Newspaper Summaries for 1903

News about County Residents (Grouped by Year) Taken from the “Local and Personal Columns” in Early Newspapers.
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Cheyenne Sunbeam Jan. 2, 1903

EDITORIAL:   A warrior J.P. Johnson, Deputy District Clerk at Cheyenne, Roger Mills County and Republican Territorial Committeeman was in the city this week.  Mr. Johnson is a politician in the county where when he went there several years ago there were only 20 Republicans in the county. Now, he says that there are 800 there against 2000 long-haired Texas Democrats.  We saw the long-haired Texas boys at the trials this week.  There were 180 witnesses from Roger Mills County this week and they were the woolliest set we ever saw.  The real thing from Texas, and we don’t blame them for voting the Democratic ticket.  The poor things can’t help it.(the above was written in the Enid Events Newspaper while court was being held in that town and the following is a reply from W.G. Morris, editor of Cheyenne Sunbeam).Roger Mills County may have some long-haired Democrats, and Republicans too, but thank God we have no such humans as those to be found on Enid juries.  Roger Mills County also has newspapers, both Democrat and Republican, but thank God again that we have no narrow gauged, pusillanimous politicians running them, men who have no more decency that to wantonly insult strangers who may be compelled to visit their town.

The lovers of dancing had an opportunity to indulge themselves at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Cox, on Beaver Dam, Monday night and from the number attending we think there are lots of young folks who delight in that form of amusement.  Miss Florence Thurmond of Elk City has spent the week here with friends.  There was an enjoyable social gathering at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Miller Monday evening at which the young folks had a jolly good time.  S.J. Wiley and Tobe Thompson have purchased the Collier Livery Barn at Elk City.  Mrs. Herring, of Albany, Texas, is here visiting her sister Mrs. James Jackson.  The little folks of our community have not been over-looked during the holiday festivities.  On Tuesday evening the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Hodges was flung open to them and they had a lively time.  There was a well-attended social gathering at the home of Mrs. Huff.  Miss Ray Fields of Elk City has spent the holidays here with friends.  Miss Verna Young who has been attending Normal College at Alva is home for the holidays.  Miss Daisy Slane of Sayre was here this week with old friends.  A well conducted ball affords lots of genuine recreation for both participants and those who attend solely for the purpose of seeing others enjoy themselves.  Music and graceful motion have strong charms for most people, and in small communities the dance necessarily constitutes the chief attraction of our young folks.  The ball New Year’s Eve at the Court House was undoubtedly the best managed and therefore the most enjoyable ever held in Cheyenne and should equal care always be taken such gatherings will become still more popular and will add much to the social life or our community.

Seth A. Allen, a farmer in the Merritt neighborhood committed suicide by hanging himself in his barn last Saturday.  Poor health as the cause.  He had tied his hands and feet and then jumped off a box.

Cheyenne Sunbeam Jan 9,1903

The Martyrs Of Roger Mills County. The jury in the case of the territory vs. Otis STULL returned a verdict of not guilty Monday morning. The defendant was charged being an accessory to the murder of Sheriff BULLARD and Deputy COGBURN of Roger Mills County last summer. Seeing that the jury had acquitted STULL and probably were to have done the same for GREEN and WHITEHEAD on trial, because there were no eye witnesses, and the tales invented by him, would have seemed plausible, and lawyers would have wept when they pled for their lives, seeing the futility of trying a murder, Attorney TRACY dismissed the cases against Mrs. GREEN and Richard GREEN and returned home to the people who were denied retribution. The jury system is a mockery, jury men being swayed by their prejudices and sentiments and not by the law and the facts. A jury will turn loose a self-confessed murderer or thief because of sentimentality and convict an innocent devil who is not expecting to be convicted and who has not employed spell-binders to defend him. (Has anything changed in 100 years? Remember the O.J. SIMPSON trial)


MARRIED on Monday evening last at the residence of Mr. J. M. EVANS of Cheyenne, Uncle of the bride, C.F. WITHERSPOON and Miss Pearl EVANS. Judge OSBORNE officiating. Marriages have been popular during the holidays, the probate court having issued the following licenses: O.W. WOOD and Dolly TOMLINSON; O. J. HILL and Alice SMITH; H. BURNETT and Molly DOBBS; J. A. HODGES and Olivetta WHEELER; M. ARMSTRONG and Bertha SANDERS; G. BURK and E. E. FAIR; J. F. HILL and Levincie STEWART; J. W. MARTIN and Lilly PEPPER; C. ROBINSON and Mary YOUNG; Mon ADDINGTON and Laura MITCHELL; M. NEWBY and Rosie LOFTIN.


William J. MILLER, one of the most prominent and well-known cattleman of Wheeler County died at his home on Sweetwater last Saturday. Mr. MILLER was one of the oldest residents of this section of the country and had been living in Wheeler County for nearly a quarter of a century. He was severely wounded in a fight with the Indians many years ago and never fully recovered from the effects. The immediate cause of his death was pneumonia.  Joe FOBERT leaves today for Kansas City where he will undergo an operation. He is a young man who has been in our town for some months making artistic willow work.  A post office inspector dropped in during the week and found everything in good shape at the post office.  Mr. MINOR is having quite a run of work since he arrived here. He treats horses’ teeth and his work gives general satisfaction.  The weather the past week has been favorable to stock, cool and dry.


Commissioner TOMLINSON will leave next week for a trip to Texas and New Mexico for the benefit of his health.  Mr. BLACK has moved his restaurant into more commodious quarters and can now be found next door west of the Citizens Bank.  One of the new crops tried here this last season was broomcorn and as it proved to be a great success, no doubt the acreage will be largely increased next season.  Prosecuting attorney TRACY has had many compliments passed on him for the able manner in which he conducted the cases at Enid. FINAL PROOF: Basil CALVERT on 24-13-23 with witnesses James CALVERT, Ezeeil F. STEVENS, Charles BEEM, Ike CONAWAY all of Cheyenne, O.T.


Cheyenne Sunbeam Jan. 16,1903

Died on Tuesday last the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mug HOWERTON.  Judge HOUSTON attended the lecture given by W. J. BRYAN at Weatherford.  A marriage license for David PARRISH and Miss Mattie E. SMITH, both of Day County.  Milo BURLINGAME has purchased the lot next to his place of business on the west and now occupied by John the Blacksmith.  LOST: One sorrel mare branded AA on left shoulder and A on left thigh. Please notify this office.  Judge HARRISON is building an addition to his country residence.  On the 26th day of January, 1903 there will be a lodge of Oddfellows instituted at Cheyenne, O.T. All Oddfellows are cordially invited. F.E. TANNER, N. G. E. F. CORNELS, Secretary.  There is said to be a case of smallpox in the Hammon neighborhood.  Old and New Mexico are receiving consider-able attention lately from stockmen and others who are dissatisfied with conditions here, and a number of them are making arrangements to leave us. About one year from now we will see most of them back again if they are able.  W. E. DAVIS, manager of the Bonebrake Hardware House at Elk was here Wednesday and it is said that he was figuring on establishing a branch here.


It is strange to hear of people freezing to death so near to us as Kansas. We have had no chance yet to put up ice.  County Treasurer HODGES is having a busy time with the taxpayers. His office is crowded all day long and his mail amounts to about a hundred letters daily. Taxes are being paid promptly which speaks well for the prosperity of our people. It keeps Mr. HERRING busy these days traveling from one of his business establishments to another.  The expected rise in the price of corn has not materialized yet, and those who have been holding for better prices are beginning to turn loose. There has been less demand than usual, in fact less than at any time since the opening, and this can be accounted for by the fact that there are less cattle and that cattlemen have become large raisers of feed.


William GREENFIELD of Ioland, Day County, died in Woodward last week from burns received while in camp on Indian Creek. He had been selling hogs and became intoxicated and fell into his camp fire. He was taken to Woodward at once, but the doctors were unable to save his life. He was accompanied by William CROSS and J. R. DUNCAN, stockmen of Day County.  FINAL PROOF: Charley M. JONES, Carrier, O.T. on 23-15-24 with witnesses Samuel F. JONES, Florence DAVIS, Samuel S. SMITH and Mary Kate EMERSON all of RedMoon. FINAL PROOF Cullen H. TINKER on 35-15-23 with witnesses Oscar H. THURMOND, James F. HILL, Joseph PURDY and William T. BROWN.


Cheyenne Sunbeam, Jan. 23,1903

Married on Monday morning last at the home of the bride’s parents in Day County, Mr. MITCHELL, a merchant of Arapaho and Miss REDDEN, who up till recently has been employed at the Herring & Young Store at this place. The happy couple passed through town Monday on their way home.  Jim CAFFEY sailed from New York Wednesday for South America, where he expects to make a fortune.  On Friday last as the twelve year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George KEELING was coming to town to attend school, she noticed a yellow cat in the road ahead of her. Throwing a stick at the animal without apparently disturbing it or inducing it to get out of her way, she passed to one side and had gone some distance when she felt the cat biting and scratching her legs from behind. The girl came on to school and sat through the morning session, her wounds assuming an ugly character. In the evening her parents heard of the affair and started fro the railroad in search of a madstone. The latter is said to have adhered for thirty-six hours. The wounds are healing at last account and no further trouble is anticipated. The cat is supposed to have been mad.


Last summer a German was noticed digging with a spade on his claim southeast of town. A man trying to farm with a spade caused some comment, especially as his claim was high and dry and considered worthless. The same man was also noticed dragging rocks with which to build himself a house. Later he was seen carrying water to his cultivated patch. This man was in town the other day. He had with him a can filled with earth in which he had two of the prettiest, healthiest looking rosebushes that we ever saw and was taking orders. He has hundreds of them, and has also several hundred grapevines, which in a few years will keep him busy gathering fruit and making wine. Having no capital I=he has maintained himself by doing odd jobs for neighbors but the chances are that he will stay at home in comparative comfort this year. He is a worker and understand his business.


W.G. GALLOWAY was killed Monday while hauling hay. His team became frightened and ran away, throwing him off the load. The wagon passed over his head crushing the skull. He lived about an hour after being hurt. He was an old and highly respected citizen of this community. He leaves a wife and several children, some of whom are grown.  A brisk norther struck us this morning. The cotton crop is not all ginned yet in this neighborhood. It is expected that the total number of bales turned out by the Cheyenne Ginning Company will reach 600 bales, and it will be of interest to the stockholders to learn that cotton from their gin has been classed by the buyers, higher than that received from any other gin on the Choctaw Road. This speaks well for the plant and for those who have had charge of it.


FOR SALE: 18 good mares on easy terms. A. L. THURMOND. High Grade Pigs for sale, $6 er pair. Also two thoroughbred boars ready for service. F. E. HERRING.  FINAL PROOF: Lila J. CARTER for 3-13-24 with witnesses Allen O. MILLER, Fleming MCGINNIS, John S. SALYER, James H. PARRISH all of Cheyenne, O. T. Arthur L. THURMOND on 3,10,11-14-23 with witnesses Joseph PURDY, William T. BROWN, James F. HILL, Oscar H. THURMOND all of Cheyenne, O.T. Oscar THURMOND on 34-15-23 and 3-14-23 with witnesses Joseph PURDY, William T. BROWN, Newton THOMPSON, William WEEKS of Cheyenne, O.T. Otis FLETCHER on 21-14-22 with witnesses Tage HOWERTON, John CAFFEY of Cheyenne, Herman STEVENS, Sweetwater, George POWERS, Sayre.


Cheyenne Sunbeam Jan 30, 1903

A prairie fire was booming west of town Wednesday. The heavy wind made it difficult to control, and considerable damage was done before the fire was put out.  Married Yesterday Ira HUGHES and Laura ATHA, Judge HOUSTON officiating. On Wednesday last by Judge HOUSTON, William HUFFARD and Maud HAY, both from the Dead Indian neighborhood.  Jerry WINNINGHAM has been arrested charged with stealing cattle and his preliminary trial set for February 4.  As the cotton ginning season will soon be over, some method should be devised by which the power of the ginning plant may be utilized during the summer. What about a canning factory, ice plant or saw mill?   Mr. WALLACE was at the school house Wednesday. He found a large dog in an upstairs room. Opening the door, he tried to drive the animal out, but scared it so badly that it jumped out the window to the land below. Mr. WALLACE ran to the window to look for the dog’s remains, and was surprised to see him playing with another dog as if nothing unusual had happened.


Cattle are doing unusually well this winter and if present conditions continue, there will be but a light loss.  J.P. JOHNSON has moved into the A.G. GRAY residence.  Dr. MILLER’s new two-story residence on main street begins to loom up and will soon be finished.  O. W. COOK and Russell COOPER from down the river near Windy Hill, were fined $5 each in Judge HOUSTON’s court for engaging in a scrap. Judge HOUSTON fined an old man named BOOKER $10 and sent him to jail for ten days for petty larceny.  Marriage licenses have been issued to Everett LEE and Fanny CATES of Peaster and to A.G. MARSHALL of the I.T. and Alta MINNIS of Elk City; also to S. M. WARREN and Noma E. GIVENS of Sayre.  Mr. KELLOGG who lives about five miles southwest of town, met with a bad accident Sunday. He was riding on a wagon when his team ran away, throwing him out on his head and inflicting serious injuries.


The stereopticon entertainment advertised to be given at the court house on next Monday night has been postponed.  Frank and Palmer TURNER have sold their farms and will go to Mexico with the Greer County Colony. Frank sold to Mr. John WARREN and Palmer to W. D. KENDALL.  We understand that Cheyenne is to have another hotel in the near future. The parties having the matter in charge are good businessmen and propose to have a building large enough to accommodate all. There has always been a lack of room during court and other extra gatherings.  Mr. HODGES’ brother, Bob, is here from I.T.; also a nephew from Texas. Our town is overrun with dogs. As hydrophobia is prevalent all over the territory, it would be a good idea to have a general cleaning up.


The farmers of our neighbor-hood will have to give up corn as their main money crop unless they are prepared to feed it to stock. Cotton will in the future take the lead, and as this county seems well adapted for its growth. The change will be of general benefit, cotton always bringing the cash and the seed furnishing an excellent feed at a cheap rate. The spring fights have started in before spring this year.  For Sale: A team of good young work horses. Also 6 head of milk cows and 500 bu of corn. J.E. LEARY. For Sale cheap, a large second hand Charter Oak stove. Inquire at this office.  Final Proof: Frances L. THOMPSON on 30-15-22 with witnesses Hubert CASE, Francis M. HANCOCK, Jessie H. BLACK, George W. JOHNSON all of RedMoon.


Cheyenne Sunbeam Feb 6, 1903

There are a lot of hogs running around town destroying gardens and shrubbery which should be taken up either by the owner or by those being damaged. If you intend sowing alfalfa you should be getting your land in good condition by plowing. Farmers are pushing their work earlier than usual this year, many of them having done considerable plowing.  Quite a large party of young folks met at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J.P. JOHNSON for social purposes last evening, and had a jolly good time.  The earth is covered with snow as we go to press, with indications for more. The telephone office has been moved into Dr. MILLER’s drug store. The coldest spell of the winter struck us Tuesday night.  Born: to Mr. and Mrs. John STAHL a daughter.


