Newspaper Summaries for 1906

News about County Residents (Grouped by Year) Taken from the “Local and Personal Columns” in Early Newspapers.
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Sunbeam/Star Jan 5, 1906

100 years ago The Board of County Commissioners met on Jan. 2, 1906. Present were Comm-issioners John H. West, Bascomb Bates and I.H. Carmichael; Co. Attorney John C Hendricks; Sheriff S.A. Elliott; and County Clerk Jno. Osborne. Other officers listed are: Luke Flynn as Justice of Peace of Sweetwater; W.T. Peace, Justice of Peace of Elk Township and he resigned and J.A. Adrian was appointed to fill that vacancy; W.D. Kendall Co. Treasurer; G.W. Sanders Justice of Peace of Sweetwater; J.R. Casady, Justice of Peace of Cheyenne Township; J.L. Berry Justice of Peace of Buffalo Township; C.S. Gilkerson Probate Judge.

Stove Wood is wanted by the Sunbeam office. Please contact us if you have some. W.O. Mounts, better known as Billy, left for Grand, Day Co. to open an abstract office where he will prepare a set of abstract books for that county. D.W. and E.E. Tracy returned today from Guthrie where they have been Attys. before the Supreme Court. Mrs. Clarence Madden and children are taking advantage of the holiday vacation and are now domiciled at their country home. E.D. Cantrell, J.J. Thomas, R.B. Francis, Ed Keen, J.O. Long and O. Bond were among the county’s central committeemen who were at Cheyenne Tuesday.

A.J. Rayfield one of the prosperous and substantial farmers of the southern portion of Roger Mills County was transacting business before the commissioner’s court this week. Mr. and Mrs. P.D. Work of Rankin passed through Cheyenne Wed. in route to Sayre. Mr. Work has rented the Lynch farm and expects to more than double the acreage he worked last year. Rev. Tomlinson of Woodward has been holding a series of meetings at Rankin the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Birchnough of Rankin were in town today. Mr. Birchnough is making preparations for his spring work and is looking for another good heavy work horse to mate one he purchased here today. Stockholders of the Farmers and Merchants Bank of Cheyenne recently incorporated, met Thursday afternoon and elected the following officers: President G.L. Converse; Vice-President W.T. Bonner; Cashier R.T. Converse; Asst. Cashier H.O. White. We are informed that the new bank will open up for business the later part of the present month. H.O. White was the pastor of the First Baptist Church here for the last two years.

J.H. Wilson, a farmer who resides in the southwest part of Day County met with an accident the first part of the week, which cost him the loss of an eye. He was removing a loaded shell from a shotgun when the shell exploded and a portion of the cap struck him in the eye, rupturing the eyeball and making it necessary to remove the eye. Drs. Standifer and Tedrowe performed the operation. The Cheyenne School Board after consulting with the physicians decided last Thursday afternoon to delay opening the public schools until January 15. Several cases of diphtheria in the community was given as the reason.

RIDGETON NEWS: A new literary society has lately been organized in Dist. 64. It meets every Fri. night. R.E. Springate has dug a well on the northeast corner of his claim. The well is 84 feet deep with 11 feet of water. Thomas F. Wells, Jr. has built a neat frame residence on the west side of his claim-the SW1/4 Sec 29-14-26. C.W. Rockwell did the carpentry work. Henry Barbee is again on his claim after a few months visit with his father near Cleone, Illinois.

J.W. French and family will leave in a few days for Ardmore, I.T. where they expect to make their future home. A.C. Smith has purchased the French residence property in the north part of town. George H. Pendleton made proof on his claim. E.F. Cornels one of our hustling abstractors, is now at home in his new office on the court house square. John Mac Bonner and J.C. Thornton have gone into the abstract business, having purchased the abstract books of R.K. Houston. They will bring the books strictly up to date and will be in good shape by January 15 to attend to all wants in that line.

Adlia Hendricks, who was quite seriously injured last week by a horse he was riding, falling with him, is improving and will soon be able to be around again. An IOOF Lodge was organized at Berlin on Wed. last. Among the officers are: E.W. Franklin, C.W. Atwood, W.B. Rosser, F.A. Stoddard, O.F. Hines, Ed Pope, A. Carmichael, J.R. Robbins, J.G. Lancaster, F. Brown, W.F. Rogers, J.G. Winters, Roy Brown, Orville Mitchell, J.L. Gilkey.


Sunbeam/Star Jan 12, 1906

Marriage licenses issued: H.F. Penny of Crawford and Miss Bessie M. Flewelling; C.H. Neal to Miss Nellie Fetty both of Berlin. Co. Commissioners met on Jan. 2 and took bids for construction of a steel bridge across the Washita River between Sec. 15 and 16 of 13-22 (Herring vicinity). Roger Mills County for 1905 issued 147 marriage licenses. Mrs. A.R. Harris departed last Fri. for Texas, where she will resume her schoolwork. It is reported on good authority that the Elk City Statesman paper has been sold to J.W. McMurtry John C. Hendricks returned Tues. from OKC where he attended the Jackson Day Banquet. Mrs. S. Jackson who has been seriously ill for several days, is now improving and her friends hope for a speedy and complete recovery. W. Birchnough, I.W. Finch, W.D. Ainsworth and Frank Gill were in Cheyenne today as witnesses in a land contest case from the Rankin neighborhood. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Monroe on Monday, Jan. 8 a girl. S.D. Brown, one of the staunch democrats of Rankin and the owner of the most productive farms in Roger Mills County was at the county seat today attending to the land business. Many schools throughout the county have been closed on account of diphtheria, only a few deaths have been reported but a great many are sick and many others have been exposed. Peter D. Work (the D stands for Doesn’t), George Osborne, Findley Mason, Jess Thompson and J.W. Wineger all of Rush Creek, were in town Wed. on land office business and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Madden at dinner. J.L. Paschal and family, Editor of the Cheyenne Sunbeam, enjoyed another one of those sumptuous dinners for which Mrs. Thomas Osborne is noted, at her home on Rush Creek last Sunday. The occasion was in honor of Mr. Harry Osborne who was celebrating his 38th birthday. Everything the market afforded was served in a truly artistic manner, and it is extremely doubtful whether or not the distinguished chefs who cater to the Astors or the Vanderbilts could have prepared a more inviting or palatable repast.

Occasionally we hear a farmer complain because the loose stocks running at large freely on the streets of Cheyenne has appropriated some of the feed from his wagon, which was intended for his own team. This is entirely wrong. It is the most natural thing in the world for a cow or a horse to eat and certainly no fault should be found because of this characteristic that can be found in every creature that moves and breathes. If a remedy is imperative, why not bring more feed? J.J. Moore who has been with the firm of Herring & Young at Cheyenne for the past three years, has severed his connection with that house to devote his entire time and attention to the insurance business. The organization of the S.W. Insurance Co. with headquarters at Cheyenne, presented an opportunity for him to better his condition financially. Under the name of “Temple of Economy”, W.H. and J.W. Lee and A.B. Ambler will open up a Racket Stock in the Turner Bldg. about Feb. 1. {Can any old timer tell me what is a racket stock ?}

I will offer for sale at public auction, at my place adjoining town on Saturday, Jan. 20, 1906, all of my personal property consisting of horses, cattle, hogs, farming implements, wagons, harness, and all household and kitchen furniture. Terms made known on day of sale. W.A. Beaty. Joe H. Walton of Dempsey and J.O. Bond of Harrington were county seat visitors on Tues. last. The Dixie is the name of a new social club that was organized at Cheyenne Thurs. evening for the purpose of furnishing a meeting place and providing amusement and entertainment of a purely social character for the members and their families. The rooms over the grocery department of the Cheyenne Mercantile Co. have been secured and will be fitted up for the use of the club. The following are officers: Cosmo Falconer, Dr. C.W. Tedrowe, A.B. Ambler, L.B. Bloome. Deputy Sheriff Tom Watson took George Teeters, an insane man, to Norman last week and turned him over to the territorial authorities. Tom says Norman is a pleasant town and is easy to get to but it is a troublesome place to leave. They even insisted on his remaining, but he managed to persuade him to come home. Final Proof: Winn C Maltby, T. Burt Henry, Newt Harmon, Andrew J. Howell, all of Cheyenne; Merel A. Gamble, Louis F. Cogdill, Alfred W. Patton all of Harrington; Hannah C. White, John A. King; Charles E. Fetty, Frank E. Richardson, Henry H. Jencks, Ralph A. Peck, Emory M. Caudill, George N. St. Clair, all of Berlin; Joe H. Walton of Dempsey; James A. Paulk, John M. Hiatt of Carpenter; Charles D. Ferguson of Larned; Clarence H. Madden of Rankin; Joseph J.C. Whitsett, Hammon; Francis M. Bates, no address; Zylpha Meyers, formerly Croninger, no address.


Star only, Jan. 18, 1906

RIDGETON NEWS: James Albert Beattey, who recently came from Martinsville, Illinois has filed on the SE1/4 of Sec 19-14-26, lately owned by Mrs. Martha E. Tomlinson. Ruben A. Wells has built a neat frame house near the center of his claim. His dugout became too unsafe to live in since the new year and his family visited at his mother’s while he built his new home. C.P. Connor and James Parkerson have quit hauling water from the windmill on the school section 16 because they now have good wells of their own. A young Methodist minister from near Sweeetwater preached at the Union Chapel last Sunday. He will begin revival services Jan. 29. The valuation of personal property in Croton township is again diminished—Harrison Voorhies loosing another good horse. The last vacant quarter section in this community was settled upon last week when George H. McReynolds moved on the Lee A. Bonebreak claim, just south of Ridgeton Post Office. Mrs. Mary E George has been very sick the past week.

Saturday, Jan. 27 is trading and horse sales day in Cheyenne. Bring in your broncs! S Jackson and Mrs. Hornbeak left Mon. for Terrell, Texas where they will spend several days visiting relatives and friends. Keen Barr, who has been at Topeka, Kansas for several weeks, is here for a few days. Keen and Mrs. Barr contemplate making Topeka their future home. G.W. Franklin of Dempsey was down Wed. taking in the big special sale; he also carried home some fine chickens from Sheriff Elliott’s flock of thoroughbreds! Arrangements have been made to have a running race on the track adjoining town every Sat. afternoon and adequate purse will be hung up for each event. The last Sat. in each month will be a general trading and horse sale day. A first class auctioneer in the person of J.E. Short, will be on hand each salesday ready and willing to look after the wants of any needing his services. Charles McClain is at Berlin today looking after his interests in that neighborhood. J.D. Taylor has sold his barber shop to C.A. Meyers and desires to express his sincere thanks for the many favors extended to him while in business here the past 11 years. The new proprietor has been in the employ of Mr. Taylor for the past year. Mr. Taylor will remain in the shop as an employee. The new firm will be known as The Eclipse Barber Shop. Mrs. Brownfield of the Central Office (phone) who has been at Foss for the last several days, returned Monday. J.H. James of the telephone company is in town looking after the interests of his line.

Our school house now flies the Stars and Stripes from its highest point “Old Glory” being thrown to the breezes Tuesday. William Sehr of Ridgeton was down Mon taking in some of the big bargains our merchants are offering and also placed his application for final proof on his claim. John Casady, who has been holding down the foremanship of the Statesman, since its inception returned from Elk City to Cheyenne last week and is now a member of the Star force.

On Mon. Night some malicious person or persons destroyed and mutilated the street signs that the mercantile company had out announcing their big sale, which began Wed. morning. The work was the wanton act of some irresponsible parties and we understand that they are known and that prosecution to the full extent of the law will follow. N.R. Monroe returned Mon. from a visit of his old home in Tennessee.

The big fireproof safe for the Farmers and Merchants Bank will arrive this week. H.B. Price is now the owner of Lee’s Pharmacy, and has the old reliable pharmacist, Dr. Baker in charge of the prescription department. H.C. Hood and H.B. Dewey left Mon. for the eastern money centers where they will boom Roger Mills County and interest the moneyed men of the east on the possibilities of this part of Okla. The Statesman printing plant at Elk City will be sold under a foreclosure of mortgage held by Western Newspaper Union of Oklahoma City. Treasurer Kendall reports that he is receiving about $2,000 a day on taxes.


Sunbeam/Star Jan 26, 1906

Clarks O.N.T. Thread 2 ½ cents per spool; Men’s Shoes $2.88; Cotton Sweater .35; Men’s Overalls .89; 1 dozen Pearl Buttons, 2 cents; Men’s hats .89-$2.25. D.C. Burtnett, of near Hamburg has been seriously ill for the last two weeks. Stonewall Jackson returned the latter part of the week from a brief business trip to Texas. W.L. Blackburn of Grimes representing the S.W. Credit Men’s Assoc was in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Harmon of Croten Township are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl at their home Jan. 19. Owen Bauman of Croten township departed Monday for Oklahoma City where he will take a course in the Oklahoma City Business College. Thomas W. Thornton received his patent Wed. for a mechanical fly-trap which he has invented. The patent was issued on the 16th of January. Mrs. Eakin of McArthur is suffering from a broken limb and a dislocated shoulder resulting from her efforts to control a fractious horse one day this week. J.A. Brown proprietor of the City Restaurant and Bakery has re-painted the interior of his business covering the floor with new matting and otherwise brightened and improved his room. Roy Wineinger son of Mrs. Aaron Wineinger of Croten township is under the care of Drs. Standifer and Tedrowe this week having had a cancer removed from his right eyelid Thursday morning. A number of teachers are in town today taking the examination for teacher’s certificates.

Several students of the Cheyenne High School are also taking advantage of the opportunity to measure their standing from a teacher’s standpoint. “Guntoting” is becoming extremely unpopular as well as expensive in Roger Mills County. Judge Gilkerson assessed a fine of $60 and $30 against two men who were brought up before him last Tues. on the charge of carrying concealed weapons. The establishment of Herring & Young at Cheyenne will from now on be under the management of C.L. Shufeldt who has been connected with them for the past three years. W.T. Bonner retired from this post. Ezekiel L. Stephens and Miss Betty J. Rednour were married Wed. morning at 7:00 a.m. at the home of the bride’s parents near Rankin. Rev. Martin performed the marriage ceremony. Immediately follow-ing the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Stephens drove to Sayre where they took the 10:30 eastbound train to Oklahoma City, and after a few days visit at the metropolis of Oklahoma, they will go to Memphis, Tennessee. Upon their return they will take up their residence at Cheyenne. After an illness of more than six weeks, D.C. Burtnett died Mon. evening at his home in Croten township, four miles southeast of Hamburg. His death was due to an infection of the heart of several years standing. He was an Illinois native and only 38 years old and was buried in the Rankin Cemetery. GRIMES: No rural route in Okla. is better equipped than route #1 at Grimes. The new Butler mail wagon is a beauty. A new set of harness made by F.E. Tanner of Cheyenne dons a spirited pair of sorrels, and E.W. Franklin is our efficient carrier who is never behind time. O.H.

Younker is doing good work on the roads when he can get anyone to work. C. Iverson will build on his claim and hereafter will take mail off number one. He was married Jan 1 to Miss Abramson, an arrival from Norway in November. Mrs. H.D. Brown is living in Elk City and her daughter, Hazel is going to school there while Hirman keeps “batch hall” in good shape on the farm. Ben Harrison is building a fine residence 24×24. This indicates that Ben is prospering and that he intends to quit living alone. Charles Walton has rented the Mrs. McGill farm and is a patron of Route #1. Aunt Martha Robison has rented her farm for the coming season. “Uncle Jimmy” Brown intends to rent his farm and with the old lady, move to town and take life easy. Mrs. Mary Day has rented her farm to son, Frank. He and Miss Lula Jamison were recently married and are now living in Sayre. Our school is now progressing with Miss Lossie Wells at the helm. J.H. Willis has rented William Bennett’s farm. Messers Sherrill, Noah, Childers, and Chapman have a wheel erected at their very popular corners. The wheel is loaded with mailboxes and the signals are always up at mail time. A steam thresher was at Eli Shotwell’s last Sat. and now Eli has good seed oats for sale. The two oldest boys of A.J. Skeins are in Arizona performing the cowboy act. Benjamin Shotwell has returned from Nebraska and has again taken up his abode on his farm. Rev. J.S. Dillard will preach at the Buffalo School House next Sunday. R.A. Ross has built a commodious horse barn and granary.

A new school house is being built in Dist. #25, ½ miles west of August Reifkohl’s fine residence. The Eclipse Barber Shop now sports a new sign. Final Proofs: John Q. .A. Warren, Cheyenne; Joel J. Warren, Rankin; Cooper H. Caylor, Cheyenne. Billy Monroe who was sent to the penitentiary from this county for embezzlement at the Nov term, 1902, has had his time commuted and will be released on April 1. The Cheyenne Star purchased some of the Statesman’s printing supplies at the sale at Elk City. The Cheyenne Mercantile Co. went into involuntary bankruptcy Fri. evening and the stock of goods is in the hands of U.S. officers pending appointment of a trustee. Mr. H.D. Cox is president and hopes that the present difficulty can be overcome and this enterprising firm re-opened. John H. West has some fine seed oats for sale at his place northeast of town. Herring & Young are now receiving their farm implements, and as usual they are the best. Bonner and Thornton have located their abstract office next door to the Cheyenne State Bank. Joe Walton and Levi Frew of Dempsey were down Mon. looking after the payment of their taxes. Last Sunday was the most disagreeable day of the winter so far, and we feel that we are competent as a judge, as we faced the wind for a 30 miles drive. It was as cold as anyone could desire—and then some! The Kingfisher Land Office has been transferred to Guthrie. Last Sat. ten teams loaded with farming implements passed through town in route for Crawford, Day County, and from the looks of this outfit there will be something doing in the farming line in that neighborhood in the coming season. On Tues. last West Stanford and Ed Waterman were arrested and brought before Judge Gilkerson to answer to a charge of “guntoting”. .Waterman pled guilty and was fined $25 and costs and committed to jail until said fine and costs are paid. Stanford entered a plea of not guilty. Jury trial and jury returned verdict of guilty as charged and the judge assessed the fine at $25 and trimmings.

Star/Sunbeam/Feb 8, 1906

Mr. Justus A. Brown, the good-looking accommodating restaurant man of our town, has been joined with Miss Mable Pierce in holy matrimony. The Temple of Economy under the management of W.H. Lee and Burt Ambler opened up for business Tuesday morning. Mr. Lee previous to this last financial venture was the proprietor of Lee’s Pharmacy. Mr. Ambler was head clerk with the Cheyenne Mercantile Co. Bob Thurmond, an erstwhile old cattleman and now one of the leading bankers of the territory has been in town for the last few days, looking after his various financial interests here. Mrs. Dr. Baker has been on the sick list for a few days.


RIDGETON NEWS: The cotton is now about all picked. T.S. Ragan and son, Jim of Weatherford, Ok. spent a few days on their school section 16 last week. Gustava Scheeletter has moved into his new residence on his claim. J.K. George made a business trip to Cheyenne and Sayre last week. Revival services in the Union Chapel Church began Jan 27 to last two weeks or more. Rev. Suttle is conducting the meeting. Rev. Porter of El Reno preached last Monday night, Jan 29 and held quarterly conference the following day.


H.B. Price is now the owner of Lee’s Pharmacy and has the old reliable pharmacist, Dr. Baker, in charge of the prescription department. CHEYENNE School Report: The Cheyenne School closed the fourth month, January 29 with a total enrollment of 201. Average daily attendance 157. Pupils having highest rank for the month. Ninth grade: Locile McKinney, Nean Alexander, Walter Sprowls. Eighth Grade: Eddie Hood, Olive Pascal, Jewel Miller. Seventh Grade: John Dewey, Ora Calvert, Charlie Cross. Sixth Grade: Henry Warren, Chester Tracy, Franklin Kendall. Fifth Grade: Frances Montague, Nona Dewey, Ada Tunnard; B section: Miriam Elliott, Maggie Killough. Fourth Grade: Mary Coe, Vina Burger, Cicely Case. Third Grade: Marjorie Falconer, Lorena Osborne, Lilly Roberts. Second Grade: Hezzie Cox, Clyde Rockwell, Dorothy Case. First Grade: Minnie Kendall, Oren Brazzell, Jay Burger. Kinder-garten: James Montague, Frances Madden, Sarah Thornton.


A lodge of eagles was organized on Tuesday evening at the court house. The new lodge started out with 43 applicants. Mrs. E.M. Black, who has made a success of the Hotel Black celebrated her 50th birthday last evening.  We apologize to our readers for our late appearance and also for the short amount of reading matter, which we have this week. As stated in the last issue of the star, we wrecked our press on Thursday last and have been unable as yet to secure the necessary repairs. This issue will be printed on the press of the Sunbeam.  Hensley & Guernsey are a new loan firm now soliciting business in our town. They are working in the interest of the Jefferson Trust Company of South McAlister, I.T. D.A. Brown of Granite has been appointed temporary receiver of the Cheyenne Mercantile Co. This stock will be sold to the highest bidder on the 14th.


Whlie Mrs. Zelphia Myers and her mother, Mrs. Annie Croninger were driving home from Grimes last Monday, one line fell to the ground and in pulling on the other, the wagon was overturned, throwing the occupants to the ground, with the wagon bed on top of them, in such a way that they were unable to extricate themselves. The coupling pin broke and the horses ran with the front wheels back passed the Grimes Store, which brought assistance. Mrs. Myers was down in the sand in such a manner that if help had been much later in arriving, she would probably have suffocated. She was bruised considerably but not seriously hurt. Mrs. Croninger, who is 70 years old was hurt more severely. Her back and hip being sprained and she is also much bruised. Fears are entertained that she is injured internally.


Ex-Co. Commissioner Mayberry of Sayre was in town Mon. Hensley and Guernsey have a oil and gas proposition to submit to the farmers of Roger Mills and Day Counties. Investigate it. Professor H.B. Scott, in company with John Dewey enjoyed a day’s sport last Saturday in quest of prairie chicken on Dewey’s school section in Croton Township. F.E. Herring came up from Elk City Thursday to congratulate the management of Herring & Young’s Ranch House at Cheyenne upon the splendid showing at this point. A.D. Jones was at the Co. seat the first of the week and made known from his conversation that he would be in the race this year for Register of Deeds. J.J. Moore returned Tues. evening from an extended trip through Day County in the interest of the Southwestern Mutual Insurance Co. He was accompanied by Orville Monroe, who was collecting for Herring and Young. Democratic Precinct #1 electors chose Jno. C. Hendricks to fill the vacancy on the county central committee caused by the resignation of G.W. Hodges. Co. Atty. Hendricks has received a decision in the Finch vs. Cramer land contest case, in which the officials at Mangum recommended the cancellation of Dr. Cramer’s entry. The land in question is one of the choice quarter sections located in the vicinity of Rankin.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam, Feb. 15, 1906

The sale of the Cheyenne Mercantile Stock attracted quite a large crowd of buyers from the surrounding towns. The stock was invoiced at $11,658.00 and was bid in by H.D. Cox for $7400.00. Later in the day the stock was sold to Connor and Collums, who reopened the store Tuesday afternoon. Connor and Collums are old business men having formerly been in the mercantile business in Connorsville, I.T.The Oklahoma Territory passed a new law allowing jury commissioners in each county. For this county, the commissioners are Jno Osborne, County Clerk, Joe Moad of Carpenter, and A.H. Carter the Deputy District Clerk of this Judicial District. Two very successful surgical operations have been performed in our little city within the past few days. The first being an operation for appendicitis on Miss Mabel Morris of Rankin and the other for the same dread disease on Otto Mangold of Durham. The first operation was performed by Drs Tedrowe and Wallace.


