NW1/4 of 16-13-23 and SE1/4 of 8-13-23
A short history written by Klina Potter Casady:
The Town of Cheyenne, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma was plotted and surveyed by the United States Government as the County Seat of “F” County with one block specified for school when the Cheyenne and Arapaho Country was opened for settlement by whites, April 19, 1892.
In that first year, a three month subscription school was taught by a Miss Maggie Townsend. John B. Harrison, who later became a state officer, also taught a subscription school that year. Both of these schools were held in a residence. In 1896, a two story building with one room in each story was built. In September of that year, school started with a Professor Hutton in charge. Cheyenne Star article, September 22, 1899 “The hammer and saw are heard on the new school house.” Cheyenne Star article, December 22, 1899 “School NEWS: We have new stoves in the rooms, window lights are in, plenty of wood, and we are using the organ from the church house.”
By 1900, Professor Stovall, Miss Ruth Fields and Della Cann Young were teachers and the enrollment was 163. Professor Jones taught band and elocution. Other teachers in this period wee Miss Jo Redden, Mrs. Converse and Miss Myrtle Stephens. Another two new rooms had been added for the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades with Miss Ora Black and Mrs. D.K.Hayes, teachers. A new music room was constructed on the southwest corner of the block and the old music room was used as a domestic science room with Miss Ora Black, teacher. Mrs. G.B. Lovett was music teacher and Professor G.D. Moss was Superintendent and high school teacher.”
From an article in the September, 1907 Cheyenne Star, we learn the following: “The Cheyenne Public school opened on Monday last with the following teachers: Prof. A.L. Rust of Woodward, principal and Miss Jo Redden, Miss Ethel Stevens and Mrs. M.A. Converse, assistants. This term starts off very auspiciously and there is no doubt but that it will be one of the most successful of a long series of successful terms. The principal, while a stranger to the patrons, comes to us highly recommended as a successful instructor and educational organizer and already has his work well in hand and the assistants are well known local teachers. Cheyenne will, as usual, have a successful school.”
In 1909, Cheyenne Approved a $10,000 bond issue for the construction of an entirely new school building made of stone blocks. It provided four class rooms on the first floor. On the second floor there was a large room for high school and a stage which afforded the town it first auditorium. A basement provided space for a coal furnace which heated the building with a system of steam pipes and radiators. Four hundred persons attended the 1910 graduation in the new auditorium. Graduates were Alvin Moore, Henry Tracy, Lasca Moore and Cleda Moore. The old music room and the domestic science room were moved to opposite corners of the school yard to serve as toilets. The 1915 graduating class organized the Cheyenne Alumni Association. In the class were Margaret Falconer, Katherine Falconer, Jessie Ternnard, Isabelle Fields, Sue Thornton, Blanche Wallace and Lorene Osborne. E.B. Baucum was Superintendent and Maud Reichman was Principal.
During the era, Cheyenne School won awards in music and athletics at Southwestern Interscholastic District Meets. Marjorie Falconer won first in piano. Dean Cross was first in broad jump. Cheyenne ranked fourth in individual schools. Schools in Roger Mills County were combining to form consolidated schools and build new buildings each of which provided a gymnasium for indoor basketball playing. To keep abreast, Cheyenne had to have a gym. In 1924, directed by Superintendent W.F. Brewer, and the assistance of donated material and labor from adults, Cheyenne High School boys built a gymnasium that in addition to providing a place for basketball, served the public as a Town Hall. Cheyenne attained Class A rating that year and was accredited for 19 ½ units.
In 1929, Cheyenne School voted unanimously in favor of a $29,300 bond issue to build a new high school. This building which provided a stage and auditorium was torn down in 1996. In 1936, a new grade school was dedicated in the presence of 600 persons. The building which costs $26,000 was made possible by a $19,329 allocation by the Works Progress Administration and a 5-mill building levy voted by the district. So helpful was the new auditorium, that an idea advanced that the auditorium serve the dual purpose of gymnasium and auditorium. A tier of seats across one side provided seats for onlookers. Beneath these were the rest rooms and showers. This gym was the scene of many breath-taking basketball games when players included Williams, Lester, Ivy and Simmons. The organization of a band generated great interest in music. Uniforms and large instruments were made possible by support of patrons. In 1950, a $40,000 bond issue was voted for the purpose of building a music room and additional class rooms for grade school.
