Roger Mills Sentinel, June 7, 1917 in lieu of missing Cheyenne Star.

Much interest is being shown concerning the Chautauqua to be given in Elk City this season. The date has been set for June 24-30. The wheat harvest has started in Oklahoma and will be in full swing in the southern counties this week. The wedding of Mr. William Combs, a prominent cattleman of Cheyenne and Irma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Wallace of Cheyenne, was solemnized at the ME Church at this place on Wed. night, June 6, 1917. Mr. Bill and Irma were given the customary cart and donkey ride. Brooks and Company is now paying $15.10 cwt. for hogs. Wheat is $2.50 a bushel on local market. AD: Francis Walker of Strong City is agent for the Ford Universal Car. This car has large radiator and enclosed fan, hood with full streamline effect, crowned fenders, front and rear; black finish and nickel trimmings and a snappy looking car. The runabout sells for $345.00 and a towncar, $595.00 FOB Detroit.

Among county residents in Strong City this last week were: Frank Cole, Hamburg; Dr. C.L. Swimley, Roll; Omer Lucas from north part of county; Frank Ogle, druggist at Roll; Perry Madden, Cheyenne; Hogle Madden, Roll; W.B. Cecil, Fred Gantz, H.R. Wallace, George Lewis, Durham; Jim Vosburg of Dewey township; Jim Smith west of town; John Simpler, here from his ranch; Jeff Howard, registrar of Bar X township; W.A. Adams, Co. Supt. elect of Dewey Township; J.H. Bowden, registrar at Durham; J.L. Ivy registrar at Roll; W.R. Veale southwest corner of county; Charles P. McClain, Cheyenne; Dr. Ebstone, Cheyenne; Jim Kimzey east of town; John B. Tracy, Redmoon visiting D.W. Tracy of this city; Judge Wileman, Cheyenne; Uncle Charles Combs, one of the old timers in from Bar X township; E.N. McGlothlin, near Hamburg; Hoil Banner and J.L. Ivy of Roll; H.I. Witcher, democrat from north part of county; Fred Ogle, postmaster at Durham; John Schellstead, Hamburg; John McKinney, Roll; S. Jackson, Pres. Cheyenne State Bank; Tom Kendall produce man from Cheyenne.

Uncle Sam Kendall of near Roll was a trader in Strong City Wed. He had just received a letter from his son, who had enlisted in the Army a few weeks ago, stating that he was in good health, having plenty to eat and a good place to sleep.

RED TOP ITEMS: Crops are needing rain in this area. Robert Doudy is drilling a well on his ranch east of the Red Top School House for the purpose of watering stock. Mrs. E.S. Taylor of Cheyenne visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Hill last week. Everybody is busy cutting alfalfa at present. Miss Nona Hill is visiting her sister, Mrs. E.S. Taylor of Cheyenne.

HAMBURG ITEMS: It is still awful dry, cold and windy. A good soaking rain would be welcome. Robert Loftin and family of Hood Co. Texas is visiting his brother, H.D. Loftin. W.H. Anderson and T.M. Reynolds passed through Hamburg Mon. Several in the Hamburg singers went down to the Singing Convention last Sun. at the Mammoth School House. Farm work is almost at a standstill as it is too dry and windy to do much. A large crowd from here went to Rankin for Decoration Day. There was a big crowd and had speaking, drilling, singing and a good time in general.

First State Bank of Strong City had a capital of $23,000.00.  

Cheyenne Star, June 14, 1917

In the absence of a Co. Agriculture Agent, Miss Klina Potter has organized a Boys and Girls Club on April 17, 1917 at the Fairview school near Durham, Okla. There are five different phases of work: Boys Corn, Girls Canning, boys and girls pig club, etc. Mr. G.A. Watson has given the club an acre of land to use as a garden. Last Sat. occurred on the streets of our city, a little cutting scrap, in which one of the two boys was seriously injured. Robert Vincent and Jimmy Payne were having trouble and Jimmy Payne drew his knife with the intention of striking Bob; but was intercepted by Ray Butler, who was seriously wounded. The wound is located in the center of the abdomen. It bled but very little externally. Ray is reported to be recovering very slowly.

