News about County Residents (Grouped by Year) Taken from the “Local and Personal Columns” in Early Newspapers.
Cheyenne Star, Jan. 6, 1910
One of the most pleasant social events of the holiday season was the reception tendered Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Cronin at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. S. Jackson on Sat. evening. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Martin and Lucille McKinney. Last week as John Keller and family were coming to Cheyenne in a buggy, the mules he was driving ran away as they were coming down the hill near the school section east of town. The buggy was thrown into the canyon, dislocating and fracturing Mr. Keller’s arm and dislocating a knee joint and seriously bruising Mrs. Keller. Two small children in the buggy were uninjured. The buggy was entirely demolished and it was only good luck that saved the parties from more serious injury. John Sullivan and Freeman Rhodes of Crawford, had a preliminary examination before Justice of the Peace Carver at Durham Monday, on a charge of attempting an assault on Bessie Porter a few days previous. The justice put both parties under a bond of $1,000 each for their appearance at the next term of District Court. Will Lester and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine baby girl at their home on the morning of Jan. 2.
Nathan Dykes of near Hammon, who was seriously injured by a horse he was riding falling on him about a week ago died from the effects of his injuries Sunday night last. Young Dykes was about 15 years old. Cheyenne IOOF lodge publicly installed officers for the ensuing term on Sat. night with T.L. Turner and R.N. Higgins acting for the Grand Lodge as installing officers. The names of the elected officers who were installed are F.G. Brann, Noble Grand; W.S. Rimby, Vice Grand; L.L. Collins, Treasurer; W.H. Mouser, Secretary. J.P. Johnson and family are now located in the Wallace house on the hill east of the school house. L.L. Collins and Jesse Pitts were Butler visitors last week. The young folks danced the old year out and the new year in at the Maddux hall on New Year’s Eve. J.R. Emerson left for Colorado last week. He has mining interests at Alpine which are showing promise of good metal. T.M. Miller left for Sayre Friday to take charge of the Abstract Office at that place. The firm is now Miller-Baird. Mr. Baird having charge of the business in Cheyenne. Herman Babbitt, who lived a few miles southwest of town, had about 75 dollars worth of fodder and other feed swept away at the recent high water. Ed Taylor has been the most popular young man in town the last few days. Ed is always strictly up to date and the late snow found him prepared with a neat bobsled ready to take the girls sleighing, and he did! John Roberts of Cheyenne, an old man of 81 years of age, made final proof on his claim and expects to enjoy the home he gets from Uncle Sam for many more years.
C.B. Wallace left this week for Oklahoma City where he will take a course of study at Hill’s Business College.
Cheyenne Star, Jan 13, 1910
At the present price of broomcorn, it is estimated by experts that the average weight broom will soon be selling for one dollar. Broomcorn brush is now selling as high as $340 a ton. Burlingame caused considerable excitement last Sat. night by getting too much air pressure on his feed gasoline tank blowing off the top of the can, no damage except to the tank. Henry Goode, cashier of the Cotton Exchange Bank and Miss Iva Bull of Crawford were married at Canadian, Texas on Saturday last. The bride is one of the most popular young ladies of the Crawford area. Mrs. Robinson, wife of Rev. W.W. Robinson will resume her duties as Art Instructor for private lessons on Monday, Jan. 20. Mrs. Minnie Hollen, wife of Alva Hollen, age 20 years residing in the Rankin area, died after a lingering illness on Sat. evening last, and was buried at a neighboring cemetery on Sun evening. J.M. Frankford has been appointed postmaster at the re-established office at Dempsey. W.A. Borine passed through town a few days ago with his family and farming equipment moving from Arapaho to the Cree place 7 miles southwest of Cheyenne.
Paul McNeil, assistant of the Cheyenne Cotton Exchange Bank, returned from Guthrie where he spent the holidays with the home folks. L.L. Collins purchased from A.H. Carter on Monday last the lots 15 & 16, Block 39 of the recorded Plat of Cheyenne. These are the lots on which the Tin Shop occupied by Mr. Collins is located. Elk City ships more hogs to market than any other town in Oklahoma and probably in the U.S. Shipments of porkers total 405 cars or about 40,000 animals. The cattle market runs a close second.
William Shaughnessy, 1 mile north and 3 west of Durham will have a big public sale on Wed. Jan. 19. John W. Hall of Rankin has accepted a position with the Tepe-Hoover Lumber Co. of Canadian, Texas as bookkeeper. Joe McClendon of the northeast part of the county brought in on Tues. on a charge of felonious assault and bound over for the next term of court in the sum of $1100.00. Mr. Cooper, an old gentleman, 81 years of age, died at the residence of his son, J.W. Cooper on Friday last and was buried in the Cheyenne Cemetery Sat. Mr. Cooper was at his son’s for a visit when he was taken ill and died in a short time.
Cheyenne Star, January 20, 1910
issue is missing.
Cheyenne Star, January 27th, 1910
The funeral services of Little Albert, the ten month old son of E.F. Stephens was held Tues. A short service was held at the grave by Elder W.F. Farrar, pastor of the Baptist Church. Mr. Stephens seems to have been sorely tried and bereaved during the past few months. On March 4, 1909, his wife presented him with a pair of twin boys. But on the 7th of March, she closed her eyes on the scenes of time and passed on into the great beyond. A few months later, one of the twins passed away and now the other is taken. Unnamed Comet made its appearance in the southwestern sky after six o’clock Tues. night. The comet had an extremely brilliant appearance and the tail pointing upward. The comet is declared to not have been Haley’s Comet which is not expected before April or May. The comet was plainly visible in this part of the country.
B.F. Bynum moved this week into the Cronin house in the west part of town having purchased the same a few days ago. Mike Kehoe, after a month’s visit with relatives in Kansas City, returned on Tues. and can be found ready for business at the old stand. Born to Senator E.L. Mitchell and wife on Sun. a fine baby girl. The senator is at Guthrie attending the special session but has been informed of his good fortune. J.A. Moad of Carpenter was in town Mon. visiting friends and looking after the payment of his taxes. S. Jackson and wife, R.F. Baird and wife, B.D. Cooksey and wife and others were at Elk City Mon. and took in “Polly At the Circus” at the Opera House that evening. Amza Welch, residing 5 m. east and 1 m. south of Roll and 2 m. west and 1 m. south of Rome, will have a big public auction on Thursday, Feb. 3. James Page has been appointed carrier for mail route #1 with W. Hisel as substitute. Doc H. Smith of the Grimes area, made final proof on his farm. L.W. Pate is in Oklahoma City this week purchasing farm imple-ments for his hardware store. W.C. Donaldson has traded his town property to H.D. Cox for 120 acres of land northeast of town. J.E. Vian, known as the “Mayor of Hainerville” was before the Co. Court Mon last on the charge of selling booze. Upon arraign-ment, the case was dis-missed and the mayor returned home rejoicing. Prof. G.D. Moss of the Cheyenne School and Miss Carey Fields also of Cheyenne, were down attending the teacher’s meeting Sat. and visiting the Breeze family in Sweetwater. Miss Carey is an old time friend and a brilliant little girl who is making a good teacher of herself. Prof. Moss stands high among the educators of the state and we would like to see him pushed still higher, say into the office of State Supt. For instance. He would be a winning candidate on the Republican ticket next fall. T.J. Clements, one of the progressive and substantial farmers of the Carpenter area, was in town Mon. and Tues. Mr. Clements has been urged to make the race for the democratic nomination for County Commissioner from that district. That portion of the count needs representation on the Board of Commissioners.
All persons interested in the Cheyenne Cemetery, please meet with the directors, Milo Burlingame, H.D. Cox and R.N. Higgins on Mon. Feb. 7 at the cemetery for the purpose of doing repairs and improvements. As many graves are badly sunken all who can will bring wagons and teams. They will be needed to haul dirt. E.C. Winford, J.J. Moore and G. Holmes have established a new real estate loan and insurance firm. The first will be known as Winford, Moore and Holmes.
Cheyenne Star , February 3rd, 1910
An old gentleman named Purdy residing 9 miles southeast of Cheyenne was found dead in his bed on Saturday last. Esq. Casady was notified and held an inquest, a verdict being rendered that the death was a result of natural causes. It seemed that the old gentleman residing alone, is thought that he had been dead three or four days before the body was found. Mr. Dodson, living between here and Sweetwater, came down Mon. morning to have his little girl treated with the madstone at Banks and Brothers, the girl having been bitten by a housecat that was afflicted with rabies. The stone adhered to the wound more than an hour and had to be taken off and washed several times. Mr. Dodson went home and soon after his arrival, his dog was in the agonies of a fit, whereupon he got his gun and shot the dog and all the cats on the place. It may not be generally known that Banks and Brothers had a madstone, but it has been in their possession for a long time and has been used in a great many cases of rabies. Herman Guernsey and wife are receiving the congratulations of their many friends over the arrival at their home on Sunday evening last of a fine baby girl. Died at his home, 8 miles north of Cheyenne January 26, 1910, James Monroe Wilson. Mr. Wilson was born in Upton Co. GA in 1842 and enlisted in the Confederate Army early in the war. He leaves a wife and eight kids and member of the Beulah Baptist Church. The funeral was preached at the home by A.D. Brown at 11:00 Thursday and the body was taken to the Roll Cemetery for interment. The 8 mo old baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Staton of Durham died last Friday and was buried in the Cheyenne Cemetery on Sat. afternoon. R.B. Emerson will have a public sale of his stock, farming implements, household and kitchen furniture at his farm 5 miles west and 2 miles south of Cheyenne on Wed. Feb. 9. Mr. Emerson and family contemplate moving to CO. David Jones will have a big public sale just north of the Snakey Bend School House on Mon. Feb. 14, 1910. He plans to go to Richland, MO. Col. Short will make the noise. Cheyenne State Bank has raised its capital stock to $40,000.00 because of rapidly increasing business. Square Top held a literary Sat. night and was ably handled by Prof. Moore and Prof. Moss with Alvin Moore and T.S. Glanville and four literary assistants. A.X. Grace, the irrepressible auctioneer and real estate dealer of Durham was in town Mon. looking after business and “swapping a few” with the boys. T.L. Miller of Herring and Youngs left this week for St. Louis and other markets to purchase a spring and summer dry goods and notions for that enterprising firm. David Koontz who lives a few miles up the Washita from town, was brought in Wed. on a charge of stealing a pistol from the showcase in the Pate Hardware Store. The officers who went after him found the pistol in his possession. He is now in the Cheyenne jail. The groundhog didn’t see his shadow so he will not go back into his winter quarters for another six weeks’ nap but will remain out and welcome spring. Also, Easter comes early this year, the 27th of March. Taking both signs together the indications are that we will have an early spring.
Cheyenne Star, February 10th, 1910
The Pate Hardware Co. has received several cars of the celebrated J.I. Case farm implements and machinery. This firm is now located on the corner in the old Elliott Bldg. They have also fitted up first class facilities for harness repairing and manufacturing. The Co. Convention of the Farmers’ Union of Roger Mills County met at Rose Hill Jan. 24, 1910. Owing to the disagreeable weather only four locals were represented, VIZ: Edenview, Wildhorse, Rose Hill and Emerson. President Guest of Wild Horse called the meeting to order and Bro. T.L. Johnson was elected to the State Convention. Roger Mills Singing Convention met at Rose Hill Jan. 29 and 30 with the following classes being represented: Edenview, Custer Bend, Dead Indian, Square Top, Grimes and Rose Hill. Among those present were Prof. Williams, Brothers Barrett and Rice, Jasper Miller and the President George Sollers. Mrs. Dr. Gregoire of Cheyenne had her elocution and vocal music class render several selections. Little Johnnie Shelton, Eunice Johnson, and Mrs. Franklin & sons sang. There was a short address by Judge E.E. Tracy. The Rose Hill delegates served dinner on the ground. The next convention will be held at Custer Bend in June. Someone with no fear of the future has been at work on the dogs in Cheyenne for the past few nights, and quite a number of animals have departed for the canine hereafter by the poison route. While this town has been overstocked with worthless currs for some time, this is going a little bit too far, as there are some valuable “pups” which did not seem to know the difference between their regular rations and the “dope” and consequently they turned up their toes to the daisies as well as the worthless ones. There will be a mass meeting of the operators of threshing machines held in Oklahoma City in March for the benefit of the brotherhood of thresher men. J.N. and O.P. Vanderpool will sell their stock and farming implements at the J.N. Vanderpool farm 2 miles north and ½ east of Cheyenne on Feb. 14. There will be 2 sun and 2 moon eclipses this year. Mr. and Mrs. S. Jackson made a business trip to Sayre and Texola on Wed. Henry L. DeVilliers is our local Notary at the Star printing office. Mrs. J.P. Miller and Mrs. W.T. Bonner are at McAlister this week attending a meeting of the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star. Albert and William G. Moad of Carpenter and Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Rakes of Durham were in town Sat. taking the examination before the postmaster for census enu-merators. J.L. Burnett of Carpenter took the rural mail carrier examination on Sat. Ed Taylor spent several days in Elk City last week. Two miles north of Carpenter is a new little town of Kempton. ROSE HILL NEWS: H. Cobb and brother-in-law, Mr. Perry departed last week for New Mexico where they will buy a carload of burros. Mrs. F. Rogers returned from Geary where she was visiting her daughter. John Franklin and Louie Carr visited the Rose Hill School one afternoon last week. The cement sidewalk has been completed in front of the Dobbs’ property and the contractors are now at work putting in the crossings on Broadway. This gives the town a metropolitan air. Dr. White and Mr. Tomlinson of Durham were in Cheyenne Mon. Roy Walton of Dempsey and Miss Repass of Grimes were recently married and making their home at Dempsey. Miss Dalia L. Walker has been visiting her mother near Rome last week. L.W. Pate has moved the connecting building between his place and the Collins place out and will use the space for an implement yard. W.S. Rimbey has moved the building to a lot in the north part of town and will add to the same and will use it for a residence. About 50 took the examination for postmaster on Sat. and 50 took the examination for census enumerators and several for rural carriers.
Cheyenne Star, February, 17th, 1910
At the election of the officers of the Masonic Grand Lodge at McAlester last week, Alfred G. Gray of Cheyenne was elected Grand Senior Warden. Stoney Duke and wife of Elk City were in town the past few days guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Burlingame. Cheyenne will hold two horse races, first scheduled for March 5 between the horses of W. T. Palmer of Grow and W.W. Bass of Hammon. In this race, Mr. Bass’s bay horse gives Mr. Palmer’s horse “Catch Me” daylight in a 400 yard race for a purse of $200. The second race is to be run on March 12 between Anthony brothers sorrel mare, “Good Enough” and W.W. Bass’s bay horse. The distance is 1/8 mile for a purse of $200. The horses will all be kept in Cheyenne after March 1. A.L. Brace will sell his farm furnishings at his farm 4 miles southwest of Hamburg, 1 mile west of Moeller School House on Wed. Feb. 23. J.M. Pinkerton 2 miles southwest of Crawford, will have a public sale on Feb. 22. Phillip “Socks” Bowman and Miss Gertie Cross were married in Sayre by Judge John Hendricks. The bride is the handsome daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cross and the groom is an industrious and progressive young farmer and well liked. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Robinson accompanied them on their wedding trip.
Cheyenne Star, February 24th, 1910
Sweetwater area is all worked up on the railroad question. A core of railroad surveyors has been working on a north and south line between Sweetwater and the state line the past several days. Prof. Tidwell residing at the head of Sgt. Major had the misfortune of losing his residence, barn, and feed by fire on Tuesday afternoon last week. The loss was complete, nothing was saved and it was with difficulty that the family escaped without injury. Mrs. Hodges left Fri. for Paris, Texas to visit her husband, G.W. Hodges who is in that place under medical treatment. Gov. Haskell has paroled Ed Wilms under sentence for life on a charge of murder which was committed in Roger Mills Co. in territorial days. Three young men rode up to the hut of an aged recluse and called him to the door. As the old man opened the door, a shot was fired from which death resulted. The old man stated before his death that he recognized Wilms as one of the party. Wilms admits being present but denies firing the shot or any knowledge that such a deed was contemplated. A condition of the parole is that Wilms shall never again set foot in Roger Mills, Beckham or Washita Counties. Sometime ago, George K. Waterman whose home is northeast of town in the Nine Mile area, was charged with burglary having broke into a house. He left the country before his arrest could be made and last week, was located in Topeka, Kansas and placed under arrest by the sheriff of the that place. Sheriff Evans was notified and last Fri. went to Topeka and got Waterman and returned here with his man on Tues. who is now in the Cheyenne jail. Judge C.S. Gilkerson, who left here the first of January expecting to be away the entire year, has after a brief sojourn in the north and east, returned and will resume the practice of law as before. Due to heavy business it is rumored that the 18th judicial district will be cut in half and that an additional judge is to be appointed. John B. Harrison is the selection. While loading sand from a pit a mile west of town one day last week, John Trammell unearthed a tooth, supposed by those who examined it, to be from the jaw of an extinct animal, probably the mastodon. The tooth measured in depth 10 inches, 9 inches width and circumference 19 inches. A great many had examined the petrification and think it is a genuine tooth. Milo Burlingame has it on exhibition at his place of business and will send it to some scientific institution for examination. S.A. Elliott returned Fri. from a trip to CO. where he made arrange-ments to open a real estate office in that state and expects to move his family there in the early summer. G.E. Shufeldt of Red Moon and S.A. Lawrence of South Dakota were in town this week. Mr. Lawrence is an oil expert and says we have one of the best undeveloped prospects he ever saw and are going to put down a well, 3,000 feet deep and strike oil before that depth is reached somewhere near the old town of Red Moon. We have heard it rumored that oil was found in the springs or seeps along the hills west of Cheyenne and occasionally water wells over 100 feet deep have been strongly impregnated with oil. Buford Patterson was recently awarded a contract to carry mail on the star route between Sayre and Cheyenne for $625. The contract is for four years unless we get a railroad and commences July 1. Mr. Stephens received the contract between Cheyenne and Hamburg for $650 per year. Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Carter started Mon. for Butler where Mr. Carter goes to take charge of a bank being established there by Cheyenne capitalists. Paul Jacks, who has been driving the mail hack between Cheyenne and Sayre has resigned his job and has rented Dr. Gregoire’s farm; the old Smith Harrison’s place. He will become an industrious tiller of the soil. Kempton is the name of the new town south of Elk City. The Thurmonds have established and put in operation a bank there. Judge E.E. Tracy went to Arkansas a few days ago where he is involved in a settling of an estate. R.N. Higgins and wife returned Tues. from Mt. Park and Altus where they visited relatives. Mr. Anderson of Cheyenne was in Butler the first part of the week looking over putting in a livery stable. S.A. Elliott is going to have a sale of his entire stock of merchandise on Lot 10, Block 47 in Cheyenne.