To meet the demands of the public and continually growing interest in basketball, Cheyenne voted $25,000 in 1955 for construction of a gymnasium which was completed the same year. On March 7, 1956, the new gym was dedicated. On this occasion, the Oklahoma City Chiefs, with Larry Bradshaw of Cheyenne as one of its team, played an exhibition game. Lanita Maddux of Cheyenne, a voice student at O.C.U., gave a vocal solo. Prominent players Bobbie Fagan, Duane Hunt and Dale Tracy each received scholarships from O.C.U. In 1961, the high school building was improved by making a new auditorium and stage out of part of the old gymnasium. Tile floors and a new dining area and kitchen were added on the rear of the auditorium. An all-weather breeze-way between the school buildings was added for convenience.
In 1979, Cheyenne Grade School was housed in an entirely new building with air conditioned and storm shelter rooms. A $365,000 bond issue by the district supplemented existing funds to provide this more than a half-million dollar facility. The high school hopes to have available an equally as large new building in 1982-83. The school baseball field is sufficient n every detail for any game or tournament. The town has a modern swimming pool which is available for school use. The school has a track field.
The financial investment in the Cheyenne School denotes the high value people of Cheyenne School District place upon education. The Cheyenne School curriculum includes both Future Farmers and Future Homemakers of America. There are 4-H Clubs, C.V.E. Program, Student Council, baseball, basketball, track, music, drama, Key Club, library, Athletes for Christ and other youth activities. The Board of Education for Cheyenne School District keep open minds to the changing needs in education, believing “The school must be kept on the upswing so the graduates will be prepared to make useful productive citizens” —a quote from one of them. Members of the Board of Education in 1981 were J.D. Wesner, W.C. Olson, Linda Maddux, Dale Tracy and Gary Kirk.”

Cheyenne School 1909
Listing by School Year of Teachers, School Board Members, and Number of Students (Census)
TEACHERS: W.T. Fisher, Margurete Falconer, Orion Standifer, Laura Rogers, Ethel Douglas Board: G.B. Lovett, S.A. Wallace
TEACHERS: Mrs. Mary Jones, Herbert Hyer, Laura Rogers, Ms. L.E. Rathburn, Laura Fisher, Bird Kendall Board: G.B. Lovett, Sylvester Grimm. Census 201
TEACHERS: Mrs. M.M.Jones, Sarah Fisher, Mrs. A.D. Jordon, Julia Tracy, Bird Kendall, Laura Rogers Board: T.L. Miller, G.B. Lovett, S.Grimm, Mrs. W.P.Madden, W.W. Peterson Census 189
TEACHERS: J.D. Clay, Margurete Falconer, Alvin Moore, Miss Thompson, Lola Tracy, Mrs. A.T. Jordon Board: W.W. Peterson, T.L. Miller Census 189
In the spring of 1920, District No. 61 Cheyenne, consolidated with three other small schools to form C7 or Cheyenne. The three schools were Dist. #60 Washita, Dist. #70 Sergeant Major/Anderson and District #98 Mammoth.
