Newspaper Summaries for 1908

News about County Residents (Grouped by Year) Taken from the “Local and Personal Columns” in Early Newspapers.
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 Cheyenne Star, January 2, 1908

Harry L. DeVilliers, who has held down the foremanship of the Cheyenne Star for the past three years surprised his many friends when on Tuesday last he returned from a holiday trip to Duncan, Oklahoma by bringing home with him a lady who answered to the name of Mrs. H.L. DeVilliers. Mr. Redden, who had the misfortune to break one of his legs some several weeks ago, and who had been in Cheyenne since then under the care of physicians, has so far recovered that he was removed to his home north of town on Wed. last. Little Olla Perkins aged 2 years and 6 months, infant daughter of J.P. Perkins, residing 11 miles northeast of Cheyenne, died on Christmas Day from acute diphtheria and was buried the following day.


Among the list of parties securing premiums at the sale at Elliott’s store in December were Leon Young, J.R. Johnson, W.I. DeWitt, Charles Arnold, Mrs. E.L. Mitchell, Mrs. W.A. Pearry, Mrs. G.W. Hutton, Miss Ethel Douglas, Mrs. J.A. Sodders, Mary Hall, J.A. Taylor, Sam Tadlock, J.C. Whittom, Sam Maddux, Mrs. Carrie Gilbert, I.F. Conaway, W.G. Sparks, J.A. Sanders, J.M. Dockins, R.R. Bull, H.E. Burnett, J.B. Tracy, M.J. Moody, J.E. Stark, Mrs. W.T. Hedrick, M.J. Calvert, W.A. Wright, J.F. King, J.C. Yarborough, Mrs. N.J. Bowman, Van Buren, C.Smith, Mr. Amend, W.J. Baldwin, J.A.Akin, Mrs. George Prestridge, W.A. Blanton, Mrs. W.H. Anderson, Frank Sneed.


John C. Nebhut of Carpenter was in town Wed. a guest of A.S. McKinney and family. Tanner’s Harness Shop will be moving to the first door west of pool hall. Stoney Taylor and family of Croton spent the holidays with relatives at Elk City. The young folks enjoyed a quiet and pleasant dance at the Warren Place out on Croton on Monday night. The building formerly occupied by Salyers and McClain will be re-modeled and occupied as a central office by the telephone company. T.C. Moore, Co. Supt. attended the state teacher’s assoc. in Muskogee. E. Swindle and Harry Osborn were down from Hamburg Sunday and report everything quiet at that enterprising little burg. The post offices at Sedalia and Ridgeton in Roger Mills County were discontinued on the first of Jan., said offices being supplied by Rural Free Delivery after that date. Cheyenne school re-opened on Monday morning. John Russell, well known in this and Beckham County, was shot and instantly killed at the residence of Herman Schiller near Sayre on Wednesday night of last week. A dance was in progress at Schiller’s residence and Russell appeared on the scene, under the influence of liquor, and proceeded to stir up a “roughhouse”. When requested by Schiller to leave, Russell assaulted him and pulled a revolver, shooting Schiller in the left thigh. Schiller secured a shotgun and emptied both barrels of the same into Russell at short range killing him almost instantly. No arrests have been made at this writing and all who saw the deplorable occurrence are confident that Schiller will be acquitted on the ground of self-defense. Russell was very quarrelsome, especially when under the influence of liquor and had had several serious difficulties prior to this time. Dr. C. W. Tedrowe and family will in a very few days remove to Elk City where they will reside in the future and the doctor will follow his chosen profession, he having formed a partnership with Dr. J.W. Standifer. It is with regret that Cheyenne loses this most estimable family and we can only trust that they will hold the people of Cheyenne in as kind remembrance as will the people of our town hold them. Dr. J.A. Gregoire of Calumet will take up the practice left vacant by the moving of Dr. Tedrowe to Elk City and will locate with us at once. At the last meeting of the Aerie of Eagles, the lodge unanimously extended to its physician, Dr. C.W. Tedrowe, the thanks of the lodge members and their families for the always prompt and efficient treatment extended to them as the Aerie physician, and the best wishes of the entire membership follow the doctor and his family to their new home at Elk City. A.W. Griffin and Mr. Rosecrans of Roll passed through town Sunday in route to Guthrie. Mac and Shelly Tracy returned to Norman University Saturday after spending vacation at home. Mr. Rhodes and daughter, Miss Madie, of Crawford were in town Sunday. Miss Grace Farrar returned Sun. to Guthrie where she is attending school. Miss Lucille McKinney left Sat. for Blackwell after spending the holidays with home folks. At its regular session last Monday the probate court adjourned until the 12th so as to get a legal jury under the new law. Miss Jewel Miller and Ora and Hillary Warren, after spending the holidays with their parents, returned to Ft. Worth, Texas where they are attending school. John E. Leary and company have moved their offices into the Cheyenne Star building west of court house square. O.L. Johnson and Mr. Stahl have started a pork packing establishment in Elk City, which may prove a rival of Swift and Armour. They will use the distillery building as slaughtering headquarters and have purchased the Mayo Saloon property for retail purposes.


Cheyenne Star, January 9, 1908

Justus A. Brown has purchased the restaurant from Guy Burger and took charge of the same last week. Mr. Brown was the former owner of this place and had a fine trade at the time he sold the same some eighteen months ago. He is one of the best caterers and bakers in western Oklahoma and under his management the Cheyenne Bakery and Restaurant will again take front rank as a good place to drop into when you are hungry. Red Rock School will have a box supper tomorrow (Friday) and all are cordially invited to attend. Proceeds will be used for school purposes. R.L. Wilkins and family, Charles Bebout and family, J.T. Johnson and family and N.T. Graves left this week for San Jon, New Mexico where they will engage in the hardware business. Cheyenne public schools began work again Mon. after a two weeks holiday vacation.


Remember that Cox runs the grist mill and will buy good white corn at all times and pay the highest market price for it. Roberts Grocery Store has the highest prices paid for country produce and will sell you first class groceries at the lowest living prices. Herring & Young has 8 bars of good laundry soap for 25 cents.


Cheyenne Star, January 16, 1908

Ernest B. Randall of Rankin who has one of the best farms in that part of the county, made a trip to his old home in Tennessee recently and while there enjoying the feast spread in his honor, he concluded that this matter of doing his own household and also looking after the welfare of his farm, was too arduous so he proceeded to fool a good woman into taking that part of life’s work off his hands. On November 25, 1907 he was married to Miss Ethel Howard, one of Fayetteville, Tennessee charming young ladies, at the residence of James Ramsey. They are now at home and encourage their many friends to stop by their farm at Rankin.


Herring & Young has three beautiful patterns of carpet that they are closing out at cost.


Our neighboring town of Sayre was the scene of a most horrible catastrophe last week. Mrs. Richardson wife of Thomas Richardson, a drey man of that town, filled the coal oil stove with gasoline, and upon lighting the same, an explosion of the gasoline resulted. The burning oil was thrown over the lady and little infant child and burns were inflicted which resulted in the death of both in a very short time. A sister-in-law of Mrs. Richardson was badly burned in trying to extinguish the flames. John E. Leary and family spent several days this week in Elk City. John C. Hendricks of Sayre and C.S. Gilkerson of Elk City attorneys at law, and both ex-county officials of old Roger Mills County, were attending county court this week. Milo Burlingame is re-fitting his old business rooms and will open up on the 27th of this month with a first class billiard and pool room, a gentlemen’s resort. Mr. Burlingame will also carry a full and complete line of cigars and smokers’ furnishings and tobaccos, and run a first class soft drink emporium. The dealings in hardware circles have been quite lively in Cheyenne during the past week. The Pate Hardware Co has changed hands and is now owned and run by W.S. Rimby, who has been in charge of the sales department under the old management. Also L.W. Pate who has been the main factor in the business of the Pate Hardware Co., has purchased the Hardware stock of L.L. Collins and is now open for business at that old stand. Bob Turner has sold his pool hall to Milo Burlingame and purchased the Red Barn from Guy Burger and will run a first class livery and feed stable.


Cheyenne Star, January 23, 1908

Young people spent a very pleasant evening at the Hotel Black at a social dance last Saturday night. Curtis J. Long, L.H. Allen, C.R. Long and John W. Farmer of the Hammon neighborhood were in town Tuesday as witnesses in the contest case of Long vs. Marion tried before U.S. Commissioner A.H. Carter on that date. The contest case of J.W. Davis vs. Clayton L. Beacham involving a tract of land in Sec 12, 12-22 took up the time of Commissioner Carter Tuesday. A social dance was held at the Burlingame building on Friday evening last and all present report a very pleasant time. Mrs. Dr. Tedrowe, Mrs. Dalano, and Buford and Carey Fields spent several days visiting at Hext’s Ranch, Texas last week .


Scotty Falconer and wife, Dr. Tedrowe and wife and a number of others spent Sunday last at Frank Jordan’s west of town. Dr. Tedrowe and family departed Monday for Elk City where they will make their future home. Among those who made final proof before A.H.Carter this week were: Ina M. Asher of Durham; William J. Powell and Jessey A. Powell of Harrington; Albert B. Catlett of Rankin; Newell A. Stevens, Laura B. Work, Clayton L. Beacham, Irena M. Tanner, Nelson L. Reed, William A. Cronin, Rachel B Hills, Thomas J. Thorton, David B. Wright, George W. Morris, Charles A. Perry and Jacob J. Penner. Both land offices (Guthrie and Lawton) are now working to their full capacity on final proofs and there will be many a title to land in Roger Mills County passed from the U.S. to the homesteader in the next few months.


The fireproof vault being built at the court house is near completion and will be not only a great convenience to the officials but places the records beyond the danger of destruction by fire. John T. Rankin for whom the little village and post office of Rankin takes its name, was in town Wed. The sheriff and his deputies are busy this week summoning jurors and witnesses for the term of District Court which convenes on Monday morning next.


After a hand to hand battle with the Assistant Cashier Jones, two masked men robbed the First National Bank of Texola of about $4,000 in currency at 7:00 the evening of January 18. Jones was found an hour later bound and gagged and insensible from a blow on the head. “Hands up” in true western fashion were the words that greeted Jones as he was working on his books. Jones raised his hands, but when one of the bandits turned to dump the loose change on the counter in a sack, the assistant cashier attacked the other. The two men struggled on the floor until the robber hit Jones on the head with his gun. A posse started after the bandits as soon as Jones recovered and could give a definite description of the men. It is thought that they are headed for the Texas panhandle. The above bank is one of the Thurmond Brothers financial institutions. From last reports it is thought the robbers have been located and is only a question of time for them to be apprehended. W.D. Coatney got his wrist badly hurt Tuesday. He was leading a horse behind the buggy and had got the rope wrapped around his wrist, when the horse swung back and jerked his wrist out of place.


Cheyenne Star, January 30, 1908

A blue blizzard struck this portion of Oklahoma Thursday morning and put all to looking up their heavy clothing and investigating their coal supply. A train of six wagons drawn by three teams, two of eight mules each and one of six horses, left Cheyenne this week with between 55 and 60 bales of cotton, headed to Elk City.


The January term, the first to be held since the county passed out of territorial to state judiciary convened at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, January 27, 1908 with the Honorable G.A. Brown, presiding Judge; W.P. Madden, Clerk; J.M. Evans, Sheriff; and W.R. LeCompte, Court Reporter present and attending. Territory of Oklahoma vs. David Koontz. Defendant arraigned and entered plea of not guilty.


Territory vs. George Water-man, plea of guilty to carrying pistol, fined $25 and costs and committed to jail until paid. The Roger Mills Co. Socialist Party will hold a meeting at Cheyenne, Saturday, March 7, 1908. L.N. Thompson, Secy. and L.F. Piper, President. Herring & Young is selling coal at $12 a ton. Teachers’ examinations are being held this week and in consequence thereof, the town is overflowing with good looking school marms, and not overly good looking school masters. The people of Oklahoma voted prohibition and that is what we want. Either put liquor entirely out of the state or license it. What sense is there in driving out the saloons and then establish booze shops all over the state of Oklahoma?


Cheyenne Star, February 6, 1908

The famous pistol toting case of the territory of Oklahoma vs. Herman Stevens has at last been tried and decided by a jury in the District Court, and the defendant has been acquitted of the charge of toting a pistol unlawfully. This is a case in which Stevens was arrested on the above charge and fined by a local Justice of the Peace. From the facts brought out at the trial, the Coroner of the County of Roger Mills at the time of the alleged offense, was H. Riley of Elk City, and he had in the discharge of his duties, deputized Stevens as a Deputy Coroner. While so acting and in the discharge of his duty as Deputy Coroner, the defendant was arrested and a pistol taken from him and the fine followed. The defense rested their right to carry a gun on the right of the Coroner to appoint deputies and that the defendant had the right to carry the pistol while in the discharge of his duties. The instructions of the court bears the defendant out in this right and the jury so found. It was rather an expensive education for the county but the question is now settled, or as near settled as the verdict settles a question of law and evidence. The four prisoners, who have been in jail at this place for several days under suspicion of being implicated in the bank robbery at Texola were taken to Sayre last week and at the preliminary examination were released. The evidence produced being insufficient to hold them for the Grand Jury. Mrs. Robert Ross, while returning home from Cheyenne on Tuesday last had the misfortune to have a runaway and was thrown from the wagon suffering a compound fracture of the forearm and the dislocation of the right wrist. Her husband was attending court at Cheyenne as a juror at the time and on receiving information of the accident was excused by Judge Brown from further service at this term. Cases of Peg Abnerthy and Nels McInturf, charged by the territory for pistol toting, was on motion of the County Attorney dismissed. The case of the territory vs. Claude McClendon in which the defendant was charged with using a knife in an assault on Jeff Lucas, was given to the jury Wed. night and on Thursday the jury rendered a verdict of not guilty as charged and the defendant was discharged and bondsman released and exonerated.


Charley Percefield, who was charged with appropriating $90 belonging to Joseph Brown, at the Star Restaurant in Cheyenne early in January, was tried by jury in District Court Thursday and was found guilty of grand larceny as charged in the indictment and judgment and sentence will be pronounced today.


Mr. and Mrs. N.R. Monroe left today for Mangum to visit their son, B.H. Monroe. The case of the Territory vs. Frank Alexander failed to agree after being out two days and were by the court discharged and mistrial verdict entered. The case grew out of the disturbing of religious worship at a Holiness camp meeting near Carter in the year 1906, and was a result of Alexander, a Holiness preacher attempting to quell a disturbance at said meeting by rapping Hood Yandell, an 18 years old boy over the head with a six shooter. Alexander claimed to have been appointed a peace officer by a local Justice of the Peace to maintain order at this meeting. It seems from the evidence that Yandell and others were making a disturbance and in quieting the same the assault was committed. From all accounts, it quieted affairs at the time, but an arrest followed and this complaint was one of the results and the jury were unable at this time to settle the matter. In the case of Territory of Oklahoma vs. A.U. Burk under the indictment for maliciously poisoning animals to wit; several hogs belonging to one Stanford of the McArthur neighborhood. The jury returned a verdict of “not guilty as charged” and the defendant was ordered discharged and bondsmen exonerated. This was the case which was brought on by a neighborhood falling out and is the determination of such long standing trouble. As it is the factions have fought out their troubles at the expense of the taxpayers. In all cases of this kind, the prosecuting witness should be made to pay the costs of the proceedings where no conviction is had.


C.E. Shufeldt of RedMoon, Oklahoma has for sale 900 bushels of Red Texas rustproof seed oats. Joe Moad of the Carpenter neighborhood was a late arrival Wed. in Cheyenne having come as a witness in the case of the territory vs. Ira Wood, charged with horse stealing. Marriage license were issued to Albert Cree of Cheyenne and Miss Ella Barnard of Grimes. The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will meet at the home of Mrs. G.W. Hodges Saturday, February 8 at 2:30 o’clock p.m. to formulate plans for the organization of a home and foreign missionary society. Ladies of other denominations are cordially invited to attend the meeting. The contest case of Shepherd vs. Hanna involving land in the neighborhood of Hamburg was on trial before Commissioner Carter on Wed. evening last. Quite a number of witnesses were on hand; the allegation being abandonment and fraud in obtaining a leave of absence. Charley Stines of the Roll neighborhood made final proof before Commissioner Carter on Wed. last.


Cheyenne Star, February 13, 1908

William A. Cronin, one of the boys whom this portion of Oklahoma has taken a great deal of pride, and Miss Ethel Stephens, one of Cheyenne’s most accomplished and fascinating young ladies, were quietly married at the residence of the bride’s parents on Wed. last, the Rev. W.J. Hale officiating. Will Cronin is a prosperous and enterprising young farmer residing southwest of Cheyenne, and has been raised and resided in this community for a number of years. Miss Ethel Stephens, the bride, has been one of our most successful teachers in the Cheyenne public schools for the past several years, and has the respect and esteem of not only the patrons of the school but of all who know her.


The Day County Bank at Grand has quit business and liquidated. This bank was in excellent condition and had the full confidence of the people but as it is practically sure that the county seat will be moved from Grand, the owners decided it would not pay to continue the business there. The business of this bank is transferred to the First National Bank of Shattuck and those who have notes, deposits or other business at the Grand Bank will find their business at the First National Bank of Shattuck where Mr. Moody and his assistants will give you all reasonable accommodations. The Grand Bank has been ably managed by cashier J.P. Johnson and had it not been for the division of the county which necessitates the moving of the county seat, the bank would have continued. J.P. and Mrs. Johnson have been residing in Grand for the past two years, have returned to their ranch on the head of Dead Indian and will farm and raise stock this season. Mr. S. Jackson of the Cheyenne State Bank has



been closely connected with this bank during the past two years. William C. Swope of Ridgeton made final proof on his claim before A.H. Carter Thursday. His witnesses were James Parkinson and George W. Beatty. E.O. Ratliff of Berlin was in to see us this week. William A. Mills, Henry V. Miller and Sam W. Reynolds of the Hamburg neighborhood were in town today and made application for final proof before A.H. Carter, U.S. Commissioner. WCTU Memorial services in the memory of Francis Willard will be held at the ME Church Sunday evening, February 16, 1908.


Mary C. Clay of Hamburg made proof on her own claim and also the claim of John E. Clay, deceased, before Mr. Carter on Thursday. The Socialist of RMC will hold a meeting in Cheyenne, Sat. March 7, 1908. L.N. Thompson, Secretary; L.F. Piper, President. H.A. Pitts and Miss Elda May Stevens, two well-known people of this community were made twain at the home of the bride’s parents on Wed. last by Rev. W.J. Hale.


A fine new baby boy dropped in at the residence of Burt Stice on Sat. evening last and has taken up permanent board and lodging. H.B. Dewey has a good team of work horses for sale. William P. Jose of the Brantley neighborhood was a Cheyenne visitor Monday and made application to prove up on his claim. Rev. W.J. Hale and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine new baby girl, who will date her birthdays from Monday, February 10, 1908.


Buford Fields spent Sun. taking in the sights at Elk City. Mrs. W.T. Bonner and Miss Martha Bonner are at Guthrie this week attending the Grand Lodge, Eastern Star. Leo Beaty of Odessa, Texas is in Cheyenne this week visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. Jennie Work of Rankin, has for sale one team of mules, one set of harness, one mower, one rake, one brood sow, three shoats and some household articles.


Charlie Percefield who was found guilty of grand larceny was sentenced on Fri. last to two years confinement in the state penitentiary, and will be taken to that institution in the next few days. H.S. Harrison will conduct a public auction at the G.M. Goode farm one half mile south of Cheyenne.


FINAL PROOFS: John Mitchell, William T. Peace, Jr., John R. Jeeters, Edward A. Clark, George D. Summitt, Alfred A. Bertran, John J. Wall, Calvin W. Trowbridge, Nancy A. McBryde, Daniel T. Silence, James T. Ash, Ezra P. Tweety, Alvin C. VanFossen, Henry A. Cooper, Gaston D. Cabler, John O. Pierce, Richard A. Dickey, John William Law, Martha A. McMonigle, George King, Mary E. Rickey, Flossie Cloyd, Agnes C. Gillespie, William S. Covington, Albert Park, Edward Barcus, Carrie L. Rickey, Sarah A. Cooper, Elzy B. Rylant, William P. Perkins, Joseph L. McConkey, George W. Ritter, James M. Baker, Mary E. Dudney, William H. Brooks, Alfred A. Hitchcock, Charles Elliott, Roger J. Rickey, William C. Rickey, Thomas Hiawacek, Mary A. Hutton, Oliver P. Macklin, John B. Flenner, Harvey D. Macklin, Thomas Kelly, Ann J. Crow, Nancy Taylor.