The Odd Fellows met and organized at this place last Saturday. Twenty new members were initiated.  Mr. COX is building another house on the west side of town for renting purposes. H.D. is a hustler and full of enterprise.  Miss Kate WALLACE returned from an extended visit with relatives in Texas Monday.  A shower accompanied by heavy peals of thunder and vivid flashes of lightening visited us Monday night.  Those on the program for the teacher’s association meeting at Sayre February 28, 1903 are the following: Rev. J. L. HENSON, H. B. JOSEPH, J. B. TRACY, Ray FIELDS, Kate LAIN, Mrs. Charles PENN, Hetty WILSON, J. B. CONLEY, A. R. HARRIS, J.C. MCKENZIE. Call at G. F. TURNERS and see the best line of shoes ever opened up in Cheyenne. Final Proof: Eugene A. HASSMAN on 25-13-25 with witnesses Emil A. SWITZER, Frank T. JORDAN, James HARMON, Albert A. NICHOLS all of Cheyenne.


Cheyenne Sunbeam Feb. 13, 1903

The Cheyenne contingent of the Mexican Colony left yesterday morning for Greer County where they will take the cars. An immense of lumber is being hauled to Cheyenne and surrounding country. A building is being erected on Broadway which will be occupied as a meat market. This makes the fourth building now in course of construction, two dwellings and two business houses.  There will be a church fair and oyster supper at the Red Moon School House tomorrow.  S. ALEXANDERl is here visiting his daughter, Miss Nene. He has quit the panhandle and moved back to Roger Mills.  John BEATY has returned from college and is now with the home folks.


Mr. HERRING has been in the eastern markets this week buying supplies for his stores.  The committee having the matter in charge are to be commended for their efforts to establish a county fair in Roger Mills County. Such an enterprise properly managed, would be a great benefit to all. To farmers it would afford an opportunity of comparing methods and results to mutual advantage, and lead to a higher standard all around. This would lead to greater benefit for those not directly dependent on farming and stock growing, but whose interests are affected by the success of the farmer and stockman. Let us all give a hearty support to the enterprise and make the first meeting a good one.  The young folks all had an enjoyable time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. BOWMAN Monday night.


Miss POLLOCK, of Woodward County has been visiting with Mrs. FALCONER.  A large building is being erected on Broadway to be used as a Blacksmith Shop.  A. L. THURMOND has been in attendance on the stockmen’s convention at Oklahoma City this past week.  Born on Tuesday last to Mrs. BULLARD, widow of the late Sheriff A. J. BULLARD, a daughter.  Mrs. FALCONER gave a dinner to a number of her young friends on Sunday last, the occasion being her sixth birthday.  Mr. RANKIN, a nephew of L. T. BOWMAN is here from the I.T. looking for location. He is a first class jeweler, and will probably locate with us.  Mrs. FALCONER, Mrs. T. E. STANDIFER and Mrs. O.H. YOUNG, left Wednesday for Guthrie to attend the grand chapter of the Eastern Star.  The inducements Cheyenne offers to promote the interest of a summer Normal: First-$100 donation to faculty.  Second-Well equipped school building for the work.  Third-Board from $2.50 – $4.00 per week.  Fourth-Good cistern water.  Fifth-Healthful location.  Sixth-Progressive People, with an educational interest second to none in Oklahoma.


The above may seem extrava-gant for a town of this size but with the progressive zeal of our people, we will feel that all donations will be liberally rewarded regardless of financial income. We have over 100 teachers in the county, 80 of whom we expect to attend the Normal. From a business stand-point, we can figure as follows: 80 teachers leaving the average of $20 per month will amount to $1600, so we can readily see that it is in our interests to locate the summer Normal at Cheyenne.  A letter was received here last week from R. K. KELLY general manager of a new company that proposes to build a line of railroad from Kansas City to the southwest, asking what the citizens of Cheyenne were prepared to do in the way of bonus to secure said railroad. This request, when considered with the other items we copy from exchanges indicates that there is a good chance for Cheyenne to become a railroad town in the near future. Every citizen of our town and adjoining country should do his level best to encourage the enterprise. Cheyenne always has been the best town of its size in western OK and with a railroad running through it, would soon take the lead for size also. {Editor’s note – it would be 9 years before Cheyenne would attain the railroad and then only through the financing of its local citizens would they have the building of it. 100 years ago a community having a railroad was a tremendous boost for its local economy}


Cheyenne Sunbeam Feb. 20, 1903

ESTRAY NOTICE: Notice is hereby given that I, William HAVEN, residing in sec.27-14-26 did on 24th day of Jan, 1903 take up the following estray: to wit; one black mare about 6 years old, white star on forehead and about 18 hands high, branded LD on left shoulder. My post office address is Rankin, O. T. Witness my hand this 26th day Jan 1903. William HAVEN, Taker-Up.  Regular communication Cheyenne Lodge #42, A.F.& A.M. Saturday evenings on or before full moon. Visiting brothers cordially invited to attend. G. W.. HODGES, W. M.., Cosmo FALCONER, Secretary. Mizpah Chapter #27 O.E.S. regular meetings on 2nd and 4th Tuesday evenings of each month at Masonic Hall, Cheyenne, O. T. Members of the order cordially invited to attend. Mrs. S.M. MCKINNEY, W.M., Miss Mae SLANE, Secretary. Cheyenne Chapter #33 R.A.M. stated convocation on First Saturday each month. Masonic Hall, Cheyenne, O. T. All capitular masons invited. Alfred GRAY, Ex X.P., Cosmo FALCONER, Secretary. Cheyenne Camp #47 W.O.W meet first Saturday after full moon of each month. All members of W.O.W. in good standing are cordially invited to attend. Sov. J.P. JOHNSON, Con. Com. Sov. J. N. Johnson Clerk.


Cheyenne Camp #7782 of M.W.A. meet fourth Thursday of each month. All members of MWA in good standing are invited to attend. J.W. O’BRYANT, Ven. Con. John C HENDRICKS, Clerk.  Mr. HERRING returned yesterday from the eastern markets where he has been purchasing goods for his stores. BORN on Saturday last, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. MILLER, a son. County Clerk GRAY has been in Kansas some time, but he has had an able representative at his office in the person of E. T. CORNELS. A severe snowstorm and blizzard raged here Sunday and a little before daylight Monday morning the thermometer is said to have registered 10 degrees below zero. See the BOHEUR Bros. Show and hear the musical, BOWMANS in their novelty music act of Dutch, Irish and Negro specialists in plenty just to make you laugh. Singers, dancers, funny comedians, the finest troupe of trained dogs extant. You will regret it if you miss this novel and up to date show. At courthouse two nights, February 23, 24. There was a fuel famine in town this week and wood prices went up. Lots of ice has been stored away during the week for use next summer. County Treasurer HODGES has had a busy time collecting taxes. Our present system is so complicated and unhandy that it makes taxpaying a slow process.


The legislature, if they would look into the school laws of our territory they would find many things which need changing. Under the present law, school districts are made where there is absolutely no possibility of having the school term of more than one or two months and then only by heavily taxing the few residents of the district. Would it not be better to have fewer schools and better ones? Is it not a waste of money to bond a district to build and furnish a schoolhouse in a district whose only revenue for school purposes amounts to $30 or $40 annually? We think so. Before a school district is allowed to organize, its citizens should be compelled to show that its citizens will maintain a school at least four months yearly. The efforts of the lessees of our school lands to have the present law changed should be defeated. Under the present system, these lands are bringing in large amounts of cash to the school funds and are a great help to the people. If the lessees are dissatisfied, it would be an easy matter for them to relinquish their contract; but whoever heard of one of them relinquishing? Is it not a fact that there is hardly a lessee in the territory who, if offered $1000 for his bargain would take it? And yet these poor fellows want the law changed, they want to own these lands, and they want to fix the price of purchase and conditions of sale to suit themselves. The agitation on the part of these lessees is nothing less than an effort to swindle the people of our territory and should be condemned. {At this time section 16 and 36 were set aside by the territory for maintenance of county schools.}


Cheyenne Sunbeam Feb 27, 1903

Judge PANCOST, who has charge of this judicial district owing to the illness of Judge BEAUCHAMP, has given COLBURN, MONROE and GRAY charged with embezzlement, an extension of 30 days in which to make and serve their case made an appeal to the Supreme Court. County Attorney HENDRICKS left yesterday on a business trip to Guthrie.  BORN on Monday last to Mr. and Mrs. Ed WOODS, a daughter.  The BONHEUR Bros. Show, which exhibited here Monday and Tuesday nights gave a great treat to those who braved the weather and turned out. It was the best show that ever visited us and if they should repeat their call in more seasonable weather, they would be sure of crowded houses.


From the Chillicothe Tribune we have that Mrs. F.E. TANNER leaves Friday afternoon for Cheyenne, O.T. to join her husband who is in business there. Mr. and Mrs. TANNER have been splendid citizens of Chillicothe and friends regret to see them leave.  Tuesday evening a snowstorm set in and continued steadily until last evening. The ground now has a covering of snow about a foot deep, but it would have been fully twice that depth had the weather been a little colder. Not since the winter of 1884 has this country seen so much snow, and we are lucky in that the storm just passed has not been immediately followed by a severe blizzard, as was the case in 1884, when thousands of cattle lost their lives and many stockmen were ruined. The mail hack between Cheyenne and Sayre was snowbound yesterday at Berlin and had to lay over.


Owing to the bad weather, the revival meeting which was to have started Tuesday has not commenced.  Commissioner THOMPSON has returned earlier than he expected to from Mexico. He is not favorably impressed with that country as a place to reside.  The latest reports from Washington indicate that the statehood bill will not be passed at this session. The pie biters can’t agree.  Mrs. STEVENS has a daughter visiting her from St. Louis.  There has been some loss of stock during the storm this week and if we get another storm soon, the loss will be heavy. Lots of our stockmen still persist in the old method of feeding on prairie breezes.  This has been a hard week on the news gatherer. Everything snowed up, news included.


Cheyenne Sunbeam Mar 6 1903

FINAL PROOF: James A. PARRISH on 6-13-23 with witnesses: Robert TURNER, Will TURNER, Frank BLOSSER, John REED all of Cheyenne. Samuel C. OSBORN on 8-13-23 with witnesses: Gilbert W. HODGES, Arthur L. THURMOND, William A. BEATY, Alfred GRAY all of Cheyenne. James EVANS, Sr.  on 20-13-24 with witnesses: Perry S. TAYLOR, John L. WARREN, Marion E BAUMAN, Edgar TAYLOR all of Cheyenne. Frank YOUNG of Sweetwater on 8-11-26 with witnesses: George PURYEAR, Frank RAGSDALE, George COBURN, James M. MOFFIT all of Sweetwater. John R. GRAYSON on 26-14-23 with witnesses Andrew PRESTRIDGE, John L. M. CURRY, Everett GUERNSEY, Charles E. GUERNSEY all of Cheyenne.


MARRIED on Sunday last at the home of the Bride’s parents, Mr. KIRKLEY and Miss Gussie COX, both young and popular society folks of Cheyenne. The groom is the prescription clerk at Scotty FALCONER’s Drug Store and the bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don COX. Judge HARRISON returned Wednesday from Mangum where he has been attending District Court. He says that it is reported on the railroad that the snowstorm west of Amarillo was very destructive to fifty some cattlemen estimating their loss at ninety percent. Marriage Licenses issued to G. W. QUINN and Miss Ophelia ELDRIDGE; S. R. SNYDER and Miss Ora D. TENNY; Clint MOUNTS and Miss Katie HOLLAND. J. P. JOHNSON went out to his ranch early in the week to see what damage had been done. He reports some loss, and says that the snow was much deeper west of us than here.


Revival meeting at this place closed on Tuesday evening. After the service a collection of $20 was taken up for the preacher. Mr. S. A. WALLACE received news this morning that his sister, aged 84, died February 23 at Lampasas, TX. She left a husband and two small children. FOR SALE: a team of good young workhorses also six head of milk cows and 500 bushels of corn. J. E. LEARY. Numerous reports of local cattle losses have been received, but the loss is light when compared with that further west. In the panhandle of Texas, the loss is said to have been very heavy. The storm last week will long be remembered by three citizens of our county. On Thursday whilst the snow was pelting down in sheets, Louis BOWMAN, Milo BURLINGAME and Frank TRAMMELL left Canadian, TX in a buggy to return to their homes here. There was a heavy snow on the ground when they started and when they reached about half-way, the snow was between 2 and 3 feet deep and still falling in such abundance as to make travel almost impossible. About a mile and one-half from the line dividing TX and OK, it became impossible to distinguish the road and the travelers had to go “by guess”. They had not gone far in this way, when a strange thing happened. Each of the three was intent on looking around for landmarks which would indicate their whereabouts, when suddenly the buggy stopped. All eyes were immediately directed to the where the team had been an instant before, but the horses had disappeared. On the spur of the moment, Mr. BOWMAN jumped over the dashboard and he disappeared also. Jumping out as soon as they could gather their wits, BURLINGAME and TRAMMELL saw Mr. BOWMAN’s head above a log on which his overcoat had caught, and they proceeded to help him from his perilous position. For surely he was in the greatest of danger, hanging by his coat over a well, said to be 140 feet deep. After Mr. BOWMAN had been rescued the party investigated and found that they had driven into a well on the B. HOPKINS Ranch. Owing to the fact that a few logs and trash had been put over the top the snow had accumulated and completely hidden this death trap. Peering into the well and listening for some indication as to what had become of the team, nothing could be heard. All was still as death which is not to be wondered at, when it is known that the well was 10 feet across at the mouth and 140 feet deep. The escape of the buggy and its occupants is truly wonderful, the well being large enough to swallow them all, burying them where no one would have thought to look for their remains. Mr. TRAMMELL knew the well and from it was able to locate their whereabouts. (Does anyone know the precise location of this old well?) He knew that the HOPKINS Ranch House was a mile and ½ distant, but the snow would be beating full in their faces if they attempted to go that way, so it was concluded to strike out for Mr. TRAMMELL’s ranch, some six miles in another direction. (TRAMMELL’s Ranch was located where Eddie WESNER’s home is today). They walked for hours in the heavy snow and were many times compelled to stop and sit down, but finally arrived safely at the ranch. The next day it was decided to send a team to investigate the fate of the horses, but the snow was so deep that this had to be given up. The team which belonged to Mr. BOWMAN, was a fine one, $300 having been refused for them recently.


Cheyenne Sunbeam Mar 13,1903

ANOTHER ROAD: El Reno OK, March 9, 1903 letter to Mr. THURMOND. Dear Sir, I am in touch with the company who proposes to build a railroad from McAlester, I. T. to Canadian, Texas. The exact route is not yet decided upon but it is more than probable that it will pass through Cheyenne, O. T. It is certain not to pass more than five miles from that town, as the proposed route is up the Washita River. I am requested by the company to write you people and see if you are able to provide a sectional map by getting some photographic views 5 x 7 inches not mounted of every farmer and family or bunch of stock, orchard or grove with range, township and quarter section on back of it, as near as possible, seven and ½ miles each way from Cheyenne, so as to show the topography of the country and also get some idea of the class of people they will have to deal with, and of homes, and how well the country is developed. Now if you will attend to this, it will be greatly appreciated and will show your willingness to assist in obtaining the railroad. Yours for business, Ace FITZGERALD.


