News about County Residents (Grouped by Year) Taken from the “Local and Personal Columns” in Early Newspapers.
Cheyenne Star, Jan. 5, 1911
C.O. Gause Livery Barn took fire at 10:00 Friday night and burned to the ground, consuming 18 head of horses, vehicles, harness, grain, hay, etc. entailing a loss of several thousand dollars with only an insurance of $800. Flames soon spread to a small building near the barn owned by J.C. Hendricks of Sayre, loss about $200. The next was the Ben Lindley Grocery, which could not be saved and it also soon burned to the ground. By the help of many citizens, quite a lot of the stock and fixtures were saved; but Mr. Lindley only had $1000 insurance, which leaves him a loser of about $3000. Upstairs were Dr. Bell and Dr. Miller’s offices, and nearly everything they had went up in flames also. At this writing, we have not learned if either of these gentlemen will rebuild or not. By heroic efforts, the Maddux building was saved. Stone Taylor and Mr. Hale, newly elected Co. Comm. will take the oath of office next Monday. Comm. Gannoway and Hutton are retiring. Tom Smith was arrested for drunkenness and found guilty by a jury, he took an appeal and it will be tried by the County Court.
John Casady has returned from Montana where he has been running a paper. He said it is too cold up there for him. John is a good printer and linotypist and has many friends here who are glad to see him. E.M. Rhodes of Wellston passed through town on his way to Crawford where he has a fine general store. E.S. Repass, postmaster at Grimes, was in Cheyenne. Oliver Burnson of Crawford has been employed to run C.O. Gause Automobile and we had the pleasure of a fine ride over the city on his first trip. Mr. Burnson is an excellent driver and the car is a fine one. It does not mind to climb the tiresome hills every time.
Only zero degrees and the janitor failed to get the school house warm enough for the children Monday and the teachers dismissed the school for the day. A new building and furnace ought to be adequate for all kinds of weather. Miss Helen Seaver spent Christmas at Berlin, her old home. Dr. Wallace and Gregoire’s fine $350 team and buggy and harness were burned in the Gause livery barn fire. Henry Tracy has taken up the pleasant work of typesetting at the Star office. Prof. Kelly Scott teacher at the Mammoth School had some print work done at star office on Mon. J.J. Means of Redmoon was Cheyenne visitor. Wed. morning fire caught in the loft of the White Hall (Dobbs’ building) but was extinguished without much damage. Dr. Bell, the up to date dentist has purchased his dental chair and dental tools in Oklahoma City and is now ready to do your work at the Masonic Building. Just Fri. night his entire office outfit was destroyed by fire so he needed to buy this new equipment. Mr. Earl and his brother of Crawford were in Cheyenne Monday. The new year came in with a cold wave of 4 degrees below zero. Walker Huff returned from Elk City on business. Ralph Tanner’s horse dropped dead while driving down the street Sat. morning. Atty. J.L. Anderson has returned from a visit to his home in Kentucky. Judge E.E. Tracy has gone to Tennessee on a visit. C.O. Gause thinks he will re-build. E.B. Sadler and William A. Eaton of Hamburg were each visitors here. H.D. Cox will build a big fine office building on the corner of his residence lot soon. Leslie Barton has returned from Houston where he celebrated Christmas. Lon Mitchell and Perry Madden left Sun. to attend another session of the legislature. We wonder if they will do anything to relieve us of the burdens of high taxation. H.D. Cox has sold his furniture store and mill to John Kendall. We understand Willie West will take a half interest in this fine store.
ROLL ITEMS: Mrs. P.J. Perkins, baby and daughter Clara have been to New Mexico to spend the holidays with Mrs. Perkins daughter, Mrs. Mac Perry. Mr. and Mrs. J.E. McKinney and Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Pankey spent Christmas with home folks in Missouri. Mr. Will Denton, our genial merchant made short business trip to El Reno. Miss Lillia Glenn, who has been in eastern Oklahoma for some time, returned home last week. Dr. and Mrs. Grant “took in” the Platonic Club Banquet last Thursday night. Miss Ora A. Black, who is teaching the Clear Spring School, went to her home at Stone for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Mouser and Mr. Perry Madden were here “courting” last Fri. Miss Pearl Reynolds who is one of the teachers in Erick, Oklahoma spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Reynolds. Quite a number of our young people attended a party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S.P. Thompson on last Mon. evening in honor of Sherman Thompson who was recently married to Miss Nellie Sloan. Mesdames Grant and Denton entertained with a “tacky” party on Mon. evening. The affair was held in the Denton and Brooks Hall. Prizes were awarded to Guy Brooks and Mrs. W.C. Mitchell as being the “tackiest” couple present. Dr. Grant left Sun. for Parsons, Kansas on business. Mr. and Mrs. Howard and children from eastern Oklahoma are visiting Mrs. Howard’s mother, Mrs. Molly Banner and family. Mrs. J.P. Johnson was the guest of Mrs. Grant on Monday.
DURHAM DOINGS: Homer Thurston and wife spent Christmas with relatives in Canadian. Mrs. Tro’s uncle from Alva spent Christmas with the Tro family. James Ross and family are spending holidays in Kingfisher County. Mr. Baxter and wife, Peter Tro and family, James Grant and family took Christmas dinner with Elgie Barnard family. The water wagon is froze up and Dr. Miller says that if you owe me, please pay as my entire office was destroyed by the livery barn fire, I will need this to get another office. At the roping contest at Oklahoma City, Boots Fields took fourth money. Forty ropers from the range took part. Cheyenne always does good. Mr. and Mrs. Garrett of Roll were in town Wed. Their daughter Katherine will remain and work here a while. C.O. Gause informs us that he will re-build at once and continue in the livery business. Even fire can’t keep a good man down. Mike Kehoe has gone to Kansas City for two weeks. Miss Nona Keen wrote a nice story for the star, but for want of space, it was crowded out this week.
Cheyenne Star, Jan 12, 1911
Stonewall Jackson, cashier of the Cheyenne State Bank, has bought a touring car, also Leon Young and Drs. Wallace and Gregoire. These cars are of the latest and best makes and we are very proud to see these fine cars running on our streets. Prof. A.W. Aloway had some school programs printed at the Star office this week. Prof Aloway is teaching a fine school out at Windy Hill this winter. Joe Walton of Dempsey says surveyors and viewers have been passing along the old survey lately and he firmly believes railroad will be built across the west side of Roger Mills Co. this year. This is the Dallas, Ryan, Canadian, LaMar to Denver route. LOST between Cheyenne and George Anderson’s farm, one open face, solid gold 17 jewel Seth Thomas watch. Finder please return to Si Thompson at Herring & Young to receive reward. Miss Esther Miller of Grimes was in the city Wed. and let the work of printing the Constitution and By-Laws of the Roger Mills County Singing Assoc. to the Star printers. John H. Downey of Roll was in town Friday making application to prove up and paying taxes and transacting other business. Albert Coffman who lives near Durham made final proof with Peter S. Tro and George Lewis were witness. Frank J. Holland of Rankin made final proof. LOST: an overcoat, Friday the 6th between Croton Creek at the Pile Crossing and the farm of Ed McCaskill. Finder leave at Southern Hotel and get suitable reward. One of our jailbirds broke out last Friday night and hasn’t been heard of since.
Miss Carey Fields, one of our excellent teachers in the city school, is having some printing done in the Star office for her pupils. Presbyterian Missionary Society will meet with Mrs. G.W. Hodges Jan. 13 at 2:30. Foundation is being placed on court house square for Dr. Miller’s office. R.V. Converse has sold his 320 acre farm for $6000 and will move to town to reside in the future. The Wichita Falls RR ran their first train into Hammon at 10:00 on Tues. placing Cheyenne 12 miles closer to the railroad. Mr. Wallace and W.P. Nail of Durham were in Cheyenne Monday. Ben Lindley has a nice new building nearly completed on the site of the old building that burned down. He will soon be ready to again sell you your groceries at the old stand.
Platonic Club met for a banquet in the Masonic Hall and a program on Early Days of Cheyenne of 16 years ago. Mrs. Fields talk of the Battle was worthy. Each member brought 3 guests and places found with place cards. A four course dinner was served by Mrs. Andrews. James Mahare of Clifford who has been farming in Iowa for the last two years, passed through town on his way out to his farm. Newly elected County Officers took office on Monday. SQUARE TOP: Brother Cole of Cheyenne was with us Sun morning and evening. He will preach at this place every second Sun. at 11:00 and 7:00. E.N. McGlothlin of Hamburg passed through town on his way to market cotton at Elk City last Fri. Frank B. Ogle made final proof at Durham. {Big list of real estate actions in this paper}
Cheyenne Star, January 19, 1911
Two men were arrested in Hemphill Co. by a posse of farmers last Tues and lodged in jail at Canadian. Sheriff Skillety Bill Johnson notified authorities here of the arrest and suspicion of them being fugitives from this county. R.L. Trammell, our new sheriff, at once secured Leon Young and his new car and was accompanied by H.L. Goode and wife on a quick trip to that city. On their arrival at Canadian, Mr. and Mrs. Goode easily identified one of the men, giving the name of Tom Riggs as one of the Crawford Bank robbers. Leon left Canadian at 11:00 and arrived in Cheyenne at 7:30 p.m. stopping 2 hours on the road. He carried the Sheriff over there and back home, making extra good time. The young people had quite a nice dance at Ben Lindley’s new building last Sat. night. Ralph Tanner has opened up a restaurant in the Dobbs’ building. The young people had a very enjoyable party at Ed Taylor’s last Monday evening. T.C. Moore, Co. Supt of Public Schools, announces the teacher’s examination will be held at the school house at Cheyenne Jan. 26 & 27. W.R. Potter and Calvin Holstein of Durham were in the city last Mon. Judge D.W. Tracy and family returned Sat. from a family reunion at their old home at Memphis, Tennessee, also there were present E.E. and John B. Tracy of Cheyenne. The entire Tracy family was present; nine boys and sisters. J.J. Pitts sold a load of Roger Mills Co. hogs at Oklahoma City for $8.10; Top price for the season. There were 48 head and average weigh was 362 pounds, the heaviest there in many days.
J.L.M. Curry has bought out the R.R. Bull Blacksmith Shop and takes charge today. Tom Berry has just returned from Oklahoma City where he bought a fine line of groceries and will begin business in the room next door to the Cheyenne State Bank. Jay Pickens is building a new addition this week for M.J. Calvert. Saturday night, Mr. Short and an Irish lad went into the ring at the rear end of Charley McClain’s pool hall at 8:30 and there one of the fiercest battles of the season took place. Irish lad drew blood on Short in the eighth round and the referee pronounced the pugilistic battle won. James J. Hurst made final proof. Dr. Gregoire had the misfortune, while cranking up his fine car, to break his arm. He went up to his office and dictated a letter to his steno-grapher while the other set his arm. A meeting of the 42 Club was held at A.S. McKinney’s last Thursday night. Mrs. Bonner entertained all the children whose birthday was in January by giving a dinner party last Sat. H.D. Woods of Hamburg was in town Sat. He reports having received fair prices for his stock last week at his sale. Col. Short left for a visit to Guthrie. The 42 Club will meet with Nene Alexander on Thursday. W.R. Potter has traded for the hotel in Durham and will take possession at once. This is one of the finest hotels in the western part of the county.
SQUARE TOP NEWS: M.J. Calvert is building an addition to his home. E.F. Stephens started with his boy to Higgins, Texas today. W.B. Sprowls and wife were visiting W. Auding and wife Sun. Miss Mittie Hawkins happened to quite an accident last Fri. by being run over by a buggy, but she is much improved at present writing. Our school is progressing very nicely under the careful management of Miss Lasca Moore. L.E. Stephens and wife were visiting their daughter, Mrs. W.A. Cronin on Sun. Attorney Sylvester Grim, Judge Tracy and others from Cheyenne will discuss legal questions at the next literary Sat. evening.
ROSE HILL ITEMS: The school is progressing quite nicely under Prof. J. Robbins. Mr. W.R. Alexander and family visited at Mr. Rhoades. J.K. Seton and family visited Mr. G.L. Sollers on Sun. Mr. Hackney spent Sun. at J.M. Miller’s. A crowd of young people gathered at the home of T.F. Skelton for Claude’s 17th birthday. Mr. Horace Cobb has built a barn which adds much to the image of his farm. Mrs. J.E. Perry and Mrs. J.N. Miller have been very sick the last two weeks. Mr. F.D. Rogers went to Sayre for a load of coal. Miss Odessa Franklin of Rankin is attending the Rose Hill School. H.L. Cobb has invented a kaffir header which has proved a great success heading twenty shocks in 55 minutes. Wilford and Sylvia Hurst attended SS at Edenview on Sun. Mrs. Hackney left for California on Jan 2 and arrived Jan. 6. Mr. Hackney will join her there soon.