F.E. Sturgeon and Miss Hetty Harrison, both well known to the people of Cheyenne and vicinity, were married at the residence of Judge E.E. Tracy, Wed.


Cheyenne Star, February 20, 1908

The residence of Uncle Jim Wilson, near Hamburg was totally destroyed by fire one night last week. The loss was totally without insurance and included most of the household furniture. Roscoe Anderson was circulating a paper in town Mon. for the benefit of this worthy old resident and our people, as usual, responded liberally.


The Masquerade Ball on Fri. evening last (Valentine evening) was well attended and a most pleasant time was had by all participating. A case from the Shirley neighborhood in which the State of OK was the plaintiff and Lee Taylor, defendant was on trial before the Co. Judge Tues. The charge was disposing of mortgaged property. Co. Atty. Mouser looked after the state’s interest while Judge D.G. Moore of Texmo represented the defendant. Among the witnesses were J.E. and Preston Martin, Ace McCaslin, Cleve Taylor, Charles Phenix, Ed Haines and Otis Howard. The defendant was bound over to await the action of the next Grand Jury. Dr. V.V. Grant, Hamburg’s hustling and popular physician was a Cheyenne visitor Tues. The Republican Central committee has called a mass convention to meet at Sayre at 10:00 on March 2, 1908. They will select five delegates to attend the Fifth Congressional convention at Shawnee. E.L. Mitchell of the RMC Sentinel spent this week at Guthrie, seeing the wheels go round in the legislative grinding that is now going on at the Capital. John C. Dripps of Hamburg was in town Tuesday and made final proof.


James M. Pinkerton of Durham and Albert M. Dowell of Hammon submitted final proofs. Ben Owsley living several miles west of Cheyenne had the misfortune to have his house and household goods destroyed by fire on Sun. last. The origin of the fire was unknown as the family was absent at the time. The loss was complete and no insurance. Miss Volina Miller has purchased the building on the corner of the court house square formerly occupied by D.W. Tracy as law office and is now located therein with her millinery stock. Saturday several loads of broomcorn brush passed through town in route to the railroad. T.L. Miller the enterprising manager of Herring & Young Dry Goods Dept. is now in the eastern markets purchasing the spring and summer line of this firm and will be home “the goods” in a few days. The storm of Friday morning last prevented the daily mail from making the trip from Sayre and in consequence thereof this portion of the state was cut off from knowing what the legislature was doing for a couple of days.


“Don’t teach your children that it is a shame to wear worn and patched clothes if you are not able to afford better; but that it is no honor to wear new ones that are not paid for.”


Clyde Dewey has returned from an extended trip to Indiana points. Quite a number from town attended the entertainment at Custer Bend Schoolhouse on Sat. evening and report the affair a perfect success. J.A. Brown will look after the wants of the inner man at his City Restaurant and so notifies the hungry public in this issue of the Star. The Court House yard has been cleaned and re-graded and now presents a very neat appearance. Red John claims all the credit for this work but we are of the opinion that Waterman did the work. William A. Young and Newt Thompson, two old soldiers, received the welcome intelligence from Washington this week that their pensions had been increased under the age clause to $12 per month. Buford Patterson has opened a first class Sale and Feed Stable in Cheyenne and now in shape to cater to the wants of his customers. Call on him at the Patterson “Hoss” Hotel. Saturday we printed the sale bills for a big sale at John B. Flenner’s farm, one mile west and 3 ½ miles north of Berlin. The sale will be held on Saturday Feb. 22, 1908 and will be one of the biggest sales of the season. I.H. Youker is the auctioneer.


R.M. Turner announces his ability and desire to furnish you a rig when you want to make a drive and care for the comfort of your team when in town. He is at the Cheyenne Livery Barn. D.W. Tracy and family left this week for Elk City, where they will make their future home. Mr. Tracy having formed a co-partnership with C.S. Gilkerson for practice of Law at that point. Edward McFarland of Hammon was over Mon. and made final proof. The move is on foot among the businessmen of main street to provide an adequate system of fire protection for the business portion of the town. It is proposed to erect a large tank in the most central part of the business district and pipe the main street. This with several hydrants and hose would give a very fair fire protection and would work a material deduction in insurance rates.


Charles Percefield who was convicted of grand larceny and sentenced to two years in prison was taken to Lansing, Kansas by Sheriff Evans today. Percefield was charged and convicted of stealing $90 from Joseph Brown of this town on January 2, 1908. Mrs. Dr. Gregoire entertained quite a number of friends at a social Wed. evening. F.E. Tanner and Mrs. Leon Young have been on the sick list the past several days. J.B. Garlow who has charge of the White Lumber Yard here for sometime, goes to Elk City and T.G. Brann of Fay takes his place here.


Cheyenne Star, February 27, 1908

Miss Volina Miller left for OKC where she will buy a full and complete line of spring and summer millinery. The schedule has been changed and now the mail leaves here for Sayre at 7 a.m. and returns 7 p.m. Marriage license: Isaac T. Williams and Miss Maude Massey, both well-known young people of the Cheyenne vicinity. On Sun. last at high noon at the residence of the bride’s mother, occurred the marriage of Miss Leah Huff and Byrd Pierce, two of our popular young people. Ceremony per-formed by Rev. Farrar.


Contest case of Bowere vs. Ames involving land in the Durham neighborhood was on trial before A.H. Carter on Friday and Sat. Judge Gilkerson of Elk City was looking after the interests of the contestant and D.G. Moore of Texmo, represented the contestee. The land is considered very valuable but it was concluded by all interested that after the attorneys got through with the case that the winner would have but very little left. For Sale: Flax seed at $1.25 per bushel. Inquire of Lee Dudney of RedMoon.


W.C. Vincent and Miss Carrie Johnson both of the Carpenter neighborhood were married on Wed. of last week. Orville Monroe and Jack Ewing made a trip to Sayre Sun. E.E. Tracy returned Monday from Muskogee where he attended the Democratic Convention. Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Keen attending the convention also. Alfred A. Hitchcock made proof on his land.


Cheyenne Star, March 5, 1908

Jack England, aged about 28 years, died at his home in Cheyenne Wed. and was buried in the Cheyenne cemetery Thurs. Mr. England had been a resident of western OK from an early day and always had the respect and confidence of all. He leaves a wife and one child and a host of friends who mourn his early death. Robert B. Ross and Pete Ficklin, two young boys of west of Cheyenne, were indicted by the Federal Grand Jury at the January term for destroying and defacing Rural Route mailboxes. Deputy Sheriff Hadden was out last week and took the boys to Guthrie where they are placed under bond of $300 each for their appearance before the federal judge on March 16 to answer to the indictment.


The Republican County Conv. met at the court house on Sat. afternoon last and selected delegates to attend the state convention in Oklahoma City on March 11. They were A.H. Carter, J.P. Johnson, G.W. Seifert, L.W. Pate, L.M. Dudney. H.S. Hudson was also in attendance. Jesse Van Buren was in Sat. and had bills printed advertising his fine black jack, which will make the season at his place six miles north and two mile west of Cheyenne. J.P. Johnson and family of Dead Indian, were down Sat. taking in the sights at the metropolis of Roger Mills.


Orville Monroe made a trip up in the Hamburg neighborhood this week. On Wed. morning last at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Wallace, well-known and respected citizens of Cheyenne occurred the marriage of their daughter, Mildred to Walter W. Light, Rev. Hale of the ME church officiating. John Vines has purchased the furniture and undertaking business of H.D. Cox and has leased the grist and feed mill and is now in charge of this business. H.D. Cox is not going to leave us and from our past knowledge of “Dad” as he is called by his associates, we look for him to engage in some other good line in the very near future. “Dad” Cox could not sit still in Cheyenne if he wanted to.


Guy Burger and family left this week for Mangum, where he will engage in the livery business, having formed a partnership in that line at that place with George Keeling. Brown & Hutton had bills printed Mon. announcing the season for their fine percheon stallion, Samson and fine jacks, Teddy and Hannibal. These fine animals can be seen at Billy Brown’s six miles north and two miles east of Cheyenne. Misses Golda Miller and Myrtle Douglas and Will Miller were at Sayre Sat. and Sun. visiting friends. Louis Hoops west of town, was arrested on a warrant charging petit larceny on Monday last and on arraignment was fined $10 and trimmings. See J.R. Casady at Cheyenne for home grown raspberry and dewberry plants. We have for sale 900 bushels of red Texas rust-proof seed oats. These oats are re-cleaned and free from foul seed. C.L. Shufeldt.


Cheyenne Star, March 12, 1908

Hugh Colburn died at his home at Mobridge, S.D. at 7:15 yesterday morning. Mr. Colburn is well and favorably known in Cheyenne and surrounding vicinities having lived here during the early days and helped build up the new country. The remains will be brought here and interred in the Cheyenne Cemetery. Charles McClain has purchased the barber shop formerly owned by C.P. Bebout. The farmhouse of William H. Jenks who resides five miles south of town, was burned Thurs. The fire is supposed to have been ignited from sparks. The loss was but partially covered by insurance. The Cheyenne Cotton Exchange Bank reported their condition at the close of business February 29, 1908, resources and liabilities balanced at a little under $33,000.00. G. B. Goode was cashier. Ed Lozier, a prominent farmer of the Dempsey neighborhood was transacting business in town Sat.


S.A. Elliott and N.R. Monroe left Tuesday for a several days trip to San Antonio and other Texas points for a land looking expedition. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Pierce moved this week into the residence formerly occupied by Mrs. G.W. Morris. William Eades and Miss Della Keahey of Crawford were married before Judge E.E. Tracy yesterday. Mrs. Leslie England, Mrs. J.C. England(mother) and Miss Effie England of Glensight, Texas (sister), Mrs. Wiley Hinton and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hinton of Coreb, Oklahoma(brother and sisters), and W.A. Perry and family wishes to thank everyone for their sympathies in the death of Jack England.


Burt Purcell of Harrington and Kitty Baker of Canadian, Texas were granted marriage license Sat. T.J. DeBoard, E. Fasken, J.W. Post and quite a number of other parties of the Durham neighborhood were in town Friday being in attendance at the protest case of the U.S. vs. Ophelia Wilmoth, involving 40 acres of land, the grounds being that the claimant had failed to reside the required time on said land before submitting proof and was brought for the purpose of setting aside final receipt issued to the defendant in the fall of 1906. Grant McColgin formerly postmaster at Ridgeton, which office was discontinued several months ago, is now the RFD carrier on the new route out of Rankin. He says that he wouldn’t trade that job for the best post office in the western part of Roger Mills. The mask ball given last Fri. night at the skating rink was well attended and a most pleasant time reported by all present. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Harris, north of town, died Tues. night last and remains were interred in the Cheyenne Cemetery Wed.


Harry Brown left Mon. for OKC where he will attend school. Grandma Summit who is living with her daughter, Mrs. Bowman, west of town is reported very ill. Chris Lynderman left Tues. for OKC for a few days outing.


Cheyenne Star, March 19, 1908

The following parties in the northeast part of the county made final proofs: Lourenna J. Clinton, Alpha T. Sullivan, Nora Godfrey, John Paxton, Walter S. Ray, John W. Sneed, Guy L. Wooley, John J. Weast.


Henry K. Kroeker, Jacob Kroeker and John Glassman of the Brantley neighborhood made final proof on Tuesday as well as these in the Grow neighborhood: Miss O. Zorah Box, John J. Irwin, Peter L. Pounders, M. W. Saling. Joseph Jay and Carrie P. Duncan of Durham; Ann J. Crow of Rankin; Henry A. Cooper of Cheyenne; Alvin C. Vanfossen of Harrington.


P.G. Perkins the enterprising Roll merchant was in town Monday. Mr. Perkins has been on the sick list for some time and this is his first trip away from home for several weeks. R.R. Bulls’ new residence in the southwest part of town is nearing completion and will


prove an ornament to that part of the town. Sunday was one of those pleasant days so frequent in the springtime in Oklahoma and all who possibly could do so spent the day in driving. S.A. Elliott received a nice new stock of spring dry goods and there is going to be something doing at his store that will be of special interest to the purchasing public. Almina C. Lytle and Albert W. Eaton of Durham made proof on their claims this week. The arrangements have been completed and put in a system of water works and fire protection for Cheyenne. It is something that is badly needed and has not been begun any too soon. It is proposed to erect a large tank at some centrally located place and lead pipes through the business part of the town. The tank will be elevated so as to give sufficient pressure to throw water over any building in the fire limits. It is expected to begin work at once and we understand that H.D. Cox is now in OKC purchasing the necessary supplies and that the erection of the plant will be begun on his return. Insurance rates have been so high as to be almost prohibitory and a good system of fire protection in the way of water works system will lower the insurance rates materially. A ball will be given at the skating rink in Cheyenne on Fri. evening March 27, commencing at 8:00 p.m. Supper will be served at Brown’s Restaurant. Good order will be kept and a good time will be assured all who attend. Good music. F. Banks of Sweetwater and a member of the Firm of Banks Brothers, General Merchants at that enterprising little burg, was a Cheyenne visitor Monday. L.W. Pate has bills out announcing reduction removal sale. Pate has to move from his present building and he will have to cut down his stock before moving. Mrs. L.W. Pate requests that all the ladies drop in and see her stock of spring millinery before purchasing. Robert W. Wells and Miss Amy E. Conner, both of Rankin were married before Judge E.E. Tracy on Monday last. Honorable J.L. Paschal was down from Guthrie a few days this week looking after his farming interests.


Cheyenne Star, March 26, 1908

G.B. Taylor, an old and well-known citizen at one time of Cheyenne, but who had for the past few years been residing at Elk City, died at that place on the 19th and was buried at that place on the following day. He was 79 years of age at the time of his death and was one of the oldest members of the Masonic Order in the new state. He made his home in Elk City with his daughter, Mrs. C.M. Rosser. Members of the Baptist Church 61 years. Danny E. and Oscar O. Scofield of Brantley were in town Sat. and made final proof application. Others were Francis M. Byers and P.W. Wright of Berlin. Notice is hereby given that examination for graduation from our common school course of study will be held on April 9 and 10th at the following places. Cheyenne at Supt office with T.C. Moore examiner; Berlin school building, Frank Winters examiner; Sandhill School (South of Harrington two miles) with Ulma Matthews examiner; Rankin school building with William Ballard, examiner; Durham school with G.O Noblitt examiner; Pleasant View School, Hannah Hoover examiner; Diamond Front, W.A. Adams examiner. The exam will begin at 9:00 a.m. There will be no fee. Diplomas will be issued to successful candidates that will allow you to enter our state’s normal schools without examination. I hope that all 8th grade students will take this examinations. T.C. Moore, Supt. The little three year old daughter(Lucy Belle) of Mr. and Mrs. Thurman living 8 miles southwest of Hamburg died at their home Sun. the 22nd at 8:00 p.m. of membraneous croup. The little one was laid to rest in the Union Chapel Cemetery. Funeral service was conducted by exhorter A.L. Brace. Mrs. Marion Hall, an aged lady residing six miles southwest of town died on Sunday last and was interred in the Cheyenne Cemetery Mon. afternoon. John M. Pickins and wife are rejoicing over the advent of a fine baby boy who will date his birthdays from March 20 as this is the first baby in that household. John emphatically states that he is worth exactly 1 million dollars spot cash. Mr. Osborn is in Guthrie this week looking at the wheels go round in the legislative halls and looking after business in the land office. Rev. Farrar is holding the stools at the clerk’s office during his absence.


Farmers are brightening up their farming implements and will soon be busily at work on the coming crops. Grover Wilson of the Hamburg area was before his honor, Judge Tracy on Mon. on a charge of “bootlegging” and was fined $50 and costs of suit and committed to the common jail of the county for thirty days. Died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.C. Conaway, 5 miles southeast of Cheyenne, on Sun. night last, Georgia, aged 10 years. Funeral services were held at the home Mon. afternoon.


Cheyenne Star, April 2, 1908

Methodist Minister W.J. Hale and family were pounded on Sat afternoon last. Quite a number of useful and valuable gifts were given to the Hales. Prairie fires have been raging throughout the county the past week. While we have heard of no serious damage as yet, quite a number of our farmer friends inform us that they have had to make a number of hard fights against the flames to prevent the destruction of hay, grain and other goods. Quite a number of Cheyenne’s young people spent a most enjoyable evening at a “Spider Web” party given by Vi Black on Wed. H.D. Cox has returned from OKC bringing with him the piping and all other fixtures needed for the waterworks system and work will be begun at once and rushed as fast as possible until the system is completed. Arrangements have been perfected for the erection of a standpipe 50 feet high, holding from three to four hundred barrels of water. A line of four inch pipe will be placed down the center of the main business street with hydrants leading to each side for hose connections. It is thought that this fall will be sufficient to throw water over any business bldg. in town. Additions to the system of lateral pipelines will be made as fast as demanded. There is no doubt that with this fire protection insurance will materially drop in our little town and the saving in this line within a very short time will more than pay for the system as contemplated besides the satisfaction of knowing that in case of fire sufficient water can be procured to protect other property. A most deplorable shooting scrape occurred in Kiowa township on Sun. morning last between Ran Wood and Jesse Hungate of that neighborhood in which Hungate was fatally wounded from the effects of which he died Mon. afternoon. The shooting affray seems to have been the result as near as we can learn, of an old grudge between the two parties. Wood was arrested Sun. and is now in jail at this place awaiting preliminary examination which will be held on Sat. April 4. His plea, we understand, will be that the shooting was in self defense. C.S. Gilkerson, Atty at Elk City was in town Monday and Tuesday looking after the interests of Ran Wood. Full particulars of the proceedings of the preliminary examination will be given in the next issue of the Star.


P.G. Perkins and Mac Perry of Roll were in town Monday. John Caffey, the Elk City Liveryman was in town Tuesday. Winfred and Moore are again in their old quarters in the Lee Building ready to transact any business in their line. How many Roger Mills County residents have applied for position as barkeeper under the Billups Booze Law? Don’t all speak at once. Lloyd Monroe is holding down the Crawford Blade this week while J.C. Casady is in Cheyenne wrestling with a severe case of grippe. S. Jackson is transacting business at Sayre this week. Charles Miller of Sayre, one of Cheyenne’s old time residents, was in town Monday and Tues. Mrs. L.W. Pate entertained at luncheon on Tuesday last in honor of L.W.’s mother, Mrs. Rimby. Mrs. S.A. Brown is a guest of her mother, Mrs. A.O. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are residents of Elk City where he is engaged in the lumber business. A.C. Bradshaw, editor of the Texmo Times and postmaster of that thriving little village and O.V. Wilson of the same area were transacting business in Cheyenne Tuesday and Wed. Miss Delia Walker, expert stenographer and typewriter, can be found at the Star office between 8 and 5. An ex-partee case in which W.B Wiley was contestant and Luther E. Sponhaltz, contestee was on trial before Comm. Carter yesterday afternoon. Abandonment was the charge and the contestant was represented by A.C. Bradshaw.


Cheyenne Star, April 9, 1908

The preliminary examination of Ran Wood for the killing of Jesse Hungate was held before E.E. Tracy, Probate Judge on Saturday last. Prosecution was represented by Co. Atty. Mouser and Henry Furman of Ada, while C.S. Gilkerson of the firm of Gilkerson and Tracy, Elk City represented the defendant. The court considered the evidence sufficient to hold Wood on the charge of murder by the action of the grand jury.


Charles L. Shufeldt of RedMoon and A.X. Grace of Durham have purchased the stock of the Fisher Store. One of the features of their line of business will be an auction sale every Saturday at 1:00 p.m. Mr. Shufeldt is a thorough business-man while A.X. Grace has no peer as an auctioneer. D.G. Moore of Texmo was in town Fri and Sat. looking after legal matters. Bob George and Ollie Swanson of the Ridgeton neighborhood were in Sat. and gladden the hearts of the printer man by a deposit on their subscription.