We are pleased to hear that Mrs. BEATY is recovering from her long spell of sickness. A letter has been received from one of the party who recently left for Mexico, saying that they had been eleven days on the road but had not reached their destination. It has rained every day and their train had been wrecked once. Mr. HERRING bought $1,000 worth of hogs last fall. During the winter he has sold over $1,000 worth, and has more than his original stock left. There is money in hogs. HERRING and YOUNG have unloaded $1200 of goods in Cheyenne this week. A man named HOOPER of the Red Moon neighborhood was buried here yesterday. MARRIED: On Monday last, Thomas R. KERR and Ella ULMER, Judge HOUSTON officiating. Marriage licenses have been issued to Melvin A. WAGES and Ella M. DAVIS; J. A. SCISM and Prewitts WOOD. County Clerk GRAY returned home Wednesday. The past week has been an ideal one for plowing and general farm work. Garden Seeds are in great demand and the promise for early vegetables was never better. Those who want statehood have the consolation of knowing that if it comes at all, it is now nearer than it was a year ago. And those who don’t want it know that the extra burden of taxation is put off for a time. The bill providing for restraining stock in which defines a lawful fence, has been signed by the governor. The Herd Law applies to all Oklahoma except Beaver County, which is free range. The ladies of the Latter Days Saint Church of Red Moon, will give a conundrum supper at Black’s Restaurant Tuesday evening, March 17, proceeds to go toward building a church. Everybody invited to attend. Married yesterday by Judge R.K. HOUSTON, James FLEMING of Weatherford and Miss Minnie E. CASADY of Grimes. Mr. GAYLORD of Lincoln, NE has been with us for the past few days. He is a pleasant gentleman and is looking for a location. The young folks had a good time Tuesday evening at the home Mr. and Mrs. HENDRICKS. Several dogs in town were found Wednesday morning suffering from an overdose of Strychnine. Several of our citizens who moved their cattle to the panhandle wish now that they hadn’t. They find that the panhandle blizzards are even more expensive than the Herd Law. The train at Sayre being several hours late Wednesday, we failed to get mail. The immense quantity of farm implements sold here this spring give some idea as to the number of new settlers who have arrived. Now is the time to lay your plans for a good garden, one large enough to insure plenty for yourself and to supply the market. There is no money made in buying vegetables and raising field crops exclusively. The man who succeeds is the one who buys little and always has something to sell. Raised vegetables, hogs, chickens, etc, keeps good milch cows. Mr. and Mrs. BEAM on Beaver Dam gave a party last Saturday night; there was a large attendance.


The loss of cattle during the recent snowstorm turns out to be less than estimated a week ago. There are some isolated cases where the loss was heavy, but as a general thing cattle went through better than expected. A marriage licenses issued to Henry STICE and Alice HUFF of Texmo. A case of the territory vs. J.C. COLWELL will come up for trial before Judge HOUSTON on March 30. BORN: On Sunday last to Mr. and Mrs. J. KIMBALL, a daughter. Miss Ruby JACKSON met with a painful accident Sunday whilst out riding. Whilst trying to control her horse which had become fractatious, the saddle turned throwing her to the ground and dislocating her shoulder.  FOR SALE: I have three jacks that I will sell cheap, must be sold in next 10 days. Well shaped, perfectly shaped and easily handled, A. R. ERWIN.


Cheyenne Sunbeam Mar 20,1903

ANOTHER ROAD: Guthrie, O. T. March 10. A charter was granted today by the territorial secretary by the Colorado, Oklahoma and Texas Railroad with 2.5 million capital to construct a road 275 miles long from Goodwin in Day County OK to Dennison TX. The proposed route goes through the counties of Day, Roger Mills, Washita, Kiowa, Caddo and Comanche. On Friday last Mr. A.L. THURMOND was called to the phone and informed that a company of five of the officials of the above named road would be in Cheyenne this week to consult with our citizens. They are expected here this evening, and a committee composed of Louis BOWMAN, Charles MILLER and Milo BURLINGAME have gone to the railroad to meet them. The advantages to citizens from a road through Cheyenne can hardly be estimated. Aside from its convenience and the enhancement of land values, the cheapening of everything we buy and an added value to everything we have for sale cuts quite a figure. Every man living in 25 miles of our town will be benefited and should take an active part of offering inducements to get a railroad here. Pull For The Road!!


BORN: On Tuesday last to Mr. and Mrs. George CREE, a daughter. The assessor and his deputies are hard at work and it is to be hoped that a complete assessment will be made. It is hard to have to pay for yourself and the other fellow too. County Treasurer HODGES received three jackrabbit ears from a citizen of the Sweetwater country this week, with a request to forward 30 cents for same. As Roger Mills offers no bounty on scalps the proposition was not entertained. Dr. LAIRD has returned and will spend a few weeks on his place one mile west of town, where he can be consulted at all times.  Free illustrated private lecture for men only by Dr. Leon SMITH, Surgeon and Lecturer, who will deliver two beautifully illustrated free, private lectures at court house, Cheyenne, on Sunday night, April 5, 1903, for men only. Subject: Follies of Men and their Consequences. These lectures have been endorsed by the ministry, doctors and the public, generally. Every man and woman can attend them with profit to themselves. Positively no boys under sixteen years admitted.


The governor has signed a law giving County Superintendents 20% raise in their salary. An Indian owed a Cheyenne merchant and the other day came in to pay up. He wanted a receipt. The merchant told him that a receipt was unnecessary. “Me needs have it to show me owe white man nothing” said the Indian. “Me go to heaven and the Lord ask Indian if he pay debt, Injun say ‘yes’. Lord asks Injun where is receipt, What Injun do? Can’t go all over hell to look for you” He got the receipt.  FINAL PROOF: Rena LINK on 25-14-23 with witnesses: Burton C. HOWERTON, Barney HICKS, John H. KENDALL, Frank KENDALL all of Cheyenne. Charles G. MILLER on 2-13-24 with witnesses: Allen O. MILLER, John STAHL George B. CREE and Flemming MCGINNIS all of Cheyenne. Seaborn WALLACE on 17-13-23 with witnesses: Walter G. MORRIS, Gilbert W. HODGES, Arthur L. THURMOND, Jasper P. MILLER all of Cheyenne. Cullen H. TINKER on 35-15-23 with witnesses: Oscar H. THURMOND, James F. HILL, Joseph PURDY, William T. BROWN all of Cheyenne. Neal R. MONROE on 6-14-23 with witnesses: Henry SING, Benjamin H. MONROE, Edward E. TRACY, William A.YOUNG all of Cheyenne. Jesse J. PITTS on 4-13-22 with witnesses: John CAFFEY, James R. CAFFEY, Thomas L. WHITE, William A. PERRY all of Cheyenne.


Cheyenne Sunbeam Mar 27,1903

Three of the incorporators of the railroad, which is proposed to run through Cheyenne arrived here on Friday last. They were shown the various routes by which a road could be built through our town and also over some of the lands lying up and down the Washita. They expressed themselves as well pleased with the outlook, and asked that a public meeting be called for the purpose of laying a proposition before our people. This was agreed to, and at 7:30 p.m. the citizens and promoters met in Masonic Hall where Judge BROWN one of the latter, explained that it was proposed to build a railroad from Dennison, TX to Pueblo, Colorado. He frankly stated that he and his associates were merely the representatives of the capitalists behind the undertaking; and that the road would be backed by the Orient as a necessary feeder to their main line which is now building through Oklahoma; that the road was a necessity giving them the Orient, two large competing coal fields from which to draw their supply of coal, and that it would be built in the near future. Surveyors would be put in the field immediately and work would commence on the lower end just as soon as all preliminaries were settled. As it was a business proposition with the promoters and citizens of Cheyenne the Judge said that Cheyenne was on their proposed route and would not in any event be left far from their track. They wanted to build right through it. They had examined the surrounding country and had found it practable to come here but he thought, that as Cheyenne would be largely benefited, it would pay its citizens to contribute liberally toward having the road establish a depot on their town site. He mentioned the figures which, he thought, Cheyenne could afford to give and have the route definitely settled at once, and assured the people that, should they meet his suggestion, the road would build through the town and would establish a depot at any point therein suitable to these citizens. After consultation between a committee of citizens and the railroad men, it was decided to organize a townsite company of local capitalists with a capital stock of $25,000 so that contracts could be entered into and guarantees given by both parties. This has been done. Soliciting committees were appointed to ask for contributions from all interested parties, for right of way, etc., and this appeal has been responded to liberally and promptly. The cash contribution has been raised and it now depends on those whose farms the road will run. If they act liberally and give the right of way all will be well and Cheyenne and the surrounding country will boom, but should a difficulty be experienced in securing the right of way, and expensive condemnatory proceedings be necessary it may not be possible to raise sufficient money.


Dr. Charles NAIR, a graduate of Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, Philadelphia will permanently open a dental clinic here in Cheyenne on or about April 1. Dr. NAIR is an up to date dentist and will be prepared to do all kinds of up to date dental work. Dr. J.P. MILLER and family have moved to town and are now occupying their new residence on main street. LETTER TO THE EDITOR: I have been informed that it was published in the Cheyenne Sunbeam that a boy child was born to me and my wife a short time back. This is a false statement, and it is our desire that you correct the mistake in the next issue of the Sunbeam by publishing this letter, as we have never had any children, and we do not wish that impression on people’s minds we have a child when we have none. Respectively John F. KING. {The Sunbeam pleads not guilty to the above charge. Someone has misinformed Mr. KING and we are glad to be able to give publicity to his denial. No person should be accused of such a thing with an evidence, and we assure Mr. KING that we will rely on him alone to furnish us the news should such an event as birth occur in his family.


Cheyenne Sunbeam Apr 3, 1903

LOCAL: E.F. STEPHENS is the new assessor in this district, and P.S. TAYLOR has charge of the Croten District. BORN on Friday last to Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAMSON a 12 pound boy. The heel flies have been doing a big business with the cattle lately. John AANDERSON has moved his family into town. April Fool’s Day was duly observed here some of the boys got hold of two old bridle bits. Going into a store they would call for 25 cents worth of goods. When they had secured their plunder they would ask the merchant if he would take two bits for same, and of course were told yes. The two bridle bits were then produced, accepted, and the joke passed on.


The railroad promoters who returned here last Friday with a new proposition did not add to the enthusiasm which their first visit had occasioned. Their second proposition was that the town of Cheyenne give $10,000 in case, 150 town lots and the right of way for ten miles on each side of town. Cheyenne had already offered to do this, and had gotten up incorporation papers and formed a townsite company with a capital of $25,000 so as to be in a position to guarantee same and to do business in a legal manner. But now comes the hitch: the promoters wanting Cheyenne to engage to pay 1/3 of the $10,000 bonus on the completion of the permanent survey; 1/3 when the roadbed was finished, and 1/3 when the road was completed. This proposition was not accepted, but the railroad men were told that just as soon as they were prepared to make a good and sufficient bond that they would complete their part of the contract, the citizens of Cheyenne were ready to accept. It is now up to the promoters to make that bond or back out. If they secure us for any advances we may make them, it will be all right; if not, they won’t get any. That Cheyenne will have a road in the near future is certain, and if the above outfit fails to come to terms there are others, and Cheyenne is free to act for its best interests.


Last Saturday, as Uncle Jack REED was coming in from his home on Hackberry, his team became frightened and ran away, throwing him out of the vehicle with such force as to render him unconscious for some time. I. BLACKMON, who lives one mile east of Grand, brought the injured man to town and medical aid was summoned. Mr. REED is at the Grand Hotel at present and is getting along as well as could be expected. The Sanitarium at Elk City was totally destroyed by fire early this morning. The fire originated in the kitchen, partially insured. F. TUNNARD keeps in stock some of the choicest beef ever seen in Cheyenne. It is corn-fed and of primest quality. If you like good beef, see him. Call at G.F. TURNERS and see the best line of shoes ever opened up in Cheyenne. If you want a good fresh milch cow, call on F.E. HERRING, he has them for sale for cash or on time.


FINAL PROOF: Sarah STEPHENS on 22-13-23 with witnesses John JACKSON, Charley BEAN, Memory J. CALVERT, Ezekiel F. STEPHENS all of Cheyenne. on 5-14-23 with witnesses William WEDDLE , Oscar T. SCOTT, George M. SCOTT, Harry T. BRADFORD, all of Cheyenne. Samuel R. BIVINS in 24-13-22 with witnesses Dea C. MCREYNOLDS of Larned, Robert S BURROWS of Busch, Thomas B BORREN of Larned, Frank BATES of Cheyenne. Henry C. CARTER in 8-13-24 with witnesses Perry S. TAYLOR, Davey C. CARTER, John H. STEWART, Leving PIERCE all of Cheyenne.

Cheyenne Sunbeam Apr10,1903

Work has commenced on a two story business house on Broadway adjoining the Masonic Hall, for Mr. Clyde YOUNG. J. W. MCMURTRY returned to Cheyenne Tuesday. He has been visiting relatives in Illinois, and on Friday last attended the funeral of his father, who had been sick for some time. E.G. THURMOND accompanied by Klebe and Miss Florence arrived Tuesday. The demand for good claims in this neighborhood is increasing. We have had lots of fine weather lately and farmers are getting well started with their work. The grass is showing up nicely and cattle are now having a good time. MARRIED on Monday last, J. H. MARTIN and Jenny MARTIN. Judge HOUSTON officiating. Marriage licenses issued to Alvin ENGLE and Grace CANFIELD; James HARMON and E. M. REDDEN; O. Z. TOMLINSON and Martha E. SMITH. C. M. ROSSER and family of Elk City, are visiting friends here. MARRIED on Tuesday last at Sayre Mr. J. W. CULWELL and Miss Mae SLAIN. The bride formerly lived here and has many warm friends in Cheyenne. The light showers yesterday gave a bloom to the grass. The Doxey bank was burned last Friday night, and V. H. WAGNER is under arrest on a charge of arson. His trial is set for April 16. Under the new law the city marshal of Elk and other like towns will be appointed by the trustees instead of being elected as heretofore. The Enid Events newspaper now says that it was joking when it called the Roger Mills witnesses “woolies”. It looked to us that the scurrilous attack was made with the purpose of influencing the jury. Judge District Court has Judge BEECHAM and his officers arrived Wednesday. The first case to be investigated was US vs. Roscoe JOHNSON on a charge of detaining a letter. Verdict of not guilty. The case of Otis A. HUGHES vs. Edna HUGHES was disposed of. Divorce granted, to take effect six months from date. The court is now working on the HERRING & KEEN case, which will probably last all day. Grand Jury: J. H. TAYLOR, J. M. EVANS, W.W. PORSCH, W. C. MALTBY, J. B. WINN, Ed BAUMAN, C .S. MILES, C. ROBINSON, P. W. MYERS, J. F. DRAPER, J. T. Gibbons, G. W. GITHERS, F. O. LEACH, S. J. TAYLOR, S.S. HOWARD, W. A. MURPHY, J. A. DREW, John BOHANNAN, A. C. TAYLOR, W. C. MCCLARREN. Petit Jury: L..WYCKOFF, William ELSBURY, O. O. BURT, A. L. REED, J. H. SMITH, J. A. GARRETT, J. N. SCANNELL, W. H. ALBIN, W.W. RICHERSON, D.C. FIELD, J. R. DICK, W. B. ROSS, G. D. STODDARD, W. J. PINKARD, E. D. CANTRELL, T. L. SHERRILL, Henry MUTCHLER, J. L. WILSON, William HEWETT, G. M. HIATT, J. M. FARMER, Ivy BAIN, Sam ADDISON, J. P. WATSON, T. O. LYNG, Roy WILSON, John RYLANT, J.C. WHITTOM, A. MANSUR.