Cheyenne Star, March 3rd, 1910
Cheyenne now has a full fledged Commercial Club with State Charter and are prepared to receive any business propositions that may venture this way. The club will reach out for anything that may “do us good”. H.D. Cox, President;Milo Burlingame, Secretary; R.F. Baird, Treasurer. On Tuesday, March 1, the Hotel Black changed owners and managers. Walker Huff having traded for the same and will conduct it. Owing to Mr. Black’s poor health, they thought it best to retire to their farm northeast of Cheyenne and move there Tuesday. The trade included a farm-known as the Dobbs Farm, 5 miles northeast of town, some town property, some horses and cattle and some cash, for the hotel and furnishings. W.C. Donaldson has recently sold the corner lot, a few lots west of Bull’s Blacksmith Shop, to the Cheyenne Oddfellows, where they sometime in the near future contemplate erecting a building suitable for a lodge room. W.C. Donaldson moved this week to the farm recently purchased from H.D. Cox. While Mike Kehoe was visiting in Kansas City at Christmas, someone entered his shop, carried away two pairs of new boots. Since the Elliott stock was first invoiced, the store has been entered twice; and the first raid, nineteen suits of clothes were taken. A few nights ago, a second raid was made and goods stolen. Entrance was made in both instances by unlocking the door. W.C. Donaldson took some feed out to his farm before he moved. The feed, consisting of different kinds of small grain mixed, was carried away before he got moved. He made a search and found some grain resembling his in another man’s bin, but as all small grains look alike to him, he didn’t positively identify it. W.P. Graham, who has had charge of the Fred Tunnard Feed Yard the past year, has retired and will move to Elk City. Mr. Tunnard assumed control Tuesday. Milo Burlingame has been in OKC this week meeting with some railroad officials. Mr. E.W. Crane, whose farm is 13 miles northwest of Cheyenne, has just returned from a visit to his old home in northern Illinois. The remnant of goods of S.A. Elliott’s bankrupt stock sold on Saturday to Herring & Young. Rev. W.W. Robinson, the local ME preacher, gave a speech at Cheyenne School on the subject of Abraham Lincoln on Lincoln’s birthday. It is worthy to print here. Judge Tracy has been in Arkansas for the past week and returned Mon. The Watkins Medicine Co. Wagon was in the community this week. R.R. Bull is again at the anvil and plans to put in some new machinery including a trip hammer. Charley Klenk, Jr. of the Durham area, filed on a good track of land up there last Saturday. Charles Bennett with a load of coal at Crawford, had the misfortune to have his wagon break down last week in Cheyenne. A.S. McKinney transacted business in Sayre this week and R.F. Baird is in Elk City on business. Miss Pearl Huff has arrived from Elk City, and will be cashier at the Hotel Huff. E.F. Guernsey will have a public sale at the old Maltby place, 3 miles northeast of Cheyenne on Tuesday, March 8. The Penrod farm, 13 miles northwest, was sold last Monday at a Sheriff’s Sale at the County Court House to E.W. Crane for near $1200.00.
Cheyenne Star, March 10th, 1910
Tom “Chance” Dawkins and Scott Bain got into a racket Monday afternoon, a few miles southeast of town, about the killing of a dog, and Bain drew a knife, assaulted Chance, inflicting several severe gashes about the head and face. Bain was arrested Tues. at Sayre and returned here by Sheriff Evans yesterday. Messrs Van Brunt and Hoover, promoters of the Interurban Railroad, which is to start at Oklahoma City and end at Canadian, were here Tues. taking a topographical view of the country and went on to Canadian. Milo Burlingame accompanied the gentlemen on their way. This is one of the roads that Cheyenne is interested in. Joseph Schlect of Crawford was in town on business this week. Dr. Grant was here from Roll on Mon. Fuller A. Meeker, Thomas Hawk, Harvey P. Wilson, Louis P. Perkins, Joel H. Pace, Claudia M. Rose, Albert E Poston, and James W. McDonal were among those who made final proof Mon. last. The Star made mention last week that W.C. Donaldson had a quantity of grain stolen from his farm recently. He had George Boone arrested on the charge of stealing the same. Boone claims to have raised the corn, and purchased the oats on the road from a man near Sayre for 35 cents per bushel. Judge Tracy heard the evidence and placed Boone under $1500 bond to appear before the District Court. Mr. and Mrs. C.O. Gause have been in Oklahoma City this past week. While absent, Mr. Gause purchased a new surrey for his livery barn. The race between W.T. Palmer’s horse and an animal owned by W.W. Bass of Hammon was pulled off at the Cheyenne track Sat. afternoon, the Palmer horse winning. The purse was $200. On Sat. afternoon next the horses of W.W. Bass and Anthony Brothers will race for a purse of $200. These horses are very evenly matched and an interesting race is expected. Lillie Berry, 15 year old daughter of T.J. and Mary Berry, died March 3, 1910. Funeral services were conducted by W.F. Farrar at the Cheyenne Cemetery where her mortal body was laid to rest. Tuesday night some parties entered Walker Huff’s store room in the rear of his meat market and swiped about 600 pounds of rendered lard in cans. Fred Tunnard says by the swipe process someone is enjoying chicken dinners at his expense. Abner A. King of Harrington was in town this week. Shufelt and Copeland of the RedMoon neighborhood tried a damage case before Judge Casady last night. It was for corn fodder destroyed by Copeland’s cattle running on Shufeldt. Damage claimed $75; damage allowed $10; which carries the cost with it. We printed sale bills this week for the sale of E.B. Adams who resides 1 mile west and 5 north of Roll, on Saturday, March 12. J.R. Emerson of Grimes was in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Cox will leave this week for an extended visit with their son, Don and family at Alto, NM. The Southern Hotel is now owned and under the personal management of Walker Huff. The Bonheur Brothers Vaudeville Show is coming to Cheyenne Mon. night, March 14. They will have one of their Shetland ponies on exhibit at each performance. That story about Billy Jurgens hurling a 200 pound man through his barber shop window is a little overdrawn, but then Billy could perform the feat with ease. Thomas Hawk and James Arthur from Durham are new subscribers to the Star.
Cheyenne Star, March 17th, 1910
The “scrub” race, the distance being only 200 yards, between the bay horse and the sorrow mare last Sat. afternoon was an unsatisfactory affair. The patience of the crowd was tried to the extreme by the riders jockeying their horses at the starting place for an hour and a half. Walker Huff who was the starter, says there was but a few inches advantage and the one that was ahead had that. Messrs Dobbs and Caudle, who were the judges, decided that the mare won the boudle, although there was a foot or two advantage. While interesting to many, these races are not very elevating to society, set bad examples to the boys, make many who are not able to afford it, drop their loose change, and the act of racing on the public highway is a violation of the laws of the state. The expected appearance of Haley’s Comet is being talked about. Mrs. W.H. Mouser is at Putnam visiting this week. E.M. Black died at his farm where he homesteaded, 15 miles northeast of Cheyenne last Sat. evening. The cause being in the nature of a congestive chill at the age of 52 years. He was the proprietor of the Hotel Black for several years. His father, Dr. Black, was with his son when he died. Interment was made in the Rogers Cemetery near his former home. Stark Bros. nursery put out their catalog. Miss Laura Work has returned from OKC where she spent the winter in a wholesale millinery house learning the arts of the business. She has brought to Cheyenne an elegant line of the latest city styles and will have the same on exhibit Fri. and Sat. of this week at her millinery parlor in this city. They are still talking railroad in the Sweetwater country; likewise at Crawford and Roll. Henry Devilliers and family spent Sunday with the family of D.J. Jackson at his home on Beaver Dam Creek. Walter Simpson, who resided seven miles west of Cheyenne, has traded his farm to Nancy C. Bowman for a farm in Pottawatomie County Oklahoma and left this week overland, for his new home. The C&OW Railroad announced a free excursion between Clinton and Butler on March 21-23. While in the country last Sun. we learned that a large portion of the fence posts and wire had been stolen from the Penrod Farm during the winter. There seems to be an organized gang of thieves that should be run down. The country has been unusually infested the past winter. Stealing of fencing and building material is the ruling passion. The house at the Madden farm west of town, has been thoroughly stripped of all moveable material, even the sash has been taken from the window. Along the swipe line, we might report that someone abstracted three sacks of alfalfa seed near $100 worth from the barn on the Beaty Farm near town. There is a quantity of seed stored there and all access to the barn was well secured but the thieves succeeded in getting in. Winford, Moore & Holmes moved their Real Estate office into the Burns building on the south side. Cheyenne needs a public hall, a place where public meetings and entertainments can be held. While driving in the country Sun. we noticed that the early fruit, peaches and apricots were beginning to bloom. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harrison, ten miles west of town, last Sun. a bouncing son. Grandpa McCaskill was wearing a smile. Dr. Wallace reports a fine boy baby in the family of J.R. Jackson, southeast of town. In the Ran Wood case appealed from this county, the Supreme Court affirmed the verdict of the lower court at Cheyenne. Wood was sentenced to the penitentiary for a term of 16 years for shooting Jesse Hungate, and took an appeal. George Waterman who was returned from Topeka, Kansas last week by Sheriff Evans, on a charge of breaking into a house on Nine Mile, was tried before Judge Tracy on Mon. and bound over to District Court in the amount of $1500.
Cheyenne Star, March 24th, 1910
L.B. Grant, general manager of the L.B. Grant Lumber Co. having large yards at El Reno, Clinton, and Butler, was in town Sun and Mon. looking over the ground in regard to putting in a yard at this place. Mr. Grant was well pleased with the looks of Cheyenne and will undoubtedly open a lumber yard here in the near future. Sunday evening he drove to Roll and spent the night with his brother, Dr. V.V. Grant of that place. Mr. Paul Habeck of the Rankin area was in town yesterday. He reports a new school house at Rankin. Also that Thomas Rankin has just completed a new residence. It was reported in these columns sometime ago that a quantity of goods had been stolen from the Elliott Store. Part of them were found this week in a room in the Dobbs Rooming House and promptly reported to Mr. Elliott. The goods consisted of ladies’ underwear. No clues as to the thief has been reported, but it is thought the officers have a string which they will pull before long. Dr. J.P. Miller has delivered the following babies in the last nine days: Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Sprowls a daughter; Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Benway a son; Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Cline a son; Mr. and Mrs. A.T. Kendall a daughter; Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Lee a daughter. Paul Morris of Harrington was the lucky one to secure a good claim by filing this week. B.D. Cooksey has moved his drugs store from the post office bldg. into the old Pate Hardware Bldg. next to the hotel. This makes him a roomy and comfortable place of business. The change makes more room for the post office, and when re-arranged will not be in the crowded condition heretofore. Lode Beaty returned to Cheyenne last Sat. after an absence of several months in Texas, New Mexico and the southwest. The Grimes School Board has purchased towels, wash pan, looking glass and etc. for the school house and will have the schoolhouse scrubbed and cleaned up generally the last of each week. E.C. Winford reports that he will not sell out or leave Cheyenne but will have offices here and at Butler. Johnnie Esther Berry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Berry, died March 22, 1910 at age 10 years and 10 days. She was laid to rest in the Cheyenne Cemetery.
Cheyenne Star, March 31st, 1910
The school closed at Red Top last Friday, March 25 and the closing entertainment in the evening. Miss Pearl Bellamy has successfully taught this school two terms and retires with the best wishes of the patrons. Sam McSpadden, who was tried in the District Court for the theft of a bale of cotton for which he was implicated with Alva Engle and Walter Jamison, about five years ago, was convicted and sentenced to two and one half years in the penitentiary. The Engle’s case was thrown out of court and Jamison proved his innocence. The Socialist Party will have a meeting at Cheyenne April 30. The residence of Dan Jackson who lives on Beaver Dam Creek was totally destroyed by fire last Fri. evening. Mrs. Jackson had just gone to the stable for something, and looking back discovered the house in flames. The house and contents were a total loss with no insurance. As there was no fire in the house, it is a mystery how the fire originated. The American Central Railway Co. is reported to have a corps of engineers surveying between Miami, Texas and Sayre, by way of Sweetwater. This is said to be the seventh proposition for Sweetwater and some of the farmers are becoming alarmed for fear it will take all of their land for terminals. A footrace was pulled off here last Sat. that was quite exciting and a little novel in its way, by J.L. Anderson of Cheyenne, and Kirk Donelson of Texmo. The race was for 50 yards. Donelson was to lay down on his back at the starting point and when Anderson passed him at full speed, was to get up and beat him out. But he didn’t do it. Mr. and Mrs. R.V. Converse who have been spending the winter in town, have moved to the farm four miles east of town. Mrs. Converse continues her work in the primary dept. of our city’s schools driving in and out mornings and evenings. George Shufeldt has for sale at RedMoon 75 tons of early cut hay. W.C. Tommie of Sayre and D.W. Tracy, Elk City, lawyers, were here last week trying to convince two farmers that they were both wrong. Shufeldt and Jeffcoats, two farmers from up the river tried a damage case before Judge Casady last Fri and Sat. The jury disagreed. Roll will organize an IOOF Lodge next Sat. night. The Cheyenne team will do the work. There is an old well on Main Street that for sanitary reasons and for the looks, should be filled in and the old plank, an eyesore, removed. It may prevent an epidemic. G.B. Lovett, of Wooster, Ohio has accepted a place as bookkeeper in the Cheyenne State Bank, and entered upon his duties this week. Bud Smith takes “joy rides” in his auto. He makes her spin. Jack Boon sold his farm to E.J. Guernsey and will move to Louisiana. Mr. and Mrs. S. Grim are entertaining a little gentleman who took up his residence at their home last week. Another foot race is to be run here Sat. April 16, by Donelson and Anderson. Donelson is to go 150 feet and Anderson, 135 feet. A crowd is expected. Cheyenne is develop-ing some fine crayon artists. One who is making good is Newt McClain. Just step into the billiard hall and see some of his work. The landscapes are natural and the work neatly executed. R.M. Turners’ little three year old boy was severely bitten about the face yesterday. Mrs. Turner had placed some feed in a pan out in the yard for the chickens. The little boy was playing in the yard and attempted to drive the dog away from the feed when he was attacked. Charolotte Ann VanWinkle Watts died March 23, 1910, aged 54 years. She had married Samuel Watts in Day County. She had three sons all of whom were present at the funeral. A case was tried Monday before Judge Casady between F.M. McCully and J.H. Driver. The case was for possession of the Twelve Mile Feed Yard between Elk City and Hammon. The case was continued to the 4th of April. The coming comet(Haley’s) will be seen immediately above where the sun goes down.
Cheyenne Star, Apr 8, 1910
F.E. Herring (western Oklahoma rancher and businessman) has announced his candidacy for the nomination of Oklahoma State Governor, subject to the Democratic primaries in August. J.A. Moad was in from Carpenter this week on business. William W . Rakes of Durham has been appointed Census enumerator for Washita Township and Mrs. Jessie A. Rakes also of Durham has been appointed enumerator for Streeter Township. A.J. Mounts, living southwest of Cheyenne, is dangerously ill with appendicitis. Roy Staton, nursery man, of Durham was a business visitor in town this week. Albert Brooker of Brantley was transacting business in town the other day. Drs. Wallace and Gregoire report the following births for the past month: J.R. Jackson and wife, March 10 a boy; S. Grim and wife, 19th a boy; E. Turner and wife, 20th a girl; E. Bessire and wife, 21st a boy; J.C. Smith and wife, 24th a girl; J.R. Wright and wife, 25th a girl; T.J. Berry and wife, 28th a girl.
E.A.C. Moeller from Hamburg has seed corn and broomcorn seed for sale, also two mares and a mule. P.O. Department has issued an order that carriers must not stop to shoot game while in pursuance of their duties. Following parties made final proof this week: Louis Hart, Edward B. Sloan, George J. Newkirk, Molly Banner, Hoil T. Banner, Anzel Y. Godfrey, Robert T. P. Allen, Isaac Albright. There was a little fire scare at Milo Burlingame’s residence yesterday morning. The fire started from the range and was working its way up towards the roof but was extinguished before any damage was done.