The insurance adjustor was here and made satisfactory settlement with C.O. Gause for his fire damages. C.O. has his new building underway and it will be a building 76 x 108 feet well shedded. He will be ready at all times to do your livery business, having the best auto that ever went on the road. Co. teachers meeting will be held at Rankin on third Sat. in Jan. Col. C. Settle was in city Sat. Juanita Salyer has been sick. W.D. Kendall of Dead Indian moved into town last week to get the benefits of our splendid school. Col. A.X. Grace sold his farm in Washita Township and will probably move to Cheyenne. Mr. James, our telephone man has orders for 2 dozen new phones. Who says Cheyenne is not growing? We learned Henry Goode, who bought out Carver’s Store at Durham, has sold out and will move to Hammon right away. Charley Blackburn of Grimes passed through our city last Sat. to visit his brother Walter and he took Walter’s team with him. Mrs. James and grandson Ray, returned home from a two weeks’ visit with her sons, Ode James at Shattuck and Burl at Alva. Mr. George Baber is putting in a rural telephone system from Roll, Crawford and Hamburg, or in other words he is putting in five lines, making a network of lines between the Washita and Canadian Rivers in Roger Mills County, connecting with Gurtz System, which will be a great thing for the farmers of that vicinity.
Cheyenne Star, January 26th, 1911
. The editor has a full page article touting the attributes of Roger Mills County in 1911. Among those are “corn took first premium at World’s Fair; first place wheat and alfalfa at State Fair; a cowman’s paradise”.
SQUARE TOP NEWS: E.W. Carrolton and wife of Cheyenne were visiting at J. Conaway’s last week. The Misses Savie Calvert and Pearl Conaway were visiting Mrs. Robinett of Needmore on Sun. The literary held Friday night was a success.
ANGORA NEWS: Mac Newton has rented his place to Lee Taylor, and proposes going to Colorado. W.S. Sturges of Texmo has rented his farm in this vicinity to Mr. Dinny. Mr. Hunt has rented his farm to Mr. Bailey and will move to his other farm south of this place. Sam Moore has rented to Dave Grimm and is on his way with his family to Florida. Lee Taylor has sold his farm but will remain on it another year. The protracted meeting at Red Star now in progress is well attended and there have been several converts. Will Reed celebrated his birthday by inviting some friends to a barn raising. Robert L. Trammell, our wide awake Sheriff, brought over from Canadian the supposed bank robber and has him here for safekeeping, awaiting trial. Frank Duttonhaver of Durham made final proof on his claim this week. Frank is a fine blacksmith and excellent citizen. The 42 Club met at Mrs. Fields last night. S.A. Elliott of Hammon was in town last night and says he was offered for a 320 acre farm on Sandstone, $50 an acre, cash and refused the offer. It might help the sanitary conditions of the town if the alleys had a cleaning up, and a few dead cats and chickens removed. Mrs. Kate Mounts who lives 6 miles east of town, was very badly hurt last week. A heavy barn door fell on her. She is in a critical condition but under the care of doctors, is improving. Clyde Montgomery of Elk City is visiting his cousin, John Salyer, in Cheyenne. Willie West has purchased the house recently occupied by Mr. Rook and family from H.D. Cox.
ROSE HILL ITEMS: G.W. Franklin of Dempsey attended the Farmers County Union held at Edenview Fri and Sat. E.W. Franklin has been on the sick list. J.N. Miller visited at A.H. Rhoades on Sun. Tom Skelton and family visited at W.R. Alexander’s Sun. Little Eunice Johnson is very sick with pneumonia. Ed Perry and family moved home on their place last Thursday. At the Farmers County Union Meeting, the following officers were elected: President P.W. Wright, Vice-President J.M. Guest, Doorkeeper J.N. Miller, Sec-Trea. T.W. Cheek, Conductor H.H. Wood, Organizer C.G. Russell. The President appointed the Executive Committee H.H. Heim, H. Underwood and Cris Coon. J.N. Miller and J.K. Seaton made a business trip to Sayre. Miss Glee Rhoades gave a party. Charles Seaton and family visited at J.K. Seaton’s Sat and Sun. Rev. Cole and wife will attend a meeting of preachers at Sayre next Sun. Henry Shepherd of Hamburg made final proof with Doc Ballenger and H.A. Graves as witnesses. A.C. Bradshaw, editor of the Texmo Times spent several days this week in the county seat. Editor Rakes and John C. Casady will leave Fri for Oklahoma City to buy a complete spring stock of stationery for the Star office. They will return Sun. Cy Thompson was confined to his room the latter part of this week being threatened with an attack of pneumonia. Stonewall Jackson’s auto horse ran away with him last Sun, and ran several miles before he could get him stopped. Miss Nene Alexander entertained the 42 Club at the home of Mrs. G.W. Hodges. The office building of Drs. Miller and Bell immediately north of T.L. Turner’s law office on the court house square is being rapidly constructed and will be ready for occupancy in a very short time. John B. Isenhower and son were in town to make final proof.
S.H. James is putting in a telephone switchboard at his farm near Durham this week. Stonewall Jackson has traded his automobile off. W.R. Potter of Durham was in town. Leslie Barton and Stonewall Jackson made a quick trip to Oklahoma City. F.G. Brann and wife visited in the country last Sun. W.T. Bonner visited his brother in Texas last week. F.A. Beavin was in the city transacting business. B.H. Monroe, one of the early Deputy Sheriffs of Roger Mills Co. has been appointed a like position in Custer Co.
Cheyenne Star , February 2nd, 1911
W.W. Rakes and John Casady while in Oklahoma City on Star Office business were given a tour of that city by Mr. Andy Binns in his fine $4200 auto. They visited the site of the Capitol, packing plant, Epworth University(later Oklahoma City University), all the parks and the State Fairgrounds. Mr. Binns is in the plumbing and steam heat business in Oklahoma City. H.O. White is the pastor of First Baptist Church.
ANGORA NOTES: Mars Lewellyn and family have moved into part of the house occupied by Mac Newton. James Skaggs sustained injuries from a team which left the road making its way to a side hill where the wagon was upset and Mr. Skaggs was violently thrown to the ground. Mrs. John Blackketter’s mother and brother who were visiting her two weeks have returned to Indiana home. Walter Bounds has just completed a stable for his horses. Will Reed has just finished a new barn for his stock. Mt. Pleasant School took a vacation of one week. Miss Hattie Broadbent visited at her home in Butler. Winfred L. Brown of Sweetwater transacting business in county seat Wed.
DURHAM DOINGS: The mail hack from Canadian dropped into a “chug hole” west of Durham last Monday and hack and contents – mail, baggage and two passengers, were all dumped. Luckily no serious damage resulted. J.A. Arthur recently completed a successful farm sale. O.M. Latterfield has traded his place for one south of the Washita. Uncle Allen McClure was on the sick list. C.L. Holstine is our new Deputy Sheriff. The boys are having lots of fun with Cal. Several new bridges are being built in this area. Albert Eaton will leave soon for Colorado. Mr. White will take Will Eaton’s place on the Hamburg-Gem City Mail Hack Line February 1. School closed on Fri, our teacher, Miss Heagy went to Cheyenne. We smiled at the camera man at the Durham School last Thursday.
ROSE HILL ITEMS: Shelton Kohn and wife visited W.R. Alexander Sun. Charles Seaton and family visited J.N. Millers. Frank Rogers and wife, Will Johnson and family, Miss Odessa Franklin, Prof. Williams, Willie Wilkerson, Wilfred and Sylvia Hurst, and Oscar Brady spent Sun. at T.F. Skeltons. Last Friday morning at about 2:30 fire was discovered in the feed stacks of Ed Perry. With the help of several men, the fire was put out but not until considerable damage was done. Friday night the house on the place north of the Edenview School House was burned. The place belongs to Mr. Staples of Sayre. No one was living on the place at the time of the fire. Johnson and Osborn had a pugilistic encounter on our street yesterday – no one seriously hurt.
SQUARE TOP NEWS: We are sorry to lose one of our best citizens of this place, Mr. Hawkins and family but we are somewhat consoled that one of our old neighbors, Mr. Malone will move into his house as soon as it is vacated. Another of our worthy neighbors has also sold out and is moving to (as he calls it “land of milk and honey”) We hate to see Mr. N. Massard leave as he is a number one citizen. The surprise birthday dinner given in honor of M.J. Calvert and E.F. Stephens at the residence of M.J. Calvert was well attended and a good dinner served. Ike Conaway and family all have the chickenpox. Mrs. L.E. Stephens held the lucky number for the sofa pillow embroidered by Mrs. W. Cramer. There was a large crowd at the literary Sat. and we look for a larger one next week. The Roll Call of Baptist Church members will be held next week at 11 a.m. The Philharmonic Club met with Miss Verna Young last week. Next meeting at Will Kendall’s on Feb. 15. Farmers Union of Roger Mills Co. held their County meeting together with the Farmers Broomcorn Assoc. of Oklahoma at Edenview January 21, 1911. J.L. Anderson has been appointed City Sec. Mrs. J.R. Jackson, Mrs. Otto Vick and Mrs. W. B. Sprowls spent Mon. with Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Jackson on Beaver Dam.
Cheyenne Star, Feb. 2, 1911
W.W. Rakes and John Casady while in Oklahoma City on Star Office business were given a tour of that city by Mr. Andy Binns in his fine $4200 auto. They visited the site of the Capitol, packing plant, Epworth University(later Oklahoma City University), all the parks and the State Fairgrounds. Mr. Binns is in the plumbing and steam heat business in Oklahoma City. H.O. White is the pastor of First Baptist Church.
ANGORA NOTES: Mars Lewellyn and family have moved into part of the house occupied by Mac Newton. James Skaggs sustained injuries from a team which left the road making its way to a side hill where the wagon was upset and Mr. Skaggs was violently thrown to the ground. Mrs. John Blackketter’s mother and brother who were visiting her two weeks have returned to Indiana home. Walter Bounds has just completed a stable for his horses. Will Reed has just finished a new barn for his stock. Mt. Pleasant School took a vacation of one week. Miss Hattie Broadbent visited at her home in Butler.
Winfred L. Brown of Sweetwater transacting business in county seat Wed.
DURHAM DOINGS: The mail hack from Canadian dropped into a “chug hole” west of Durham last Monday and hack and contents – mail, baggage and two passengers, were all dumped. Luckily no serious damage resulted. J.A. Arthur recently completed a successful farm sale. O.M. Latterfield has traded his place for one south of the Washita. Uncle Allen McClure was on the sick list. C.L. Holstine is our new Deputy Sheriff. The boys are having lots of fun with Cal. Several new bridges are being built in this area. Albert Eaton will leave soon for Colorado. Mr. White will take Will Eaton’s place on the Hamburg-Gem City Mail Hack Line February 1. School closed on Fri, our teacher, Miss Heagy went to Cheyenne. We smiled at the camera man at the Durham School last Thursday.
ROSE HILL ITEMS: Shelton Kohn and wife visited W.R. Alexander Sun. Charles Seaton and family visited J.N. Millers. Frank Rogers and wife, Will Johnson and family, Miss Odessa Franklin, Prof. Williams, Willie Wilkerson, Wilfred and Sylvia Hurst, and Oscar Brady spent Sun. at T.F. Skeltons. Last Friday morning at about 2:30 fire was discovered in the feed stacks of Ed Perry. With the help of several men, the fire was put out but not until considerable damage was done. Friday night the house on the place north of the Edenview School House was burned. The place belongs to Mr. Staples of Sayre. No one was living on the place at the time of the fire.
Johnson and Osborn had a pugilistic encounter on our street yesterday – no one seriously hurt.
SQUARE TOP NEWS: We are sorry to lose one of our best citizens of this place, Mr. Hawkins and family but we are somewhat consoled that one of our old neighbors, Mr. Malone will move into his house as soon as it is vacated. Another of our worthy neighbors has also sold out and is moving to (as he calls it “land of milk and honey”) We hate to see Mr. N. Massard leave as he is a number one citizen. The surprise birthday dinner given in honor of M.J. Calvert and E.F. Stephens at the residence of M.J. Calvert was well attended and a good dinner served. Ike Conaway and family all have the chickenpox. Mrs. L.E. Stephens held the lucky number for the sofa pillow embroidered by Mrs. W. Cramer. There was a large crowd at the literary Sat. and we look for a larger one next week.
The Roll Call of Baptist Church members will be held next week at 11 a.m. The Philharmonic Club met with Miss Verna Young last week. Next meeting at Will Kendall’s on Feb. 15. Farmers Union of Roger Mills Co. held their County meeting together with the Farmers Broomcorn Assoc. of Oklahoma at Edenview January 21, 1911. J.L. Anderson has been appointed City Sec. Mrs. J.R. Jackson, Mrs. Otto Vick and Mrs. W. B. Sprowls spent Mon. with Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Jackson on Beaver Dam.
Cheyenne Star, Feb. 9, 1911
Thomas J. Kahoa of Rankin was in Cheyenne last Friday transacting business. Mr. Kahoa is a staunch Republican and a very fine citizen. Col. C.Y. Libby of Rankin was in town last Fri. and reported everything progressing nicely out at Rankin. Joe H. Walton and son, Roy of the Dempsey area were visitors in the county seat last week. J.F. Drake of Dempsey made final proof last week. Frank J. Huston of Brantley was over here last week and made final proof. The weather continues dry, warm and pleasant and if rains begin in April they will be in plenty of time to raise a crop. Roger Mills has never failed to have good crop seasons. S.H. James of the Northwestern Telephone CO. has returned from the vicinity of Durham where he has been putting in a switch at his farm, two miles east of Durham and building several rural lines in that area. Aaron Welty of Roll, a Union soldier who served over 4 years and 6 months, filed on a fine 160 acres of land here last Wed. Stonewall Jackson has returned from a business trip to Oklahoma City and we have been informed that he bought a new Buick car while there.