John C. Hendricks ex-Co. Atty of this county, now a resident of Sayre, was in Cheyenne this past week. J.A. Brown traveled to Shattuck one day last week and after remaining over for a few days visiting his brother, left for Kansas City where he will be gone for some time. A.J. Mounts of the Grimes neighborhood was a pleasant visitor at the star office on Monday afternoon last. On Sunday morning last John Caffey, a well known Elk City livery man, while preparing to start for his home, his team became unmanageable and the buggy was overturned throwing him from the same and breaking his arm between the elbow and shoulder. He was immediately taken to Hotel Black. A physician was called and the fracture set. Mrs. Caffey arrived from Elk City Sunday to look after him and he will be removed to his home at that place as soon as able to travel.


The notes given by the farmers of this community for stock in the Farmers Union Gin Co. of Cheyenne were sold at Sheriff’s sale on Monday last. The notes were given for the payment of stock in the above named gin and have been transferred by the management of the company to the Continental Gin Co., who furnished the outfit. The notes brought various prices, ranging from 2 to 3 cents on the dollar to almost par, depending on the financial ability of the giver as regarding pay. The prospects are that many buyers purchased a lawsuit when they made the purchase of these notes. D.A. Mayer and Calvin Rosser accompanied by Misses Slief and Litchfield, expert stenographers, came in from Elk City on Monday afternoon and on Tuesday began transcribing of the records of that portion of Roger Mills County now in the confines of Beckham. This is quite a large and particular job and they expect to be engaged on same for the next four to five months. W.M. Rakes of Hamburg was down Monday looking after his practice and other matters in this part of the country.


The work is progressing rapidly on the erection of the tower for the new water works system and the prospects are now favorable that the same will be completed and the town provided with a fire protection in the near future. Ed Lozier, the assessor of Meridian Township was in town Tuesday trying to find out when and by what authority the assessors would go to work. Ed Taylor has enlarged his ice cream and cold drink emporium and will now be in good shape to attend to the wants of his many customers during the summer months.


O.S. Williams and wife of east of town, are receiving the congratulations of their many friends over the arrival of a fine baby boy at their home last week. Several of the young people of Cheyenne went to Harrington Sunday. One of the most desirable residence properties in Cheyenne is for sale. It consists of a good five room house, four lots, two cisterns, one well, storm cave, large barn and other out-buildings. Contact A.H. Carter, Star Office. Buford Patterson, proprietor of the Cheyenne Hoss Hotel is in Greer County this week purchasing stock for a shipment and for use in his livery business here. Miss Pearl Huff left for Elk City on Tues. last to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. Ira Hensley. Mrs. L.W. Pate held the grand opening and display of spring and summer millenary on Saturday last. George W. Self of Grow was down on Mon. last looking after contest case on a piece of land in that neighbor-hood. Mrs. and Mrs. Stoney Duke and Mrs. DeLano were visiting in Cheyenne on Mon. last. J.W. Dobbs at the meat market needing 15 – 20 fat cows. Will Burton was arrested on Tues. last on the charge of “bootlegging” and is confined in the county jail pending his examination.


Cheyenne Star, April 16, 1908

Marriage permits: Victor E. Bauldin and Miss May Melton both of Texmo; R.F. Bean of Grand and Miss Ida Holland of Vernon; J.Q. Thomas and Miss Mary C. Sloan both of Harrington; Willie Stanford and Miss Jennie Morgan both of Hammon.


Leslie Barton of the Cheyenne State Bank is spending a well earned vacation at Dallas and other points. Word was receive din Cheyenne on Fri. last that the petition for bail of Ran Wood who shot and killed Jesse Hungate several days ago, has been refused by District Judge Brown. This will necessitate the keeping of Wood in jail at this place until the next term of District Court.


J.E. Keen, our efficient Co. Treasurer, has just closed a contract for the erection of a modern dwelling house on the lot recently purchased from G.W. Hodges. Misses Minnie V. and Teresa J. Spear, John R. Caruthers, Daniel Choate and Tyler Callahan were among those who made final proof before US Comm. A.H. Carter on Monday last. C.D. Hunley of Hamburg was arraigned before an inquisition held at the Co. Judge’s office on Wed., on an inquiry instituted to inquire into his sanity. Cad, as usual, was able to prove that he was not crazy and was turned loose. It will be a cold day when they prove old Cad Hunley insane. Will R. Casady has purchased and installed an Ashley stone machine and is now prepared to handle all work in that line. Manufactured stone (cement blocks) is now being used for building purposes and makes not only a substantial but fine appearing building, which is also durable and almost fireproof. W.O. Horr and H.B. Guernsey of the Cotton Exchange Bank returned Mon. evening from a trip in the northwest part of the county where they had been on a trip of several days looking after their varied interests in the part of the country. S.A. Elliott has leased the Collins Building formerly occupied as a Hardware Store and will move his stock into his new quarters about May 1. D.W. Tracy of the firm Gilkerson and Tracy, lawyers, of Elk City, is in town looking after legal matters for his clients. Mrs. Tracy and children accompanied him and are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson, northwest of town.


Sayre now has troubles of her own as Erick has finally got its petition for County Seat election in shape and the same has been ordered for June 16. Sayre seems to think that it will have no trouble in holding the co. seat, provided Elk City don’t knife that town in the back. Erick will put up a hard fight but we believe that Sayre will win out in the long run. Charles L. Shufeldt was down Sat. and while in town dropped in and told us all about the new business venture he and A.X. Grace of Durham have gone into. Charley informed us that the first few days business was better than they had hoped and they are of the opinion that they will be a full success at their store, two miles north of Hamburg. Calvin L. Holstein of the Durham neighborhood was down Tues and made final proof on his valuable claim in the north part of the county. Lewis Elliott left on Sat. last for Dallas, Texas where he expects to enter a business college for the summer term. Mrs. Bart Goode left for Elk City on Sat. to spend a few days with her parents. A.W. Dane of Angora, was transacting business in Cheyenne on Sat. Emil Cornels and wife, former residents of Cheyenne but now of Sayre was in town last week and while here, they packed and shipped the rest of their personal belongings and the prospects now are that they are permanent residents of the capitol city of Beckham County. Lizzie D. LaMont, Karl Herzberg, Noah J. Eakins and Harry G. Grow made final proof on their respective claims on Wed.


Cheyenne Star, April 23, 1908

W.T. Bonner and Buford Fields left on Mon for Amarillo, Texas where they will attend the S.W. Cattleman’s Assoc. George W. Wheeler of Ridgeton made proof before Comm. Carter on Saturday last. Byrd Pierce made a trip to Elk City on Thursday. Charles S. and Roy Staton, the Durham nursery men, have been in town the last few days, making a spring delivery and setting out trees and beautifying the lawns at the residences of S. Jackson and Milo Burlingame. A contest case of McClellan vs. Richardson involving land in the neighborhood of Rome was on trial before Comm. Carter on Saturday last. The charge was abandonment and the defendant made default. Lloyd Monroe, an attaché of the Star office, concluded that he was about the best wrestler in this vicinity on Saturday evening last; but after tackling Bert Dobbs and having his left arm thrown out of place at the shoulder joint, he concluded there were others. Lloyd will be laid up for several days with a very painful bruised arm, and during that time, S.A. Stauffer will hold down cases at the office.


Miss Dalia L. Walker has received her commission as notary public of Roger Mills Co and can be found at the Star Office. The recent heavy rains have placed the ground in excellent condition for spring planting and our farmers are now very busy along that line. All members of the Cheyenne Cemetery Assoc are hereby requested to meet at the court house at 2:00 p.m. sharp on Saturday, April 25 for the purpose of electing new officers and for the transaction of any other business that may come before the meeting. H.D. Cox, President.


James R. Fuller of Antelope was down last Saturday and submitted final proof on his claim in that vicinity. Mr. Fuller has just recovered from a severe attack of smallpox and his countenance still showed the ravages of that disease. Louis Hart of Canadian, Texas was in town on Tuesday last looking after land matters. Dr. V.V. Grant was in town on Wednesday and informed the Star that he is now located at Roll for the practice of his profession and that he is well pleased with his new location. The doctor had been located at Hamburg for the past year and while there, built a most enviable reputation as a physician and surgeon. He seems to think that Roll will be a more lucrative location. Charles M. Bates of Berlin was in town Tuesday last and made application for final proof on his valuable claim. It is the 16th anniversary of throwing open the Cheyenne/Arapaho Lands for settlement. It had been leased to cattlemen for a quarter of a century and considered too dry for agricultural purposes. G.W. Hodges left Wednesday morning for Mineral Wells, Texas where he will remain for some time. Mr. Hodges has been in poor health for several weeks and the trip is taken with the expectation that the waters of that famous resort will be beneficial. Walter Huff and Leo Beaty left for Amarillo Monday to attend the Cattlemen’s Assoc. Dr. Buchsbaum and wife arrived from Elk City last week and the doctor is now located permanently with us. His office is in the old Turner Building, one door east of the phone office. Dr. John A. Terrill who has been located in the Durham neighborhood for a number of years, has concluded to locate in Cheyenne for the practice of his profession. J.H. Hightower of Berlin was in town Sat. last and left orders at the Star Office for printing of the By-Laws in pamphlet form of the Farmers’ Union Assoc of Roger Mills County. The RMC Singing Convention convenes with the Square Top Class the first Sat. and Sun. in May. Square Top is on the Cheyenne and Elk City road, 6 miles east of Cheyenne. FOR RENT-The store room and fixtures now occupied by S.A. Elliott, main store room 30×70 feet, side store room 20×60 feet. This building will be vacated within a short time and I will lease the same on reasonable terms. H.D. Cox. See J.R. Casady for home grown raspberry and dewberry plants.


Cheyenne Star, April 30, 1908

Water works being erected in Cheyenne is now nearing completion and will soon be in shape to afford much protection in case of fire. The tower stands some sixty feet high and the tank will hold in the neighborhood of three hundred barrels of water. Piping has been laid through the center of the main business street with laterals leading to each side of the street in three different places, making six plugs in the main business part of town. Three hundred feet of hose have been secured and we are confident that with the head of water carried that water can be thrown over any business house in the town. The laying of the main and erection of the plant have been under the personal supervision of H.D. Cox. J.A. Brown, the enterprising proprietor of the Cheyenne Restaurant, returned Sun. from an extended visit to Kansas City and other Missouri points. T.M. Miller returned last week from his outing at Dallas and other Texas points. Leslie Barton of the Cheyenne State Bank returned Monday from a visit among friends and relatives at Dallas, Texas.


A case on trial in Judge Tracy’s court on Tuesday last in which the Hamburg Gin Co. was plaintiff and a man named Kent was defendant, involving the payment of a note for the payment of gin stock in the above named concern. Kent claimed that he had never signed the note on which suit was brought but the court seemed to think differently. Quite a number from Cheyenne attended the box supper and dance at the residence of R.V. Converse, six miles east of town, on Friday evening last. John Stahl, an old time resident of Cheyenne, but now located at Elk City, was in town this week shaking hands with his many old friends. H.B. Bradford, F.O. Leach, Jess Rosser and others are in OKC this week in attendance as witnesses in the case of the U.S. vs. Ed Coffey charged with a violation of the cattle quarantine regulations.


Officers of the Cheyenne Cemetery Assoc were elected for the ensuing year: President Milo Burlingame, Secretary John E. Vines, Treasurer R.N. Higgins. O.L. Johnson of Elk City was in town on Friday last. Mr. Johnson is associated with our old townsman, John Stahl in the Elk City Packing Company. He reports that enterprise growing rapidly and doing a profitable business. Frank Jordan has traded his valuable farm southwest of Cheyenne for Oklahoma City property and left on Friday last for that city where he expects to make his home.


L.L. Collins has forty of the celebrated Florence wagons, the best ones on the market, for sale at wholesale prices. Collins is closing out his business and these wagons must be sold now. (L.L. Collins Hardware Store was located just north of the old Gause Service Station; ½ block north of the Bank’s Information Sign on east side}


Joseph O. Brooks of Grimes neighborhood made proof on his valuable claim before Comm. Carter on Fri. last. Edward B. Combs of Crawford was down Tues. and did the same. The protest of Stringfellow vs. Stringfellow involving land in the neighborhood of Hammon was on trial before U.S. Comm. Carter on Mon. last. J.P. Johnson of Dead Indian, and Cashier Bynum of the Crawford Exchange Bank are in Oklahoma City this week in attendance at Federal Court as witnesses in the case of US. versus A.W. Giffin, of Roll, charged with using the mails for fraudulent purposes. Herman Guernsey, Asst. Cashier at the Cotton Exchange Bank at this place, is at Crawford this week holding down the bank at that place during the absence of Cashier Bynum at Oklahoma City. Miss Carrie Fields who is teaching school in the neighbor-hood of Harrington spent Sat. and Sun in Cheyenne, visiting her mother. I have restrained at the Smith Harrison Farm, two miles south of town, the following: One bay mare, one bay horse, blaze-face, white hind legs, halter on. One bay horse, star in forehead, white hoof on white hind leg, halter on. Owner can get stock by calling and paying costs. W.H. Lamb. Dave Haddon, Deputy Marshal, was in town Wed. issuing subpoenas for witnesses in the case of U.S. vs. E.E. Coffey, now on trial in the Federal Court at OKC. Ed Taylor had his annual opening of summer refreshments at his confectionary parlor on Tues. evening last. S.A. Wallace, R.N. Higgins, and Leon and Mrs. Young are at Weatherford this week attending a district meeting of the Odd Fellows now in session at that place.


Miss Annie Jackson a former resident of Cheyenne, but now an employee of a Sayre Abstract Firm, is in town making a record of the land in Beckham, formerly embraced in Old Roger Mills Co. In an altercation, which occurred in the Sandstone neighborhood on Sunday morning, James Hart seriously cut one Steve Dorman. The wounds were considered very serious and on the afternoon of that day, Dorman was taken to the hospital at Elk City for treatment. Hart was arrested and brought to Cheyenne and on Tues. was released on bond of $1500 pending the preliminary examination which will take place on Saturday next. We have been unable to learn the cause which brought on the trouble. At this writing the report from Elk City states that Dorman is getting along nicely and will ultimately recover.


Cheyenne Star, May 7, 1908

Samuel W. Reynolds, Emory V. Miller, William A. Mills, Benjamin F. Baker, Joseph Flue, John H. Stout, and Lena Jean Wilt, as one of the heirs of James A. Lathrop, deceased, made final proof before Comm. Carter on Wed. last. Sunday evening storm did considerable damage in portions of the county. And growing crops were badly damaged in the northern portion of Beckham Co. by heavy fall of hail. A deputy sheriff “Swooped” down on Fred Tunnard on Fri. evening last, and confiscated about 100 bottles of “booze” found on Fred’s premises. We suppose that this booze will go to the dispensary and be sold to sick as needed.


J.E. Henry’s “conglomeration” wagon shows gave two very inferior performances in Cheyenne on Friday and Sat. nights. of last week. Good crowds were out to both performances. Cheyenne is a good show town and it does seem as though we are entitled to a better class of entertainment than have been scooping in our hard earned coin in the past.


F.E. Nichols of Elk City has been confirmed Postmaster of that place and the long drawn out fight at that point has now been settled. Richard F. (Dick) Baird and Mrs. Kate Blackmon were quietly married at the residence of J.C. Thornton on Thursday evening last and were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ben Duke Cooksey, then left for Elk City for a brief honeymoon. The bride is well known to our people having been the efficient instructor in music at the Cheyenne Schools for the past two years. F.E. Tanner returned Thurs. last from a several weeks’ visit at his old home at Chillicothe, Missouri. A.W. Griffin of Roll, this county, was convicted last week in the U.S. Federal Court at Oklahoma City. Griffin was charged with using the U.S. mails to defraud in connection with homestead entries of ex federal soldiers and the postal inspectors have been working on the case for the past two years. A rural route inspector has been in Roger Mills County the last several days. He informed the postmasters at the various offices that unless steps were taken to put the public roads on such routes in better shape that some of the routes will be discontinued. S.A. Elliott has the building, which he recently purchased from L.L Collins, newly fitted and ready for occupation. Samuel A. Fiske of Dempsey and William F. Jobe and James L. Wood of Grimes were in town on Mon. having their pension papers perfected for the May payment. Miss Eoland Carpenter who is teaching the Windy Hill School was in town visiting friends last Sunday. Quite a number from Cheyenne attended the singing convention on Sun. last at the Square Front School House, a few miles from town. William P. Jose of Brantley; James F. Reed and Homer D. Foster of Durham made final proof on their claims on Monday last. On Sun. evening last lightening struck and killed two valuable horses for D.C. Carter and also killed one belonging to Dee Ross. John T. Rankin the old standby of Rankin, spent Sun. and Mon. in Cheyenne. A.G. Squire, Attorney at Law and also editor of the Progress at Grand, was in town Fri. and Sat. looking after a contest case before U.S. Comm. Carter. A.W. Griffin attempted suicide in his jail cell in Oklahoma City last week. He may recover. The Cheyenne Public School will close tomorrow after another successful term. Joe Hanna a new resident of this portion of the county, living a few miles east of Cheyenne, was arraigned before Judge Tracy on Thurs. last charged with assaulting his wife. Trial by jury, verdict of guilty, fine of $50 and a jail sentence of 15 days handed to him for this amusement. Everybody seemed satisfied except Joe. We notice by the Oklahoma City Times of Thurs. last that George E. Shufeldt of Red Moon was in the city as a delegate in attendance at the Baker’s Convention in session at that place. We always knew that George E. was an all around good fellow, but we are unable to even surmise what he would be doing in attending a Baker’s convention.


Cheyenne Star, May 14, 1908

Petitions are being circulated asking that an election be called to permanently locate the county seat of this county. Cheyenne has no “grouch” coming over this matter as our town fully realizes the fact that it is a question that is bound to come up sooner or later, and like all residents of the county is desirous that the matter be settled once and for all. Cheyenne will be in the race of course, and centrally located as she is, both as regards geographical center and center of population, has no fears as to the final results when the vote is counted. Being all ready a county seat, with the court house and jail, which will fill all needs of the county for the next twenty years, our town rests easy on the county seat question. We have no words of censor for the little town of Roll which has become an aspirant for county seat honors as they have a perfect right to ask that the county capital be located in their town. All parties interested in the culture of alfalfa are requested to meet at the court house in Cheyenne at 2:00 pm. on Saturday, May 16. Discussed will be machinery for thrashing alfalfa and the location of the alfalfa meal mill. The annual election of directors for the Roll Townsite Co. will be held in the store of Forbes and Snider on Tuesday, June 2, 1908.


N.L. Turner of Sweetwater was transacting business in Cheyenne on Monday last. George A. Tackett, Roy T. Baldwin, Joshua H. Mansell, and William W. Newton made proof on their homestead claims before Comm. Carter on Friday last. The Star family are under obligations to our old friend, Nick Massard, one of our enterprising farmers and fruit growers, for an elegant bouquet of homegrown roses. At a mass meeting held at the court house on Thursday evening last, it was decided that the best interests of Cheyenne would be conserved by incorporating the town. E.L. Mitchell was in the chair and T.M. Miller, Secretary. A Committee composed of A.H. Carter, H.D. Cox, and A.G. Gray were appointed to look into the matter and secure the data necessary to present a petition asking that an election be called to vote upon the question of the county seat..