New Star subscribers: W.A. Denton, Roll; J.P. Boatwright; E.F. Stephens; Prof. Moss. There is a scarcity of hogs in the country. W.W. Rakes of 4 miles north and 2 west of Hamburg has printed a public auction bill in the paper. G.E. Shufeldt of Red Moon has 75 tons of early cut bottom hay. A.X. Grace of Durham offers a half section of good Washita River bottom land with a good 5 room house and other improvements for $3500.Last Saturday throughout the afternoon, members of the Cheyenne IOOF Lodge drove north in twos and threes and fives, headed for Roll. At dark, they had collected there 31 members of the Cheyenne Lodge when they proceeded to institute the new lodge and install the officers at Roll. The Cheyenne team consisted of R.N. Higgins, (BDGM) F.G. Brann, W.S. Rimby, S.H. Rimby, Leon Young, B.F. Bynum, N.T. Graves, J.O. Galloway, S.A. Wallace, A.F. Pierce, W.P. Keen, T.L. Miller, Jess Moore, George Prestridge, John H. Osborn, Luther Baird, Fayette Anderson, T.L. Turner, W.H. Mouser. Seventeen Roll candidates were initiated and conferred their degrees. There were 80 members present until four o’clock in the morning.
New City officers were elected Tuesday: Councilmen L.W. Pate, Milo Burlingame, J.J. Moore; Marshal John Salyer, Treasurer S Jackson; Clerk and Assessor R N. Higgins. There was a race last Sat. between the Bowman and the Carl horse. The latter won. Scott Bain was tried last week before Judge Casady for assault and battery on one hawking committed several days ago southeast of Cheyenne, found guilty, fined $5 plus costs. Married at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. A.O. Miller was Miss Jewel Miller to Mr. J.T. Harvey of San Antonio. A track has been prepared in Lester’s pasture, north of the city limits, where races will take place in the future. John Reed received serious injury to one eye Monday. He was opening a barrel and the head flew up and struck him in the eye.
Cheyenne Star, Apr 14, 1910
The Ladies Aid Society of Grimes, ME Church, is publishing a new paper called the Grimes Advocate, edited by Mrs. Alice Blackburn. Nick Massard who lives three miles southeast of town, says the prospects for all kinds of fruit is excellent. J.P. Miller, Co. Supt of Public Health, announces the following: Total number of births recorded in County for month of March, 34; deaths reported, 8; One died of typhoid fever, one of apoplexia, one of acute interitis, one of tuberculosis, one of pneumonia, one of appendicitis, and one of organic heart lesion. Two under one year of age, one between one and two, one between 10-15 and one 15-20, one between 20-30, one between 40-50 and one between 50-60.
Paul Habeck of Rankin has standard and dwarf broomcorn seed at 5 and 7 cents a pound. F.E. Mason, known as Shorty, has purchased an interest in the pool hall in Sayre. William M. Woods, age 34 and Miss Laura Mogel, age 40 both of Cheyenne were married this week at the ME parsonage. T.Madden Miller and G.L. Converse have been in town this week transacting business and visiting old acquaintances. A.J. Mount, about 10 miles southwest of town, who we reported dangerously ill last week with appendicitis, underwent an operation by Drs. Wallace and Gregoire last Thursday and at this writing is rapidly improving.
The families of J. Wright of Crawford and John Austin of Durham and a few others are in route to California to locate. Jess Black was in from the farm on Mon. Mrs. R.F. Baird has gone to Texas on a visit. W.L. Blackburn of Grimes is the Democratic candidate for County Clerk and was in town Tuesday. A little bronco busting was pulled off here last Sat. Sam Bowman had an outlaw pony and George Waterman undertook to ride him. The pony put on a pretty fair article of “buck” but in the language of a young fellow who was at the show, “George sure rid’im, and didn’t claw leather nother”.
Mrs. W.T. Bonner and children, Mrs. B.D. Cooksey and child, and Mrs. Dr. Wallace and son spent Tues. out at the camp on the river, where Mr. Bonner and help are rounding up a bunch of cattle for the summer range. Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Collins returned Sat. from Ohio and Iowa where they spent the last month visiting relatives. Stone Taylor is candidate for comm.-issioner subject to the Democratic primaries. Active in the ME Church are W.H. Mouser, Miss Flora Work, John H. Osborne, Dr. W.H. Bell, Henry Tracy, Mrs. H.B. Dewey, Miss Kate Wallace, Will Keen, Erma Monroe, Roscoe Johnson, Stella Perry, Miss Mariam Elliott, Mr. Johnson, Nora Keen, Cora Pierce, Jessie Kendall, Laska Moore, Mrs. W.W. Robinson, Frankie Kendall, Bessie West, Mrs. Gregoire.
Nels Curtis, former resident, was here a few days recently visiting friends
Cheyenne Star, Apr. 21, 1910
I.H. Phenas is being encouraged by his friends to make the race on the Republican ticket for Co. Commissioner Dist. 3. Prof. G. D. Moss, Principal of the Cheyenne Public Schools is placing his name in consideration for State Supt. Of Public Schools. The White Hotel is again closed, R.L. Trammell having vacated the house last week. August D. Galland, Henry G. Wright, James H. Carder, George H. Nichols, Logan Hunt, Samuel F. Stuart, George E. Stevens, Sarah E. Brown, and James T. Ash, heir of Daniel Ash were among those who made final proof last week.
Jeff Curlee left this week for eastern Oklahoma. W.W. Blackburn now has a position with the Cotton Exchange Bank in Cheyenne. J.C. Sprowls, on the Sandstone, is building a hay barn to hold 4,000 bales and expects to have enough alfalfa to fill it. There was a ball game here last Sat. between the Cheyenne High School 9 and a pick up 9 from Red Moon. Score was 12-13 in favor of Cheyenne. Alex Falconer of Cheyenne State Bank accompanied A.H. Carter to Butler Tues. where he will assist in opening the new bank in which Mr. Carter is interested. Married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Taylor, 12 miles north-west of Cheyenne, on Sat. the 16th, were M.F. Burns and Miss Myrtle Taylor, Rev. W.W. Farrar officiating.
The footrace between Donelson and Anderson of Cheyenne last Sat. did not draw a very big crowd, farmers are too busy. Donelson was to go 150 feet and Anderson 135 feet. Anderson won by a foot. Dr. J.P. Miller, last week, purchased from M.F. Osborne the farm formerly owned by W.O. Horr, two miles west of town. Price paid was $2500.00. The boy Adams, spoken of in these columns last week, was not accepted at the penitentiary at McAlester when Sheriff Evans arrived there with him, by the officers in charge of that institution, but forwarded him to the reformatory at Granite, which institution is now so far completed as to receive boys. Cheyenne High School baseball team hoped to cross bats with the Sayre High School team on the afternoon of April 20. The basketball girls are training again and hope to arrange some games in the near future. Mrs. Black’s students have turned themselves into Indians and are preparing to put on the drama, “Hiawatha” in the near future. The high school peoples will put on the play, “Little Goldie”, the last of the month. This is one of the heaviest plays yet attempted by the pupils but needless to say they will do it justice. Mrs. Dewey’s class will provide a musical recital at the Baptist Church Friday evening, May 6. Obit for James Wilson at Beulah. Messers Jack Harris and Hugh Little will have a public sale at the Little farm seven miles north and 2 ½ west of Cheyenne on Tuesday, April 26. Mr. Little is going to Colorado.
Cheyenne Star, Apr. 28, 1910
Republican Club met at the Dempsey Store Building and those present decided that Ed Lozier should run for Commissioner of that District. Dixon English of Grimes was in the Dempsey store on business on Thursday. Mr. Kimball of Rankin was a Dempsey visitor on Thursday. There will be an entertainment at the Dempsey School House the last night of school. Farmers are busy planting corn. Rutherford B. Emerson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Emerson, who reside seven miles southwest of Cheyenne, has died in Colorado of dropsy. There was a ball game Tuesday afternoon between the High School 9 and a 9 made up of businessmen, principally old ball players. The score was largely in favor of the businessmen until toward the end when the kids evened things up to 10-11, when the game was brought to sudden ending by a little unpleasantness between one of the kids and a professional, in which the strikes were about even when the game was called off. Jud Cunningham was umpire and his decisions were fair and impartial to both sides. Last week as Oscar Caudill and family were rusticating on their ranch near Berlin, they came across a sweet surprise. Young Fred had noticed what he thought were honeybees last summer and got his father to go to the creek to see what he thought of it. Oscar found that they were honeybees all right, and they but down the tree and they brought the swarm home where they now have it.
The following officers have opened a banking business at Butler. President H.D. Cox, Vice-President T.M. Miller, Cashier, A.H. Carter, Asst. Cashier, Walter Sprowls.
SQUARE TOP NEWS: Preaching on Sunday by Brother Hiatt. Literary meeting was well attended on Saturday night. Those assisting in the program were Mrs. Sue Thornton, Stella Work from Cheyenne and Mrs. Dessie Berry from Snakey Bend. A debate was held on the use of tobacco as a vise to the human race. Debate next Saturday night will be on experiment stations are beneficial to the farmer.
The Odd Fellows and Eagles Lodges have purchased the old school building and will move it to their lots west of Bull’s Blacksmith Shop. The building will be taken apart and “strung out” which will make one building 80 feet long. The lower floor will be arranged to make a business room of it and the upper part will be converted into a lodge room for the use of both lodges. Thus, one of the old landmarks of Cheyenne will disappear but will be replaced by a handsomer and much more convenient building. School has been dismissed for the week while the furniture is being transferred from the old one to the new one just completed. The new building will be occupied when school convenes next Monday morning. A piano recital will be given at the Baptist Church Friday evening by Mrs. H.B. Dewey’s students. Those on the program are Miss Myra Warren, Miss Miriam Elliott, Miss Bessie Cooper, Miss Susanna Dewey, Miss Madeline Osborne, Miss Lillybelle Burlingame, Miss Nannie Taylor, Miss Laura Warren, Miss Lorena Osborne, Miss Mable Ross, Mrs. Henry Byron Dewey.
Billy Black was in from the farm transacting business and giving the boys a glad hand. Tom Watson has gone to NM where he will have charge of the chuck department on a big ranch. Louis Elliott has sold his farm northeast of town by relinquishing to J.C. Jolly, a young gentleman from Colorado. Tom Morgan, Karl Campbell and Oscar Nelson have just returned from an eight day trip west into the panhandle country. They report that that country is looking good, settling up fast and with a good class of farmers. R.R. Bull has purchased the barber outfit from Herring & Kendall and has possession of the shop. A Mr. Hill will be the Tonsorial artist (tonsils out). D.B. Madden will be the first mayor of Sayre. H.J. Pugh will have a public sale at his farm property, 31/2 miles north of Rankin on May 4. W.F. Burns and sons, George and Van, started last week overland for Colorado, has not sold his property here, so we may expect him back.
The damage suit of Shufeldt vs. Jeffcoats, which was tried by Judge Casady Monday, resulted in a verdict for the defendant. Shufeldt took an appeal. Last Sunday night was a cold one, mercury showed 30 degrees.
Cheyenne Star, May 5, 1910
By Dale Tracy- Near Berlin last Sunday on returning from church, Will Kent and family stopped for dinner with Ed Isom. While dinner was in progress, a child of Kent’s strolled out into the yard where it found a piece of meat and chewed at it a little. The meat was taken from the child and was thrown to the dog. In a very short time both child and dog were in convulsions, and the dog soon died. The child survived a little longer and also died. The doctors who were called pronounced it poison and the impression is it was put out for a dog. John West lost a fine stable horse a few nights ago. The animal got a hind foot over the halter rope, and in the struggle the horse was choked to death. Last week, Walker Huff purchased the G.M. Goode farm, one mile southwest of town, and in turn sold it to S. Jackson and John Kendall. We believe Huff paid $7000.00. W.A. Adams was here from Brantley Fri. and Sat. as a member of the Board of Teacher Examiners. Billy is A-1 among the educators in Roger Mills. J.A. Moad was in from Carpenter on Mon. He says the Wichita Falls and Northwest RR has located a town a half mile south of his farm. Dr. W.H. Bell, dentist of Cheyenne, and Miss Bertha Groves of Ft. Worth, Texas were married at the latter place on Wed. April 27. They are at home in Cheyenne, having arrived Friday.
Sayre High School baseball team came up last Sat. to play the Cheyenne baseball team. W.W. Robinson was umpire. The home team won by a score of 23-21. A return game will be played at Sayre two weeks from last Sat. S. Jackson had a mare cut on wire. They have been doctoring the animal for same, but the other day they permitted an amateur veterinarian (the country is full of them) try his skill. The mare died in two hours. Last Friday Walter Huff purchased Bub Turner’s livery barn and rolling stock. He has leased the rolling stock to Jesse Rosser and Billy Cheatham, who will take charge May 1. The property was handled at $3,000. Fred Tunnard is home from Amarillo this week during County Court. Fred is a candidate in the Amarillo District for the Texas State Senate. Miss Volina Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Miller was united in marriage to T.L. Miller yesterday morning at 5:00. Mr. Miller is at present manager of the dry goods department at Herring & Young establishment. Last Saturday, Sam Allen, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Burtnett, and now residing on her homestead ten miles west of Cheyenne, brought home from the railroad about $12 worth of groceries and provisions. On Sunday evening the family went to church and on their return found that someone had entered their house and stolen all of the provisions. From the fact that the goods had only been there overnight, it looks as if someone not far away was the thief.
J.A. Moad, W.A. Adams and J.H. Moore, the County Election Board are in session this week.
DEMPSEY ITEMS: A. Finch has been numbered as one of the sick. The Dempsey Club are all for Joe Moad for Sheriff. James Atwood has been on the sick list. Some of the Dempsey people returned from Sayre a few days ago and informed us that there was a surveying crew out this side of Sayre headed this way. That sounds good to us, but a whistle would sound better. Oscar Caudle passed through here Saturday with a nice bunch of cattle on the way to Texas where he will pasture them until they are ready for market. Messrs Marion Frankford, Chud Atwood, David Byler, Mrs. Alta Frankford and Miss Inez Frankford were pleasant callers at the home of Walter Martin Friday night. The crowd was nicely entertained with music furnished by Messers Atwood and Byler and Miss Frankford. David King and Ervin Hunt of Cheyenne were at Dempsey Sun. Oscar Rowan was here Sat. for a visit with his brothers, Charley and Claude and sister, Mrs. Maud King. Mrs. Helen Bryant of Cheyenne spent Tuesday night at Marion Frankford’s. The men of our community went with teams last week and put in Mr. Mount’s crop. There were 22 teams. Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Morris were visitors with their daughter Mrs. Wilda Bain near Grimes.
SQUARE TOP: We are glad to have Arthur Whittom and Merton Hawkins in our midst again. Those entertaining at the literary Sat. night were Mrs. Dr. Gregoire and little son, Frank and Misses Marguerite and Agnes Goode and Henry Tracy. There will be a Pie Social at our school house next Sat. night.
Haley’s Comet has been observed by an astronomer at Oklahoma University.
Pearl Huff accompanied her sister, Nellie Hensley to Elk City. J.M. Bonner and Boots Fields took in the excursion from Elk City to Fredrick. Charlie Cross, who has been attending business college this winter at Oklahoma City, returned home Saturday. Final proofs: Arthur Watkins, Joseph Watkins of Hammon; Orville S. Short, Cheyenne; Minta Fuller, Egbert N. Colburn and Alice M. Dooty of Grimes; Stella M. Buchan of Roll.
Cheyenne Star, May 12, 1910
By Dale Tracy – Socialists met in mass convention in Cheyenne on April 30 and put a full ticket in the field. A piano recital was held at the Baptist Church by Mrs. Dewey’s piano class Miss Myra Warren opened with a piano solo. A reading was presented by Miss Lorena Osborne and a vocal solo by Miss Bessie Cooper. Dr. J.P. Miller is enjoying a visit from his brothers, W.E. Miller of Claude, Texas and Rev. J.G. Miller of Clarendon. Mrs. Isabella Fields of Cheyenne has been under the physician’s care at the hospital for some time, and was recently dismissed.
DEMPSEY NEWS: written by the Scribbler. Ray and Hazel Walton made a trip to Sayre Mon. Aunt Peggy Ferrill is suffering from an attack of rheumatism at the home of G.D. Martin, her brother. T.J. Crowel was among the Sayre visitors Mon. A.L. Cotton and wife visited with Mr. Johnson and family near Sweetwater Sat. night. Clyde and Will Dodson went to Sayre Tues. and on account of misty weather, didn’t get back until Sat. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Martin made trip to Elk City. The Dempsey School was closed Tuesday after 8 months of successful teaching by Prof. G.H. Cox. J.N. Bull, blacksmith of Cheyenne was here recently visiting D.M. Byler, our blacksmith.
