Col. F.E. Herring, who had several paralytic strokes, died at his home in Elk City Thursday night, after a three months; illness
Col. Herring, born in 1865, came to this county in the early day and engaged in the cattle business. About the turn of the century he established a general merchandising store in Cheyenne, which was the first of several that included the nearby cities. In 1907 he was selected as a delegate to the Oklahoma Constitutional Convention, in which he was a prominent figure. Mr. Herring was a candidate for the office of governor during the early history of the state. He made an excellent race, running on the platform of injecting business methods into state government. He took an active part in the civic and political affairs of his city and of the western part of Oklahoma, and his influence was always an important factor in elections Those who worked for the best interests of this state could always count on the staunch support of Co. Herring.
Col. Herring was a man of dynamic energy and had a clear conception of his aims in life and labored successfully toward that end. In his passing there disappears from the horizon of life another of that fast-fading band of pioneers—men that have labored and sacrificed that their state might enjoy the blessings that it has. It will be difficult to fill his place and his memory will never be forgotten.
It was estimated that approximately 1500 persons filled the auditorium of the First Christian Church and the church basement or stood on the lawn outside to hear the funeral sermon by Rev. J. Albert Steele of Vernon, Texas and the eulogy by Judge F.R. Blosser of Cheyenne.
Close friends of Col. Herring bore the casket at the church and at Fairlawn Cemetery, where Masonic rites were held at the graveside. The pallbearers include: T.M. Rennolds, Cheyenne; L.L. Males, Cheyenne; Jim Lee Robinson, Elk City; J.P. Thurmond, Elk City; Claude Taylor, Sentinel and Oren Anderson, Enid.
Other friends of long standing were honorary pallbearers, including Representative Sam Massingale, Cordell, Seventh District Congressman; E.C. Searcy, A.L. Thurmond, G.E. Martin, George Sisson, Walter W. Blackburn, Ray Jones, C.S. Gilkerson and E.G. McComas, all of Elk City; Newt Stroud, Altus; Si Thompson, Oklahoma City; A.L. Taylor, Sentinel, Charley Thompson, Cheyenne, Joe Seannell, Oklahoma City, H.C. Ford, Granite, E.K. Thurmond, Oklahoma City.
Colonel Herring was 73 years of age and is survived by his widow, two daughters and a son.
Many friends of Co. Herring from Strong City and Cheyenne and surrounding country were present at the funeral services in Elk City on Sunday afternoon.
Cheyenne Star, September 22, 1938