Registered bulls for sale, I have 24 head of registered Hereford and Shorthorn bulls from the celebrated CRUIKSHANK and BATES families for sale. Ages from long 2’s to 3’s. All selected from finest stock in Holt, Hutchison County, Missouri. George E. SHUFELDT, Red Moon, O.T.  Dr. Charles NAIR a graduate of Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, Philadelphia has permanently opened a dental office in Cheyenne in the rooms occupied by J.E. STANDIFER. Dr. NAIR is an up to date dentist and I prepared to do all kinds of up to date dental work. For sale a good team of 1100 pound horses, call at the office of the Sunbeam.  A better system was observed in district court than was formerly the case, and witnesses are not detained in town unnecessarily. I. L. HOOVER of Elk City Record, gave us a pleasant call today.  HAMBURG items: Farmers are very busy planting and getting ready to plant corn. A prairie fire did considerable damage west of Hamburg the other day, burning up three houses and some feed. Mr. Frank POLLOCK has a large wheat field growing and from present prospects it looks as if it would yield 20-30 bushels to the acre. SHAW Bros have a large wheat field also. Mr. Frank COLE is going to start up into Texas with his cattle Wednesday. The Day County School commenced the 6th of April at the Shaw School House, with Miss Ruby POLLOCK as teacher. John POLLOCK of Woodward, is visiting his brother Mr. Frank POLLOCK of Hamburg. Hamburg is booming! It can boast of two doctors. Mr. Hammon is getting considerable blacksmith work to do. Mr. LEACH and Mr. SWINDLE are merchants of Hamburg and doing a good business. Reported by brother Bob.


Cheyenne Sunbeam Apr 17,1903

Married on Tuesday last by Judge HOUSTON Charles E DENTON of Jackson County, Mississippi and Miss Mary FUNSTON of Rankin. Court Notes: Oval KEEN vs. F. E. HERRING and C. B. THOMPSON, replevin; jury trial; judgement for plaintiff for $30.00. Motion for new trial continue for term. Judgement stayed pending motion. Territory vs. Joseph A. BOYD, appeal; plea of guilty. Fined $50 and costs. Territory vs. Sam MEIRHOLTZ, perjury; sentenced to five years in penitentiary, appeal taken. Territory vs. William MEIRHOLTZ, perjury, jury failed to agree. Continued for term. Territory vs. A. L. DAVIS and A. LOWERY, disturbing public worship; fined $85 and costs.  The Herd Law passed by the recent legislature goes into effect on May 27 next and requires owners of stock to fence in their own stock. The law is effective in all of Oklahoma except Beaver County and puts an end to the big cattle ranges in Western Oklahoma. Such a law became necessary because of the rapid settling up of this country by homesteaders whose crops were ruined by the onslaught of roaming herds of cattle.


Cleve CHESTER, 18 year old son of James CHESTER living southeast of Elk City was fatally burned in a prairie fire there last Friday afternoon, dying Sunday night. He with others, were burning off a piece of grass and in their effort to keep the fire away from a dugout, he was nearly surrounded by fire and appeared to be panic-stricken. The others reached a piece of plowed ground and were safe. He was badly burned about the face, neck and arms, but the main cause of his death was from inhaling the fire.


Following brands were recorded for: H. S. HARRISON, Nellie ANDERSON, G. F. LEWIS, F. W. CALLAHAN and Mary LITTLE. Rebates of tax were granted to the following: F. M. PORT, J.C. BAKER, E. C. PHIPPS, J. M. STANFORD, Rankin M. WILSON, RICHERSON Brothers, J. W. FINCH, Ira WALTER, George GEOBIENEY, W. H. MALLETTA, J. M. EVANS, A. J. ANDERSON. Co. Commissioners present J. A. MAYBERRY, J. J. TOMLINSON, John H. WEST, County Attorney J. C. HENDRICKS, Clerk A.G. GRAY. Following bonds were approved: Robert A PARKER, Clerk of Poarch township, J. M. JOHNSON assessor of Kiowa Township, John ROBINSON, assessor of Berlin Township. Appointments of Deputy Sheriffs approved: J. W. FARMER, G. C. KEELING, P. S. TAYLOR, J. T. PIERSON, J. M. ALLEE, G. W. HOWARD, C. H. COPE. Claims from the following individuals were allowed: J. E. STANDIFER, M.D., G. W. HODGES, J. E. JONES, D. H. COLLIER, W. M. CRINER, T. L. VANVACTOR, J. H. PARRISH, J. H. OSBORN, A. R. HARRIS, N. S. MOUNTS, C. G. MILLER, Jessie MOORE, L. L. COLLINS, T. M. CHERRY, J. E. CLARK, HOEFEL and Company, J. M. JOHNSON, MD, JOHNSON Brothers Drug Company, HERRING & YOUNG, Dr. Charles MILLER, T. A. CHERRY, J. D. CLAY, B. F. BLACKMON, William WAGNER, N. E. GIBSON, A. L. LAWHORN, J. A. MAYBERRY, Mrs. DYKES, W. M. BRANCH, J. M. BELL, C. E. GREEN, S. A. ELLIOTT, R. K. HOUSTON, W. W. MCDONALD, C. H. COPE, Western Lumber Co., J. H. WEST, R. N. HIGGINS, J. J. TOMLINSON.


Cheyenne Sunbeam Apr 24,1903

Grace Landis MILLS, who has been advertised to give an entertainment here tomorrow night, writes that she has changed her mind and will not come. J. M. BONNER of Sayre is here for a few days to visit friends and look after his farm interests. Married on Wednesday, Lee A. RYLANT and Lou A. CHAMBERS, both of Elk City, Judge HOUSTON officiated. Several loads of cotton have been brought to town this week. This is a great country—cotton planting and cotton gathering going on at the same time. Fred TUNNARD killed a ten month old calf Monday that dressed at 325 pounds. The owner of a brown filly branded H on left hip can hear of same by calling at this office and paying for notice. BORN on Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. Walter SIMPSON a boy. J. R. RICHERSON of Doxey, one of the oldtimers was in town yesterday. The railroad promoters are expected here daily and everybody is anxious to see them. Clarence THURMOND of Elk City spent Sunday here with his brother, Bob. T. E. STANDIFER and wife of Elk City are visiting friends and relatives here. The Foss Post Office was robbed of $60 of stamps. They have a Hereford calf near Stillwater that has two heads, four ears and four eyes. Both faces are white. The hide will be stuffed and probably exhibited at the World’s Fair in St. Louis. Corn is up and doing well, but a good rain is needed for general purposes. The stockholders of the Cheyenne townsite and improvement company, a corporation, are hereby called to meet at 10:00 a.m. May 9, 1903 at the Masonic Hall, in Cheyenne, O. T. for the purpose of adopting a code of by-laws for the government of said corporation by order of acting president F. E. HERRING.


FINAL PROOF: Robert E. DAVIS, Jr. of McArthur, O. T. on 31-14-21 with witnesses: William M. INGRAM, Jack B. LACEY, Nathan J. LACEY of McArthur and Dee W. COULTER of Hammon; James A. MADDUX, Cheyenne for land in 21-14-23 with witnesses: Samuel F. MADDUX, Herman O. HASS, Fredrick O. LEACH, John H. OSBORN of Cheyenne; Charles E GUERNSEY, one of the heirs of James GUERSNEY on 22 and 23 of 14-23 with witnesses: George HUTTON, John PLUNKETT, John COFFEE, G. W. HODGES all of Cheyenne; Annie TRACY, formerly Annie ANDERSON on 24-13-24 with witnesses: Henry FIELDER, Henry M. ANDERSON, Crockett CARTER, William W ANDERSON all of Cheyenne; Arey D. KING formerly Arey E. DEWEY on 32-14-24 with witnesses: John L. WARREN, Alexander TAYLOR, Thomas B. CREE, Sr., Edward BAUMAN of Cheyenne.  Board of County Commissioners reviewed a petition by John T. RANKIN and others of Croten Township asking for a county road be established from the Post Office at Rankin to the Grimes Post Office. George OSBORN, George MARTIN and Hugh DODSON were appointed viewers and R. N. HIGGINS, County Surveyor will meet at the place of beginning on said road the 20th day of May, 1903.



Cheyenne Sunbeam May 1,1903

Born on Friday last to Mr. and Mrs. A. L. THURMOND a daughter. Elder O. H. MCGAYOCK of the Christian Church, has been conducting a meeting here this past week. The heavy rain which fell here all Tuesday night was very acceptable. It was followed Wednesday by a norther to put everybody hunting up their overcoats and Thursday morning there was considerable ice. Married on Sunday by Rev. T. M. BOZEMAN, L.C. CUMMUL and Miss Fannie ADAMS, both of Quartermaster Creek. A marriage license has been issued to Russell COOPER and Mabel WYKOFF. Monday, May 4 is the next regular term of the probate court. The first case on the docket is that of the Territory vs. J. C. CALDWELL. Married on Thursday April 23 Mr. J.W. COX and Miss Rachel M. TJANSBOLD. A marriage license has been issued to Luther PEACOCK and Miss S. A. ROGERS. Married on Sunday last at Sayre, Prof. R. E. JOHNSON and Miss Daisy E. SLAIN, Rev. HENSON officiating. The happy couple arrived in Cheyenne Monday and have gone to housekeeping. The have the best wishes of a large circle of friends in this neighborhood. Mrs. SLAIN, mother of the bride has gone on a visit to friends in Kansas. Born on Sunday last to Mr. and Mrs. HIGHTOWER, a daughter. Born on Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. W. D. KENDALL a daughter. The woodmen erected a fine monument over Mr. DUDNEY Monday. The County Commissioner West and John CAFFEY have purchased the COLLIER Livery Barn in Elk City. Mrs. HOUSMAN of St. Louis, who had been visiting her mother, Grandma STEPHENS, here sometime left for her home yesterday. A Rebekah Lodge was instituted last Saturday night by the president Mrs. Mary V. STCLAIR of Pond Creek, OK, assisted by Miss Irena M. TANNER of this place. It will be known as Evening Star Lodge #80. Forty-six applications for membership were received. The officers of the lodge are: Miss Irena TANNER, Noble Grand; Mrs Ruth MILLER, Vice Grand; Miss Corine CONWAY, Secretary; Mrs. Laura WALLACE, Treasurer. The Noble Grand then made her appointments which were as follows: F.S.N.G. Miss Maud BLACK, L.S.N.G. Miss Lela R. MCALISTER, R.S.V.G. Miss Della MOUNTS, L.S.V.G. Mrs. Jenny SMOOT, Chaplain Mrs. Florence O’BRIAN, Conductor Miss Gussie KIRKLY, Warden Miss Zetta MILLER, Inside Guardian Miss Edna NELSON, Outside Guardian Mrs. Laura COLLINS. The above having been installed in their places by the president of the assembly, she then commissioned Mr. F. E. TANNER as the District Deputy. After the lodge closed, they all retired to the banquet room where delicious refreshment were served.


Letter To The Editor: from J. P. TURNER, Chamal, Mexico, April 20, 1903. I am here, and am well pleased and will stay, and as I promised to write to quite a number of my OK friends, I will send this to the Sunbeam and it will answer for all. I judge from the appearance of everything that we have got as fine farming land as a man wants to look at. Plenty of timber and abundance of firewood. The climate is fine. The days are usually pretty warm, but the nights are cool and pleasant. There is plenty of game, turkeys, deer, and some kind of chickens that I don’t know the name of. There are lemons, oranges, bananas and fine apples and coconuts growing here. Vegetables are plentiful the year round such as cabbage, onions and tomatoes, that is we can buy them every Sunday as that is market day with the Mexicans. This is also a fine country for bees, as there are plenty of sweet flowers all the time, and honey is plentiful. The principle land for cultivation has to be cleared as there is underbrush on it. Some of the land can be put in cultivation with very little work, while other parts will be hard to clear on account of the thick brush, but it is fine land. We have had three rains since we have been here. There is plenty of water in the streams and some nice fish. There is no grass in the valleys to amount to anything but on the mountains the grass is good. There are quite a good many cattle, ponies, mules and hogs here, but the hogs are not like our Oklahoma hogs, their noses are rather long and sharp. Stock in general are high-priced. Well, I will write again later when I get better acquinted with the country. Anyone wishing to write to me will please do so as I would like very much to read a few lines from any of my friends.  Direct to Chamal, via Escancon, Tamaulipas, signed J. P. TURNER.  P.S. I forgot to say that we have a variety of ticks, and in places they are numerous.


Cheyenne Sunbeam May 8, 1903

Diplomas were issued to the following applicants in the common school examination: Edith FRACIS, Sally TAYLOR, Orlie COPE, Clayton SPARDLIN, Claude TAYLOR, Leona JOHNSON, Hannah WILLIAMS, Anna WILLIAMS, Marie DAVIS of Elk City. Lelia TEURMAN, Leaborn WAGONER, Chester GRAY, Clarence TEURMAN of Ural. Lurla SHERLEY, Berlin. Newlin JONES, Birdie SLANE, Leah LEWIS, Trixie JONES, Joe FISHER, Ralph KREADY, Ada CABLER, Shellie JONES, Sayre. The three receiving the highest grades were Miss Lurla SHIRLEY grade 97, Miss Sallie TAYLOR grade 94 3/8, Miss Grace WILEY 94 1/3. Another common school examination will be held later in the spring for those who wish to take same. The increase of common school diplomas is 28% above last year. May many of the sons and daughters of our county be crowned with the highest honors of our common schools. T. L. VANVACTOR, Co Supt.


Sheriff ELLIOTT and family left Tuesday to visit relatives in Amarillo, TX. Public Notice is hereby given that no camping or grazing of herds will be permitted in any of the pastures of the undersigned. Offenders will suffer the full penalty of the law. W. H. HOPKINS, Hugh BURTON, Frank TRAMMELL, George SMITH, Joe FORGEY, ISAAC Brothers, Robert MOODY and son, W. G. CONATSER,. C. M. ROSSER was in our city this week. The last few days have been very muddy. Elder J. A. ROWLAND filled his appointment here Sunday. Miss Belle ANDERSON is visiting Mrs. Ed WOOD. Quite a number of land hunters have been in Cheyenne the past week. Married Troy BRUNNETT to Henrietta HARRINGTON both of Grimes. Mrs. George BERRY, son and wife of Alderman BERRY of Kansas City is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. D. COX. Judge ECCLES of Elk City was in attendance in probate court here Monday and Tuesday. Miss Liela MCALESTER has opened a private school at the schoolhouse here with a very nice attendance. Miss Lela has the reputation of being a good instructor. Mr. Oscar THURMOND of Erick has been assisting Mr. Sam BROWN to run the Cheyenne State Bank during Mrs. A. L. THURMOND’s sickness. Everybody’s cistern is now well supplied with rainwater and some of our citizens can now indulge in a much needed bath. Mrs. Bob THURMOND is dangerously sick at this hour on Sergeant Major. Mrs. E. A. THURMOND has been called from Elk City. Miss Jessie MILLER has come to spend the summer with people. Miss Myrtle MORRIS returned from a visit to Sayre. The rain of last night and Tuesday has put everything in good plowing condition. Warm days and nights is all that is required to make vegetation hump. We understand that the much talked about railroad company has entered into a contract with Elk City. Particulars not learned. Mr. HAWES, a son-in-law to Uncle Tom WHITE, came in from Hill County, Texas a few days ago. He will make this county his future home. Justice QUINN of Sweetwater delivered his rolls to the county clerk Monday. J. J. has made quick work of his assessing. George CHIBORN and Walter JONES two Sweetwater (sic) farmers had business at the court house Monday. Joe CASADY and Stoney DUKE, two oldtimers came from Elk City. They just came over to see a good town and trade a little. D. B. WELTY and Deputy Sheriff D. V.ALLEN were over from Sayre this week. D. V. was assisting in the prosecution of the CALDWELL case. The Roger Mills County jail is empty and we hope it will continue. The editor is laid up this week for repairs. He has a very severe attack of rheumatism. Uncle Perry TAYLOR was in from his ranch on Tuesday. He delivered the assessment rolls from Croten township to Clerk GRAY. Uncle Perry has been there before and his work is in first class shape. In probate court this week, John C. COLDWELL was found guilty of pointing a pistol at Sheriff ELLIOTT. The judgment of the court was that he pay a fine of $50 and be confined in the county jail for the term of 90 days. Mr. COLDWELL appealed the case to the District Court, and was released on a $500 bond for his appearance at the next regular term thereof. John ANDERSON, the ice man, has bought the Jim CAUBLE meat market building and has moved it up next to HARRISON and TRACY’s Law Office and will soon occupy it with his cold drink stand. Mr. BROOM and Miss Edna DONOTHAN, both in the glooming but timorous verdancy of youth, broke away from parental restraints at their quartermaster homes a few days ago and jumped the broomstick with as much agility as older and more experienced folk. They drove up to a field where the Rev. E. SMITH was plowing, gave the venerable gentleman a signal and prepared the inevitable. The preacher yelped “whoa” to the mules and threw the lines off his neck, reached through the wire fence for the license and rammed the ceremony back at them. The Ecclesiastical Cincinnatus resumed his plowing and the young couple ran to wend their happy way down the sunny way of double blessedness. God bless.