Cheyenne Star lists the addresses of two of its young men who have volunteered to serve our country in the Army–E.B. Tracy, Dean V. Cross. It appears that a midget mill for Cheyenne is now a sure thing. J.M. Lester is working hard on this proposition and is needing encouragement on every hand. It is almost in the recollection of everyone when people used to take a sack of wheat or corn to the mill and take home flour and meal, but within the more recent years, the American people have been living too fast a gait to do anything of this kind. They have been selling their grain and buying their flour and meal paying several unnecessary profits. The mill may handle the ice plant and other business. J.M. Alexander, a farmer who was about 65 years of age, committed suicide by taking carbolic acid at his home near Sweetwater last Tuesday, after returning from Erick where he had been on business. Mr. Alexander bought the General Feiling farm last winter and planted a crop this spring. Everything seemed to go dead wrong for him–his crop was short and his financial affairs got him into a tangle and he grew despondent after brooding over business matters and at last he decided to end his troubles. On his way home from town, he remarked that he only intended to use about six feet of that sand, but nothing was thought about the remark, until he had taken the poison. He died about three hours after taking it. Mr. Alexander was well liked by his neighbors and no other cause can be attributed for the taking of his own life. He leaves a large family to mourn his death. People doing business here: C.A. Wood, Grimes; George Puryear and Mr. Brittain, Sweetwater; George Males, Lee Hines, R.A. Dickey, J.B. Purcell, Rankin; L.M. Dudney,  John B. Tracy, Redmoon; T.S. Carpenter, Pat Wilson, Hamburg; Arthur Ratliff, Uncle Perry Taylor, west of town; D.H. Laney north of Rankin; J.L. Warren, Croton Creek; W.F. Hart, Moorewood.

J.Miller announces that he will sell all of his black faced sheep at the Mead’s Place at Packsaddle Crossing on the Canadian River between now and the first day of July. These sheep are the finest in the country and all will be sold before the date mentioned. A large crowd of Woodmen in the Rankin area passed through Cheyenne last Sat. evening on their way to Strong City, where they attended a “log rolling” at that place. Mrs. Hugh A Randall and daughter, Cleo have returned from a visit of relatives at Perry, Okla. Mrs. Perry Madden was in Guthrie this week visiting her daughter, Mrs. C.N. Tracy, who is attending a business college there. Alvin Moore as moved his family from the Hodges’ residence in the southeast part of town to the H.B. Dewey residence.

Cheyenne Star, June 21, 1917

Miss Jennie Berry is moving the framed building occupied by Cooksey’s Drug Store and will erect a large brick building on that building site. Rankin is going to celebrate the Fourth of July in an old-fashioned way this year. They are going to have two big days and have secured all the usual attractions that go to make a gala day. The drouth was broken last Tues. when a light rain visited this section and then again on Wed. a heavier rain came in time to save the row crops and revive the grass, which was dying for want of moisture. The wheat crop is now matured and headers are working overtime cutting wheat in every part of the county. The Odd Fellows held a memorial service. About ten days ago, Mr. C.L. Brookway of Iowa came to our town with a view of entering into a contract with the Los Lomas Oil & Gas Co. of this city, to drill a well to the depth of 3500 feet, if necessary.

George Scott resides near Strong City was here on business along with: R.M. Cox, progressive farmer, north of Rankin; Chud Atwood, Grimes; Lester Hunt progressive stock man, west of town; S.K. Robert, Crawford’s popular merchant; O.C. Lucas north of Hamburg; G.L. White; Walter Funston, Prop. of Rankin’s Big Store; D.H. Laney, prosperous stock farmer northeast of Rankin; Jake Bull, Crawford; G.A. Feland, southwest part of County; C.H. Rickett, near Rankin; Ira Walters, Burt Purcell, Fred Barker, Rankin.