Dr. Miller and Bell have their office building ready for occupancy and will soon be in their new quarters. Miss Nannie Taylor was organist at the ME Church last Sun. night. Colonels Snyder and Short sold quite a lot of goods on the street last Sat. Prof. Kelly Scott has resigned his school out at Mammoth and is now staying in this city.Charley McClain is on the sick list. Dr. White of Durham was in town Sunday. We need a new lighting system for the ME Church. Rev. Cole preached a very able sermon Sun. night. J.O. Galloway is transacting business in Oklahoma City this week. W. E. Butler of Rankin was in town Saturday. Mrs. J.P. Johnson was visiting with the people out at their ranch near Roll last Sat. Tom Berry has opened up his new grocery store one door west of the Cheyenne State Bank. Cheyenne will soon get a railroad and then we will be the metropolis of Western Oklahoma. Mrs. Will Jurgens has returned from a visit with friends in eastern Oklahoma and has made one of our best barbers happy again. J.W. Dobbs of El Reno is here and we understand he has sold the White Hall Building to Stonewall Jackson. Jerry Robinson of Rankin was in town Monday and made final proof. Claude Young will have a large stock sale on Sat. Feb. 11 at his farm near Old Streeter. Mart Cole of Hamburg was in town Mon. buying his cotton seed and other supplies. Uncle Frank Kendall returned Mon. from the northwest part of the county and reports nothing doing. Robert Hartley of the Rankin area died Mon. night. Dr. Wallace went to Oklahoma City Tuesday on business. Charles H. Howrey and Hix Duncan of Rome were here Tues. and bought some mule teams. Mrs. Dewey and several amateurs are preparing a fine play to soon be given to the public. Mrs. Isenhower of Roll was transacting business in town on Tues. Earnest F. Bacox of Rankin was in town Tues. and made final proof. Prof Seavers visited the Star Office on Tues. and reports the city schools are in excellent condition. Mrs. D.G. Moore is on the sick list. John Salyer left Mon. for Corsicana, Texas in response to a telegram stating that his mother was seriously ill.
John Donathan of Texmo was in the city Fri. The Southern Hotel has been crowded with many visitors this week. S.A. Stauffer, an employee of the star office, has been on the sick list for the last few days. Frank Cole and Flake Hammond of Hamburg were in town Mon. Mrs. Dr. Grant of Roll passed through town Mon. on her way to Oklahoma City. Willie West’s mule team ran away Mon. luckily no damage done. The J.H. Kendall Co. is getting in a car of new furniture this week. Cheyenne is a better town than Hammon and always will be. Insurance Adjustor W.H. Schlabach was in the city Wed. and settled with Dr. Bell in full paying him $300 for his loss in the recent fire; also paying W.H. Mouser $8 for a small loss. The Platonic Club met in home of Mrs. S. Jackson with program on “History of the Turks”. The next lesson will be on the “Boxer War”.Rev. Cole was a visitor at Star Office Mon. He will preach at Square Top Sun. at 11:00 and again at night. Sad News from Oklahoma City reports that William Beaty’s grandson died Tues. The boy was about 4 years old. John E. Staton of Durham made application for final proof on Tuesday. Getting killed in auto accident is rather common. We need a good well on the hill and a good supply tank as the town is in need of water. The cisterns are dry and we need water for general use. Hon. David Hogg, ex-representative of Old Day Co. now living in Bar-X township was in town yesterday. Chris Linderman and Ed Taylor made a round trip to Elk City on Monday and Tues. Jess Rosser is still a Star Boarder at the Southern Hotel.
ROSE HILL NEWS: B.L. Snyder spent several days at Hammon last week looking for work. J.N. Miller was called to Illinois on account of his mother’s illness. Quite a crowd of neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis last Sun. for dinner. Mr. Davis expects to have his sale Feb. 8 after which he is going to move his family to Iowa. Several from this place attended the singing convention held at Red Top. The school literary meets next Fri. night. Claude Skelton and Clara Heim, Secretary. C.A. Feno has his teams or just one mule for sale for cash.
Cheyenne Star, Feb. 16, 1911
The I.O.O.F. Lodge of Roll gave a supper at that place on Sat. Feb. 11. W.A. Denton, the Worthy Noble Grand and Prof. Moss of Hammon were in charge of the meeting.
GRIMES NEWS: J.T. Davidson and old Mr. Dean started for an overland trip to Georgia last Fri. The new blacksmith at Grimes supplies a long felt want; he is also a Baptist minister. Joe Davis and family have gone to their future home in Iowa. E.W. Franklin is the first in the area to sow oats. He has 70 acres already in the ground in good shape. W.W. Blackburn and family are now residents of the city of Sayre. Mr. Hendricks of Arapaho has bought and moved onto the R.A. Walker Farm. P.W. Wright has bought the Joe Davis house and has it attached to his already comfortable residence. Debates are held at Sunny Point every Sat. night at the school house which is always crowded.
ROLL ITEMS: Mrs. Forest E. Miller and little daughter, Inez are home from a visit with relatives near Cheyenne. Will Anderson is here from Apache visiting home folks. Frances Walker was in Arapaho recently.
Joe Thompson and wife are here visiting Mrs. Thompson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hanawalt. S.P. Thompson and wife are in NM visiting a son. J.A. Grant and wife of Granite and Jack Reno of Mangum were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Grant recently. They made the trip in Mr. Reno’s car. Mrs. Hogle Madden is visiting relatives in Cheyenne. There will be preaching in the Denton and Brooks Hall every 1sts and 3rd Sun. by the ME pastor at this place. Mrs. WA. Denton is at home from a visit to relatives in Elk City. During her absence, she went to Oklahoma City where she purchased spring and summer goods for their large store at this place. Mrs. V.V. Grant went to Oklahoma City last week and brought back a model 17, 40 horsepower Buick touring car for the doctor. Her brother in law, Jack Reno of Mangum drove the car out from the city. P.G. Perkins, J.P. Johnson and Dr. Grant accompanied Mr. Reno to Hammon Sun. where he took the train for his home in Mangum. Miss Viola Perkins and Mrs. Grant went as far as Cheyenne and attended church at that place. The trip was made in Dr. Grant’s car and strange to say “all the wire fences are still standing”.
ANGORA NEWS: Mrs. Hart has a new addition to her house. E.H. Hunt has just built a new house on his farm south of here. Mrs. J. Scott’s mother died this week and she is buried in the Flat Cemetery. While returning from the teachers’ meeting at Rock School House, Miss Nettie Allen was thrown from the buggy and now suffers from a lame arm and shoulder. Hooray for the Cyclone School, they have a new cistern. It is needless to say that it is empty. Mt. Pleasant School will celebrate Washington’s birthday with appropriate exercises.
On last Wed. evening Mr. and Mrs. F.G. Brann entertained a number of the young people. Many games were played and refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Young gave a beautiful luncheon in honor of Miss Laverne Young. Leon Young and T.L. Turner had a pugilistic encounter in the court room Tuesday. They were separated before any very serious damage was done. The Philharmonic Club will meet February 27 with Miss Golda Miller. This is the first social meeting of the 42 member club. Maurice Suiter who lives near Crawford, will have a stock sale on Tuesday, Feb. 21, 1911. Mr. Suiter will then leave for eastern Kansas.
A.H. Carter of Carpenter was here transacting business this week. He is in the banking business at that place. Thomas Northup of Durham was in the city Tues. and sold a great many fine brooms that were manufactured near Durham. William Baily and Miss Nellie Smith of the Central Hotel were united in marriage yesterday. The jailbirds all broke out last night and flew away. The officers are busy trying to capture them.
ROSE HILL NEWS: Little Johnny Skelton is very sick. Benjamin Franklin left Thurs. for Nebraska where he expects to work. A.H. Hackney visited at W.R. Alexander Sat. night and Sunday. H. Heim and family visited at Ed Perry’s Sun. eve. Sylvis Hurst and Emmitt Ivie had a friendly spat one night last week. Each one is carrying a black eye as the result.
Cheyenne Star, Feb. 23, 1911
L.L. Collins has bedsteads, chairs, carpets, cookstoves, heating stoves and many useful household goods all in first class condition to sell at private sale as he does not wish to go to the expense of shipping as he has sold his property and is going to move away. Tom Berry left yesterday morning for Oklahoma City to buy more goods for his fast growing trade. Platonic Club met with a program on President Lincoln by Mrs. McKinney. The hostesses served bread and butter sandwiches, chicken salad and coffee. W.A. Eaton of Hamburg made final proof. Stonewall Jackson attended a meeting of the bankers association at Chickasha. Colonel Snider sold a milch cow and calf at a farm sale the other day for $66. Mrs. J.E. Keen is visiting at Weather-ford with friends and relatives for a few months. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lester a little son, Sat. Feb. 18. Good work team for sale. Sell on time if wanted. W.T. Bonner or Buford Fields.
We printed 50 books for the Huff and Bowman Meat Market this week. These men have one of the best markets in western Oklahoma. Bob Turner was at the Southern Hotel Sat. J.T. Kendall, the up to date dairyman, was a pleasant caller to the Star Office Sat. Sheriff Trammell has recaptured his jailbird that broke out last Wed. evening. The Roger Mills Singing Convention met at the Holiness Church Feb. 4. Those on the program: J.K. Seaton, J.D. Hall, G.L. Sollers, Clyde Godfrey, Wilford Hurst, B.W. Wright, Claude Skelton, J.E. Godfrey, Dr. Ellison, B.B. Godfrey, Mr. Johnson, John Franklin, Frank Brewer, Ben Franklin, F.D. Rogers, Horace Franklin, J.N. Pickens. Edenview , Rose Hill, Nine Mile and Red Top Classes sang. The next meeting will be at Grimes
Cheyenne Star, March 2, 1911
Barnard Kennedy and William W. Rakes during the progress of the trial last Tues. discovered that they were cousins. We have had 6 inches of rain and a nice snow. A large land contest was held at the US Comm. Office last Mon and Tues. Arthur Woods was contesting Annie Nolan. Miss Minnie Slief took the testimony. We have been informed that the Wichita Falls Railroad Co. will survey a line into Cheyenne this spring. The Huff Meat Market changed hands this week. Tom Berry made a quick trip to Oklahoma City. J. O. Galloway has returned from Oklahoma City where he has been for a few days. While there he purchased an auto and brought it back with him. Buford Fields left yesterday for Oklahoma City. Yesterday the slaves were running on our streets and today the snow is almost gone.
ROSE HILL NEWS: J.N. Miller returned Fri from Illinois where he was called to the bedside of his mother. W.R. Alexander and family, H.L. Cobb and A.H. Hackney visited at J.N. Miller’s Sun. J.K. Seaton and family spent Sun with Charles Seaton and family of Grimes. Prof. Tom Williams spent Sun. at T.F. Skelton’s. The literary Wed. night was well attended. Miss Anna Hall is visiting at Ed Ralph’s.
Cheyenne School had 239 students enrolled for month of February. Last Sun. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Young, Mr. and Mrs. Brann, Chris Linderman and Miss Flora Keen, Ed Taylor and sister Miss Nannie, Mr. and Mrs. William Jurgens, Charlie Blackburn, Misses Mattie Evans and Verna Young all went to Hammon and visited the Indian Agency and camped on the Washita.
Cheyenne Star, Mar. 9, 1911
The hotels of our city are crowded to over flowing of people of all part of the county, attending District Court, some are jurymen, others witnesses and all interested parties are anxious to have their cases disposed of so as to get back to their farm work. Rev. Cole who is the ME pastor will hold his regular appointment at Square Top next Sun. at 10:00 also 7:45.Col. Carver of Durham was transacting business in town Thursday. J.O. Galloway closed the doors of his business. John B. Harrison of Sayre, one of the best criminal lawyers in Western OK, is in attendance at the District Court and will defend in the State of OK vs. Phipps. A.C. Bradshaw, Editor of the Texmo Times is in town this week attending court and transacting other business. W.A. Eaton who lives one mile northwest of Hamburg will have a public sale Mar. 16, 1911. J.O. Galloway left here Sun. morning to visit friends and the extreme north part of the county, in his new auto; we are sorry to say that the machine exploded a few miles north of Roll, and Mr. and Mrs. Galloway and little girl had to walk four miles into Roll. They were conveyed back to Cheyenne in a road wagon. Mrs. Galloway seems to have lost faith in automobiles. Cook & Hecker of Elk City have for sale a Model F Buick Car.
ROLL ITEMS: Earl Gabbart went to Higgins Sat. Kay Holt, who lives west of town has a very sick child. Mr. McNaught has purchased the grist mill and will remain in Roll. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Thompson are spending a couple of weeks in Cheyenne. Mr. and Mrs. J.E. McKinney are guests of Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle Banner dined with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Walker Sun. noon. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stauber and family have gone to Missouri on an extended visit to relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. J.O. Galloway and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sloan last Sun. and remained overnight in Roll. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stauber who have been visiting relatives in Missouri since Christmas returned home Fri. Master Fant Word and Jema McClain, of Arnett are visiting Dr. and Mrs. Grant and being trained for an expression Medal Contest, which is to be held in Arnett, Fri. Mar. 10. Will Gabbart has purchased the blacksmith shop from Mr. McNaught and will soon begin the erection of a nice residence in our town. Dr. and Mrs. Grant left for Granite Sun. where they were called by the serious illness of Doctor’s mother. Francis Walker accompanied them on the trip. A Bayview Reading Club was organized in our town with nineteen members. The first meeting was held with Mrs. Denton. Dainty refreshments were served.