LOST: Between Dead Indian School House and Cheyenne, 1 small book satchel containing Bible and other small books. Reward to finder. Leave at Cheyenne Hardware Store. Signed Hubert Case.


H.L. Mauldin is the pastor of ME Church.


RIDGETON: School # 26 in the southwest corner of Day County has just finished a new half-dugout schoolhouse and last Friday night, Feb 9 they had a box supper for the benefit of their school and took in over $32. A mad dog scare caused a number of dogs to be shot along the Washita from the Texas line to near Hamburg. Mrs. Adams’ dog became mad and bit a score or more dogs before it was shot and then all the dogs bitten were shot.


Resolved that we the Farmers’ Union of Elk City go on record as being opposed to having a Negro brought in to the county to pick cotton or for anything else.


A. Mansur of Kiowa Township was a Cheyenne visitor Fri. Jay Montague is confined to his bed this week with a painful attack of rheumatism. Justice Miller of Rankin was attending to business matters at the county seat today. Charles Blackburn who is attending the Cheyenne Public Schools, spent Sunday with the home circle near Grimes. Every business house in Cheyenne was closed Wed. afternoon during the funeral services of Mrs. Caroline A. Brown, who died at her home near Red Moon, at the Baptist Church, officiated by Rev. Chase with burial in the Cheyenne Cemetery.


The rooms over John Stahl’s meat market are being renovated and papered preparatory to moving the telephone office into new quarters. Miss Mollie Casady enjoyed a delightful visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Johnson northwest of town. F.M. Hendricks, father of John C., in company with his son-in-law, Joe Sams, departed Thurs. for a month’s visit with relatives and friends in Hutchinson County, Texas. Mrs. C. Falconer, Mrs. A.G. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Bonner, and Dr. and Mrs. Standifer are at Oklahoma City this week attending the grand chapter of the Eastern Star. S.D. Brown of Rankin was in Cheyenne Friday. Mr. Brown feels confident that the farmers in the vicinity of Rankin will have a cotton gin erected in time to handle this year’s crop. Professor A.R. Harris is in the northwestern part of the county this week visiting schools and directing his efforts toward furthering the educational interests of our county schools. Several farmers in the northwest part of the county have reported the loss of horses recently from what is generally believed to be blind staggers. Jess Thompson of the Rush Creek neighborhood reports the loss of a valuable colt this week, with two more head in a dangerous condition.


Star/Sunbeam Feb. 22, 1906

Last Sunday night the WCTU presented a program at the ME church, which was filled to capacity and many people were standing the entire evening. Speakers were Jewel Miller, Nean Alexander, Rev. White.


Program for the Roger Mills Co Sunday School Convention will be held at Berlin Mar. 17 & 18. Addresses will be given by J.H. Smith, J.J. Donahue, W.O. Rogers, Rev. Roberts of Sayre, Rev. Penn of Elk City, Mr. Howard Bennett, A.A. Hill, Miss Vanclive of Prentiss, William Fettis, Fleetwood Bell of Sayre, French Lancaster of Grimes. The Temple of Economy have thimbles for a penny, pair of shoestrings for a penny.


A disastrous fire caused the alarm to be given Monday afternoon and created great excitement in Cheyenne. Upon investigation it was found that the residence of Dr. John E. Standifer was in flames. Willing hands lent all the aid possible and considerable furniture including an upright piano were carried out of the burning building. From the first alarm it was seen that nothing could be done towards saving the building and all efforts were directed to keep the fire from spreading to the adjacent buildings. By good luck, the wind, which was blowing at almost a gale, was from the south and no danger was apprehended for the business portion of the town and the fire was confined to the Standifer Building. The cause of the fire was unknown but is supposed due to defective flue. The loss is about $2200 covered by an insurance of $1700. Loss in the fire was the manuscript of original poems by Mrs. Standifer, which was the result of her literary work during the past ten years.


Mrs. Brownfield has been on the sick list this week. Mrs. A.O. Miller has been visiting in Sayre during the past week. Mrs. Zetta Brown of Foss is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.O. Miller this week.


GRIMES FRFD#1: Fine weather again. All hands are busy plowing. A few farmers have sown oats. Wheat never looked more promising at this time of the year. H.D. Brown has been suffering with the toothache and his face reveals the effect. Ben Harrison has moved his barn out nearer the road. His house is nearly completed and everything indicates comfort around there. James Cannon has hired to J.P. Childers for the coming season. Fletcher Tanquary swapped horses with the Rural Carrier and now a pair of snow white horses travel the route every other day..A.J. Skeins has sold his farm to Miss Mary E. Newby in consideration of $4000. A new windmill ornaments the fine farm of Benjamin Shotwell. R.A. Ross got his hand severely cut and bruised while operating a stalk cutter a few days since..Mrs. Sally Puryear is teaching in Tom Singletary’s house during the completion of the fine new school house in District #25. A new bridge across Buffalo Creek built by the Carmichael Brothers adds a late improvement to the roads. August Riefkohl is one of the contented farmers of Roger Mills and he don’t want to be asked the price of his farm.


Bert Ambler is usually up to date, but Wed. he appeared on the streets with a new straw hat, and the opinion seemed to be like the first bluebirds would strike a hard frost before the daisies bloomed again. H.B. Price filed suit in District Court Monday against W.H. Lee, asking cancellation of deed to 160 acres of land and also a rescinding of a contract involving $1500. W.H. Hopkins and brother, old time cattlemen of Canadian, Texas were in town Tuesday, visiting old friends and talking over old times.


The Box supper in District #77 was a success so the indebtedness of Blue Ridge School was lessened by the amount of $22.85. J.F. Pyle, the director, was voted the cake prepared for the ugliest man and Miss Sadie Anderson received the highest number of votes for the prettiest girl present. Those on the program were: Misses Mattie and Eva Taylor, Willie McCaskill, Minnie Miller, Viola Paschal, F.H. Penrod, Deacon Brown, Viola McCaskill, Ura Miller, Minnie McCaskill, Eva Balch, Lola Hughes, Mary McCaskill, Olive Paschal, Nona Keen, Etta Mae McCaskill.


Star/Sunbeam March 1, 1906

E.B. Bloome, a prominent merchant of Cheyenne is being held on a charge of embezzlement. His preliminary hearing was held before Judge Casady yesterday. The complaint was signed by Messrs J.C. Hood and H.B. Dewey, partners in the business of the Dixie Store in Cheyenne. Mr. Bloome stated during the hearing that at the beginning of business last October, his capital consisted of about $5. Prosecution had shown by witnesses that since that time Mr. Bloome had deposited to his individual credit in the Cheyenne State Bank an aggregate of $245.00. Mr. Bloome testified reluctantly that he had won that amount by playing poker in Cheyenne. Co. Atty Hendricks then asked the Mr. Bloome to name the men with whom he had played poker and from whom he had won this amount of money. Mr. Bloome refused to answer the question, stating as his reason that he was afraid of personal violence if he should “give the men away”. Mr. Hendricks insisted on an answer, and Judge Casady ordered him to answer by giving the names of one or two who participated in the game. Bloome positively refused to answer and the Judge then ordered the witness committed to jail for contempt of court. The incident created considerable comment for it is not generally supposed that there were half a dozen men in town who knew the difference between a “lulu” and a “bobtail flush”.


The Mangum Land Office has been discontinued and business transferred to Lawton. Through the courtesy of Sheriff Elliott and Deputy Tom Watson, the writer was an inmate of the Co. jail for a full half-hour last Tuesday afternoon. The interior has recently been painted throughout and the good order and cleanliness of the beds and furniture cannot fail to impress one with the care that is taken in guarding the sanitary conditions of the jail and providing the unfortunate inmates with at least all the comforts of life usually allowed in institutions of this kind. There are now two prisoners confined in the county jail, one charged with murder the other with attempted robbery. Both prisoners expressed themselves as well satisfied with the treatment accorded them by the sheriff. The prisoners expressed the opinion that whoever succeeded Sheriff Elliott as sheriff of Roger Mills County would fail to do his whole duty to the people if he didn’t reappoint Tom Watson as deputy.


The Cheyenne Schools closed the fifth month, February 23 with a total enrollment of 214. Average attendance for the month was 165; percent of attendance for the month, 94. Number neither tardy or absent, 50. Pupils making highest average for the month: Ninth Walter Sprowls, Neen Alexander, Lucille McKinney; Eighth Jewell Miller, Eddie Hood, Hillary Warren; Seventh Alvin Moore, John Dewey, Charles Cross Ethel Douglas; Sixth Henry Warren, Rob Hood, Elva Pendleton; Fifth Class A, Frances Montague, Nona Dewey, Max Redenburg; Class B, Miriam Elliott, Elsie Douglas, Minnie Begier; Fourth Cicely Case, Mary Cox, Amy Vandenburg; Third Marjorie Falconer, Ubrem Prestridge, Gertie Douglas, Second Dorothy Case, Hezzie Cox, Clyde Rockwell; First Marguerite Goode, Winnie Kendall, Jay Burger; Kindergarten James Montague, Francis Madden, Grim Leary.


Professor A.R. Harris announces for the office of Supt of Public Instruction. Prior to his first election to this position, Prof Harris was principal of the Elk City Public Schools.


Court convenes April 16, witnesses and jurors will paste this in their hats and remember the date.


William Martin who has a claim twelve miles west of Cheyenne arrived Monday evening from Oklahoma City with a complete outfit of horses and farm implements prepar-atory to beginning an active campaign in the pursuit of health, happiness and wealth.


The Senate will vote statehood bill on March 9, 1906. Miss Myrtle Riggs south of town has been spending a few days at her home, returning Sat. to Sayre where she is attending school. U.A. Albin has purchased a printing outfit and will start a newspaper in Sweetwater. It will be Republican in politics.


For Sale: Disc harrow, a good jack and ten good work mules on easy terms. Inquire of Fred Tunnard at Wagon Yard.


Sunbeam/Star Mar 8, 1906

Miss Nellie Huff is now in charge of the switchboard in Sayre. R.K. Houston is settling up his business affairs here preparatory to removing to Berlin Mrs. George Osborn of near Rankin has almost fully recovered from her recent illness. John Monroe now has charge of the clothing department of Herring and Young Store at Cheyenne. Mrs. E.A. Tinker arrived in Cheyenne Monday from Oklahoma City and will make her home with her brother, J.R. Emerson, eight miles south of town. Buford Fields, who is buying cattle for William Bonner, went to Washita Co. Wednesday to pass judgment on the value of a bunch of cattle consisting of 150 head. Miss Maple Morris who has been under the care of her physicians in Cheyenne for the past month, recovered sufficiently last Sat. to be removed to her home near Rankin. Burt Rasnick, a young man living near Doxey, was up before Judge Gilkerson Monday charged with stealing cotton. The jury found him guilty and he was assessed $31.25 and costs. Mrs. William Young whose home is 8 miles north of Cheyenne, arrived from Weatherford Monday where she has been keeping house for her children who are attending the Weatherford Normal School. Bert Ambler has accepted a position as traveling salesman for the Davis Whip Company and will make his initial trip the first of April. Thomas Parks of Kiowa township pleaded guilty to the charge of carrying a gun in a ballroom, and was assessed a fine of $50 and costs and sentenced to 90 days in jail. Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Ambler, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Burlingame, Mr and Mrs. Jay Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tanner, Mrs. Orvile Monroe, Miss Leo Huff, Walter Huff, Ira Hensley, John Taylor and E. Myers will attend the cattlemen’s convention at Oklahoma City next week. Ambler and Lee have disposed of the Temple of Economy to Ralph Tanner who will conduct the business at the old stand under the name of “The Racket Store”. Mr. Tanner has a large shipment of new goods on the road.


Because of a misunderstanding with his wife, Charles Tanner made an unnecessary trip to Norman last week. He departed from Cheyenne Thursday morning expecting to accompany Mrs. Tanner home from Norman. Mrs. Tanner, however, left Norman the same morning with the result that they passed each other at El Reno traveling in opposite directions. During the week of the Cattleman’s Convention, the Electric Light Co of Oklahoma City proposes to illuminate the six principal corners of the city. This will afford the thousands of visitors a spectacle which they cannot fail to appreciate. B. Hopkins, old time manager of the Laurel Leaf Ranch was visiting friends in the city last week. The Laurel Leaf Ranch originally comprised one-half of Hemphill County, Texas. Their herds of cattle formerly grazed over Roger Mills and Day Counties. Scotty Falconer, Cheyenne’s popular postmaster, was bookkeeper for Mr. Hopkins during the early days.


During the early part of the winter when livestock was turned in on the corn stalks, after the corn had been gathered, a great number of cattle and horses died, supposedly of blind staggers, said to have been caused by eating the smut on the cornstalks. A Greer County farmer this week discovered what he thinks was the real cause and says it was not blind staggers at all. One of his horses died, suffering as one would with blind staggers. The animal’s stomach was cut open and a large amount of maize burrs were found in it. The lining of the stomach was literally covered with the burrs and this, it is claimed, caused the death of the animal.


Co. Supt A.R. Harris announces that all schools in the county will observe March 16 as Arbor Day. A.S. McKinney has purchased some thoroughbred Poland China hogs. John Mac Bonner went out to his farm Tuesday to make preparation for farming. Examination of pupils for common school diplomas will be held on Thursday and Friday of the second week of April, and Thurs. and Fri of the third week of May. There will be no service at the First Baptist Church next Sunday, because the pastor will attend the dedication of the new church at Sayre.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam March 15, 1906

Charley Beebout, who recently moved to a farm seven miles northeast of Cheyenne on the river, was here Sunday on the way to his former home in Edmond, O.T. Miss Josie Coffin and Mrs. Stein who have claims ten miles west of Cheyenne, came Tuesday from Oklahoma City. Mrs. Stein will spend the summer there and Miss Coffin will remain through the spring and superintend the planting and care of a crop, and makings of needed improvments. Miss Coffin lost her entire crop last year by hail, and it is hoped she will be more fortunate this year.


Mrs. O’Laughlin passed through town Monday from Greer Co. on her way to her claim, nine miles west of Cheyenne. She expects to spend the summer there and engage in improving the claim. John Sloan from Blaine Co. has opened a barber shop in the room just vacated by the telephone exchange. He has named his shop the “OK” and the future success will depend on whether he will make good to name. Grover Monroe returned Sat. from Orange, Texas where he had been attending school. He is a clever young gentleman and receives a hearty welcome from his numerous friends. O.C. Hartzog, wife and two children of Creston, Day County passed through Cheyenne Sun on their way to their farm. Mr Hartzog is a teacher in his school district.


J.L. Paschal has retired from the newspaper field and gone to the cotton field. The way Joe will chase those mules up and down the cotton rows this summer won’t be slow. Some of its members were trying to persuade Ed Keen to join the Society of Eagles, but Ed wanted a few days to make up his mind whether he is that kind of bird. Up to date, he has not decided. Taken up by George Prestridge, one sorrel horse, 10 or 11 years old, branded 2T on left shoulder, some white in forehead and harness marks.


Taylor and Myers, the Cheyenne barbers are doing the Cattle Convention in Oklahoma City this week. What they won’t see while there won’t be worth looking for. H.V. Guernsey is in charge of the Racket Store this week while Ralph Tanner takes in the Cattlemen’s Convention in Oklahoma City. The new schoolhouse in District #77 has been christened Mt. Pleasant.


J.L. Paschal has retired from the management of the Sunbeam and S.A. Stauffer has taken charge. J.O. Long remains editor and publisher. A little snow fell here this week and our readers in other states will be surprised to learn that here in sunny Oklahoma, we are having zero weather. School District #77 has barely finished the new schoolhouse, but they are very progressive and up to date people out there and don’t lag in educational matters. This is 77’s first school and they proceeded at once to organize a literary by electing the following officers: President Mr. Laney, Vice President Ollie Paschal, Secretary Ernest Paschal, Door-keeper Will Keen. The society started with 32 members.


W. Davis of Roll was in Mon. and bought his spring supply of dry goods from Herring & Young. W. Birchnough, one of Rankin’s prosperous farmers and a man of good judgment purchased a nice supply of cheap suits for his boys last Mon. S.D. Brown of Rankin came in last Mon. and made a nice bill with Herring & Young. F.H. Wilmoth of Crawford bought a nice bill of shoes from Herring & Young.


RIDGETON NEWS: A Mr. Simmons of Kingfisher Co has begun residence on his claim recently owned by Weldon Reagan. John P. Inselman and family have moved from Crawford in Day County to their new home on the northwest quarter of sec. 3-14-26. Joe A Moad, of Carpenter, one of the members of the Jury Comm-ission was in town from Sat. until Tuesday filling the duties of his office. Mr. Moad is one of the largest farmers in the eastern part of the county besides being a fine stock raiser of more than local reputation. He has over 400 acres of deeded land and every acre is producing some-thing.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam March 23, 1906

In regard to the care of domestic animals, horses and cattle for instance, Cheyenne seems to have adopted the open door policy. In observance of Arbor Day, the County Officers planted trees on the Court House grounds. They stand as silent sentinels to mark the line where the court house fence is to be. The high school last Friday debated the question: “Resolved, that a necessary qualification for marriage should require the man to have property worth a $1000 and the woman be a good housekeeper.” Rev. H.O. White, Mrs. Burger and Mrs. Falconer acted as judges and gave the decision for the affirmative. {Editor’s note – this would equate to $00,000 today}


Our judgment from reading the papers is that the “roping” at the Cattleman Show last week at Oklahoma City was not very satisfactory. No person was seriously hurt and no animals crippled, so that the sport seemed rather tame. The fact is that cattle roping like many other sports where cruelty is the main feature are dying out. [This was the last roping to be held in O.T.} Jess Thompson from Rush Creek lost another horse this week. This is three work animals he has lost in the past five weeks: Two horses and one mule. The cause of their death is peculiar. The brain turns to a mass of matter and water and the stomach contains a large quantity of little red worms. Mr. Thompson is one of the most careful horsemen in his neighborhood and has been feeding a variety of grain and hay during the winter. Can anyone name the disease or its cause?


The stove in the office of Hotel Black was about the warmest number in town during the coal famine of the last week, and was liberally patronized. J.H. Osborne don’t mind being an Eagle, but he would like a soft place to light. The six month old son of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Hightower who reside six miles southwest of town, died Monday and was buried Tuesday in the Cheyenne Cemetery.


They say that since the saloons are closed in Sayre that they have to ring the fire bell of a morning to wake the citizens.


The Eagles had a good meeting and initiated the following members: J.H. Osborne, Scotty Falconer, A.H. Carter, Will Black and J.M. Evans. “Roost” will soon be full having now 60 odd members. Orville Monroe, Billy Bonner and Charley Shufeldt all want new suits. If you see Monroe in new clothes you may know that Oklahoma is not a state; otherwise Bonner and Shufeldt will have new togs.


{They have a wager on whether Oklahoma will become a new state} Several thousand fruit trees, forest trees, shrubbery, grapes and berries were delivered here this week by a nursery company. This appears to be a good fruit country and the way orchards are being planted, fruit will be plenty in this section in a few years.


G.H. Corrigan of Rush Creek who has been in Missouri prospecting the past three weeks, passed through town yesterday on his way home.


Miss Mollie Casady was a Sayre visitor a few days this week. A contest case was tried before the clerk of the District Court Monday, Jessie J. Rogers, contestant against homestead entry #21092, made March 10, 1902 for the NE1/4 of Sec 6-13-25 by Laura E. Williams, contestantee. Non-residence is claimed. It has been decided by the land department in Washington that an occasional visit without cultivation and reasonable show of improvement does not constitute a residence. The mail carrier had a rough time coming up Monday. Soon after leaving Sayre he broke an axle of the hack, and while coming into Cheyenne broke the tongue of the wagon he had borrowed. He got here with the mail just the same. We haven’t heard the railroad whistle yet but there has been considerable loud talk. A little girl has stopped in the family of R.H. Higgins since last Sunday. J.J. Ray, a boy about 8 years old was thrown from a horse last week and had an arm broken. There is a rush from southeast Roger Mills County to Beaver County. Prices for claims up there have advanced rapidly within a few months past. Now while you are going to northwest Beaver County and paying fancy prices for relinquishments, why not go five, ten or fifteen miles further into Kansas and get just as good land for the filing on? There are thousands acres of filing lands joining Beaver County on the north and just the same quality of land. There is nothing in the name; it is the land that you want.


Mr. Bloome has been released on $1000 bond to wait the action of the grand jury on the charge of embezzlement. Plymouth Rock eggs for sale at 50 cents per setting. Inquire of Mrs. R.L. Wilkin, north of the J.H. Kendall farm.


Elk City suffered another disastrous fire on Saturday night last. The fire began in the pool hall and cleaned out the entire east side of the block with the exception of the State Exchange Bank and the building occupied by Lindley as a confectionary and the Palace Drugs Store The fire was the work of an incinderary and the people of Elk City are at a loss to know what the object is. In this block, there have been three fires started within the week that this fire occurred. After the fire had burned itself out, quite a lot of excitement by charges and counter-charges against different parties as to their being implicated in the cause of the fire. Feelings became so warm that Sheriff Elliott and all his deputies were called to Elk. Co. Atty. Hendricks followed on Tuesday morning. We under-stand that several arrests have been made and that the preliminary examination will be held today. On or before the fire, there had been trouble amongst the citizens of the town which resulted in an assault on H.Stevens, editor of the Elk City Democrat, by Rufe King, night watchman of the town. Immediately following this assault Dr. Riley coroner of the county, during the absence of an officer, attempted to place King under arrest. As soon as this attempt was made, King the night watch who was under arrest, but not under control, assaulted Dr. Riley, and from what we can learn he put Dr. Riley out of business. As stated in the first part of this article, these are only rumors of which we hear, but we hope that by next week, we will be able to give the facts in the matter as they occurred.


Sunbeam/Star March 30, 1906

Our county is attaining a very unenviable reputation over the number of killings that have occurred within its confines the last few months. Another murder or as claimed by the party most interested, who is the party who fired the shots, which robbed the other of his life, is to the effect that his act was in self-defense, which may be true, but does not remove from our community the onerousness of another crime committed. The killing occurred about 11 miles southeast of Cheyenne on the road from this place to Elk City. From what we can learn of the circumstances, it seems that one Edgar A Sweatt, who claimed to be a collecting agent for the State Mutual Insurance Co of Oklahoma City obtained lodging from Knox Price, a farmer on the W.W.. Duke Ranch on Sandstone Creek, Monday night. Tuesday morning after breakfast it seems that Price and Sweatt had some words over the former removing the latter’s horses from the barn in order to feed his own. It appears that Sweatt had used abusive language toward Price, using vulgar names and then had driven away in his buggy without paying his bill. Price followed him on a horse with a gun, and upon overtaking him, they compromised on the grounds that a Mr. Betts was owing Sweatt some money and they went to the Betts house to collect the money. Sweatt went into the house but soon returned with the information that Betts did not have the money, but that he would pay him. Price then raised the bill from $1 to $1.50 stating that it was worth 50 cents more if he had to wait for his pay. Another story is that Price demanded that Sweatt retract the language he had used, which he denied using. At this time Sweatt was standing inside the door of the Betts house, and drew his revolver and commenced shooting, one ball striking the horse upon which Price was sitting. At this point, Betts put Sweatt out of his house, and he and Price started around the house, as we understand it, in opposite directions until they came within site of each other and then began shooting again. After the smoke had cleared away, Sweatt was found sitting against the home with several loads of shot in his face. Price was shot in the right shoulder blade but the injuries are not considered dangerous. Price came to town on Tuesday, the day of the shooting and surrendered to Sheriff Elliott. Sweatt had on his person, $50.10 in currency, a gold watch, and wore a diamond ring. Thursday’s Oklahoman says Sweatt has been traveling for the State Mutual for some time. Sweatt was a single man of about 32 years of age.


