

District # 10  SW1/4NW1/4 of 20-16-24


On October 21, 1918, Streeter or Little Crawford united with three other schools (Twin Hills, Shugart and Fairmont or Vaughn) to form UG1 or Crawford.



ANDERSON, Rose 1916
HAIGHT, Tom S. 1917

School Board

BRANAM, Sam 1916-17
BULL, P. J. 1916-17
KEAHEY, J. W. 1916-17





ALBIN, Allergra 1920
BARKER, Lee 1926
BELL, Pauline 1927-28
BELLAMY, Pearl C. 1921
BULL, Ona 1928-30
BULL, Zaide 1923-25
BUTLER, Susie 1925
CLAY, Susie 1924
CARLSON, Deliah 1921-22
CARLSON, Lennie 1922
COLE, Willie 1918
CONRAD, Estella (HICKS) 1921
CROSBY, Ethel 1919
DEBORD, Opal 1926-27
DODSON, Ella 1924-27
DOOTY, Jess W. 1924
FORD, Georgia 1922
FOWLER, Wayne 1923
FOREMAN, Fred 1930
FRUIT, C. G. 1929
FRUIT, Mrs. C. G. 1928-29
FRUIT, V. G. 1928
HAIGHT, T. S. 1918-19, 23
HAIGHT, Vera 1923
HARNEY, Syrena 1925
HORNE, Mrs. 1929
INSENHOWER, Stella 1920
LACY, Mae 1919-22
MEEKS, Elsie 1921-22
MORRIS, Bertie 1927
MORRISON, John 1920-20
MORROW, Birdie Lee 1926
MUNCY, Bessie 1918, 20
MUNCY, Fern 1924
MUSSER, Flora 1923
ORNDELL, Winnie 1919
POTTER, Helen 1924
PUMPHERY, Donald 1927
PUMPHERY, Otis 1927
RAWLEY, Cecil 1921
ROBINSON, Toyah 1930
ROSE, Alice 1930
ROWLEY, Clarice 1925
ROWLEY, N. E. 1925
SMITH, A. Leland 1926
SMITH, Myrtle Bell 1926
SQUIRE, C. A. 1919
SPURLOCK, Rozella 1921
STEGALL, Fern 1918
STRAUGHN, Fern 1923
STRAUGHN, Hazel 1919
TUCKER, Beatrice 1929
WALKER, Pearl 1928
WILMOUTH, Mable 1919
WILSON, Ella 1928
WRIGHT, Fred 1930


At the beginning of the term in September 1931 Crawford went from Union Graded 1 to a Consolidated District called C-11 or Crawford.