S.A. Guier was in the city last week. J.R. Dodson of Durham was in town last Thurs. S.A. Wallace and wife took dinner at Rev. Cole’s on Sun. John Casady, the up to date printer, is part of the Star force now. Dady Nuton is a frequent visitor of the short order. P.G. Perkins, one of Roll’s substantial citizens was in the city Sat. Boys and girls enjoyed a treat snowballing last week. Forty-two Club met at the Fields last Thurs. night. Dr. Miller and wife and Stonewall and Jackson and wife took dinner at A.G. Gray’s last Sun. Thomas Smith and daughter of Grimes were pleasant callers at the Star Office Thurs. Harry Marsh, a stalwart Republican of Roll, was in Cheyenne Sat. shaking hands with his many friends. Mrs. S.A. Wallace has returned from near Hot Springs, Arkansas where she has been at the bedside of her daughter. Bob Trammell, Sheriff of Roger Mills Co. has gone to Oklahoma City on official business. Lucille McKinney and Carey Fields, popular teachers in our city schools, were guests at the Southern Hotel a few days last week. Frank Purvis of Hamburg has traded for a farm three miles east of Berlin and passed through town last Fri. on his way to his new location. R.H. Wallace, one of our most sub-stantial farmers, who lives near Durham, will sow 60 acres of oats on William W. Rakes farm next week. Mrs. Young called at the star office. L.L. Collins is having some fine job printing at the star office this week. He is State Agent for the National Motor Supply Co. of Cleveland, OH. L.M. Lantz of Durham was here Fri. having sale bills printed to advertize his farm sale. Mr. Lantz will engage in the well making business this summer. Miss Minnie Slief has the honor of making 186 folios on the typewriter during the progress of the contest trial last week. She wrote the above mentioned folios in twelve hours. E.M. Adams of Roll was here last Fri. and had the star print him some sale bills for his sale March 11. Jack Drips of Durham was in town last Sat. on business. Col. A.X. Grace has traded for the L.L. Collins property and has moved to town and will begin business at once. Mrs. B.B. Cooksey entertained a large number of her friends at a dinner party last Mon. evening at her home. Grant McColgin of Rankin was here in town last Thurs. and called at our office and purchased a lot of legal blanks for his notary office.
Cheyenne Star, Mar. 16, 1911
The forty-two Club met last Tues. with Lucille McKinney. Dainty refreshments were served. J.W. Cooper purchased the residence property of R.R. Bull last Mon. for $1100. J.A. Moad, Chairman of the Co. Republican Committee, requests members to meet at the star office at 1:00 p.m. Mar. 18. Mrs. D.L. Jackson left the last of the week for extended visit with relatives at Chillicothe, Missouri. Ora D. Herren of Crawford was here Tues. as a witness for John B. Isenhouser in making his final proof. Win Sprowls had stolen from his barn about six bushels of alfalfa seed. The Philharmonic Club met at Miss Golda Miller’s last Mon. evening. Fred Gantz passed through town last Tues. on his way home from Kansas where he had been on business. Rev. Cole and wife and L.E. Stephens and wife visited Win Sprowls last Sun. Ben Lindley has for sale or trade a grocery store and lot in Cheyenne.
Obituary appears for Henry W. Baker who died March 3, 1911. He was the father of Don Baker. John Gober of Woodward was in town the first of the week visiting old friends. Johnny is an old citizen of Cheyenne who talks very strongly of returning. In District Court this week, Joseph Muhlbacher was naturalized. Charley Koontz was charged with robbing the Crawford Cotton Exchange Bank and was convicted by the jury and the sentence left to the discretion of the judge, which will probably be pronounced on March 27. It has been stated by the Postmaster General Hitchcock that the Federal Postal establishment will become self-sustaining before the close of another fiscal year. If this could be accomplished, penny postage for first class mail will become a fact.
ROSE HILL: Miss Odessa Franklin visited Sun at the Miller home. Mrs. Cobb and son, Horace, spent Sun. after-noon at Mr. Johnson’s. BORN Feb. 18 a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ralph, named Cecil Leroy Ralph. Mr. and Mrs. B L. Snyder spent Mon. with Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Miller. Claude Skelton and Walter Miller took Sun. dinner with the Alexander Bros. G.L. Sollers and family and B.W. Wright and family spent Sun. at J.K. Seton’s. Mr. Creason and family and James Carr and family spent Sun. at Dennis Carr’s. Tom Williams visited Rose Hill School and friends in the area on Thurs. Messers Luther and William Turbyfill and Miss Leona Hall were Sun. guests at the H. Heim home. William Johnson has been very sick but is now better. Drs. Howell and McDonald were the attending physicians.
SQUARE TOP ITEMS: We have literary Wed. night. T.M. Malone is suffering with a severe attack of neuralgia. Emma Malone is visiting Mrs. J.A. Hall of Hammon this week. Ed Bauman was mixing with our young folks Wed. night. Several of the young folks took supper with Miss Ora Calvert Sun. evening. Mr. Lockwood who has been on the sick list for some time is again able to be around. Brother Cole and wife of Cheyenne spent Sat and Sun. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Stephens.
DURHAM ITEMS: J.S. Wright has built a new house. The sale of L.M. Lantz was a success. George Walker made a trip to Canadian. Albert Coffman has a new windmill and pump. Fine weather and farmers have com-menced work. A.G. Carver attended court last week at the county seat. W.W. Crawford has been seriously sick but is better
ROLL NEWS: Mrs. Hogle Madden spent last week in Cheyenne the guests of relatives.
The Bayview Reading Club met with Mr. and Mrs. Will Gabbart on last Wed. evening. A dainty fruit course was served.
CHEYENNE NEWS: J.F. Cole of Hamburg visited here Mon. W.A. Eaton and wife dined at the Southern Hotel. J.A. Moad of Hammon was in town a few days. Robert Leak of Hammon was a visitor in town Mon. A.H. Carter is building a fine residence in Carpenter and will reside there as soon as completed. Bob Trammell to Catch ‘em and Grimm to Convict ‘em, thieves and robbers will have hard sledding the next two years. James Page, Rural carrier on route one, has just returned from Chillicothe, Missouri where he had been to attend the funeral of his sister. William L. Focht who lives in the northwest part of the county made final proof Mon. Be present in Cheyenne Sat. if you need a horse or a cow. T.L. Turner will sell two horses and a cow giving 4 gallons of rich milk a day on October time. Will P. Keen has made an excellent record in this term of court winning a great many points in his cases. Fred Ogle of Crawford was in town a few days last week. Fred has just completed a very successful term of school out south of Durham. The teachers’ meeting out at the Sadler School House last Sat. was a grand success reports T.C. Moore. Dave Ranner from near Roll, one of the regular impaneled juryman in the District Court of this term, on last Fri. evening became mentally unbalanced and was taken to the doctor’s office, examined and treated and later on was dismissed from his service as juryman and was taken to his home last Sat.
Cheyenne Star, Mar. 23, 1911
Teachers and pupils are hereby notified that examinations will be held for graduation on April 6&7 at the following places under the teachers’ named: Twin Hills, Fred Ogle; Clear Springs, (3 m. s. of Roll) Ora Black; Texmo, Will Adams; Hammon, Prof G.D. Moss; Berlin, Lee Goddard; Grimes, Maurice Allen; Dempsey, Pearl Robertson; Mulberry, Austa Smith; Rankin, Prof. J.B. Tracy; Cheyenne, T.C. Moore. Pupils will furnish your own paper and I recommend foolscap or legal cap paper. {Can anyone call this compiler and let him know what is this kind of paper?}
Allen G. Carver’s brother and family passed through town yesterday for Durham to visit awhile. Allen was in Cheyenne yesterday and gave us a quarter for some job work. Mr. Kimbell of Rankin was in town Wed. and reported that his stock sale brought $200 more than he expected. Libby and Funston cried the sale. Ben Lindley has for sale three desirable residences in the northeast part of town, a grocery store and a corner lot in town. The building is new and freshly finished. L.M. Lantz of Durham was in town as a witness for John E. Staton who made final proof. Walter Libby was in town on legal business. Marriage license was issued to Rev. S.L. Bulkeley and Miss Willie Graves. The Elk Pool Hall is located in the back of the Owl Barber Shop in town.
ROLL ITEMS: Mr. and Mrs. Will Pankey and Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Stauber and family returned Fri from an extended visit with relatives in Missouri. Mrs. Will Gabbart was on the sick list several days last week. Mrs. W.A. Denton went to Elk City Thurs for a short visit and from there she will travel to Oklahoma City to buy more spring goods for their store in Roll. The Bayview Reading Club met with Dr. and Mrs. Grant. Mr. Will Gabbart is erecting a nice residence east of Will Brooks’ property. Dr. and Mrs. Grant and Mr. and Mrs. Walker motored to Cheyenne and attend church at that place.
DEMPSEY DOINGS: A. Finch is preparing to move to Carter next week where he will run the ice business. Walter Martin, A. Finch and A.L. Cotton were business callers at the county seat Wed.
CHEYENNE NEWS: William M. Rakes took dinner out at Prof. T.C. Moore’s Mon. T.C. has a well improved farm 1 ½ miles north of town. Lots of horses, mules and well stocked with pedigreed hogs, having the I.O.C. Duroc Jerseys and his favorite of them all, Poland China. Mr. and Mrs. Moore are good sociable and entertaining people and we enjoy ourselves very much when we get to visit them. Our County Jail is a very flimsy affair and last week jailbirds set fire to it and came very near going up in smoke and one citizen was heard to say, while they were putting out the fire, “let it go”. If it had of went the county not have been a very heavy loser. Ed Taylor, wide awake confectionary man, is re-papering and fixing up his store and will manufacture ice cream this summer. March so far has been a very pretty month with no wind to speak of and with plenty of moisture in the ground, the farmers will begin their work. Lula Baber is running a millinery shop three miles south of Crawford and will be in Crawford each Sun. afternoon commencing April1 with a fine line of up to date hats.
J.D. Funston of Rankin and C.Y. Libby have formed a partnership to cry auction sales. M.F. Burns has opened up a new wagon yard on west main street and is now ready to take care of the traveling public. Leslie Barton and sister, Cy Thompson and others attended an entertainment at Hammon last Fri. night. George T. Baber of Durham was in Cheyenne Mon. James Begier visited in the country Sun. Eugene B. Savage of Hammon called at our office and made application for proof on Mon. Uncle John Anderson was in town Mon. and reported his brother William, very sick. Eva Fritz has finished a term of school in the northwest part of the county and is now employed at the Southern Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Patterson of Hamburg were shopping in town Sat. J.R. Dodson and R.H. Wallace of Durham were in town. J.R. Emerson of Grimes has 40 acres of oats up growing and nice. Jim Moore, real estate man, has just returned from Kingston where he visited his brother. Miss Clara Boon has returned from a visit in the country.
Cheyenne Star, Mar. 30, 1911
ROSE HILL: Charles Seton and family visited at J.K. Seton’s Sat. and Sun. Misses Molly and Myrtle Johnson, Ada Williams and Claude Skelton spent Sun. evening at the Miller home. Elmer Privett spent Sun. with the Alexander brothers. J.N. Miller and J.E. Perry made a business trip to Cheyenne Sat. Henry Miller spent Sun. with his best girl. Clarence Whitledge was a visitor in the York home Sat. Fire broke out on the prairie last Wed. evening and the dugout on the Charley Patterson farm caught fire and burned up. The dance Fri. night at Ed Ralph’s was well attended.
J.O. Galloway, our popular Central Hotel man, has been acting in the capacity of Bailiff this week in the District Court. Miss Annie Jackson will leave for Sayre tomorrow. Miss Jackson has been working here in the land office department and is very proficient in her work and we are sorry to see her leave. Miss Scrivner who has been employed at the Southern will return after court adjourns to her home near Rankin. The Southern Hotel has been crowded this week. Hon. John B. Harrison of Sayre, formerly of Cheyenne, has been tendered the appointment of Comm-issioner to the State Supreme Court. District Court re-convened Mon. Charley Koontz drew 40 years in the penitentiary on the charge of robbing the Crawford Bank. Kennison, Phipps, and Wheeler were acquitted on the charge of murder of F.M. Scrivner of Rankin. The proposed railroad from Canada to Mexico, traveling through Cheyenne, seems to be certain according to the writer of the railroad article; but so far it is only a “paper road”. Mrs. H.B. Dewey was in charge of the amateurs at the Philharmonic Club meeting. The editor of the Star has purchased a new engine of the International Harvesting Co. of Oklahoma City. Our old engine got so it fooled us sometimes and caused us in getting late to have the star out. It is reported that the other Crawford Bank robber has been arrested. Judge Tracy & Sen. Mitchell made eloquent talks at the banquet Tues. evening. Criminal Court of Appeals this week affirmed the decision of the District Court in the case of Oklahoma Vs. Jim Dobbs for the murder of Walter Branch in Sayre.Dobbs had been sentenced for 15 years in the penitentiary. The ball given at the hall Tues. night was attended by a large crowd. The evening was had by the young people, tripping the light fantastic toe. Rumor from different sources is to the effect that the Wichita Falls Railway Co. will build a spur from Hammon to Cheyenne. Jacob Calder, B.F. Jones and L.L. Collins went to Oklahoma City this week to serve on the Federal Grand Jury at this term of the Federal Court. Mr. Ragan has purchased the J.O. Galloway stock of clothing and has opened up the store. Mr. Charles Jenson will be the local manager.