Findley Mason of Rush Creek had a span of mules killed by lightening during the storm Sunday night. It practically leaves him without a farm team. No insurance. Atty. Jno. B. Harrison of Sayre passed through town Sunday on his way to Grand on legal business. It is a long drive from Sayre to Grand.


Roger Mills County may not be good hog country but Charles Ames of Current Creek killed one last week that was too large to scald in a tierce, and this had to be done with sacks and hot water.


Joe Allee of Elk City was in Cheyenne this week. Rev. H.O. White went to Texmo on business Wednesday. Marshal Dobbs and wife of Sayre were in town Monday night. B.T. Stubbs of Erick has purchased the Dixie stock of goods at this place and took possession Monday and will commence a 30 days cost sale. He contemplates moving the stock to Erick. He desire to reduce the stock as much as possible and will make prices accordingly. If the Colorado, Texas and Mexico Railroad runs on the Bee Line, it will pass through western Roger Mills County. Among the patents recently issued to western investors, we find the name of K.A. Cunningham, Cheyenne for a wire stretcher. Mrs. Martin came in from Colorado Monday evening and will spend the summer on the farm with her son “Billy”, ten miles west of town. The Emerson Farmers’ Union have organized a company which has been incorporated and will soon build a cotton gin on the northwest corner of Charles Bates’ farm in township 12-24 at the head of Sgt Major Creek. The incorporators are E.W. Franklin, J.H. Turbyfill, C.H. Bates, H.W. Wood and C.M. Bates. Mrs. Helen Bryant is having 500 shade trees set out on her place besides numerous fruit trees. She is now boarding in Cheyenne while finishing her term of school here.


A government inspector has found and reported a money shark, who charged a Cheyenne Indian 1200% interest for a loan. This stands as the known limit in fleecing Oklahoma Indians. Guy Burger sold his livery barn yesterday to Ray Redden.


The Farmers and Merchants Bank of Cheyenne has organized a branch bank at Hamburg. The officers are: R.V. Converse, President; W.T. Bonner, Vice President; C.L. Converse, Cashier; A. Hammond, E. Swingle, F.O. Ogle, Frank Pollock and Dr. Wallace, Directors. Mr. J. Elmer Brown of Cheyenne has just received a notice, which stated that his application for Letters Patent on a fly-trap for screen doors has been allowed by the U.S. Patent Office. The objects of Mr. Brown’s invention is to provide a trap for screen doors which is designed to be located near the upper portion of the door and which is designed to receive the flies, which are constantly moving toward the upper portion of the ordinary door and be automatically rotated by the opening and closing of the door. Jack Cronin was in town and proved up on his claim before A.H. Carter, Deputy Clerk on Thursday. Charley Tanner is here winding up his business. He is going to locate in Tuttle, OK with a Racket Store. Mrs. Sines and Mrs. Lottie Holtz have returned from a visit to Indiana and are now making arrangement for farming.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam April 6, 1906

Over 200 delegates from the different unions in the county met in Cheyenne for the Co. Convention of the Roger Mills Farmers Union on Monday last. The first meeting was held in the courthouse and that building was hardly large enough to hold the delegates. Judge C.S. Gilkerson delivered the welcoming address. They adjourned to the Baptist Church as the court house had to be given up for use by the commissioners. R.E. Poarch was elected president and Frank Winters secretary-treasurer. Madames McKinney and Hornbeak have been called to Terrell, Texas in the death of their father, Judge W.D. Irvin. Fred Tunnard while at the Stockmen’s Convention at OKC purchased a very fine Hambletonian stallion paying $500 for same.


Editor E.D. Penn of the Elk City Record and J.O. Long of the Sayre Standard attended Commissioners’ Court this week as well as Herman Stephens of the Elk City Democrat. Ira W. Hensley of the firm, Hensley & Guernsey has sold his interests in the loan business to H.V. Guernsey. Knox Price who was in jail on a charge of killing Edgar A. Sweatt was released on $3,000 bond on Saturday last. Charles Beebout has purchased the OK Barber Shop and has opened up same in the room just east of the Star Office. Sam Flournoy, R.E. Echols, J.W. McMurtry and Henry Story were here at the meeting of the Co. Commissioners. H.V. Guernsey has formed a partnership with John E. Leary. The new firm of John E. Leary and Company will do a farm loan and insurance business. Newt Thompson one of our old settlers had quite a serious accident on Friday last. While coming to town his team ran away, throwing him from his wagon and breaking his right arm and injuring him internally. Mr. Thompson is quite an old man and his friends have serious doubt as to his recovery. “Skillety Bill” Johnson of Canadian Texas, an old resident of Cheyenne, is visiting friends and relatives here.


A party at the home of Dr. Tedrowe was enjoyed by the young people on Saturday afternoon. A.C. Smith bought a Peter-Schuttler wagon of Herring & Young last Saturday. A.T. Allsup living on Rush Creek bought a nice line of groceries. L.T. Berry bought a nice line of harness, groceries and hardware. G.W. Robnet living on Current Creek bought a nice line of groceries. Mrs. Lamont of Hamburg was buying groceries and dry goods. Bee Gillespie of Creston was buying his spring supplies. George Goehring was in last Friday buying groceries.


LOST: on Friday, March 30 in Cheyenne or on the road running northeast through Custer Bend, a pair of gold rimmed spectacles. Finder please return to A.R. Harris, Cheyenne.


To Lease: 360 acres of good pasture land, well-fenced, 8 miles north of Cheyenne. J.A. Brown at Brown Lunchroom.


John H. West has some fine seed oats for sale at his place northeast of town. The following is the report of Excelsior School with Rufus Wood, teacher: enrollment 57; average daily attendance 44.


RIDGETON DOINGS: Mrs. Isabella Wakefield from Poarch has begun her residence on her claim lately purchased of Thomas F. Elson. Henry Barbee is building a neat frame house on his claim just east of Long Creek. Charles W. Rockwell has a filing on the SW1/4 of Sec 35 just across the line in Day County. Thomas B. Upton has filed on the claim recently owned by his mother, and has built a new half dugout and moved in with his family to become a permanent resident. Benjamin Thurmond and family of Kentucky have rented the Sol Beck farm and will live thereon until he moves out to his new claim.


The town of Cheyenne was shocked to learn of the death of high school student John E. Dewey, who did not have a strong heart after suffering typhoid fever when younger; but a hard pecan shell was found in his appendix, after removal. Drs. Tedrowe, Standifer and Wallace operated on him Saturday. His circulation was not restored and he passed away 3:00 Monday afternoon.


Judge J.R. Casady held a short tem of court Wednesday morning and transacted a little business. Tuesday Ben Thompson and Henry Berry undertook to pull off a mill down in Milo’s resort after the Jeff and Fritz style, only they didn’t wait for the gong to sound. Deputy Sheriff Richardson decided this contrary to his interpretation of a manly art exposition and called the mill a draw. Then they each sued the other for assault and battery. Judge Casady agreed with Richardson and for their infraction of ring rules, thought they should pay a fine. It was Berry’s first say and he put down a five, which Ben promptly raised to ten. The judge being game keeper raked in the stakes with the cost. Ben Thompson from Rush Creek started for Nebraska Wed. where he will make an indefinite visit. The Sayre Mill and Elevator Co. are preparing to furnish the city of Sayre with electric lights. A good move for both the company and the city.


Joseph VanAwkin of Elk City and Miss Daisy Craft were married March 25 at the home of J.T. Sketchley near Hammon. Mrs. Sketchley and Mrs. Van Awkin are sisters. Thomas Allsup appeared before Judge Casady Wednesday morning. Tom is a good fellow as well as a pretty good man, but he took on too big a load Tuesday and Deputy Richardson had to assist him. The judge charged him $5 for taking on more than he could tote. The two week old child of Mr. and Mrs. R.N. Higgins died Monday and was buried Tuesday. Mr. Johnson known as “Herdlaw Johnson” of Merritt registered at the Hotel Black Monday night. He reports a serious loss. Last Sunday morning, the sparks from the chimney of his house were blown to the barn setting it on fire, and completely destroying it. Four horses perished in the flames, with the assistance of neighbors they succeeded in saving the feed stored in the barn. M.E. Collum of the mercantile company with his family, arrived this week and are living in the second building south of the Sunbeam office.


Cheyenne Sunbeam/Star April 13, 1906

A.D. Jones, candidate for Register of Deeds called a few days ago. He is an old typo, and while here tried his hand at the case. I.H. Carmichael transacted business here Wed and Thurs.


A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Shelton Thursday the 5th. Rev. J.R. Green from Rome, Day County, was a Cheyenne visitor Wed. J.R. Emerson transacted business at Elk City the first of the week. Rev. H.L. Mauldin and children went to Gip, Custer Co yesterday morning for a few days’ visit.


H.D. Young of Cordell is here and is putting in 16 acres of alfalfa on his farm 1 ½ miles west of town. Dave Bowman has been visiting relatives and friends at Elk City during the past week, has returned Mon. Judge Gilkerson issued marriage license on the 6th to James D. McDonald and Miss Myrtle L. Forgey and married near Larned by Justice Field. A new school house is being erected in the Anderson district where the one was burned some time ago.


Prof. Scott will address the people at Bethel School House, 5 miles southeast of town on Saturday evening and preach at the same place Sunday at 11. In a trip 15 miles into the country a few days ago, we found all peach trees that were large enough to bear to be in full bloom. George Clay who registered at the Hotel Black Tuesday night, from Puget Sound, is on the search for a sister whom he has not seen for 20 years. She is reported to live in the Hamburg neighborhood and Mr. Clay went there Wed. to see if he could locate her. Her name is Clay, having married a relative by that name. Lloyd Weightman and Miss Cora Hines were married on Sun. morning the 8th by Justice Miller at Berlin. The ceremony taking place as the sun was rising.


Cheyenne Sunbeam/Star, April 19, 1906

Mrs. Charles McClain has passed away in Guthrie. She leaves a husband and a 12 year old son. Mr. and Mrs. McClain had made Cheyenne their home for years. Remains to be interred at the Berlin Cemetery today.


Word reached town a few days ago of the suicide of Martin Ray who resided on East Croton. Mr. Ray met his fate via the laudanum route. He had been taking a little laudanum to ease an attach of rheumatism but at the time of his death, he had taken an overdose of the drugs with suicidal intentions and had told his family of his intentions. Medical aid was summoned but arrived too late to save the man’s life. A wife and 5 children survive Mr. Ray.


Herring & Young ad list following customers: Mr. and Mrs. Mung Baker, O.E. Brown, Mr. Cabiniss of Crawford, Mrs. Joe Cooper, J.E. Beason of Dead Indian, T.B. Cree, Frank Pollock the druggist at Hamburg, J.T. Owens of Hamburg, George Goehring of Rankin, A. Hammond, Sam Bowman.


Prospects for a good crop in this part of Oklahoma was never better at this season. A mild winter with sufficient participation of early abundant rains has greatly benefited the wheat and oat crop. Much corn is already in the ground. George C. Whitehurst, the Sayre merchant, has purchased the Dixie stock of dry goods and clothing at this place and began invoicing the stock today. The stock will be removed to Sayre.


A report was current today that San Francisco was almost destroyed by an earthquake and a large number of lives lost. The Hotel Black at Cheyenne is for sale. It is the only hotel in the town.


WWEST CROTON: John King is on a deal to sell out his farm and go to Colorado for Mrs. King’s health. Lee Balch made a business trip to Elk Monday. Miss Minnie Miller of here is visiting Mrs. Emma Crabb this week. Will Crabb lost a horse last week with blind staggers. E.H. Spencer rented his farm to Eddie Pyle, and left for Hot Springs, Arkansas for his and his wife’s health. Mrs. J.B. Miller is very sick; hope she will be up in a few days.


W.M. Crabb of Redmoon was in and had the star sent to J.L. Clark of Mt Moriah, Arkansas. Sam M. Flournoy of Elk City came in to see the wheel of justice revolve in District Court. “Fort Riley” is again in evidence in this session of court. The court house square with its tents, resemble the boomer days of El Reno during the opening of the Kiowa-Comanche Country.


Among the pardons recently granted by Gov. Frantz is that of Tom Colburn of Roger Mills Co., in for three years for embezzlement. Dr. Standifer and Tedrowe have dissolved partnership and Dr. Standifer has located at Elk City, while Dr Tedrowe continues practice here. W.O. Mounts purchased a large span of work horses this week from some horse dealers. The price was in the $300 notch, and they are a pretty good team. The literary society of school district 77 had a box social last Fri. evening at the new house, the proceeds to go towards furnishing the house. The voting contest of the handsomest lady was quite spirited, there being four young ladies in the merry chase. The sum of $13 was realized.


Several weeks ago H.D. Cox, Hez and his wife went to Kansas City visiting. After a few days visit they prepared to start home the next day, but Mr. Cox was not feeling well enough and continued to get worse. Doctors were called, who pronounced his trouble as dropsy of the throat. He lingered along for several days, getting worse all the time, until the throat was so badly swollen that he was at the point of choking. Here the doctors resorted to extreme remedies. They attached a tube to the windpipe and Mr. Cox breathed through that. Then they waited a few days until the swelling had been reduced, when they performed one of the most difficult operations known to surgery. Mr. Cox withstood the operation remarkably well and at this writing is improving nicely, and in a short time will be fully recovered. Mr. Cox’s previous health had been good and this attach was quite unexpected.


Cheyenne Sunbeam /Star April 26, 1906

Terrible Tragedy- James O. Bond, a farmer killed his former wife and then himself Friday morning 5 miles north of Sayre. he used a razor. They had been separated over a year and the wife was living with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hodgson, when their boy, Sammy, 4 years old, was killed by a kick from a horse. Bond was sent for to attend the funeral and afterwards he remained and acted strangely. Thursday he started to his home at El Reno, but got off the train at Doxey. His tracks indicate that he had prowled around the house all night. Friday morning he came to the house and announced his intentions of killing the whole family with a revolver. He shot at his wife, then at her mother, Mrs. Hodgson, then at Mr. Hodgson and Mrs. Bond’s sister. Mrs. Hodgson grabbed him, telling her daughter to run. Mrs. Bond ran, screaming from the house, out on the road. Bond broke loose from Mrs. Hodgson, followed her and struck her several times with the revolver; again she ran and he then threw away the revolver, and drew a razor and, overtaking her again he slashed her on the arms, breast and face. Finally he reached her throat and she sank to the road literally hacked to pieces. Bond then drew the razor across his own throat, severing both jugular veins and dying a few feet from the woman. The tragedy was witnessed by Mrs. Hodgson and Mrs. Bond’s little sister and by an old man who could do nothing to prevent it. Mrs. Birdie Bond, the murdered woman was refined and beautiful. Their domestic troubles had been many and it is supposed that Bond was deranged.


Old Oklahoma was 17 years old Sunday and she is getting awfully tired of short skirts. She wants a gown with a trail like her sisters have. (wanting to become a state).  Herring & Young ad states customers: Abe Cazort, Dee Ross of Croton Creek, Mrs. Redden and family of Streeter.


RIDGETON NEWS: Last Sunday afternoon a new Sunday School in Day County three miles north of Ridgeton was organized with R.R. Wilson as Supt. May Slusher has returned to her claim just over the line in Day County after a few months’ work in El Reno. The Day County Surveyor has finished re-surveying the southwest corner of Day County, about 10 sections in all, and found too much land, so he left a neutral strip between Day and Roger Mills Counties for Roger Mills County to annex. Last Friday night the Pie Supper at Liberty School house netted $5 for supplies and song books for Sunday School. James R. George has purchased the James T. Smith farm. Consideration $1750.00. E.E. Snyder and Mrs. S.W. Reynolds received word that their father had died in his home in Exira, Iowa.


BLUE RIDGE SCHOOL NEWS: Closed the fourth month April 13 with enrollment of 35. Pupils making highest average for month: 8th Nena Harrington, 6th Essie Ramsey and Clyde Mitchell; 5th Willie Boyer, 4th Cora Harrington, Cora Warlow, 3rd Earl Shirell and Edith Harrington, 2nd Harvey Chrisman and Tillman Shough, 1st Guy Mitchell and Edna Smith. Maggie Wheeler teacher.


A lawn tennis club has been organized at Cheyenne and grounds are being prepared on the hill near the schoolhouse. Fred Tunnard has informed us that he has made arrangements to supply ice to all who desire the same during the coming warm weather. Burt Ambler dropped into town on Saturday last, and as usual began to stir up business. William Wood under indictment for horse stealing and who escaped from the jail at this place some two years ago, was re-arrested on Tuesday last and is again a guest at the “Hotel De Elliott” (Sheriff Elliott) Cheyenne has the material for a first class baseball nine, and there is no reason why a club should not be organized at this point. G.L. Conner of Conner and Collums moved his family to Cheyenne this week, and are occupying the Cree residence in south Cheyenne. G.L. Converse of the Farmers and Merchants Bank returned Tuesday evening from a trip in the eastern part of the territory. L.L. Collins our old time hardware man was shaking hands with his many friends at Cheyenne this week. Story Sherman was at Grand this week looking after the interests of his loan agency.


W.H. Lee says he has a little cheap money to loan on choice farms. See him at the drugs store. The town is full of good looking “school marms” today. This being the annual examinations for teachers’ certificates. W.A. Beaty came in from Odessa, Texas last night and brought a carload of good horses and mules. If you are needing a team, now is the time to purchase as Beaty is always right on prices. Oliver Bingham, about 15 years old, had a shotgun and picket rope attached to his saddle, from the Roll vicinity passed through town today. He was running away from home and left his horse here and ”hiked” across the country. A telephone message was received by the officers to apprehend the lad if he came this way. While the officers were shadowing him, he stepped into the mercantile establishment ostensibly to exchange a pair of pants he had purchased, and passed on through out the back door and fled, and the last seen of him he was still going south. Later his father arrived and followed him. Rev. C.H. Roberts presiding elder of the Weatherford Dist. held quarterly conference of the Methodist church of Cheyenne circuit at Washita School House Thurs. Burt Ambler who has been on the road for a whip company came in Mon. accompanied by his wife. J.M. Dudley from the southwest corner of the county called yesterday. He is here with his daughter, Anna, who is attending the teachers’ examination. The Dudleys are accompanied by the Misses Lela and Martha Cupps, who are also teachers. Hamburg is improving. A bank has been established there and a hall suitable for entertainment and lodge purposes is being erected. It is one of the garden spots of Oklahoma. Rev. H.O. White and family took their departure yesterday for Rocky Ford, CO where they will reside. The change is made for Mrs. White’s health. He preached his farewell sermon last Sunday. It is a bad plan to throw dead chickens, cats, etc. into the alley. Warm weather is coming and we should be more careful what we deposit in the alleys.


Billy Martin the printer, farmer of the Rankin neighborhood was trading in Cheyenne Monday. J.R. Emerson has been the meat cutter at Stahl’s market and has returned to his farm. There was a box social given at Square Top School House last Fri. night, which was financially and socially a success. Those who attended from Cheyenne were Mr. and Mrs. E.F. Stephens, Grover Monroe, Ira Hensley, Jess Allen, and the Misses Pearl Huff, Molly Casady and Nellie Huff. Miss Jo Coffin who has been out on her claim on Rush Creek the past six weeks, returned to Oklahoma City last Saturday. Her mother remains on the farm. Miss Coffin is a printer and is the support of her mother. She is using every dollar that she can earn in improving her land to make her a comfortable home, but seems to meet with misfortunes in her efforts. Last year she lost her crops by hail and this year in drilling a well, after going down 140 feet, failed to get water, but not discouraged, put down another with better results, having secured an abundance of water at 100 feet. Such pluck and energy deserves credit!


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam May 3, 1906

Last Saturday Herring and Young’s clothing sales were the best of the season. Among those buying groceries and dry goods were J.H. McInturf of Grimes; Sam Maddux, Cheyenne; J.A. Cofer of Rankin; W. B. Martin and J.E. Taylor of Croton Creek; Mr. and Mrs. James Harmon; Mrs. Wheeler of Rankin; Burt Redden of Streeter purchased a Lister cultivator; Henry Berry of Red Moon purchased a Success Sulky; T.S. Allsup of Hamburg purchased a wagon.


All parties interested in planting and growing alfalfa in Roger Mills County, are requested to meet at the Court House in Cheyenne on Saturday, May 12, 1906 at 2:00 p.m. for the purpose of organizing an alfalfa association. Crop prospects never looked better in this part of the territory and our farmers are already discussing the fall reward. Stonewall and Mrs. Jackson started yesterday for El Paso, Texas for a visit and outing. C.R. Roberts left for San Francisco for a few days’ visit. to view the remains of the destroyed city. Milo and Mrs. Burlingame are at Shattuck this week. Horses and mules for sale Saturday, May 5 at Cheyenne Livery Barn, owned by Mr. Redden. He has put his rigs and barn in first class shape and deserves a continuation of the patronage given his pre-decessor. If you want a team, see Sell Boheme. He will offer 27 head of fine horses and mules.


John C. Hendricks returned yesterday from a trip to Lawton, Mountain View and other southern towns. Dr. Smyser, the painless dentist will be in Cheyenne May 8; Texmo May 10; Sweetwater May 5, and Prentiss May 4.


W.A. Beaty returned to Odessa, Texas Tues. and Lode Beaty is now holding down the “ranch”. The Eagle Picnic will be held in the Goode Grove south of town on Saturday, May 5. An IOOF Lodge will be instituted at Hamburg on the night of May 22. Oddfellows of Cheyenne led by F.E. Tanner, past district deputy will confer the degrees.


W.T. Rook, the contractor has just received notice that his appliance for catching and delivering mail from a moving train has been granted a patent and is being looked into by the mail service. Brown, the short order man, is now located in the Parrish Bldg. recently vacated by the Dixie Store. Cheyenne will soon have one of the neatest short order and ice cream parlors in the west. Brown’s old stand has been sold to Horr, the new banker. The Cheyenne Cotton Exchange Bank is the name of the new banking institution that will be established in Cheyenne in the very near future. This institution has been capitalized at $10,000 with W.O. Horr president; I.W. Wheatcroff of Providence Ky. vice-president; Bart Goode cashier; these along with A.J. Wheatcroff serve as the Board of Directors. Mr. Horr is interested in the banks at Texmo and Crawford in Day County and at Rhea, Dewey County. This will make the third bank for our town. The bank will erect a modern bank building at once on the old Brown location.