TEACHERS: Charles Forbes, Katherine Falconer, Wm. C.Rogers, Bonnie Vincent, Pearle Bellamy, Mrs. W.C. Rogers
BOARD: W.W. Peterson, G.H. Dodgion, G.B. Lovett Census 340
TEACHERS: W.C. Rogers, Mrs. W.C. Rogers, Ives Finch, Clara Lozer, Bonnie Vincent, V. Gordon, Bertha Banner, Lucille Kendall, Mrs. Guy Davis Census 319
TEACHERS: M.A. Mansur, Ives Finch, Lucille Kendall, Essie Douglas, Jennie Wells, Grace Southern, Mrs. M.A. Mansur
BOARD: G.B. Lovett, G.H. Dodgion, Welton Moore Census 355
TEACHERS: W.Frank Brewer, Margurete Falconer, Lucille Kendall, Alvin Moore, Willa White, Mrs. Noel Dodson, Jennie Wells, Pearl C. Bellamy BOARD: Fred Brann, Wm. Ballard, J.C. Meeks Census 360
TEACHERS: W.F. Brewer, Margurete Falconer, D.H. Seaver, Ellis Kendall, Mrs. Welton Moore, Mrs. Guy Davis, Reba Cooper, Pearl C. Bellamy BOARD: W.M. Ballard, Fred Brann, Cleve Smith Census 320
TEACHERS: I.J. Myers, D.H. Seaver, Mrs. WElton Moore, Pearl C. Bellamy, Mrs. Guy Davis, Ellis Kendall, Reba Cooper, Margurete Falconer, Wade Donley, Virginia Perkinson Board: C.V. Rice, Wm. Ballard, Cleve Smith Census 294
TEACHERS: Ewing James, R.B. Nuckles, Mrs. R.B. Nuckles, Margurete Guess, Mrs. Weldon Moore, Pearl C. Bellamy, Mrs. Guy Davis, Reba Cooper, Mrs. Ewing S. James Board: C.V. Rice, Wm. Ballard, Cleve Smith Census 304
TEACHERS: Delmar A. Dobkins, R.B. Nuckles, Margurete Guess, Mrs. G.A. Briggs, Mrs. Weldon Moore, Elizabeth Fleming, Birdie Lee Morrow, Mrs. Guy Davis, Pearl C. Bellamy BOARD: C.V. Rice, Wm. Ballard, Cleve Smith Census 302
TEACHERS: Delmar Dobkins, R.B. Nuckles, Lattie Boyd, Elizabeth Fleming, Mrs. Weldon Moore, Gleola Wycoff, Ina Mae Wells, Mrs. Guy Davis, Mrs. H.H. Collier Board C.V. Rice, Wm. Ballard, Cleve Smith Census 330
TEACHERS: D.A. Dobkins, J.A. Lemon, Mrs. Guy Davis, Vesta Pyeatt, Mrs. Weldon Moore, Agnes Fiala, Elizabeth Fleming, Alice Kirksey, Bertie Morris, Ina Mae Wells, Ariel Crane, E.Forrest Nelson Board: C.V. Rice, Wm. Ballard, Cleve Smith Census 332
TEACHERS: M.B. Welch, J.A. Lemon, James Carer, Vesta Pyeatt, Mrs. Guy Davis, Forrest Nelson, Elizabeth Fleming, Mrs. Weldon Moore, Alleda Miller, Elizabeth Ray, Gussie White, Ruth Evans, Lucille Evans, Agnes Fials
Board: C.V. Rice, Wm. Ballard, Cleve Smith Census 367
TEACHERS: H.G. Creekmore, Mrs. Guy Davis, Vesta Pyeatt, Francis Young, Dorothy Ward, Milton Keen, Mrs. Weldon Moore, Lucille Evans, Mrs. Marion Robbins, Elizabeth Fleming, Ariel Crane, Hazel Dodson Census 375
TEACHERS: H.G. Creekmore, Vesta Pyeatt, Mrs. Guy Davis, Gladys Bellamy, J.R. Naylor, J.L. Spense, Vera Moore, Hazel Dodson, Lucille Evans, Marion Colegrove, Ariel Crane, Elma Stovall, Virginia McCauley
Board: E.R. Hills, Wm. Ballard, Cleve Smith Census 370
TEACHERS: L.W. Kitchens, Vesta Pyeatt, Mrs. L.W. Kitchens, Mrs. Guy Davis, Gladys Bellamy, J.C. Watkins, Elma Stovall, Marion Colegrove, Virginia McCauley, Hazel Dodson, Ariel Crane Board: E.R. Hills, Wm. Ballard, Cleve Smith Census 375
TEACHERS: L.W. Kitchens, Vesta Pyeatt, Mrs. L.W. Kitchens, Mrs. Guy Davis, Gladys Bellamy, Ephriam Dickason, Elma Stovall, Marion Colegrove, Bess Pyeatt, Elizabeth Brown, Hazel Dodson, Clairabel Woods
Board T.H. Steere, Wm. Ballard, U.M. Prestridge Census 400
TEACHERS: L.W Kitchens, Vesta Pyeatt, Mrs. L.W. Kitchens, Onis Cox, Labron Harris, Mrs. Guy Davis, Mrs. Lorena Males, Elma Stovall, Bess Pyeatt, Elizabeth Brown, Geraldine Bradshaw, Clairabel Woods
Board: T.H. Steere, Wm, Ballard, U.M. Prestridge Census 425
TEACHERS: L.W. Kitchens. Vesta Pyeatt, Mrs. L.W. Kitchens, Glen Carmichael, Mrs. Guy Davis, Onis Cox, Elma Stovall, Lorena Males, Bess Pyeatt, Latone Tracy Geraldine Dearing, Clairabel Woods Census 482
TEACHERS: L.W. Kitchens, Vesta Vessels, Mrs. L. Kitchens, Onis Cox, Carl Craig, Iris Albin, Mrs. Guy Davis, Charles Wycoff, Bonnie Berry, Elma Stoval, Lorena Males, Beulah Mae Martz, Latone Tracy, Hettie Lou Crane, Mrs. Bonnie Berry, Geraldine Dearing.