Cheyenne Sunbeam May15, 1903

Final Proof: Edwin PURYEAR of Sweetwater on 31-12-26 with witnesses: James M. MOFFETT, Walter CLARK, Maggie PRESTON, Frank YOUNG all of Sweetwater. Newton L. JACKSON on 2-12-23 with witnesses: John J. JOYCE, William W. DUKE, Walker HUFF, W. C. EVANS all of Cheyenne. William H. LEE on 11-12-24 with witnesses: Henry WOODS, Albert SIMPSON, Richard E. LEE, James H. HIGHTOWER all of Cheyenne. James SHOOK on 29-13-22 with witnesses: Charles SEVER, Simpson BAKER, Jasper JACKSON, Newton JACKSON all of Cheyenne. Although the ground is thoroughly soaked by the continued rains of the past month, vegetation is not as far advanced as usual at this season. The coolness of the atmosphere is responsible for this and some anxiety is expressed as to the outlook for cotton which needs much warmer weather than we are getting. The acreage planted to cotton in this neighborhood will be very large this season. John B. HARRISON has purchased the property occupied by him as a law office on Broadway. Mrs. HALEY, Mountain View, is here visiting her sister Mrs. PRESTRIDGE who is very sick. D. W. TRACY has returned home from a visit to Vernon, Texas. Berlin held a railroad meeting last Friday night. John ROBERTSON, assessor of Berlin township has turned in his assessment role. It is a splendid piece of work. Assessment roles are now in for Croten, Berlin, Sweetwater and Buffalo Townships. Mrs. L. A. BEATY left Monday for Odessa, Texas where she will visit a brother. It is hoped that the visit may benefit her health. W. A.BEATY is building a neat little house just west of the L. A. BEATY store to be used as a meat market. Henry COPE of Elk City was in town this week. W. A. BEATY made a business trip to Sayre this week. Messers CONE and ALEXANDER, from near Elk City passed through here Tuesday with a herd of cattle headed for the panhandle. We have heard over the phone that the railroad company and Elk City have failed to make a deal so far, and that they have till tonight to fix it up or it will be a failure. Milo BURLINGAME is repainting and repapering his saloon. J. P. JOHNSON says if this cloudy weather don’t quit, he is going to turn Democrat and go to feeding his cattle. D. N. REDBURN, watchmaker and jeweler has arrived in town and aims to make this a permanent location. Dr. William STANLEY of Rhome, was in town yesterday on business. In the case of the territory vs. COLDBURN, GRAY, et al,, Judge BEACHAMP has granted an extension of ten days to make and serve their case made on the territory. The Cheyenne townsite company met on Saturday and adopted rules and by-laws. They are now in a position to deal with anyone wishing to build a railroad to this town. First to come, first served. S. A. WALLACE has been hunting locals for the Sunbeam this week. Prof. JOHNSON has quit teaching school and gone to farming for Mrs. BURLINGAME and Mrs. MILLIGAN. Guy BERGER and Oscar CASADY caught 35 pounds of fish the other night. Miss Iris STANDIFER accidentally burned herself quite severely but we are glad to say that she is recovering nicely. Married at the probate judge’s office this week: J. Q. GRIMSHAW and Lillie E. ZIMMERMAN of Sayre, O. T.; Mel ALLEN to Viola BLACKBURN of Rhome, Day County O. T. Mrs. Stoney DUKE is visiting her sister Mrs. BURLINGAME.


Letter to the Editor from RedMoon: The people of RedMoon met at 3 o’clock on May 10 for the purpose of organizing a Sunday School. Rev. W. N. STANTON was elected Chairman Pro Tem Charles SHUFELDT Secretary Pro Temp, J. J. STANTON Supt. William HULBERT, Asst Supt. Bertha REYMOLDS Secretary. John SHUFELDT Treasurer, Bertha REYNOLDS Organist, Mr. W. N. COXBY Teacher, William STANTON Young People teacher, Mrs. RAMP Intermediate Teacher, Emma SHUFELDT Primary Teacher. AD: Parties with clocks and watches needing repair will find D. M. REDBURN permanently located in the post office and drugs store of Scotty FALCONER.


Cheyenne Sunbeam May 22, 1903

Elder FARRIS of the Christian Church holds services every fourth Saturday and Sunday at the court house. Calvin ROSSER was in town Wed, and reported the C.O.T. Railroad engineers in Elk City, having finished their survey to that place. Calvin was enroute to Dewey County. Probate Court will be in session Monday the 25th, INS. Several civil cases set for trial that day. Times are dull at the court house; but little seems to be doing in any of the offices. John CAFFEY met with quite a serious accident Monday. He was sitting near his livery barn when a passing horse suddenly kicked him in the neck, inflicting very painful injuries. The rain Wednesday night was the heaviness of the season in this neighborhood washing away fences and doing considerable damage to crops on lowlands. The Baptist Assoc of Roger Mills County will convene with the Dead Indian Church in fifth Sunday capacity beginning Thursday night and will hold consecutively day and night till Sunday night. Expected dinner and supper on the ground all the time. Come everybody and share the blessings with us. C.R. ROBERTS, Pastor. Prof. JOHNSON and wife joined a party of excursionists Sunday and departed for New Orleans where they will attend the reunion. From there they will make a trip to Cuba. Snow fell in Woodward on May 12. The Oddfellows are organizing a building society for the purpose of erecting a lodge in Cheyenne. Judge HOUSTON’s claim on Sweetwater has been contested, and the judge had to go to Mangum to protect his interests. The little folks had an enjoyable time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John ANDERSON Wednesday afternoon, celebrating the fourth birthday of Miss May. The MCNEIL vs. RAINES contest case, which has been hanging fire for several years was settled by mutual agreement last Saturday, Mr. MCNEIL holding the land. Miss Elizabeth CRANE, formerly a student of Knox Conservatory of Music, Galesburg, IL, and a teacher of several years’ experience, is now located here and has organized a class in music. From a report just issued by the government, we learn that there were 6,669 bales of cotton ginned in Roger Mills County during the season in 1902. Total real and personal property valued at $1,309,312.00.
The appeal of the COLBURN et al has been completed and will be taken up in next court. S. JACKSON has had the painters busy at the Citizens’ Bank. Milo BURLINGAME has been making some improvments on the Palace Saloon. Spring fights seem to have opened up down at Elk City. T. A. CHERRY, assessor from Poarch township delivered his roles to County Clerk on Monday. We are glad to note that Mrs. KAILLING is again up after a severe spell of sickness. Billy BARR, brother of our popular hotel man, is visiting friends and relatives here. F. E. HERRING and family left this week for Elk City, where they will make their future home. Preparations are being made to move the old office of Dr. MILLER that which was purchased by the county commissioners, on the court house square. The probate judge expects to occupy it for his office. County Atty HENDRICKS and Sheriff ELLIOTT were called to Elk City yesterday to help straighten out some fighters. Mr. MORTON, from the Whiteshield country, was doing business at the court house Wednesday. Mr. MORTON is one of the school officers of his district, and while here secured the services of Prof. J. W. O’BRYANT to teach next term of school. In a letter to a friend here, Mr. HERRING says: “While we have moved, I assure you many people of Cheyenne are very near and dear to us. It was after much thought and almost compelled to owing to business that we leave them. I wish to say that at any time I can be of service to them, they have only to notify me. Will always be for and never against Cheyenne.” Some of the Berlin boys went on a high lonesome the other day. They are now digging up to pay for the destruction wrought. A meeting has been arranged between the promoters of the C.O.T. Railroad and the Citizens of Canadian Texas, to consider a proposition for the road to pass through that town. AD: If you have a sewing machine out of repair come in and talk it all over with D. N.REDBURN at the Post Office. He also repairs clocks and watches. P.O. is located in the drugs store of Scotty FALCONER. Rain, Rain and more rain.


Cheyenne Sunbeam May 29, 1903

Since our last issue several bad storms have passed us on the way being near enough for the sound of the falling hail to be plainly heard. Three people were killed at Foss last Saturday in a cyclone. They are F. M. FLAGLE, wife and daughter; R. P. HALL seriously injured. Thirteen houses were completely destroyed and many light outhouses wrecked. The storm struck the town at 5 o’clock in the morning moving from east to west, accompanied by heavy rain and hail. Oklahoma City was visited Saturday night and Sunday morning by the heaviest rain ever known there. More than half the city was under water and in some instances water was three feet deep in the houses. The damage to property is estimated at $100,000. A young man named PETERS was brought to town last week from Day County and placed in charge of the officers by friends. Since Saturday last he has shown strong signs of insanity and will have to be sent to the asylum for treatment. He is about 23 years old and apparently well educated. Deputy Sheriff MONROE will leave tomorrow for Norman with the man, Carl PETERS who has been adjudged insane.


Mr. COX started to cut his first crop of alfalfa yesterday, but the rain interfered. Dr. MILLER has sold his drug store to H. D. COX. Mr. KIRKLEY has charge. Judge HOUSTON is spending the week on his claim and Mr. WALLACE is acting probate judge during his absence. The heavy rains have put the roads in bad shape, giving the overseers lots of business. Joe ALLEE, deputy sheriff from Sayre, was in town last night on his way to the northeast corner of the county on business connected wit the sheriff’s officer. U.N. WALDROP, constable from Poarch came in Wednesday night with H. H. DAINS, who had been convicted before Judge YATES for cutting wire fence. There is a report that the Canadian River bed has been “sounded” at the mouth of Packsaddle Creek and that solid earth and rock were struck at nineteen feet. The surveyors of the CO&T railway are now at work and it is reported that their survey will come across Day County from south to north cross the Canadian at Packsaddle thence in a straight line north-west to Goodwin and on to Pueblo, CO. Dr. John STANDIFER left Saturday for Elk City, where he will visit for a time with his brother. His health has been poor of late and his many friends here hope that the change and rest will be of benefit to him, Mrs. STANDIFER and the children went also. Mrs. FALCONER returned Saturday from a week’s visit with friends on Timber Creek. The woodmen of the World will unveil the monument over the grave of J. E. DUDNEY on Sunday, June 7th. E. E. TRACY will deliver the oration. (This gravestone stands today in the west side of the Cheyenne Cemetery).


Amos LEEDEY, 60 years old, postmaster at Leedey, Dewey County, has pleaded guilty to the charge of detaining valuable letters in land contest cases. The letters remained in the office uncalled for, and LEEDEY ignorant of what course should be pursued, threw them into the wastebasket. On account of his age he was let off with a fine.. Tobastin LEEDEY who has been in jail here for larceny and who broke jail last week, but was caught later, made his escape again today at noon. He slipped in an empty cell and when jailer CAMPBELL went in the corridor with his dinner, LEEDEY slipped past him and locked him in. Taking the sheriff’s Winchester and sixshooter, he left the building and finding John CAMPBELL’s horse in the yard, he also swiped him and went north. The sheriff was after him in about five minutes, followed by a posse armed with Winchesters. He had not been caught up to the time we go to press.


Mr. Isaac A. LAIRD purchased seven head of registered improved Poland China hogs near Mangum and has put them on his farm just west of town. Mr. LAIRD in going into the hog business right. The doctor, his brother is backing him up with the necessary cash. They will put in automatic feeders and a power plant to grind feed. We are sorry to learn that Grandma HUTTON met with an accident Sunday. Her son-in-law, Mr. Shell CAFFEY, was talking her in his hack to visit her son George. Whilst crossing a ditch the seat on which Grandma and Mrs. CAFFEY with the latter’s daughter and baby, were sitting overturned backward, throwing them out. Grandma HUTTON sustained a severe shaking, which owing to her age was for a time considered dangerous, but we are glad to learn that she is now doing well. None of the others were hurt. A train was wrecked near Canadian, Texas last Saturday. A posher is used at a steep grade there and was returning from helping a heavy stock train, up the hill when the passenger came along and a head-end collision resulted. It is said that the mail clerk was badly injured. The high water and railroad washout have delayed the mails on the Choctaw this week and our mail has been somewhat limited. Miss HUFF has retired fro her position in the post office.


Cheyenne will celebrate July 4th. Barbecue in Cheyenne July 4th. Sack races, foot races for boys and all kinds of amusement in Cheyenne July 4th. A. I. THURMOND has purchased the TUBBS farm, about two miles west of town. Miss Buford WALLACE has returned to her position in the beauty shop.


Cheyenne Sunbeam June 5, 1903

Married, Monday, June 1 at the Cheyenne Restaurant Dr. Fred C. WHITE and Miss Emma SHUFELDT. Judge HOUSTON officiating. A marriage license has been issued to Frank WEEKS and Cora Annie CAMBRON. Mr. and Mrs. John ANDERSON gave a party in their home to a large crowd. An enjoyable time reported by those participating. Miss Eula CHEATHAM gave her friends a party Saturday evening in celebration of her eighth birthday. The annual meeting of the Cheyenne Townsite Company was held at the court house Tuesday. A majority of the stockholders being present the following business was transacted: H. D. COX, A. L. THURMOND, F. E. HERRING, W. A. BEATY, Louis BOWMAN, Milo BURLINGAME, J. P. JOHNSON, G. W. HODGES and L. L. COLLINS were reelected as a Board of Trustees. The board then elected A. L. THURMOND, President, H. D. COX Vice, G. W. HODGES, Treasurer, J. P. JOHNSON, Secretary. Married on Sunday last at the residence of Elder W. C. MORRIS who officiated, Fleming MCGINNIS and Mrs. Lila Jane CARTER. Miss Ray FIELDS arrived Tuesday on a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. T. BONNER An old lady named CASADY, living on Broken Leg Creek was bitten by a rattlesnake Tuesday, but no serious results are anticipated. A number of young folks gathered at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. WALLACE last Saturday evening where they had a merry time till late into the night. Died on Saturday last, Mrs. M. F. HUTTON, aged 72 years and 9 months. Although of great age, Grandma HUTTON had up to a short time ago, been an active participant in all good works. Her cheery sympathetic voice has smoothed many rough places in the lives of her friends, by whom she will be greatly missed. The interment took place Sunday at the Custer Bend Cemetery. {Grandma HUTTON was involved in the buggy accident of the prior week} Fishing parties are now in order, but it takes an extra dose of snake poison antidote to keep the fisherman warm. Mr. HERRING, who was in town Tuesday from Elk City, says that the railroad survey has been located through that town and the surveyors are working four miles northwest coming this way. He also said that they would run a line to Cheyenne, and that the chief engineer would be here in a short time to thoroughly investigate the several routes into this place. Married in Washita County were P. R. SANDERS of Sayre and Miss Effie ROSSER of Berlin. S. D. BROWN from Rankin was in town Monday in attendance on commissioners’ court. Elder MARTIN filled the pulpit at the Methodist Church last Sunday. Another new building is starting in town, on the corner of the square to be used as a saloon. The county attorneys’ and surveyors’ office has been moved to the corner of the square. John B. HARRISON and Scotty FALCONER have been appointed by the county commissioners as a finance committee to audit the books of the several county officers and are instructed to thoroughly examine all the records of each officer and to report to the county board at the July meeting. Ben STANLEY and Mrs. Bertha EVANS were married by Judge HOUSTON at the court house this morning. The assessed valuation of Roger Mills County is $1,4131,000 this year which does not include the railroad or telephone property. All Woodman of the World are requested to meet at the Masonic Hall at one o’clock Sunday. The fishermen around town are bringing in the fish and telling lots of lies. The county bridge across Starvation Creek and the one across Deep Creek in the south part of the county have each been washed out by the recent high waters. It is believed that Uncle Jimmy TOMLINSON and J. A. MABERRY are much more commissioners than fishermen. G. W. HODGES has been fishing this week. He returned with a large amount of fish—stories. Be sure to attend the unveiling ceremonies of the Woodmen of the World at the Cheyenne Cemetery Sunday afternoon, June 7, 1903. A. S. MCKINNEY who has been sick the last few days is able to be around again. The first freight train from OKC in two weeks arrived at Sayre yesterday. Owing to the washouts in eastern Oklahoma, the mails have been very light lately. Several young folks went to camp meeting on Dead Indian last Sunday. Dr. Charles NAIR, a graduate of Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, Philadelphia has permanently opened a dental office in Cheyenne in the rooms occupied by Dr. J. E. STANDIFER. Dr. STANDIFER and family return Wednesday.