Sunday School picnic will be held at the Square Top Schoolhouse Sunday, May 14. E.W. Franklin of Grimes was down today looking after the funds for the school district at that place. Charles Bebout of the O.K. Barber Shop is putting in a fine side-board and large mirrors and presents a very neat appearance. We understand that hot and cold baths will be added in the near future. He has just received a clothes pressing outfit and prepared to clean and press clothing of all kinds. Hamburg is taking on quite a little boom. The Washita Valley Bank will soon be in operation and the Oddfellows Lodge will occupy the hall over the bank building. A newspaper, the Hamburg Blade, will soon be on the ground and the initial will appear about the middle of May.


This paper will be owned by A.H. Carter (Deputy Court Clerk of Roger Mills County) and run by John Casady. Settled up by a “git there” enlightened a progressive class of farmers and there is no reason why Hamburg should not be one of the coming towns of Day County.


Cheyenne Public School 7th month ended April 20 with an enrollment of 221. Highest average in grades: Ninth-Lucille McKinney, Nean Alexander; Eighth-Eddie Hood, Jewel Miller, Hilary Warren; Seventh-Alvin Moore, Ethel Douglas, Ada Killough; Sixth-Henry Warren, Rob Hood, Frankie Kendall; Fifth -Francis Montague, Oren Prestridge; Elsie Douglas; Fourth-Katie Leary, Gilbert Ray, Anny Bredenburg; Third-Marjorie Falconer, Bertie Douglas, Lillie Roberts; Second-Clyde Rockwell, Susie Martin, Hezzie Cox; First – May Martin, Minerva Prestridge, Jay Burger; Kindergarten-James Montague, Graham Leary, Frances Madden.


A good soaking rain fell here Sunday night. Charley Bebout has moved his family to town from the farm. Don Cox visited Kansas City over Sunday, and reports H.D. Cox as improving nicely. A few of Cheyenne’s young folks met at the old Dixie Storeroom Saturday for a social hop. The eagles will soar to the big timber Tuesday. C.S. Gilkerson brought a croquet set from El Reno on his recent visit, and now that pleasant amusement is being indulged in these fine evenings. At the examination of teachers last week there were 23 applications. Of these 11 passed, 1 receiving a first grade, three second grades, and seven third grades. The others will have to “try again”.


Tennis is being enjoyed these pleasant evenings by some of our young folk. Judge H.K. Huston has gone to New Orleans to attend the Confederate Veterans Reunion along with Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Wallace. Dr. Patchin has been absent from Lee’s Drugs Store for the last ten days. He visited in New Mexico during his absence. E.B. Ambler is again in the farm loan business in Cheyenne. A dog and pony show gave an exhibition Monday evening. Those who attended say that they got all they expected for their money, which was not very much. The tent was well filled. It was estimated that the show carried away about 75 of Cheyenne’s big round dollars.


The runaway boy spoken of last week, was overtaken about three miles south of Berlin, still hitting the dirt. There is generally something wrong when a boy leaves home. Roger Mills County Fair Assoc. will meet at Berlin Saturday May 12 at 1:00 p.m.  Ben Eckelson has opened a pool hall in the room recently occupied by the Racket Store. Mr. and Mrs. S. Jackson have gone to El Paso for a visit. W.N. Gibbs will be in charge of the bank in Mr. Jackson’s absence. A three year old horse belonging to John Stahl met with a peculiar accident last night. The colt first got out of his corral at home, then into an alfalfa field, then into the road and this morning was found in an uncovered dugout on Scotty Falconer’s premises, several blocks away, dead. The animal possibly was attacked by some disease, causing it to wander around.


Going to be a great SS convention at Hobart for all the Sunday Schools. The Hotel Black at Cheyenne is for sale.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam, May 10, 1906

Baccalaureate will be held at the Baptist Church Sunday night 8:00 p.m. Address by Prof. Scott. Monday night the tenth grade completes the prescribed course of study. John C Hendricks is to bring the address to the class. Others appearing on the program are Lucille McKinney, Nene Alexander. Diplomas will be presented by Co. Supt A.R. Harris. Tuesday night program Vic Black, Seaborne Wallace, Eddie Hood, Ora Warren, Charles Blackburn, Pearl Huff, Carrie Fields, Hilary Warren, Jewel Miller, and address by D.W. Tracy. Wednesday night program features Polly Anderson, Chester Leary, Ada Killough, Charles Cross, Louis Elliott, Ora Calvert, Belle Daniels, Alvin Moore, Ethel Douglas and address by Judge Gilkerson. Thursday night the fifth and sixth grade presents exercises and E.E. Tracy will address them. Friday night rooms one and two will furnish an entertainment and Rev. Mauldin will speak to them.


W.H. Vance was in town Sunday. Elk City will soon have a complete system of water-works. John D. Martin died at his home two miles west of Hammon April 22, 1906. Mr. Martin was an old soldier having served in the regular army at Ft. Cobb, I.T. He was 64 years of age. District Singing Convention #1 will meet at Lower Sandstone schoolhouse or Sedalia post office the third Sunday and previous Saturday in May. Over at Elk last Saturday, Dr. Riley, Frank Ferguson, “Stoney” Duke and Herman Stevens held a four cornered matinee on the street. The trouble started about who fired the town. Deputy Sheriff Watson happened to be handy, and rounded the quartet up. The three latter pled guilty and paid their fine. Dr. Riley preferred to come to Cheyenne, but he met the same fate here and paid his fine of $25, with costs all told, $35.25. There was no shooting, only a talkfest, but each one carried a gun as evidence of good faith. John B. Harrison was in town Mon. on legal business. Alfred Gray has been quite sick recently, Dr. Tedrowe reports him as nearly recovered. W.B. Jurgens of the OK Barber Shop, has moved his family from Holdenville, I.T. to Cheyenne. G.B. Goode cashier of the new Cotton Exchange Bank, is here ready to take charge as soon as the building is ready. The new bank will open at Hamburg the latter part of this week with G.L. Converse as cashier. The Converse men are good, safe people and a bank should do a good business in that locality. A glee club was organized last Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Tedrowe. Members are E.F. Cornels, Miss Lula McRae, Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Gilkerson, D.W. Tracy, R.C. Hatch, M.W. Gibbs, Mrs. C.W. Tedrowe, Mrs. Leah Huff, Carrie Brown, with Miss Hornbeak and Mrs. Thomas as organists. E.M. Black has the Hotel Black at Cheyenne for sale. This is the only hotel in the place.


Herring & Young shoppers: T.K. Little of Dead Indian, T.B. Yornell of Rankin, Sam Maddux purchased a wagon, J.J. Wilson of Redmoon, Sam Kendall of Day County purchased a cultivator, T.J. Debard of Creston bought hog wire, John R. Taylor, Redmoon; J.C. Cooper of Trammell, G.H. McReynolds of Ridgeton; C.H. Jeffcoat of Hamburg; I.N. Yornell of Rankin; G.F. Martin of Dempsey.


RIDGETON NEWS: Ollie Swanson has built a new frame house on his claim just east of Long Creek. M.A. Day did the carpentry work. George Feilner had a housewarming at his new residence last Friday night. Every Saturday night everybody goes to the home of Paul B. Hughes for music and singing. James A. Hughes has sold his farm to his son, Paul, and has gone to his old home in Texas for a long visit. Thomas Matthews has gone to visit at his daughter’s home in Haskell, I.T. Visiting in the home of G.H. McReynolds is Mrs. Mary Cupell of Amarillo, Texas.


The Washita Valley Bank at Hamburg opened this week. Lloyd Monroe, who has been attending school in Orange, Texas returned home Wed. evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. Jackson returned Wed evening from several days’ visit at El Paso, Texas. Charles Shufeldt returned Mon. evening from Kansas City where he had been on business for the past week. Calvin Rosser and D.A. Mayer of Elk City drifted in from the west Wed. and put in the next day shaking hands with the unterrified. Mr. Rosser is a candidate for Co. Treasurer before the Democratic primary and is making a nice clean race. Alex Falconer, brother of Scotty Falconer, postmaster at Cheyenne, is here on a visit to his brother and friend. Mr. Falconer has been in the employee of the Orient Railway as paymaster. The Orient will run between Berlin and Hobart. G.L. Converse of Farmers and Merchants Bank returned from Ingersol, Oklahoma on Sun. last, where he had been for several days looking after his interests at that town. He brought back with him several head of fine driving horses. Charles Willis has been returned from the Norman asylum to the jail here as the authorities there claimed he is not crazy. He is in jail under two charges; one of an assault with dangerous weapon and one of incest. The examination of pupils for common school diplomas is being held at Cheyenne, Elk City, Sayre and Berlin on Thurs. and Fri, May 17-18.


Cheyenne Sunbeam/Star May 17, 1906

The Doxey-Berlin Railroad has been making haste slowly in the past, but just now the company, whoever they are, seem to be in earnest. Grading has been going on during the past week and an advertisement appears in several papers for men and teams. It is expected that the road will reach Berlin this summer. The alfalfa meeting last Saturday afternoon chose A.O. Miller as president, C.S. Gilkerson as secretary. An inspector has been over the proposed rural route out from Rankin into the Anderson neighborhood on the Washita. It will make a circuit of about 25 miles. The inspector thought favorably of the route. The Cotton Exchange Bank Building is most substantial in town and fire proof against most ordinary fires. The bank opened last week. Sheriff Elliott has sent word back that the man under arrest has been positively identified as Sam Green, one of the murderers of Sheriff Bullard and Deputy Cogburn. Requisition papers are being arranged by the US and Canadian governments for his return here for trial. Fred Tunnard is in the market for frying chickens and will pay 12 cents a pound.


A.R. Harris returned from Tennessee a few days ago, accompanied by his two little daughters, who will make their home with him. Last Sunday afternoon Mrs. Mark Hardin and Mrs. Sprawl started from a few miles east of Cheyenne to go to Elk City. While going down the hill, approaching the bridge across Sandstone Creek, the backing strap broke and the buggy ran into the horse, causing it to run. Mrs. Sprawl jumped out and fell on her head killing her almost instantly. Mrs. Hardin was thrown out further on, and received severe injuries. Mrs. Sprawl will be remembered as the widow Haulman, and was about 40 years old. She leaves a son and two daughters, all grown or large enough to take care for themselves.


Strongest summer institute ever held in Cheyenne will be from June 4-27. It is hoped that all our teachers and those expecting to teach will arrange to attend full time and be built up into professional zeal and skill. A picnic will be held at the Washita School six miles northwest of Cheyenne on Friday May 25. Redmoon and Rankin will play ball. Preparations are being made to entertain a large crowd and the very best music has been secured for the occasion.


Justice John B. Tracy of Croton Township performed marriage ceremonies on Wed May 16 for Silas Hooten and Belle Howard. O.H. James of the telephone company was down from Shattuck last week, making some needed repairs on the line here and installing several new phones. D. Emmett Morris and Lillian M. Martin both of Cheyenne were licensed to wed. Squire Casady’s court was fully occupied with a case of the title of a saddle. The saddle was in possession of one Beasley and an Indian from Hammon claimed the same, stating that said saddle had been stolen from him. Beasley showed good title to the saddle and a verdict was rendered in his favor. The following officers and directors were elected at the annual meeting of the Roger Mills Fair Assoc. held Saturday, May 12, 1906 in Berlin. J.H. Seamans president, C.W. Atwood Vice, E.A. Ison Treasurer, H.F. Carmichael secretary. Directors are: I.H. Yonker, B.F. Rosser, R.M. Bell, Frank Winters, J.H. Gilkey, P.B. Buckelew, D.M. Bailey, J.C. Helt, W.B. Rosser, R.A. Poor, Ray Smith, Frank Carmichael, C.M. Howell, E.A. Isom, J.D. Goddard, J.A. Young, J.C. Kent, G.W. Seifert, J.H. Smith, T.S. Wilson, J.O. Long, W.E. Davis and G.F. Patterson.


R.R. Bull expert blacksmith has purchased the W.W. Smith Blacksmith Shop and solicits a share of your trade. Buggy and Wagon shop in connection; up to date horseshoeing; deformed and diseased feet a specialty.  Blue Ridge School closed May 9, 1906 with an entertainment given by the literary and Sunday Schools of that place. Those neighter absent or tardy during the term are Cora Harrington, Greta Mitchell and Tillman Shough. Those receiving the highest grades in the examination are eighth – Nina Harrington; sixth – Essie Ramsey, Clyde Mitchell; fifth-Willie Boyer, Grace Culver; fourth-Coare Warlow, Cora Harrington; third-Edith Harrington, Greta Mitchell, Flora Warlo; second-Tillman Shough, Harvey Christman, Stewart Culver; first-Willie Smith and Guy Mitchell. Maggie Wheeler teacher.


Cheyenne Sunbeam May 25, 1906

E.E. Tracy addressed and presented diplomas to the ninth grade class. D.W. Tracy addressed ninth grade also. E.A. C. Moeller of the milling company near Hamburg called Tuesday afternoon while in town on business. They will move their mill to Hamburg this fall if the proposed gin is built there. A great many farmers throughout this section had to plant their cotton a second time owing to cold rains the first planting failed to come up. A severe hailstorm ruined the corn and cotton crop for several farmers in the Rush Creek neighborhood last Saturday. There are a great many sick horses in the Grand, Day County neighborhood. The cause is not known. The rural route to start from Ridgeton will make the first trip next week. It will be 24 miles long and serve 110 families and a population of 440. S. Grim and Sylvester Grim treasurer and Deputy Treasurer of Day County were in town Mon. on business and made this office a call. The man brought here last week by Sheriff Elliott from Nelson, British Columbia, supposed to be Sam Green, was not identified and was given his freedom Monday morning. The Grand Echo reports that as result of the recent hailstorm, considerable numbers of rabbits and quail are found dead in the northwest part of the county. Jess Thompson was one of the losers in the hailstorm last Saturday on Rush Creek. He believes everyone ought to have insurance. Order of Eagles had a picnic and a few eagles flew in from Sayre. Deputy Grand Master John C Hendricks and 20 other Oddfellows of the Cheyenne Lodge went to Hamburg Tues. evening and an institute a lodge that promises to be one of the most successful ones in Oklahoma. It is to be known as Hamburg Lodge #221. Mrs. Sarah A. (Northcutt) Stephens, well-known as Grandma Stephens died Monday night at 12:00 at the home of her son E.F. Stephens. Mrs. Stephens was a native of Kentucky and resided in Texas a number of years. She was 77 years of age at the time of her death. She was a Methodist, having been a member of the church from early childhood and was much respected in Cheyenne, where she had resided the past 14 years. She was buried Wednesday in the Cheyenne Cemetery. H.D. Cox was brought home from Kansas City last Friday where he had been under the care of doctors for several weeks. Mr. Cox is yet very week and confined to the house and to his bed part of the time but is gaining slowly.


RIDGETON DOINGS: Cotton planting is about over this year. The acreage is larger than last year. Bryce Ellis is having a small frame house built on his claim next to the Texas line in sec. 18-14-26. J.P. Inselman has a good well of 20 feet of water at the depth of 96 feet. His first well was 150 feet deep, but no water, so he drilled the second well in a draw ¼ mile east of his house. Last Friday, May 18, school closed in district 76, Day County, three miles north of Ridgeton. The patrons had a picnic dinner the last day and the scholars “spoke their pieces”. Otto Stanley of Little Robe, Day County was the teacher of their first term of school.


Miss Theresa Finch has closed her school at El Reno after a very successful & pleasant term and is now at her home southwest of Cheyenne. Grading on the Doxey-Berlin Railroad is being pushed for all there is in it and the Berlin residents are expecting to hear the “Toot” by July 15. {Editor’s note – it never happened} A man named Kee arrived in town Tues. and requested that he be arrested for assaulting George E. Shufeldt with a knife. He was promptly accommodated and placed under a $200 bond to await an exam-ination before the Co Judge on June 4. He also swore out a warrant against Shufeldt for assault. Shell Caffey has registered Shorthorn Bull for sale.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam, May 31, 1906

The Democratic County Central Committee met at Berlin on the 26th day of May 1906. J.L. Paschal was chairman. The annual meeting of the school district #1 met at the schoolhouse in Cheyenne on May 26, 1906 director W.T. Bonner being absent and S.A. Wallace was elected as chairman of the meeting. Others attending were John C. Hendricks and R.N Higgins. A resolution drafting committee was appointed, those being A.H. Carter, John H. Osborne, D.W. Tracy.


Honor Roll Students at Cheyenne having ranked first in their respective grades. Tenth Lucille McKinney, Ninth Eddie Hood, Eighth Alvin Moore, Seventh Henry Warren, Sixth Robb Hood, Fifth Myriam Elliott, Fourth Katie Leary, Third Marjorie Falconer, Second Hezzie Cox, First Margarite Goode, Kindergarten James Montag. Enrollment for the year 216; average attendance 150.


Miss Pearl Salyers went to Sayre Wed. morning. Miss Ray Fields started Wed for an extended visit in Texas. E.K. Thurmond president of First National Bank of Sayre was in town on Wed on business. The picnic a few miles up the Washita last Thursday was largely attended. Many people going out from town. Field Sherman, cashier of the bank at Crawford passed through town Thurs. on his way to Elk City, where he will meet his wife. W.F. Bonner is at Canadian for a few days on business. E.F. Cornels made a business trip to Elk City on Wed. Prof. Scott has been employed by the school board for another year. Henry DeVilliars, the Star’s type artist took a few days off this week to visit his claim. Things looked good to him out there. Miss Nona Hornbeak, Deputy Co. Treasurer took her departure Wed. morning for Austin and other points in Texas. She will be absent a month or more. E.M. Black and wife of Hotel Black spent part of last week at their farm in Day County and found everything satisfactory. Mrs. Martin, who has been spending a few weeks with her son, W.P. Martin on his farm west of Cheyenne, left a few days ago for her home in Colorado.


W.O. Horr, president of the Cotton Exchange Bank accompanied by his wife and child, was in town a few days ago looking over business matters. The Methodist Church is holding a revival service with C.O. Jones of Oklahoma City. Peter D. Work from the Rankin neighborhood is in the Cheyenne neighborhood the past ten days cutting and putting up alfalfa for different parties. He has a mowing machine, rake, binder and hay press, so that you can strike him from any quarter and he will be prepared. Will Keen who is farming near Ridgeton, called this week to have his paper sent to that place. Harry Beach, has been out in Roger Mills County the past six weeks building a house on his farm, recently purchased there and is moving his family there. The Doxey-Berlin Railroad is the Orient Connection on to Hobart. NOTICE: All parties are hereby notified that no burying of dead will be permitted in the burying ground on the NE1/4 Sec. 25, 14-24, known as the E.E. Tracy place (Snakey Bend Cemetery), except those who now have members of their family buried there. signed John H. West. Business News at Herring & Young: C. Gaither of Durham sold his cotton and loaded up with dry goods and groceries.  Clyde Young was in purchasing a mower and rake; A.F. Findley of Creston was shopper: C.W. Brown of Downey; C.L. Turner; Uncle John Anderson, one of the oldest and best known citizens of Redmoon; J.L. Woods of Grimes; J.B. Owens; A.C. Smith; Dr. Wallace of Hamburg; W.H. Anderson; E.H. McGlothlin of Hamburg. Hamburg is coming to the front with both feet. Tues. a charter was issued to the Hamburg Gin Company with the following directors: A Hammond, F.M. Hammond of Hamburg; J.R. George of Ridgeton. The capital stock is $5000 and erection of the gin will begin at once.


While out on a drive in Day County this week, we stopped a short time at the new townsite of Durham. Dr. White the promoter, has platted 40 acres and has received great encouragement is sanguine that this site will make one of the best towns in Day. Socialist Party had a meeting.


RIDGETON PARAGRAPHS: Mrs. Caroline Williams who has been visiting her son Ed over the last few weeks, has returned to her home in El Reno. Ruben A. Wells is entertaining Mrs. Wells father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wright ad his brother-in-law, Mr. Miller all of Carney, OK. Mrs. G.H. McReynolds brother and family of Wheeler, Texas are visiting the McReynolds home. Rev. McGee preached at Union Chapel last Sunday and will preach every third Sunday following. Rev. Newton to preach at Union Chapel every fourth Sunday.  Mrs. Martin who has been visiting her son W.H. Martin near Rankin, returned to her home at Almon, Colorado on Fri. last. Miss Nellie Huff left yesterday for a few days visit with friends at the Hext Ranch near Canadian, Texas.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam, June 7, 1906

Herring & Young shoppers: Mrs. R.M. Turner was in town Monday trading; J.L. Warren & daughters of Croton Creek were trading in Herring & Young last Thursday; J.M. Evans and wife gave Herring & Young a pleasant call and a nice bill on Thursday; Richard Sing of Day Co. loaded up with supplies; W.M. Chandler of Harrington buying dry goods; Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Hutton of Custer Bend buying clothing and dry goods; Mrs. A.E. Dein of Dempsey bought a large bill of dry goods and groceries; C.C. Hapgood of Dudley purchased a large bill of dry goods; H.C. Marsh of Streeter, Day Co. trading on Saturday last; J.J. Wilson of Redmoon carried away our first 42 piece premium dinner set.


L.L. Collins came in from Blackwell last night and we understand has come to stay. We are informed that he in connection with L.W. Pate, will put in an extensive line of hard-ware, implements, wagons and carriages. Mrs. Milo Burlingame gave a reception and lawn party for Miss Leah Huff on Wed evening last and was one of the enjoyable affairs of the season. Games of various kinds were indulged in and young and old enjoyed themselves as only people can at Mrs. Burlingame’s. Cake and ice cream were served. Miss Leah Huff will leave for Texas and an extended visit in a few days. At a recent election of officers for Cheyenne Lodge #135 IOOF, Lewis W. Pate was elected Noble Grand and Madden Miller Vice-Grand.


F.E. Tanner our harness man, is sporting an elegant watch chain made of lead and zinc from the Joplin, Missouri mines. It is an elegant job and is quite an advertisement of the mineral fields of old Missouri.  P.G. Perkins of Roll was down last week laying in supplies for his store at that place. He was accompanied by his bulldog, which matched a scrape with Redden’s billy goat. It took all of the able bodied spectators and a few of the cripples to pry the dog loose. Fred Tunnard is making arrangements to handle cream here. He will purchase a first class cream separator and will be in shape to handle all milk brought in. Work is still progressing on the railroad grade between Doxey and Berlin and the contractor is still wanting slip teams. It is now conceded that this is an Orient RR feeder and that it will connect with the main line at Hobart. The Roger Mills Co. Institute opened on Monday morning with 54 teachers enrolled and more arriving daily. It is estimated that 70 will be in attendance by the end of the week. A charter was issued last week to the Berlin State Bank at Berlin, OK. The incorporators are Thurmond Bros., S. Jackson and John C. Hendrix. Berlin is coming to the front rapidly and when the railroad is completed to that point, you can look for a boom.