Board: T.H. Steere, E.G. DeMundrum, U.M. Prestridge Census 442
TEACHERS: L.W. Kitchens, Vesta Vessels, Mrs. L.W. Kitchens, Mrs. Guy Davis, Bonnie Berry, Onis Cox, Elma Stovall, Lorena Males, Latone Tracy, Hettie Lou Crane, Geraldine Dearing, Harry Dugger, Raymond Harrison, Mrs. Harry (Toyah) Dugger
Board: G.W. Parker, E.G. DeMundrum, U.M. Prestridge
TEACHERS: Onis Cox, Vesta Vessels, Mrs. Guy Davis, Maude Kitchens, B.H. Berry, Henry A. Carl, Harry Dugger, Geraldine Dearing, Elma Stovall Bierschmidt, Lorena Males, Martha Dugger, Latone Tracy, Hettie Lou Crane, Louise Berry, Mary Ellen Reeves
Board: G.W. Parker, K.A. Greever, U.M. Prestridge
TEACHERS: Onis Cox, Vesta Vessels, B.H. Berry, Maude Kitchens, Lois Moore Hall, Henry Carl, Elma Bierschmidt, Geraldine Dearing, Mary Ellen Reeves, Martha Dugger, Latone Tracy, Hettie Lou Crane, Louise Berry
Board: G.W. Parker, K.A. Greever, U.M. Prestridge Census 511
TEACHERS: Onis Cox, Vesta Vessels, B.H. Berry, Ralph Kelting, Carl Rizley, Carl Craig, Dorothy Ewing, Geraldine Dearing, Pauline Guernsey, Pearl Wadsworth, Latone Tracy, Iris Albin Montgomery, Hattie Lou Crane, Louise Berry
Board: G.W. Parker, Royal Ballard, U.M. Prestridge
TEACHERS: Lee Little, Myra Finch, Vesta Vessels, Florence Casady, Iris Montgomery, Lula Twitty, Dorothy Ewing, Edna Morton, Geraldine Dearing, Alice Heriford, Francis Brown, Lloyd Taylor, Mary Ann Hanson, Lorena Males
Board: G.W. Parker, Royal Ballard, U.M. Prestridge
TEACHERS: Lee Little, Iris Montgomery, H.W. Quattlebaum, Florence Casady, Dorothy Ewing, Geraldine Dearing, Lorena Males, Jessie Quattlebaum, Francis Brown, Alice Heriford, Myra Finch, Vesta Vessels Board: G.W. Parker, Royal Ballard, U.M. Prestridge
TEACHERS: Wayland Adams, Vesta Vessels, Stanley Harrison, Florence Casady, Dorothy Ewing, Irma Miller, Edith King, Geraldine Dearing, Marie Austin Miller, Loura Chalfant, Myra Finch, Alice Burns, Alice Heriford
Board: John Wesner, Ross Conrad, U.M. Prestridge
TEACHERS: Wayland Adams, Stanley Harrison, Florence Casady, Vesta Vessels, Dorothy Ewing, Geraldine Dearing, Lorena Males, Iris Montgomery, Anna Mae Moad, Irma Waldrop, Loura Chalfant, Josephene Adams, Myra Finch
Board: John Wesner, C.E. Vincent, U.M. Prestridge
TEACHERS: Wayland Adams, Stanley Harrison, Vesta Vessels, Dorothy Ewing, Geraldine Dearing, Elsie Chapman, John W. Blackley, Iris Montgomery, Irma Waldrop, Floy Purvis, D.M. Rymer, Ives Finch
Board: John Wesner, C.E. Vincent, U.M. Prestridge Census 313
TEACHERS: Wayland Adams, Raymond Macklin, Dorothy Ewing, Morine Champlin, D.M. Rymer, Geraldine Dearing Lorena Males, Elsie Chapman, Iris Montgomery, Jane Ely, Thelma Turner, Wilma Carson, June Kendall