Final Proof: John H. OSBORN of Cheyenne on 27-14-23 with witnesses: John H. STILLWELL, James A. MADDUX, Virgil L. LITTLE and Oscar T. SCOTT all of Cheyenne. James A. MADDUX, Cheyenne in 21-14-23 with witnesses: Herman O. HASS, Samuel F. MADDUX, Fredrick O. LEACH, John H. OSBORN all of Cheyenne. Jeremiah VRAN in 22-12-24 with witnesses: Bert THOMPSON, Isaac BAILEY of Berlin, Grant REYNOLDS of Cheyenne and John S. VRAN of Berlin. James W. NOLAN on 11-13-24 with witnesses: Henry BURNETT, Bee TURNER, John STAHL Lewis T. BOWMAN all of Cheyenne.


Cheyenne Sunbeam June 12, 1903

W.M. DOBBS and REECE, evangelists of the Free Methodist Society, will commence a ten days meeting on the night of the Fourth of July at this place. They desire the cooperation of all God’s children. Born to Mrs. And Mrs. Dave BOWMAN was presented with a fine baby girl last Sunday, June 7. Both mother and daughter are doing well. Grandpa BOWMAN, was all smiles when last seen. Marriage licensees have been issued for C. M. PERKINS and Miss Fay ECKLES, Charles T. REYNOLDS and Miss Stella BRADY, both of Berlin. We have had two rains since our last issue and the weather has been exceptionally cool. You get meals like mother made at the Monroe Motel. Cows and calves for sale. Good milk stock, inquire at this office.


We are sorry to say that Eli Calvin SMITH died at his home yesterday morning, age 74. Died on Monday last, Mrs. Minerva PRESTRIDGE, age 66 years. Deceased had been a great sufferer for some time. The railroad engineers have been called east to finish up some uncompleted work. They will return shortly and finish the survey to Cheyenne. Mr. COLE, brother-in-law to Rev. OSBORN, is here with his family visiting. Cheyenne citizens are wearing overcoats in June for the first time since the land opening. D. W. TRACY was on a business trip to Sayre this week. Ernest BEATY is up on a visit from Elk City. Mrs. SLAIN and daughter Verde returned yesterday from a visit to friends in Texas. Judge HOUSTON has purchased a typewriting machine. The ladies of the Eastern Star gave an ice cream supper at the Masonic Hall. Tuesday, June 6. There was a big turnout and all present enjoyed themselves. Mr. COOKSEY from Homer, Louisiana is filling prescriptions in the Scotty Drugs Store. County Commissioners met and present were J. H. MAYBERRY, John H. WEST, J. J. TOMLINSON and Clerk, A.G. GRAY.


Cheyenne Sunbeam June 19, 1903
  1. T. BONNER sold the ROSS Bros. of Croton Creek a threshing machine Monday. The very heavy crop of oats in this neighborhood will furnish lots of work in a few weeks. Good judges say they never saw a finer crop. Born: Yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. L. PRICE of Croton Creek, a son. Jno. CASADY is back to his old position on the Sunbeam. Owing to sickness of the editor of the Sunbeam has not been issued in a very credible manner for some time past.  Rebekah Lodge No 80 met in regular session on Tuesday evening last. This is becoming very popular having 52 members. Four candidates were initiated at the last meeting and a number of others having application for membership. Ice cream and cake were furnished in abundance and a very pleasant time had.


The Dispatch says that the deputies from Roger Mills County passed through Watonga yesterday on the trail of horse thieves. They are supposed to be the murderers of the sheriff and his deputy in that county about one year ago. A telephone message from KEIL last evening stated that two suspicious looking characters with horses were camped near there. Deputies E. L. FALKENSTINE and C. M. BASKINS joined the party at this place. A message was received at this place a late as 12 o’clock last night and stated that the pursuing party were close on the trail of the thieves near the Cimarron River. As no message has been received at present writing today, it is feared the robbers may have made their escape across the Cimarron River last night. The names of the two outlaws are withheld, but they were known to be desperate men, with a large reward.


A baseball team has been organized here and the boys expect to have a match game with the Cheyenne Indians on the Fourth of July. We have a fine ball ground and such a game would be a great attraction for our visitors.  Judge HOUSTON has been attending to land matters at Mangum the past week, and Mrs. PARMAN has had charge of his office during his absence. {Even though it will be four years before Oklahoma becomes a state, there was an active movement to combine the Indian and Oklahoma Territories into a single state as the following news article indicates.} Single Statehood Convention According to call a meeting was held in Elk City to elect delegates to the single statehood convention to be held in Shawnee, O. T. on the 24th of June, 1903. The meeting was called to order by R. E. ECHOLS. Sam FLOURNOY was elected Chairman and W. T. PEACE Secretary. On motion of R.VE. ECHOLS, the following delegates were elected to attend said convention. I. C.THURMOND, Sam FLOURNOY, W. P. FRANCIS, C. S. GILKERSON, Charles D. PECK, W. T. PEACE, C. W. HODGES, J. Will CULWELL, C. A. JOHNSON, W. H. WINN, W. A. BYRD, J. M. MILLER, C. H. COPE, J. S. PASCHALL, Herman STEPHENS, D. W. TRACY, R. E. ECHOLS. This being all the business, meeting adjourned.


Cheyenne Sunbeam June 26, 1903

This will be the last issue of the Sunbeam under my management. Sickness has compelled me to sell and to take a rest. It is with regret that I take this step; at the same time it will be better for the town and myself that someone able to give more attention to the business have charge. To the many warm friends who have helped me during my sickness and to the public who have so liberally supported the Sunbeam, I wish to return my heartfelt thanks and to assure them that in retiring from active business for a time I shall carry with me many pleasant memories of a social and business character. For my successor I bespeak a continuance of the liberal support always accorded me. Remember that the better the paper the more prosperous the town and that without ample support no paper can do justice to itself or the community. Respectfully, W. G. MORRIS.


The livery stable horses are getting too fat, torn up buggies are the rule nowadays—boys don’t drop the lines over the dashboard.
The windows at the court house have a somewhat ragged appearance since the hailstorm on Sunday. A heavy hail and rain storm, visited this section Sunday evening. Hail stones as large as hen eggs covered the ground and made nervous folks very uneasy for a time. A large number of window lights were destroyed in town and in one instance a hole was knocked through a shingle roof. Great damage is said to have been done to crops north of us. Mr. KENDALL had a hog killed, a hailstone hitting it in the head and shattering its skull.


A large number of persons went out to the graveyard Sunday to witness the unveiling of the monument over the remains of Joe DUDNEY and the decoration of the grave of Mr. FIELDS. The ceremony was performed by the Woodman of the World.  Mrs. BONNER has spent the week with her mother on Sourdough Creek. John ANDERSON is talking of installing a series of moving pictures at the confectionary. Mr. SIMPSON who lived on the head of North Indian in Day County and is an ex-commissioner died at his Wednesday morning rather suddenly. The wind was dehorning buildings of their signs Wednesday. Both dentists went down and also the post office sign. The hail Sunday did considerable damage to window lights all over town no serious damage reported.


Independence Day Parade at 10:30 a.m. a procession consisting of floats, etc. representative of the true American spirit will start from the court house in martial array and angelic grandure; and after winding its way through the streets of the city will return to the court house where an appropriate program will be rendered, instilling in the hearts of the young Americans on enthusiastic patriotism. Music by band, “America”, Invocation D. W. TRACY, Song by children, music by Band. Free Dinner. “Red, White and Blue”, Reading of the Declaration of Independence, Declamation by Irene TANNER and Buford WALLACE; “Star Spangled Banner”, Recitation by Pearl REDBURN, Declamation by Ray FIELDS, Quartette, Music by Band.


Charlie PERKINS and wife and Charlie REYNOLDS and wife, two newly married couples from near Berlin were visitors at the photo gallery yesterday. J. P. JOHNSON has just returned from Guthrie where he went to attend the great Republican powwow over statehood. The recent rains have put a good season in the ground and except, being a little late, the prospects for abundant yield for the farmers were never better than this year. Remember the annual school meeting on July 14, two new members to be elected to the board. Dr. REYNOLDS and wife are stopping at the Monroe Motel this week. HERRING and YOUNG have machine oil for the binders, mowers, etc. Miss HOFELE returned to Canadian Saturday after having spent a week with Mrs. BURLINGAME. Sheriff ELLIOTT returned yesterday from a trip to the panhandle of Texas. A ten days revival meeting that was to commence July 4th has been postponed until the 15th. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. BONNER and Mrs. G. W. HODGES will leave July 7th for a month’s visit with relatives down in Texas. Precinct trustees are having trouble with the road question with some of our prominent citizens. Mrs. FULMER from Iowa, sister of Mrs. Guy BURGER, is in town visiting relatives.



Cheyenne Sunbeam July 3, 1903

At this issue the ownership and editorial duties of the Cheyenne Sunbeam pass from W.G. Morris to D.W. Tracy. The new editor makes the following statement. The editor of this paper making to bow to his patrons and the fraternity desires it understood that he loves his friends with unalterable attachment, and dislikes his enemies with fervor common to human frailty; but he is not running this paper for the gratification of personal feeling but as a business enterprise. Merit in friend or foe, whether political or otherwise shall have due reputation, and wrong from any source will receive due rebuke. Whatever influence this paper has or may acquire will be thrown on the side of right and justice as we see it and an effort will be made to encourage all enterprises and endeavors tending to maintain our county the peer of the best in the territory.
The Cheyenne Cemetery Assoc. began issuing deeds at nominal prices to those who have buried friends there and those who may wish to do so hereafter. W.A. Bright has been declared insane person.
Our friends on Dead Indian, than whom no more law-abiding people live, have had trouble lately with some lawless characters. Such low and heartless acts as killing a man’s hogs and purposely soiling and destroying household goods, as was done to Dee Arnold last week, deserves the severest punishment which the law inflicts for mischief. A very little of such meanness goes too far. It is reported that Oscar Scott was weigh laid and shot at a few nights ago. Let the law handle such miscreants without gloves.
E. Roe of Rankin was doing business at the capital Sunday. Young visitors, especially the ladies, will please not beguile our (printing) devil (John Casady). He has troubles of his own. WANTED at this office a few more dogs. Kindly bring them prepared for burial. Prof. R.E. Johnson and wife are spending vacation with Mrs. Slain. Our prosperous old friend D.W. Brewer, at the head of Buffalo was in town doing business Saturday. O.L. Johnson of Elk City was mixing with friends here last week. He has recently secured the franchise to put in an electric light plant at Elk City. We congratulate our enterprising sister upon this step and upon selecting O.L. to carry it out. Charles D. Peck, Elk City’s handsome and talented young City Attorney, was transacting legal business here on Tuesday. Rev. J.W. O’Bryant has accepted a position as salesman in G.F. Turner’s store, Joe Kimball having resigned and returned to Texas. G.M. Rosser, the enthusiastic rustler of Elk City National Bank, was up from Elk City this week. A new invoice of boots and shoes just received at Beaty’s.
George E. Shufeldt of Red Moon has cut his fine crop of wheat, which he estimates will yield at least 25 bushels to acre. Cheyenne needs an organized fire brigade. Volunteers could easily be secured and in case of, they would be of incalculable value to the town. A party went out Wednesday on a wolf hunt in the neighborhood of Cheyenne. The skirmish resulted in fourteen coyotes killed, wounded or prisoners. The number missing was not reported. D.W. Brundridge and Fred Mayer, two energetic men of Elk City are here copying the records. They are going into the abstract business at Elk City. Mrs. J.R. Johnson is up from Sayre visiting the family of her father, J.R. Casady. Crops have shown wonderful development recently. The wheat and oats crops are fully matured and harvested. A fine yield now being assured. Corn is growing rapidly and looking well. Gardens are magnificent and fruit ripening in perfection. All together prospects were never brighter than at present. Let us thank God and take courage. Treasurer elect W.D. Kendall was in town yesterday. DIED Monday morning, June 29, 1903, Tommie, infant daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J.E. Standifer. The little girl was buried Tuesday morning at the Cheyenne Cemetery. A town hen belonging to J.C. Whittom, stole out from the house and established a partnership nest with a quail. Both hen and quail are now setting on the same nest in perfect sisterly harmony. Ask J.C. about it.
Cheyenne Sunbeam July 10, 1903
Cosmo Falconer, Postmaster lists the following dead letters: Mrs. H.M. Sayers, Mr. Tom MacNeil, Mr. E.E. Stewart, Mr. A.P. Reynolds, Lawrence Peters, J.W. Rigg, Mrs. Delphia Cox, Mrs. J. Pasborn, Mrs. Susie Crawl, Mrs. F.C. Fields, Miss Lillian Evans, Jack Evans, Clarence Parks, Angy Moore, Marion B. Coe, Wallas Barburick, Walter Williams, Will Kennedy, W.R. Kilgow, Annie Wilson, Osgood A. Wolcott.
Frank Banks of Sweetwater was doing business with the commissioners Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Will Culwell were visiting with Mrs. Slane this week. Our old friend G.B. Taylor is up from Texas visiting his son John D. the barber. Attorney D.B. Welty the versatile and brilliant, was up Tuesday from Sayre attending probate court. The Odd Fellowers Lodge fellows of Cheyenne went down to Sayre this week to organize the fraternal order in that hustling little city. Prof. R.E. Johnson, principal of the Sayre schools, has been selected as instructor in the Day County Normal to begin July 29. The beautiful and accomplished Miss Libby Brown has resigned her position at Herring and Young’s store and returned to her home near RedMoon. Major Lard, and early settler of this county now living in Mobeetie, Texas, is here with his family visiting with his wife’s father W.W. Anderson. Complaint was filed last week against on Alex Bichelieger charging him with shooting at Dee Arnold. The officers have not yet succeeded in arresting him. On last Monday evening, Mr. P.F. Muse and Miss Mattie Carson were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony at the probate judge’s office, Judge Houston officiating. J.A. Mayberry sits with dignity as chairman of our commissioners. The regular July term of the probate court convened last Monday morning. Docket called and cases fixed for trial, Tuesday the 7th. Three cases were disposed of and the court adjourned to the 20th inst. at 10:00 a.m. The number of cattlemen secured rebates this week before the commissioners for illegal assessments against their cattle. A number owning cattle in Texas brought them to this county and bought feed from our people and fed them here, returning to Texas as soon as grass arose, or having fattened them upon native grain and hay shipped them directly to market from this county. Such transient property is not subject to taxation under our laws. The laws are right and expedient too, as it encourages men to bring their herds here in the winter to feed, thus giving the farmers a market at home for his surplus hay and corn.
NOTES of the Fourth: As a vendor of refreshments, Shorty Fenno was about the whole show, although there were others. Dancing began Friday night and continued with due intervals for refreshment until midnight Saturday. The refreshments furnished something good all the time, which was duly appreciated by the thirsty and the hungry. Miss Fay Fields’ recitation was well selected and rendered in her inimitably happy style. Others who spoke were: Mr. Wannamaker and ye editor (D.W. Tracy). O.H. Young of the firm Herring and Young came up from Elk City to spend the fourth with us and to look after business of his firm. Mr. Laird charmed the small boy by charming the live rattler in his presence on the fourth. It is said that besides the small boy. G.W. Hodges drove the patriotic float, gaily decorated in our national colors. His well-known classic beauty was somewhat paled by the galaxy of shining stars around him, but as an engineer of the mule-motor, he is unsurpassed. The West Berlin Band discoursed music throughout the day. Members of this hard working band are: J.O. Yolk, J.J. Stacker, W.L. Blackburn, W.H. McCarthy, Luther Creason, John Berger, S.W. Kohn, Paul Oehme, W.J. Singletary, Klofpenstein, J.A. Halls, and C.M. Bates. The boys of the band are great, good fellows, and Cheyenne was delighted with their music and with them personally. We tried to show them a good time, and hope they enjoyed themselves.
Roger Q. Mills for whom our county was named, notwithstanding the 71 years of age, made our county a visit, remaining several days the first of the month. He expressed himself as much pleased with his vigorous namesake.
The Cheyenne-Hammon baseball game on the 4 th was an enjoyable affair. The Cheyenne team had little practice as a team and practically no team organization. The Hammon team was the better all-around ball players. Of course many gross fielding errors were made on both sides. Cheyenne won the
game by its battery. Kirkley, pitcher and Burger, catcher, who put up a game in their positions that would do credit to any amateur club. Hammon also had a good battery and their first baseman covered his position like a professional. Many neat plays were made on both sides, among which were Whirtom’s catch of a hot liner to short center and Evans clean home run in the ninth inning. The Hammon nine are a gentlemanly set of young men and played clean baseball. Score: Cheyenne 24, Hammon, 13.
Sunday morning about 3 o’clock, Will Wall, a drayman, shot and seriously wounded a young man by the name of Thomas Richardson at Sayre. It appears that Wall objected to the attentions of another young man by the name of Curry to his sister and finding Richardson in company with his sister Sunday morning, he drew his gun and shot him, thinking he was Curry. The ball entered the back near the spinal column and just below the shoulder blade, ranging upward toward the shoulder. The wound is serious, though not necessarily fatal. The stories of the shooting are conflicting. Richardson says the Wall came up to him while accompanying the young woman home from the dance and immediately drew his gun, saying he was going to kill him and that he, Richardson turned to run in a stooping position when Wall fired, shooting him in the back. Wall says he came up to Richardson and his sister, thinking Richardson was Curry and asked to know what they were doing and that Richardson made a move as if to draw his gun when he drew his gun and fired. The examining trail was set for Monday morning before Justice J.H. Seamans, but was postponed till July 16 awaiting the result of Richardson’s wound. Wall was released under a $4,000 bond for his appearance at that trial.