E.K. Thurmond of Sayre, President of the Cheyenne State Bank, was here looking after bank matters. With S. Jackson he went to the farm southwest of town. Some cases of measles are reported in Cheyenne, and if you see a yellow flag at the front gate, keep away. The old school building was removed this week to the new location in the west part of town where it will be converted into a lodge room for the Oddfellows and Eagles. “Badger” Kendall, with his family, left Tuesday morning for Center, Colorado where he expects to make his future home. The tent meeting has been in progress here three days. Owing to County Court in session and several bootleggers being prosecuted last week, Sheep dip was mighty scarce. W.D. Mills, bookkeeper at the Herring & Young has been visited by his brother. Sam Bowman has been down in Texas this week and brought home a nice bunch of horses. J.L. Hughes of Cheyenne found a pocketbook. Loser can have same by proving property and paying costs. Miss Pearl Huff returned Mon. from week’s visit with sisters at Elk City. G.W. Franklin at Dempsey, wants a man with a team to plant some crop. E.F. Stephens returned from Higgins, Texas where he had been on a visit to his little son. Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Purcell have a fine 8 pound girl in their home as of Sunday night. John A. West and son of Cheyenne marketed 13 wagon loads of fat hogs, 94 in all at Elk City. Milo Burlingame and Sam Bowman have just shipped in a thoroughbred race stallion—Peter McCue. This horse is sire of some of the fastest horses in the U.S. He can be seen at the Tom Caudill barns in Cheyenne. Funeral services were held for W.H. Hill who departed this life on May 1, 1910. He is the husband of Mary O. Hill who is the daughter of S. Shandy.
Cheyenne Star, May 19, 1910
Miss Black’s pupils will give Longfellow’s “Hiawatha” as a drama on Monday, May 23rd. Johnnie O. Moon of Durham and Miss Bertha M. Wood of Hamburg were married in the upper office of the Gerlach Mercantile at Canadian, Texas on Monday, May 9th. Milo Burlingame and a gentleman who is connected with a railroad promoter were at Canadian last Sat. Deputy Sheriff Lafe Anderson started out this week after the delinquent taxes. J.R. McDaniels, who has been clerking in the Herring & Young Store the past winter, has purchased the restaurant business from Clyde Dewey, and has taken possession. Marvin Fox of Sayre will lecture at the Dempsey School House Sat. night, May 28. Subject: “Why I Am Not A Socialist”. We noted last week that John West had sold some hogs in Elk City recently. There were 93 head, averaged 170 pounds and sold for $8.85 cents per hundred, making a total of almost $1400 for the bunch. The following persons subscribed to the Star this past week: A.A. Stranahan of Cheyenne, J.E. McKinney of Roll, Mrs. Graves of Cheyenne, James J. Coughlin of Durham, J.G. Scott of Elk City.
Ed McBryde who was brought in from his home six or eight miles southeast of Cheyenne, charged by Scott Bain with carrying a six shooter. He has his trial before Judge Tracy, and the jury acquitted him. There seems to have been ill feelings between the families for a long time, and this arrest was one of the results. Judge Tracy took this as an appropriate occasion to read them a lecture and advised them to go home and behave themselves. Besides being an expense to the county, it took a large number of farmers away from their work at a very busy time. Numerous railroads are being projected for western Oklahoma and two or three surveying crews are now at work in the county. There is the road from Clinton to Butler, which in time will come west from Butler; the Wichita Falls road is now laying steel into Elk City and rumor connects this road with a proposed western extension reaching Canadian.
Haley’s Comet has come and gone. Ben Eggleston, a former Cheyenne Brave was in town Monday. First time in many moons. A.H. Carter sold Mon. the lot and building occupied by D. B. Cooksey to H.D. Cox. The unusual site of a notice “Berry Pickers Wanted” appears in the Sweetwater Breeze. Mr. Albion has dewberries in abundance. The rain the past week about makes the wheat crop. We are told the wheat never looked better. C.M. Bates, the carpenter, was in town on Friday. The Street Commissioner has been busy this week with the poll tax victims putting in sewer pipes at street crossings. Billy Miller went to Texas last week for treatment for his eyes. The high winds this spring had serious effect on them. S. Grim returned a few days ago from a business trip to Altus.
Fred Caudle was in town yesterday with some railroad news. He had been to Elk City and says that the Wichita Falls and Northwestern have two grading crews working north toward Hammon and that the Sayre-Cheyenne Interurban surveyors are as far north as Berlin and three miles west and have run several lines trying to find an easy grade through the hills north. Tom Kendall, a farmer one mile north of town, has established a milk route for Cheyenne, and his wagon will call at your door every day. T.L. Miller has just received a handsome new undercut open buggy.
DEMPSEY DOTS: Ivan Hunt of Cheyenne bought a bunch of fat cattle from Mr. McFarland. D.M. Byler went to Sayre Tues. Miss Inez Frankford is spending this week with J.G. Lancasters near Sayre.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Martin spent the weekend at Texola as guests of Mrs. Martin’s parents. Charley Cross has secured a position with Herring & Young. W.T. Bonner returned a few days ago from Texas where he had gone to accompany G.W. Hodges to Guthrie where he is in care of doctors. Maurice Miller has come to Cheyenne to make his home and will occupy the old Miller home farm adjoining the city on the north. Sometime during the past winter, Walker Huff’s storehouse at his meat market was robbed of over 600 pounds of lard in cans. No clue was found at the time, but persons were put on the case to keep a lookout. Yesterday some cans of lard were sold in Elk City and traced to Tom Hughes and Jeff Curlee and both were put under arrest
Cheyenne Star, May 26, 1910
Cheyenne School will hold commencement exercises Friday night, May 27. Cleta Moore, Salutatorian; Henry Tracy, Valedictory; Alvin Moore, Class History; Laska Moore, Class Prophecy; others on the program: Mrs. T. L. Miller, Rev. W.W. Robinson, Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. H.B. Dewey, Suzanna Holtz, Mrs. R.F. Baird, Rev. W.F. Farrar, address to be given by Rev. M.C. Connell. Walter Blackburn with the Cheyenne Cotton Exchange Bank spent Sun. with the home folks at Grimes. Roger Mills Co. Singing Assoc. will hold a Singing Convention at the Custer Bend School House on June 4&5. The case of the state of Oklahoma vs. Malson, wherein the defendant was charged with taking possession of stock restrained by the “Herd Law” without the permission of the party who put out the stock, so trial before Squire Casady. Trial by jury and a verdict of $10 and costs. Prof G.D. Moss, principal of the Cheyenne Schools was in Oklahoma City where he purchased a nice piano for the school. W.J. Beal of the Harrington area was Cheyenne visitor Fri.
DEAD INDIAN ITEMS: Misses Ruth Hutton, Maurine Brown and Willie Sing were visitors at Cheyenne last week. Mrs. Simpson, W.H. Kendall’s daughter, is visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity. J.H. Sing made a business trip to Elk City. Miss Frankie Kendall was visiting friends in Elk City. R.E. Brown who has been working the past two months on a railroad, returned home.
We are informed by Milo Burlingame that the surveyors on the new railroad between here and Sayre are camped three miles out of town. They have run one line into town and hope to have the route surveyed into town during the week. W.J. Beal of Harrington while in town Friday, after casing for his new 150’ well, states that in digging this well he came in contact with a small quantity of coal at a depth of 125’. Mrs. J.T. Cronin and Mrs. Hornbeak of Texola were visiting friends and relatives. Uncle Vint Thomas of Durham, assessor of Washita Township was in town Friday closing the assessment roles.
Fifteen took the semi-annual examination of rural mail carriers in Cheyenne Sat. Atty. T.L. Turner was transacting business in Hamburg Sat. J.M. Lester and S.A. Elliott left Sat. for an extended trip to Colorado. Mrs. S. Jackson is visiting her sister, Mrs. J.T. Cronin and her mother, Mrs. Hornbeak at Texola. V.H. Thurmond from the western part of the county was Cheyenne visitor Sat. J.E. Fender, who resides southeast of Cheyenne in school district #99(Fairview) reports that their school under the management of John B. Tracy in their new school building is progressing nicely. Mr. Gantz, the telephone man of Durham, was in town Friday looking over the field with a view of extending the lines of the Day County telephone company’s lines into Cheyenne and putting in a telephone exchange.
W.T. Bonner has just returned from an extended trip to various points in Texas and brought in a car of horses. W.H. Mouser and family returned last week from a visit to his wife’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.G. Moore at Putnam. Walker Huff has added a new porch to the front of his hotel property. City Marshal Salyer arrested Orville Short and Harvey Hoover on a charge of burglary referred by Jim Johnson out on Sergeant Major. Scotty Falconer is improving the interior of his post office building by adding a coat of paint. W.A. May and O.M. Satterfield of Durham were Cheyenne visitors Tues. Jake Ivey of Roll was in town. W.L. Blackburn of Grimes, candidate for County Clerk, was shaking hands with Cheyenne people last Saturday. Anyone found taking down fence or trespassing on my land on Sec. 4&5, 14-23 will be prosecuted. The parties who took down my pasture fence last Tues. the 17th are known and better not do it again. John E. Leary. E.A.C. Moeller the enterprising miller and farmer of Hamburg, was in town Wed. in route to Sayre. J.J. Moore reports his first mess of new potatoes. Sheriff J.M. Evans returned Sat. from Topeka, KS with Ed Waterman, who was indicted by the grand jury on a charge of cotton stealing. The defendant was lodged in the local jail. Nicholas Mazzard, an enterprising farmer and fruit grower, residing southeast of town brought us some very nice lettuce and onions yesterday grown in his garden. Arthur P. McClellan and James and Martin Beals of Roll were transacting business in Cheyenne. James Page, the rural carrier on Route 1 is suffering from an acute attack of tonsillitis. J.H. Hightower, trustee of Berlin Township, was in town Fri. closing his assessment roles. Mrs. Mills of Hamburg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Farrar, received a severe shock from a telephone during the storm Sun. evening.
Cheyenne Star, June 2, 1910
Mrs. W.O. Mounts is reported as suffering from white’s swelling and it is feared that she will be confined to her room for some time. J.M. Bonner, the genial manager of Herring & Young’s Store here, was in Oklahoma City visitor Sun. Bunk King’s team ran away from the White Lumber Company yards the last of the week. A little child was left standing in the wagon and fortunately escaped any injury beyond a severe shaking up. Mac Tracy formerly of Cheyenne, now of Elk City, was visiting many friends and relatives. Mac was employed during the past two years in the Elk City Schools but intends next year to enter law school. R.M. Turner has purchased the pool hall from Milo Burlingame and took possession of the same on the first of the month.
Dr. M.F. Burns and wife and Frank Taylor left last week, overland for New Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jack, who reside southeast of town, have a pair of twin boys at their home. Stoney Duke and wife of Elk City were visiting the family of Milo Burlingame last week. Cheyenne Schools have just completed one of the most successful years in its history. This year saw the completion and occupancy of the new cement school building; total enrollment was about 400 pupils. The 1910 graduating class is composed of Henry Tracy, Alvin Moore, Laska Moore, and Cleta Moore.
DEAD INDIAN ITEMS: Miss Elva Brown who has been attending school at Cheyenne for some time, returned home Friday. Whoever wants a feather bed, call on Mrs. Chesney who is raising ducks. E.L. Barrett has gone on a business trip to Corsicana, Texas. Mrs. Jackson is visiting her brother, W.D. Kendall last week. Mrs. W.T. Brown, who has completed the Columbia Course of Music, received a first grade certificate.
Miss Bertie Cunningham is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chesney this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown were visiting in Cheyenne last week. John E. Leary was out on his farm Sun. and spent the day. Miss Alice Bradford was in town on Mon.
U.A. Albion, Editor, Justice of the Peace and farmer of Sweetwater was in town Sat. making arrangements for the harvesting of his large dewberry crop. G.M. Goode and Walker Huff were in Elk City Sun. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson was kicked by a horse last week sustaining a gash about 2 inches long on the upper lip. A new cement sidewalk, being put in on east Main Street in front of Lindley’s Grocery, the Gause Livery Barn and the Maddux property. A little baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. B.D. Cooksey is reported as very sick.
NINE MILE ITEMS: The Nine Mile School was out April 29. Mr. Wilson of Nine Mile has traded his property for some in Elk City and moving this week. ¬
The Lone Elm and Nine Mile singers meet at the later place every other Sunday. We had preaching on Sunday by Bro. Trent. Hammon is talking of moving to where the railroad town is going to be. It is 1 mile south of where Hammon now is. Mr. Deason lost a fine colt a few nights ago, killed by his mules.
Bob Thurmond was over from Elk City Mon. looking after banking interests. Prof. G.D. Moss, one of the leading educators in the state and who was head of the Cheyenne Schools the past two years, left yesterday for Oklahoma City, from which point he will conduct his candidacy for State Supt. Of Public Instruction. The case of F.E. Herring vs. Charles Pryor, an action of replevin for some hogs, will be heard before Squire Casady next Fri.
Prof. T.C. Moore is in the northern part of the county this week. S. Grim was transacting business in the Angora country last week. Drs. Wallace, Gregoire and Grant performed an operation last week on Mrs. Rogers of Roll, who is improving rapidly. If you need a Notary Public, call on Henry L. DeVilliers Atty. J.L. Anderson informs us that his mother will move to Cheyenne this week. Drs. Wallace and Huff performed an operation on Mrs. Barnard at Durham last week. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Stanley have a baby boy at their home. A.J. Mounts who resides southwest of town, died suddenly at his home yesterday. The cause of his death is said to be heart failure. Annie Jackson was brought in from the country today to the residence of Mrs. Hodges, for medical treatment. The telephone message was received this morning from the Rankin area requesting the presence of an officer. We failed to learn the nature of the situation which causes the need of an officer in the peaceful community. S.A. Elliott and J.L. Lester returned Tues. from Alamosa, CO. S.H. James, the telephone man, has sold his telephone interest in Shattuck and now devotes his attention to the Northwestern Telephone Co lines in Roger Mills County.
Cheyenne Star, June 9, 1910
E.E. Haynes of Shirley, constable of the Bar X Township was in town Tues. with Joe McClendon, who was making a new bond for his appearance to answer a charge of selling liquor. At the school election last Tuesday, R.F. Baird was elected Clerk of the Cheyenne School Board by acclamation. In the case of J.W. Finch vs. Frank Ross was heard before Squire Casady this week. The case grew out of a farm lease contract in which Mr. Finch claimed a breach of contract and brought suit for possession. Henry Tracy is the new typesetter at the Star, just graduated from High School. Among those who made final proof: Elmer Richardson, Edwin H. Williams, Cornelius Vander Plas, John Moeller, Fred H. Moeller, Henry C. Halstead, Agnes Burtnett, Willie A. West, Burt Bowen; Sarah E. Everett, Heir for James A. Porter, dec.
RED MOON ITEMS: Miss Romine, teacher at Red Moon, successfully closed the term of school on Tues. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and grand-daughter Mary, spent Sun. in Cheyenne. Miss Ruby Anderson returned with them. Willie Cheatham, who has charge of a livery barn, spent this week with home folks. Lola, twelve year old daughter of John B. Tracy has been quite sick but we are glad to say is up again. A social at Mr. W.T. Headricks was enjoyed by a number of the young people. Miss Willie Graves of Cheyenne spent Sat. and Sun. at Red Moon. Mrs. John B. Tracy has been sick for several days. She went to town twice for medical treatment this week but we have learned she is much better now. Chester Tracy of Cheyenne visited his Uncle John’s Sat. and Sun. Everyone seems to be in the chicken business in this area. Mrs. Rosa Dudney, I think is in the lead. She has the pure leghorns. Mr. Fred Blann made a business trip to Butler this week. Sunday School was organized at the Washita Methodist Church Sun. Mrs. Clyde Young is Supt. Misses Mamie, Nona and Freda Keen are visiting relations and friends at Red Moon. Miss Vera Tracy receives a lesson a week from the Columbian Conser-vatory of Music.
A debate will be held at Meadowbrook School House on Sat. night June 18. G.W. Franklin and Joe H. Walton will head the two teams. Herman Guernsey has returned home after serving as a juror in the US Federal Court at Oklahoma City the past two weeks. The Roger Mills County Singing Assoc. met at Custer Bend last Sat. and Sun. E.C. Winford returned this week from West Va. where he attended the Presbytery. E.C. says that there are “real hills” in that country. County Comm. approved the road petitions of I.O. Morton et al. of Kiowa Township and R.F. Sloan, et. Al of Streeter Township.
Cheyenne Star, June 16, 1910
By Dale Tracy. Richard A. Mitchell and Miss Myrtle Repass were united in marriage last Sunday morning at the home of E.L. Mitchell. W.W. Robinson officiating. Contrac-ting parties left for a honeymoon to Shattuck and other points. The bride is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Repass of Grimes. The groom is one of the proprietors and manager of the Roger Mills Sentinel. The farmers of Cheyenne and vicinity are buying a number of mowing machines and hay presses in order to care for their alfalfa. A.C. Bradshaw, postmaster at Texmo and editor of the Texmo Times was a business visitor here on Monday. A.J. Smith was transacting business in Oklahoma City last week.