The case of Staton vs. Lance where Staton sued for damages claiming that Lantz had killed or been the cause of killing of a mule belonging to the plaintiff was on trial in the co. court on Tuesday. While the evidence was conflicting as to what cause the death of the mule, it was proven that the mule died or was killed while in the possession or on the premises of Lantz, and the jury brought in a verdict of $50 and costs in favor of Staton, the plaintiff. At a meeting of the Eastern Star Lodge on Tuesday, B.D. Cooksey and wife were initiated into the mysteries of the order. The teachers, scholars and patrons of the Cheyenne public school picnicked on Friday last at Wallace’s grove in south Cheyenne. Quite a large crowd was present and a regular old-fashioned basket picnic was had. Joe Means of the Roll neighborhood subscribed to the Cheyenne Star this week. Dr. and Mrs. J.P. Miller celebrated the 27th anniversary of marriage last week. They had a lawn festival and served ice cream and cake. Several days ago the Deputy Sheriff confiscated or took charge of, rather, some ninety odd pints of booze, finding the same in the possession of Fred Tunnard and on Wed. last the County Judge E.E. Tracy ordered the same confiscated. There was another case pending against Fred for selling booze and after the above decision, Fred concluded that he wanted another judge to try this case and made the necessary affidavit disqualifying the County Judge from presiding at the trial. A special judge will be appointed and the case will go to trial soon. Co. Supt T.C. Moore states that the pupils’ examination questions were lost in transit and the examination will be postponed until May 21 and 22, 1908. On Sun. afternoon between 4 and 5 o’clock a terrific cyclone swept through the southern portion of Ellis Co. doing considerable damage in the neighborhood of Grand and Arnett and passing on to the east into Dewey County. Some little damage was done south of the river in Roger Mills County in the way of demolishing houses and killing stock. Quite a number had narrow escapes from injury and death, among them being Circuit Clerk Null, of Grand, who was out driving with his daughter. The team they were driving was killed but the occupants of the buggy escaped serious injury. Our fellow townsmen, E.L. Mitchell’s residence on his farm north of the river, was entirely demolished and considerable other damage done in that neighborhood. Horses and cattle were killed by the score and the wind and storm that followed almost completely destroyed crops in that section. W.T. Bonner and Milo Burlingame were in the neighborhood of Grand on Sunday afternoon at the time the cyclone passed that point. The boys say that the site was something fierce and have no desire to interview a cyclone any closer that they did on that day. Miss Pearl Huff is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Reed, this week.


Cheyenne Star, May 21, 1908

The Teachers Normal Institute being held in Cheyenne beginning July 6 and ending July 21. A private house is better for a student than a hotel. I want to know how many homes will open to our teachers during this time. Herring and Young and S.A. Elliott will make a special reduction of 10% on all groceries to families boarding teachers. District Court will convene in Cheyenne on June 8 for a one week session. J.T. Perkins and N.I. Bowman are among the new subscribers added the past week.


Petitions are at various places in town both for and against the incorporation of the village of Cheyenne. Several people went fishing on the banks of the Washita. Co. Treasurer Keen’s new residence in the south part of town is assuming shape and when completed will be one of the neatest and most commodious resident properties in town. The Cheyenne, Rankin baseball teams will cross bats at the Cheyenne diamond on Sunday afternoon. John H Osborne, Co. Clerk was in Guthrie this week taking in the closing scenes of the First State Legislature. Miss May Cunningham, who has been attending Commercial College at Oklahoma City, returned home on Saturday. Will Keen who has been attending school at Weatherford this last winter returned home on Monday. Dr. V.V. Grant of Roll was in town on Tuesday last. Dr. Dean of Crawford attended the meeting of the Roger Mills Medical Assoc. on Tuesday. George W. Seifert and his father of the Berlin neighborhood were Cheyenne visitors Tuesday. E. Roberts, grocery man, left Friday for a prospecting tour in western Arkansas.


Cheyenne Star, May 28, 1908

T.C. Moore Co. Supt advises that a compulsory law has been passed providing that the coming year, all children between ages of 8 and 16 shall attend school 3 months and that next year they must attend 4 months and year after next, 5 months. H.B. Bradford, six miles north of Cheyenne, was in town Tuesday selling a load of fine hogs. The physicians of Roger Mills Co. met at Cheyenne May 19, 1908 to organize a County Medical Society. Among the doctors attending were Drs. Gregoire , Miller and Buchsbaum of Cheyenne, Allen of Texmo, Grant of Roll,& Dean of Crawford. Judge C.S. Gilkerson has placed the contract for the erection of a neat four room cottage on his farm three miles northwest of Cheyenne, and has also fenced most of his land hog tight and placed therein a lot of fine porkers. Gilk says he will “hog the whole thing before he quits”. A.C. Wilson one of the best known northwestern residents of this county, was a Cheyenne visitor Mon. Among the cases to be considered in the June term of District Court are the naturalization of nine individuals: Bretz, Richert, Berg, Kroker, Binggli, Jenser, Wall, Mills, and Peterson. Mrs. Earnest Randall of the Rankin neighborhood, died on Sun. night last, after an illness of several weeks duration. This is more than a sad leaving as the deceased had only been married a little over six months and had just begun to be loved by her neighbors and friends in her new home in the community. From the number of self binders being sold in this community, Roger Mills Co will soon come to the front as a wheat and oat producing county. The ladies of the Presbyterian Mission Society will serve sherbet and cake on Mrs. Cronin’s lawn Friday evening, June 5, from 7-11 p.m. Tickets are 10 cents each. This week Andrew Langley and Miss Lucy Cheek both of Berlin were granted the necessary credentials to join matrimonial couples. Marriage licenses were also issued to Edwin Humphrey and Jessie Hightower.


This past week has seen some of the heaviest rains ever known in this portion of the state but no serious damage was done in this vicinity. Chris Linderman left Monday morning for New Mexico. The Cheyenne baseball nine is at Roll today and expect to return this evening with the scalp of the baseball enthusiasts of that burg hanging on their belt. The railroads are all knocked out over the recent heavy rains and consequently our mail facilities are also on “the bum”. Miss Lucille McKinney who has been attending school at Edmond returned home this week for the summer vacation. Miss Jewel Miller attending school at Ft. Worth, Texas has returned home.


Cheyenne Star, June 4, 1908

E. Roberts, who has been running the grocery store and wagon yard at the old Tunnard stand will leave this week for Clarksville, Arkansas where they will make their future home.


It has been suggested by some of the people in the favor of incorporation that the bigger part of the revenue needed to run the town after incorporation could be raised by a dog tax. One of the exponents of this proposition figures that at a tax of one dollar per head on town dogs, the revenue derived from this source would reach the neat sum of $967 which if carefully handled would pay the running expenses of the village for two or three years. It looks like a good proposition, for we have no doubt but that each owner of the pups would come across and from some of the dog conventions that can be seen on our streets any day and the noise they make every night, we are confident that the estimation of 967 dogs is a low one. Numerous towns in Oklahoma have already this season had mad dog scares and in some instances, several have been bitten by rabid dogs. In this connection would it not be advisable to get rid of some two or three hundred worthless curs that infest the streets of Cheyenne. All the dogs in town are not worth the worry, pain, or anguish that would be caused by the attack of one rabid dog. There are numerous half-starved dogs around town that are not claimed by anyone. Kill them off and have the owners look after the others, and then there will be no cause for apprehension on this score.


Bob Davidson charged with appropriating $20 belonging to Tom Carper was at the preliminary examination held under $500 bond for the action of the grand jury. Miss Mattie Evans entertained a number of friends on Thursday evening. Mr. L.W. Keen of Weatherford, brother of J.E. Keen and Mrs. John Flournoy of Elk City are visiting relatives and friends here. Nicholas Massard, one of our best foreign born citizens was in making final proof before Comm. Carter on Wed. Nick has one of the rough places in this part of Roger Mills but has gone into the fruit and grape culture very extensively and is making a grand success. Quite an interesting ball game was pulled off at the Jim Moore place on Sun. afternoon between the Cheyenne and Red Rock Nine, the score being 5-1 in favor of the Cheyenne Nine. GW. Hodges who has been in Mineral Wells, Texas for the past several weeks, returned home Fri last much improved in health.


Miss Verna Young returned on Friday last from Weatherford where she had been attending school this past winter. Mr. and Mrs. Falconer took advantage of Memorial Day and made a visit to friends at Elk City. Sam Maddux, north of town, has just completed one of the neatest and most commodious farm residences in this portion of Roger Mills County. {house is still standing} W.H. Mouser has purchased the John C. Hendricks residence property. A.C. Bradshaw, postmaster at Texmo, was a Cheyenne visitor on Fri.


Albert C. Moad of the Carpenter neighborhood made final proof on his property before Comm. Carter on Fri. The Tuesday evening rains and windstorm sent a number of our citizens to their storm caves and made many more wish they had a place of that kind to go to. Considerable damage was done in the way of un-roofing outbuildings and the long distance phone lines were out of commission on Wed.


Fred Tunnard advises that he has again taken charge of his old wagon yard and will be found ready at all times to look after the wants of his customers. You can buy forty bars of laundry soap for a dollar at S.A. Elliott’s cash store. Winford and Moore have disposed of a half block of land in south Cheyenne to Sylvester Grim and E.L. Mitchell and each will at once erect a neat dwelling house thereon. Holland S. Gamble of Harrington; Miss Allie Davis of Elk City; Mrs. Pearl Shelton, Nicholas Massard of Cheyenne; John C. Nephut of Carpenter; were among those who made final proof on their claims before A.H. Carter on Wed. Co. Treasurer Keen is using a crutch in getting around as the result of getting a nail in his foot.


Cheyenne Star, June 11, 1908

Ethel Howard Randall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Howard and wife of E.B. Randall of Rankin, OK, passed away May 24, 1908, at the age of 24 years and 8 months. Fred Tunnard charged with selling intoxicating liquor, was tried before Booth Merrill, special judge on Wed. last. Judge E. E. Tracy having been disqualified. Prosecution was by Co. Atty. Mouser, Tracy and Gilkerson, and Mitchel and Grim; while Tunnard was represented by Hendricks, Harrison and Moore. Jury trial and verdict of guilty as charged rendered. The judge assessed the penalty at $75 fine and 40 days in the county jail.


Cheyenne and Dempsey ball teams crossed bats today on the Cheyenne diamond which proved to be a very interesting game, score being 6-3 in favor of Cheyenne. Shell Caffey had a number of hogs carried off by the recent high water and will pay a good reward for the remainder of same or information leading to their recovery. On Sat. last, Henry Colcord, while bringing a load of lumber into town, had the misfortune to fall from the wagon, the wheels passing over and breaking one of his legs. He was brought to town where the fracture was reduced and at this writing he is resting easy.


W.O. Horr of the Cotton Exchange Bank and family spent several days in Cheyenne this week. Mr. and Mrs. William Dewey of Cheyenne went to Elk City last Saturday to meet their daughter, Miss Nona, who had been attending Epworth University at Oklahoma City (OCU today) The dam at the Thompson-Kendall lake northwest of town was carried away by the recent high water. This lake was extensively stocked with some game fish, some three years ago and was just getting in shape to be one of the finest fishing resorts in western Oklahoma. In the flats below the lakes numerous fine, large game fish were found after the water receded and the people in that neighborhood have been enjoying many fine fish fries. Mr. Thompson informs us that he expects to rebuild the dam as soon as possible and re-stock the pond with fine fish.


In the county commissioners court John H. Osborne, County Clerk reported that there was a shortfall of money to pay bonds on roads and bridge work. Shortfall is due to the reduction of the size of the County of Roger Mills and much taxable property going to Beckham County. Bert and Ray Redden of the Streeter neighborhood were in town last Mon. Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Young, north of Cheyenne were in Elk City to meet their daughter, Miss Verna, who returned from the Normal at Weatherford, bringing with her school honors and graduating diploma.


The severe windstorm Saturday evening reached almost a cyclone stage in various portions of the country adjacent to Cheyenne. Numerous buildings were unroofed and out buildings were destroyed and considerable damage done to orchards and to growing forest trees. In the neighborhood southeast of Cheyenne, the storm was the most severe and the residence of J.W. Dawkins was entirely demolished and Mr. Dawkins severely injured, receiving several serious and dangerous cuts on the head and other bruises. Other members of the family were considerably bruised but not seriously injured. Physicians were called to attend Mr. Dawkins as soon as possible and at this writing he is resting easily and will soon be out again. A subscription paper was circulated in town and quite a neat sum was collected and turned over to the family for their present needs.


The editor made a drive on Monday evening last of some twenty odd miles northeast from Cheyenne and while considerable damage could be seen to growing crops from high water and hail, we found the average farmer very optimistic in regard to crop prospects. In this location, little damage has been done as yet by hail, and corn, oats and wheat are looking well. Cotton is late; most of the farmers whom we talked with are of the opinion that there is yet plenty of time for a good cotton crop. Washouts on railroads, bridges out on the star and rural routes, have demoralized our mail facilities until a week old daily paper is considered late news.


Ed Keen, whose house on his place west of town was quite badly damaged by the recent cyclone was lucky enough to have cyclone insurance on the building in the Pioneer Cyclone Insurance Co. and through their agents, Winfred and Moore, has received $200 for the damage done.


Forty bars of laundry soap for one dollar at S.A. Elliott Store.


Cheyenne Star, June 18, 1908

At the election held on Tuesday last in Beckham Co for the permanent location of the County Seat, in which Sayre and Erick were the aspirants for the honor, Sayre was the successful candidate. Matrimonial: Charles W. Rowan to Emma King, both of Rankin; A.A. Winkle to Ella B. Russell, both of Texmo.


Ed Taylor has returned from a Texas trip and gave a report on prohibition and water in that portion of the Lone Star State that he visited. The Patterson “Hoss” Hotel now sports a windmill and a large elevated tank which is a great convenience and insures an ample water supply for all purposes. A.S. McKinney returned last week from a trip to Ogden and other Utah points including Salt Lake City. He is well impressed with that portion of Uncle Sam’s domain, but does not think it comes up with Oklahoma and especially that portion on the well side of Cheyenne, in Roger Mills Co. Mrs. W.A. Beaty, Miss Willie and Master Paul, old time residents of this place, but now of Odessa, Texas came in Tues. evening for a visit with friends and relatives at this place. The year old baby of S. Jackson and wife who was taken to the Elk City Hospital and an operation performed some two weeks ago is now so near recovery that it was considered safe to move the little sufferer to Colorado Springs and Mrs. Jackson and the baby left for that point on Tuesday last.


Cheyenne will celebrate on the 3and 4th of July and as usual, the celebration will be an immense affair. Good purses will be hung up for all events at the celebration. Dr. Dean and daughter of Crawford were water bound at Cheyenne on Monday and Tues. on their return trip from Elk City. Walker and Pearl Huff left on Wed. for a visit with friends at Canadian, Texas. Jim Moore and wife are receiving congratulations over the arrival of a fine new baby boy at their home. J. M. Rhodes and wife of Crawford spent Mon. in Cheyenne. Dr. V.V. Grant, Roll’s enterprising physician, was a Cheyenne visitor on Tues last. The piano recital at the ME Church on Friday evening was largely attended, the attendance being limited to the capacity of the building. All roads are in a horrible condition on account of the season’s heavy rains. In spite of excessive rains, some crops are looking very well and if the farmers have a few days of fine weather, they will be able to work the crops. Oats and grass are usually good in general.


C.M. Tucker and wife of Amarillo are now residents of Cheyenne. Mr. Tucker, occupying the position of meat cutter at the City Meat Market. T.L. Turner, Attorney at Law and Eff Evans, merchant of Texmo, were business visitors of Cheyenne on Wed. George Shufeldt of Redmoon came in from a trip to Kansas City and other northern points. This is the time of year that it is wise to keep an eye on the town dogs, especially the great number of “measly, flea-bitten, half-starved curs” that infest Cheyenne. Quite a number of cases of hydrophobia have been reported in neighboring towns and we should watch out for this. All the dogs in the town are not worth the trouble, expense and anguish that would be caused if one child was bitten by a rabid dog. Clean out the worthless curs and if you do that, there will be very few dogs left in Cheyenne.


Miss Flora Keen returned from Weatherford on Monday.


Cheyenne Star June 25, 1908

Charles Maltby and Miss Pearl Whittom were married at the residence of the bride’s parents in Cheyenne on Sunday last. Both are well known young people of Cheyenne and start out with the best wishes of all for a life full of the roses and sunshine of life. Rev. Farrar performed the ceremony in the presence of a few friends and members of the family. O.F. Hinds of Berlin, President of the Roger Mills Co. Institute, has called for the annual meeting to meet in Cheyenne at 2:00 on July 10. Arrangements are being completed for the celebration at Cheyenne on July 3 and 4th. It will be the biggest and best ever held in the county. The two days’ program includes baseball games, roping contests, broncho busting, orations, essay contests, brass bands, singing and speaking, basket picnic dinner, free hot coffee and ice water, quarter mile horse race, and 250 yard saddle horse race as well as a horse and mule show. A.H. Carter editor of the Cheyenne Star, is at Texmo looking after business matters. A.G. Gray of Cheyenne was an Elk City visitor this week. Mrs. S. Jackson and little daughter and Mrs. Hornbeak of Cheyenne left this week for Colorado Springs. W.A. Beaty of Odessa Texas is looking after his business interests in this place. Postmaster Harrington of Harrington was a pleasant caller on Monday last. He reports considerable damage by hail in the country southeast of his place. Hotel Baxter, an old landmark at Sayre, burned on Tuesday morning last. The hotel was owned by Pat Stewart and was one of the oldest buildings in town.!Jack Ewing has bought all the right, title and interest in and to the restaurant recently started by Ben Eggleston on the south side. He is now in full charge, ready to attend the wants of the hungry. Ben will go to Texmo. Jeff C. Crawford of Rankin was a Cheyenne visitor Mon. T.M. Miller left for Guthrie Mon. where he will file the petitions of the various candidates running in Roger Mills for the primary to be held on August 4.


Funeral services for Lycurcus Decater Warren of Berlin were conducted under the auspices of the order of the Odd Fellows. Mr. Warren died June 18, 1908 of apoplexy.


Cheyenne Star, July 2, 1908

Ives Finch, the son of J.W. Finch living southwest of town made a gruesome find on their place one day last week. The find consisted of some several skeletons and an examination by those versed in such matters brought the conclusion that the bones were of white people. There was nothing to show cause of death and no doubt it was one of the mysteries of the country that will never be solved. An examination of the bones revealed that there were three or more skeletons, all of adults. They had been buried in standing or sitting positions in the bank of a canyon and the recent heavy washing rains had exposed the skeletons to view.


Sylvester Grim’s new cottage in the south part of town is nearing completion and will soon be ready for occupation. Doctor V.V. Grant, Roll’s physician, spent Fri. night at Cheyenne. Mary C. Brown of the Angora neighborhood, was in town Mon. and made filing before Comm. Carter on a valuable relinquishment in that neighborhood. A.H. Carter, editor of the Star, was over in the Texmo neighborhood last week. He found that enterprising little village wide awake and rapidly forging to the front. While at Texmo, we sold the Texmo Times to A.C. Bradshaw who has had the plant leased for the past year. A.C. is now the sole owner of the Times and will no doubt continue to make it as good if not a better paper in the future than it has been in the past. Albert Gray of the Hammon neighborhood was in town Mon. and made filing on a valuable claim on which he had won a contest before A.H. Carter, U.S. Comm. crop J.P. Johnson and wife were in from Dead Indian Fri. John Kepley, R.A.Gibbs, William Rogers of the Wildhorse neighborhood were in town Tuesday and made the star office a pleasant call. On Tuesday evening at the ME parsonage occurred the marriage of Miss Mollie Casady and Mr. R.M. Herring. Two young people in whom Cheyenne takes a pride. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Hale in his usual impressive manner. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Casady and is one of our most highly esteemed young ladies. The groom is one of our popular barbers and is a gentleman in every respect. Charley Arnold of the Cheyenne poultry and egg company has a fine line of spring fryers on hand ready for the Fourth. J. Roscoe Johnson is erecting a neat cottage on the hill south of the public school building. The election board for the county of Roger Mills under the new election laws in force consists of S.A. Elliott, William R. Adams and Joe A. Moad. Charley McClain has purchased the N.R. Monroe residence property south of the court house square and moved it to the same Tuesday. Owing to the fact that two bridges were washed out on the Cheyenne to Sayre Road, no mail went out Wed. morning.