Cheyenne Sunbeam July 17, 1903

County Commissioners met. E.F. Stephens was elected Coroner but refused to qualify. T.A. Cherry was elected and qualified as Assessor, but the Legislature abolished that office and he serves Town Assessor only. John and Orville Monroe are back from Dallas where they have been attending college. J.W. McMurtry the irrepressible, has been adorning his old stamping ground here last week. C.B. Allen brought some nice turnips to market Saturday, measuring 25 inches in circumference. A man by the name of W.B. Woods was arrested this week near Texmo and charged with horse theft. T.C. Lewis spent several days on his farm this week attending to the harvesting of his magnificent crop of oats. E.K. Thurmond, Sayre’s up to date banker, paid Cheyenne a flying visit Tuesday. You can’t lose the lucky Klebe. W.B. Amis has returned from an extended visit to the panhandle. He is sanguine over the prospects of the west. H.B. Dewey’s residence will soon be comleted and will be well furnished. Cub Roberts of Quartermaster returned Wednesday from a month’s sojourn in New Mexico. They always come back and show their wisdom in so doing. J.J. Moore the rattling salesman of Herring & Young, has gone to Colorado for his health. His many friends wish him luck and much pleasure on his trip. The courteous host and hostess of Black’s Hotel gave the young people a delightful social Saturday evening. Ice Cream was served and music made the golden hours fly on angel’s wings. Brothers Dobbs and Reece are conducting revival services at the Methodist Church where they will continue to preach until tomorrow night. They will then remove to the arbor. Sam Meirholtz convicted here for perjury and being under bond appeal to the Supreme Court was surrendered by his bondsman last Saturday, and had to make new bond. Fred Tunnard, Sr., charged with aiding escape of fugitive from justice, waived examination before J.R. Casady Wednesday and was held to the grand jury under a $500 bond. A young man by the name of Lowry has been confined in jail for several days in the fault of bond. He is only charged with a misdemeanor and his friends should go his bail at once. Strayed or stolen one bright sorrow horse, about 15½ hands high, branded BRIT on left hip. A reasonable reward will be paid for information leading to his recovery.—Milo Burlingame.
Our school board have elected Prof. J.A. Kirkley of Beckville, Texas a Principal of the Cheyenne Schools. Prof. Kirkley has high recommendations and bears a personal presence which promises to fully maintain his reputation as teachers. The teachers of the lower rooms are to be employed Saturday. At the annual school meeting here Tuesday G.W. Hodges was elected Treasurer and John C. Hendrix was elected Clerk of this school district. Ten mills tax was voted for school purposes and a resolution for uniform text books was endorsed, with the proviso that the present uniform system be maintained.
Marriage licenses issued since last week: C.M. Halloway to Mattie Tucker, John Lee Blackburn to Mary Ruth Hubbard.
A silver medal contest was held at Berlin on Saturday, July 11 which was a grand success. The large hall was crowded and a most excellent program presented. The contestants were: James D. Billbro, Will Bonds, Belle Adams, Hazel Phillips, Iva Wiley, Lessie Thompson. Hazel Phillips won the contest as she did not forget once her words. Fine music program presented by Mabel Jones, Iellen Anderson, G.M. Hutsell, Miss Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Blackburn. This was sponsored by the WCTU and the proceeds of $13 were divided between the Berlin orchestra and the organ fund.

Cheyenne Sunbeam July 24, 1903

John Beaty has brought his handsome physiognomy with him back to Cheyenne. Mrs. L.W. Gilbert of Donna, Louisiana is visiting the family of S.A. Wallace. A delightful shower of rain fell this afternoon and reports seem to indicate that it was general over the county. J.C. Colwell and Frank Blosser caught some nice fish in the Washita Tuesday. One weighing 6 ½ pounds. And this is no fish story. At the meeting of the county commissioners last Friday a tax of 20 mills was for all county purposes. This is two mills less than was levied last year. W.B. Woods accused of horse theft, was given an examining trial Saturday before Judge Casady, and held under $1,000 bond to await the action of the grand jury. A.O. Miller has a bunch of stray chickens at his livery barn. He says they are about good frying size, and that he has got his teeth sharpened to gnaw their bones. Mrs. Nancy Taylor, of Stamford, Texas, is visiting her son G.H. Dodgion here in town. She is well pleased with our county and may become a permanent present. William Wall was bound over to the grand jury under a $2500 bond by Justice Seamans after a preliminary hearing at Sayre last week. The bond was promptly given. Monty Bailey’s show gave two exhibitions here Monday, to the delight of the small boy et al. Features surprising, thrilling, entertaining, united with a troop of pleasant people assures a hearty welcome for them when they visit us again. A gathering of school men assembled at the schoolhouse Saturday, and discussed many phases of the school question. Judging from the personnel of the assembling and by their zeal and earnestness, it is safe to predict of improvements all along the line of popular education.
We are sorry to report the death of our good friend and most estimable citizen, R.J. Bean. He died suddenly at Sayre Tuesday while loading his wagon with lumber. He was a good man, quiet, industrious, pleasant, minding his own business, ready to oblige. We extend all sympathy and condolence to the bereaved. He was buried Wednesday afternoon in the Cheyenne Cemetery. Marriage license was issued to A.C. Moad and Miss Allie M. Gatten. H.D. Cox is acting president of the Cemetery assoc.
The Cheyenne and Washita Valley Railroad of Cheyenne was chartered July 18 to build from a point where the line of Oklahoma crosses the Washita River in Day County (Northwest of present day Reydon) down the Washita Valley through Roger Mills, Custer, Washita and Caddo Counties to a point where the Washita River crosses the west line of the Chickasaw Nation, a distance of 150 miles. Capital is fixed at $250,000. The directors are H.D. Cox, John B. Harrison, A.S. McKinney, A.L. Thurmond, Milo
Burlingame, G.W. Hodges, J.W. McMurtry, W.A. Beaty, A.O. Miller, L.L. Collins, J.P. Johnson all of Cheyenne. {Circumstances prevented this line from ever being developed}

Cheyenne Sunbeam July 31, 1903

The executives of the County Fair met at Berlin on Saturday to complete arrangements for the same. On account of school work, etc., Prof. Harris resigned as secretary. W.L. Blackburn was elected to fill the place. Secretary was appointed to go to the various towns in the county to get premiums for the fair. The following members were appointed to assist him: W.E. Lilly, Dr. Heil, J.H. Seamons and Robert Cooper. It is expected to hold the fair on the 24 th and 25 th of September. The superintendents for the various departments are a follows: horses and mules, R.J. Cooper; cattle, L.W. Drew; hogs, sheep and goats, G.W. Seifert; agriculture, J.H. Seamons; horticulture, H. Carmichael; implements, R.A. Poor; poultry, W.L. Blackburn; floral hall, Mrs. Agnes Phillips, sports and races, Dr. Hendricks.
Final Proof: John W. Waddle on sec 9-14-23 with witnesses: Horace B. Price, Andrew J. Maddux, Sam Maddux, Oren O. Burt, all of Cheyenne. Leonard E. Herring on sec 31-14-23 and sec 6-13-23 with witnesses: William E. Turner, Robert E. Turner, William T. Bonner, James J. Moore all of Cheyenne. Mary F. Tucker on sec 8-12-23 with witnesses: Ezekiel F. Stephens, Willie Huff, Walker Huff, Steve Tucker all of Cheyenne.
Ex-Sheriff Evans was in town from his farm this week. Miss Ellie Allen is up from Leger visiting the family of Mrs. Fields. Marriage License: Harvey Dykes to Bertha L. Hall. A number of young people from town attended the picnic near Hammon yesterday. A delightful rain fell last night accompanied by a magnificent electrical display. Oscar Caudill and M. Baldwin were taking in the city this week, and they took it in all right. Attorney Fleetwood Bell and Deputy Sheriff Joe Allee were up from Sayre Tuesday on legal business. B.D. Scott and wife of Blauchester, Ohio are visiting at the home of Mrs. Scott’s father, Jacob Beard. A concert and ice cream supper will be given this evening upon W.T. Bonner’s lawn for the benefit of our public school. W.T. Bonner is back from his visit to Texas. Billy looks a little lonely however as Mrs. Bonner did not come back with him. We were glad to see our good friend L.H. Carmichael of Berlin in town Saturday. He came up on business with Prof. VanVactor. Have you seen the new comet? It can be seen with the naked eye northeast of the pole star just below the Milky Way at 9:00 p.m. Married at Judge Houston’s office Wednesday, July 29, Mr. Samuel A. Rhine to Miss Claudia M. Winters.
F.E. Herring always full of go and enterprise, was looking over his fine business here this week. He is there with the goods in all matters of trade and business. John Casady was quite sick the first part of the week, and since has been laid up with a sore hand. John Penn of the Record force, helped in our work, thus kindly pulling us out of a bad hole. (John Casady was the typesetter for the newspaper and later would become the owner of the Sunbeam and Star) Prof. J.H. Osborne has been employed to teach an eight months’ school in District #2. He has taught in District #6 the past four years. He is an up to date teacher and with the patrons’ cooperation, he will make a marked success of his work.
During the thunderstorm last night lightening struck a number of houses in town. Will Reed’s house was struck, knocking off the boards and firing some of his things. It hit J.A. Anderson’s house, tearing off the plaster and it tore off the paper in Scotty Flaconer’s house. Fortunately no one was hurt and the damage was not very great. After some delay, the school board has employed Misses Ray Fields and Gertrude Reynolds to assist Prof. Kirkley in the Cheyenne schools. There was doubtless some differences of opinion among the patrons of our school in the choice of teachers, but the board have exercised care and
judgment and have employed a faculty capable of placing our schools where they ought to be among the very best in the county.
The Farmers Institute of Roger Mills County met at Berlin last Saturday. Among the topics discussed were: “What is the Proper Method for Culture of Asparagus?” led by G.H. Mackey; “Will It Pay Grow Timothy Grass in RMC? If So, Can it be Grown with Red Clover” led by Dr. Heff; “Would you Put Wheat on Sod? How Deep Would You break the Land?” led by W.L. Blackburn; “Give The Best Manner of Growing Barley and Also Feeding to Stock” led by George Seifert; “What Do You Know about Planting and Cultivating Corn?” led by W.E. Lilley; “What Do You Consider the Best Method of Selecting Seed Corn?” led by R.H. Magill.


Cheyenne Sunbeam August 7, 1903

Letters advertised at the Cheyenne Post Office: Mrs. Banner Whinery, Throp and Massingall, Mrs. S.H. Rinaker, L.L. Neal, John McCord, E. Laney L.C. Kellough, William Gywn, Will Jones, Miss Irene Garper, Thomas Bonien, W.D. Coatney, Alice Headon, J.D. Harwood, J.R. Crunch, Mattie Bales, L.R. Bivins, C.B. Roberts, G.J. Casady.

County Attorney Hendricks went down to west Berlin Saturday on official business.  M.B. Coe and his wife of Rankin were transacting legal business at the capitol Monday.  Born Tuesday, August 3, 1903, to D.W. Tracy and wife a eight pound girl.  Hence these smiles.  A.O. Miller has traded for the Herring residence, consideration $1200.00.  We are glad to learn that Grandma Stephens, who has been quite sick for some time, is now better.  Rev. G.W. McGraw, Baptist pastor of Erick, will assist in holding a series of Revival meetings at Cheyenne, commencing Saturday, August 21 at 8 p.m.  The following obtained license and were married at the Probate Judge’s office since last issue: Bunion Burton to Lula C. Prutain; Herman C. Schillar to Georgia Choate; Harvey Dukes to Bertha L. Hall.