Board: John Wesner, Clarence Vincent, U.M. Prestridge Census 367
TEACHERS: Wayland Adams, Raymond Macklin, Geraldine Dearing, Dorothy Ewing, Morine Champlin, Lorena Males, Elsie Chapman, Iris Montgomery, Jane Ely, Wilma Oree Carson, June Kendall, Adam Hess, GlenaBelle Crane
Board: John Wesner, C.E. Vincent, U.M. Prestridge Census 356
TEACHERS: Wayland Adams, Raymond Macklin, Dorothy Ewing, Morine Champlin, John Lain, Geraldine Dearing, Lorena Males, Elsie Chapman, Adam Hess, Jane Ely, GlenaBelle Crane, Iris Montgomery, Ruth Lain
TEACHERS: Wayland Adams, John Lain, Dorothy Ewing, Morine CHamplin, Geraldine Dearing, Adam Hess, Guy Friend, W.R. Pickens, Mrs. Guy Friend, GlenaBelle Crane, Jane Ely, Ruth Lain, Thelma Turner.
TEACHERS: Wayland Adams, John Lain, Morine Champlin, Dorothy Ewing, Geraldine Dearing, Jim Haught, Adam Hess, Elsie Chapman, Jack Jones, Iris Montgomery, Mrs. Theta Benton, Glena Belle Crane, Lorena Males, Mrs. Dick Turner.
TEACHERS: Wayland Adams, O.H. Ellis, Morine Champlin, Dorothy Ewing, Geraldine Dearing, Jack Jones, Elsie Chapman, Adam Hess, Mary Ellis, Mrs. Flossie Gum, Lura Mae Mogg, Mrs. Clark Benton, Mrs. Leslie Montgomery, Mrs. Dick Turner
TEACHERS: Wayland Adams, O.H. Ellis, J.C. Rogers, Morine Champlin, Dorothy Ewing, Geraldine Dearing, George Sprayberry, Elsie Chapman, Finis Stafford, Mary Ellis, Jack Jones, Lorena Males, Flossie Gum, Mrs. Murl Lester, Thelma Turner
TEACHERS: Wayland Adams, O.H. Ellis, J.C. Rogers, Morine Champlin, Dorothy Ewing, Geraldine Dearing, Elsie Chapman, Jack Jones, Mary Ellis, Thelma Turner, Alene Brown, Iris Pennington, R.E. Rhodes, C.H. Blosch
Board: John Wesner, E.W. Calvert, Orville Tate, U.M. Prestridge, Glen Kendall Census 346
TEACHERS: Wayland Adams, O.H. Ellis, J.C. Rogers, Morine Champlin, Dorothy Ewing, Geraldine Dearing, Wesley B. Hunt, Jack Jones, Mary Ellis, Thelma Turner, Katherine T. Summers, Glen Crane, Iris Pennington, Nellie Millar, John Mitchell
Board: John Wesner, E.W. Calvert, Orville Tate, U.M. Prestridge, Glen Kendall Census 309
TEACHERS: Wayland Adams, O.H. Ellis, J.C. Rogers, Dorothy Ewing, Roberta Guenzel, Jack Jones, Mary Ellis, Ava Burkhalter, Thelma Turner, Geraldine Dearing, George Sprayberry, Wesley Hunt
Board: John Wesner, E.W. Calvert, U.M. Prestridge, Orville Tate, Glen Kendall census 290
TEACHERS: John Lain, O.H. Elis, Dorothy Ewing, Roberta Guenzel, J.C. Rogers, Geraldine Dearing, Lawrence Wise, Jack Jones, Audie Caddel, Ruth Lain, Thelma Turner
Board: John Wesner, E.W. Calvert, Orville Tate, U.M. Prestridge, Glen Kendall Census 287
TEACHERS: John Lain, O.H. Ellis, Dorothy Ewing, Dale Cockrell, J.C. Rogers, Geraldine Dearing, Jack Jones, Mary Ellis, Audie Caddell, Ruth Lain Thelma Turner Board: same as last five years census 317