A big reception was given at the home of S. Jackson by the ladies of the Presbyterian Church in honor of their pastor, Rev. Browning and family.In the replevin case of F.E. Herring vs Charles Pryor tried before Sqr. Casady for the recovery of some hogs on Monday was sustained. The Republican Co. Committee met at Cheyenne on Monday, June 13 and was called to order by Chairman J.A. Moad. A.C. Bradshaw was appointed temporary Secy. The following were elected to the state convention to be held at Guthrie on June 16: L.W. Pate, J.D. Peterson, H.B. Dewey, W.A. Denton, A.C. Bradshaw and U.A. Albin. Co. Republican Club was organized with H.B. Dewey as President; J.P. Johnson, Vice-President; S.A. Rimbey as Secretary. The L.W. Pate Hardware Company sold a J.I.Case Threshing Machine outfit to A.S. McKinney, H.D. Cox, J.M. Lester and George Prestridge. This will be good news to the farmers of Roger Mills as it will enable them to get their crops of wheat, barley, oats, alfalfa, cane, kaffir corn, milo, maize threshed as soon as ready without the usual delay caused by the scarcity of threshing machines in this part of the country. A movement is on foot by several of the old band boys to organize a band in Cheyenne. Eli Graves has sold his property here and moved to the new town of Kempton, north of Elk City on the Wichita Falls Railroad. D.V. Seaver formerly of Madison, IN, who has for the past two years been the head of the Berlin schools, was elected Principal of the Cheyenne Schools for the ensuing year. Miss Annie Jackson who underwent an operation by Drs. Wallace, Gregoire and Grant last Mon. is reporting doing nicely.
T.L. Turner left Tues. for Campaign tour through the Sweetwater country. J.A. Moad of Carpenter, a member of the election board, was in Cheyenne Mon. putting up the returns of Sat. election. J.H. Parks of Texmo was in attendance at the Republican’s meeting on Mon. A number of Cheyenne young people attended a birthday party in honor of Miss Ura Campbell in the country east of Cheyenne last Sun. L.W. Pate left Tues. for Oklahoma City, Shawnee and Guthrie. Mrs. Pate will accompany him back from Shawnee. Dr. V.V. Grant of Roll was a Cheyenne visitor on Mon. Miss Lita Hastings, one of the teachers in the Cheyenne Public Schools last year has returned to her home in Indiana.
DEAD INDIAN NEWS: G.W. Gannaway, Will Adams and Sam Kendall were welcome visitors at Dead Indian on Sunday night. F.O. Leach was at the home of R.E. Brown on Sun. James Shelton with his dogs caught two coyotes the other day. The heavy rain Mon. morning caused Dead Indian Creek to rise. This flooded Bill Kendall’s field of alfalfa but don’t think much damage was done. H.S. Perkins was in town Wed. with new Irish potatoes at $2 a bushel.
Cheyenne Star, June 23, 1910
By Dale Tracy. Following made final proof before A.H. Carter on Monday: Frank W. Callahan, Charles E. Smith, Alanson H. Sutton, Thomas H. Livingston, John H. Briggs, Charles H. Taylor, Henry Musick, and Charles Sherwood. We have it from good authority that the Roger Mills Telelphone Co. have engaged a first class electrician and will commence the removal of the telephone poles from the streets to the alleys in a few days, after which the switchboard will be removed to another building and another switchboard installed with another operator to handle long distance calls which will add greatly to the facilities of the office in answering calls promptly. Mr. James has built a metallic circuit to the north side of the county and also built west to the state line where the Canadian long distance telephone company will connect their lines directly to the lines already built, which will give the people of Cheyenne and Roger Mills a direct line to Canadian and the points west. He has also made arrangements whereby he will build a line directly east to connect Cheyenne and Hammon and all points east of Cheyenne. Canadian, Texas was a sufferer by a disastrous fire on Sat. night. The loss was about $10,000. The Gerlach firm being the heaviest losers. Walter Thomas Mills, a Socialist speaker of national repute is billed to speak at Elk City on the afternoon of July 2. Co. Superintendent T.C. Moore is confined to his room by a stroke of paralysis. The following is a list and personnel of the staff of teachers now under contract for the ensuing term: Principal D.V. Seaver (formerly of the Madison, IL public schools), Primary Mrs. M.A. Converse; 2nd & 3rd grades Miss Ethel Douglas; 4th & 5th grades Miss Carey Fields; 5th&6th grades Mrs. D.K. Hayes; 7th&8th grade Miss Jessie Rakes.
This year the school will instruct in the full 12 grades, one more and higher than ever taught in this school.
The children’s day dinner and picnic at Stephens’ grove on Beaver Dam, 4.5 miles southeast of Cheyenne on Sun. last was largely attended and a most excellent program was rendered by Rev. Robinson, Ruth Rockwell, Vera Johnson, Dr. Miller, Misses Calvert and Hiatt, Della Andrews, Mittie Hawkins, Ora Calvert, Clyde Gannaway, Flossie Maltby, Cullen Johnson, Agnes Good, Homer Harris, Sue Thornton, Joe Good, Travis Cunningham, Margaret Good, Stella Work, Sarah Thompson, J.R. Johnson, Rev. Hiatt and J.C. Sprowls.
J.M. Bonner, Leslie Barton, and Messrs Fields, Blackburn and Lovett, accompanied by the Misses Young, Fields, McKinney, Alexander and others were over in the Hammon area Sunday. H.S. Perkins who lives three miles north of Cheyenne was in town Sat. with a load of new Irish potatoes. H.D. Cox and daughter, Mrs. Berry, left for Kansas City on Tuesday last. H.D. will in the very near future add another story to the building on Broadway recently purchased by him. J.H. Sing who resides 7 miles north of Cheyenne was in town Tues. with peaches. Mr. Sing said that he had just harvested 18 acres of as fine oats that he had ever seen grown anywhere. Mesdames B.D. Cooksey and W.T. Bonner left Mon. for Colorado Springs where they will spend the summer months. July 4&5 Boots Fields will have a carload of wild Mexican cattle and horses and wild and wooly cowboys and rustlers for an exhibition. Frontier Days are past and gone but this exhibition will bring back memories of the sports of olden times.
By Dale Tracy. The Cheyenne Star and the Roger Mills Sentinel are both missing the June 30, 1910 paper.
Cheyenne Star, July 7, 1910
By Dale Tracy. It is estimated that 3,000 people celebrated the glorious 4th in Cheyenne and about 2,000 people were here on the 5th. Echols and Grim made political speeches and the free for all horse race, “Ginger”, Allee’s horse took first money, “Little Bob”, Bowman’s colt took second. The baseball game was hotly contested between Cheyenne and Roll and resulted in a victory for Roll by one run. Over 60 teachers have been in Cheyenne this week for the normal institute. A.B. Dunlap of Roll was in town Sat. Prof. Burge and his sister Ada will conduct the Dead Indian School this winter. Last year, Prof. Burge was at Custer Bend and Miss Ada at Windy Hill. H.L. Hale of Hammon, a candidate for Co. Commissioner was in town on Fri. Miss Leila Burlingame and sisters of Hext Ranch came in Sun. and celebrated at Cheyenne. J.J. Wilson of Roll was in town making arrangements for his daughter, Maude to attend the coming Normal. Mr. Wilson owns and operates a fine alfalfa farm and ranch on the Washita. Elder J.H. Tull of Butler dropped by the Star Office while on his way to the Emerson School house to hold a meeting on Sun. At the cow roping contest at Cheyenne, Sam Bowman’s rope broke. Walter Huff, 29.5 seconds; Leo Beaty missed; Pat Huff 52.75 seconds; Bill Cheatham missed; Sock Bowman pulled both horns together; Gus Trammell tied both his horse and steer; Rich Clark missed; Boots Fields 52.0 seconds; Bill Combs 1 min. 14 seconds; Ervin Hunt 37 seconds; Boney Fields missed; Jack Lemons rope broke; Buford Patterson missed.
Nute Malone, area carpenter, and one of our old time neighbors was a pleasant caller at the Star Office on Wed. Rev. G.W. Waltus passed through town on Sat. on his way to Roll where he goes to make arrange-ments for a camp meeting to begin July 26. Rev. Armstrong will do the preaching. About 30 of the energetic people who live near Cataline, Texas were celebrating at Cheyenne. R.R. Bull has moved his barber shop to the south side of Broadway. This shop is newly equipped and has 4 nice chairs. The manager is O.H. Farmer. Lawyer T.L. Turner has added 30 new volumes to his already large library and makes indeed a fine collection of law books. W.H. Baker, Justice of the Peace of Washita Township was in town Fri. He says that crops are looking good and harvest nearly done. Mr. Baker also reported the wedding of Fred Post to Miss Lily Simons of Durham. Scotty Falconer, our postmaster has been placed on the Star Staff as cartoonist during the campaign. Born to Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Turner a fine baby girl last Fri. Mother and child getting along fine but the big lawyer is dead on his feet. Abner Baxter, 4 year old son of W.M. and Josephine Cozby died June 29, 1910. Death resulted from fever with complications. Funeral services conducted by Rev. W.W. Robinson.
Cheyenne Star, July 14, 1910
By Dale Tracy DEAD INDIAN ITEMS: G.W. Hutton and family visitors in Elk City last week. R.E. Brown took his daughter Elva to Cheyenne Sunday eve to attend the normal. The Misses Frankie and Birtie Kendall are in Cheyenne attending normal. Billie Brown made a business trip to Cheyenne last week. R.E. Brown was a visitor at the home of J.D. Williams Sunday eve. H.L. Sing made several business trips to Cheyenne last week. Harry Bradshaw made a business trip to Sayre Tues. Mrs. Isom Chesney was visiting her mother, Mrs. Cunningham Mon.
Prof. Moss, Prof Sanders and Prof Burge are conducting the County Normal and about 100 teachers have enrolled. H.S. Perkins brought to the Star Office a fine bunch of broomcorn that was raised on Scotty Falconer’s farm this year. It will be ready to pull this week. J.L.M. Curry who lives out near Custer Bend Schoolhouse, was in town campaigning for the office of Sheriff. Mr. George Reynolds who lives near Durham, passed through town on Wed. with a load of freight from Elk City destined for J.M. Rhodes. A.H. Carter has sold Cheyenne Star to William W. Rakes who will continue the paper with a Republican Editor. Mr. Rakes is one of the most prominent teachers in the public schools of the county. Brother Carter will devote his time to his banking business at Butler. L.W. Pate makes his announce-ment for representative on the Republican ticket for Roger Mills Co. Mr. Pate has painted his storefront this week. Will Eaton of Hamburg will carry the U.S. Mail from Hamburg via Durham to Gem City, Texas this year. Fred Ogle of Crawford was in town a few days this week announcing his candidacy for Co. Clerk on the Democratic ticket. Prof. A.D. Brown has been employed to teach Custer Bend School for ensuing year. H.D. Cox and G.B. Lovett bought from J.M. Lester, 20 acres of fine bottom land for $2500.00. Mrs. Maud Barr is visiting friends in Amarillo this week. Curt White of Durham was in town Thursday and reported good rains, which ensure a bumper crop. A.X. Grace has for sale one half section of good Washita River bottom land with 5 room house and other improvements; over 100 acres in cultivation for $3500. Cooksey Drugs Store has a complete line of baseball goods.
Cheyenne Star, July 21, 1910
The farmers wheat over west of Durham is making from 30-45 bushels an acre with a price of .88. F.M. Bates of Carpenter was transacting business in the county seat Wed. Sunday morning upon invitation from the Co. Supt of Public Schools, we drove out 1 ½ miles to look at the mammoth crop growing in the beautiful Washita bottom. A demonstration farm had a few acres of late corn; 15 A of Indian corn that was 11 feet high; just east was a famous alfalfa field of about 6 A. that was planted on the 7th day of April. One crop has been taken off and now it will average 17 inches in height. Every farmer in western OK should sow some every spring until they have a large portion of their farms in this famous alfalfa. Also growing was a fine little field of sugar beets. Other crops such as onions, tomatoes, peanuts and kafir corn looked well. Miss Ethel Douglas has been attending the state normal at Weatherford and returned home last Thursday. James Page, rural carrier on Route #1, came in last night from Chillicothe, MO where he had been visiting friends and relatives. Mr. James J. Wilson of Roll was in town Fri. transacting business. Henry Baker, Justice of the Peace in Washita Town-ship was in the county seat last Fri. Mr. Baker is a candidate for Trustee in Washita Township. W.M. Woods sold a nice lot to J.P. Johnson on the 19th. G.H. Dodgion having lived in Roger Mills Co for the past 9 years on a farm 4 miles east of Cheyenne has announced his candidacy for Co. Treasurer. T.L. Johnson, candidate for sheriff was in the co. seat this week. Mr. and Mrs. Inselman of Union Chapel was visiting Cheyenne last Sun. Mrs. Myrtle Converse is a candidate for the Co. Supt. Mr. Edwin J. Potter who lives 4 west and ¼ m. north of Hammon proved up on a fine place this week.
Cheyenne Star, July 28, 1910
C.R. Staton who lives near Durham was in Co. Seat transacting business on Mon. He contemplates attending Epworth University this fall. Judge E.E. Tracy is enjoying a visit from his brother, Dr. Tracy of Memphis, TN. Dr. V.V. Grant and wife of Roll were Co. Seat visitors on Tues. The demonstration farm is leased to John Kendall for coming year. The Farmers’ Institute (Co. Fair) will be held Sept. 16-17 and watch for prizes for best milk cow, farm products, racing and riding. A.C. Titsworth who lives on the Rosser place near RedMoon, brought to this office some fine samples of Standard Dwarf Corn. He has 30 acres ready to pull. Prof. Butler of Rankin, who has been attending the normal here, will probably teach the Creston school this coming year. Mr. A.J. Minatree brought us a fine sample of dwarf broomcorn of which he says he has 15 acres ready to pull.
Cheyenne Star, Aug 4, 1910
The Platonic Club ladies met at the Masonic Hall and organized a club for the purpose of reading and study on July 28. The following officers were elected. President Mrs. A.G. Gray; Vice-President Miss Laverne Young; Treasurer Mrs. Cosmo Falconer; Secretary Mrs. Dick Mitchell; Critic Mrs. A.S. McKinney; Reporter Mrs. W.T. Bonner. The meeting was adjourned to meet at Mrs. R.F. Baird’s on August 4. The ME church went into a revival meeting on Tuesday, evening, July 26. Rev. W.W. Robinson of Cheyenne occupied the pulpit the first evening. Rev. Armstrong of Nashville, TN has been preaching since that time. Miss Maude White resides at the organ. Misses Fannie and Marie Marsh are rejoicing over the arrival of a new piano, which their brother, Sydney brought in from Elk City last week. The Farmers’ Union Picnic was held at Wild Horse picnic grounds last Wed and Thurs. Mrs. Birdie Ogle of Crawford has been spending the last two weeks with her mother, Mrs. Molly Banner. She came here to place her baby daughter under Dr. Grant’s care. A splendid rain fell Saturday night which was much needed as the corn in this area was beginning to show the effects of the drought. Dr. Grant made a drive into Durham vicinity Sun. afternoon and reports the rain as general in that district. Mr. W.D. Coatney who lives six west and two south of Cheyenne, brought to our office some fine samples of Chinese dwarf broomcorn. He has 18 acres ready to pull and is offered $150 a ton from Lewis Brothers of Sayre.
There is a fine meeting going on at the RedMoon school house held by the pastor W.F. Farrar. They had six up to date, three approved for baptism and six additions by letter. There will be a mass meeting of the farmers held at Cheyenne on Aug. 6 for the purpose of formulating to market the broomcorn crop. Bro. E.M. Smoot will address the meeting. Mrs. Joe Thompson of Amarillo has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hanawalt and family. Messers George Warren, Will and Charley Murphy, Guy Brooks and Charley Banner attended the Hamburg picnic Sat. Mr. Hogden sold a lot in the Hogden addition this week to J.P. Johnson. William W. Rakes of Durham has for sale one good single driving horse and two good buggies. Prof. A.D. Brown will commence a protracted meeting at Wild Horse Wed. night. Bro. Farrar, who is in a meeting at RedMoon will join him as soon as he can. A large tabernacle has been erected by the committee working with the Farmers’ Union.
Cheyenne Star, Aug 11, 1910
100 years The officers of the C&O.W. Railroad have arranged for a loan from an eastern firm for $750,000, an amount sufficient to extend the road 100 miles further. The mortgage was placed on record at Arapaho one day this week. The line will be extended out of Butler northwest, opening up some of the finest country in Oklahoma. All indications are that this road will be up the Washita to Gem City to Canadian, TX. The railroad will soon come and then Cheyenne will make a great big city, the metropolis of the Southwest. GRIMES NEWS: Miss Chattie Garrison of Garfield Co. is a guest of her brother, Roy Garrison. Mrs. N.B. Veale is enjoying a visit from her sister-in-law, Mrs. Fox of Clinton. Charles Blackburn of Sayre visited the home folks Sat. night and Sun. Byron Snyder was in this neighborhood looking after his farm last week. Miss Neva Repass has been seriously ill this week but under the care of Dr. Howell, is slowly recovering. Her cousin, Miss Deana Repass of near Sayre has been assisting in caring for her. The Ladies Aid Society will meet with Mrs. Tom Smith, the third Wed. afternoon in August. W.L. Blackburn was given a surprise last Sat. night when over 75 of his neighbors and friends called to see him and give him their best wishes even though he was defeated in the race for County Clerk. H.P. Fleming has returned to Cheyenne and has decided to start in the Abstract business here.