Cheyenne Star, July 9, 1908

Mrs. Nona Cronin and her mother, Mrs. Hornbeak left last week for Colorado where they will join Mrs. S. Jackson who is at Manitou, where she went several weeks ago for the benefit of Mrs. Jackson’s little baby girl. They expect to spend several weeks at this western health resort. Judge Gilkerson of Elk City is in this neighborhood this week looking after his alfalfa farm and the hogs thereon. It behooves Cheyenne to get busy and see that the roads leading into our town are placed in a passable condition. At the present time, they are almost impassable and no one is using them unless it is a “ground-hog” case. Tom Shelton living southwest of town, had the misfortune to have his house and contents completely destroyed by fire on Monday afternoon. The cause of the fire is unknown and we understand that the loss is total. He carrying no insurance on either the building or contents. The house owned by John Halle and occupied by Ed Underwood about seven miles south of Cheyenne was destroyed by fire on Sunday last. Mr. Underwood and family were not at home at the time of the fire and can give no reasonable explanation of how it occurred as no fire was burning in the building at the time they left. Mr. Underwood and family lose their household goods and wearing apparel.


Mr. Galloway of the Streeter neighborhood has purchased an elegant “Rambler” automobile and will place the same in the passenger run between Cheyenne and Sayre. We had the pleasure of a spin in Mr. Gallaway’s machine while in Oklahoma City Mon. It has a seating capacity of four besides the driver’ and when it is placed in the Sayre run, the trip to the railroad will become a pleasure instead of a dread as it is now. Galloway has become an expert in the management of this roadster and there is no doubt that he will make a success out of this venture. It is a step forward in Cheyenne’s advancement and as an enterprise should receive a hearty appreciation from the traveling public. It is contemplated that he will be making two round trips a day between here and Sayre and as the travel demands, more machines will be added. Jess A. Barnes, James F. Mayer and William F. Roberts of the Crawford neighborhood were in town Tuesday and Barnes made final proof on his claim before Comm. Carter. Dan Jackson, rural mail carrier on route#1 had quite an exciting experience on his return trip on Friday evening last. While passing through the river bottom, the river being over the low land, he drove into a deep washout, bogging down his team and turning over the rig. He succeeded in getting the team out at the time but had to have help to extricate his buggy. Dan considers himself lucky in only losing a few stamps and stamped envelopes. In this connection we would like to state that if the roads are not placed in better condition, in a very short time the chances are that some of the rural mail routes in this county will be discontinued as orders to that effect have already been sent out from the department. J.W. Hall of the Rankin neighborhood was a pleasant caller at the star office this morning. Anderson brothers and W.M.A. Burkey of Beaver County have matched their respective running horses for a dash for a $1,000 purse. The race will be pulled off on the track on Monday, August 3 in Cheyenne and promises to be the most interesting racing event of the season in western Oklahoma. The horses are evenly matched and it is a contest that will not be decided until the last yard of the race is run. Horsemen from all portions of Oklahoma will be here with their fast stock and many other races will be matched between now and the date of this race. Great interest is being manifested in this race and there is not the least doubt that the largest crowd in the history of Cheyenne will be on hand on that date to see this race.


Patrons of the post office can make their own boxes or order them. Boots Fields has had his usual bad luck and on Thursday evening crippled himself up badly while working around the dancing platform, breaking two bones in the instep of his left foot. While this kept Boots from indulging in the light fantastic as much as usual, he still had a good time, as it takes more than a little accident like this to put Boots entirely out of the running. Cashier Bynum and wife of the Crawford Cotton Exchange Bank were in Cheyenne several days in route to Arapaho for an extended visit. Herman Guernsey will hold down the desk at Crawford during Mr. Bynum’s absence. Ellis Co will hold second location for the purpose of the county seat on August 19 with Shattuck and Arnett in the running. W.O. McFarland, the Elk City broomcorn expert comes out in an open letter to the broomcorn growers and states that broomcorn can be planted up to and including July 26, with the assurance of raising a good crop after that date, and recommends that the Standard and Chinese Dwarf varieties are the most desirable to plant this late in the season.


Cheyenne Star, July 16, 1908

Co. Supt. T.C. Moore advises school districts of the county that the annual school meeting be held, Tuesday, July 28. He announces that in the past year a few districts failed to have school and thus lost their state apportionment for the coming year. Some schools failed to make a sufficient levy to pay the running expense of the districts. Teachers this year will again be scarce and I advise you to select your teachers as early as consistent with the welfare of the district. A good teacher is worth a dozen poor ones. W.T. Bonner had the misfortune to lose his very valuable driving horse on Friday last. Frank and Richard Hay will conduct a public auction of their personal property and their real estate on their farm ten miles north of Cheyenne or six miles southeast of Roll on Saturday, August 1. These are two of the best farms in that portion of the country and will be sold separately or together with the crops growing thereon. They have several good teams and stock of all kinds which will be sold at the same time. Over fifty teachers attended county normal this past week. We will have a new barber in town for a while. Mr. C. Lindermann will have charge of the barber shop during the absence of Mr. Lee Prestage.


Fresh steamed baked bread at the Dobbs Meat Market –what is the use of having your wife stand over a heated stove when you can buy fresh steamed baked bread at all times and nice cooked meats on Saturdays and Sundays at the Dobbs Meat Market. A thousand dollar purse will be offered at the matched horse race between the Armstrong Brothers fast running “library” and W.M.A. Burkey’s sorrel runner on Monday, August 3 at Cheyenne. Other interesting races have been matched and this promises to be the most notable fast meet ever held in western Oklahoma. Bring in your fliers; You can get action. All race horse men are cordially invited to be present with their fast stock. There will be plenty of opportunities to match trotting, pacing or running races. Miss Irene Tanner entertained a number of her young friends at dinner at her home southeast of town on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Blackburn of the Grimes neighborhood are rejoicing over the recent arrival of a fine new baby girl at their domicile.


Frank W. Proctor, James M. Ross and Joseph Schlecht of the Crawford neighborhood made final proof on their claims before Comm. Carter on Wed . John Donothan has resigned as Justice of the Peace of the Dewey Township. W.J. Hale announces that owing to the protracted meeting ten miles northwest of town that he will not hold services in Cheyenne next Sun. He asked that you come to the brush arbor meeting.


A.S. McKinney came in Sun. from Colorado and Utah points, bringing a carload of hardy northern horses which he will dispose of at this point. O.H. Hinds and George W. Seifert, two of Berlin’s good citizens, spent Saturday last in Cheyenne. O.H. has been selected as delegate to the Oklahoma Farmers Association. This paper printed bills this week for a big two days picnic to be held at the Uncle Johnny West springs, two miles south and one mile east of Hamburg on Friday and Saturday, July 31 and August 1. Prominent speakers will be present and amusements of all kinds will be provided. This will be the only big picnic in that vicinity this season and it is anticipated that a large crowd will be in attendance.


Cheyenne Star, July 23, 1908

W.J. Hale, pastor of the ME Church announces that their meeting at Washita, ten miles northwest of town, is still in progress. Next Sunday is to be a big day. Dinner on the ground, and preaching morning and afternoon will be had. Next Sunday night, Rev. Hodges will preach at the ME church in Cheyenne. Come out and hear this old cowboy preach. E.B. Randall, one of Rankin’s best farmers and an enthusiastic rooter for the ball team of that place, was over Saturday taking in the ball game between Rankin and Texmo. The score was Texmo 1 and Rankin 4. A.H. Carter, editor of the Cheyenne Star proposes in an editorial that Roger Mills County because of the variety and nature of its soil, should be a logical candidate for the establishment of a secondary agricultural school or a farmer’s experiment station. The graduating classes of the Roger Mills’ public schools had their graduating exercises at the ME Church on Monday evening last. The following is a list of graduates who receive their diplomas are: Una Seifert, Bessie Helf, Henry Martin, Bruce Nichols, K.A. Stranahan, Leonard Smith, Pearl Smith, Merton Hawkins, Cora Roberts, Curtis Guernsey, Clyde Mitchum, Claude Anderson, Ada Bachman, Bethel Robbins, and Josie Thomas. Saturday was a busy day with our merchants, the town being crowded with people from early until late. Quite a number of our young people enjoyed a picnic and fish fry on the banks of the historic Washita on Sunday last. J.A. Brown and J.W. Dobbs got on their trading clothes on Saturday and Dobbs now owns and runs the Short Order on the north side and Brownie is the proprietor of a good farm, six miles northeast of Cheyenne. J.H. Dean of the Crawford neighborhood passed through town on Thursday evening on his return from Elk City, where he had been with his son, Clyde, who was bitten by a rabid dog several days ago. He had a madstone applied to the wound at Elk. The stone adhered about thirty hours and Mr. Dean feels firmly convinced that his son will have no further trouble over the bite. Hollis and Linley, two enterprising businessmen of Elk City have opened up a fine stock of dry goods clothing, boots, dry goods, hats, caps, etc. in the old mercantile building in Cheyenne. The gentlemen are thorough businessmen, good buyers and know the wants of this portion of Oklahoma and will no doubt do a good business here. The inform us that they will add a full and complete line of staple an fancy groceries and expecting their grocery line in this week. A fine large stack of alfalfa was destroyed by fire on the Beaty Farm adjoining Cheyenne on Friday. The cause of the fire being lightening. James R. Asher of the Durham area made final proof on his valuable claim near that place.


T.H. Briggs and S.P. Thompson of the Streeter area were pleasant callers at the Star Office on Saturday. In covering their various routes, rural free mail carriers in the state of Oklahoma travel about 5,745 miles daily. Fred Tunnard wants to purchase 200 fat hogs and will pay the highest price and buy all the poultry you will bring him. Oliver Benham, Pat Murphy, William E. Springer, Mabel Roberts, Susan C. Walker and Joseph Jones were among those making final proof this week. D.W. Bullard, one of our old time subscribers from the Carpenter area, was a pleasant caller last Friday. John Vines will pay market price for wheat delivered to Cheyenne. “Mother Jones” the world renown socialist speaker will be at the Streeter picnic on Friday and Saturday, July 24 and 25 and will speak on both days. The Presbyterian Mission Society will give a music program at the ME Church in Cheyenne on Monday evening, July 27 beginning at 8:30 p.m.


A public auction of the Karl Herzberg farm, near Hamburg, will be held August 11. Sayre has won out over Erick in the county seat fight and Erick has taken the matter to the Supreme Court. David Shough, who has one of the best improved claims in the Harrington area, made final proof on the same. The management of the Cotton Exchange Bank of this place will change within a few days, B.M. Goode, the present cashier is going to Elk City where he will take charge of the new Flouring Mill at that place. B.F. Bynum, who has been cashier at the Cotton Exchange Bank at Crawford, will take the cashier’s position at the bank at this place. B.M. Goode announces there is a stray banjo at the Cotton Exchange Bank and asks the owner to come in and get it.


Cheyenne Star July 30, 1908

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Cooper of East of town were pleasant callers at the star office on Monday last. Mrs. Cooper is the owner of an extra large madstone which was exhibited to the office force and a number of visitors. This stone which is an extra large specimen of the curious formation known as madstones, has been in the family for a number of years, she receiving the same from her father. Mrs. Cooper desires to inform the public through the column of the press that this stone is at the disposal of one and all in case of bites from rabid animals. They reside about six miles east of Cheyenne.


Milo Burlingame is in Shattuck this week looking after business matters and taking in the Soldiers’ Reunion. The annual school meeting of the Cheyenne School district was well attended on Tuesday afternoon. A.G. Gray was elected school director for the ensuing term and J.H. Osborne, Treasurer. A levy of 10 mills was voted for school purposes for the ensuing year. Some needed repairs to the building were ordered and it was decided to enclose the grounds with a neat wire fence. The length of the coming term was left entirely in the hands of the director.


. Mark Goode says that the banjo that was left at the Cotton Exchange Bank is a guitar, but the owner had better come and get it anyway. W.A. Beaty came in from Odessa, Texas, Tuesday evening. Bill says that this portion of the country has the best crop prospects that he has seen this season and he has been over considerable territory. Where is the Board of Health? There are several alleys in Cheyenne that are a menace to the good health of the community. Dr. Gregoire reports the following new arrivals at following places and dates: Sylvester Grim on Monday, July 27, a fine baby girl; Mrs. Porter Sunday, July 26 a fine baby boy and a fine girl at the home of J.W. Law on Monday, July 27. Duggar J. Kilby submitted final proof on his claim in 13-22. J.P. Johnson was down Sat. night from his Dead Indian Ranch attending a Masonic meeting. Co. Comm. Kendall is in the west part of the county this week supervising the erection of a new bridge over Rush Creek. T.L. Turner has his office on the west side of the court house nearly completed and will be at home therein in the next few days. Joseph Winebright, P.T. Hawkins and John C. Weir of the Leedey area were down Sat. as witnesses in the contest case of Weir vs. Wood. Mrs. Nona Cronin returned Sun. from a few weeks outing at Manitou, Colorado and reports a most pleasant time. Jack Ewing is now the proprietor of the Brown Restaurant, having purchased same from J.W. Dobbs, taking possession Sunday morning. A.S. McKinney left Sun for Colorado and Utah points where he will purchase a carload or two of horses for the Cheyenne market. Doc Ballenger, Hamburg’s efficient and popular physician, was in Cheyenne on Monday last. Prof. A.R. Harris formerly Supt of Schools of Roger Mills Co. is now holding the same position in Beckham County, was a visitor at the county Normal on Tuesday.


John A. Hites, J.W. Chenoweth, J.F. Parham, C.M. Bates, J. Seier, F. D. Ohnsman, L.H. Ames, Fred Bird and G.W. Morris were among those making final proof before Comm. Carter this week. D.J. Holt on Sat. last purchased the “Glad Hand” Restaurant from Jack Ewing and re-opened the place Monday morning. The dining room had been re-modeled and presents a very neat appearance. D.J. is an old restaurant man and will undoubtedly make his restaurant a good place for the hungry to hang up at. Musical under the auspices of the ladies of the Presbyterian Mission Society at the ME church on Monday evening last was a very pleasant and enjoyable affair and was well attended. The total per capital disbursement of the school monies for the whole State will be .65. S. Jackson left Sun morning for Manitou, CO where he will spend a few days with baby and Mrs. Jackson, who are spending the heated term at that mountain resort.


GRIMES NEWS:. Mr. Lancaster has sold his farm and Mr. Repast of Ohio has taken possession. French Lancaster preached at Grimes last Sun. Miss Effie Collins and Mr. Barnaby of Michigan were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s parents. The entire Blackburn family is rejoicing over the fact that the stork stopped by at their house Sunday, July 12 and left a brand new baby girl. Mrs. Eli Colburn entertained a number of ladies in honor of the 68th birthday of her mother, Mrs. Louisa Goodrich. The youngest guest was over 60 years of age. Mrs. Goodrich spent the last 18 years in Washington and Alaska.


W.O. Horr of the Cotton Exchange Banks spent several days in town this week looking after matters. Carl Herzberg of the Hamburg area will sell his personal property at public auction on August 11. John C. Casady, an employee of this office for several years, and for the past two years, manager and local editor of the Crawford Blade, left Sat. last for Kansas City where he expects to locate.


Cheyenne Star, August 6, 1908

The directors of the Cheyenne Public Schools have selected the faculty for the coming term and have secured excellent material. Prof. Moss, formerly of the Kingfisher Public Schools has been selected as principal. The following teachers have been engaged for the intermediate departments: 5&6-Miss Ora Black, formerly of the Gage Public Schools; 3&4 – Mrs. Hayes, an experienced teacher who has been teaching in the county for a number of years. For the Primary Department: Mrs. Myrtle Converse, who had charge of the room last winter has been retained. Oscar Galloway is having the roads between here and Sayre placed in good shape, and as soon as the work is completed will place his new Rambler automobile in the passenger run between here and that town.


At the celebration of the races at Shattuck last week, Milo Burlingame received first money with is sorrel mare in the quarter race, and carried first honors with his bay pony in the saddle races. Thomas Ladd, living out east of Cheyenne, was in the city Monday with a load of brooms of his own making. He says there is no use of anyone wearing a long face on account of poor crops as the corn and broomcorn in most places is the finest any he saw grow in Oklahoma. He has 40 acres of fine cotton which is now blooming, the hail did not injure his crops, though it came all around him. In the game of ball on the Cheyenne diamond on Monday afternoon last, between Rankin and Texmo teams, Texmo won by a score of 6 to 1. John H. Terrill, who was arrested and has been out on bond for some time on a charge of practicing medicine without the permission of the State Board of Health, was tried by jury in the county court on Thursday last. County Attorney Mouser looked after the states’ interest while Mitchell and Grim attended to the events. The jury had a notion coming that Terrill had violated the statutes of Oklahoma and assessed a fine of $50 and costs.


W.P. Madden and family left Wed. morning for Trenton Missouri where they will spend several weeks visiting relatives and friends. John Hoyt who was under arrest for “bootlegging” had a trial in the county court on Friday last and the jury returned a verdict of not guilty. Charley Tanner has moved his harness shop to Sayre thus leaving Cheyenne without a shop of this kind. G.A. Connoway, Claude and Steve McClendon and Bert Flynt of Leedey, Dewey County, were in Cheyenne on Tuesday last looking after the contest case of Connoway vs. Rice on trial before Comm. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Bart Goode are now residents of Elk City having moved to that city last week. Mr. Goode has taken charge as general manager of the flouring mill at Elk. At their meeting on Mon. last the CoCommissioners order that a public road be opened on the half section line due north of the north boundary lines of the town site of Cheyenne. A race was matched between the Bowman colt and the Rosser bay of Elk City, in which the Bowman colt won in a cantor. The race between Armstrongs’ gray running horse “Library” and W.M.A. Burke’s sorrel for a purse of $1,000 and side bets, was pulled off on the track at Cheyenne on Monday afternoon last. Considerable difficulty was experienced in getting them away from the post, both horses being in the peak of condition and ready to go for all that was in within them. The horses got away finally in good shape and it was anybody’s race until the quarter pole was passed, when Burke’s sorrel slowly forged to the front, and at the end was a good length in the lead, winning easily. One of the largest crowds in Cheyenne’s history was present and considerable money changed hands as a result. The dance at the old Turner Bldg. on Monday night was a pleasant affair. Bruce Latta and wife of Texmo were in town, guests of W.H. Mouser and wife. Miss Sarah M. Wilmoth of the Durham area was in town and while here made filing on a fine 40 acre tract in the north part of the county before Comm. Carter. At the rate filings are being made on all vacant land, it will be soon impossible to find any vacant land in western Oklahoma. Ed Lozier brought in the primary ballot from Dempsey on Wed. and while here he had bills printed for the sale of his stock, farming implements and personal property, which will be held at his place 1 ½ miles north of Dempsey, on Thurs., August 13. Sayre and Cheyenne will cross bats on the Cheyenne diamond on Sunday afternoon August 9.


Sam Miller, attorney of Grand was transacting business in the county court Sat. Mr. and Mrs. George Brock of Shattuck were in town guest of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Burlingame. Dr. B.M. Ballinger of Hamburg was in town Mon. seeing the horses run and the boys play ball. Hollis and Lindley are sporting a brand new and attractive sign on the front of their business building. At the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Jackson on east Beaver Dam last evening, was solemnized the marriage of their daughter, Ruby to William K. Campbell.


Cheyenne Star, August 13, 1908

Dr. Gregoire returned Tues from Kansas points. He was accompanied by his wife and baby boy. Hail did considerable damage to crops in the Red Rock area southwest of town Mon. evening. William Potter of Grow made final proof on his valuable claim in the northeast part of the county before Comm. Carter. We understand that W. M. A. Burkey, the owner of the famous running horse “Duck Hunter” has matched a race with a fast horse from Ralston, OK and that the race will be pulled off at Cheyenne in the near future. The streets of Cheyenne are receiving the attention of the road overseer and the main streets are being graded and put in good condition. Oscar Galloway now has the road in good shape from Current Creek (5 miles south of town) to Sayre and as soon as the roads are put in shape from Cheyenne to Current Creek, he will start regular service from here to Sayre with his automobile.