ADAMS, Lester 1939-40
ADAMS, Marie 1940
ALEXANDER, Mrs. Joe 1942
ANDERSON, Arlie 1952
ANDERSON, Bennie 1933-35, 37
ANDERSON, Mrs. Ben 1933-34
ADVANTS, Katherine 1950
ADVANTS, Oscar 1950
BAGGETT, Newman 1931, 43
BLAYLOCK, Edith 1956-65
BONNY, Jack 1965
BRYAN, Robert 1949
CARD, Myrtle 1945
CHANDLER, Lorene 1941-42
CLAY, Ray 1946-47
COCKRELL, Dale 1955-57
COOLEY, F. F. 1938
CRAIG, Pauline Bell 1931, 37
CRANE, Glen F. 1939-41, 44-45
CRANE, Glena Bell 1939-44
CULTUR, Margurete 1956
DAVIS, Floy (PURVIS) 1948-50
DAVIS, Harold Ray 1959-61
DEAN, James 1954-55
DUKE, Vineta 1953-54
DUNGAN, Mrs. Carrie 1939
DUNGAN, W.R.W.E. 1938-39
EDGINGTON, Betty 1949-51
ELDER, Gladys 1932
ELY, Jane 1946
FLETCHER, William I. 1961
FLUE, Gladys 1946-48, 54-55
FOREMAN, Fred 1931-33
FOREMAN, Mrs. Fred 1932-33
FOWLER, Wayne 1937-39
FOX, Mrs. Jewel 1938-39
FRNAKLIN, Lura Mae 1945
GILLILAND, Rosa 1959
HACKLER, Empo M. 1959
HAMMER, Mrs. Glenna 1936
HAMMER, Harley 1935-36
HAMMON, Eva Mae 1935-38
HANCOCK, Lectra 1931
HARMON, Arvis 1962-65
HARMON, Audie 1962-65
HEAD, Jack 1951-52
HICKEY, June 1941-42
HILLEY, J. D. 1945
HOWARD, Wilbur 1938
HUBBARD, Lois 1943-45, 51
HUFF, Mrs. Claudine 1935
HUNSAKER, Avalyn 1953
ISBELL, Olan E. 1960-65
JACKSON, Lois 1955-58
JACKSON, M. C. 1955-58
JACKSON, Marjorie 1947-49
KENDALL, June (HICKEY) 1943-44, 46
KELLY, Elmer 1946
KELLY, Mrs. Elmer 1946
KING, Comi 1952-54
KING, Lauriena 1962-65
KING, T. E. 1951-54
KLIEN, Oletta 1950-51
KNIGHT, Eula 1945, 47
KNIGHT, Harold 1943-47
LANMAN, C. O. 1940-41
LANMAN, Mrs. C. O. 1941
LARIMORE, Estaline 1942
LEIST, Marvin 1956
LINDSEY, Obie 1957
LINVILLE, G. E. 1937
LINVILLE, Mrs. G. E. 1938
LINVILLE, Guy 1934-36
LINVILLE, Mrs. Pearl 1934-37, 42
LOLLER, Mrs. C. A. 1934-35
LONG, Vesta 1941
MARINER, Marjorie 1946
MILLER, Pearl 1937-39
MOODY, Gladys (DAVIS) 1936
NEWELL, Lavonne 1962-64
OSBORNE, L. V. 1932
OSMOND, Alverne 1951-52
OSMOND, David 1949, 51-52
PARKER, Glen E. 1958
PARKS, Lorene (CHANDLER) 1943
PATTERSON, James 1960
PURVIS, Floy 1943-45
RIDGEWAY, Eugene 1958-61
ROBERTS, Velma 1961
ROBINSON, Toyah 1931
ROGERS, Bessie 1957-58
ROSE, Alice 1931-34
ROSS, Noel 1961-65
ROWLEY, George 1953-55
RYMER, Devert 1948-50
SCHMIDT, Della 1944
SCHMIDT, Jane (ELY) 1952,54,55
SCHMIDT, Sally 1953
SCROGGINS, Helen 1957-58
SLOAN, Julia 1948-50
SMITH, John E. 1959-60
SMITH, Josphine 1947-48
SMITH, Leland 1939
SMITH, Lillian 1937
SMITH, Wayne 1947-48
SPROWLS, Toyah 1832-33
STOVER, Julie 1952-53
STOWDE, Delbert 1950
STULTS, Hickman 1953
STULTS, J. Wesley 1953
SWOPES, Thomas F. 1961
TIMMS, Helen 1959
TROTTER, Mrs. Ralph 1935-38
WALKER, Miriam (EAKINS) 1938-41
WALKER, Mitchell 1938-40
WARKENTINE, Louise 1942
WEAVER, Farris 1940-41
WEST, Vera Alice 1960
WILEY, Lula 1945
WRIGHT, Fred 1931
YOUNG, Eva Mae 1942-45,47-51


Crawford went from a consolidated district to a dependent district.


BLAYLOCK, Edith 1966-68
CLIFT, Diane L. 1968
CLIFT, Robert 1968
HARMON, Arvis 1966-67
HARMON, Audie 1966
KING, Lauriena 1966-67
NEWBY, Kenneth 1966-67
SMITH, Albert 1966-67
SWARTWOOD, Everett 1966-68
SWARTWOOD, Henryetta 1966-68


School Board

(No record for 1921or 1929)

