Adolphus Pheloneous Hungate was born the 10th of May 1842 in Washington County, Indiana. At age 20, he volunteered for military service and served three years with the 85th Regiment, Second Indiana Volunteer Infantry, U.S. Army. He was promoted and served as First Lieutenant. Due to an injury sustained in battle, he suffered pain for the remainder of his life.
Many hearts are sad in the Hammon country over the death of one of the town’s old and honored citizens, and his passing leaves a vacant place in the home where he was so long honored and loved. We have known Mr. Hungate for the past five years and during our residence here we know of no acquaintance hereabout that we more dearly appreciated. Mr. Hungate had reached that point in human existence that he was just waiting for the call, and we hope his transition will prove as happy and peaceful as he hoped it to be.
Mr. Hungate was a Spiritualist and a member of the People’s Party. He was a member of the Farmers’ Alliance, a lecturer and business agent both for his local and county organizations.
He married Nancy Lucretia Stark of Vigo County, Indiana. To this union were born the following children: Della born in Howard County, MO and married Carl Fuch; Brittemart Born in Sullivan County, Indiana and married Joseph McArthur; Francis born in Greene Co, Indiana and died young; Beatrice born in Knox County, Indiana and died young; Jesse Simpson born in Knox County Indiana, unmarried; Mary Elizabeth born in Lampassas County, Texas and married Albert Fuch; Laone born in Lampassas County, Texas and married a Mr. Jones; Adolphus Emily born in Lampassas County, Texas and married Ocie Moore; Addie Lou born in Lampassas County, Texas and married William Riley.
Mr. Hungate died November 21, 1928 and is buried in the Kiowa Cemetery, Roger Mills County.
Information from the Kiowa Cemetery Book written by Leila Everett.