Berlin has a big picnic and barbecue billed for tomorrow, and quite a number from Cheyenne are contemplating attending, as all are aware that Berlin never does things in a half-hearted way and that all attending will have a good time. The farmers in this vicinity are now busy with the harvest of the broomcorn crop. The wet season has made the brush very heavy and of an excellent color and grade, and if the proper care is taken in the handling of the brush, good prices will be had for all that goes on the market. The crop in other portions of the country is short and broom brush is going to be worth money and good money, before the next crop is on the market.


The Cheyenne school building is being overhauled and placed in good shape for the fall term of school. We understand that a substantial fence will be placed around the grounds and other necessary improvements made. Nancy A. Simpson, W.F. Baldwin, Mary Emery, U.S. G. Grant, John B. Foster, Moses Gibbs, A.A. Wilson, Addie Ficklin, William Potter, J.W..Brimley, F.W. Newell, H.Z. Haines, Anthon Maschino, Marian G. Keen, Edward D. Freeman, and A.J. Pea were among those who made final proof on their claims in Roger Mills County before Comm. Carter this last week.


Cheyenne August 20, 1908

Ben Robinson and Miss Hattie Kirby sprang quite a surprise on their many friends Friday evening by very quiet wedding in which they were the contracting parties. Judge E.E. Tracy performed the ceremony.


John Mac Bonner is at Corsicana, Texas for a few weeks’ visit with relatives and friends. Masters Ray and Tom accompanied him and will spend a month with their grandparents at that place. Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Bonner are rejoicing and accepting congratulations of their many friends over the arrival of a fine baby boy on Friday last. John B. Foster of the Durham area; Edward B. Webb, Moses Gibbs and Arie A. Wilson, of Texmo area; were among those who made final proof before Comm. Carter on Saturday last. John R. Monroe is here visiting home folks and numerous other friends. He is employed in the Eagle Mercantile establishment at Chickasha. Jess Black was an Elk City visitor last weekend.


Land values in Roger Mills Co. have trebled within the past five years and land is selling from $10 to $30 per acre. FOR SALE or Trade: one Esty organ, see Mrs. L.A. Beaty. LOST on the road between Rankin and Hamburg and on to Cheyenne, a leather bill purse containing a 5 dollar gold coin. Return to Star Office or E.A. Collins. John H. Osborne and family left Tues. for a three weeks’ visit at Racliff, Georgia. The Baptist Church at this place will conduct a protracted meeting beginning the fourth Sunday in August. A revival meeting is in progress at Custer Bend, with Rev. W.F. Farrar conducting the meeting.


Editor Carter, his wife and Clif are absent this week at Oklahoma City attending the State Republican Convention. From the Texmo Times we learn that J.W. Dillon began work Tues. re-building the church which the windstorm demolished recently. Rev. Gulledge came home Wed. from the MK&T where he, assisted by Rev. Hale of Cheyenne have been holding a meeting. Mrs. S.H. Ludlow had the misfortune of losing one of her fingers. While helping Mr. Ludlow put the sickle in the machine, her hand slipped into the sickle. ANGORA: Last Friday as Ray Shockey was raking hay, he stopped and partially un-hitched to go to the house. He let the tongue down and got on one of the horses, forgetting to unhitch the tugs. The horses became frightened and ran away, throwing Ray under the rake, dragging him quite a distance, and running the rake tongue into the side of one of the horses. Ray was not seriously hurt.


Leonard, the one year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Stovall of Dempsey, died Monday after a long and severe illness. Burial at Dempsey. Broomcorn pulling is in evidence through the country. The crop is generally good. The Tuesday’s rain was followed Wed. and Thursday by good soaking showers, which will be of great benefit to late crops. Sayre Ball Team came over Sunday and played the Cheyennes, the latter winning the game by a score of 20-3. A fair sized crowd witnessed the game. Cheyenne‘s ball team is making a tour of towns east along the railroad. Monday they played Clinton and won by score of 9-3. At Custer City Tuesday and Wed., Custer won both games: Tuesday by a score of 2-0 and Wed. 5-3. They play at Thomas today and Elk City, Friday through Sunday. H.D. Cox has a two seat hack for sale and one good work team. Commissioners Sam Kendall, A.W. Ganaway and G.W. Hutton met July 20. Allen G. Carver, having removed from the Washita township, his office of Justice of the Peace, thereby being vacant, D.T. Thomas was appointed as Justice of the Peace of said township. Autrey Baker trustee and assessor of the Berlin township resigned and R.M. Bell appointed to the vacancy. John Casady returned Mon. from a several days trip to Kansas City, Des Moines and other northern points. Elk City has billed a chautauqua for Sept 1 to Sept 5; baseball games, races, and prominent speakers are promised and will be on hand. The races, ball games and other amusements billed are not usually chautauqua are not usual features but there is one thing certain, Elk always knows how to entertain her visitors and all who take in this affair can count on a good time. T.L. Miller, the efficient manager of the dry goods department at Herring & Young has just returned from the eastern markets where he purchased the largest and most extensive line of goods ever brought to Roger Mills County. Goods are arriving now. William W. Rogers, William M. Rogers and George F. Hogan of the Texmo neighborhood made final proof on their claims. Harry F. Schertzer and C.A.Gould of northwestern Roger Mills made final proof on their claims. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fleming are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine 11 pound baby girl at their residence. Fred Tunnard announces that he will hold a public auction, Wed. Sept 2 to sell a fine line of livestock and equipment.


Cheyenne Star, August 27, 1908

Messrs Moody, Gerlach, Hopkins, Young, Trammell and others have incorporated a new townsite on the old Hopkins Ranch just over the line in Texas and will build a railroad from Canadian to the new town. Surveyors are now in the field locating the line and the promoters have the iron purchased and promise that the road will be in running order in time to move the fall crops. The Santa Fe Road is back of the project and there is no doubt but that the road will be built at once. The new town is located about twenty miles southeast of Canadian and some thirty miles northwest of Cheyenne. With the proper effort on the part of Cheyenne, this road can be extended to Cheyenne and now is the time for our people to get busy. A road from here to Canadian connecting with the Santa Fe mainline at that point, would be a paying proposition and this can now be secured if the proper steps are taken. Let’s take them!


Rev. Farrar the pastor of the Baptist Church at Cheyenne has recently closed a series of meetings at Custer Bend School House. The meeting lasted twenty days and thirty conversions resulted, with twenty three baptisms. Rev. Farrar is holding a meeting at Redmoon this week. A big ball will be given at the old Turner Building Friday evening. Music by Carl Bros. orchestra. Good order will be maintained and all are respectfully invited to attend. Roll, less than 6 miles on a airline from the South Canadian River, which is the north boundary line of Roger Mills County, has the temerity through its advocates to claim to be nearer the center of the county than Cheyenne. There is one good thing. Before the election is pulled off the proper officials have to locate the center of the county. When that is done by proper officials, there will be no question as to where the center of the county is located, and it will not be on the Roll townsite. Ernie Paschal of Rankin had a rather exciting runaway last Friday evening while returning from the series of meetings at the McCaskill School House. The mules ran into a wire fence and turned the buggy over. The occupants of the buggy, Ernie and his two sisters, Misses Ollie and Viola, were considerably bruised but not seriously injured. Rev. Martin has been holding a very successful series of meetings at the McCaskill School House, west of Cheyenne for the last two weeks. Dr. J.P. Miller has just completed a commodious addition to his residence in the south part of town, which will not only be of great convenience but adds materially to the appearance of his property. T.L. Turner is erecting a substantial residence in the south part of town. John C. Casady, who has been the manager of the Crawford Blade for the past two years, goes to Arnett, the new county seat of Ellis County, this week, where he will take charge of the mechanical end of the Arnett Leader. There is hardly a day passes but some farmer asks us where they can secure stock water for their teams while trading in town and when informed that they have to go to the wagon yards or to some private well for that purpose, their remarks are not complimentary to the public enterprise of the town and its inhabitants and they are correct. This is a matter that should be attended to and at once. The season of the year is now at hand when the products of the country have to be marketed and the town should provide a place where teams could be watered. Talk the matter up, but do it now! Don’t wait until next year! There is nothing that will create a good feeling between the town and its patrons but this one thing. It may look like a small matter to you, but it would not if you had a hot, thirsty team on your hands and no place to water them.


Orville Monroe and Charley McClain were in Elk Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce of Cheyenne were the guests of her sister, Mrs. Ira Hensley. H.O. Hixon has been appointed local agent for the dispensary and the place of L.L. Tackett who resigned. Broomcorn buyers have made their appearance in Elk City and are ready to buy all the brush that comes to market. The ME Church at Rankin, a new building just finished, will be dedicated on Sunday, September 13. Presiding Elder Doty will deliver the dedication sermon. Jeff Crawford and his wife of Rankin were in town Tues. trading. Jeff had just returned from a two weeks trip in southwestern Missouri and is well satisfied with prospects in this portion of the country, claiming that crops are better here than anywhere he was on his trip. Mann Casady presented the Star office with some homegrown apples last Sat. that are regular beauties and forever settles the question as to this part of Oklahoma being an apple country. Our German friend, Nick Massard, presented the Star force Tues. a basket of the finest grapes that has ever been our pleasure to see in this country, and in fact they would pass muster in any country. Nick knows how to grow things of this kind and has one of the best general fruit farms in this neck of the woods. There will be a big picnic at the iron bridge northeast of town on Fri and Sat. A big time is promised to all attending. William Dutner of the Rome neighborhood made final proof on his claim. His witnesses were Arthur Brooker, Herman Reiseman. James A. Robinson of Rome also made application for his final proof. John Stahl of Elk City was a Cheyenne visitor this week. John is now invested in Elk City Packing Company which is the largest concern in that line between Oklahoma City and Amarillo, Texas. Burt C. Smith of Hammon was transacting business with the land comm. on Tues. Ed Keen returned from Ft. Worth, Texas Wed., where he had been with a carload of hogs. He reports receiving good prices, his stuff bringing the top of the market.


Cheyenne Star, September 3, 1908

Parties are now in the field locating the right of way and making preliminary survey for a line of road from Clinton up the Washita valley in this direction. Surveyors have located the preliminary survey as far as Butler. Taken in connection with the survey and location of the road from Canadian, Texas in this direction, the prospects now look flattering for Cheyenne to secure this line. Rumor has it that these two projects are being worked co-jointly, and this proves true there is no doubt that the line will be built from Clinton, OK to Canadian, TX. On Thursday night last unknown parties attempted to hold up and rob the Cooperative Store at Berlin and during the holdup, T.B. Crawford, bookkeeper of the store was shot, and it is thought fatally wounded. About ten o’clock that night, two men entered the store where Crawford was alone working on his books, and purchased cigars, giving a dollar for payment thereof. Mr. Crawford passed to the rear of the store and opened the safe for the purpose of making change. Just as he opened the safe, one of the men passed behind the counter toward the safe in a threatening manner. Crawford grabbed him and while pushing him backward away from the safe, the man opened fire and fired three shots, only one of which took effect. The bullet from a .38 caliber revolver struck Mr. Crawford in the left side and passed through the lower part of both lungs. Immediately after the shooting the robbers mounted their horses and fled in the direction of Elk City. They secured nothing and seemed to be intent in only getting away. An alarm was immediately sounded and outlying towns notified to look out for the desperados. Pursuit was immediately made from Berlin and the men were trailed several miles east where the trail was lost. Several suspected parties were arrested Sun and Mon. and at this time the officials have four parties in jail at Cheyenne, and will hold same until the matter is cleared up. The officers are confident that the parties that are under arrest, if not the parties who did the shooting, know more of the affair than they have so far told, and will hold them until they tell all they know. Two horses on which the supposed robbers were to have made their escape, in the area of Doxey on the morning after the holdup and are being held by the officers. The horses showed signs of hard riding. Mr. Crawford is dangerously injured and while he has been resting very well, there is small hope of his recovery. John Monroe left Fri. for Chickasha. H.F. Young and Ira Hensley arrive Sun for a week’s fishing trip near Cheyenne. Charles Shufeldt and his father delivered three carloads of cattle to Elk City Fri. night. They ship to Kansas City on Sat. John H. Osborne and family returned Sat. from extended visit to old home in Tennessee. The family is now spending a few days with Mr. Osborne’s father at Miami, Texas. H.D. Cox returned from Elk City Sun. Mrs. Cox, who is at that place under the care of physicians, is reported as getting along nicely and will soon be able to return to her home. Melissa A. Woolard of the Brantley area and William G. Collins of Carpenter made final proof. Thomas Halwacek informs us that he will open a first class harness shop in Cheyenne in the near future, having purchased the necessary stock and machinery. He will carry a first class line of goods and will repair harness and manufacture to order. Ferry H. Phenis and Burrell Adams of Durham were Cheyenne visitors on Sat. and Mr. Phenis made final proof. Herring & Young have refitted and improved their gin at this place and will be able to handle the cotton crop when that fleecy staple is ready for the market. L.W. Pate and wife left Wed. morning for their old home in Missouri where they will spend several days visiting relatives and friends. John Austin of Durham made final proof.


Cheyenne Star, September 10, 1908

There were several parties from the northeast part of the county in Cheyenne examining the court house recently. They have been told that the court house was in deplorable condition but after their examination, decided that the source of their information was talking through his hat. They were convinced that the man had made the statement striving to get the tax payers to get a $40,000 court house at Roll, so that he might be able to make the few town lots that he owned, worth more money; while he stood still and let the taxpayer’s money build the court house. W.T. Hollis and his partner Mr. Lindley have purchased residence lots in the north part of town and will erect commodious dwellings in the near future. Lafe Anderson has his new residence in the east part of town completed and ready for occupancy.


There is not a day passes without we are asked if there are any vacant dwelling houses in Cheyenne and the replay is invariably “No”. It would be a paying investment for someone to erect a number of tenement houses. Miss. Maude Black has purchased the millinery from Miss Violina Miller, and will leave in a few days for the markets to lay in her fall and winter millinery. Fred Tunnard is tearing down and removing the old lean-to on the west side of the mercantile company building. We have not learned whether he will build on the ground being vacated. C.O. Gause has purchased the Miller Livery Barn and will run a first class livery and feed barn at this old stand. He intends to put in several new rigs and will continue to run the daily hack run between Cheyenne and Sayre. Henry Hudson is at work this week giving the public school building a badly coat of paint which adds greatly to its appearance. B.D. Cooksey will handle a new line of books provided for by the last legislature and is expecting to receive his supplies at once. At a meeting held at the office of Mitchell and Grim o Monday evening a commercial club was organized with the following membership: S. Jackson, A.G. Gray, A.H. Carter, E.L. Mitchell, W.J. Hale, J.C. Thornton, E.C. Winfred, J.M. Evans, J.T. Cronin, R.M. Turner, W.W. Lee, S.A. Elliott, W.T. Bonner, W.T. Hollis, H.D. Cox, J.E. Vines, J.W. Dobbs, Milo Burlingame, E.M. Black, F. Turner, and the following officers elected: President E.L. Mitchell, Treasurer A.G. Gray, Secretary A.H. Carter. The club is organized to work to the best interests of Cheyenne and Roger Mills County, and its aim will be to promote and foster any and all things that will be to the interest to this portion of Oklahoma. The installing of a sufficient water supply for stock and the location and building of a public watering place in town was first taken up and a committee appointed. Funds have been secured to erect the tank and R.M. Turner, S. Jackson, Ben Bynum and Oscar Casady were appointed and instructed to have the same erected at once.


T.F. Smoot and wife of Rankin were in town Wed. and while here Mr. Smoot had his subscription advanced one year. C.D. Hundley and wife of Hamburg who have been in the mountains of NM for the past several weeks for Mrs. Hundley’s health, returned last week and we are glad to say that Mrs. Hundley is much stronger than before the trip. There will be a two days picnic at the Hasbrook Grove at the head of Nine Mile on Saturday and Sunday. Prominent speakers will be present. A Socialist speaker has been holding forth to small audiences at the court house for the past two or three nights. A.C. Wilson and Enos Swindle of Hamburg were transacting business in Cheyenne yesterday.


An automobile loaded with sportsmen from Lawton and Hobart passed through Cheyenne on Sunday afternoon headed for the northwest on a prairie chicken quest. T.B. Crawford who was shot in the attempted holdup in the store at Berlin is getting along fine and the prospects are all in favor of his recovery. Word has just been received here Monday that two parties have been arrested at Amarillo Texas. Investigation is being made as to their probably guilt and officers have gone to look into the matter. The parties who were arrested shortly after the shooting are still being held in jail here pending examination. Miss Willie Beaty left this week for Weatherford where she will attend school this coming winter. The road on the half section line leading north from Cheyenne is being opened this week. This, when the river is bridged will place the river on high ground and a great benefit to all who travel in that direction. For the present, a good ford will be made at the river and in a very short time, it is the intention of the county commissioners to place a substantial iron bridge across the river on this line. John Kepley of the Texmo neighborhood was in town yesterday.


A three-cornered scrape was pulled off on main street last Friday and the Co. Judge seemed to take the idea that all or none were to blame; so he judiciously fined all parties concerned. The contest case of Chester Koontz vs. Dudley Collier involved land northeast of Cheyenne went on trial before A.H. Carter on Monday last. The charge was abandonment and the defendant made default. Smokey Joe Miller shot and killed J.C. Marquez, a saloon keeper at Durand, New Mexico a few days ago. Marquez shot Miller through the right shoulder and hip. Smokey was special officer in the employee of the Southwestern Railroad Company at Durand where Marquez was shooting up the town and terrorizing the citizens. Marquez opened fire on Miller with the result above mentioned. It is not thought that Miller’s wounds will prove fatal. Smokey Joe was one of the pioneers of this part of the country and was one of the old time cowpunchers of Roger Mills Co. in the early day. Ran Bull opened a black-smith shop. A Mr. Williams who had been living on the Bonner place west of town(old John Wesner place) and who went to Ft. Cobb for medical treatment some three weeks ago, died at that place Wednesday.


Cheyenne Star, September 17, 1908

Mrs. L.W. Pate has just returned from the eastern markets with a full and complete line of fall and winter millinery, including all the latest designs and shapes and trimmings, a full line of plumes, flowers, and all shades of ribbons. September term of district court convened on Monday and the grand jury was impaneled composed of the following: N.R. Monroe, Foreman; Walter Libby, J.H. Hightower, F.S. Margrave, H.T. Smoot, J.H. Vosburg, W.J. McClaskey, W.H. Clem, C.P. Conner, J.T. Staton, A.P. Wood, J.W. Cooper, A.Thurston, O.F. Hines, J.W. Cain, J.T. Jerringer, H.M. Coffey, A.W. Thompson. A motion by the state for the transfer of the case of State of Oklahoma vs. J.W. Dobbs was overruled and case ordered for trial. The state of Oklahoma vs. W.P. Price was ordered transferred to Beckham County. The following were granted citizenship according to the naturalization laws of the United States: E.Bretz, C. Richert, C N. Peterson, Julia Schmidt, & L. Morger. A little three year old baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Perkins of this place swallowed a watermelon seed on Sunday evening last, the seed lodging in his windpipe and finally passing into his lungs. On Monday evening, an operation was performed by Drs. Tedrowe and Gregoire, but it was too late to give relief and the little sufferer passed away Tuesday morning. The remains were interred in the Cheyenne Cemetery.


The criminal case of State of Oklahoma vs. James W. Dobbs, for the killing of W.M. Branch at Sayre some two years ago is now being tried in the district court and will take the balance of this week. The county prosecution is represented Co. Atty. Mouser, Claude Weaver, Charles Thatcher and Atty. Tomme. The defendants’ attorneys were John B. Harrison, R.B. Forrest, Charles Swindle and Atty Hoover. The following jurors were impaneled to hear the cause: W.A. Blanton, J.H. Crouch, J.J. Little, G.W. Wiley, James Platt, D. Gillespie, O.L. Britt, M.E. Bauman, A.A. Stranahan, C.C. Forgey, A.J. Scovill, Kirby Little. The case is being contested on every point and a verdict is not expected until the last of this week or first of next. The Commercial Club of Clinton which is back of the shortline railroad northwest up the Washita Valley to Butler have taken up the matter of extending that road on to Cheyenne and ultimately to Canadian, Texas. There is no doubt but that this road is a sure fact as far as Butler and if given the proper encouragement, it will be built on to Cheyenne.


