John Wesley Yost was born in Rondo, Missouri, April 1, 1856 and departed this life July 30, 1937, after 11 weeks suffering from arthritis, at the age of 81 years, three months and 29 days.
He was first married to Ollie Margah of Missouri in 1875. To this union was born two boys and one girl. One boy preceded him in death. He was married to Mrs. Alice Blue Lacey of Missouri in 1857{must be typographical error} and to this union was born two girls and one boy. The boy died in infancy. He was also a father to a step-daughter, Mrs. Pearl Shelton, who was only four years old at the time of his marriage.
They have resided in Oklahoma for over 40 years and most of the time in this county of Roger Mills. He taught school in the early days at Nine Mile and in a “dugout“. He professed religion at the age of 41 and remained very faithful and true to the end. He used to drive from Elk City in a hack to preach at Kiowa. He also preached at Red Top School, near Strong City.
Mr. Yost served on the school board at Herring for a number of years and was superintendent of the Sunday School most of the time for the past 25 years. The last year or two he was unable to attend regularly because of ill health.
Grandpa Yost, as he was known to all, was loved, respected and admired by all who knew him. He was capable of making everlasting friendships. One of his greatest joys of life was being able to see good in everyone. He never joined in conversation against his fellowman. He suffered and died as he always lived – never asking help of anyone or uttering groans of complaint.
His life on earth was long and hard, yet he faced all things bravely, with a smile of cheer. He lived his own life never interfering with the business of others, but always in sympathy and willing to render services to anyone in need.
His earthly life would be a wonderful example to follow. He led a clean, sweet, pure life that anyone would be proud to own. Even in his agony of death he tried so hard to be cheerful and comforting. It grieves us deeply to give him up but we know he is best at rest. He leaves to mourn his passing, his widow, Mrs. Alice Yost; his daughters, Mrs. Mack Shelton and Mrs. M.M. Shelton of Herring and Mrs. C.E. Brown of Elk City; Mrs. Myrtle Baldwin of Escandido, Calif.
Interment in the Kiowa Cemetery, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma
Cheyenne Star or Sentinel August 1937