Category: Schools
in SchoolsBERLIN District #96 (SW1/4 3-11-23) In 1916 there were 120 ‘scholars’ in attendance at Berlin. By 1927 District #96 Berlin and Edenview were abolished by election and incorporated to form Berlin and the number of students number 260. In the summer of 1967 the district voted to close Berlin and split the attendance between Cheyenne…
in SchoolsSTREETER or LITTLE CRAWFORD District # 10 SW1/4NW1/4 of 20-16-24 On October 21, 1918, Streeter or Little Crawford united with three other schools (Twin Hills, Shugart and Fairmont or Vaughn) to form UG1 or Crawford. TEACHERS ANDERSON, Rose 1916 HAIGHT, Tom S. 1917 School Board BRANAM, Sam 1916-17 BULL, P. J. 1916-17 KEAHEY,…