Harrison and Tracy have received their new law books.  Their law library is now the best in western Oklahoma.  This firm has already attained a prominent place in the profession as conscience lawyers, and with their present equipment they will add new luster to their name and a new dignity to the profession.

The concert and ice cream social Friday evening on the W.T. Bonner’s lawn was much enjoyed by Cheyenne Society folk.  The proceeds amounting to $21.76 will be devoted to the public school.  Miss Zetta Miller was voted the most beautiful young lady present, and Sam Brown won the race at the ugliest man with Hodges a close second, Hendricks coming under the wire third under a dead pull.  Cheyenne Cemetery Assoc. met yesterday at the courthouse and elected as officers for the ensuing year:  H.D. Cox, President; A.G. Gray, Secretary; John B. Harrison, Treasurer.  They will soon be ready to make deeds to lots, the proceeds to be used in improving and beautifying our cemetery.  County Attorney Hendricks returned yesterday from Poarch and Doxey where he went to prosecute a number of criminal cases.  Five cases were disposed of before Justice Foust at Poarch, one dismissed, two acquitted, one convicted and one transferred to the probate court for trial.  Attorney Gilkerson represented the defendants.  The case before Justice Ewton at Doxey as a preliminary trial for criminal assault, and resulting in holding the defendant, one S. Roshwet, to the grand jury under a $2000 bond, failing to give which he languishes in the county bastille.  The Missionary Baptist Church at Dead Indian was engaged in a revival meeting of deep interest last week.  The church was much revived and much good was accomplished.  The church extends her many thanks to Mr. Isaac Laird of Cheyenne for his kindness in furnishing a tent and large arbor lamp.  The congregations were large especially at nights, and a deep interest seemed to pervade the whole community.  The meeting closed Sunday with eight additions to the church.

Horses, mules, saddle and bridles for sale by J.E. Standifer for cash or on time.  For the best food, served in the cleanest manner and in abundance, call at the Cheyenne Restaruant.


Cheyenne Sunbeam, August 14, 1903

David E. Laney contests the homestead entry of Anna Mangold for land in sec 18-14-25.  Wheat at Sayre has advanced, and is now selling at .63 cents per bushel.  Judge Houston went to Mangum Tuesday to seek after contest case.  Wanted at once at this office, a good printer.  Come prepared to work.  Born Tuesday, August 11, 1903 to Mr. and Mrs. James Calvert, a daughter.  Marriage license was  granted this week to T.A. McCalister to Miss Lusine Daugherty.  A new post office will soon be in operation eight miles east of Cheyenne, to be called Trammell.  Attorney Otis B. Fletcher and Herman Stephens of the Elk City Democrat were doing the polite at Cheyenne Monday.  Dr. Johnson came up from Sayre Sunday night to attend John Casady.  The doctor looks well at Cheyenne and has a host of friends her.  John Casady was seized with a severe attack of appendicitis and went to Kansas City Tuesday for an operation.  We hope he will soon return cured of his affliction. {Thus the need for a printer at the newspaper office}  Rev. G.F. Martin was in town Wednesday and reported that his section west of Grimes has had abundant rains and that crops are magnificent. D.B. Welty was up from Sayre Monday on legal business.  He reports that Sayre’s elevators are running over with wheat and that our light shower Sunday night was a good rain at the lower end of the county.  We acknowledge a visit from a very ill bred town cow.  She paid a visit to our garden the other night leaving evidence of her social call close to our back door.  In cases of this kind even a well-bred cow cannot always avoid an appearance of evil.

Dr. D.N. Redburn returned Tuesday from a visit to his farm on Buffalo bringing with him some sample of corn grown on Charley Miller’s place.  It is fine, two large ears to the stalk and will make over fifty bushels to the acre.  He reports that seasons have been most favorable and the crops our there have not suffered at all for want of rain.


Cheyenne Sunbeam, August 21, 1903

Missing newspaper for this date.


Cheyenne Sunbeam, August 28, 1903

Notice to patrons of Cheyenne School.  The Cheyenne School will begin Monday, September 7. Pupils under and over school age and all pupils who live outside the district who moved to town for the benefit of the school, will be required to pay tuition in advance at the rate of $1.50 per scholar per month for seventh or higher grade, and $1.00 per scholar per month for lower grades.  This rule is necessary for additional help made necessary by pupils coming in, and will be rigidly enforces, S.A. Wallace, G.W. Hodges and John C. Hendricks, School Board.


Cheyenne Sunbeam, September 4, 1903

In addition to premiums at the County Fair given for stock, poultry, agriculture products, floral hall, there will also be premiums for the prettiest baby, ugliest man, (and him to be uglier that the editor of the Sunbeam), best fiddler, oldest settler, tallest and heaviest men, best choir or quartet, and the first couple getting married on the first day.  The rich Washita valley ought to take a lot of the premiums notwithstanding the dry weather cut some of our crops shorter than in other parts of the county which was favored this year by a greater rainfall.

At the last meeting of the County Fair Association, Albert Carmichael was appointed Marshal of the fair.  E.W. Franklin was elected superintendent of Poultry in place of W.L. Blackburn who resigned. L. Drew, George Seifert and Paul Oehme of Berlin were appointed to dispose of ground privileges.  Dr. Hendricks, W.B. Rosser and Virgie Drew were appointed committee to build one-half mile kite track.

Final Proof:  Emett R. Lacey of MacArthur, O.T. on sec 30-14-21 with witnesses: Jefferson Davis, Jack B. Lacey, MacArthur, O.T., Robert P. Keplin, John E. Lacey, Cheyenne, O.T.  Robert Lineburger of Cheyenne on sec 21 and 22-14-21 with witnesses: Jeff Davis, Dee Coulter, Fred Andrews, Frank Andrews all of Hammon.  Alva C. Hanes of Hammon on sec 10-14-21 with witnesses: Elijah Hammond, Wesley Rhodes, James C. Banks, Fred A. Waymie all of Hammon.

Cheyenne went down yesterday and today to assist Elk City enjoy her picnic.  W.D. Taylor was here from Doxey this week filing bond as constable of his township.  The freight wagons have kept the road to the railroad hot this week.  Our merchants have been laying in new goods for the fall trade.  A nice shower cooled the air and settled the dust here Friday night.  It was a good rain further south.  Prof. R.E. Johnson is building a residence in Sayre.  He is principal of the Sayre Schools, upon which fact that hustling little city is to be congratulated.  A.B. Cazort of Kiowa Creek was in town Tuesday visiting his daughters, Mrs. Bullard, Mrs. Williams and on Miss Iva.  J. Will Calwell, he of the silver tongue, and his wife, formerly Miss May Slain, came up from Sayre the first of the week.  The number of prairie schooners in town this week all going north or west, shows that many are still looking for homes in this land of the fair God.  Mrs. McLain of Berlin, mother of Charles McLain of Cheyenne, is very sick at her home.  Mrs. Charles McLain has been assisting the past two weeks in caring for her.  Deputy Sheriff C.H. Cope and L. Yeager, Marshal of Elk City, last Friday brought William Bleaker before the board for an examination of his sanity.  A roping contest has been arranged for the big County Fair at Berlin, which will be quite an attraction to all, especially to the new comers who have never seen such a thing before.  This will soon be a thing of the past and no doubt many will be glad of the opportunity to once more witness a roping contest.

The new bridge over Sergeant Major Creek is a number one structure and when the abutments are completed will add much to the convenience to the public west of town.  Bridges are rapidly multiplying in the county, being the first built where most needed, and our county is soon to take its place among the first of the territory in its bridges and roads.

The board of inquest for the insane had more than their share of work the last week.  Polly Harmond, Elbert Jeffcoat, William Bleaker and James Smith were all examined, declared insane and recommended for admission to the asylum.  B.F. Rosser, S.M. Riggs, Walker Huff, Mr. Gilkey and a number of other good citizens near Berlin were in Justice Casady’s court Wednesday trying to ascertain the whereforeness of the whereabouts of certain wire mysteriously missing from the neighborhood.  One Ed Musfelt was accused of the larceny and waiving examinations was held to the grand jury under bond, which he furnished at once.  Attorney Bell of Sayre represented the defendant.  Several wealthy gentlemen from Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma have been hunting in this county since September 1. They came on for recreation and all are well pleased with the country. Some of the Arkansas men are thinking of getting a summer home in Roger Mills on account of the healthy climate.

The singing convention at Berlin was well attended and a most enjoyable time was the verdict of all those fortunate to be present.  The classes of Buffalo, Lone Oak, Bellview and Berlin were well represented and the large chorus singing was highly enjoyed.


Cheyenne Sunbeam, September 11, 1903

Evening Star Rebekah Lodge #80, IOOF, were invited down to Elk City to attend a picnic and also to institute a lodge at that place.  There were about twenty-five of them in number and started from here a 7 in the morning and they arrived in the little city at twelve o’clock.  They were escorted to the hotel where dinner was waiting and it was there they enjoyed the soft strains of the Geary Band.

Jeff Colburn has recently returned from a trip to Montana.  Ursi Keen was up from Sayre Wednesday on business with county officers.  D.E. Coffey was buying cattle in this neighborhood during the week.  J.W. McMurtry came up from Elk City Monday to attend the probate court.  Mrs. Ray and Miss Erma Wallace returned Sunday from a delightful visit to relatives in Greer County. James R. Richerson, an old timer and substantial citizen of Doxey, was talking business in the capital on Wednesday.  Miss Florence Thurmond, the beautiful and charming belle of Elk City, has been visiting her hosts of friends here this week.  Mrs. Huff has rented Mrs. Slain’s residence, and will move in at once to take advantage of our splendid school.  Jim Caffey has returned from across the big pond.  He says that London is larger than Cheyenne, and that South America is “a hard lay”.  D.B. Welty made us a pleasant visit at the editorial sanctum on Wednesday.  D.B. is there with the goods in all matters touching his clients’ interests.  Dr. T.C. Lewis has bought the Cauble place and is adding another room for a music room for Mrs. Lewis’ pupils.  It is near the school house making it quite convenient for the school children who take music.  Mrs. Lewis is a first class musician and thorough, practical and progressive in the methods of instruction.  O.H. Thurmond of Erick was a visitor to our sanctum on Tuesday.  School opened Monday with an enrollment of 117, which has increased daily until by the end of the week, it will be about 150.  Prof Kirkley has demonstrated extraordinary executive ability and his organization of the school shows his minute and thorough grasp of the task at hand.  With his able core of assistants, he will doubtless give us the school we have been looking for.  Let every patron pull with the teachers, thus drawing our school upward to the very top.  John Caffey, the hustling livery man of Elk City, was shaking hands here with friends on Thursday.  Deeded land for sale cheap, in quantities to suite purchaser, apply to Shell Caffey, Cheyenne, O.T.


Cheyenne Sunbeam, September 18, 1903

John Monroe has accepted his old place as salesman in the G.F. Turner Store.  Cheyenne rejoices in the addition of a telephone exchange to her many other enterprises.  The office is located in H.D. Cox’s Drugs Store.  Freight wagons” loaded to the gun walls” come up from the railroad every day to supply the trade of Cheyenne merchants.  Probate Judge Houston continues to make the young people happy by issuing marriage licenses.  The question is who will make the judge happy?  E. Goodwin sentenced from this county to one year in the penitentiary last November, was granted a citizenship pardon by Governor Ferguson on September 9.  M.S. Mounts, father of our popular Register of Deeds, has taken up his residence at Cheyenne.  It is only a question of time when they all will come.  The Methodist Church is building a parsonage here for the accommodation of the pastor.  The foundation has already been laid and work will be pushed to completion at once.  Miss Gertrude West has been employed by the School Board to teach in the Cheyenne School.  A number of pupils already enrolled and others sure to enter render it necessary to employ the fourth teacher. (150 pupils)  Tom Colburn and Billy Monroe convicted last November of embezzlement were arrested and placed in jail last Friday, upon an order of the Supreme Court to execute the sentence of the District Court.  It was supposed that this case was appealed to the Supreme Court, but it now appears that the appeal was not perfected in time.  Don’t forget the county fair to be held at Berlin September 24 and 25.  No hunting will be allowed on my premises, W. H. Anderson.

Mrs. Hoefle and daughter, Helen have been here for a week’s visit from Canadian.  Howerton Brothers Store of Texola burned last week.  The fire occurred just before daylight and on one could tell how the fire originated.  The building stood alone and no other buildings caught on fire.  Marriage licenses:  James S. Teague to Eunice W. Hawkins, Beverly P. Northcutt to Nellie G. Penne, William T. Watson to Mrs. M.A. Rylant, George Burkett to Mary Lyng, Perry Vanderpool to Ottie Roberts.

Ho there Graingers!  Do you know that I have the celebrated vosburg bearded wheat that has made Oklahoma famous and has never failed and that I am preparing to sell in any quantities from on the 1,000 bushes for seed?  Prices made right.  G.E. Schfeldt, Redmoon, O.T.  If you have a watch, clock or sewing machine, that needs repairing, call on me, reasonable prices.  D.N. Redburn, jeweler and optician, P.O. Cheyenne, OK.


Cheyenne Sunbeam, September 25, 1903

Attorney R.D. Echols of Elk City was in town on Saturday on legal business.  Attorney W.S. Wishard of Grand was here Monday looking after legal business in our next District Court.  By phone message we learned Sunday morning that John Caffey’s livery stable in Elk City was burned.  We have not been able to secure more definite particulars.  The first bale of cotton was sold to Herring and Young at Cheyenne last Friday by W.E. Hatley for $53.90.  A premium of $82.75 was added by the businessmen of the town.  Elder Charles Nickel was delayed by his work elsewhere and failed to arrive for his meeting here on the 19th.  We are informed that he will begin the meeting on Friday evening September 25 and continue one week.  He is a brilliant speaker, a profound logician and possesses a high degree or rare personal magnetism.  Hear him and judge for yourself.  Our entire community was deeply grieved and shocked at the tragic death of Judge Leary’s little daughter, Caroline, aged about 14 months.  The little girl was toddling about the yard last Tuesday and fell head foremost into a tub of water and was drowned before the accident was discovered a few minutes afterward.  Every effort with skillful hands and loving hearts could do, was made to restore her without avail.  Universal sympathy attends the bereaved in this most untoward misfortune.  The baby was interred at the Cheyenne Wednesday afternoon in the presence of many mourning and sympathizing friends.  Died Tuesday, September 21, 1903, at his home of the Upper Washita, Arch Anderson of a complication of kidney and heart disorders.  This announcement comes as a shock to a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.  The seizure and fatal termination were sudden and wholly unexpected.  He was in town Thursday looking strong and in the vigor of young manhood.  He was taken sick that night and the disease rapidly assumed a fatal aspect, with every attention and the most skillful medical treatment the hand of death could not be stayed.  Arch was a true and wole-hearted friend, and a devoted brother, son, husband and father.  He was unfortunate in business, but he never lost hope, and in his bitterest trials his true manhood shone bright and clear.  Industrious, energetic, enterprising, had he lived he would have surely succeeded for these qualifications of mind and heart deserve success, and will certainly win.  He leaves a young wife and a little girl and a large number of relatives and friends who will long mourn his untimely death and keep his memory green for his manliness and hopefulness and for the pathos of trouble that clouded the end of his bright young life.  He was laid to rest in the Cheyenne cemetery Wednesday afternoon by his brother Woodman of the World, of which order he was an esteemed sovereign. (Arch made the land run in 1892 and his daughter, Archie was the first Old Settler’s Queen)

Six good new milk cows and calves and ten pigs for sale.  John Leary