A big banquet was given by the local bar association at the Central Hotel in honor of Attorneys from other towns who are in attendance at this court last Tuesday evening. Judge Brown acted as toastmaster and to say the least, he makes a good one. A fine four course supper was served and for elegance of appearance and palatable food, it could not easily be surpassed. The supper was prepared under the directions of Mrs. J.O. Galloway who is an excellent cook. Speeches were made by: E.E. Tracy, D.W. Tracy, Editor and Atty. J.W. McMurtry of Elk City; J.B. Harrison of Sayre; Hon. J.A. Moad, Carpenter; Rev. Cole of the ME Church; Judge Tommy of Sayre; and Judge G.A. Brown. There were 28 present and all ate heartily and enjoyed themselves immensely.
ROSE HILL: Henry Miller has returned home from eastern Oklahoma where he has been at work since October. Charley Grady has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Frank Rogers the past week. W.H. Moring and family have moved back from here from Arkansas and will occupy the Austin farm. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ralph were visitors at Sayre Sat. Mrs. G.W. Franklin and two daughters of Dempsey were visitors at the Frank Rogers home last week. William Austin and family have moved to the Mrs. Myers farm. H.L. Cobb made a business trip to Sayre Sat. Mr. Flemming and family of Dewey Co. have moved to the Torney place, which they recently purchased. The band boys are going to have a pie supper at Edenview school house Sat. night of this week. Monroe Bates and Sylvis Hurst have been at Sentinel the past week. Garrett Caudill and wife have rented Miss Orendorff place. Ed Perry has been building a house on the old Hi Brown place, recently purchased by Mr. Shehan of Sayre. William Johnson and family visited Mr. Tidwell and family Sun. Mike Flowers spent Sun. at the W.H. Boring’s. Mrs. Joe Bain of Grimes is very sick. Her recovery is doubtful. Misses Myrth and Agnes Franklin of Grimes spent Sun. with Lucille Mabb. Miss Ada Williams and Claude Skelton spent Sunday with Henry and Esther Miller. Mrs. English of Grimes still continues very poorly. Harvey Hurst was the guest of Walter Miller Sun. Charles Whitledge and Family of Port have moved on the Ecles place. Henry Miller has rented the Snyder farm for this year and expects to batch. Sunday, March 10, Mrs. Heim celebrated her 49th birthday. Those present were: Ed Perry & family; Tom Skelton & family; W.R. Alexander & family; J.N. Miller & wife; Ed Ralph & family; Mr. and Mrs. Turbyfill; Mr.and Mrs. Smith;Mrs. Anna Cobb; Grandpa Staker; E.W. Franklin & wife; F.D. Rogers & wife; B.L. Snyder & family; and Miss Odessa Franklin.
CHEYENNE: Mr. F.J. Kim is now the District Court Recorder. Our new engine has arrived and have purchased a new typewriter with two good job presses and over 100 cases of type. J.A. Moad of Carpenter, one of the wheel horses in the Republican Party, has been in town this week. J.P. and F.P. Harris will have public sale of horses, pigs, cows, chickens, farm imp-lements, etc. on April 6 at their farm, ½ mile north and 2 miles west of Dempsey. Herbert Simpson of Roll has been in town this week attending District Court. W.H. Lee has as fine a soda fountain as any store in western Oklahoma and also manufactures ice cream at home and is always ready to serve well mixed drinks. Stonewall Jackson made a quick trip to Oklahoma City. Ed Lozier was in town Fri. He informed us that he was the selling agent for the A.L. Greenburg Iron Company, manufacturers of road tools, steel bridges, corrugated culverts, etc.
Cheyenne Star Apr 6, 1911
On learning that his conviction had been affirmed by the Supreme Court last week, Jim Dobbs left his home in Roger Mills Co. for McAlester to serve his term in the state penitentiary. He took the train at Elk City last Sunday. But it seems from the following, they failed to get in when he first got there. {following article from Daily Oklahoman}” Under sentence of 15 years for grand larceny and trying to get in the state penitentiary, J.M. Dobbs was refused admission by the authorities Wed. on account of having no commitment papers. Dobbs was sentenced from El Reno. He had appealed his case but the decision of the lower court was sustained. He is now here with an officer seeking to enter the penitentiary for the purpose of serving his sentence. Dobbs will be at liberty and go where he pleases until the commitment papers arrive.” The Oklahoman is in error both to the crime and his home. He was convicted for killing Judge Branch at Sayre and the case was tried at Cheyenne. Quite a number of Cheyenne people went out to the party at Charley’s Sat. night. Those who attended from Cheyenne were Birtie Cunningham, Alice Pierce, Cora Pierce, Pearl Collier, Chester Tracy, Cooper Agee, Arthur Trammell. All reported a fine time. Mrs. John Salyer is on the sick list this week. Home Mission Society held their social meeting with Mrs. T.L. Miller last Wednesday. Those on the program in addition to Mrs. Miller were Kate Wallace, Mrs. J.A. Gregoire, and little Sarah Thornton. Miss Golda Miller, Miss Nannie Taylor and Mrs. Roscoe Johnson, Mrs. Bonner, Mrs. Rob Turner, Miss Sallie Taylor, Mrs. Charles Cross, Mrs. Curry, Miss Martha Bonner, Mrs. Gray and little William were in attendance. L.W. Pate has returned from Hot Springs, Arkansas and is much improved in health and is well pleased with his stay there. We are glad to learn that Mrs. Isabell Fields who has been in the Elk City hospital the past two weeks, is much improved. Miss Mamie and Nona Keen and Magner White made a trip to visit S.A. Elliott’s daughter, Miriam, at Hammon last Friday evening. Conducted a tour of the Indian School and Camp. E.L. Flack of Rankin is here today and positively identified Graham, the man recently brought here from Cordell as the man who held him up at his store and took $10 from him. Mr. Flack says that he knows it was him. In addition last evening, H.L. Goode and wife arrived in town and Mr. Goode positively identified R.F. Graham as one of the two men who robbed the Cotton Exchange Bank at Crawford, November 19, 1910. Mr. Goode was the cashier of the bank at that time and had only arrived at the bank together with his wife and opened up for business when in walked two men who said, “Hands up” and the hands of Mr. and Mrs. Goode went up. They took about 10 minutes to gather up all the money in sight, about $800 and get out. Mr. Goode has been on a quiet hunt for the robbers since that time and a short time ago, Koontz, the other party was landed, tried and sentenced to prison for 40 years. Mrs. Goode has not made any declaration as to the identity of Graham. Graham was arraigned before Squire Casady. His bond is fixed at $5,000 in default in which he went to jail. E.C. Winford has returned from Texas and reports an increase in the family.It is a boy. Charles McClain has returned from Hot Springs where he has been for his health and has very much improved. Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Morris are visiting their daughter, Mrs. W.B. Johnson at Canadian. Ben Lindley has for sale a grocery store, well stocked and corner lot on main street of Cheyenne. T.O. Bonner is prepared to drive all cows to and from a pasture 1 ½ miles out of town this summer.
HAMBURG ITEMS: Hugh Tunnell, who had a very severe attack of pneumonia is almost well. Mrs. Flack Hammond whose life was despaired of so long is able to sit up in bed. J.C. Nealy has traded for the Frank Purvis place and is removing the house and out buildings to his home place. John Wilson has returned to his homestead from Texas where he has been living for some time and is making some substantial improvements. Frank Cole has bought the W.A. Eaton place and Mr. Eaton, another of the old timers, is gone. Reuben Beasley, our congenial road overseer, is working the road this week and quite an improvement he is making too. The dance at Bob Briggs is reported as having a most enjoyable occasion by those attending. Roy Laney who is attending school at Cheyenne was visiting his parents who live 3 miles south of Hamburg, Sunday. Hamburg has SS at 10:30 a.m. and preaching every first Sunday. Brother Crook, ME minister lives here. DURHAM ITEMS: Oat sowing is a thing of the pass this year as everyone is done. Planting corn is taking its place for a while. Verney and Dewey Raff and Dan Forman took in the entertainment at Antelope last Friday night. Dr. Mitchell, the dentist from Roll was in Durham three days last week. It is too windy to make garden just now, this is sure March weather. We need a good rain to settle the real estate that is going through the air for the past week. Butter and eggs are so cheap, it don’t pay to rob the calves and break the hens from setting. C.F. Raff and son, Dewey, made a trip to Shattuck last week with two cases of eggs and got repairs for some sulkey plows. W.B.Cecil is cutting stalks and getting ready to plant corn. Dexter Cloud and wife are making garden. C.F. Raff and son, Verney made a trip to Canadian. GROW ITEMS: There was a fire last Sun. night that burned Arnie Scott’s feed and came very nearly getting his hogs. He thinks the fire got out by someone throwing out ashes. Mrs M.E. Troutman has been very poorly, but is getting better at this writing. Jim Hawkins and family have moved on the old W.C. Penny place. W.M. McKay has gone to Butler for a visit with his daughter. Mt. Pleasant School was out March 24. Miss Hattie Broadbent is going to remain a week or two after her school is out and visit with her friends. There was singing at L.D. Jones’ Sun. but the wind interfered with it.
ROSE HILL ITEMS: Uncle Bill Alexander is very low with pneumonia fever. Dr. Gregoire is attending physician. F.F. Skelton and family visited the J.N. Miller. W.H. Mooring and family and Miss Lillian Privett spent Sun. with Mr. Flower. The Rose Hill boys played baseball with the Edenview boys Fri. afternoon. The game ended in a 5-7 in favor of Rose Hill boys. It being the last Sun. that Miss Odessa Franklin will be here, a few of her friends spent Sun. with her. Those present were: Ada Williams, Clara Helm, Lucille Mabb, Glee Rhodes, Esther Miller, Henry Miller, Claude Skelton, Joe Privett, Willie Wilkerson, William Turbyfill. Sat. night a pie supper at Rose Hill School House. Proceeds were to be sent to Mrs. Eliand. Those bringing pies were W.B. Johnson, Sylvis Hurst, Henry Miller, Willie Wilkerson, T.F Skelton, J.N. Miller, Ed Ralph, C.N. Whittedge, Johnny Skelton, Walter Miller, Will Lester, F. D. Rogers, Earl Borden, Wilford Hurst, Claude Skelton. A pie was put up for the homeliest man present. Mr. F.D. Rogers received the pie. Will Lester and family have been visiting Mrs. Lester’s parents, Mr.and Mrs. Flowers. Mrs. Cobb spent Sun. with her daughter, Mrs. Ed Perry. Jeff Curlee was sentenced to four years in penitentiary at McAlester, charged with stealing 310 pounds of lard. Luther Hobbs was given a two year sentence in the Granite reform school for going into a house and taking a revolver. The Nabors brothers from Lone Wolf passed through town last Sat. on way to Redmoon where they are interested in buying a large track of land. Ben Anderson and Billy Wilson left last week for Oregon and will probably locate in Portland. Mrs. Pearl Bellamy closed a very successful term of school last Friday and has returned to her farm two miles east of Cheyenne.
Cheyenne Star Apr. 13, 1911
There will be a special meeting at the ME Church at 11:00 Easter morning for the purpose of dedicating a new piano received this week.
SQUARE TOP ITEMS: L.E. Stephens and wife, W.A. Cronin and family, Charles Wallace and son Tom, all took dinner at Walter Kramer’s Sunday. There is to be a crowd of youngsters and older ones too to meet at the mouth of Beaver Dam to celebrate Easter next Sunday. Atty. Anderson and C.Y. Thompson visited out at Bill Anderson last Sunday. Col. A.X. Grace was a pleasant caller at our office Mon. as well as Prof. Moore. J.H. Nabors, a merchant at Harrington, was transacting business here Tuesday. Last Sat. morning the sheriff brought in a few suits of clothes and several pairs of shoes that they found hid in a cistern a few miles out of town. They are supposed to be the goods that were stolen out of S.A. Elliott’s store about a year ago.