The capitalists at Canadian Texas have completed the arrangements for a road from that place to the new town site at the old Hopkins Ranch. With a road from Clinton to Cheyenne, it will only take a little effort to close the gap from here to connect with this road from Canadian. This is the most feasible project for a railroad that has ever been presented to the people of Roger Mills County, and it is not a windbag proposition.


Among the schools to open this week is the Sunny Point School with Miss Nellie Aerney as teacher. Miss Myrtle Repass will teach at Grimes, the school opening next Monday. The broomcorn market still remains firm, prices ranging from 40 to 50 dollars a ton depending on quality. This is for delivery at the railroad. B.D. Cooksey left Monday for several days’ visit at Oklahoma City and other eastern Oklahoma points.


Richard Hay, 7 miles northwest of Cheyenne, sold several bales of broomcorn on the Elk City market. Miss Goldie Miller has accepted a position with Hollis & Lindley, the new merchants at the old mercantile stand, beginning work on Monday last. Mrs. Lena Atkins of the Hamburg area, who gave the merchants of Elk City a touch of high financiering last summer, and secured some cash from the banks and business men of the town on fraudulent was found guilty at District Court at Sayre last week and fined $100 in costs.


Tom Hollis of Hollis & Lindley is in Oklahoma City this week laying in a fine winter stock. Frank Alexander who was under indictment in this county for an assault on Monroe Yandell, was convicted at the term of District Court at Sayre last week. Miss Carey Fields opened her fall term of school at Red Rock on Monday morning last with a large attendance. She taught at this place last spring term and has the confidence and esteem of both pupils and patrons.


Co. Commissioners at their meeting last week set the levy for county at 8 mills on the dollar which will raise $33,760.00 for the running expenses of the county. Broomcorn brush is going through town in route to the railroad by the dozens of wagon loads. The brush is extra heavy and of good quality this season, and on account of a shortage of the crop, is bringing a good price. A.S. McKinney returned from Nevada on Thursday last. He brought in a car load of extra good horses, which he will sell at this place, and if you are needing a good work or ridding team, it will pay you to look at these animals before purchasing. C.O. Gause, who recently purchased the Miller Livery Barn, has added much to the appearance of the property by giving the same a free coat of paint.


LOST: Between town and Custer Bend Schoolhouse, a pocketbook containing a ring, key and money. Liberal reward for return to Noah Phillips, 9 miles northeast of Cheyenne.


Cheyenne Star, September 24, 1908

The case of W.P. Price Vs. Territory of Oklahoma comes up on appeal before the state Criminal Court of Appeals at Guthrie on Friday, October 1. This is the case that was tried at Cheyenne some two years ago and at which time W.P. Price was convicted and sentenced to serve four years in the penitentiary of the killing of Wood Yandell. Price has been out on bond pending the appeal. H.D. Cox sold last week M.M. Lester two quarter sections north of town containing 320 acres for $11,000.00. These are two of the best river bottom farms in this vicinity and are well worth the price paid. The case of the Territory of Oklahoma vs. James W. Dobbs which was on trial all of last week, in which the defendant was under indictment for the killing of Walter M. Branch at Sayre on June 22, 1907, was given to the jury on Saturday evening last. At 9:00 Sunday morning the jury returned into court with a verdict of “Guilty of Manslaughter in the First Degree” and reported that they were unable to agree upon the punishment which left it to be fixed by the judge. On Monday morning the defendant was arraigned for sentence and the judge, in a very feeling manner, sentenced the defendant to a term of 15 years in the penitentiary. Notice of appeal was given and the bond was fixed at $10,000.


We printed bills this week for the public sale of W.P. Graham which will be held at his place northwest of Dempsey, Wed. September 30. J.L. Warren dropped into the Star Sanctorum on Friday last and jingling two big round dollars on the editor’s desk and said, “Send her along at that extent and when it runs out, call me up by phone.”


Miss Teresa Finch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Finch, of near Cheyenne has returned to a teaching position in the El Reno school system following two months visit to Memphis, Tennessee with her sister, Mrs. C.W. Friend. Dr. Medford a resident of the Prentiss area died at Cheyenne on Wednesday last and will be buried in the Cemetery at this place today. The doctor had been in Kansas City under medical treatment for some time and came to Cheyenne several days ago as a witness in the Dobbs’ case. He was an old soldier and had been in feeble health for some time.


Milo Burlingame and wife made a trip to Elk City this week. The trial of Ran Wood, charged with the murder of Jess Hungate has occupied the entire time of the District Court this week being given to the jury Wednesday evening late. This is the killing that occurred in the eastern part of the county some 6-7 months ago and was the outcome of the difficulty between Ira Woods and the deceased the night previous to the killing. The state was represented by Co Atty. Mouser and Atty. Clifford of Oklahoma City, and the defendant by Gilkerson and Tracy of Elk City and Charles D. Peck of Clinton. The plea of self defense of the defendant while the prosecution claimed that Wood was the aggressor and on the altercation which resulted in the killing of Hungate. At 10:00 this morning the jury returned a verdict of “Guilty of Manslaughter in the First Degree” and fixed the punishment at confinement in the state penitentiary at hard labor for 16 years. Motion for new trial was filed and will be taken up at sometime this week. As we go to press this morning, a jury is being impaneled to try David A. Koontz for the killing of J.W. Colbert near Redmoon, nearly two years ago, and it is now thought that this case will occupy the time of the court for the rest of the week.


The roads, especially those leading north of Cheyenne, need attention badly and should be attended at that at once. The Day County Progress, published at Grand, in the new county of Ellis, ceased publication on Thursday last, the reason being that the county seat having been removed to Arnett, there was no reason for a paper at Grand and also that the editor, A.L. Squire, who had been in the harness for a number of years, needed a rest.


The contest case of Dawkins vs. Brauchi, involving land southeast of town was on trial before U.S. Comm. Carter on Monday last. The charge was failure to reside upon and cultivate the land, and a large amount of testimony was taken.


Rev. Farrar, assisted by Rev. Bennett, an evangelist from Chickasha are holding a series of meetings at the Baptist Church this week. Ward E. Calder, Loewen, John D. Blair, Hugh H. Cozart, all of the north and west part of the county, made final proof on their claims before Comm. Carter Monday. FOR SALE: 75 head of shoats, weigh about 75 pounds. Ollie Swanson, 6 miles west, 2 south of Hamburg.


W.P. Hensley who lives 11 miles northeast of Cheyenne was in town Tuesday and reported the rather mysterious disappearance of his 18 year old son, Ed Hensley. The boy has not been heard from for over two weeks and his parents are greatly worried over his disappearance and very anxious to learn of his whereabouts and will thankfully receive any information as to his present location. No cause or plausible reason can be given for his disappearance as he is a young man with more than ordinary good habits and character. The Ridgeton Telephone Company are now at work putting in a line and boxes between Rankin and Hamburg where they will connect with the Cheyenne and other lines. The Public Schools of Cheyenne opened for the fall and winter term last week. The following is name of teachers and number of pupils: Prof. Moss, principal 34 pupils; Miss Ora Black, 5th & 6th grades 36 pupils; Mrs. Hayes, 3rd & 4th grades, 32 pupils; Mrs. Myrtle Converse, Kindergarten, 1St & 2nd grades, 33 pupils. This makes a total of 135 students, K-6 and four teachers, including the principal.


Cheyenne Star, October 1, 1908

In the trial of David A. Koontz under indictment for the killing of J.W. Colbert, in the District Court last week, the jury was instructed to return a verdict of “Not Guilty” by the Judge after the testimony was all in and the verdict was rendered accordingly. Mr. J.S. Dancer of Oklahoma City is in Cheyenne looking over the town and territory tributary, and if the field looks promising, he will put in an up to date flour mill at this place. The matter will be taken up at a called meeting of the Commercial Club this afternoon.


Orville Monroe, one of the boys in whom Cheyenne takes pride, left Sunday for Mangum where he has accepted a very lucrative position with one of that town’s largest mercantile establishments. Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Kendall are receiving congratulations from their friends over the arrival of a fine baby girl on Sunday morning last. Dr. M.F. Burns, veterinary surgeon, has located in Cheyenne with offices at the Gause Livery Stable. Sam Williams and A.O. Miller, well known to old timers, and who formerly operated saw mills at Nine Mile, Dead Indian, Bois D’arc, Redmoon and Hamburg, have purchased the Farmers Union Gin at this place and will re-fit, repair and operate the same this season. The above named gentlemen also own gins at Erick and other points and will be in good shape to handle all business that may come to them. Charles Calvin Vanderpool, 17 years old died September 25, 1908 and was buried in the Cheyenne Cemetery on September 26.


Several from here had business at Elk City on Monday or at least they claimed it was business that took them to that enterprising city on the Rock Island, but we noticed that all went down took in the circus and seemed to enjoy it too. In fact it took the editor and his wife both to take one little seven year old kid to see the animals and the animals and the clown looked just as good to them as it did to the aforesaid kid. Quite a number from here attended the fair at Elk City last week and all report a big time. George Wayne Graves, 60 years old, died September 26, 1908. The Odd Fellows held the service and he was buried in the Cheyenne Cemetery.


Roger Mills Sentinel, October 8, 1908 as Cheyenne Star was missing this issue

Lon Atwood of Dempsey was in Cheyenne Monday. Joe Wood was here from Ridgeton on Saturday. J.P. Hooper, one of the progressive farmers on the west side, was in the city a few hours Tuesday. Will Brennan near Durham was transacting business in the county seat Saturday. Henry McCaslin and J.M. Harrell of the Shirley country were here Mon. as defendants in a school district boundary dispute before the Co. Commissioners. On Saturday Rev. Farrar administered the ordinance of baptism to 21 persons who had united with the Baptist Church here. S.A.Stauffer departed to visit his son in Chickasha. With two good cotton gins already here and a flouring mill assured, Cheyenne will be a much sought place by the Roger Mills County farmer who has cotton or wheat to sell. Cheyenne citizens have filed their petition with the commissioners asking that an election be called to submit the matter of incorporating the town.


Jim Alcorn of the Packsaddle country in Ellis County, was here Monday. He had just returned from Elk City where he had taken hogs to ship. Will Slack, one of our progressive farmers and stockmen near Roll, shipped a carload of fine hogs to Ft. Worth last week. Grace Sherbern of near Rankin died at the residence of Dr. Gregoire here on Monday of locked bowels. She was about 16 years old and had been living with her mother on their farm. They formerly lived in Chicago to which place the body was shipped for internment. The new flouring mill will be built on the lots just east of the where the corn mill now stands. The corn mill will be operated in connection with the new mill. Farmers in this county will plant an increase of wheat this fall.


A new music room will be built on the southwest corner of the school house block, the old music room having been converted into a domestic science department of the public school. Farmers from the north are traveling the new road into Cheyenne. The Co. Commissioners are arranging to build a new bridge across the Washita which will add to the desirability of the new road. Milo Burlingame returned Sunday from a business visit to Shattuck. He was accompanied on his return trip by Mark Fenter of Grand who went on to Oklahoma City to take treatment for his eyes. Honorable R.E. Echols was here Monday looking after matters in county court. Next week he will begin a series of joint debates with a Socialist. The first meeting will be held at Berlin Monday night. T.H. Bellamy of the Nine Mile country was in town Monday, and while in town called to chat a while with the Sentinel. He is a native of Kentucky and is more than 80 years old. He expects to vote for Bryan next month.


The masons are without a meeting place, their lease on the Dobbs Building has expired. Now would be a good time to build that new Masonic Building. Will Keen writes us from Lebanon, Tennessee that he has entered Law School at that place and orders the Sentinel sent to that address. A letter from J.J. Moore orders the Sentinel sent to him at Garlington, Oklahoma. In company with David Hogg of this county, he is appraising school land out in old Beaver Co. W.M. Brooks of the mercantile firm of Denton and Brooks at Roll was in Cheyenne Saturday enroute home from Sayre. Mrs. Ethel Mitchell and children returned Saturday from near Roll where she had been visiting his brother, J.H. Madden this past week. George Watkins, G.T. Dawson, S.J. Cornett and Pate Phillips, citizens of Bar X Township, were here Monday in a school district matter which was considered in the commissioners’ court. Pate Phillips, one of our old time Day County friends, called Mon. Pate is one of the pioneers and has a general store at Shirley and also conducts a fine stock farm.


Miss Mae Cunningham has been appointed County Court Clerk by Judge Tracy and this week she assumed the duties of the position. Austin Goode who has been with the Cotton Exchange Bank at Texmo the last twelve months, has been made cashier of the Crawford Bank. Herman V. Guernsey and Miss Nannie Vanderpool of this place were married Tuesday by Rev. W.F. Farrar. The marriage took place at the home of the bride’s parents. They will make their home in Cheyenne. Since the beginning of school, attendance has increased and there are 183 pupils, K-6 and four teachers. Miss Ora Black is making preparation to organize a basketball team among the girls at school. Of course, there is some expense, but it is only 20 cents for each girl. The Board is trying to stop travel across the playground, the boys section is in good shape but the girls section is torn up by continual travel.


Cheyenne Star, October 15, 1908

The qualified American who doesn’t vote in an election is politically a delinquent and a shirk. He accepts the advantages of citizenship and refuses its obligations. If this kind should grow and become common, the government would fall to pieces, because it is based on the interest and participation of the whole electorate. Voting is a high privilege. The right has been acquired by infinite hardship and shedding of blood. A foreigner acquainted with American History could hardly conceive that there could be any citizen so dull so as lightly to esteem what has been so hardly won.


In the case of the state vs. Fred Tunnard for having liquor in his possession with intent of disposing was on trial in the County Court this week. The jury found Fred guilty and assessed a fine of $150 and a jail sentence of 60 days. The case was appealed. B.R. James wants 25,000 bushels of shucked corn. He will pay the highest cash price delivered in Cheyenne. Dr. Maurice Buschbaum has been commissioned First Lt. on the medical staff of the U.S. The Lieutenant’s many friends are gratified at this recognition of his ability and standing.


Messrs Godman, Lamb and others from Cliton were here yesterday looking out a feasible route for the projected railroad from Clinton up the Washita Valley. They were well pleased with the route so far, and stated that the route will be located in a short time.As soon as the route is located, they state that they will then have a proposition to make to our people. Mrs. A.L. Burtnett living in the Rankin area received the sad intelligence on Sunday last that her oldest son, Clarence Arthur Burtnett, apprentice seaman, at the Navy Yard at Puget Sound, Washington, had been killed at that point by a caving of a bank of dirt where he was at work. Clarence will be well remembered here as he resided in the Rankin area quite a while before he re-enlisted in the Navy some few months ago. What makes the accident doubly sad was the fact that his mother had received a letter from him, written the day before his death, in which he informed her that he would receive his discharge within a few weeks and that she could look for him home in the very near future. H.C. Walker and Miss Dicey Jones of the Rome area were married at the Methodist parsonage on Thursday afternoon last, Rev. Hale officiating. Both are well known and popular young people of the northern part of the county and have the best wishes of their numerous friends for a pleasant and prosperous journey through life. The box supper was well attended and a most pleasant time was had by all at the Court House. The receipt amounted to $49 and will be used to improve the ME parsonage. T.C. Moore’s residence is nearing completion and will be comfortable as well as attractive. Mrs. M.F. Osborn of Marion, Kansas is visiting the residence of George W. Dodgion. Mr. M.F. Osborn has recently purchased the Tubbs farm west of town and Mrs. Osborn is looking after the new building which they will erect on this place. There will be a box supper at the Washita School House, 6 miles northwest of Cheyenne on next Friday night, Oct 16, 1908. This is for the benefit of the ME parsonage. We printed sale bills for P.H. Wolfrum of the Rankin area on Saturday last. The sale will be held at his place on Friday, Oct. 16. Judge C.S. Gilkerson of Elk City was looking after interests of his various clients at the court house on Monday and Tues. J.C. Hendricks was up from Sayre looking after matters in the county court.


Cheyenne Star, October 22, 1908

L.A. Anderson has purchased the Star Meat Market from J.W. Dobbs and will continue to run the same in a first class style. Fresh and smoked meats always on hand. He will pay the highest market price for fat cattle and hogs. Arapaho won the county seat election in Custer County last week, winning over Clinton by a 600 majority.


R.N. Higgins and wife and Miss Irene Tanner are at Enid this week attending the grand lodge of the order of Rebekahs. Miss Irene will go from there to Oklahoma City where she will enter school for a full course in elocution. All contracts and agreements for the railroad northwest from Clinton have been executed and it is a matter of but little time until active work will commence. That is, it will be but a few days until dirt will commence to move on the grade.


Bob Trammell has purchased the Pierce residence property in west Cheyenne, he having to vacate the Guernsey property where he had been living, as Herman Guernsey has concluded that he is needing the house formerly occupied by Bob.Mr. and Mrs. Yarbrough are receiving the congratulations by friends over the recent arrival of a fine baby girl. F.E. Tanner has opened a stock of harrass in the room adjoining Hollis and Lindley. They will carry a full stock and manufacture to order. J.J. Bridges today brought to this office, two large turnips of his own raising. The largest being over 22 inches in diameter.


Cheyenne Star/ Roger Mills Sentinel, October 29, 1908

Next Tuesday the state has an opportunity to vote on the sale of school lands. In an altercation in the Dead Indian neighborhood on Sunday last, William Johnson and seriously injured Emmett Hall. Both reside in that area and are well known young men. Johnson is in jail under $2500 bond for the offense, and to await a preliminary examination which will not be held until it is seen how seriously how all are injured. At the time of going to press, Mr. Hall is resting easily with good chances for recovery. We did not learn what was the cause of the trouble that resulted in the cutting scrape.


Some of the promoters of the town site of Roll who are responsible for the calling of the election to permanently locate the county seat of this county, have had their ear to the ground and after hearing the rumblings of discontent over the expense that the taxpayers will be put to over this election, are now advocating and trying to stop the holding of the same. Gentlemen, you should have thought of this matter before now as it is too late to call off the matter.


J.T. Rankin and M.B. Coe of Rankin were in town Tues. and report that the telephone line from that point to Hamburg nearing completion. They will connect with the Hamburg-Cheyenne line at the former place. Miss E.R. Bretz made final proof on her claim near Rankin and also presented final proof on her father’s place as one of the heirs. James L. Stanton of Harrington made final proof on his valuable claim in the western part of the county this week. His witnesses were: William Bollinger, Robert Tweety. Charles S. Bean, Grant McColgin of Rankin, Addie Bright of Berlin, Neftie Echart of Rankin and George W. Hollen also made final proof on their land. A.G. Gray is transacting business at Elk City this week. Cotton is beginning to come in quite freely. We are informed that this fleecy staple is opening up nice this past week. Squire Casady went out into the Rankin area Sunday and joined Sam Dykes and Miss Ora McCaskill, prominent young people of that locality. N.A. Caton was re-appointed clerk of the Dewey Township. J.H. Hightower was appointed assessor of the Berlin Township. J.E. Vines received $37 for burying a pauper. Bufford Patterson announces that he has his new barn completed and is prepared to do a general feed and sale business. Boarding horses will receive the best of care and horses left for sale will receive his careful attention. The firm will be better known as Patterson’s Hoss Hotel & Sale Stable.


Tom Hollis is erecting a neat cottage on the hill and will soon be at home in his own domicile. W.A. Adams of Brantley was in town Tues. and Wed. attending a meeting of the County Election Board. J.A. Moad was unable to attend this meeting on account of ill health. G.W. Calvert, a prosperous farmer residing near town brought in a fine specimen of corn grown on his farm. Taylor’s Ice Cream Parlor has 200 bushels of fine red apples and 1000 pounds of fine candy. Henry Baker and Henry Flewelling of Crawford were in Cheyenne yesterday. C.H. Hadsell, the postmaster of Crawford was in Cheyenne last Sat. He informed us that Don Roberts will succeed him as postmaster at Crawford this week. R.R. Wilson of Roll was here Mon in route home with his daughter, who has been in the hospital at Elk City for more than two months. She has typhoid fever and is just now able to be brought home. Curt White and Jim Hughes of Durham were transacting business in Cheyenne Monday. Several lively drunks were reported this week as a result the school fund is growing.