The Co. singing convention met at 2 on Sat. August 6. Officers for the ensuing year: Mrs. J.D. Hall of Lone Elm class was elected president. Welcome address by T.C. Moore. Mr. J.L. Galloway had charge of the entire delegation. The banner was given to Lone Elm on Sun. for the best singing. A large feast was spread and a big crowd partook of the sumptuous dinner. T.L. Johnson of Berlin was in the Co. seat transacting business connected with the Farmers’ Union. He has announced his candidacy for sheriff. Elgie Bernard of Durham is having a closing out sale. T.L. Turner was defeated in position of Co. Judge by E.E. Tracy. J.F. Cole who lives on a very fine farm near Hamburg, was transacting business here last Thurs. W.C. Tomlinson and wife of Durham were in the co. seat attending the co. singing convention Sat. and Sun. Hon J.A. Moad of Carpenter is here this week counting votes of the primary election. Mr. Moad is connected with the Hammon telephone exchange and light company. Ben Linley’s new second story building is nearing completion and is quite an improvement to the town. H.D. Cox will have an auction sale of farm tools, hogs, mules, etc. on Sat. Aug. 13, 1910 at his furniture store in Cheyenne. Benjamin Duke Cooksey, the only child of Mr. and Mrs. B.D. Cooksey of Cheyenne died Aug 6, 1910. The funeral was preached at the ME Church by Rev. Browning. The little boy was laid to rest in the Cheyenne Cemetery. Misses Work and Black, Cheyenne’s up to date milliners, will leave soon for Oklahoma City to buy fall goods. Fred Ogle the honest reliable, energetic citizen of Crawford was in Cheyenne a few days this week. L.W. Pate, Cheyenne business-man, is running for represent-tative on the Republican ticket. E.B. Sadler of Hamburg was in the co. seat Thurs. He says the crops up there are look well. Mrs. F.I. Cornels left last week for a three month’s visit to Colorado, California, Oregon and Washington points.
Cheyenne Star, Aug 18, 1910
Mr. Myers and daughter from Manhattan, Kansas and Mrs. Sells of Sayre visited with Riley McDaniels and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Robinson last week. T.C. Moore attended the democratic convention at Oklahoma City. Mrs. T.J. Purcell left last Sun. for a visit at Hollis, Oklahoma. Surveyors of the railroad have started out from Butler, coming this way toward Cheyenne and northwest. DURHAM ITEMS: Charles Fisher, a former resident of this area, but now residing in Kansas City is here this week looking after business matters. We understand he has rented his farm to Mr. Voorhees who will sow the entire farmland in wheat. J.C. Voorhees is hauling wheat for Texas Farmers. He says the yield is enormous running as high as 37 bushels per acre. We are informed that A.G. Carver of the firm of Carver and Frank, has purchased Mr. Frank’s interest in the store at this place. Henceforth he will conduct the entire business himself. Grandpa Ames informs us that he and the boy are getting along fine threshing wheat. Robert Baxter informs us that he will begin pulling broomcorn on the first of next week, but knowing Bob as we do and the fact that he has a fine watermelon patch near his broomcorn, we fear he will make rather slow progress; however, he charges the damages to the coyotes. G.W. Walker and family were guests of C.R. Staton and family Sun. evening. William W. Rakes, editor and publisher of the Cheyenne Star, was in this area Sun. Mr. Rakes owns a fine farm at Durham. Peter Tug Mutton, Reporter. Daddy Cox, Mr. Pate and wife, Ben Linley, John and Sam Kendall, J.C. Thornton and Mr. Pyle will leave for Elk City Wed. going down to southern Texas to look at some land with view to speculation. Riley McDaniel and wife visited OKC and Sayre with relatives, returning home Wed. Miss Carey Fields is visiting friends at Canadian this week. Lucille McKinley and Madle French, who have been visiting her, left this week for Dallas.
SQUARE TOP NEWS: On last Tues, L.E. Stevens, while chopping wood, cut his toe nearly off so the result is he is laid up. R.L. Converse took ½ ton of broomcorn to Sayre last Thurs and received $120 per ton. John Osborne was called to Altus on business. Milo Burlingame has sold his cigar stand and billiard room to Dora and Emmett, both of Oklahoma City. Mr. Dora is a successful cigar dealer and understands his business in every feature. Mr. Bert Emmett is known throughout the southwest as pool champion. Both are young men, married and of excellent reputation. They move at once and after remodeling, painting and re-decorating will begin business in Milo’s recent location. Prof. T.C. Moore brought to this office two large ears of white corn, that the seed was procured at 101 Ranch in eastern OK. These ears were sure fine samples and the professor informs us that the field will probably yield 75 bushels to the acre. Clara Dove of Berlin made final proof on her claim last Mon. Ed Keen is out taking the lead with hands pulling broom-corn. The young people had a party at Mr. Vessels last Sat. night. The U.S. Commissioner William W. Rakes reminds farmers to start their proofs in time to prove up before their 7 years expires. Boots Fields is at Canadian this week on business.
ROLL ITEMS: Miss Pearle Reynolds has returned from Weatherford where she has been attending normal and will teach at Erick. Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Gray and children of Cheyenne spent Sat. night and Sun. with Mrs. Gray’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Reynolds. Rev. G.W. Walters went to Washita last Mon. to assist Rev. W.W. Robinson of Cheyenne in a revival meeting. Francis Walker, our genial hardware man, went to Arapaho Wed. to visit his parents. Our genial barber and phone man, Frank Saunders, has been quite busy the past week “patching up” and trying to keep in repair the switchboard, which he declares, “Noah used during the flood”. The meeting which has been in progress the last three weeks, closed Sun night with 23 additions to the ME church. Walter Libby of Sandstone area was in town Tues. and he has corn that he thinks will make 65 bushels per acre. M.M. Hill of Rankin, visited his brother at Cheyenne Sun. Ed Taylor and his sisters will leave today for Hammon on a pleasure trip. J.J. Moore, E.C. Winfred, A.A. Brown, A.S. McKinney and A.G. Gray were at Oklahoma City attending the democratic convention. The U.S. Mail hack tipped over Mon. while returning Sayre hurting one woman pretty badly. Sheriff Evans has gone to Arkansas on a visit. T.L. Turner and wife visited at Will Black’s last Sun. Mr. T.S. Gray and wife of Sandstone were in Cheyenne on Fri. J.B. Wilson and Uncle George Woods of Texmo were in town on business.
Cheyenne Star, Aug 25, 1910
At the home of the bride’s parents last Sun. evening, Aug. 14, 1910, was solemnized the marriage of Nena Copeland of RedMoon to George Anderson. Rev. W.W. Robinson performed the ceremony. Elgie Barnard and Mr. Cordell of Durham were in Cheyenne last Mon on legal business. Married at the ME parsonage by Rev. Robinson last Wed. evening was Prof. A. T. Burge to Miss Gladys Curry, daughter of J.L.M. Curry, who lives 5 miles east of town. G.W. Martin of Texmo was in town Mon. He informs us that the railroad surveyors from Butler northwest were in camp Sat. night, two miles south and three miles east of Texmo. There are about 22 surveyors and it takes three four horse wagons to carry their baggage and supplies. The line they are surveying will take them through the divide of the southern part of Old Day County to Gem City, Texas and cross the iron bridge at Canadian, thence northwest to Raton, N.M., reaching the coal fields of that place. We believe that two or three lines will be surveyed before one will be worked on. We would hate to see this miss Cheyenne, but the way it looks now, it is going to. The young people had a party at Co. Clerk Osborne’s last evening. Thomas Northrup of Durham was in the co. seat last Wed. J.K. Reed, our popular butcher, and family are visiting relatives at Elk City this week. Rev. H.O. White of Ogden, Utah is visiting with John Kendall this week. Prof. A.D. Brown’s little child, 5 months old, died Friday evening, Aug 19, 1910 and was buried Sat. afternoon. Lela Hext who lives at Cataline, Texas has been visiting with Walter Huff’s sister. A.M. Patterson and family of Hamburg were in Cheyenne last Tues and brought some very fine peaches to the star office, two of them measure 5.5 inches in diameter. Mrs. Eva Anderson is visiting her Uncle, Mr. John Anderson near Red Moon. Henry Baker, Mr. Caulder of Durham were in Cheyenne last Mon. Boots Fields returned from Canadian on Sun. where he has been shipping some cattle. J.K. Reed bought the John Vines farm adjoining the townsite on the east for $3500.00.
Cheyenne Star Sept. 1, 1910
The first regular meeting of the Platonic Club was held at the home of Mrs. Baird. Officers were: President Mrs. A.G. Gray, Secretary Mrs. Dick Mitchell, Critic Mrs. A.S. McKinney, Mrs. G.H. Wallace and Mrs. Bell read each fifteen minutes from the Indian Story “Told In the Hills”. The Oklahoma History lesson was conducted by Mrs. Mitchell as she presented a study of the first two periods of our state’s history. After a salad and iced tea course, was a very amusing bean hunt contest. Others present were Mrs. Bonner, Mrs. Falconer, Mrs. Thornton, Mrs. Turner, Misses Bonner and Young . Visitors were Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Hoag from Elk City. Last Thursday while driving to Canadian, Texas with a four mule load of wheat, Mr. Charley Shaw and Attorney Fisher’s automobile met near a bridge one mile east of Hamburg. The mules getting scared ran away throwing Mr. Shaw out, sustaining fatal injuries from which he died two days later. Mr. Shaw’s wife departed this life about 5 years ago. He leaves one child and a large circle of friends to mourn his loss. Mr. C.R. Staton made final proof on his fine little home over in Washita Township last Sat. He will leave soon for Oklahoma City to attend school this fall and winter. D.T. Thomas and Fred Gantz of Durham were pleasant callers last Friday. Both gentlemen are avowed candidates on the Socialist ticket. Mr. Charley McClain and wife have just returned from St. Louis where they have been as delegates at a convention of the Eagles. Allen Carver of Durham was in the co. seat Friday transacting business. Homer O. Thurstin of Durham visited here Mon. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Karl Gates of Durham, an 8 pound girl. Rumor has it that Wesley Shepherd of Creston will get married soon to a lady of near Erick. Mr. Edwin Humphreys, who lives out on the Sayre road, 5 miles from town was here with business. George W. Walker who lives near Crawford was in town as a witness on the final proof hearing for Judge Rakes last Sat. Misses Work and Black are going soon to Oklahoma City to buy fall goods. They expect to buy the latest in styles and most up to date goods that are on the market.
Cheyenne Star, Sept.8, 1910
The editor of the Cheyenne Star is William W. Rakes, who has recently been to Wichita to attend some meetings about the railroads. The Clinton, Oklahoma & Western Railroad now running from Clinton to Butler is being pushed on northwest. The river has been sounded and a crossing has been located just below Ioland being reported in the Arnett Leader. The surveyors are now camped and are proceeding up Hackberry valley up toward Arnett. The MVP Railroad permanent survey has been established and the construction is now in progress. These two roads will cross at Arnett and Arnett will soon be a city. Platonic Club met with Mrs. Cosmo Falconer on Sept 1who served cooling refreshments. L.L. Collins and wife left Mon. for an automobile trip to Blanchester, Ohio where they will visit friends and relatives. ROLL ITEMS: Mrs. Emery Springer entertained quite a number of young people on Wed. Mr. Clarence Darnell and Miss Tempie Darnell rode over from Darnell’s Ranch Wed of last week and remained until Saturday with their sister, Mrs. V.Vern Grant. They were on their way to Elk City where they will take the train to their former home in Stephenville, Texas. Grandpa Warren died Sat. evening at the home of his son, Steve, west of town. His death was due to old age. Four of his sons; Will, George, Jim and Steve were with him when the end came. Business was dull on Fri. and Sat., the reason being a barbeque, which was being held four miles north of town. The children of Roll and Pie Flat Schools presented quite an interesting program. Mrs. W.C. Mitchell read an original sketch on “Pioneer Days in Oklahoma”, which was especially enjoyed by the old settlers and cowboys. Miss Jo Redden entertained a crowd of young people at her home on Mon. evening. Miss Kate Murphy gave a party on Mon. evening. Miss Lucille McKinney returned home from Texas last Sat. where she has been visiting relatives the past two weeks. She has taken up her work again in the school this year. Tom Kendall who lives 1 ½ miles north of Cheyenne will have a big stock sale at his farm Sat. Sept. 10. He will sell horses, cattle, and farm implements. Miss Carey Fields returned home from Texas where she had been visiting friends.
Cheyenne Star, Sept 15,1910
The first bale of cotton for the 1910 season arrived in Cheyenne on Thurs. Sept 8, ginned on the 9th, sold at auction Sat. morning, the 10th. The bale brought $14.25 per hundred or 62.95 for the bale. Herring and Young was the purchaser. The businessmen were called on to donate to a premium fund and made the bale bring $100.00. Mr. B.H. Sims living 3 miles south of Roll, was the luck man. He is among the best cotton producers in the county. Mr. Cleave Smith, living 3 miles west of town, was second and his bale brought $72.80. Herring & Young purchased this bale also. The young people had a party at B.D. Cooksey’s Sat. evening. Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Wallace of near Durham is visiting their son, Dr. Wallace and family here on Sat. and Sun. George Watterman received a sentence for two years in the state prison for stealing household goods. Turner was arrested at Texmo and committed to jail by Judge Ray. Mrs. Pearl Bellamy closed a very successful school at RedMoon last Fri. Many patrons visited the school and a good dinner and exercises were enjoyed. Mrs. Bellamy will take up her duties again after cotton picking is over. C. White announces that the Williams and Miller’s Gin of Cheyenne has opened for season’s business and is in first class condition. SQUARE TOP NEWS: Broomcorn jerking seems to be the order of the day for four weeks past and the boys say that it is getting old. Don’t mind a little thing like that boys, when you get through with the broomcorn, we will go to picking cotton; that will be a change. ROLL ITEMS: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ogle of Crawford visited Mr. Ogle’s mother, Mrs. Molly Banner and family this weekend. David Selby came in Thur. from Arnett where he had been for some time. The “Colonel” had many incidents to relate regarding the political doings of Ellis County. Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Brooks will move to Elk City sometime this week. They will place their children, Guy and Miss Jo in the high school at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Penny of Route 1 have as their guests their daughter, Mrs. Bob Briggs, and her small son who reside in Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest E. Miller and small daughter, Inez went to Needmore on Sat. evening to be present at the marriage of Mr. Miller’s sister, Miss Olive Miller to Mr. Earl Baker, which event took place Sun. Mr. Miller is mail carrier. Mrs. Charley Dunnigan had charge of the hotel during their absence. Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Johnson of Cheyenne spent Sun. with Dr. and Mrs. Grant. Eli Hubbard returned last week from Kansas where he had been in the harvest fields for some time. NOTICE to farmers from Willie O. Bryant: I have taken up stray hog, a black sow with black feet and nose, weighs about 250 pounds; you can have possession for paying small feed bill and this notice. I live 4 miles west of Cheyenne.
Cheyenne Star, Sept 22, 1910
E.W. Franklin of Grimes took the blue ribbon with his Clydesdale horse at the Carnival at Cheyenne. A.C. Bradshaw is the editor of the Texmo Times. Mr. Alec Falconer who was for several years, bookkeeper at the Cheyenne State Bank is checking over books at the star office. Joseph G. Cottreill filed on a good 80 acres of land here at the U.S. Land Office on Tues. The new Central Hotel with J.O. Galloway as proprietor, is now taking care of the needs of the community and the traveling public. House contains 12 rooms kept in best condition. Mr. Rimby took the prize for the largest watermelon, weighed 50 pounds. Paul Habeck of Rankin won the blue ribbon on the S.C. Orphington chickens. James J. Wilson of Roll carried off the blue ribbon for the best bushel of alfalfa seed. Mr. Wilson’s crop amounted to 140 bushels of excellent seed. Hon. A.H. Carter of Butler visited the H.D. Cox home Wed. evening. Mr. Carter has sold his bank and is contemplating a visit to Missouri. Just where he will locate, he does not know. Mr. Calvin Moore and wife of Ft. Worth, Texas arrived Sat. to take charge of the new Central Hotel. Mr. Moore is a cook of three years’ experience with the Metropolitan Hotel of Ft. Worth. Ed Lozier announces himself as candidate for Co. Comm #1. {extensive article of qualifications followed} Revival meeting to be held at Baptist Church. Trial of Fred Chance vs. Scott Bain started today and may last three or four days. Chance is charged (2)with carrying a sixshooter, was tried and acquitted on Monday. C.L. Holstine of Durham was in Mon. attending to business. H.V. Guernsey has made announce-ment as candidate for Co. Clerk. He came in the land run and lived here every since. He has been asst. cashier at the Cotton Exchange Bank (other qualifications listed). Mrs. J.F. Bell of Pollock is visiting her brother, F.J. Purcell, our Dep. Co. Trea. this week. Mr. and Mrs. F.G. Brann spent last Sun with her parents, Mrs. J.E.L. Douglas. Mr. Harry Brown is putting up a 28×28 building. Mr. Dick Mitchell is building a new house. Mrs. Pearl Bellamy who has been teaching at the Washita School house is now acting as Deputy Co. Clerk. Mr. C.L. Barton left for Dallas. Miss Bessie Porter and Mr. Poindexter, the genial salesman of Galloway’s Store visited out at Crawford and Pie Flat Sun. Gus and Bob Trammell have been visiting friends in Cheyenne. Henry Warren left Mon. for Weatherford where he will attend school.