DURHAM DOINGS: School under the proficient management of Miss Hellen Heagy is progressing nicely and will last another month. Dr. Davis reports a case of smallpox at Rankin. Lloyd Grant is on the sick list. Mrs. D.O. Cloud and daughter are both ill. W.Cloud and wife have just returned from Ohio where they have been at the bedside of Mrs. Cloud’s father. J.J. Duncan has a new well. Allen Duncan, a fireman on the Santa Fe RR is visiting relatives and also his best girl. J.A. Duke has just finished nursing two sick children. Mrs. W.C. Barber is convalescing from an attack of indigestion. Miss Jetie McCord who has been staying with her sister in Enid for several months is home again. Mr. Fox of Higgins is making some wells in this part of the country. W.S. Martin, our efficient postmaster says that farm products have gone so high, that he sees no reason why postage stamps shouldn’t sell higher. But he believes under Republican prosperity that the letters will soon go for 1cent instead of 2 cents. G.B. Lovett’s sister, Grace, who has been visiting here, returned to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania the first of the week and many of her friends accompanied her to Hammon, where she took the train to her home. Among those who went were G.B. Lovett and wife, B.D. Cooksey and wife, Scotty Falconer and wife, W.T. Bonner and wife, R.F. Baird and wife, Lucille McKinney, Carey Fields, Boots Fields, and others we were not able to learn their names. O.E. Brown of Roll was in town Monday. J.J. Moore has gone to Kingston on business. C.E. Tanner has purchased a new shoe machine and can do your harness work quick. Prof. John B. Tracy of Redmoon was shaking hands here Monday. Miss Cleda Moore closed a very successful term of school at Rankin last week and returned home.
Cheyenne Star, April 20, 1911
County Teachers Meeting will be at Cheyenne on April 29, 1911. Conducting the program will be J.E. McKinney, J.B. Tracy, W.A. Adams, and Lee Goddard. Colonel Snyder and wife were shopping in town Sat. S.P. Flynn and family who have been in San Antonio, Texas for the winter have returned to good old Cheyenne. The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs will conduct Sunday service April 23 at 11:00 a.m. at the Baptist Church. H.O. White, Pastor. There will be an Odd Fellows Anniversary Picnic on April 26 at the Iron bridge on the J.M. Lester farm, ½ mile north of Cheyenne. Easter exercises at the ME church conducted by Dr. Miller was a splendid affair. A large crowd dressed in fine new hats and clothes was there to appreciate the music. Mrs. T.L. Miller sang a beautiful solo. Judge Moore made an able talk on the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
RANKIN NEWS: J.L Duggan of Bishop closed a very successful term of school in District 55, three miles north of Rankin last Friday, April 7 and has returned to his home. John M. and Lucy Chandler are the parents of a baby boy born April 8. Lola Tracy of Redmoon spent last week visiting friends at this place and also her father’s school. Rankin school closed last Friday, a six months term taught by John B. Tracy of Redmoon and at night the teacher and scholars gave a very interesting program to a crowded house. The Rankin Band of ten pieces furnished the music, closing with a pie supper, netting about $10.00. William T. Shelby has sold his farm to Teddy Trammell. He may move to eastern Oklahoma in a few weeks. Mary Bennett is now at home after a term attending the Thomas School. DURHAM DOINGS: Mrs. D.O. Cloud who has been ill is recovering. J.B. Pullen has traded his two farms south of here for a stock of merchandise in Green Forest, Arkansas. Death’s angel is hovering over J.B. Foster’s home. Mr. Foster was badly burned in a prairie fire which threatened his home. W.M. Landon is farming for W.C. Barber this year. Lots of wheat land was put into Speltz and oats, which are looking fine and lots more will be listed into corn. Fire destroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen McClure last Sat. Loss about $500. Very little was saved. Clyde Taggart, who went to the rescue and was badly burned on face and hands. W.B. Barber and family spent Sun. with Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Bailey. Dr. G.W. White is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Davidson are entertaining their daughter, Mrs. J.Hood and her young son. George McClellan and family have moved to Colorado. Mrs. Waterson of Altus is visiting J.S. Davidson and family. Jack Dripps and family have rented their farm to Billy Perkins and are now living on the James place, east of here. Mrs. Dripps has charge of the Central Telephone Office. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rowen of Rankin have moved to Carter where he will engage in business. O.R. Prestridge Tin Shop is now located in the Dobbs Building. E.S. Repass and family visited with the editor (William W. Rakes) on Sunday. Grandpa Repass thought the editor had a fine looking boy and seemed proud of his grandson and on first seeing the boy remarked, “Dick, he’s a Democrat”. No doubt he will follow the teachings of his “Dad” in political matters and adhere to the principles of Jefferson and as to religion, follow the instructions of his mother and be a good man. If he educates him and teaches him the history of our country, he will probably be a Republican, as his grandpa is. Col. J.S. Short left Sat. and will attend the Auctioneer’s Convention at Clinton. The Col. is billed for a speech at the convention and he will probably make them a good one as he is an able talker. Prof Burge closed a very successful term of school at Dead Indian Friday. This district will have a meeting this week to discuss consolidation. H.M. Smoot of Hamburg was in Cheyenne on Sat. S.A. Stouffer was in town on Sat. he has been out to his farm for a few days and reports that several things having been stolen during his absence from his farm. A case brought up from the Justice of the Peace Court on an appeal charging T.J. Smith of being drunk was tried by a jury and found not guilty. Jeff Curlee has been released on bond pending his appeal. Lee Dudney was transacting business here Sat and reports that crops are growing nicely. Mrs. G.A. Turner returned Mon. to her home at Panhandle, Texas after a two week visit with her Grandma Hill.
Cheyenne Star April 27, 1911
John Thurmond, a liveryman was killed last Sun. at Sayre by a man named Jones. Mr. Thurmond was shot three times in the breast and killed instantly. Mr. Thurmond was for a long time a citizen of Cheyenne and it is said of him that he was a good citizen. We did not learn the cause of the killing. Miss Nena Alexander has returned from visit with friends in Paris, Texas. Miss Carey Fields handed us two splendid compositions written by her pupils and for want of space, we are sorry we could not print this week. Buford Patterson announces he has sold his livery barn to J.M. Evans who is prepared to give equally good or better service than myself. Buford announces a big reduction on Patterson’s U.S. Mail, Express and passenger hack line to and from Sayre and Cheyenne, cutting the rate from $1.50 to $1.00 and all other business such as Express and parcel price reduced in proportion. Having sold my livery barn, I now intend to turn all my attention to this hack line; headquartered in the Express Office in the same old stand, Patterson Hoss Hotel and Livery Barn. Sayre Headquarters located at Stubbs and Scott’s Livery Barn. Last Friday night, Prof. Brown accompanied a crowd of young folks from Cheyenne out to Custer Bend to a school entertainment.
ROSE HILL ITEMS: Charles Whitledge and family and Mrs. Emma Whitledge of Elk City were Sunday visitors at J.N. Millers. Misses Mattie and Sadie White of Cheyenne are visitors in the Rose Hill community. Ed Perry and wife visited relatives in Elk City on Sunday. H.L. Cobb made a business trip to Elk City on Sat. Claude Skelton spent Sat. night with Henry Miller. John Salyer, City Marshal, announces by order of the City Council, you are all hereby ordered to make a general cleanup around your premises by the 12th day of May. Hon. J.A. Moad of Carpenter, a very popular and well liked citizen, was here this week visiting friends and helping in the recent recall election of Article Nine of the constitution. While here, Mr. Moad had us print a large group of supplies for the Hammon Telephone and Light Co. Mr. Moad is a good businessman and brings good cheer with him wherever he goes. Charles Linderman, our popular city barber will leave Monday for his old home in Indiana and will probably return soon, yoked up in double harnass and when he gets back, he will settle down to business. A.S. McKinney, one of Cheyenne’s substantial citizens renewed his subscription to the Star this week. The C.& OW Railroad has begun its extension from Butler in the direction of Leedey. This part of the country has been a little backward in her development on account of not having railroads, but is at last coming into her own.
ROSE HILL NEWS: Claude Skelton spent Sun. eve with Joe Privett. Miss Mattie White of Cheyenne has been visiting Miss Glee Rhoades. Charles Whitledge and family visited at J.N. Millers Sun. The singing at Mr. Johnson’s Sun. night was well attended. Mrs. Alexander and family and Walter Miller spent Easter at A.H. Rhoades. A meeting was held at Rose Hill School House Wed. night for the purpose of voting on the consolidated school. It was voted down. The party Sat night at Ed Ralph’s was well attended. F.D. Rogers and wife attended church at Berlin Sunday. J.N. Miller and wife spent Sat. night with Mrs. Alexander and family. A crowd of young folks spent Easter with Miss Clara Heim. In the afternoon they enjoyed an egg hunt. William R. Alexander who was reported in another paper to be very low, died at his home April 7, 1911 and was buried in the Berlin Cemetery. Funeral services held at the Berlin School House conducted by Rev. Yoakum of Sayre and members of the Odd Fellows Lodge of which he was a member. Leaves five children by his second marriage and two step children, seven children by the first marriage, brother and sister. George Cullum of Roll made application for final proof. J.J. Moore returned from Kingston, OK last Saturday. Mrs. Bob Harris, W.W. Leach and his daughter Lula have been here this week attending county court. Mrs. Harris secured a judgment against Charley Harris for $100. Several young people had a very enjoyable time at W.T. Bonner’s Fri. evening. George Gerlach, one of the most substantial merchants in the panhandle of Texas, was a caller in the Star Office on Sat. and gave us a large contract for printing. Ed Keen’s daughter, Nona, has accepted a position in the Star Office. George Flue of Crawford was here this week as a witness in the Harris vs. Harris case. George is a good farmer and of course hated to be out of his crop. Joe Sollers of Berlin was here Sat. transacting business. Ech Taylor a substantial citizen, called on the Star Office Saturday. Stonewall Jackson, cashier of one of the best inland banks in the state, is building himself an automobile barn this week.
Cheyenne Star, May 4, 1911
The Wichita Falls and Northwest Railroad is figuring strongly on going on and appears a cinch that the C&O W will go west. Hammon stands a good chance to get both roads and so does Butler under the plan now under contemplation. It must be conceded that the plan is a good one to give Cheyenne much needed railroad facilities. Mrs. W.H. Mouser is visiting friends at Texmo this week. H. Bierschmidt, butcher, will hold responsible for all damages done to his slaughter pens, all men and boys who trespassed. Fred Ogle of Crawford was here Thurs. and Fri. taking in the teacher’s examination. A musical recital will be given May 11 by Mrs. H.E. Dewey and her class. This will be a splendid play. Mac Tracy of Memphis, TN was a caller at our office yesterday. He is here visiting. Mrs. Rosa Newkirk closed a successful term of school out at Mammoth last Friday. On Mon. morning A.G. Gray and J.H. Osborn, members of the school board assembled the teachers at the school building and announced that the funds were exhausted and according to a law passed by the last legislature, the members of the board would be personally responsible for the debt created should they, knowing the conditions, permit the teachers to complete the term as per contract, and asked that the teachers mutually agree to a termination of their contracts at the close of the week. Teachers felt it would be an injustice to any member of the board to be responsible for a debt which inured to their benefit, unanimously waived their rights and set about to close up in a week what they had mapped out to do in a month. Prof. G.D. Moss was here Sat. attending the teachers’ meeting. Mrs. Converse has gone to eastern Oklahoma to visit relatives. We got a good rain Sat. which will aid the growing crops wonderfully. Good Grandma Hill, age over 80, was a caller here Wed. G.O. Noblitt and W.B. Cecil of Durham were in the county seat Mon. transacting business. About 30 teachers were here Sat. attending the meeting. J.F. Curtis, our efficient Register of Deeds, called at our office on Sat. Walker Huff has taken the partitions out of the Dobbs Building and made a hall upstairs for the benefit of the public. The young people had a dance there Fri. night. Shell Caffey was here Sat. shaking hands with the boys. W.E. Butler was in Cheyenne Sat. attending to business. Gladys Moore has been ill this week but is convalescing. {Marshal John Salyer with his musket is in photo in this issue}
Cheyenne Star, May 11, 1911
Prof J.C. Jolly closed a very successful school with an entertainment last Friday night. Prof Jolly began a summer term at Simpson on Tuesday. Miss Mariam Elliott, our former resident is here from Hammon visiting friends and preparing for a recital. Rev. Hamilton filled the ME church pulpit Sunday. Miss Bernice Vincent of Dead Indian is visiting her cousin Lorena Osborn. A high class entertainment will be given at the school house on Sat. May 13. It will be a three act comedy entitled “Ma Quisenberry and Her Girls”. Music will be furnished by the twenty piece Grimes Band. Miss Minnie Evans who has been quite sick with pneumonia, has almost entirely recovered now. Mrs. Keen and the younger children have gone out to their farm to stay a few weeks during crop time. Flake Hammond of Hamburg was in town Tuesday. Prof G.D. Moss of Hammon was in town Tues. William Beaty is still a star boarder at the Southern Hotel. Mrs. H.B. Dewey will give a piano recital in the school building Tues. evening, May 16 at 8:00. Diplomas will be awarded to the following girls: Bessie Cooper, Miriam Elliott, Mamie Kendall, Myra and Loura Warren. ROSE HILL ITEMS: Mr. Johnson was able to attend the singing convention Sun. T.F. Skelton was coyote chasing Sat. He did not catch as many as he thought he would when he left home. Willie Wilkerson sold his saddle pony last week for $75. Homer Spells is making his home with his sister, Mrs. John Robbins. The singing convention at Grimes was well attended. Edenview Class won the banner. The next convention will be held at Mammoth School House on August 5&6. Willie Hern took dinner with Walter Miller Sun. Mrs. Alexander and family spent Sun. with W.H. Moring. T.F. Skelton and family visited W.B. Johnson & family Sunday. J.N. Miller & T.F. Skelton made business trip to Sayre on Sat. Mr. Johnson is very sick. Willie Wilkerson and Mike Flowers spent Sun with Claude Skelton. Earl Clubb spent Sun. with his best girl. Charles Seaton & family visited at J.K. Seatons. The jailbirds are still entertaining with music and singing and you will be royally treated if you care to give them a call. The Philharmonic Club will give a picnic at the grove near the iron bridge near Cheyenne on May 24. Misses Janet Barton, Carey Fields and Lucille McKinney entertained Thurs. evening with an open Platonic Club meeting. A lesson on India was conducted by Mrs. Harry Brown. Mrs. Jackson gave a sketch of the life of Helen Hunt Jackson. Miss Nettie Smith who has been visiting Elizabeth Seiver the past week, returned to her home at Berlin last Sat after having made many friends in Cheyenne. DURHAM DOINGS: Elmer Scott and daughter came in from Arkansas Monday. Mr. Scott traded for the J.B. Pullum place south of here. Fred Gantz who has been ill is much improved. Mrs. Mary Cates has rented her place northeast of here to Mr. Wylie. Doyle Anderson is managing the farming on the C.L. Holstein Ranch. John Keller was surprised last Fri. night by a large number of friends and neighbors dropping in to spend the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Post are the proud parents of a boy. Mrs. Post was formerly Miss Lillian Simmons of Rankin. A literary was held at the Simpson School House Sat. night, May 6. Good music was furnished by Walter Weeks and Otis Thompson. A debate was held with speakers Walter Weeks and Lester McClellan on the affirmative and Walter Rice and Isaac Maltby on the negative. Another debate was held between speakers O.E. Brown and J.C. Jolly. Mrs. R.N. Higgins gave a social last Fri. evening for the young folks in town. J.L M. Curry local blacksmith, does all kinds of repairing, wagon work and horseshoeing on west main street. E.B. Randall of Rankin has been in town for a few days and is advertising a stock sale and will visit a while in Indiana this summer. Prof. Seiver has been employed to do a lot of checking up of delinquent tax lists in the Co. Treasurer’s office. The financial condition of our county is very bad. Co. Commissioners have begun a very good service to the taxpayers by having a thorough investigation made of each office. A musical recital will be given May 19 by Mrs. H.B. Dewey and her class. H. Bierschmidt, local butcher says he will hold responsible any men and boys doing damage to his slaughter pens. The City of Cheyenne has already raised $14,000 for the building of a railroad and the farmers are giving liberally so says A.S. McKinney. G.W. Franklin of Dempsey was in town Mon. E.B. Randall will hold auction at his farm 1 ½ miles north of Rankin on Tuesday, May 16.
