Born 17MAR1844
Died 5AUG1910
Flynn, Patrick
One by one the chairs stand vacant
That were filled with those we love
One by one the chairs are filling
In the Master’s home above
Mt. Sterling and the surrounding vicinity received a severe shock Friday evening August 5, when the news of the death of Patrick Flynn passed from lip to lip. Though under the physician’s care for two months or more, he was thought to be as we as usual the day of his death. His daughter, Miss Mary, who has bee his kind and dutiful housekeeper since the death of his wife, eighteen years,
prepare supper as usual, and upon going to summon her father, was horrified to find life extinct. Death had resulted from heart failure.
Mr. Flynn was born in Capamore County, Limerik, Ireland, March 17, 1844. At the age of nine years he emigrated to the United States and resided at Springfield, ILL, where he grew to manhood.
When 16 year of he enlisted in the service of his country, first serving as drummer boy, later as private. At the close of the civil war, in 1865, at Lincoln,ILL, he was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth Drew. Shortly thereafter he remved to this couny. To this union was born six sons and two daughters, all of whom survive him with the exception of Catherine, wife of Patrick Mouckton, who departed this life July 2, 1906. The sons are: William and Thomas residing at Anabonda, Montana; Samuel of Cheyenne, Oklahoma; Paul of Peoria; John of Schuyler County and Daniel, who resides on the old homestead from which Mr. Flynn moved six years ago.
Mr. Flynn was an accommodating and faithul friend and neighbor, whose word was as good as his bond. He was esteeme and highly repecte by all who knew him. Straightforwardess and honesty were the guidin impulses in all his business transction.
By his death Mt. Sterlin loses one of its best and most public spirited citizens and to every good cause a loyal supporter. It was indeed with geuine sorrow that his many friends paid their respects beside his bier. Mr. Flynn was a member of the G.A.R. and the Knights of Columbus which orgaization and his many friends and acquintances accompanied his remains to his last resting place in St Mary’s cemetery, besides those of his faithfu wife. Graham and wife, Mrs. Johanna Graham, Miss Nellie Graham, Charles Werner and wife, Richard Fitzgerald, Mrs. Ellen Fitzgerald and Edward Reddy and wife of Springfield; James Hurst and wife of Jacksoville; Mrs. James Littleton of Peoria; William Mockton and James Drew of Springfield; Lewis O’Connor of Hannibal; and S.P. Flynn of Cheyenn, Oklahoma.
Mt. Sterling Star, Mt. Sterling IL, reprinted in the
Cheyenne Star, Cheyenne, OK 6-Oct-1910