Cheyenne Star, Sept 29, 1910
Platonic Club met with Mrs. A.G. Gray on Sept 8. Mrs. Jackson is Parlia-mentarian, Mrs. Fields is Historian and Mrs. Cooksey Corresponding Sec. There was a temperance meeting held at the Baptist Church Sun. afternoon. Miss May Cunningham, the efficient clerk in the County Court is very busy this week making transcripts. On Sept 18 the death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbort Bush of the Hamburg area and took their little child, Hazel Anna. The child died of cholerainfantium, having been ill only a few hours. Miss Nona Keen is helping in the subscription department of the Star this week. Miss Nona is a jolly girl and will graduate this year in the high school. Oliver Johnson of Berlin was in town. Mrs. M.A. Converse was a caller at the star office. She is a candidate for the Supt. of RMC Public Schools. Miss Ethel Douglas is well pleased with her work and getting along fine in the school. Joel Myers Post, 78 years old of Antelope was buried in the Fairview cemetery this week. He served in the 16th Iowa Infantry and also in the 10th Minnesota Infantry being 4 years in active service. He took part in 16 engagements, among them two battles of Bull Run, Antietam, Shiloh and Nashville. The last in which he was wounded and the affects he bore until death.
Cheyenne Star, Oct. 6, 1910
Marriage licenses: Harry Brown and Miss Flossie Weatherford; Charlie Cross to Miss Ora Warren. SQUARE TOP ITEMS: A large crowd attended the literary on Sat. night. Married at the home of the bride’s mother were Mr. Earl Hayes and Miss Myrtle Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Anding and children are visiting the L.E. Stephens on Sun. Mr. Charley Hensley and family visited Mr. and Mrs. H.O.Hass. C.E. Tanner has removed his harness shop down west on main street to where the old telephone office was. Nine year old little Ruth Rockwell traveled nearly 1,000 miles alone. Ruth started from Cheyenne at 10:45 Sun. morning. Her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Stephens accompanied her as far as Elk City where they spent the night. At 10:45 on Mon. morning Ruth started alone for Cincinnati going to Oklahoma City over the Rock Island route, from there she journeyed to Kansas City then to Cincinnati on the Baltimore and Ohio. She arrived in Cincinnati Wed. morning at 7:30. Little Miss Rockwell will reside with her father in Ohio. Platonic Club met with Mrs. McKinney last week with 14 members present and two visitors, Mrs. Bynum and Miss Pearl Huff. Charles Finch of Grimes, a candidate for Co. Surveyor was in town. He was Co. Surveyor of Carroll Co. Missouri for 18 years. Dick Mitchell and wife visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Repass last Sun. Prof. T.C. Moore, while attending the state fair in Oklahoma City had another stroke of paralysis and is in the hospital at that place. He lost his voice this time. Mr. and Mrs. R.F. Baird were among the number from this place who attended the circus at Sayre on Tues. Miss Minnie R. Slief, formerly of this place, who has been at Sayre for the past year employed as stenographer at firm of Miller and Baird, has again accepted her old position at this place. S. P. Flynn of Cheyenne attended the funeral of Patrick Flynn, his father, in Illinois.
Cheyenne Star, Oct 13, 1910
Large crowds were out to hear Hon. Dick T. Morgan at Durham, Roll and Texmo. O.E. Null of Arnett is in this city on business. Gilbert Thompson, one of the best citizens of the Roll vicinity, was here on last Thurs. The Star is as truthful as the New Testament. We despise a liar, a thief and a robber. We want you to report the truth! T.C. Moore did not have a stroke of paralysis at OKC as reported. He came back with the first premium on Indian corn at the state fair. It was raised within one mile of Cheyenne on the demonstration farm. John E. Leary won first prize on wheat exhibited at the Oklahoma State Fair as well as T.A. Beavin won first prize on broomcorn. At the Texas-Okla. Fair at Canadian, Texas, Supt. of Schools T.C. Moore won first prize on Indian corn and barley; Fred Gantz won first on wheat and oats; F.A. Beavin won first on milo-maize; his wife won first prize on Plymouth Rock chickens. S.A. Stauffer, who was a member of the Star family, has been away for five months visiting his son at El Reno. S.A. has returned and will again help with the work here. Coleman White, manager of the gin, informed us as of Sat. night, they had ginned 324 bales of cotton with an average price of $13.50 per hundred. K.R. Johnson, who has been clerking at W.H. Lee’s for four years has now accepted a position with J.O. Galloway. ANGORA NEWS: Many have not yet finished harvesting broomcorn, which they had a big harvest. Peaches too are a bumper crop around here and more are given away then are sold. Lee Wilkins and others have been bitten by spiders and affected so badly that medical assistance was necessary. All are recovering. Mack Newton has purchased a corn binder and is now prepared to cut and bind corn for his neighbors. Charley Yarber and family from near Canute are visiting at Mr. Phipp’s at Grow. The prospect for one or more railroads is encouraging. Three surveys having been made lately through this section. We shall gladly welcome the locomotive when it arrives. Mrs. James Skaggs is on the sick list. A protracted meeting is being held at the Red Star School House and not withstanding the busy times, considerable interest is manifested. Platonic Club met Oct 6. Members present were Mesdames Gray, Baird, Bonner, Gregoire, Jackson, Mitchell, McKinney, Turner and Misses Bonner, Greer, Young and McKinney. Guests were Mrs. H.O. Brown and Mrs. Jergens. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. The Platonic Club has in contemplation the erection of a monument on the sacred spot where at duty’s call so many brave souls went into the “silent land”. Chester Loyett has returned from Ohio with his new bride.
Cheyenne Star, Oct. 20, 1910
Board of Co. Commissioners met in August, 1910 – G.W. Hutton, A.W. Gannaway and Sam Kendall. Resignation of J.W. Conrad, Justice of the Peace at Bowman Township was approved. SQUARE TOP ITEMS: Died Oct. 15, an infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hisel. Mrs. W.B. Sprowls is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dow Cook. There will be a literary Sat. evening, Oct. 22, debate the subject of women suffrage. Following the debate will be a pie supper with proceeds for religious purposes. F.M. Byers of Berlin died the 9th of Oct. He was a member of the Campbellite Church, veteran of the Civil War and remains were laid to rest in the Berlin Cemetery. Miss Pearl Huff, one of Cheyenne’s popular young ladies, has been visiting friends in Elk City. Allen G. Carver of Durham was in town and had us do a printing job. Lee Dudney of Redmoon was a caller at the Star Office. He is a candidate on the Republican ticket for Register of Deeds. Platonic Club met to study early day Chinese. Coleman White of the Cotton Gin stated that Sat. evening there was $22,000 worth of cotton on the yard.
Cheyenne Star, Oct. 27, 1910
Rev. James Arvin of Texmo was here Thur. and filed on a fine 80 acres of land. A. Snyder, who lives 10 miles northwest, house burned to the ground last Friday. All contents were destroyed. Charles O. Libby, who was visiting with relatives in Rankin, caught a bad cold. After he returned home to Amarillo, the cold developed into pneumonia and he died at the age of 27 years old. Sam Hillman and son of Hammon were in town transacting business at the land office. They own fine farms out north of Hammon. Fred Gantz is one of those quiet, good, industrious, sturdy farmers, who lives on a farm near the Twin Hills. His father died when he was very young, leaving him to make his own way. By his industry, he has supported his aged mother, who now lives with him. Mr. Gantz married Miss Tissue Thomas, and they now have two children, which aids in making their home happy. Mr. Gantz was solicited by the people to make the race for Co. Comm. W.R. Rakes is the editor of the Cheyenne Star (Republican), Sec of the County Republicans, Land Commissioner and Notary Public. The teachers of Roger Mills County will hold their meeting at Cheyenne Sat. and the Farmers Institute will also be in session. Mrs. Cornels has returned to Cheyenne from a lengthy visit to different parts of Washington, Oregon and other parts. Miss Pearl Huff and Mr. Sam Bowman were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony Sun. last at the home of the bride by Rev. H.O. White. They will make their home in the country.
Cheyenne Star, Nov 3, 1910
J.J. Wilson, one of the successful farmers of the Washita Valley, thrashed over 170 bushels of Alfalfa seed this fall and took first premium here and second premium at the State, competing against several states. Western OK is the best part of the state for agricultural purposes. Miss Mattie Evans was hostess to the Philharmonic Club on Monday, October 24. President was Mrs. H.B. Dewey. Nannie Taylor presented piano solo, duet by Mamie Kendall and Bessie Cooper. Piano solo by Mariam Elliott, Jessie and Frankie Kendall sang a duet. There were sixteen members and five new additions to the club. Sallie Taylor, Corr. Sec. Platonic Club News. Mrs. Cooksey presented a program on China. Club met with Mrs. A.G. Gray who served a Chinese lunch, rice cakes and tea. Ten members were present and two visitors: Mrs. Lovett and Mrs. Brann.
{Dale’s extra comments— William W. Rakes, editor and publisher of Cheyenne Star at this time, was a staunch Republican and was the Chairman of the Co. Republican Committee. The Republicans in the year of 1910 fielded nine candidates for county offices and much of this paper issued was filled with political comments on various sections over the county as well as a full page of flowering editorials which praised the attributes of these Republican candidates. The Star had for several weeks been endorsing these candidates for county office as well as those for state and national positions. He even went so far as to insert comments in the County Commissioners proceedings such as:” Oh, Lord, deliver us” , “Oh hum”, “Went to the limits”,
“Oh dear”, “Where to?”, “Wonder why”, “For What?”, “Rather high”, “More Stamps”.}
Local Market Report:
Item Price
Old Hens .09 per lb.
Fryers .11 per lb.
Old Roosters .15 each
Butter .25 per lb.
Eggs .20 per doz.
Wheat .81 per bu.
Oats in bulk .28
Oats sacked .30
Corn per bu. .65
Broomcorn $95 a ton
Cotton .15 a lb.
Cheyenne Star 1.00 a year
Cheyenne Star, Nov. 10, 1910
ANGORA NEWS: E.H. Hunt who fell into a canyon, un-jointing his left arm at the elbow, while making his way over the prairie at night, is on the mend. Mr. Henry Irvin sustained an injury near the right eye by his mules becoming frightened at a drove of sheep while on his way to Elk. The mules turning suddenly and tipping Mr. Irvin out. P.M. Newton was a good deal “shuck up like” by being thrown from his mowing machine. John Blackketter is considerably improving his place, putting up some new buildings. School in Red Star District commenced the first of August, closed through October and November for cotton picking and cotton picking is about one-half through with us in this vicinity.
ELECTION NEWS: All the Democratic candidates elected in the county by small majorities. Women will still have to suffer to vote. Prohibition carried by 359 votes in the county. Fred Gantz was defeated by 15 votes.
The Northwest Teachers Meeting will be held at Clifford School House on Sat. Nov. 12. T.C. Moore will give a report of the state fair. Miss Lola Steele will give a talk on how to teach music in the local school. Mrs. Mitchell presented a paper on Washington Irving. Miss Klina Potter will present a model program for Rural Schools. A.M. Patterson who lives near Hamburg, was here and took the examination and will teach the Clifford School this fall and winter. Miss Jo Lawrence of Oklahoma City has taken the place of Miss Greer and is teaching 4th and 5th grade in Cheyenne School. W.A. Beaty went to the railroad at Sayre with a train of wagons loaded with hogs for the Oklahoma City market. Platonic Club met with Mrs. G.H. Wallace last Thursday. On the program were Miss Young, Mrs. Bonner, Mrs. Mitchell. Old-fashioned donuts and drip coffee were served. To fourteen members with visitors Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. H.O. Brown, Mrs. Le Loub.
John Osborne’s little child has been very sick, but is improving now. Albert Coffman of Durham was at the land office Mon. and made application for final proof. Mr. and Mrs. John Mullens who live on a fine farm 3 miles south of Durham were in town Mon. Mrs. H.H. Babbitt, a few miles west of town, is visiting in Kansas with her father who lives near Alta Vista. Grandma Taylor of Sayre is visiting her son, Mr. G.H. Dodgion. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Leary are here from Montana, visiting Mr. Leary’s mother, Mrs. Begier.
Cheyenne Star, Nov. 17, 1910
About 18 years ago at the State Convention naming the counties, the delegation from this area concluded the name of “Mills”. During the convention the delegation realized that this name would place the county near the middle of the roll. The delegation thought they would have more political clout if they could place the name near the bottom of the roll call. The bright idea came to R.J. Ray, one of the delegates, to name the county Roger Mills, placing that name toward the bottom of the roll. F.E. Herring and wife of Elk City were among several prominent citizens of that place who traveled here to attend the funeral of G.W. Hodges. Mrs. Bird Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Carter also attended. He had one of the largest funerals ever held in Cheyenne.
A.H. Carter will be the Cashier of the new bank, which building at Carpenter, has been completed. E.M. Carter will be Asst. Cashier and officers are President J.A. Moad, J.M. Strathen and P.G. Ragains are Vice Presidents. These gentlemen are wealthy and we know it will be a strong institution. Louis Hollingsworth had a stalk of June corn that has 10 ears of corn. Miss Mamie Keen, who has been seriously ill, is improving slowly. Mrs. A.M. Patterson of Hamburg has just returned from a visit with her parents in NM.
Gilbert Warren Hodges was born in Watogo County, NC on July 26, 1845 and died November 10, 1910. He entered the Confederate Army when 16 years of age. Had severed nearly to the end of the war, when he was imprisoned and where he was when he was discharged. He married Miss Ella McGilvery of Bridston, TX in 1881. They had been living in Roger Mills County since the opening of this country. The last rites were performed by the Masons at the Cheyenne Cemetery. Funeral services held at the ME Church at 2:30 Sunday, Nov. 13. with Rev. Warren of Altus officiating. Besides a devoted wife, he leaves an adopted daughter.
Cheyenne Star, Nov. 24, 1910
The Cotton Exchange Bank of Crawford, OK was robbed last Saturday morning about 9:30. Two bold men rode into town, tied their horses in front of the bank, entering the front door, going behind the counters, demanded the cashier, Henry Goode, and Don Roberts and wife, who were making a deposit at the time, to throw up their arms. It seems as though they readily consented to do so as the robbers had them covered with automatic pistols. One of them proceeded to take the cash in sight and from the vault to the amount of about $1000.00, then marching the employees of the bank to the front of the building, and commanded them to keep their faces from them, the robbers mounted their horses, leaving immediately going south two miles and then east a few miles, being hotly pursued by Henry Hayes, the Deputy Sheriff and Henry Goode, the Cashier. The robbers were chased to the canyons northwest of Cheyenne. Here they escaped their pursuers and nothing has been heard from them. This is the second raid that has been made on this bank. In the first, the robbers were frightened away before securing any money.
Platonic Club met with Miss Laverne Young October 10. President Mrs. Gray called the meeting to order. Mrs. Cooksey continued the lesson China and Hong Kong. Miss Martha Bonner had a paper on China. Chinese poem was given by Mrs. McKinney. Three visitors attended. Mesdames Clyde Young and T.L. Miller and Miss Goldie Miller. E.B. Randall of Rankin was in the county seat Fri. H.D. Cox was in OKC last week for several days. The box supper will be at Square Top Nov. 26; proceeds to go for an organ. Lucille McKinney played the piano two nights and the orchestra to help entertained the large crowds in the IOOF Hall. Boots Fields is a royal entertainer. He made the show people feel at home during their stay here in Cheyenne. Walker Huff went to OKC and Shawnee last week. Ten proofs recorded on Tuesday. S. Thompson and W.G. Mills spent Sun. out in the country with Charley Thompson. Mrs. Fields and Mrs. Bonner have been visiting friends in Elk City this week. S. Jackson, Lee Gray and Madden Miller have returned from OKC where they attended a meeting of the Shriners. Sam Bowman took to Elk City twelve-four horse loads of hogs and shipped them. The teams brought back 24 tons of oil cake for Bob Trammell on the Bowman Ranch where he has 900 head of cattle to winter. J.O. Galloway, one of our best enterprising men, has just completed one of the largest cisterns in Roger Mills County. L.H. Jones is making an extensive cellar under the Central Telephone Building. Boots Fields has recently returned from a trip to Kansas City. He says while gone he took in three dramas a day and a theater every night. J.K. Reed is sick with pneumonia. John Bonner left Sun. for a few days business trip to Oklahoma City. W.O. Horr passed through town Mon. on his way to Crawford. The Philharmonic Club met at Mrs. H.B Dewey’s. The next meeting will be in two weeks in home of Miss Golda Miller.
Cheyenne Star, Dec. 1, 1910
Mrs. J.O. Galloway hosted a Thanksgiving Dinner at the Central Hotel Dining Room at noon on Thanksgiving Day. There were tables loaded down with all the good edibles that the heart could wish for; turkey, roast, ham, cranberries, celery, potatoes, corn, pie, finest cake you ever tasted, pears, California grapes and many other delicacies we never will be able to name. Selected parcels of school land will be sold at auction at the Court House door on Dec. 27, 1910. The Platonic Club met with Mrs. Bell on Nov. 25. Mrs. Bonner conducted a lesson on “the Courts of China”. Mrs. Gregoire presented a reading followed by Mrs. Vera Johnson with another reading.