Cheyenne Star, May 18, 1911
Commencement exercises were held Fri. at Cheyenne School May 19 at 8:00. Graduates were: Tene Vessels & Bessie Cooper. Harry Brown and his wife called at Star Office. Mr. Brown is a popular Clerk at Herring & Young. ROSEHILL ITEMS: Sunday morning, Tom Skelton and Roy Clubb caught a coyote. The fought it with their riding bridles. Mr. Skelton says “If anyone wants a coyote caught, just send him word.” Mrs. Alexander and family spent Sun. with Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Miller. Claude Skelton took dinner with Henry Miller. Sun. night Mr. & Mrs. J.N. Miller visited their daughter, Laura Whitledge. Ex-governor Frank B. Jackson & three of his friends of Iowa were guests of Judge John E. Leary. They came out in two autos and made a quick tour of our county. James F. King, Dep Trea. of Custer Co. and W.W. Rakes went out to the E.N. McGlothin ranch Sat. and returned Sun. They found the crops looking splendid. They got a fine rain Sat. night in the northwest part of the county and the farmers are jubilant. They also visited Mr. King’s fine farm near Hamburg on the famous Washita. A camp meeting will be held at the iron bridge 4 miles west of Hammon beginning on May21 and last three weeks. Some of the most noted evangelists will be there to assist in the meetings. Several young people had an enjoyable evening at Ed Keen’s last Wed. John Wilson of Hamburg was here Fri. transacting business. DURHAM ITEMS: Miss Julia Flatley is visiting now at home in Canadian. P.S. Tro has 150 acres of corn planted and growing nicely. Will Ames has moved away. Mrs. McGlothlin has lots of sweet potato plants for sale. It has been reported that George Tunnell is preparing to go away this fall. E.N. McGlothin got $5.40 per hundred for his hogs this week at Elk. ANTELOPE BEND ITEMS: Some wheat and oats are looking good although it continues dry. Weeds and rodents are doing well in spite of all obstacles. A fortune awaits the man who, like St. Patrick, can exterminate or drive these pests from the country. R.A. Hurst of Hammon is looking after business here on his farm. Mr. Gantz, the telephone man, is putting up wire and extending his lines. Brother Harden preached to a large congregation at Bellview last Sun.
Cheyenne Star, May 25, 1911
100 years By Dale Tracy. Graduation exercises at Cheyenne were held for Bessie Cooper and Tene Vessels. Marjorie Falconer received a diploma for the Music course. Mrs. T.L. Miller sang two delightful solos. Roger Mills Co. Singing Convention met at Grimes May 5. Called to order by President Hall. Many appeared on the program: Horace Franklin, J.M. Pickens, Frank Brewer, Claude Skelton, J.D. Hall, J.K. Seaton, J.N. Miller, J.M. Pickens, E.W. Franklin, Tom Williams, Dr. Ellison, John Franklin, Henry Miller, J.M. Johnson, Prof. Elliott, Miss Zella Cox, Miss Mirth Franklin, E.L. Barrett, G.L. Sollers, Louie Carr, P.W. Wright, Agnes Franklin, John Horace, Sarah Creason, Otha Seaton, Phoebe Seaton, Mr. Wickstrun, R.A. Mitchell, Willie Beredge, Eunice Johnson, Dena and Neva Repass, Roxie Creason, Noel Brewer, Ethel Johnson, Lucille Mabb, and W.R. Veale. S. Grim, W.W. Rakes, John Salyer entertained some men from Dewey Co, riding over the town in their fine Overland Car. Sat. night there will be a meeting of the citizens of Cheyenne at the Hall in the Dobbs Building for the purpose of making arrangements for a monster Fourth of July celebration. Peter Works family has been suffering with the measles for the last week and their oldest daughter, Stella has been quite low, but the doctors think they are getting nicely now. Mrs. J.O. Galloway has returned from New Mexico where she has been on a visit. Jim Moore reports a big new girl at his house. Mr. Mills, the bookkeeper at Herring & Young store left Sun. for a short visit with home folks near Wichita Falls. J.P. Johnson & wife, well known and substantial citizens of Roll were in Cheyenne Mon. shopping and visiting with friends. $31,000 has been collected for the railroad. A debate was held at Meadowbrook on Sat. night a success against Socialism. There will be an Old Settlers Bar be Que Picnic on Sat. at Beaver Dam Bridge, May 27. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone to come and bring full baskets. Among those on the program the Rev. H.O. White, T.L. Turner, E.E. Tracy, S. Grim, E.L. Mitchell, W.P. Keen, and L.E. Stephens. Rev. Iba is preaching Sun at the ME Church. L.M. Lantz of Durham was here last week. Mrs. Harry Brown has been ill for the past week. Miss Miriam Elliott returned to her home in Hammon with her brother, Elmer last Friday. Roll Call Sun. 11:00 at the Baptist Church; baptizing in the afternoon, place announced Sunday morning. J.A. Ragan was here last week and well pleased with his new business in Cheyenne. Judge Brown and his stenographer, Mr. Kim are holding court this week. Peter Works daughter, Stella, died last night with measles and some complications. Flake Hammond of Hamburg was here Tuesday. Mrs. Hilley Palmer of Texmo is here attending Dist. Court. A.X. Grace has gone to Texas this week on a land trade.
Cheyenne Star, June 1, 1911
Miss Mamie Keen is spending this week in the country. Walker Huff has repapered and painted the hotel office which adds greatly to its appearance. Miss Violet Owsley of Rankin is visiting her cousin Mrs. Harry Brown. L.Y. Merrick of Sweetwater and his son-in-law, Mr. Wixson and wife were here making final proof. We have a little too much rain now and everyone is busy killing weeds and a finer prospect for a crop is never better. Mrs. R.F. Bynum has gone to Texas to visit a while her parents. R.F. Graham, the other Cotton Exchange bank robber, tried, convicted and sentenced to forty years in the penitentiary. A.S. McKinney was down to Hobart to see the railroad men last Saturday. He reports that they are ready to go to work anytime and the chief engineers and surveyors will arrive in Cheyenne by Sat. night. So it behooves us to have our bonus ready. Charlie Arnold was tried and convicted in the District Court of perjury and given a sentence of ten years in the State Penitentiary. Platonic Club met and elected officers. Next year they will study Africa and Australia.
WINDY HILL NEWS: John Baldwin has been on the sick list this week. Rev. Burns preached here Sun. Children’s Day exercises were rendered under the management of Mrs. J.R. Jackson and Mrs. Alex Grissom. Had dinner on the grounds. Mr. Cofer, SS Supt. Rev. Burns spent Sat. evening at the home of A.J. Minatree. Mrs. Cofer’s sister and son returned to their home in Texas. The sisters hadn’t seen each other in thirty years. Alex Grissom and family, A.J. Minatree & Family were shopping in Hammon last Wed. Joe Copper is slowly improving from present illness. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Jernigan visited with their father’s family, A.J. Minatree on Sat. and Sunday. Mrs. Vivian Taylor is on the sick list.
DURHAM DOINGS: Mrs. Chloe Adams is assisting in the store at this place. A party of young folks surprised Miss May Holstine on the 23rd, it being her birthday. Some of our farmers were called to Cheyenne to attend a special session of court. Miss Ethel Crosby of Streeter is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Julia Crosby, southwest of here. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hawks young son, Orlan is quite ill with typhoid. John A. Keller has been appointed Constable. Don Roberts, our “merry merchant” is in Cheyenne courting this week. The boys had a chicken fry recently and the party who furnished the chickens is still talking about it. A large acreage of corn and broomcorn is being planted this year. Does it make you lonesome when the wind lays? You have had no chance to be lonesome long at a time since April first, have you? The consolidated school question is causing more excitement in these parts than the coming railroad. Will Johnson of Canadian ran his auto into a ditch and wrecked the machine when he was here last week. Mark Bledsoe hauled the wreck to our smith, Mr. Dutten Haver for repairs. The Misses Winnie and Jessie Davis, daughters of Dr. Davis are expected home from school next week.
ANTELOPE BEND ITEMS: W.L. Focht has sold his farm to the Goode boys and will leave soon for Kansas. J.C. Haggard sold off all his personal property at auction last Tuesday. He had sold his farm at a good price and had no use for the stock and implements and we understand he is going to retire from active business. He will move to town and leave many friends, for he was one of the early settlers of old Day County and one of her most enterprising and substantial citizens. Harry Marsh of Roll was at District Court. U.A. Albin of Sweetwater expects to pick dewberries June 5, order early. Mrs. Fields and Mrs. B.B. Cooksey returned from Spur, Texas where they have been on a visit.
ROSEHILL ITEMS: A number of the Rosehill people spent Sun. afternoon at the home of Mrs. Cobb. Ice Cream and cake were served. H.L. Cobb and J.N. Miller were visitors in Sayre last Sat. Rev. Yokum preaches at Rosehill every second and fourth Sun. Willie Wilkerson took dinner with Henry Miller Sun. J.R. Robbins & Homer Spells attended services at Rosehill Sun. Miss Billings is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Monroe Bates.
Cheyenne Star, June 8, 1911
Three men from Hobart were in Cheyenne Mon. They are remodeling the survey and getting everything in readiness to push the construction of the railroad into Cheyenne as soon as the balance of the bonus is secured. Dr. J.P. Miller brought to the Cheyenne Star office last Sat. a fine stalk of alfalfa grown in his garden. It measured four feet in length and had the appearance of a small tree. Farmers of Roger Mills Co. are fast learning the value of alfalfa as a crop and acreage is being increased each year. Leonard Reed of Roll was in town Sat. and filed on a piece of county real estate. There appeared a list of real estate transactions for the week ending June 3 through the courtesy of Miller and Baird abstractors. Quarter sections of land were trading hands at between $2000 and $6000 per quarter. W.A. Denton of Roll was a business visitor. Mrs. J.J. Osborn died at the family home north of town Sat. June 3. The deceased was 38 years of age. A crowd of the Cheyenne young people spent Sun. at the Keen farm twelve miles west of town. Charles B. Drake of Rankin was co. seat visitor.