Oscar Thurmond was looking after the “doings” in Commissioners’ Court on Tuesday. Union Sunday School Conv. was held here last Sun. and a fine program and dinner was served at the Wallace grove. J.R. Butler, living near Washita Schoolhouse, lost a valuable horse on Wed. of last week presumably from strychnine poisoning. He watered his team in the morning, going direct from the watering trough to the field. The horses were taken sick and one died almost immediately; the other animal showed the same symptoms but improved on being given the usual remedies for poison. A dog, which was seen drinking from the trough afterwards, died from the symptoms of poisoning after a short time. Strong suspicion is that strychnine was placed in the watering trough.


W.O. Horr, wife and little daughter spent Wed in town. Mr. Horr is the president Cotton Exchange Bank of Cheyenne and he is preparing to erect a residence in Elk City where they will make their future home. Mrs. Don Cox and little son left Wed. for Hollis on a visit. Mac Tracy attending school at Blackwell came home last week. Bert Goode visited Sayre Sun. and was accompanied on his return by his wife and child. A Union Gin is to be erected at Cheyenne, to be ready for the fall crop, Clyde Young is the president of the company. The Elk City Record still insists that Sheriff Elliott has Sam Green, the real, genuine Sam in jail here. The Farmer’s Union are preparing to build a Cotton Gin on Buffalo Creek, lumber is being hauled. John C. Thornton has become a hotel boarder while his family are visiting in Texas. L.L. Collins came in Wed evening and will remain a few weeks. Frank Wasson a farmer near Grimes, died suddenly at his home May 28 of appendicitis. Jesse Black went to Canadian last Sun to accept a position with the Gerlach Mercantile Co. Mrs. George B. Sine and Mrs. John B Holtz have moved from the farm into the building first door south of this office. Mrs. Holtz is attending the institute. Miss Maude Black is now a full fledged farmer having secured a relinquishment and filed on a good quarter section in Day County adjoining her father’s farm. While in the western part of the county a few days ago, the writer found a good many farmers enjoying new potatoes, and of a good size too. W.A. Byrd a well known and respected citizen and one of the first men to settle in this county, died of cancer of the stomach at his home 6 miles northwest of Elk City, May 26 at the age of 47 years. W.T. Bonner reports a disease which he thinks is blackleg among his herd of yearlings which he is holding a few miles west of town. Seven head have died. He went out Wed. morning and placed the cattle in another pasture, which he hopes will check the disease. S. Shandy who lives near Hammon brought in some fine gooseberries. It had been claimed that gooseberry would not thrive in this country, but this seems to prove the contrary. Rev. Cunningham who lives a mile east of town, “herd lawed” a number of cattle a few days ago. The cattle were running on the townsite range and started to the river for water and strayed onto Mr. Cunningham’s land. One dollar settled the bill. The act created considerable ill feeling. David Selby of Grand was in town a few days last week. He had been over to Doxey and Berlin prospecting. He don’t think the railroad will reach Berlin for several months yet. However, he believes the road has a fair prospect of being built. The Hamburg Blade made its appearance last Friday.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam June 14, 1906

Herring & Young News: Charles A. Murphy, candidate for Co. Surveyor of Day Co. came in last Sat. and bought his summer supply of clothing; J.F. Cunningham drew our second set of dishes last Sat. F.A. Beavin of Redmoon was in last Friday buying hardware and groceries; S.C. and S.P. Thompson of Roll were in to buy a supply of dry goods, clothing, groceries, hardware and binder twine; S.D. Rogers of Berlin was in to purchase a supply of dry goods and groceries. C.F. Roberts of Rankin did the same; Ben Osborne of Hamburg purchased a suit of clothing and shoes; William Hanawalt of Streeter purchased a suit of clothing and dry goods; W. M. Brooks of Roll was trading; W.A. Blanton brought in the first spring chickens and sold them to Herring & Young at 15 cents per pound, $2.70 per dozen; B.F. Chesney was buying groceries as well as Joe Purdy.


RIDGETON PARAGRAPHS:  School election passed off quietly with the following new members on board: Dist #75, J.P. Inselman, Treasurer and J.W. Smith, Clerk; Dist #64: T.F. Wells, Sr. Treasurer, Yates Libby, Clerk; Dist #66: M.A. Corby Treasurer. Miss Melissa Wells have gone to an extended visit to her old home in eastern Oklahoma. Robert Voorhies and family have gone to Weatherford to harvest their wheat crop.


Conner and Collum report that Sat. was one of their biggest sale days since they have been in business in Cheyenne. Mrs. J.J. Ray returned from OKC Tues. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Mildred Wallace, who has been attending school in that city during the past winter. Herring & Young also broke a sale record on Sat. last with nearly $1200 business.


Mrs. Ruth Thomas, an expert musician and vocalist, will have charge of the musical program to be rendered at Cheyenne on July 4th. Will Conner of the Conner and Collum is in Kansas City buying goods for his firm.


The latest addition to Ray Redden’s livery barn is a buttery. (you ag teachers call to confirm my thoughts on this buttery) L.S. Morrison of Sayre was struck on the side of a head with a gun by Jerry Goss last Sat. evening and had his jaw broken and several teeth knocked out. R.R. Bull and W.H. Lee got into a friendly scuffle in front of Lee’s Drugs Store a few days ago in which Mr. Lee received an ugly gash across the kneecap by coming in contact with some hard substance on the ground, and now he has to limp around by the use of a cane.


Andy Jackson cashier of the State Bank at Cheyenne was a visitor to Grand on Mon. A short drive in the country east of town with A.O. Miller found the crops looking fine, corn especially good. We visited Mr. Miller’s field of wheat and in older wheat countries, such a field would yield considerably over 20 bushels an acre. W.L. Shugart who lives 18 miles north of this place was in town Tues. and purchased a windmill and tubing for a well. The well is 119 feet deep which is near the average depth they have to go on the divide in his neighborhood for water. But then they get an abundance of good soft water.


A new enterprise for Berlin is the Berlin Exchange Bank. The incorporators and directors are W.T. Bonner, John M. Bonner, W.B. Rosser, G.W. Seifert, Mr. Miller, R.V. and G.L. Converse. The bank will open as soon as the furniture can be procured and the necessary arrangements made.  This is the final issue of the Cheyenne Sunbeam.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam, June 21, 1906

Herring & Young will present a Stetson Hat to the man bringing the largest number of women to their store in one wagon during their five day sale. To the lady buying the largest cash bill of dry goods during the sale, they will present any pair of shoes in the house.


E.E. Tracy and wife are in Oklahoma City helping celebrate the admission of Oklahoma to statehood. Fines’ Grove is the finest shade in western Oklahoma is where the Cheyenne 4th of July celebration will be held. It is located on the banks of the historic Washita River ¾ miles north of the Court House. Adjacent to the picnic grounds are fine meadows where good race and tournament tracks and baseball grounds have been prepared. Uncle Jimmy Davidson, one of the outstanding citizens in this part of the woods, has donated the use of his meadow for the picnic. He says to use all the water in the Washita River that you want to. Refreshment stands, dancing platforms, swings and other amusements will be on the ground and you can enjoy yourself in “your own sweet way”. The July 4 program will be horse races, music by band, read the Declaration of Independence, orations, political ad-dresses, baseball, foot races by lean men and fat men, old men and young men, girls and ladies, sack races, ladies’ throwing and nail driving.


Will Conner, head bookkeeper of the Conner and Collum Mercantile Co. returned from a business trip to Kansas City. He surprised his many friends by bringing with him a bride, his marriage having occurred at Jefferson City, Mo on June 8.


C.C. and C. Inter-urban Railway(Clinton, Cheyenne and Canadian) was organized here yesterday afternoon. The officers and directors are at follows. C.S. Gilkerson, President; L.L. Collins Vice President; R.V. Converse Secretary-Treasurer. The above with W.T. Bonner and L.W. Pate constitute the Board of Directors. The charter calls for an interurban line from Clinton through Cheyenne and west to Canadian, with a branch south from Cheyenne to Mangum, and is capitalized at $1,000. The road as projected would open up a rich undeveloped country and would prove a paying investment from the start.


RIDGETON PARAGRAPHS: Mrs. E.V. Miller and children, Marjorie and Guy, have returned home after a three months’ visit to their old home at Enira, Iowa. G.H. McReynolds has dug another well on his claim and has struck water at a depth of 130 feet. Sabbath School has been organized in the new schoolhouse in district #76. E.E. Snyder is Supt. and James Parkinson is Secretary. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Wells, on Sat. June 16. Died: Sunday, June 17, 1906 Jasper, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J.Kirk Tomlinson, age 1 year and 5 months. Burial was at Rankin cemetery on Monday, June 18.


NOTICE: All parties indebted to Hoefle and Company are notified to settle same at once. Milo Burlingame is closing up the business and all accounts must be settled at once. Cheyenne will be on the “water wagon” after midnight Saturday, June 30. The “Palace Royal”, the only saloon in town closing as the license is expiring on that date and Mr. Burlingame will not apply for a renewal of his license. Byrd Pierce is at Grand today looking after a contest case in which he is interested.


John C. Hendrix and S.A. Elliott are taking in the Oklahoma statehood celebration in Oklahoma City today. Also Charles Bebout and wife. The Saints Sunday School picnic at Shufeldt’s Crossing on the Washita on Sunday last was well attended and a most pleasant time had by all. J.C. Crawford and wife of the Rankin neighborhood were in town Tues. trading.


The Cheyenne Sunbeam office has been moved to Berlin this week where the paper will be issued in the future. We understand that the name will be changed to the Herald and that the first issue will appear Friday, June 22.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam, May 28, 1906

Dr. Tedrowe who has been in Chicago, attending a post graduate course of medical lectures, will return and take charge of his extensive practice here about July 1. The County Institute closed on Wed. examinations were Thursday and Fri. Total number enrolled was 82. Hailstorm Sat. night was much more serious than reported. In the Rankin neighborhood and north of that point, many fields of corn, cotton and oats will prove a total loss. Dr. Smyser the originator of painless dentistry, will be in Cheyenne, Hamburg, Sedalia and Texmo the third week in July. H.L. Mauldin, T.J. Denniston, Zeke Stevens and wife and Miss Simpson went to Foss this week to attend District Conference.


The reception tendered the school teachers attending the Normal here at the residence of Mrs. Hornbeak on Tuesday evening last was one of the pleasant features of the Normal Term now closing. A large crowd was present and good looking “school marms” were very much in evidence. The present wheat crop is said to be the best in quality as well as quantity ever harvested in Oklahoma. A.O. Miller will begin carrying the mail for Cheyenne on Monday. A.S. McKinney who has had the contract for the past four years will run a passenger and express line also. J.A. and Mrs. Blackburn of Grimes were in town Wed. looking after their son, Charles who is employed at the Cheyenne Drug Co.


We are a day late and curtailed in reading matter this week. We were moving into our new quarters and this with an overdose of rush work, caused the delay. We are now permanently located on Southwest corner of the Court House Square and will extend the glad hand to all visitors.


The Roger Mills Co. fair will be held at Berlin September 12,13,14 promises to be the largest and best ever held by the association.


The dancing platform for July 4 will be ready for dancing on Tuesday evening. The platform will be under the personal supervision of Charley Shufeldt and Orville Monroe which insures that it will be well looked after. Ladies are especially invited and are guaranteed partners even if Monroe, Shufeldt and Carter have to dance every set.


Lloyd Monroe has taken a position on the Progress Newspaper at Grand.


The Singing Convention and Basket Dinner at Snakey Bend on Sunday last was largely attended and a very pleasant affair. Quite a number of Cheyenne were present and all report a good time.


The Cheyenne Star is located on the Southwest corner of the Court House Square in the building formerly occupied by the Cheyenne Sunbeam.


Cheyenne Sunbeam/Star, July 5, 1906

Visitors from Elk City, Sayre, Berlin, Hamburg, and Grimes turned out by the hundreds to the Fourth of July celebration held on the banks of the historic Washita River one mile north of town. Program began at 9 a.m. with a parade headed by the “Sandhill Band” of Grimes. Master of ceremonies was Judge C.S. Gilkerson. D.W. Tracy delivered a masterly address of welcome. Response was made by F.E. Herring of Elk City. Musical program under the supervision of Mrs. Thomas. Dinner was at twelve o’clock and was one of the old-fashioned basket kind. The wives and daughters of Roger Mills County put forth the best quality and quantity of anywhere. After dinner amusements continued from then until dark and was one continuous round of pleasure. The free for all horse race was won by the Dobbs’ horse with Thornton’s sorrel taking second money. The baseball game was a rather one-sided affair, the score standing 21-7 in favor of the Rankin team. The tournament attracted great interest and the prizes were awarded as follows: First Nuck Hunt, Second William Anderson and Stoney Duke tied, Third Doc Wallace. In the horse colt show the following are the winners: Best sucking colt J.H. Sing; Second A.O. Miller; Third G.W. Hodges; Brood Mares-First J.H.Sing; Second A.O. Miller; Stallions – First Cheyenne Breeding Assoc.; Second William Brown; General Purpose Horse-First J.A. Bunkey; Plymouth Rock Chickens-First A.M. Osborne; Driving Team A.O. Miller; Matched Team Burt Redden; Mule Team Burt Redden; Best Colt from Breeding Assoc Horse was A.O. Miller; Second James Evans; Third G.W. Hodges; Best Pig A.M. Osborne;


In the Riding Contest of six entries, Miss Eva Brown won the prize. Fattest Lady: Mrs. J.J. Pitts; Best Lady Singer: Miss Carrie Brown; Best Looking Baby: Mr. and Mrs. Bart Goode; Best Cake: Mrs. Hornbeak; Lady with Reddest Hair: Miss Ora Warren; Best Girl Declaimer: Lucille McKinney; Best Boy Declaimer Alvin Moore; lady with the best looks at Hotel Black: Miss Estelle Barnes; Best Lady Dancer: Misses Pearl Huff and Anice Daniels. Bronco Busting Contest was won by Boots Fields with Fred Tunnard second. The display of “garden trusk” by Mr. Bellamy would have taken first money at an exposition anywhere and showed what could be done with Roger Mills County soil when it is handled intelligently. Best bunch of alfalfa: Frank Sneed; Best Cotton: Frank Sneed; Best Corn: Mr. Balch; 16 year old boy’s race: First Luther Fisher; Second H.A. Haskell; 16 year old girl’s race: First Carrie Fields; Second Eliza Stamford. Boys race 12-15: L.D. Harrison; Fireman’s Race Joe Means first; second Joe Hicks. Old Men’s race: First G.W. Hodges. Walker Huff looked after the races, tournament and “bronco bustin”.


Uncle Jimmy Davidson and A.O. Miller deserve thanks for furnishing the ideal picnic grounds, free of charge. J.C. Thornton made a fine looking grand marshal. Ed Taylor, who had the stand privileges was virtually sold out by night. D.W. Tracy in his address of welcome was an oratorical gem and paid a very high compliment to the cattle and men of the Grand Old State of Texas, which had to be heard to be appreciated. John Mac Bonner, Gibbs and Lawrence were the cake “committee” and attended strictly to business, and if there was a cake on the ground they did not sample, it was simply because they failed to find it. The crowd was estimated as the largest ever attending a picnic at Cheyenne; it was also one of the most pleasant in the Cheyenne Country.


Miss Pearl Huff today went to Cataline, Texas for a week’s visit with friends.


A.S. McKinney spent the last few days in Texas. John H. Osborne spent Sun and Mon. at Sayre. Mrs. W.W. Anderson returned last week from a short visit to relatives in western Texas. Shelly Tracy, who had been visiting relatives here for several days, returned to his home at Vernon, Texas, Saturday. Charley Miller was up from Sayre Sun and Mon. looking after his mail carrying contract from that point to Cheyenne. Milo Burlingame spending the week at Shattuck. Mrs. N.R. Monroe is visiting relatives and friends at Clarendon, Texas. The Farmers and Merchants Bank of Berlin will open up for business about July 10th. W.T. Rook, who received a patent on a railroad mailbag catching device sometime since, has received an offer of $75,000 for his patent. This offer is from the US Govt. and is only for the use of the patent in this country. Oren Standifer had the misfortune to have his left arm broke just above the elbow by a horse falling with him on the morning of July 4th. The fracture is a very painful one, but the little fellow is resting as easily as could be expected. S.A. Stoffer, erstwhile printer, recently manager of the Sunbeam at this place, has laid down the stick, pencil and scissors and taken hold of the Agricultural end of a homestead out in the sandhills near Rankin, and will proceed to overload the market with farm products.


Hamburg held a 2 day celebration over the fourth. The crowd was large, orderly and patriotic and a general good time was had.


Cheyenne Public Schools will open for the fall term on Monday, Sept 3. It has been decided to hold a 9 months term the coming fall and winter. Active work has begun on the new gin at Hamburg and we understand that Gerlach of Canadian, Texas is figuring on putting a large general store at that active little burg.


During the storm Sun. night lightning struck the residence of Thomas Reese, 1 ½ mile northeast of Berlin, instantly killing his son, Wear and injuring the father severely, also another son was severely burned about the feet and lower limbs. The two boys were sleeping near a chimney upstairs. The one killed was next to the wall and was thrown over the other boy on to the floor some six feet from the bed. The father was sleeping in the lower part of the house. There were 8 people in the house at the time, all of whom were more or less shocked.  Leo Beaty left Mon. morning for a visit with his parents at Odessa, Texas.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam, July 12, 1906

Miss Julia Gray, the noted elocutionist, will give a reading at the Methodist Church at Cheyenne on the evening of Friday July 20. The Modern Woodmen of America will hold their county log rolling on Berlin on Thursday, July 19. The Elk City Cornet Band of 14 members has been engaged to furnish the music. Address will be by Rev. M.E. Diehl. A grand basket dinner with all spread the same together. The Grand Parade will be held with many carriages of Woodmen families. Among the amusements are tug of war by different teams; largest delegation from one camp excluding Berlin; wheel-barrow race of 25 yards; fat man’s race for those over 200 pounds of 25 yards; girls race; stake driving contest; sack race; baseball game; and the Grand Ball will be given in the evening.


John C and Mrs. Hendricks are visiting his relatives in the panhandle country this week. Judge Gilkerson took in the tri-state democratic pow-wow at Shawnee this week. Charles Shufeldt is in Elk City this week helping Herring and Young look after their immense trade at that point. Jesse Allen, well and favorably known here, where he was a trusted employee of H.D. Cox for several years is now located at Canadian, Texas where he has a good position with the Gerlach Mercantile Co. Sam Brown of the Thurmond Bank at Erick, is in town a guest of his father in law, A.O. Miller.


J.R. Eakin (Bob) and Miss Lula Nation were married at Cheyenne on Saturday last. There is more money in the country at this time of year than ever before and the exceeding bright prospects for crops of every description has engendered a confidence in future fall trade. Miss Della Cann who has been in Montana for the last three years returned to Roger Mills this week. Miss Cann will be remembered as one of the early day teachers in the Cheyenne Public School. George W. Dougherty, James Atwood, Joseph W. Howard, William Pliley and Andrew J. Mount of the Grimes neighborhood were down Tues. and made application for final proof before Deputy Dist. Clerk Carter.


Mr. Daniel Jackson and Miss Mary Musser were recently married in Chillicothe, Missouri and are moving to his farm southeast of town where they will make their home on the Tanner Farm. John E. Leary living within 2 miles of Cheyenne has already sold $160 worth of early peaches from his one acre orchard, and will have that amount if not more of late fruit to sell. He estimates his wheat and oats at $1500 and does not figure in his corn and forage crops. John isn’t much of a farmer either, as he puts in most of his time in the insurance and farm loan business; but this plainly goes to show what can be done on 160 acres in Oklahoma. Shell Caffey has a registered shorthorn 3 year old bull for sale.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam July1 9, 1906

A most deplorable and sad tragedy took place at the residence of J.E. Wallace in Day County, 17 miles northeast of Cheyenne, on Friday night last. All had retired, three of the Wallace children ranging from 8 to 14 years of age were sleeping on the floor in front of an open window. During the night, a vagrant dog strayed in the house awakening a hired hand, who called Mr. Wallace and told him that “he had better kill that dog”. Mr. Wallace aroused from a very heavy slumber arose, grabbed a shotgun standing at the head of his bed, and not being fully awakened, discharged the gun into the midst of the sleeping children, killing one boy, aged 10 years, instantly and seriously wounding the other 2 children. Dr. J.P Miller was hastily called by telephone and at last reports the two injured children are improving rapidly and will soon be around again. The sad tragedy has half-crazed the grief stricken father and mother, who have the sympathy of the entire community over the terrible accident.


WEST CROTON: We have a good Sunday School at Mt. Rose with M.H. Denniston Supt., Mattie Taylor, Secretary; and Will Crabb Choirster. Mr. S.P. Balch and family of Mt. Rose spent last Sunday with Mr. E.H. Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Will Crabb and their daughter Ilma Crabb (should have been Ima) spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Miller. Walker Ainsworth and family of Rush Creek visited Mrs. Bauman of Croton Creek. Miss Sedalya Cargan of Rush Creek visited Mrs. Emma Crabb last Sun. The farmers are at the front with a bumper crop of everything. We have good land, good farmers and good rains. We show what Oklahoma is as a farming country. Thomas Crabb of Waldo, Arkansas is visiting his brother, Will of Red Moon and will remain to help gather the big cotton crop. C.H. Madden who has been holding down the prescription case at the Cheyenne Drug Co., for the past year has moved his family to his farm near Rankin and will join them as soon as a man is secured to take his position in the Drugs Store. Their many friends trust that they will enjoy rural life and will raise punkins(sic) as big as a small meeting house. J.N. Fowler, L.C. Hollingsworth and Thomas Boucher made proof on their claims on Mon. Charles McClain and Milo Burlingame returned Fri. last from a two week visit at Shattuck. W. Story Sherman was down from Shattuck last week looking after business for Winne and Winne. Dr. J.P. Miller is erecting a commodious granary on his lots south of his residence. The doctor believes in the coming corn crop. Miss Theresa Finch entertained a number of her young friends at her home southwest of town on Wed. evening last. Rev. Father Constatine of the Catholic El Reno Church will be at George H. Conigan’s place near Rankin, all of next week and will hold Catholic services while there.


The “W&W Dramatic Club” of Cheyenne are now working on a play they propose to give about two weeks from date. At a meeting of the citizens held at the office of H.D. Cox Wed. the “Cheyenne Commercial Club” was organized and officered as follows: John C. Hendricks Pres; H.D. Cox Vice President; E.F. Cornels Sec; G.H. Hodges Trea; with John C Hendricks, E.F. Cornels and D.W. Tracy as a committee to draft constitution and by-laws. The object of the organization is to work for the betterment of Cheyenne in a commercial way.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam July 26, 1906

A.G. Boone has purchased the stock and fixtures of the Cheyenne Drug Co. taking charge Wed. He has employed M.R. Kirkley, an efficient pharmacist to look after the prescription counter. F.E. Tanner sold on Tuesday last his stock of harness and saddlery to J.C. Roberts, who will conduct the business at the old stand.


Rev. H.O. White is holding a series of meetings at the Baptist Church this week. W.P. Brown and J.C. Thornton have formed a partnership under the firm name of Brown and Thornton and will do a general life insurance, real estate and farm loan business. Miss Stella Watson of Cataline, Texas is a guest of the Misses Huff arriving Mon. for an extended visit. A.S. McKinney returned Mon from an extended visit to Texas and New Mexico points. Rev. H.L. Mauldin is holding a revival meeting at Bethel School House 5 miles south of town this week.