We are informed Frank Hollen of the Rankin neighborhood and his wife have agreed to disagree. She went to Oklahoma City to her mother and we are informed that Frank has followed and will try to have her come back again. Henry and Chester Tracy visited their parents over Thanksgiving here but have returned to their studies at Weatherford Normal. Mrs. Harry Brown has spent several days at Elk City as a guest of Mrs. J.E. Standifer and Mrs. Sam Brown. Roy Paschal left Saturday for Oklahoma City where he will seek employment for the winter.Walter Blackburn of the Cheyenne Cotton Exchange Bank had been in Elk City the past two weeks assisting in a branch of that bank there. Mrs. Nellie Hensley and two children visited her mother and other members of the Huff family at the Southern Hotel the past week. John K. Reed died at his residence in Cheyenne Monday at 2 p.m. of pneumonia after an illness of some four weeks. He was 51 years old having died on his birthday. Mr. Reed came to this country from McCullough County, Texas at the opening of this country. He was married 12 years ago to Miss. Ann Huff , who with four children, survive him. He was a member of the Order of the Eagles, which society had charge of the funeral on Tuesday afternoon. The services being conducted of Rev. Mr. Morris. An adjuster for an insurance company from Kansas City has been at Crawford this week where he went to adjust the loss sustained by the Crawford Cotton Exchange Bank, caused by the recent robbery. The loss was not as heavy as first reported. The bank will continue to do business. C.O. Gause and A.J. Smith have been in Oklahoma City this past week while there Mr. Gause traded a farm in this county for a fine passenger automobile. Mr. Smith drove the machine through to Cheyenne spending 17 hours on the road. The car will be used to carry passengers to the railroad and other points. Last Thursday evening two farmers, Messrs Smoot and James from the Hamburg area were “held up” near the wagon yard here in Cheyenne and relieved of a couple of dollars in change and the piece of tobacco. No clue. The sheriff seized 28 pints of whiskey in Fred Tunnard’s house last week, which Fred said belonged to Dr. Burns. Burns also claimed the stuff and he had it for his own use. However, it remains in the possession of the sheriff. J.S. Short says the farmers are paying more cash at sales this fall than he ever knew in this section. Out of a $2,000 sale recently, $1,000 was paid in cash. At Tom Berry’s sale, a cow sold for $80, and stock is selling high. This shows that the farmers are prosperous.
ANGORA ITEMS: Will and Leonard Reed have purchased a new threshing machine and are threshing everything in sight. J.H. Wagoner, the hustling merchant of this place is putting in a mill equipped with gasoline engine and will soon be prepared to do custom work for the people. Albert Daharsh has returned from his railroad bridge work. John Self has filed on the Fred Self place and moved his family onto it. Mr. Bounds from Texas and lately from Brantley has filed on the Ira Barnhill claim and has moved his family thereon. Glen Steele has sold ½ of his 160 to his son Glen Steele. Mr. Van Dolah has sold his 80 acres and gone farther north on a 40 A tract. Mrs. Frautman has returned home from a three week visit with her daughter, Mrs. Robinson in Custer County. Thanksgiving exercises at the Mt. Pleasant School House Thursday evening were enjoyed by all. Miss Hattie Broadbent is the teacher. Cotton picking for this season will soon be over for this year.
FAIRVIEW ITEMS: Mr. and Mrs. Dan Jackson, James Page and Roy Hiatt took Roast Goose Thanksgiving Dinner with Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Jackson. Ben Pile is building a fine new barn. G.W. Stanley has returned from a business trip to Billings. The shooting match at George Joyce’s was well attended and several won turkeys. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill took Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stevenson. Mrs. John Joyce has been on the sick list for several days. J.R. Jackson has just completed a nice residence for Will Campbell. Mr. Kilbey made a business trip to Elk City. Ben Pile took two loads of hogs to Elk City.
ROLL ITEMS: Mrs. W.A. Denton accompanied by her son, Alton and her sister, Mrs. Jo Brooks were visiting her sister in Elk City the past week where Joe is attending school. A revival meeting is in progress at Breezy Meadow two miles east of town. Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Miller entertainment the following guests for Thanksgiving: Mr. and Mrs. Denton, Mr. and Mrs. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Hillman, Mrs. And Mrs. Dunnigan, Mr. and Mrs. Saunders, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Anderson, Misses Bessie Perce and Jo Brooks. Messers Will Anderson, Jim Warren, C.E. McNaught, W.M. and Paul Brooks, Loyal Dunagan, Alton Denton. Mrs. John Parker and daughter Pauline have gone to Indiana for a visit. Milt Grayson and family will leave this week for Kentucky where they will remain some time. Dr. Bell, wife and mother came up from Cheyenne Wed. evening and remained over Thanksgiving with the family of Dr. Grant. S. Jackson and Family and J.P. Johnson and family ate Thanksgiving dinner with Dr. and Mrs. Grant. The afternoon was spent in hunting quail and quite a number were bagged.
J.F. Pyle who has resided on Croton Creek about 7 miles west of Cheyenne for several years, has sold his farm to W.A. May. John Salyer has resigned his position as jailer. The men who were held up at the wagon yard last week had Jack Rimby arrested for doing the act. Jack is not in the business and he was discharged, the fact is that the farmers were so badly frightened that everything turned blue around them. In the County Court, Ralph Tanner drew a jail sentence of 30 days and a fine of $50 for bootlegging. Some railroad surveyors are working this area and it does look that Cheyenne is going to be favored. It is the Wichita Falls and North-western coming from Butler. About $1500 worth of broomcorn was on the street Tuesday on its way to the Elk City market. Word was received here Tuesday morning that George Kendall was driving the automobile of F.E. Herring and while driving the automobile through the streets of Elk City ran down two boys on bicycles; one was killed and the other was slightly injured. D.G. Moore has moved to Cheyenne from Texas and has formed a partnership with W.H. Mouser in the practice of law and occupy the building next to Lee’s Drugs Store. Miss Allie Pierce is clerking in the post office for Postmistress Falconer. Cosmo Falconer was in from Sayre last week visiting his family. Scotty is taking lessons in photography at Sayre. {Note-he later opened a photography studio in Cheyenne}
Cheyenne Star, Dec. 8, 1910
The editor, W.W. Rakes, of the star has just returned from a visit with his father, brothers and sisters in Wayne Co. Iowa. In the star last week, we made mention of the killing of two boys killed by an automobile in Elk City. However, only one boy was killed and the other slightly injured. The accident occurred at intersection of Broadway and Main; George Kendall, an automobile repairer was driving F.E. Herring’s car down main street going south. Willie and Leo Corigan, two boys aged 14 and 10 years respectively, were coming on Broadway on a bicycle. By-standers say that neither of them were going fast and it is hard to say just how the accident happened. The boys were both on one bicycle and came into Main Street just as Mr. Kendall was crossing Broadway. Mr. Kendall says he saw the boys and thought they were going behind the automobile but as they drew nearer, he saw they were going to hit the car, and he tried to speed up a little in order to get out of their way. The bicycle struck the car about center and Mr. Kendall threw on the emergency brake, sliding the car about 24 feet. The boys are sons of G.H. Corigan, formerly of Rankin. Died Nov 26, 1910, Vern W. the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben W. Beisel. Age 1 month and 14 days.
DURHAM DOINGS: The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.M. Satterfield was buried at Fairview, Monday, Nov. 21. James High and family left Wed. Morning for a new home in Colorado. J.L. Burris and family left this week for a visit in Eastern OK before going to Missouri, their future home. The death angel visited the home of W.B. Cecil, Tuesday and claimed their youngest child; the funeral at Fairview Wed. afternoon. W.A. May and family moved to their new home near Cheyenne Wed. Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Bryson are entertaining Prof. Worden. Miss Margaret Holstein spent Thanksgiving holidays with her parents and returned to school in Cheyenne. The doctors are kept busy these days: Tom Davidson is very sick &Miss Lora Dodson is nursing a broken foot. Allen G. Carver, one of our merchants is invoicing, preparatory to selling his stock of merchandise to Henry Goode. W.J. Deawake
Frank Cunningham and C.T. Talkington, while hunting in the vicinity of Bessie this week, discovered and killed a huge wolf. The assassination was made with a Winchester Rifle. A box supper will be given in the basement of the school building on Friday, Dec. 16.
Cheyenne Star, Dec. 15, 1910
FAIRVIEW ITEMS: There will be a pie supper at Fairview Friday evening, the 16th. Proceeds are to buy trimmings and candy for the Christmas Tree. Mr. Ling of El Reno is visiting his uncle’s family, Charles Hill. Kilbyville is on the boom, we see Mr. Kilby has built a new barn and grainery. J.R. Jackson has just completed a nice addition to Dan Jackson’s residence. Ray Jones of Elk City has just built a fine barn on his farm. Haggie Kilby has made a flying trip to Cheyenne Sat. Steve Dorman is moving back to his farm after a year of farming Uncle Allen Jones’ farm. Looks as if Uncle Allen is going to get married.
Paul Brooks of Roll is now with the Cheyenne Cotton Exchange Bank. A little fire occurred at C.O. Gause Livery Barn Tuesday night. The fire caught in near the fence. The fire alarm was given and in a short time many were there and soon had it under control. Just a few rods of fence were burned. During this dry weather, people cannot be too careful with matches.
Merchants are very busy and Cheyenne is booming. Business is good and wages high. We have a chance for a railroad and let us predict that our population will double in sight of a year and Cheyenne will be the metropolis of the southwest. There will be a piano recital by the Music Dept of the school to be given in the school house auditorium on Wed. night, Dec. 21, proceeds will go to pay for the piano. Walter Blackburn who has been Asst. Cashier here at Cotton Exchange Bank has gone to Crawford to act as Cashier at the Cotton Exchange Bank there. The Philharmonic Club met with Goldie Miller on Mon. evening, Dec. 5. Club was called to order by the president and 18 members responded to the roll call. Miss Minnie Slief was admitted as a new member. Piano Solo by Miss Verna Young, vocal solo Mamie Kendall, reading by Frankie Kendall, & vocal solo by Bessie Cooper were enjoyed. The club will meet in the home of Mrs. Ed Keen on Dec. 19.
In the beginning God created the heaven and earth and all things herein. He then created man and woman and left the loafers on the corner. In due time they multiplied and spread into the post office, depot, and store, where they sit and explain state and national problems. J.L. Paschal passed thru Cheyenne Mon. morning on his way to Sayre, where he becomes the publisher of the Standard. He will sell his farm and stock and move his family to Sayre in the near future.
M.A. Day of Hamburg was a pleasant caller last Tues. The commissioners have appointed John Salyer commissioner of this township. C.H. Feno “Shorty” announces he will sell one or as many mules, wagons and horses for a whole entire freight outfit for 10 months time with a promissory note at the bank, interest 10%.{prior to this time, Shorty Feno was one of the main Freight Haulers for supplies for Cheyenne}Roger Mills County has a family of 12,861 people. Mrs. W.W. Brown of Weatherford is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ed Keen and other friends this week.
There are a number of things in town being stolen here of late. Someone has a knack especially of going into peoples’ cellars and helping themselves to the fruit which has been put up by hard work. The people of Cheyenne should join in locating and running out of town anyone who is resorting to this low means of getting his living. Miss Clara Boon, our popular dining room girl at the Southern Hotel will visit at Butler on Christmas. Several of the town girls cooked dinner with Frankie Kendall last Sun. Another honorable man in the star office, H.L. DeVilers, who had been working as foreman in the star office, was admitted to practice law, taking the examination at Guthrie last week. He made an average of 90 in all branches and is now a full fledged lawyer. Mr. DeVilers has used his spare time for the past three years reading and now when he begins practice he will make a success as a good counselor. Mrs. E.E. Tracy who has been quite sick, is now at Clinton with near relatives. She is reported to be improving and hope she can return home. Mamie Keen has been seriously ill for some weeks, is able to be out again. Miss Frankie Kendall has been quite ill for two weeks. May Davis of Pauls Valley, an expert printer and linotype operator has accepted a position in the Star office. It looks now that we have a good chance for a railroad. Surveyors passed through here last week, surveying road from Butler to Canadian. Milo Farrar is very sick with pneumonia. Chester and Henry Tracy, who have been attending school at Weatherford, have returned to Cheyenne and will perhaps not go back to school this year. The Platonic Club met with Mrs. W.T. Bonner Dec. 8.
Cheyenne Star, Dec. 22, 1910
It is now quite evident that work on the Denver and Gulf Railroad will begin in a short time. The proposed road is to run from Denver southeast to Texhoma to Canadian and Cheyenne and on south to Dallas. The musical given at the school house by Mrs. Nene Alexander’s class was a successful entertainment. W.P. Keen one of Cheyenne’s best attorney visited with the U.S. Commissioner Sun. evening. Four highway robbers held up the Butler store near Rankin last evening about 6 p.m., robbing the post office and store, securing $11. Ben Robinson who has been clerking for Herring & Young for past year or so will leave for Billings, Montana about first of year. Lesle Barton left Sat. for Houston to visit over Christmas. R.N. Higgins has opened up a new grocery store on west main street in the IOOF Building. The Collins Tin Shop advertises three good new Florence, 3 inch wagons on hand. F.G. Brann has just completed a fine large residence in the south part of town and moved in last Fri. Mr. Brann and his estimable wife are very happy in their nice new home. Jack Rimby while out driving Sun. evening, his horses were frightened, ran away, throwing him out and bruised him up badly, but probably not seriously. Rev. Cole, our new ME minister is suffering with an attack of rheumatism in his heels. Rev. Weaver, the presiding elder preached a very able sermon Sun. night. J.D. Wood who lives 7 miles west of Hamburg, will have a public sale of stock and farm implements on Jan. 7. Roy F. Brown of Texmo was in Cheyenne last Fri. and filed on a fine 80 acre tract of land. Mr Brown is a rural carrier out of Texmo.
FAIRVIEW ITEMS: The pie supper was a great success. Pies sold for a good price, proceeds amounting to $26.90. Christmas Tree will be Sat. night, the 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Stanley were shopping in Cheyenne Sat. Mrs. E.J. Jackson has been very sick for the past week but is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Will Campbell have a new baby girl at their house. Ben Kilby is buying Christmas presents. Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Jackson gave their son, Daniel Burton Sat. evening. Those in attendance were: Messers Guy and Gus Lybey, Oscar and Ott Musick, Hill and Henry Huggins, Jim and Cerse Hunt, Jasper Joyce, Vester Duke, J.R. Reaves, Frank Dorman, Harry Warden, Mrs. Dellamae Warden, Fisher, Pearl, Emma and Elva Dorman; Hunt, Annie and Dora Joyce; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fender; R.N. Warden, Steve Dorman. G.W. Stanley has returned to El Reno where he has traded for property there and will move with his family in two weeks.
James Walker of Clifford, James Hawkins of Texmo and William Barber of Durham made final proof this week. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Coon and Lee Dudney and wife of Red Moon were in town Tues. doing their Christmas shopping. They had a box supper out there and raised $45 for the Christmas Tree. There have been a good many cattle die here this last fall and it is believed to be caused by cattle feeding in stock fields without sufficient water. The bazaar given at the Dobbs’ building by the ladies aid society was a grand success. There will be Xmas trees at the Baptist and ME church Sat. night.
Cheyenne Star, Dec. 29, 1910
The following individuals each purchased a quarter section of Roger Mills County Indemnity Land at a Court House auction. The land brought from $850 to $2975.00. This indemnity land was taken in lieu of Indian land and reserved by Congress for Schools. Purchasers were: John Ross, John Rodgers, C.W. Roberts, C.R. Autry, David H. Laney, J.O. Bond, H.W. Dodson, F.M. Foster, Clarence McHappy, J.M. Baker, James E. Gilbert, J.M. Gilbert, F.H. Hurst, W.R. Hurst, C.F. Holloway, A.C. Gaines, S.L. Amend, F.H. Long, Blanchard Luther, A.C. Jackson, O.F. Depew, T.H. McMahan, J. Sarkeys, Walter Pickett, F.H. Ogle.
Thomas H. Kahoa of Rankin made proof on his claim Friday. In conversation with this editor, we discovered we were born in about 12 miles of each other in Iowa and knew some of the same people. Henry Perry and wife in the area of Rome were pleasant callers at the Star office on Monday. J.J. Wilson of Hamburg, the alfalfa king of the Washita, and one of our best farmers and ranchmen was transacting business at county seat last Mon.
Letter to Editor from A.H. Carter: “This is a red letter day in history of Roger Mills Co. The steel gang on the Wichita Falls and Northwestern Railroad crossed the line between Roger Mills and Beckham County at 10 o’clock and thirty minutes and the good old county of Roger Mills now has railroad mileage and mark my words, it is only the entering wedge of railroad building, our grand county will have as much or more than the average mileage of the counties of our grand state in the very near future. Here is to a greater and better county..”
John Huddlson of Hammon was charged with Grand Larceny. Bond set at $1,000 and in default, went to jail. Teachers meeting to be held at the M.K.T. School House on first Sat. of January. Will Ames and Joe Carson of Durham were in town paying Taxes. James DeGeer, one of our best machinist in the west, repaired our engine this week and caused a delay in issuing the paper. Teachers and patrons meeting will be held the second Sat. in Jan. at Pie Flat School House. E.B. Randell of Rankin was a Cheyenne visitor. No less than 100 farmers in the town this week to bid on the school land. Mr. Carleton and bride arrived in the city last evening. C.H. Good and wife of Durham were in Cheyenne. Mr. Good has recently taken charge of the store at Durham. He purchased the stock belonging to A.G. Carver and reports a nice trade to begin with. Will Shufeldt was in town paying taxes and buying supplies for the ranch. Harry Henson of Rankin was contracting business at the county seat last Mon.
The dance given last Sat. night at the Cox Mill was largely attending by young people of Cheyenne. Oscar Galloway returned from Oklahoma City Fri. Little Lester Pickens, son of J.M. Pickens and wife, is quite sick with pneumonia. The show at the school house was a total failure and lightly attended. Such fakes is a hindrance and a bore on the public. H.L. DeVilers and family spent Christmas and ate turkey at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Jackson on Beaver Dam.