On 13 January 1900, John Loring DAVIS deeded ten acres, legally described as the SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Section 12, Township 13 North Range 21 West of the Indian Meridian to the Red Hill Cemetery Association.
The elected members of the association were: W. T. PEACE, R. H. DUNLAP, William STINSON, W. H. WALKER, and J. C. DEAN. Caretakers in 1996 are Myrtle HUNTER and Buster DRINNON.
This information came from the book “Cemeteries and More” by Glena Belle CRANE. Updates and corrections have been provided by Wanda PURCELL.
On May 23, 2008 a new metal arched sign was donated to the entrance of this cemetery. The sign was created by Millard Elliott and his sons, Michael and Thomas. Millard’s wife, Shirley provided this photograph. It is definitely an attractive addition for this Hammon Cemetery and the people of Hammon appreciate this gift.