Mr. and Mrs. Combs returned last week from extended trip on east side of the state. They were recently married here. A.C. Smith had a saddle stolen from his premises last Thurs. night. Officials think they have a clew that will land the guilty party behind bars. Cheyenne has decided that no kind of entertainment will beat a Chuatauqua and are guaranteed a large sum of money in order that a Chautauqua might be had this year at the county seat town. Farmers from all parts of the county are now talking Chautauqua and are planning on coming to this metropolis on Chautauqua week. Mrs. L.C. Chase spent a few days

in Strong City visiting H. Lloyd Wheeler. O.N. Harris, who is employed in the Stockyard National Bank in Okla. City arrived here yesterday to spend two weeks vacation with home folks. G.W. Thompson and family returned here last week from a trip to Colorado. Mrs. Eli Graves of Vici arrived here last week to spend a few days visiting with her mother, Mrs. Martin, who resides west of town. The Woman’s Home Mission Society of the ME Church met last Wed. afternoon with Mrs. T.L. Miller, President. Uncle Jess Moore is confined to a dark room on account of extreme sore eyes. E.C. Winfred and family returned last week from a week’s visit to Texas.

Roger Mills Sentinel, June 28, 1917 in lieu of missing Cheyenne Star

While the wheat this year will not produce per acre what was produced last year, yet the large acreage will enable this county to produce more wheat than it did last year. The farmers, since cutting their wheat, admit that it is much better than they first thought; and instead of making 3 or 4 bushels per acre, say it will make 8 to 10 bushels per acre. The price is much better this year than last. Wheat started out last year at less than a dollar, and this year the market has opened at $2.15.

EDENVIEW ITEMS: Every-body is feeling fine over the rains this past week. Lightening visited the T.L. Johnson home last Sat. but no damage done. Edenview has organized an anti-thief lodge. Oliver Jencks has been working by Herring this week.

ROLL NEWS Farmers are busy harvesting their grain this week. Dr. Grant is visiting friends in Roll this week. He says crops are fine in the Miami country. Mrs. Nathan Mouser of Cheyenne is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Ivy for a few days. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Porter, June 23, a fine boy. Dr. Swimley and boys made a business trip to Strong City. Mr. and Mrs. McNaught visited in Strong Tuesday.

STRONG CITY NEWS: Hogs are in great demand. J.H. Kendall SS Supt in Strong City Baptist Church. Frank Kendall returned Tues from a trip to Okla. City. Mrs. D.W. City has been on the sick list the last few days, and doing better. Mrs. Leonard Hays of this city left Sun. for a visit with a sister-in-law, Mrs. Dr. Dodd at Hobart. Ben Heyer of this city returned Tues. from a visit to his old home in Missouri. J.S. Mullen of Durham was in the market town Wed. with a load of hogs. Fred Hensley of Roll was here as well as:  Rev. L.M. Small of east of town, “General” Hall of east of town; T.L. Byers, leading democrat of Crawford, J.A. Cofer, prosperous from southeast of town; Will Pankey, A.D. Hoover, prosperous farmers from near Roll; J.D. Beals from north part of county; Jim Vosburg and Supt elect W.A. Adams from Dewey township; U.S. Cole, blacksmith, and wife from Rankin; Rev. J.M. Curtis, Rankin; J.A. Moore west of town; H.C. Harney, C.P. Sims northeast of Strong; R.T. Jarvis, west of town; J.B. Nichols, Fred Hewitt of Nine Mile area; Emitt Thron of Roll, J.C. Meeks west of Cheyenne; R.H. Wallace, old timer near Durham; J.L. Ivy Prosperous farmer near Roll; John Kepley northeast of here.

Lot Ferris and Bert Yow of Los Animas, Colorado, but formerly of Rankin, arrived there Thursday. Mrs. J.J. Moore and children, Strong City were in Elk City visiting Mrs. Moore’s father, Robert Jarden.