ALLEN, Jack 1958-68
BAKER, Guy 1954-58
BARBER, Woodrow 1965-68
BOYD, Cleatus 1959-60
CALVERT, Randell 1963-68
COON, Ralph 1941-58
CURTIS, John 1918
DAVIS, Charles 1947-48
FLUE, George 1923-26
HARPER, J. S. 1919-20, 28
HUBBARD, Claude 1954-58
KEAHEY, Gerald 1965-68
KEAHEY, John 1919-20, 27, 28
KEAHEY, Johnnie 1946-57
KEAHEY, J. W. 1930-45
LIPPENCOTT, Bud 1961-64
LUCAS, Ike 1959
LUTZ, Theo 1930-45
MCDANIEL, Jack 1965-68
MELTON, E. 1918-19
MERRITT, Joseph 1959-62
NABORS, Leo 1960-64
SCHMIDT, Steven 1957-64
STOUT, John 1918-19
SUMMITT, Geo. D. 1920, 22-28,30-40
TOWNSLEY, Lee 1946-56
WILSON, R. E. 1949-52
YOUNG, Claude 1922-27
YOUNG, Fred 1949-52


From time to time we receive pictures, stories and other memorabilia from people, which are part of our county’s history. Recently a daughter of Lillie Rose, who attended school in our county, found these registers and mailed them to us. The “Practical School Register” for District #10 – Streeter or Little Crawford School is the first book. T.S. Haight is the teacher for the term of October 1, 1917 through March of 1918. It is an attendance record for fifty-four students. They are listed by families: Roy & Herman Blurton; Hampton Brewer, Roy Bull; Sanford and Loyd Cole; Willie Flewelling; Teddy and Vera Haight; Doy, Delton, Johnnie and Verne Keahey; Melvin, Lonnie & Walter Penny; Eugene and Austin Riley; Ralph, Lucille, Marie, Ellen and Nora Herren; Charley, Roy, Hiram and Frank Painter; Clifford Headrick; Worth Beebe; Ray Condo; James, Addie & Roy Curtis; Walter and Fern Baker; Namie, Maudie, Ellen and Lee Brewer; Stella Branham; Zada, Onie and Lola Bull; Stella, Gussie and Mady Isenhower; Lela, Lula, Leva, Loraine, Lois and Ethel Keahey; Lillie & Nellie Rose; Mabel Suiter. Most of the records state if a student is promoted. If you would like a copy of certain pages, please contact Judy Tracy at email or call 580- 497-2106.


Recently Jean Davis of California mailed a Crawford School Teacher’s Register which was among Lillie Rose, her mother’s belongings. Georgia Ford was the teacher for the term beginning October 2, 1922 and ending in March of 1923. This particular register listed not only the student’s name, but the grade, address, parents’ name and occupation. Many pages have remarks written by the teacher, attendance and promotion. Students listed by families are: Icey Dobbs; Marie and Harvey Handy; Clifford and Lester Headrick; Vernon and Lula Keahey; Cleo Muncy; Warren Poindexter; Jewel Porter; Tross Roberts; Lillie Rose; George Rorabough; Maggie Stout; Maudie Scott; Jossie & Charles Logan; Mada Isenhower; Freddie/Fredda Young; Maggie Stout; Edgar Harper; Lee Flue; Hallie Lucas; Robert Langham. If you would be interested in a copy of perhaps your ancestor’s school report, please contact Judy Tracy at email or call 580.497.2106.


The recent Teacher Registry Books received from the belongings of Lillie Rose, included the 1925-1926 term, which began on September 7 and ended April 13, 1926. The teacher was Zadie Bull, who kept records of student’s name, grade, address, parent’s name and occupation, attendance as well as some grades. It is sad to note that one of the children passed away during school, while others transferred to other one room schools in the area. The students listed are: Hoyle and Margie Branham; Aaron, Opal, Colby & J.T. Blurton; Harley Bull; Minnie, Heath & Bulah Dobbs; Glen & Mabel Hicks; Lorena, Clarence, Vida & Lillie Hall; Gerald, Audry, Altas, Leon, Francis & Juanita Keahey; Chester, Herchel & Kenneth Poindexter; Ray Rorabough; Juanita Scott; Loyd & Cleo Summers; Kenneth & Neuda Tigord; James & Clair Young; Carl Rose; Harley Summers; Mary Alice & Lawrence Lane; June & Hubert Horden; Cecil & Veda Fay Smith. If you would like a copy of any page of this register, please contact Judy Tracy at email or call 580.497.2106.