegates have been in attendance from this place. Mrs. Young met with an accident on her return trip to Elk City last week, the buggy upset in SandstoneCreek dumping her and the youngsters in the creek. No serious damage was done, although the buggy was wrecked. Dr. Nelson has arrived and is prepared to do all kinds of first class dental work. Joe Casady left Monday for Elk City where he has accepted a position in the Sullivan Brothers Business House. Mr. W.A. Young has moved his family to town to receive the benefit of our school. Dr. Miller had his buggy smashed up by a fractious team Wednesday. It is said that a slight touch of frost nipped vegetation in low lying land Monday and Tuesday nights.
DIED on Sunday last at his home near Hammon, Mr. Charles Van Valkenberg. Klebe Thurmond met with the misfortune to fall on a load of bricks the other night, and he now wears an enlarged lip. The Methodists will hold their quarterly meeting at this place tomorrow. Elder Randall arrived Thursday.