Mrs. Tomilson and children of Amarillo, Texas are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. A.O. Miller. George West is having a neat cottage erected on the hill opposite the Baptist Church.


Results from the Modern Woodman Day at Berlin Stake Driving Contest Burt L. Trimble, second Don Martin. Ball Game won by Elk City over Berlin 21-1.  A grand Harvest Picnic under the auspices of the Farmers Union will be held at Taylor’s Grove on Croton Creek.


Concessions for dance platform, stands, etc. will be sold to the highest bidder at the school house in Dist. 77(Blue Ridge) near Mr. McCaskill’s on Mon. afternoon July 30 at 2:00.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam August 2, 1906

John Anderson brought a specimen of German millet to town Tuesday, which was very fine, measuring over 6 feet in length. Mr. Anderson informs us that his field will average as well as the sample. Mr. Laughbaum will speak at the ME Church next Sunday at 11:00 a.m. on the subject “Prohibition for Oklahoma”. LOST: A black and white striped Navajo saddle blanket marked “17H” in the corner. Reward if returned to Boots Fields. Mrs. Hough hosted a reception on Sat. evening last for Miss Stella Watson of Cataline, Texas. Refreshments were served at the residence, while those so inclined tripped the light fantastic at the hall. John C. Hendricks and Milo Burlingame spent Sunday at Kendall’s Lakes. This is one of the most pleasant places in Roger Mills County and is becoming quite a resort for our people. Prof. Pease of the Normal at Weatherford delivered a very interesting lecture on Educational Matters at the ME Church on Monday evening last.


John S. Gardner made proof on his claim west of town before Deputy Clerk Carter on Wed. last. Mr. Gardner has a good piece of land and claims to have 25 acres of as good, if not the best cotton in Roger Mills Co. The Wild and Wooly dramatic club will give an entertainment at the court house on Fri. evening. The proceeds to be donated to the Masonic Home Fund. Admission is 25 cents. C.R. Roberts, who has been working on the Berlin-Doxey right of way grade has returned home, work having stopped for want of money to pay hands. We understand that the delay is only temporary and that the management claims that work will be resumed in the very near future, as the funds will be forth-coming and pay all due indebtedness and to push the work to completion. (note-Still waiting on funds because the work was never completed)R.E. Echols was in town this week taking testimony before referee John B. Harrison in the case of Herring and Young vs. John H. West and Milo Burlingame. The case is one growing out a gin deal. Ed Taylor and sister Nannie left yesterday to spend the summer with their sister Mrs. McGarity at Brownville, Texas. District Court convenes on Monday, Sept 17, for a two week session. It is thought at this time that the judge will clear the docket at this term.


The heavy rains have retarded threshing and has made cotton a little late, but it has made corn fairly “bust the husks” and there is full time yet for cotton. Oklahoma will outdo herself when the crops are harvested this season.  The machinery for the Farmers Union Gin Co. is now at the railroad and will be brought out at once. Work on the actual construction will start in a few days and the gin will be completed and in running order in time to handle fall crop.


LOST two bay mares weighing about 250 each, branded LC on left thigh. Reward of $5 will be paid for return of same to Fred Tunnard.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam, Aug 9, 1906

Tuesday, Nova Sodders of the MacArthur neighborhood was arrested and placed in jail under a failure to furnish bond in the sum of $300, on a charge of rape, made by Mrs. Fiscus. The preliminary hearing will be held before Judge Gilkerson on the 25th. I have a little cheap money to loan on farms. See me at the Drugs Store. W.H. Lee.


The CC&C Railway is a railway company that was organized at this place several weeks ago, and which has been branded as “another hot airline” by many, has assumed definite shape and good large proportions and is now not only a possibility but more than a probable success. Eastern capitalists upon investigation are convinced beyond any doubt that such a road is not only a good thing on paper but would prove a paying investment to the stockholders when completed. The route as contemplated running from Clinton through Cheyenne to Canadian, Texas, opens up a country undeveloped as yet by railroads, and passes through the garden spot of western Ok. as the Washita Valley has long been conceded to be the richest and most productive section of Ok. It is now past out of the hot air stage and is now a straight business proposition. (note-was never built).


John Monroe of Herring & Young left Sat. a.m. for St. Louis and other market points where he expect to purchase the largest stock of goods ever brought to western Ok. F.E. Tanner returned Mon. from a few days visit at Indian Territory points. Miss Nellie Riggs of Berlin made proof on her claim before Deputy Carter on Tues. A reception in honor of Nene Alexander was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Hodges last evening. .Miss Nene will leave in a few days for North Carolina to attend school. Feed and Grist Mill on easy terms. Must be sold. H.D. Cox.


Mr. Gibbs who has been associated with the Cheyenne State Bank as bookkeeper for some time, left Sat. for his claim in Beaver Co. A class of about 35 vocal music students were enrolled at the school building last Mon. morning. Another railroad: a territorial charter was issued today to the Weatherford Interurban Railway and Light Co. of Weatherford. The charter provides for four lines, the second one passing west through Custer and Roger Mills Counties to Cheyenne. (note-this was never built)


Don Cox and M.R. Kirkley with their families, have completed their arrangements and will leave in a few weeks for New Mexico, with the intention of making that country their future home. We do not like to see these estimable people leave “God’s Country”. Mrs. John H. Osborne is entertaining her sister Miss. Pearl Scott. R.V. Converse made a business trip to Hamburg Tuesday. W.O. Horr of the Cotton Exchange Bank was in town Tues. looking after his interests here. He informs us that the Cotton Exchange Bank at Elk City in which he is interested, will be open and ready for business by Sept 1. John C and Mrs. Hendricks left Tues. for Milwaukee where Mrs. Hendricks will attend the Grand Aerie of Eagles, which convenes in that city next week. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Burlingame will leave today for that city and Charles McClain will start Sat. The Cheyenne Eagles will be well represented at the meeting.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam August 16, 1906

Mrs. S.V. Barton of Terrill Texas, who with her two daughters and son have been visiting her sisters, Mrs. Hornbeak and Mrs. McKinney and her niece, Mrs. Jackson, died after a short illness at the residence of Mrs. Isabella Fields, near Cheyenne on Tues. morning. The remains were attended by many friends to Sayre Wed. and were sent to Terrill for burial. Rev. H.L. Mauldin is conducting a series of meetings at the Washita Schoolhouse. Large crowds are attending and a good interest is being manifested. Mrs. Bart Goode, who has been visiting her father N.B.Utt at Elk City for the past ten days returned home accompanied by her father. J.C. Whittom has just returned from a month’s tour of Missouri and Iowa points. He reports crops in Missouri are very poor on account of dry weather. John Osborne has sold his residence in the south part of town to Emil Cornels, but does not give possession for several months. Mr. Osborne contemplates erecting a new dwelling house in the near future. W.H. Silence, our enterprising tinner, is erecting a neat dwelling on the lots west of James Begirs residence.


The directors of the CC&C Interurban Railroad are very sanguine of the ultimate successful building of the road. John A. Anderson and L.C. Kilough made final proof today. WEST CROTON NEWS: Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Spencer are visiting Cornel Spencer in Custer Co. Mr. J.B. Miller and family will go to Canadian Co. this week to visit old friends and will not return until about the first of September.


Walter Simpson and Walter Howard will leave in a few days for New Mexico. Mrs. Ida Kegie of Oklahoma City is visiting her sister, Mrs. Fannie Stewart. Mrs. Minnie Bowman of Washita Co. is visiting Emma Crabb this week. The Ross Brothers finished thrashing in this neighborhood and left for Snakey Bend where they have a few months work.


Elliott Plunkett made proof on his claim on Mon. W.O. Mounts the abstract man at Grand, was in town several days this week looking after his interests here.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam August 23, 1906

Jess Thompson had the misfortune to have one of his hands badly mangled in a broomcorn thresher Mon. The wounds are very painful but not considered serious. The Constitutional Convention will meet in Guthrie on Nov. 20th. W.E. Davis of Elk City is attending to business matters in town today. The first load of broomcorn passed through town yesterday. This year promises a large crop of broomcorn but the wet weather has damaged the quality more or less. Posts have been set preparatory to erecting a fence around the Court House Square. Lloyd Monroe who has been holding cases on the Grand Progress for several weeks returned last Mon. Frances E. Tanner, Frank T. Jordan of Cheyenne, Wayne L. Osborn of Rankin and John A. Halburg of Berlin made final proof on their claims last Mon. On Tues. Cora E. Nichols of Bradley made final proof. Dr. and Mrs. Baker were here from Doxey on Tuesday visiting with friends. G.W. Hodges will go to North Carolina where he will visit old childhood scenes. The broomcorn harvest is at hand, with it comes the question as to whether the crop will receive better attention than it has in the past. It is admitted by practically all experienced broomcorn men, that Ok. furnishes almost ideal conditions for the raising and maturing of broomcorn. The reason why we do not command and receive top prices on the market is that we ruin our corn in harvesting it. In the first place every grower should provide himself with a shed in which to cure and store his crop. Care should be taken to harvest the crop just as the seed starts in the dough. Thereby leaving as much weight and oil in the fiber as possible instead of letting it go into the seed. Then if the brush can be threshed soon after harvesting and the bulk down in your shed. The trouble from heated brush will be greatly reduced and you will have a good heavy, oily fiber that the buyer delights to find. Next comes the bailing, which is a very important part. Insist on having a good square tight bale having five heavy wires with a weight of 500 pounds. Never allow thrash crooks or seed brush to be bailed in with your good corn. Let us raise our standard of excellence and the standard of prices will arise in proportion. Judge C.S. Gilkerson authorizes us to announce that he has withdrawn from the race for Probate Judge. Miss Eva Brown while returning from a picnic Wed. evening was thrown from the buggy and badly bruised. While suffering considerably from the shock, it is thought she is not seriously injured. The picnic on Dead Indian on Wed. last was largely attended and a most pleasant time enjoyed by all. So many attended from Cheyenne that the town looked deserted.


F.E. Herring has been up this week looking after his various interests. Two brothers of Guy Burger with their families arrived from Kansas yesterday for a visit with Guy and family. They drove through and are greatly impressed with the crop outlook in this portion of the territory. We are under obligations to some good friend who left us a half bushel of fine tomatoes yesterday. Miss Polly Harman, living southwest of town, was adjudged insane Mon. and sent to the asylum at Norman. Co. Commissioners are in session this week and are hearing the protest of Wallace and others against the issuing of a liquor license to Milo Burlingame. For the past two months, Cheyenne has been without a saloon and it is the intention of the protestors if possible, to keep it that way.  R.E. Echols a leading light of the legal profession in this county, is in town this week looking after legal matters in the various courts. The singing school at the schoolhouse closed yesterday. All who attended seemed well pleased with the results. The annual meeting of the Roger Mills Co. Singing Convention will be held at Berlin Aug. 30, 31 and September 1 & 2. The Farmers Union Gin Co. have the framework of their new gin p and a large proportion of the machinery is now on the grounds. The post office has been moved into the building just east of the Miller-Gilkerson Abstract Office on Broadway.


John Reed and family of Brady, Texas are visiting with Mrs. Hough. J.L. Gilkey of Berlin was in town Mon. in the interests of the Berlin Fair. Scotty and Mrs. Falconer are in Canadian, Texas for a week’s visit with friends. Miss Lea Hough is looking after the post office in their absence. Dr. Tedrowe and family returned Mon. from Indianapolis, In. where they spent the summer.


G.H. Gibbs returned this week from Beaver Co. where he erected a residence and otherwise improved his claim. Judge C.S. Gilkerson returned Tues. from Elk City, where he purchased some town lots and will erect a large brick hotel. He says that Elk City property of all kinds is increasing in value at a rapid rate. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hall died last Fri. evening and remains were laid to rest in the Rankin Cemetery. Charles Shufeldt and John Monroe returned from St. Louis where they have been buying a large supply of winter clothing for Herring & Young store at this place. L.W. Pate Hardware Co. has a fine stock of Studebaker wagons.


There will be a grand two days picnic at the Kendall and Thompson tanks, seven miles southwest of town on Fri. and Sat., Aug 31 and Sep 1. This is one of the most pleasant places in western Ok. to have a picnic. There is plenty of shade and arbors will be erected for speaking. There is more than one mile of good boating water in the tanks and numerous pleasure boats and bathing suits will be provided. Horse racing and a big baseball game will ensure a good time for lovers of this sport.  The new residence property of Harry Silence on the corner of 4th and Clay Street will soon be completed. Mr. Silence will move his family into it as soon as it is finished. The Sunday School Mission Convention will convene at Bethel School house the second Sunday in Sept.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam August 30, 1906

Judge C.S. Gilkerson left for Pauls Valley I.T. on Sunday morning last. At that place, he meets Mr. Fitzgerald who represents a syndicate of capitalists who are looking into the prospects of the CC&C Railroad with a view of financing the construction of the above road. There is no doubt but that the financial part of the proposition can be easily arranged. It is up to the people along the route to do their part and push this road to completion. The Roger Mills County Fair will be held on Sept 12-14. This will be the best and largest ever held by the association. Herring & Young wishes to inform you that we have obtained our gin at Cheyenne and are repairing same. We will have it in good working order and be prepared through a good management to give you the most excellent service to be obtained. We also expect to give top prices for cotton in seed and in the lint.


Rev. J.C. Cavener of Hammon will preach in the ME Church next Sun. morning and evening for the pastor who is conducting a meeting at Square Top. The Cheyenne Public Schools opened for the fall term on Mon. Sept 10. The teachers desire all scholars to be on hand the first day and start at the beginning of the term.


Ott Casady blowed in from South Dakota Mon. and spent a day or two visiting the home folks. He reports that Joe Casady well, happy and prosperous. The protest against the issuing of a retail liquor license to Milo Burlingame at Cheyenne, which was on trial before the co. commissioners last Thurs. Fri and Sat. was a warmly contested affair. Both sides presented every argument possible and the attorneys on each side did their duty. After elaborate arguments pro and con, the commissioners granted the license. Notice of appeal was filed immediately and the matter now rests in abeyance until decided at the coming term of district court. In the meantime, those thirstedly inclined will have to go down to the neighboring towns of Elk City or Sayre or remain with the thirst on hand.


John S. Gardner well known in this neighborhood received last week, the sad news of the death of a beloved sister, who resided in Ohio. We understood that S.A. Elliott and C.S. Gilkerson have purchased ground and let the contract for a modern brick hotel building at Elk City. John C. Hendricks made a business trip to Sayre on Mon returning on Tues. A.J. Bliss of Durham, Day Co. died Aug 16 at his old home, Thompson, Ohio. H.D. Cox is erecting a neat cottage at the north end of town. Postmaster and Mrs. Falconer returned from a ten day visit to Canadian, Tx. Roscoe Johnson has accepted a position in Boone’s Drugs Store, where he will be pleased to have all his friends call in and see him. G.H. Corrigan thirteen miles west of town, is arranging to send his children to Elk City to school. He has a bunch of seven of school age. Mac Tracy who has been holding down a “rack” in the star office the past few months, left Mon. for Blackwell, where he will attend the Baptist College. Hugh Colburn, an old time resident of this place, dropped in from South Dakota Mon. and spend a day or two visiting friends. Tom Smith and Mrs. Vicie L. Vandever were married today by Esquire Casady. Ben Osborn of the Rush Creek neighborhood, has had a force of help this week gathering broomcorn on horseback. The canes were so tall it required this method to reach the brush. Lloyd Monroe who has been holding down a job in the Grand Progress office has returned home and will leave in a few days for Mangum where he will attend school this winter. Miss Ollie Higgins, the eight year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Higgins died after a short illness yesterday evening. The funeral services were held at the Baptist Church Tues. afternoon and the remains interred in the Cheyenne Cemetery.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam September 6, 1906

Dr. H. Riley was tried in county court yesterday on a charge of “pointing a gun at Orland Riley”. He was found guilty as charged and fined $100 and costs and a sentence of 90 days in jail was imposed. Miss Annie Birmingham of Cataline, Texas is the guest of Misses Hough. Miss Ray Fields returned from an extended visit with friends and relatives in Texas. A mandolin club has been organized by the young people of the town. The CC&C Railroad has perfected arrangements to make a survey of its proposed line and work will soon begin. An expert examination of the route proposed can be made for less than $1000. It is now up to the people of Cheyenne and the residents to make good.


Judge C.S. Gilkerson and George F. Patterson will hold a joint debate at the court house on Sat. evening, Sept 15. The subject will be “Resolved that Socialism as endorsed by the National Socialism Convention at Chicago in 1904 is not practical”. Affirmative Gilkerson; Negative, Patterson. The four year old boy of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schmidt living north of Cheyenne died on Mon. last and was buried in the cemetery Tues.


A. Hammond of Hamburg was in attendance at the railroad meeting Tues. night. The case of territory vs. Herman Stephens charged with “carrying a pistol” was on trial Mon. Jury trial said “guilty”. A fine of $50 in cost and a sentence of 15 days in jail. Ed Taylor has opened an ice cream parlor on Sat. and Sun. in the building formerly occupied by the Star Office. He will handle Oklahoma City cream, the best made. Drop in and see Ed.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam September 13, 1906

A A double wedding of James Glenn and Ellen Penny and E.C. Davis and Lora Porter were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony at the office of Judge Gilkerson on Sat. afternoon last. The high contracting parties all live near Roll. Cheyenne Public School opened on Monday morning last for the fall and winter term. The teachers are: Prof H.B. Scott, principal; Mrs. Bryant, Miss Ethel Stevens, Miss Ray Fields.


The money necessary for the preliminary examination and survey of the route of the proposed CC&C railroad from Clinton to Cheyenne has been raised and the expert engineer is now out on the line. We are confident that there will not be any trouble in securing financial assistance in the building of this proposed route. All admit that it will increase the cash value of all property fully 100%. We will not have to wait any length of time to hear the engine toot if we give the proper encouragement to the promoters of this line.  Call at Ed Taylor’s new ice cream parlor and try some of the Oklahoma City cream. Ed’s parlor is located in the old bank building, one door east of the butcher shop.


Miss Verna Young, Knuck Hunt and Will Keen will attend school at Weatherford this winter.


For sale or rent the Cheyenne wagon yard and buildings, also two good work mares, two good mules, a schutler wagon and good harness. See Fred Tunnard.


Miss Lucille McKinney left last week for Edmond where she will attend school the coming winter. Miss Carrie Fields left for Weatherford for Friday where she will attend school this fall and winter. John Leary threshed his wheat on Friday last and it averaged 31 bushels and 1 peck to the acre. This is an excellent showing for a “hill” farm. Dr. Shephard, the eye specialist of Kansas City is in town and will remain four days next week. All glasses are guaranteed to give satisfaction. The singing convention held at Berlin on August 31 was largely attended and a pleasant time had by all. The singing conventions of this county are becoming very popular and are a source of pleasure and enjoyment to all participating.


RIDGETON NEWS: Mr. and Mrs. Will Reed have returned from their honeymoon trip to El Reno and have gone to house-keeping near the Enterprise school house. The baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Estes has been quite sick for a week. Jay Libby had his hand very severely injured while running his broomcorn thresher at Burt Smith’s last Tuesday. R.F. D.#1 seems to be a blessing to the busy days of the farmer. School District #76(Mt. Zion), three miles east of Ridgeton are planning an ice cream supper for Friday night, September 14. Miss Della Fullmer has an interesting summer school. James Ragen came out from Weatherford horseback this week and will remain some time if he gets a bunch of cattle to care for. Frank King has moved to his farm. Mrs. McColgin and children returned from a visit at Geary. Mrs. Pearl Ellis and daughter returned from a visit at Thomas last Sunday. Roger Mills County Fair is in full swing this week. Roy Staton and Miss Leona McCaskill were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s parents near Rankin last Sunday.


Tom Kendall surprised many of his friends by bringing a bride home with him on his last trip to Elk City in the person of Miss Corrine Conway. George V. Sine came in from Terre Haute, Indiana today.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam, September 20, 1906

District court convened in regular full session Monday afternoon at 5:00 p.m. With Honorable C.F. Irwin residing judge; E.M. Hegler, Clerk, J.J. Sartain Court Stenographer. A.H. Carter Deputy Clerk; S.A. Elliott Sheriff; Tom Jackson Court Crier. Roger Mills County Attorneys in attendance: R.E. Eckols, M.Martindale, W.D. Merrile, H. Chadaeyne, P.C. Hughes, J.W. McMurtry of Elk City; John B Harrison, Fleetwood Bell, J. Franklin Trimble of Sayre; J.M. Farris of Sweetwater; J.C. Hendricks, E.E. Tracy, D.W. Tracy, C.S. Gilkerson of the local bar.


A Grand Jury which was impaneled consisted of the following gentlemen: J.L. Paschal, J.D. Hall, B.F. Gaskin, D.H. Collier, W.O. Green, Tobe White, O.H. Coxson, J.L. Martin, L.M. Fulton, D.E. Rubb, T.J. Mattingly, M.B. Foster, J.H. Smith, W.H. Mabra, Joseph Andris, D.H. Howell.


Dave T. Bowman was the Bailiff. The Petit Jury: J.M. Box, M.M. Waldrop, Charles Finch, W.L. Hinkle, A.A. Hitchcock, R.M. Lookingbill, J.M. Robards, H. Kidwell, J.B. Smith, J.M. Johnson, S.R. Richerson, Newton Smithy, A.C. Smith, T.M. Walker, H.V. Guernsey, W.B. Ware, Bird Smith, M.M. Turley, Zack Cupp, G.W. Roles, J.E. Pullen, C.G. Tjensvold, Charles Penn, J.W. Merrell, J.B. Miller, B.H. Schooler, William Field, D.H. Laney, J.H. Westbrook, H.C. Winkler, George F. Patterson, S.L. Stamy, G.C. Whitehurst, L. Yeager, W.C. Allman. The much tried and hardly fought case of Oval Keen vs. F.E. Herring and Charles Thompson, better known as the black steer case came up for trial. Also the case of the territory against W.P. Price for the killing of Hood Yandell, at Sayre in September, 1903 was taken up. J.M. Allee, one of the progressive farmers of Carpenter is attending court this week. A debate was held at the court house Saturday night on the question: “Resolved – that socialism is not practical”.


Donald Fitzgerald who represents the capitalists who are investigating the feasibility of building the CC&C Railroad is now on the ground. He started out Tues. on a critical and thorough examination of the proposed route.  R.V. Converse, Judge Gilkerson, L.W. Pate, W.T. Bonner and A.O. Miller all of Cheyenne and A. Hammond of Hamburg were in the city Wed. night to confer with our citizens in regard to the Clinton, Cheyenne and Canadian Railroad.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam September 27, 1906

W.H. Martin is entertaining his mother and father from Denver, Colorado. Miss Carey Fields left for Weatherford on Friday where she will attend school this fall and winter. Lee Bonebrake and E.E. Black of El Reno surprised the natives of this part of the country by running into Cheyenne Sun. evening in a great big white “buzz wagon”. This was the first automobile ever seen on the streets of our town and it attracted consider-able attention The gentlemen made the run from E. Reno over average roads, made soft by recent rains, in a little less than 9 hours. The fact that an auto can be run successfully over our roads was fully demonstrated by this trip and there is now no doubt but in the very near future they will be seen more often on the roads of our county.