TEACHERS: John Lain, O.H. Ellis, Dale Cockrell, Dorothy Ewing, Elbert Patton, Geraldine Dearing, Jack Jones, Mary Ellis, Ruth Lain, Lura Mae Mogg, Thelma Turner, Lawrence A. Wise Board Same as last 6 years
TEACHERS: John Lain, O.H. Ellis, Dale Cockrell, Dorothy Ewing, Elbert Patton, Geraldine Dearing Jack Jones, Harlan Thomas, Mary Ellis, Ruth Lain, Lura Mae Mogg, Thelma Turner, Lawrence Wise
Board: U.M. Prestridge, Glen Kendall, E.W. Calvert, Orville Tate, Charles Bowers Census 333
TEACHERS: John Lain, O.H. Ellis, Dale Cockrell, Lorene Parks, J.C. Rogers, Geraldine Dearing, Jack Jones, Harlan Thomas, Larry Bradshaw, Mary Ellis, Lura Mae Mogg, Thelma Turner, Lawrence A. Wise
Board: Orville Tate, Glen Kendall, Lloyd Martin, Charles Bowers, E.W. Calvert Census 367
TEACHERS: John Lain, O.H. Ellis, Dale Cockrell, June Kendall, J.C. Rogers, Geraldine Dearing, Jack Jones, Harlan Thomas, Larry Bradshaw, Mary Ellis, Ruth Lain, Lura Mae Mogg, Thelma Turner, Nell Mann
Board: E.W. Calvert, Charles Bowers, Lloyd Martin, Billie Burns, Bill Davis Census 406
TEACHERS: John Lain, O.H. Ellis, Dale Cockrell, June Kendall, Jack Tarver, J.C. Rogers, Geraldine Dearing, Alice Thomas, Harlan Thomas, Larry Bradshaw, Mary Ellis, Ruth Lain, Lura Mae Mogg, Thelma Turner
Board: Charles Bowers, Billy Davis, Billie Burns, E.W. Calvert, Lloyd L. Martin Census 418
TEACHERS: Van Wright, O.H. Ellis, Dale Cockrell, June Kendall, Jack Tarver, J.C. Rogers, Maxine Ledford, Geraldine Dearing, Jerry Yates, Harlan Thomas, Larry Bradshaw, Mary Ellis, Norma Cranfill, Lura Mae Mogg, Roberta Guenzel
Board: Charles Bowers, Robert Sprowls, Don Moorman, Billy Burns, B.J. Davis
TEACHERS: Van Wright, O.H. Ellis, Dale Cockrell, June Kendall, Jack Tarver, J.C. Rogers, Maude Butler, Geraldine Dearing, Elaine Rogers, Norma Cranfill, Larry Bradshaw, Mary Ellis, Ann Wells, Lura Mae Mogg, Roberta Guenzel
Board: Robert N.Sprowls, Billie Burns, Don Moorman, J.D. Wesner, Connie Fults
TEACHERS: Van Wright, O.H. Ellis, Dale Cockrell, June Kendall, Maude Butler, Forest Woods, J.C. Rogers, Geraldine Dearing, Oweita Calvert, Norma Cranfill, Larry Bradshaw, Mary Ellis, Ann Wells, Lucille Nabors, Roberta Guenzel, Elaine Rogers
Board: Robert Sprowls, Billie Burns, Don Moorman, Connie Fults, J.D. Wesner
TEACHERS: Jim Jones, O.H. Ellis, Dale Cockrell, June Kendall, Maude Butler, Johnny McClellan, J.C. Rogers, Geraldine Dearing, Oweita Calvert, Larry Bradshaw, Betty Miller, Mary Ellis, Anna Damron, Lucille Nabors, Roberta Guenzel, Elaine Rogers
Board: Sprowls, Billie Burns, Don Moorman, Connie Fults, J.D. Wesner
To be continued….