Dr. Buschbaum will be stationed at Ft. Russell, Wyoming as Lt. Surgeon in the U.S. Army. J.E. Vines has again leased the Cox Grist Mill and will grind after Nov. 1. He will pay highest cash price for shell corn. Mr.and Mrs. B.D. Cooksey are receiving congratulations on the arrival of a fine 10 pound baby boy. J.R. Emerson, the old reliable meat cutter, is now in charge of the knives and cleaver at Anderson’s Meat Market.


Cheyenne Star, November 5, 1908

The Clinton, Oklahoma and Western (COW) Railroad Company was organized today with headquarters at Clinton and has applied for a charter. The incorporators are Col. C.C. Godman, Ft. Smith; T.J. Nance, C.H. Lamb, E.A. Humphrey, J.T. Bradford all of Clinton. This road is being advocated and promoted from Clinton to Canadian, Texas and thence west to Colorado Springs and will undoubtedly pass through Cheyenne. This is the best prospect that Cheyenne has ever had to secure a railroad and it goes without saying that the town and surrounding county will do its part toward landing the proposition. An election has been called for the incorporation of the town of Cheyenne and the 24th day of November set for the holding of same. Mrs. Ed Tracy is at Muskogee this week attending the annual meeting of the State Baptist Assoc.


William Johnson who was arrested and in jail for the cutting of Emmett Hall was released on bond Sat. A box supper will be held at the Dead Indian Schoolhouse Friday night of this week and all are cordially invited to attend. The proceeds will be used in the purchasing of an organ for the use of the Sunday School and church.


J.E. Vines has leased the Cox Grist Mill and will grind after November 1. Supt. Moore informs us that he has had a well put down on his lots on Auburn Heights and traveled to Durham Monday for the election. Most of the boys up there vote the Democratic ticket. Jim Bull of near Crawford was in town Sat. John Casady came down from Arnett Mon. and remained over to vote. W.C. Donaldson is the proprietor of the Farmers Wagon Yard in Cheyenne. Rev. Farrar has returned from the Baptist State Conv. at Muskogee. J.M. Bonner of Elk City was in Cheyenne Sunday. G.W. Redwine of Roll was in Cheyenne Mon. W.F. Wilmoth of Durham was in the city a few hours on Mon. on business. The Co. Commissioners will let the contract on building the bridge at the Washita River on the half-section line between SE ¼ and SW ¼ of Sec 5-13-23 on Nov. 2, 1908. (Bridge north of town) R.B. Jones from the Rome country on Friday announcing a birth of a 10 pound girl born at his home. Sam Kendall of Rome was here Fri. on business. J.R. George of the Hamburg vicinity was in the city Sat. J.L. Ivy, Inspector of Election for the Roll precinct was in town Sat. to get his quota of election supplies. Judge J. Holeman of near Durham was here several days last week getting acquinted with the people. Ed Moeller of Hamburg was here last Fri. He says that the citizens out his way are to build a telephone line to Cheyenne. J.R. Dodson of Durham area was here Mon. Both gins in Cheyenne are operating. Supt Moore and family have moved into palatial residence in east Cheyenne. A.S. McKinney returned last Friday from the northwest bringing with him a bunch of fine horses which he is selling to the citizens of this locality.


Cheyenne Star, Roger Mills Sentinel November 12, 1908

The election is over and according to the victors, the country has been saved again; while the vanquished are just as certain that the country has gone to the “damnation bow wows”. Anyway, the election is over and all the argument of either you or I can do will not change the results. The country is in good shape and it behooves us to get busy for a bigger and greater Cheyenne. Miss Maud Black, with her first class and up to date millinery stock is now located in the room formerly occupied by Dr. Bushbaum, next door to the telephone office.


The Torrens Land System of perfecting land titles carried by a large majority in the recent election and now the Indian of old Indian Territory can be robbed of his land in good shape.


What are your boys and girls reading? They are bound to read something. They will read trash unless you give them something better that is equally interesting; give them the Youth’s Companion.


Stonewall and Mrs. Jackson are in Oklahoma City this week. The Elk City packing plant was destroyed by fire, the loss being over $10,000 with but light insurance. This is the company in which our old townsman John Stahl, was heavily interested, and all regret to hear of his bad luck. The company will rebuild at once and business will be resumed at the old stand as soon as possible. J.T. Rankin of Rankin, Oklahoma was in town on Tues. evening on his way to Elk City.


Work has actually begun on the railroad up the Washita Valley from Clinton to Butler. This road will be built and it stands Cheyenne to get busy and pull for it. It can be secured if we will work for it and offer the proper incentives. Will we do it?


J.G. Gantz, one of our old Day County friends was here from Clifford. Dr. G.N. White and W.C. Tomlinson of Durham were here Fri. looking after business. J.D. Wood, one of our good friends of Rankin, was in town Tues. T.L. Turner and his wife and children are visiting friends near Texmo. John C. Thornton and E.C. Winford have formed a partnership for the loan and insurance business. Dr. Tedrowe and Dr. Standifer, both well known physicians throughout western Oklahoma, have charge of the new Elk City Hospital. J.F. Wilcox and wife and J.R. McQuigg of Wilcox township were in Cheyenne a day or two this week. An experienced brickmaker who formerly operated plants in southern Kansas says that the best brick dirt in the country can be found in the vicinity of Cheyenne. We understand a movement is being inaugurated to burn brick here next spring.


Cheyenne Star, November 19, 1908

All the classes in Roger Mills County and all persons interested in music are requested to meet at Dead Indian Schoolhouse two miles east and 5 miles north of Cheyenne on the 5th Sunday and Saturday before. All lovers of good music should attend. Signed G.L. Sollers and E.L. Barrett. Rev. Hale who has had the pastorate of the ME church at this place for the past year has been assigned to the Poarch circuit, and will leave for his new place of work and abode in a few days. W.F. Griffey, residing three miles southwest of Cheyenne, had the misfortune to lose his house and contents by fire on Monday afternoon last.


The little village of Durham was a scene of a serious affray on Sat. last. From what can be learned of the affair, trouble had been brewing between Dr. White and W.S. Martin, postmaster at Durham, and in altercation on the date mentioned, Mr. Martin was shot by Dr. White with a small revolver, the bullet striking him in the side, inflicting a serious flesh wound. Dr. White came to the county seat Sunday evening and surrendered to the officers and is now out on $1000 bond awaiting a preliminary examination.


All the girls of the BYPU will give a Mystic Supper and Fish Pond at the court house Tuesday evening, November 24. Remember the election for incorporation.


DURHAM: K.E. Gates had 20 head of his fat hogs taken to market on Sat. They averaged 536 pounds. A piano now adorns the home of Mr. and Mrs. K.E. Gates whose music in the air on “Willow Nook Farm”. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Drip of Roll were in the Durham area Sun. They expect to move to their farm in the near future. S.A. McClure and bride have arrived from Illinois and will make their future home on “the old homestead”.


Mr. David Page of Ohio is teaching the Melrose School, Miss Inez A. Bacon of Kingfisher is at the Creston School. Miss Mae Simpson, Vernon and Charles Simpson will teach at the Durham school.


Everybody is busy shucking corn, some do not feel like yelling “hoorah” since the election, wonder why?


Cheyenne Star, November 26, 1908

Cheyenne took another step forward at the election held on Tuesday last when the question of for or against incorporation was voted upon. Seventy-five votes were cast and seventy were in favor of incorporation. This shows Cheyenne wants progress! An election will be held on December 12 at court house for the purpose of electing the following officers for Cheyenne: One trustee from each of the three districts, A City Marshal, City Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor and a Justice of the Peace. Signed by the Election Inspectors: R.L. Trammell, R.N. Higgins, G.W. Hodges.


Among those who made final proof this week: W.J. Baldwin, L.E. Brooks, William Wells and Ora Austin. Madden Miller is in Oklahoma City attending a meeting of the Shriners being held there. Rev. W.W. Robertson and family are now installed in the ME parsonage. Mr. Robertson preached his first sermon here on Sun. morning last and made a good impression and all his congregation seemed pleased with the way he handled his subject. County Treasurer J.E. Keen refuses to accept checks on banks other than Cheyenne’s for taxes from this date. W.P. Price who was convicted in the District Court in Roger Mills County some two years ago of the crime of manslaughter and sentences to four years in the penitinary, was on Friday last, granted a new trial by the Supreme Court. The court finding error in the instructions given and remanding same and ordering a new trial of the cause. C.B. Trammell of Springville, Arizona, died at the home of his son, Robert Trammell on Sat afternoon last, aged 65 years, he was at his son’s on a visit when he was taken ill. An operation was found necessary and owing to his advanced age and weakened condition, he was unable to recover from the shock. Funeral services were held at the Cheyenne Cemetery after appropriate services by Elder Martin. Nine children survive him, his companion having preceded him to the other shore. Among the living children are Robert Trammell, John Trammell, Mrs. Lucy Guernsey of this county, the other children residing in Arizona. The deceased was one of the earliest settlers of western Texas and had the respect and esteem of all who knew him, and it is with regret that we chronicle his demise.


Cheyenne Star, Dec 3, 1908

H.D. Cox left Monday morning for Kansas City. The ladies of the ME church will serve an oyster supper December 25 at 5:00 p.m. Oysters served any way desired.


The state association of county township trustees have concluded a two day session and from their work is expected will result to the taxpayers of the state. Among the most important requests for laws were the following: Keep public roads clear of weeds, grass and brush. A $2 poll tax for all able bodied men under 50 years of age. Salaries of $3 per day for road supervision by trustees. Road labor by convicts sentenced to more than ten days. Two county roads crossing in center near county seat. Assessment of dogs will help road revenue.


Ira Walters and John T. Rankin of Rankin were transacting business on Monday. Milo Burlingame was transacting business at Canadian, Texas and Shattuck this week. Remember that the election to elect town officers will be held on Saturday, December 12.


Charley McClain will begin in the near future, the erection of a 24 x 80 building on the lot now occupied by the Barber Shop. This building will be used as an amusement hall. It is contemplated fitting it up with stage and seats and will be well lighted. It is thought that he will put in an up to date moving picture outfit. This will be quite an addition to the town and should prove a paying investment. Among those making final proof: Thomas E. Wrinkle, Edgar O. Martin, Albert Johnston of Texmo; Thomas M. Whalen of Durham. Dr. V.V. Grant of Roll has been appointed County Physician and Coroner of Roger Mills County. J.P. Johnson and wife of Dead Indian were in Town Monday.


Miss Ollie Anderson and Miss Elza Bohler of Elk City spent several days visiting relatives and friends in Cheyenne and vicinity this week. Ben Cooksey at the P&O Drugs Store has his display of holiday goods now on the shelf. W.O. Horr passed through town Sun. in route home from a tour of investigation of conditions at the different towns in the county where Cotton Exchange Banks are located.


Friday and Saturday rains have put the ground in good shape for winter plowing and were of inestimable benefit to growing wheat. Ed Keen received the first 44 piece dinner set of fine dishes which are being distributed under the supervision of F.E. Tanner, the harness man. Roger Mills County Sunday School Convention will be held at Roll on December 29 and 30. Write to Mrs. Emma White, Roll, Oklahoma and let her know how many delegates you will send so entertainment can be arranged. Signed Alice Blackburn, President, Grimes, Oklahoma.


Harry Neal and his electric theater left for fresh pastures Friday morning. Harry has a fine moving picture outfit including gasoline engine and electric motors, but while here, he had considerable trouble with his engine and did not get good results at either performance. After he gets his machinery in running order, he will have one of the best outfits on the road.


Cheyenne Star, Dec 10, 1908

Charley McClain, one of our most esteemed fellow citizens stole a march on his many friends by quietly taking unto himself a wife within in the past few days. The bride was Miss Ora Duncan, a handsome and attractive young lady of our town, and is well and favorably known to all the residents of Cheyenne. Charles is pushing the work on his new amusement hall and the building will be ready for occupancy before the holidays. Remember the election for the permanent county seat of Roger Mills County will be held on Tuesday next. While Cheyenne is the only candidate, you may save the expense of another election, if people will get out a good vote this time.


The entertainment at the Odd Fellows Hall on Friday evening last was well attended and the play was enjoyed by all present. Cheyenne has considerable theatrical talent as was plainly shown by the way the participants handled themselves on this occasion. Within the next few days the promoters of the Clinton and Northwestern Railway Company will submit a proposition to the people of Cheyenne. Upon our acceptance or rejection of this proposition, depends whether or not we secure this road. Figure exactly what a railroad will mean to you individually and to the town and country through which it passes. Make up your mind to do all personally and financially that you can possibly do to secure this road, and if we all do that, and pull together the road can and will be built. If you will dig and pull, then before the crops of 1909 are ready for market you will have direct connections by rail with the markets of the world.


B.D. Cooksey’s Drugs Store is in full business in the post office building. Cotton is selling from 8 to 8.5 cents per pound. Dr. V.V. Grant of Roll, has been appointed County Physician and Coroner of Roger Mills Co. The ladies of the Methodist Church will serve an oyster supper December 15 at 5:00 p.m. Oysters served anyway desired. Come and eat with them.


A.S. McKinney will prosecute to the full extent of the law any person hunting on land West of Cheyenne belonging to him.


People who made final proofs this week were: Hannah A. Blevins, William E. Perkins, Kate G. Wallace, Oscar Wayne Cook, Emmett L. Dryden all of Cheyenne; Henry F. Yadon, Berlin; Ossie J. Gould, Harrington; William H. Callahan, Hammon; William F. Crane, Harrington; John E. Cooper, Rankin; Alonzo Cotton, Grimes; Louis L. Ritter, Hammon; Matison A. Mullins, Rankin; Jabez L.M. Curry, Cheyenne.


Cheyenne Star, December 17, 1908

Pupils of the Public Schools will present a semi-comic drama at the Odd Fellows Lodge Room on Friday evening. The proceeds from the entertainment will be used for the purchase of paraphernalia for the installation of a science department at the Cheyenne Public School. Thomas Northup was arraigned before his honor, Co. Judge E.E. Tracy on Wednesday last on a charge of feloniously assaulting one Weager, with a deadly weapon to wit; a pitchfork handle. The trouble occurred in the neighborhood of Durham some three weeks ago and Weager was badly bruised up. Northup was held for his appearance before the next Grand Jury in the sum of $300.


County Officials elected were Trustees S.A. Elliott, G.W. Hodges, T.M. Miller. Marshal John Salyer, Clerk and Assessor, R.N. Higgins.


Over 60 new buildings, residences and business establishments have been erected in Cheyenne in the past twelve months. That is going some for an inland town and during a time of depression. V.B. Grant, M.D. Supt of the Co. Health Board makes an appeal to every person in Roger Mills County to prevent the spread of contagious diseases. Cheyenne won the election over Roll for the County Seat contest in spite of a conspiracy which was formed with the purpose of preventing such. Three Election inspectors were appointed due to illness of those appointed by Gov. Haskell. They were to wit: Sylvester Grim for Lone Star; J.L. McCurry for Churchill; N.R. Monroe for Sunny Point. The county has been put to a big expense for each taxpayer in the county for this election; 1167 people cast votes. 921 voted for Cheyenne to remain the county seat.


The ice cream parlor has 1000 pounds of nice candy for sale for Christmas. All the business houses in Cheyenne agree to close for business on Christmas Day.


Someone with a strong desire for shotgun shells and a very weak faith in the strength of the law, broke one of the show windows at the Herring & Young Building Monday night and by the strength of his good right arm, extracted therefrom numerous boxes of smokeless powder shells and a few boxes of black powder shotgun shells. The boys seemed to think he was an expert on shells as he got all the high priced goods in reaching distance. No clue to the perpetrator has been found. Jack Cronin’s new five room cottage in the west part of town is now in the course of construction and when completed, will be one of the neatest and most commodious residences in our little village. The breaking of the window in the Herring & Young storeroom a few nights ago, has been found to have been the work of three or four young boys ranging from 10 to 13 years of age. Had they been kept off the streets late at night, they would not have gotten into this trouble and their parents would not have been held up to public shame by their acts of vandalism and thievery. One of the first acts for our officers should be passing a curfew law. Andrew Jordan of the Downey neighborhood made final proof on his claim Wed. John E. Leary, who has been quite sick the past two weeks, is able to be downtown now and is strictly ready for business. Misses Volina Miller and Irene Tanner, who have been attending special classes at Epworth University (Oklahoma City University) are at home to remain until after the holidays.


Our public schools closed Friday for the holiday vacation of two weeks. J.C. Hendricks and Charley Miller, both of Sayre were in Cheyenne on Monday. Maude Black advertises ladies’ hats from $2.50 to $6.


Cheyenne Star, December 24, 1908

Roger Mills Co. Sunday School Convention will be held at Roll on Dec. 29 and 30. Appearing on the program, H.B. and Mrs. C. Duncan, Durham; Mrs. A.G. Gray, Cheyenne; Mrs. G. Griffin, Roll; D.O. Cloud, Roll; Mrs. F.W. Allen, Texmo; Mrs. Helen Bryant, Cheyenne; Miss Pearl Singletary, Grimes; Herman Johnson, Berlin; Rev. W.W. Robinson, Cheyenne; Mrs. Alice Blackburn,(Secy) Grimes; Danny Marsh and Thelma Marsh, Miss Nellie Arney, Grimes; Muriel Madden, Miss Joyce Redden, & Thelma Sanders. Beginning Sunday January 3rd a protracted meeting will be conducted. L.W. Pate are out of town spending the holidays. Judge E.E. Tracy is spending a few days in Kansas City this week.


Marriage license: J.L. Griffey to Bennie Mitchell, Rome; H.M. Thomas to Ina M. Asher, Durham; Emmitt Carter to Rosa Bashaw, Hammon; George Edward Walls to Nina Belle Guyer, Crawford; Kenneth Bibbs to Merica Martin, Sayre with Judge Casady officiating.


A grand Christmas ball will be given at the McClain and Jergens Hall on the evening of Dec. 25. Miss Lucille McKinney who has been attending school at Edmond is home for the holidays.


Cheyenne Star, December 31, 1908

The following officers of the AF & AM were installed for the ensuing term. T.M. Miller, Worshipful Master; S.G. Taylor, Sr. Warden; F.O. Leach, Jr. Warden; G.W. Hodges, Treasurer; A.G. Gray, Sec.; J.C. Thornton, Sr. Deacon; E.C. Winfred, Jr. Deacon; W.H. Lee and B.D. Cooksey, Stewards. Royal Arch Chapter, A.S. McKinney High Priest; G.W. Hodges, Captain of Hosts; T.M. Miller, Eastern Star: Mrs. Miller, Worthy Matron; S. Jackson, Worthy Patron; Mrs. Maude Taylor, Assoc. Conductor; Mrs. S. Jackson, Sec.; Miss Evans, Treasurer; T.M. Miller, Sentinel.


Marriage permits: Charles West, Brantley to Lizzie Hogg, Shirley; Ed Fenner to Greta Stanley, Cheyenne; R.B. Fieldner, Rankin to Goldie King, Hamburg; Ed H. Williams, Rankin to Lula M. Garver, Durham. Dr. Allen and Mr. Parks of Texmo were transacting business at Cheyenne on Wed. last. Miss Willie Beaty, who has been attending school at Weatherford, is spending a few days with her parents. Mrs. Milo Burlingame returned Sat. from Oklahoma City. E.L. Mitchell, State Senator and J.L. Paschal, Rep. from Roger Mills Co. left for Guthrie this week and will be on hand at the opening of the coming session of the Legislature. F.E. Tanner and wife are visiting friends and relatives at their old home in Chillicothe, Missouri. Miss Verna Young who has been attending school at Weatherford spent the holidays with her parents. School entertainment on Christmas Eve was a very pleasant affair and all who attending speak in words of the highest praise of the work of both teacher and pupil. Miss Jewel Miller who has been attending school at Ft. Worth has returned for the holidays. W.A. Young returned last week from an extended business trip to Kansas points. W.O. Horr and wife spent the holidays in Cheyenne looking after his varied interests at this place. L.W. Pate and wife returned Wed. from an extended visit to Liberal Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Burlingame left for Canadian where they will remain several days.