John E. Leary left Saturday for Crawford and Durham to look after business matters. W.P. Price (on trial for murder in District Court this week) has erected 3 tents on the hill for the accommodation of his witnesses, attorneys and friends. Postmaster Falconer has been confined to his house by a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism. Miss Jo Coffin, one of the expert machine artists of the Times-Journal at OKC passed through town Monday evening on her way to Rankin where she will rusticate several weeks and look after her crops on one of the best claims near Rankin. The many tents and camp outfits at this term of court brought back early day recollections when such outfits were the usual attributes to a term of court at all the court centers. All the hotels are taxed to their utmost to accommodate the large crowd at this term. Ira Hensley who has been in Oregon the past few months, returned to Cheyenne Friday evening. DIED: On Sunday last the little four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Hooten living about 6 miles northwest of Cheyenne. The gins are being repaired and made ready for the ginning of the large cotton crop. Quite a number of foreigners are here taking out their final citizenship papers.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam, October 4, 1906

Donald Fitzgerald who has been investigating the feasibility the CC&C Railroad is in town. He says it is up to the citizens of Cheyenne whether or not the road will be built. This proposed line will be the making of Cheyenne. Walter D. Williams of Trammell made final proof on his homestead Tues. Lee Young of the Farmers and Merchants Bank was at Hamburg a few days this week. The first bales of cotton are being brought to market. A light frost Mon. morning was the first of the season. Mrs. E.E. Tracy returned yesterday from a pleasant visit with friends and relatives at Clarendon, Texas.


The county board of health consisting of President I.H. Carmichael and J.P. Miller met on the second day of Oct and the following order was made: No hogs be allowed, kept on blocks number 37-39, 46 and 47 in the town of Cheyenne and that all hog pens now within said limits be removed within five days. All tenants and property owners are to clean all premises, streets and alleys by removing all refuse matter there from.


A.B. Jameson died at his home near Grimes on Wed. Sept 19. John E. Leary is in Day County talking farm loans and insurance. G.W. Hodges and wife returned a few days ago from a visit to their old North Carolina home. Pate the hardware man, has the finest line of guns ever brought to Cheyenne. All sportsmen should see the new “automatic shotgun” that he is now handling. L.L. Collins has purchased the tin shop from Harry Silence. Mr. Collins was a resident of Cheyenne for years and we welcome him again to cast his lots among us. Miss Leah Huff has accepted a position with Herring and Young as saleslady.  Ed Taylor has more apples in stock now than has ever been in Cheyenne at one time. J.C. Hendricks is looking after a contest case at Texmo. E.E. Tracy is at Grand attending District Court. The races next Sat. promise to be the best of the season. The track is in splendid condition or speed. Will Perry is building a wagon yard near the Farmers Union Gin. Edward A. C. Moeller of Hamburg made final proof on his claim Tuesday before Deputy Clerk Carter.


Commissioners’ Proceedings: I.H. Carmichael, Bascom Bates and John H. West were commissioners, Co. Attorney John C. Hendrix, Sheriff S.A. Elliott, Co. Clerk John H. Osborne, Co. Treasurer W.D. Kendall, Co. Supt. A.R. Harris, Register of Deeds W.O. Mounts, Justice of Peace in respective townships: J.R. Casady, Cheyenne; J.A. Adrian, Elk; J.G. Lancaster, Berlin; J.H. Uncapher, Buffalo; D.C. Fields, Kiowa; B.T. Richerson Berlin Township Treasurer; J.L. Branon, Kiowa Township Treasurer; C.S. Gilkerson Probate Judge; H.F. Brown appointed Deputy Sheriff; K.N. Ramsey Trustee and assessor of Sweetwater Township. Election Inspectors for November 6, 1906 election: E.F. Stephens, Cheyenne; J.A. Cofer, Trammell; F.M. Bates, Sedalia; J.D. Hall, McArthur; I.H. Thomas, Larned; W.S. Farmer, Busch; A.L. Forgey, Carpenter; D.A. Mayer, Busch; J.T. Gibbons, Busch; W.L. Thomas, Merritt; D.W. Cromwell, Port; J.T. Copp, Carter; J.B. Freeman, Doxey; L.P. Jones, Sayre; D.E. Grubb, Sayre; T.J. Ragains, Berlin; Joe W. Howard, Grimes; J.H. Uncapher, Prentiss; G.W. Githens, Mayfield; G.W. Sanders, Prentiss; R.N. Ramey, Harrington; G.F. Martin, Dempsey; J.W. Mitchell, Harrington; S.D. Brown, Rankin; E.C. Winford, Ridgeton; B.S. Taylor, Cheyenne; A.L. Baldwin, Doxey; M.F. Pruitt, Poarch; C.H. Cope, Busch; T.J. Singletary, Grimes; R.P. Watson, Berlin.


MOUNT ROSE NEWS: Our rural mail route is all right. This is fine weather for picking cotton. Broomcorn is being marketed fast and the price continues good. Miss Minnie McCaskill spent last week visiting with her sister, Mrs. Staton in Day County. Mr. And Mrs. Spencer of Croton Township started for Arkansas last Thursday. Charles Winn has completed his new house and is moving in. Mrs. Burnett got the premium for the first bale of cotton at Hamburg. The literary society met last Friday evening after a recess of several weeks. The farmer’s union met last Sat. evening. Another box supper will be held at the Red Moon School House Saturday, Oct. 13.


C.D. Anderson of Prentiss and Miss Myrtle Bryant of Sweetwater were married Sunday last. Walker Huff took in the Day Co. fair at Grand. He says the exhibit of farm products would compete favorably with those of any county. T.M. Miller senior partner of the Miller Gilkerson Abstract Company has purchased Mr. Gilkerson’s interest. In the future the business will be conducted by T.M. Miller, bonded abstractor. Mc and Mc’s canvas theater will be presenting a high class moral exhibition consisting of cartoonists and impersonators, singers, dancers, magicians and ventriloquists with their own special scenery. They will exhibit at Cheyenne on Friday and Saturday, October 12 and 13. Admissions, Adults 20 cents, children 10 cents.


Report of Cheyenne schools for the month ending October 5, 1906. Average attendance 138. Students receiving highest grades: 10th Jewel Miller, Olive schall, Pearl Huff; 9th Bell Daniels, Vera Tracy, Louis Elliott; 8th Henry Warren, Viola Pascall, Chester Tracy; 7th Nona Dewey, Loura Warren, Alice Montague; 5th Katie Leary, Pauline Higgins, Vivian Burger; 4th Margie Falconer, Madge Gray, Eddie Tracy; 3rd Julia Tracy, Virgie Anderson, Catherine Falconer, Isabella Fields; 2nd Oren Brazell, Jay Burger, Margerite Goode; 1st Graham Leary, James Montague, Callie Mouldin; Kindergarten, Ruth Leary, Cynthia Birchenough, Roy Shelton.


The little child of Mr. and Mrs. R.N. Higgins died of throat trouble Monday evening. The remains were buried in the Cheyenne Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. This is the third death in the family during the year. Ed Taylor will sell Ben Davis apples this week at $1.80 per bushel. Charles Shufeldt was in Elk a few days this week. Pate the hardware man has the finest line of guns ever brought to Cheyenne. All sportsmen should see that new “automatic” shotgun that he is now handling. Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Johnson of Grand were in the city Monday. FOR SALE or rent the Cheyenne Wagon Yard, also two good work mares, two good mules, a schutler wagon and good harness. See Fred Tunnard.


Judge G.S. Gilkerson has sold his property in the east part of town to S.A. Elliott. Feed and Grist Mill on easy terms. Must be sold, H.D. Cox.


Cheyenne Star October 11, 1906 missing files


Cheyenne Star October 18, 1906

RIDGETON NEWS: The Ridgeton School House, 3 ½ miles south of Ridgeton was burned to the ground Monday night. The loss of the individual members’ of the district through the burning of the books alone is serious but nothing compared to the loss each family sustains in being without the regular term of school and the necessity of re-building when funds are low. Mrs. Herman McReynolds has been quite sick this week. Mrs. Shook Gray and baby have returned from a visit to her old home. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Wells’ oldest child has been sick and is feared it had diphtheria. Rev. Howard preached at the schoolhouse Sunday afternoon. He and Rev. Warren have been holding services the past week in the Bachelor school house three miles east. Rev. McGee will preach next Sunday at 4:00 p.m. He preaches at 11:00 at Union Chapel 3 ½ miles northeast. Mr. and Mrs. Carbough are the proud parents of a baby girl. The box supper held Wednesday night at Mr. Beaches’ house cleared for that district $123.85. The cake brought over $50. Miss Della Butler won the cake. Miss Ethel Jaques gave a “Donkey” Party to her friends Wednesday evening. Will Barbee, brother to Lyman and Henry, has bought the claim on which the church stands. Cotton picking has just begun, broomcorn has been taking most of the farmers’ time. P.N. Oaks younger brother is here attending school. Another baby has come to brighten the home of Samuel Reynolds. Miss Wilmoth of Day County has been engaged to teach our school. We are to have a six months term which will begin as soon as the building is ceiled and new seats put in. Mrs. G. McColgin and A.H. McReynolds have just received new organs. Miss Ada Feilner is the star line mail carrier at present. Mrs. E.V. Miller, Mrs. Sam Reynolds, and Elmer Snyder are enjoying a visit with their sister from Iowa. Earl Ester has bought a new harness and wagon. James A. Beatley has sold his claim and intends to return to Illinois. Mrs. Margie Millard will teach the Liberty School beginning November 1. A new railroad has been proposed. The Oklahoma, Texas and Western will run its line from Clinton to Canadian, Texas by way of Cheyenne. Messers Converse and Cox, two representative businessmen of Cheyenne, were in Clinton on Tuesday evening, accompanied by Mr. Donald Fitzgerald of New York City. These gentlemen assured a number of our citizens that the road would surely be built in the near future. This road will traverse both Custer and Roger Mills County and on in to the panhandle.


Wed. Mrs. Delmarter, 55 years old, living 9 miles northwest of Elk, lit a gasoline stove and threw the match on the floor. In some way, her dress caught fire from the match. She first tried to smother it, but failing she ran outdoors and then returned to the house. The poor woman was alone and before Mr. Mahoney, her nearest neighbor, reached the house, she was burnt to a crisp. Dr. McComas was called but he could only relieve her suffering. She died in 40 minutes after the doctor reached her.


MOUNT ROSE: Our fine weather is over. We hope it will not freeze before clearing up again. Rev. George W. Taylor of Shanadock, Iowa has been visiting his brothers Messrs John & Frank this week. Mr. and Mrs. Staton visited a few days with Mrs. Staton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. McCaskill. Mr. Crane went to Elk City Tues. Cotton pickers are in demand.


The Mc & Mc’s Wagon Show made its first appearance in Cheyenne Monday evening and was a huge success. The teacher’s association will meet Oct. 22. On the program are Miss Ray Fields of Cheyenne, Prof Bellamy of Square Top, Homer Hill of Larned, E.J. Foster of Elk City, Prof Roland of Sayre, Prof. J.T. Clayton, Prof. Harris and J.C. Hendrix, also Miss Della Fulmer.


NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS: Taxes paid for parties living away from the county seat. Fee for each individual is 25 Cents. E.F. Cornel, Cheyenne.


A.S. McKinney returned Tues. from New Mexico where he purchased about 90 head of horses for the Cheyenne market. George E. Vance was transferred to El Reno to await his trial. It will be remembered that a change of venue was granted him at the last term of District Court. Those who have recently moved into the county and not familiar with the methods which should be followed in farming here, should by all means attend the annual meeting of the Farmers Institute, which will be held in Berlin on October 19 and 20. The next teacher examination will be at the court house in Cheyenne on Oct 25 and 26. A.R. Harris, Co. Supt. Mrs. N.R. Monroe left Sat. for a visit with her son, B.H. Monroe at Mangum. Mrs. Richard Sing who has for several weeks been sick with fever, is recovering. For Sale: Good class horses and mares. Call on G.W. Hodges, Cheyenne. T.M. Miller, A.G. Gray and A.S. McKinney went to Weatherford yesterday to advance further into the mysteries of masonry. H.L. Mauldin left today for a few days visit in Texas and no preaching services in Methodist church on Sun. Mrs. Orville Monroe left Tues to send week with sisters, Mrs. Ray and Miss Mildred Wallace of Weather-ford. Charles Willis who was sentenced to the penitentiary at Lansing, Kansas, was taken off Sat. by Deputy Sheriff Monroe


Cheyenne Star, October 25, 1906

Andy Frankford has laid off a townsite of 10 acres for the town of Dempsey. The terms upon which the land is ceded are that every alternate lot will be sold for $1.00 to anyone who will agree to erect a building during the next 12 months. The citizens around Dempsey are enthusiastic in the welfare of the town and are taking hold with a zeal commendable to the citizens of any town. S.A. Elliott and N.R. Monroe returned this week from Missouri and Arkansas points. They each bought a carload of young horses and mules and brought them back with them. Monroe Hunt, of Tennessee is here is looking for a location. His good opinion of this country was shown by purchasing the John Cross farm north of town. J.E. Brown of this place has obtained a patent on a flytrap for screen doors. J.C. Hendricks left yesterday for Guthrie to get the ballots for holding the election of the delegate for the Constitutional Convention. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Leary has been quite sick for some time, but we are pleased to say that he is rapidly improving. Judge C.S. Gilkerson is in Washita and Custer counties making campaign speeches. A.J. Harris, an old timer here, left today for Roby, Texas. F.E. Herring was up from Elk a few days this week. Cotton is beginning to come in at a rapid rate and our gins are running long shifts in order to handle the staple as fast as it comes. G.W. Hodges is improving his business property occupied by Herring & Young by adding a coat of paint. Hotel Black is again open for business. It will be remembered that a few weeks ago the hotel was closed on account of lack of help. Mrs. Pike Lynch is here from Iowa collecting notes given at their sale here last year. Mrs. C.S. Gilkerson left a few days ago for a visit with her parents at Weatherford. Mrs. Bart Goode is visiting her parents in Elk City. Hips have been done away with for the 1907 girl of fashion. She is to have broad shoulders and narrow hips. Her hair is to be blonde and her cheeks to be red. Her head erect and her stride, swingy. There is going to be a change in business all around. Ed Taylor has 75 bushels of fine apples and they are going at $1.50 per bushel.


Berlin Township Company sold to Roger Mills County Cooperative Association for $100 the Block A in Berlin. Claude the boy magician will give an exhibition at the court house Tues. evening November 1. Although he is the youngest, slight of hand performer in the world, he does all the late coin and card tricks, charmed bullets, glass of water, Hindu and Indian mysteries. Admission is 15 and 25 cents.


WEST CROTON DOINGS: Cotton has been damaged by the recent rain. E.C. Taylor has gone to Elk with broomcorn. John Warren is taking in the Dallas State Fair. Mr. and Mrs. John King have returned from Mineral Wells, Texas last week. They had been there for Mrs. King’s health and their friends will be pleased to know that she is greatly improved. Miss Nannie Taylor has been called home to the bedside of her mother who is sick of dropsy. Mrs. Homer McGarrity of Brownwood, Texas is here also at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Taylor.


J.C. Osborne is building an addition to his residence in the south part of town. Judge C.S. Gilkerson, J.C. Hendrix and I.W. H. Brimberry spoke at Dead Indian School House Wed. evening. Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Gray have a new baby boy at their home. Miss Jo Coffin is again at home on her farm near town. She will harvest a nice crop of milo maize and kafir corn from her claim this year. John Caffey, the liveryman of Elk, was in Cheyenne on Tues. Mrs. E.E. Tracy had the misfortune of stepping on a piece of glass and severely cutting her foot Tues. Misses Maggie and Lizzie Wheeler were in from Rankin and made application for final proof Monday. Anson Hazelwood of Mineral Wells, Texas is here looking after his interest. Mr. Hazelwood is one of the pioneer settlers of Roger Mills County.


Cheyenne Star, November 2, 1906

The National cotton buyer states that Oklahoma is raising more cotton this year for the acre than any other state and that it would be better each succeeding year. He also states that the quality of the staple is better. Marriage licenses: William J. Singletary of Grimes to Vienna Purdy of Indianapolis, Indiana; J.M. Chandler to Lucy Beaty of Rankin; Archie Crother to Lessie Stuart of Hammon; Lewis Hoopes to Pearl Wells of Ridgeton; W.J. Beal to Laura Bond, both of Harrington.


J.C. Osborne is building an addition to this residence in the south part of town. Judge C.S. Gilkerson, J.C. Hendricks and W.H. Brimberry spoke at the Dead Indian School House Wed. evening. Bart Goode and Harry Brown spent Sun. in Elk City. Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Gray have a baby bon at their home having made his appearance Saturday.


Miss Jo Coffin is again at home on her farm near town. She will harvest a nice crop of milo maize and kafir corn from her claim this year. S.A. Wallace left this morning for Milan County, Texas to be present at his father’s estate. Mrs. E.E. Tracy had the misfortune of stepping on a piece of glass and severely cutting her foot Tuesday. John Caffey, the livery man of Elk City, was in Cheyenne Tuesday. One hundred tons of the best McAlister lump coal, at $11.50 per ton delivered. Fred Tunnard. A Halloween Party was given at the residence of Will Jurgen, in honor of Misses Bell Daniels and Myrtle Riggs. Quite a number of young people of town were present and all report a pleasant evening. The amusements of the evening consisted of sheets, ghosts, games, etc. Walker Huff and Henry Cullens were in Sayre Sat. and Sun. J.C. Thornton and wife are in Oklahoma City for a few days visit with friends. The Misses Maggie and Lizzie Wheeler were in from Rankin and made application for final proof Monday.


Cheyenne Star, November 9, 1906

Walker Huff returned Monday from a ten days tour of Day and Woodward Counties.


MOUNT ROSE NEWS: Cotton pickers are scarce. As much as a $1.35 for 100 has been paid in our neighborhood for picking. Mr. and Mrs. McCaskill spent a few days with their daughter in Day County. Miss Myrtle Taylor spent Sun. at home. Our Sunday School has been changed to 10:00 a.m. and singing at 3:00 p.m. There will be a literary at the Mount Rose School House Friday night. Mrs. Winn will move to Berlin this week. Miss Josie Crane is building a rock house on her claim. Mr. Wheeler of Cordell has been staying on his claim this week.


The Roger Mills County Singing Association meets at Nine Mile School House on Sat. Nov. 17, at 2:00 p.m. and holds over Sunday following. Those on the program with songs and addresses are: W.M. Hall, A.M. Dowell, Clyde Godfrey, The Lone Elm School class, J.E. Smith, F.P. Ramsey, Eutis Quinn, J.D. Hall, A.C. Taylor, Prof. Barrett, James Hicket. Basket dinner will be served on Sunday. F.P. Ramsey, Pres. A.C. Taylor, Secretary.


J.F. Reed of Sedalia was in and will read the star another year. W.P. Spillman of McArthur has contributed to our subscription fund. Mrs. G.W. Garretson, wife of one of our most substantial citizens, residing in the neighborhood of the Emerson School House, died very suddenly Monday evening from Heart trouble. The remains were interred at Emerson Cemetery Tuesday afternoon.


The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hooper, died Monday night. Allen B. Lovelady made final proof on his claim near Rankin on Tuesday. Will Berry of Hamburg was in town Monday. James Allen has opened a restaurant and short order on Broadway just west of the Cheyenne State Bank. Oscar Casady is back from Arizona. H.D. Cox has installed a fifteen horsepower gasoline engine for running his grist mill. Uncle Billy Duke, a prominent stock man of Sandstone, was on our streets today. H.D. Cox has improved his property on main street by adding a coat of paint. George Patterson is in town to see the ballots counted by the commissioners. Stoney Duke is in town for commissioners’ court. F.E. Herring is also here. M. G. Gibbs has gone to his claim in Beaver County to vote and show his good intention to become a disciple of the man with a hoe. E.F. Cornels is building a nice residence in the south part of town. Charles Bebout is in Kansas City for short visit with his brother. Ed Taylor will sell you apples for 90 cents per bushel and buy your chickens, eggs, butter, wood or any old thing you have to sell. He will buy cotton also. C.S. Gilkerson left for Elk City to look after business matters. Judge Osborne and wife, father and mother of County Clerk Osborne are here on a visit. The judge is an old pioneer of this county and was one of the county’s first probate judges. He is an interesting talker and his early reminisces would make good reading. Dick Wilson, an employee of the Hamburg Cotton Gin, had two fingers cut off and several deep cuts in the forearm, as a result of trying to remove a wire from one of the gin stands while the machinery was in motion. The accident would have been more fatal had not a casting broke, which released the hand and arm from the knives. Dr. Wilson was called and dressed the wounds. The Modern Woodmen of Roll have begun active operations to increase their membership.


Cheyenne Star November 16, 1906

WEST CROTON NEWS: Ed Bauman went to Elk City last week. Miss Mary McCaskill of Cheyenne was visiting her parents at Mt. Rose Sunday. Mrs. Lessie Crother, formerly Miss Lessie Stuart of Hammon, is visiting her brother, R.P. Stuart and her sister, Mrs. Minnie Campbell. B. Dewey was visiting in the sandhills Sunday.


Mrs. Orville Monroe returned Sunday from a few weeks’ visit with her sisters at Weatherford. Ray Redden has sold his livery business to Redwine Brothers, who are now in charge. Herring and Young have installed an economical gas and oil tank for handling oil and gas without waste.


John B. Harrison has been nominated for the office of presidency of the State Constitutional Convention. J.D. Adding and Miss Lillie Williams of Larned were married yesterday. Miss Ollie Brownfield returned from Foss where she spent several weeks. Mrs. S.Jackson, Mrs. J.P. Miller and daughter are on the sick list this week. I can save you money on buying a new wagon, surrey or buggy. I also have the agency of a guaranteed line of pianos, organs, sewing machines, etc. Sell for cash or on time. No interest. J.A. Brown at Brown’s Lunchroom.


Milo Burlingame with his flock of racehorses, left Tuesday morning for Shattuck, to take in three days’ races. E.L. Martin and Myrtle Taylor were united in marriage last week by Judge Gilkerson. John C. Hendricks left for Oklahoma City. He will return via El Reno to be in attendance at the Vance Trial on Monday. Ed Musfelt is in Shattuck this week attending the races. The Roger Mills County Teachers’ Assoc will meet at Grimes Nov 24. Among those on the program: Mrs. Alice Blackburn, Prof Scott of Cheyenne, Mrs. Helen Bryant, Cheyenne High School Chorus, John B. Tracy, Miss Letia West of Grimes, Prof. Wilson of Berlin, Mr. Lancaster of Grimes, Miss Barrett of Berlin, Rev. Diehl, Margaret McKenzie, Prof. Tidwell, Supt. Harris. Prof Scott will preach at Rose Hill Sun evening Nov. 25. Prof. Eyers, principal of the Erick schools accidentally shot and killed Albert Brown, who resided one mile north and 1 ½ miles west of Sweetwater, while out hunting last Sunday. They with two others went to a hunt and came up on a bunch of quail and all began shooting. The professor was following along behind Mr. Brown and both barrels of his gun were accidentally discharged into Mr. Brown’s back.


Cheyenne Star November 23, 1906

The Washita Aerie of Eagles, #1334, held their annual election of officers at Cheyenne yesterday. L.W. Pate is W.P.; R.N. Higgins is a WVP; Herman Guernsey, Chaplin; Charlie McClain, Secretary, Milo Burlingame, Treasurer, Henry Hudson, Conductor, Oscar Casady, Inside Guard, Harry Silence Outside Guard, A.G. Gray, B. Dewey, John Salyer Trustees, Dr. C.W. Tedrowe is the Aerie Physician. A new charter has been issued to the Washita Valley Loan and Investment Company of Cheyenne with $25,000 capital stock; The incorporators are W.T. Bonner, R.V. Converse, H.B. Converse of Cheyenne, G.L. Converse of Hamburg, J.M. Bonner of Berlin.


W.A. Beaty has returned here from Arizona, New Mexico and Odessa, Texas after buying horses. The Vance case, which was granted a change of venue and set for trial at El Reno, has again been continued. The case has already cost the taxpayers of the county a great deal and no one can estimate how much the expense will be before the matter will be settled. The laws of Oklahoma make anyone who leaves a team untied on the public highway responsible for all damages done in case of a runaway. But who is responsible for the criminal cases on our dockets, which can be traced to booze. G.W. Hodges returned from Guthrie Friday and reports that the convention is running in good shape.


Charles Shufeldt and Lewis Elliott were up in Day County the first of the week looking after business matters. J.A. Brown is moving into the Mrs. Bullard property just south of the court house. Our first taste of winter began Sunday with 10 inches of snow. It is suggested that the Constitutional Convention add a plank to compel saloon men to sell whiskey to anyone who may become a drunkard to bear all expenses of a course of treatment at the McKenna institute in Oklahoma City. Judge Gilkerson and Sheriff Elliott had all the thrilling sensations of a runaway on their return from Elk City Sun. evening.


RIDGETON NEWS: Cal Robbins has moved his house to the east side of his claim. The school house is being ceiled by C.W. Rockwell. When the seats and stove are put in place, the building will be ready for school to open. On next Wednesday evening, the district will hold a box supper at the school house. This will be Thanksgiving evening so there are sure to be lots of good things to eat. George W. Beaty has raised his house until it is all above ground. Brice Ellis had the misfortune to have a cow he had just bought, brake her neck. After putting down a well, he has returned to his work at Neodesha, Kansas. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Wood, a son. Lewis Hoopes, while on his way to Canadian, Texas, with a load of broomcorn, had one of his lines break, one of the four horses he was driving became unmanageable, upset the wagon, broke out the tongue and threw Lewis out upon his shoulder. Mr. and Mrs. Cox are now here to make settlement on their claim formerly owned by Mrs. Spencer. Ed Smith is again able to be out after a serious attack of lagrippe.


W.P. Price, who was convicted of manslaughter at the September term of our district court and sentenced to four years in the penitentiary perfected his appeal to the supreme Court on Friday and was released under a bond of $4000 Rev. H.L. Mauldin, who has had charge of the Methodist Church at this place for the past year was transferred to Rocky at the recent meeting of the conference. Rev. W.C. Carter, from North Texas conference was assigned to the Cheyenne circuit for the coming year. William F. Hines of Rankin was taken suddenly ill while in the mercantile company storeroom this Saturday morning and is still in a very precarious condition. J.C. Thornton, one of our popular loan men, is in Oklahoma City this week. We are late this week on account of being unable to get our rediprint from the railroad. The roads between here and Sayre are so blocked with snow drifts that the passage of mail and express is very difficult. This has been the earliest and largest snow in this part of the country for years. Charles McClain and John Salyer will have their “booze shop” in running order as soon as the goods arrive. J.A. Brown has sold his restaurant business to Jess Allen who is now in charge. H.D. Cox has some beautiful oil paintings. Who wouldn’t like one of them for a Christmas present? Miss Smith of Norman has accepted a position as a stenographer in the T.M. Miller Abstract Office. Fred Tunnard has sold the pool hall to Harry Silence, who has taken charge of the business. Henry Anderson is here from Texas this week, visiting with relatives and friends and looking after his property interests. F.M. Fuller has sold the harness shop to Fred Tunnard. E. Roberts has leased the Tunnard wagon yard and buildings and will take charge in the near future. Mr. Roberts also contemplates putting in a stock of groceries in connection with the other business.


Cheyenne Star, November 30, 1906

RIDGETON NEWS: Uriah Gray is home on a visit with his parents, J.H.C. Gray. Hunting is the delight of all the sportsmen if they are not out of ammunition these days. Twenty or 30 cottontails or jack are the usual days’ returns for each hunter and still the rabbits seem just as plentiful in the fields. Mr. and Mrs. Cox have returned to their home in Shawnee after two weeks stay on their claim 1 mile south of Ridgeton. They put a dugout on the northeast corner of their place while here. William Hayes of Indiana, a nephew of Mrs. Earl Estes, is visiting here with the prospect of getting a claim in the future, if he likes it well enough to locate. P.N. Oakes is working in Canadian, Texas. Mrs. Campbell, mother of Mrs. Ben Simmons, is here to spend the winter with her daughter.


MT. ROSE NEWS: Our heavy snow of the past week is almost gone and we are glad to part with it. Cotton is going higher right along and there is lots of it to pick as yet. Mr. Penrod is planning to build a new barn on his place in the near future. Mr. Freemans and family are here from Nebraska visiting Mr. Thompson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Staton spent part of last week at her parents’ home at Mt. Rose. We are sorry to hear of Billy Martin losing two good horses.


Many are complaining of the delay from the land office for setting dates. The land offices are overworked and doing the best they can. It is expected that the work will be caught up with in the next ninety days and then dates will be set much earlier; after application for proof is made. The shrill whistle of the gin sounding a fire alarm cause great excitement Mon. evening. Fire had broke out in the lint shaft, but by the prompt action of the employees in turning steam into the shaft, a disastrous fire was averted. The loss was small, but the scare was big!


The recent snow and rain have cost the farmers of western Oklahoma many thousands of dollars of damage to the forage crops. “But every cloud has its silver lining” and while the bad weather damaged the cotton, it will be the making of wheat and puts the soil in good condition for plowing and planting for next season. We understand that arrangements are being made for a Union Christmas Tree this year. This is as it should be. Give the children the pleasure of a high Christmas as they will soon outgrow the childish pleasures now so much enjoyed. Charley Shufeldt knows to a certainty how deep the mud is in front of Herring and Young Store as he measured it head-first by his horse falling with him Wed. afternoon. Charley says he knows that it was deep enough. Jacob Beard at one time, a well known and highly respected resident of this town, died at his home at Blanchester, Ohio on Nov. 12, 1906 at the ripe age of 82 years. Mr. Beard left Cheyenne about two years ago and up the time of his death, resided at his old boyhood home at Blanchester, Ohio. He had served a number of years as Indian farmer, and at one time was postmaster at Cheyenne. He leaves a wife and several grown children.


Ed Taylor’s Bakery has moved to one door east of Lee’s Drugs Store. W.Bonner is wanting cotton pickers. Masonic Lodge #42 has elected officers as follows: S.Jackson, Worshipful Master; C.W. Tedrowe, Sr. Warden; T.M. Miller, Jr. Warden; A.G.Gray, Secretary; G.W. Hodges, Treasurer. The following appointments were made by Worshipful Master: E.E. Tracy, Sr. Deacon; John C. Hendricks, Jr. Deacon; F.O. Leach, Sr. Steward; A.J. Smith, Jr. Steward; C.A. Taylor, Tyler; J.P. Miller, Chaplain.


G.L. Converse, cashier of the Hamburg Bank spent Thanks-giving with his brother at Cheyenne. Emil Cornels has moved into his new residence in the south part of Cheyenne. Farmers Institute will be held at Berlin Dec. 8. O.F. Hines is President; Mrs. Alice Blackburn is Secretary. Speakers: Mrs. Myers, Paul Oehme, Charles Blackburn, Mrs. J.W. Finch, Mrs. T.J. Singletary(talk on Turkey Culture), Miss Lizzie Borden, Miss Edith Franklin, Prof Scott and Prof Wilson, Oren Youker, Rev. Calvert, and the Cheyenne Public School Choir.


Cheyenne Star, December 7, 1906

Tom C. Watson and Mrs. Minnie Bullard surprised their many friends on Sunday last by a very quiet wedding. They will live in Cheyenne and occupy the residence recently vacated by James J. Moore. LOST: Note and mortgage in envelope made out to Lee Dudney. Return to this office or Cheyenne State Bank. Mr. Al Anderson, an old resident of Rush Creek neighborhood and well known to all, died at his home on Monday last. The funeral services were held at the Cheyenne cemetery where the body was laid to rest to a large concourse of relatives and friends. Judge Gilkerson departed to Guthrie for a week and look after his candidacy for the place of Lt. Governor on the coming Democratic ticket. Ira Hensley came in yesterday from Canadian, Texas to spend a few days with his host of friends here. Despite the terrible roads, there was a big crowd in town Monday and our merchants report good sales. The Cheyenne Exchange Bank has received a nice lot of 1907 calendars for their customers and invites you to come in and make your selection. John M. Bonner cashier of the Berlin Exchange Bank is here this week. The I.O.O.F. have elected the following officers: E.F. Cornels, NG; F.E. Tanner, VG; L.L. Collins, Treasurer; S.A. Wallace, Secretary; John C. Hendricks, Trustee.


Miss Della Fullman went to teach the Washita School on Monday. A.S. McKinney returned Tuesday from a trip through New Mexico and Arizona. Mrs. S. Jackson has been quite ill for the past week and is improving. Judging from the number of fruit trees delivered to our enterprising farmers this week, our county will soon be a veritable orchard. L.W. Pate spent the last two weeks in Oklahoma City and Shawnee. Cheyenne Schools closed the third month of the year on November 29 with total enrollment of 131 and average daily attendance of 127. J.H. Parrish at one time a prominent businessman of Cheyenne, but who has been living in California the past two years, was in town Sunday and Monday. He is now headed for Mexico where he expects to reside in the future. W.O. Horr, President of the Cotton Exchange Bank here was in town Monday. Cheyenne Drug Company has changed hands but the present management assures the public that they have a first class pharmacist in charge of the prescription counter and are ready to fill all prescriptions promptly and accurately. I.H. Wheater, President of the Cotton Exchange Bank of Elk City, came out from Kentucky with the intention of making a visit to the numerous banks in which he is interested. He arrived at Elk City during the recent rainy weather and concluded that he could not make the trip. He says that those old Kentuckians who informed him that western Oklahoma is a drouthy country where it never rains are simply mistaken. Ed Taylor has bread at 5 cents per loaf.


Cheyenne Star December 14, 1906

Nathan Dyer, aged 43 years is in jail at Cheyenne. Charged with the murder of his wife. The parties have resided at Sayre for the last several years where Dyer was a section boss on the Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, with headquarters at Sayre. From what can be learned of the affair, Dyer went home drunk some several days ago and considerable of family racket ensued, during which he assaulted his wife. After the assault he left the town, going to a point about 14 miles east of Oklahoma City, where he secured employment on the railroad. After his leaving Sayre, Mrs. Dyer was taken down with premature birth and died. It is charged in the complaint that the beating or assault of Dyer on the woman was the cause and he is charged with the killing. A warrant was issued and Dyer was arrested and returned to Sayre, and on Monday was arraigned, waived examination and committed to jail to await the actions of the Grand Jury.


The query box at the Farmers Institute held at Berlin included some interesting questions, whether Bermuda grass is good hog feed; does broomcorn pay and what kind is best; how shall we get rid of jackrabbits; why don’t hens lay when eggs are high; why are cotton growers opposed to negro pickers; how best to exterminate gophers; is stock raising or dairy more profitable. Questions to be discussed at the next meeting: Does it pay to raise sheep; best way to keep worms off cabbage; how to get rid of wolves and the Campbell system of dry plowing.


For the past month it has been almost impossible to get either freight or express delivered by the CRI&P Railroad. The mail is all the way from two days to three weeks behind. O.P. King of Sayre is laid up at the Hotel Black with a severe case of lagrippe. Richard Sing left this week for a few days trip down to the Caddo County. Quite a number of our young people attended the dance at Mr. Scoville’s five miles south of Cheyenne on Tuesday night. Fred Tunanrd purchased the Dr. Simms residence and moved into the same on Sat. Quail on toast has been the bill of fare of our citizens for the past few days. The birds are plentiful and our nimrods are lucky when they go after them. Connor and Collums are closing out their entire stock at cost. Sale begins Monday, the 17th. Several loads of broomcorn passed through town this week in route to Sayre and Elk. The crop has been a fair price all season and has brought in lots of money to this portion of the territory. James Begier and wife spent a day or two in Elk City this week. N.R. Monroe is out in Day County on business this week. S.A. Elliott is in Mexico this week. J.A. Brown and wife are in Canadian, Texas this week. Quite a number of farmers who drive to town and feed their teams in their wagon while here, are “kicking on the town cow”, which insists on sharing the feed with their horses, and we would not be surprised if some evening “old bossy” was not found herd-lawed. Cotton has begun to come in freely again, since the ground has dried enough to enable the pickers to get into the fields. There is lots of cotton in the fields and the cotton farmer still have lots to do before his crop is on the market. George St. Clair of the Berlin neighborhood has sold his farm and will leave with his family in a few days for Los Angeles, California where they will make their future home. W.D. Kendall informs us that he has received 400 strawberry, bass and croppie for the big tank from the government fish commissioners last week and that they were transported from the railroad to the tank in good shape. The tank has plenty of water at all times of the year and it will soon be one of the pleasure resorts of this part of western Oklahoma. Mrs. Bart Goode who has been visiting at Elk City returned home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Watson entertained a number of their friends Friday evening.


Cheyenne Star December 21, 1906

The state committee on boundary lines reported Wednesday and will vote on the new map this Thursday. As now planned, Roger Mills will lose the lower part of the county and be attached to part of Greer and a new county to be named “Red River” will be created. In place of this portion so detached, that portion of Day County south of the Canadian River will be included in Roger Mills County. A.H. Carter, John H. Osborne and Joe A. Moad have been re-appointed jury commissioners for the year 1907 and will meet at the office of the District Clerk on Jan 3, 1907 to fill the jury box as required by law.


Mr. and Mrs. Zeke Stephens left today for Tennessee where they will spend the holidays. I have a good Spaulding buggy, team and harness for sale cheap. It must be sold right away. J.A. Brown.


Roberts, the new grocery man has a nice clean stock and he is making prices right at the old Tunnard stand. Cheyenne Public Schools closed on Tuesday(19th) and remain closed until after the holidays.


A young lady of a neighboring town went to Cheyenne Dry Goods store the other day and blushingly asked the young clerk if he “had any of those elastic bands, capable of being elongated and adjusted at pleasure and used by the feminine portion of mankind for putting around the lower extremities of their locomotive members to keep in the proper position and required altitude habiliments of their tibia”. The clerk is now wandering on the face of the earth!


Burlingame and McClain & Salyer, the latter two, have installed in their respective businesses an acetylene plant. The plant is a complete success and gives a bright mellow light which is pleasing and restful to the eye. Mr. Burlingame will also connect his residence with his plant, and thereby light his dwelling house. We understand that more of our businessmen contemplate putting in this light in the near future.


J.C. Smith of the Doxey neighborhood is in jail for a cutting scrape down in that vicinity. We are unable to learn the name of the party cut, and Smith will be the result of the wounds inflicted. Henry Brown, Deputy Sheriff from Elk City, was in town on official business. To Rent: We have 150 acres of the best land in the county to rent for cotton and corn. Located 5 miles from cotton gin and 10 miles from Cheyenne. Want a good farmer with own outfit. House, wood and pasture furnished. Call on or write G.E. Shufeldt and Sons, Redmoon, Oklahoma. Fred Tunnard is putting up a room next to the old Mercantile Storeroom and will put in a pool and billiard parlor.


S.L. Amend, William A. White, Columbia White, and Mrs. Nettie White of Hamburg, were doing their Christmas trading in Cheyenne Tuesday. Clarence Gray of Trammell made proof on his claim on Tuesday last. Will Graviatt of Elk City, was placed in jail this week to lay out a fine and board at the expense of the county for carrying a “pair of knucks”. Marriage license: J.W. Yates of Rankin to Angie Clark of Berlin.


Cheyenne Star, December 28, 1906

Miss Nellie Huff and Ira Hensley prominent and well known young people of our community surprised many friends by quietly being married at the home of the bride’s mother on Sunday afternoon last. Mrs. Bates, aged 40 years, wife of Mr. F.M. Bates, residing on Sandstone east of Cheyenne, died on Sunday last after a long and painful illness of 14 weeks duration and the remains were interred in the Cheyenne Cemetery in the presence of a large concourse sorrowing relatives and friends. She leaves a husband and two adopted children. F.E. Herring member of the Constitutional Convention from the Elk City #46 district, was over from Elk City this week looking after his interests. The report of the county boundaries committee or “geography class” as they are factitiously called at Guthrie, and its adoption, has called up numerous protests and considerable dissatisfaction is expressed by many as to the way Roger Mills County was mangled in the final outcome. All including the residents of southern Day County are satisfied with the Canadian River as the north boundary line but none seem to like the south line as it now stands. As we lose the best portion of Roger Mills, and a portion in which the wealth and assessed valuation lies. Cutting off the southern portion of the county, reminds us of the old story of the boy who went to mill with his grist for the first time and did not understand the “modus operandi”. When the miller took out the toll, he had stolen that much but as it was a small matter, he said nothing about it. But when the miller took the sack and poured the rest of the corn into the hopper and threw the empty sack onto the floor, the little fellow thought he had stolen it too. He also thought it high time for him to make his getaway. So grabbing the empty sack, he started for home as fast as he could travel. The miller deeming the boy crazy, pursued him. The boy beat him in the race home and fell down in the yard out of breath. His father ran out in the yard and said: “Son what is the matter?” whereupon the boy replied, “That old fat rascal at the mill stole all my corn and gave me a heck of a race for the sack” and that fully illustrates what some of our people think of the convention that fixed the new boundary lines for the county. {This division probably hampered growth in Roger Mills County for several years}


N.R. Monroe and two sons, Orville and Lloyd are at Mangum spending holidays with Ben Monroe. The Eagle Lodge of Cheyenne will give a public installation of officers at their hall on Wed. evening, Jan. 9, 1907. Supper will be served at the Hotel Black and a big time generally is anticipated. Safe crackers worked on the safe of the Cotton Exchange Bank at Crawford in Day County on Friday night last. They put in one charge and wrecked the vault door, and after preparing a charge for the main safe, were scared away before the same was set off. Considerable damage was done to the vault and bank fixtures, but as they failed to get into the money vault, the loss was not great. Bank robberies are becoming rather frequent of late and seems to be the work of a well organized gang. Miss Lizzie Sines and son have gone to Terre Haute, Indiana to spend the holidays with her husband. Considerable excitement and some uneasiness on the part of those most interested was caused last week by a rumor that the Farmers and Merchants Bank of this town, Berlin and Hamburg were in financial difficulties. It was merely rumor, but even false rumors will cause uneasiness where it involves a person’s pocketbook. Quite a little run on the banks was caused by the rumor but all the demands were met without annoyance and each depositor received his money as soon as called for. A special bank examiner was called in and reported that all three banks were in excellent condition. Walker Huff returned Sun. from a trip to Cataline and Canadian, Texas.


Sheriff and Mrs. S.A. Elliott and a number of friends gathered at the residence to celebrate their 20th anniversary.


The first legislature of the new state should pass a law that pistol “totin’” next to impossible. The race on Christmas Day was a very closely contested affair. The gray horse of Kid Dobbs winning by a neck, from the sorrel owned by the Anderson boys. We understand that another race has been made and as the horses are very evenly matched, considerable interest in the outcome of the race is manifested by all lovers of good horse flesh. Miss Collum entertained a large number of her friends on Wed. evening. Miss Lucille McKinney is home from Edmond for the holidays. Johnny Mc Bonner and Jess Rosser of Berlin were in town Thurs. Knuck Hunt who has been attending school in Weatherford is spending holidays at home. Judge Gilkerson left Sat. for Elk where he will spend a portion of the holidays. William Hext, a prominent cattleman of Cataline, Texas passed through here in route to Sayre. Miss Norma Hornbeak and Miss Rae Fields entertained a number of their friends at the McKinney home Wed. evening. W.A. Bonner a prominent and extensive cattle feeder of Stuart’s Mill, Navarro County, Texas is spending the holidays in Cheyenne visiting his cousin, W.T. Bonner. The Adams-Burt Shows will be here on Saturday night. They are well spoken of where they have given performances and said to be well worth the price of admission. Several of the boys appeared before Squire Casady Tuesday evening and explained their “obstreperous” conduct of Christmas Eve. “Twas the same old story, $10 and costs”.


J.A. Brown contemplates locating at Shattuck in the near future. We shall surely miss Justus and his estimable wife, and can cheerfully recommend them to the people of Shattuck where they expect to make their home in the future. He plans to open a bakery. The Cheyenne Schools will begin again on Wed. after a holiday of two weeks. On account of the failure of the express company to make connection with our redi-print this week, we are compelled to go to press with an old redi-print.


We suggest that the state convention take up the regulation of the express companies especially the line between Sayre and Cheyenne. The women of Oklahoma and Indian Territory are petitioning the constitution makers in a lofty tone, to make no distinction between the sexes in granting the right of suffrage. W.J. Hayes and G. McColgin of the Ridgeton neighborhood were transacting business at the county capitol on Thursday.


I wish kindly to inform the person who got my corduroy coat from my furniture store on last Thursday that I have also a pair of pants left that they can have if they will call for them. H.D. Cox.


Jack Cronin, formerly with Herring and Young at this place, but for the past year connected with that firm at Foss and Sayre is in town again and in his old place behind the counter. Prof. Harris left Tues. for Shawnee where he will attend the annual meeting of the twin territory teachers’ association. W. S. Martin, one of the energetic citizens of Durham was in town and is very enthusiastic over the future of his part of the county and is also well pleased over the action of the convention of adding that part of Day County to Roger Mills. A Kansas lady has the distinction as having submitted the highest bid in the Big Pasture thus far examined by the officials. Her highest bid on one of ten tracts was $5,042.00. The average was $3791.00. Dr. Tedrowe is having a large addition built to his residence, which will add materially to its appearance. Co. Atty. Sharp and Editor Mitchell of Grand were Cheyenne visitors on Sat. last. Charley Hensley, an old time resident of this part of the Moral vineyard was here in attendance at the Hensley – Huff marriage Sun. J.P. Johnson, now a cashier of the Day County Bank at Grand, and his estimable wife, were in town Sat. shaking hands with their many friends. They spent Christmas with Mrs. Johnson’s mother north of town. Mac Tracy who has been attending school at Blackwell, came in Sat. to stretch his long legs under the home table here in the good cheer of the Christmas times. J.W. McMurtry, Attorney at Elk which has the distinction of being located in the new county of Beckham, was in town Sat. Misses Verna Young and Carrie Fields came in from Weatherford last Friday where they are attending school to spend Christmas week with home folk.