ROSE HILL ITEMS: Mr. and Mrs. T.F. Skelton and son Georgia visited at W.B. John-son’s Sat. evening. The band boys practiced at J.J. Stacker’s Sat. night. W.H. Moring and Joe Privett made a trip to Sayre last week. William Turbyfill and Clara Heim went to the picnic at the lakes on Sun. Children’s Day exercises were well attended Sunday. Several from Edenview and Grimes were present. We think the children will long remember the talk that Prof. Robbins made. W.B. Johnson has been very sick. John Franklin visited at the Miller home Sun. Roy Clubb spent Sat. night with Henry Miller. C.N. Whitledge and daughter Cora spent Sun. night with J.N. Miller and family. Henry Miller, Lucille Esther Miller, Claude Skelton and H.L. Cobb attended singing at Grimes Sun. night. Miss Violet Owsley returned Sun. to her home near Rankin after a pleasant week with relative and friends here. W.S. Rimby and Leon Young left Sun. for an automobile trip to Oklahoma City. Charles Jenson, Mgr. of the J.A. Sagan store at this place was at Sayre the first of the week. Dr. and Mrs. Grant, Francis Walker and wife of Roll were Cheyenne visitors Sun. James P.Perkins made home-stead entry on a tract of land near Cheyenne last Sat. A.S. McKinney announces his intention to donate an eight acre tract of land in the town of Cheyenne for use as a city park as soon as the railroad is built. Ed Glenn of Roll spent Sun. with his best girl at Cheyenne. Orland, the fifteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Babbitt, who reside 5 miles southwest of town was accidently shot last Sun. evening at 6:00. A number of the boys had gone fishing and when they returned, had laid the 22 caliber rifle on the porch. The little six year old son, Willie, of Mr. and Mrs. Bunk King picked up the rifle and it was accidentally discharged. The bullet struck Orland and killed him almost instantly. After being shot, the boy made the remark, “That hurts bad” and after walking ten steps, fell to the ground dead. The remains were laid to rest in the Cheyenne Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown entertained the young people at their home last Fri. evening with a “peanut social”. Census records were printed for Cheyenne: 1907 – 288 people; 1910 – 468 people. Roger Mills Co. Population: 1907 – 13,239; 1910 – 12,861. In 1900 the county had 6190 population. Arthur Owen is rapidly recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia and is not able to be out and around. Bird Pierce, wife and baby of Butler came in last week for a visit with home folks. J.L.M. Curry returned Fri. from Ft. Worth where he accompanied his wife to a hospital to undergo an operation. He stopped off for a few days visit to his old home in Nevarro Co. before returning to Cheyenne. Nellie, Orville and Lois, the children of Co. Atty. Grim, are visiting their grand-parents at Angora this week. A. X. Grace returned Sat. from Isom, Texas where he completed a sale of a section of land he owned there. Mr. Grace informs us that he has bought a stock of general merchandise which he intends bringing to Cheyenne in the near future. William W. Rakes, editor of the Star, left Thurs. morning for the Catalina Islands in the Pacific Ocean. From there he will go to Salt Lake City, Cheyenne, Wyoming, Denver, Pueblo, Amarillo and back to Sayre, passing through eight states. He contemplates making the trip in three weeks. Telegram received June 5 from Wm. W. Rakes states that he and his wife are on their way from Los Angeles to San Francisco. John Casady was over from Hammon Sun. visiting. U.A. Albion of Sweetwater expects to pick dewberries about June 5.
Cheyenne Star, June 15, 1911
Shell Caffey, an old and well known resident of Roger Mills Co. who is now engaged in the livery business at Hammon, sustained very serious injuries in a runaway last week. It is reported that his thigh bone and four ribs were broken, and it is feared internal injuries were sustained. The runaway occurred near Leedey, the new town north of Hammon on the proposed Wichita Falls railroad line. A ball game between the Cheyenne regulars and a pick up team was the main attraction in Cheyenne last Sun. afternoon and drew good attendance. Dick Mitchell was the umpire. Frank Tipton was the pitcher for the regulars. Olin Rook was the pitcher for the pickups. The score was count your fingers several times, multiply by 4 and add 19 and you have it. The Cheyenne Lodge of IOOF conducted a memorial service at the cemetery last Sun. W.H. Mouser made a talk on the purpose of the meeting and on odd fellowship in general. W.P. Keen gave a talk on the life of Bro. Graves; J.H. Osborn on the life of Bro. McDaniels and E.H. Mitchell discussed the life of Bro. Boucher. James Begier has invented and patented a spring trap. U.A. Albion of Sweetwater was in Cheyenne this week. Mrs. Frank Purcell spent several days with Mrs. J.E. Keen out at the farm. Philharmonic Club entertained Mon. evening June 12 members assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Jurgen for their third social of the year. Mrs. Jurgen, Mrs. Brann and Mrs. Feno were the entertaining committee. Among those in attendance were Henry and Chester Tracy, Magner White, David Huff, Charley Cross, Mrs. Linderman, Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Miller, Mr. Henry Warren, Misses Myra and Lora Warren. The railroad surveyors occupied Mon. writing up field notes and on Tues. morning drove over the proposed route to the Texas line. As far as the writer can learn, the route to be taken will be west on the Washita to the mouth of Rush Creek, then up that stream to three miles north of Rankin near the Mallet Farm, and up the northwest branch of Rush Creek to the Texas line. The Sandstone and Cheyenne baseball teams will play a game on the Cheyenne diamond next Sun.
ROSE HILL ITEMS: John and Myrth Franklin and Francis Smith spent Sun evening at the Skelton home. Oliver Baldwin and Oliver Miller spent Sat. night with the Alexander brothers. Roger Mills and Beckham counties singing contest was held at Berlin last Sun. The house was full and many could not get in. Ed Perry and J.N. Miller took their hogs to Sayre Fri. night. The Band Boys met with Paul Oehme Sat. evening. J.N. Miller and Ed Perry made a business trip to Cheyenne Mon.
DURHAM DOINGS: John M. Coym who has spent the last three years in Uncle Sam’s army at Fort Hancock, NJ and the Philippine Islands is home on furlough. Don Roberts has resigned as clerk at Mr. Bull’s Store at this place. Mrs. Allen G. Carver is entertaining her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Holland. Mrs. A.B.C. Davis left Mon. with the children to visit in eastern Oklahoma. “Doc” is batching now. Miss Jettie McCord has charge of the post office; the PM, Mr. Martin has gone fishing. George Mullin and family of Yuma, AZ are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Mullen. One of Curt White’s mules died one night recently. C.L. Scott has purchased the Albert Coffman farm. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Smith spent Sun. with W.R. Adams and family. W.A. Beaty and son, Leo left Sat. for Odessa, Texas to attend the marriage of Mr. Beaty’s daughter, Willie to William Martin on June 14. The Custer Bend Singing Class won the banner for Roger Mills County at Berlin last Sun. in the Beckham and Roger Mills Counties’ Association. The boys report that fishing in the Washita good after the recent rains. Cheyenne baseball team is schedule for a game of ball at Rankin tomorrow. S Jackson and family and Mrs. Erma Monroe, left Friday for Oklahoma City. We are informed that Mr. Jackson intends to bring back a new Buick car with him, and that Mrs. Monroe will purchase a piano while in the city. C.O. Gause and wife and A.J. Smith and wife spent Sunday at the home of G.A. Stovall near Dempsey. G.W. Franklin of Dempsey took his son, Chester, to a specialist at Kansas City to be treated for appendicitis. Oscar Galloway is having a new porch built in front of his hotel property. Sheriff Trammell and City Marshall Salyer arrested a man by the name of Porter last week on the charge of stealing a mule from a farmer residing in Ellis County. We are informed that the mule was taken to Texas and sold, and that the arrest was made in Roger Mills County as the defendant was returning from Texas. Walker Huff has been appointed by the town board as Street Commissioner and will begin work soon. S.A. Stouffer was in the city a few days this week and reports that he is finished painting his house and erecting a substantial new barn. Walter Howard, well known in the Red Moon community, tried and convicted in Washita County on a charge of aggravated assault. William Martin, one of the progressive farmers of the Dempsey area has purchased a binder. Ed Taylor has a pair of pet squirrels and has just completed the erection of a neat little house for them. The Owl Barber Shop is installing some fans in the shop for the comfort of the trade. F.O. Leach of Cheyenne has been appointed Co. Assessor for RMC by Gov. Cruce. Frank Tipton who has been employed in the barber shop here for some time, left Tues for Elk City. Mrs. Jenny Berry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Cox, left Tues. for a visit with her daughter at Amarillo. Sheriff Trammell and John Trammell left Mon. afternoon to take R.A. Graham to McAlester. It will be remembered that Mr. Graham was tried, convicted and sentenced to forty years in the penitentiary on the charge of robbing the Crawford Cotton Exchange Bank. C.J. Blackburn assistant cashier of the Cheyenne Cotton Exchange Bank, returned from Crawford where he had been looking after Crawford Cotton Exchange Bank in the absence of W.W. Blackburn, who had been taking a vacation.
Cheyenne Star, June 22, 1911
R.C. Wixon better known as the “Sign King” returned last week from a visit to his ranch near Sweetwater. The people are all worked up over the discovery of coal in that area. A vein of fine coal was found at a depth of 50 feet in drilling a well near Wixon’s farm. Some of the coal was tested which proved to be an excellent quality. The work of sinking a shaft was begun at once. U.A. Albion came to town Tues. with his spring wagon load of very fine dewberries. He raised his berries on his fine farm near Sweetwater. Dr. C.E. Tanner has returned from Sweetwater where he had been on business and informs us that the people of that community are very jubilant over a rich strike of lead recently made there. Dick Wilson and A.J. Wood of Hamburg were in town Tues. transacting co. seat business. Mrs. Charles A. Kimball died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C.Y. Libby of Rankin on Thursday morning at 1:30 o’clock, June 8, 1911 of tuberculosis after a lingering illness of over two years. Aged 46 years, 27 days. W.A. Roberts has painted a fine lot of signs on the feed yard fence this week which is a neat piece of work. T.L. Turner is going away on a visit and Perry Madden, our Representative will occupy his law office. Prof. D.C. Seaver has been re-employed as Supt. of our city school for the coming year. Mr. Mills, the proficient bookkeeper at Herring and Youngs was visiting relatives in Oklahoma City last week. A large crowd attended the baseball game between the Sandstone boys and Cheyenne with the score of 10-6 in favor of the latter. Mr. Poindexter left Mon. to visit a while with relatives in Sherman, Texas. Miss Tene Vessells visited Bessie Cooper last Sun. Mr. Barbee of Rankin was a pleasant caller at our office on Thurs. A.B. Bartels has taken charge of the Green Tree Barber Shop. This shop is entirely under new management. Several attended the Linderman dance Fri. night. Mr. Jenson, the manager of the Big Reagan Store visited in Sayre over Sun. Leo Beaty, Buford Fields, Lucille McKinney and Miss Barton visited in Elk City. George Walker of the Durham vicinity was shopping in town. Alex Clapp was in town Mon. J.T. Wilson of Hamburg has mares, horses and mules for sale. William B. Johnson has invented a machine for sharpening carpenter tools which will probably make him rich. A horse race will be run on the morning of the fourth between Buster Brown’s horse of San Antonio and Douglas’ horse of Clinton. Rev. A.B. Brown of Hammon was in town yesterday. Railroad surveyors are busy in their office in the Dobbs Building writing up their field notes.
Cheyenne Star, June 29, 1911
Cheyenne the capital of our county is making elaborate preparations for a celebration on July 4 & 5. Many scenes of the frontier days will be rehearsed such as roping, riding and bronco busting. W.H. Lee is enjoying a fine trade now and has employed several extra clerks to help until after the fourth. James M. Payne of Harrington made final proof and informed us that it was a sure lead fine at Sweetwater recently. Mr. Nabors, one of Mr. Payne’s witnesses, states that he saw some of the lead that was found there. C. Ruhl of Oklahoma City representative for the Smith Premier Typewriter Co. was here Tues. Charles C. Penn-ington made proof on his land last Mon. John H. Kendall was a caller here yesterday. He has one of the largest furniture stores in western Oklahoma. Judge John B. Harrison was in town.
ROSE HILL ITEMS: Mr. Hackney was called to Illinois Fri. on account of the sickness and death of his wife. Miss Phoebe Seaton is visiting her sister at Arapaho. Claude Skelton took Sun. dinner with Mike Flowers. Miss Luella Baldwin is home on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Miller and little son, Albert, visited at T.F. Skelton’s Sun. Ed Perry and family took Sun dinner with H.Heim and family. T.F. Skelton has purchased a new cream separator. W.B. Johnson had an ice cream supper Sat. night. A large crowd gathered at the home of J.A. Robbins. Miss Esther Miller spent Sun. with her sister, Mrs. Laura Whitledge. Misses Anna and Blanche Flemming attended SS at Rose Hill Sun. Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Rhodes are the proud parents of a baby girl which was born June 18. Ed Perry has purchased a new piano. Oscar Hawk of Durham was here Monday transacting business. Robert G. Martin of Texas will speak here on July 4 &5. H.M. Hohl, general supt. of the new railroad informed us that they were ready to go to work and was just waiting now on Cheyenne to make up their subscription. B.F. Bynum, cashier of the Cheyenne Cotton Exchange Bank was out at Crawford on business. Charley Cross and wife visited relatives in the country last Sun.
Cheyenne Star, July 6, 1911
Railroad building began last Friday at 11:00 a.m. in Cheyenne. Grandpa Thornton(86 years old) shoveled the first dirt. Contracts all signed up and work has actually begun. Trains will soon be running. A long time need and want supplied to the citizens of Roger Mills Co., one of the best in Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Pacific comes in from the south and the depot is located just northwest of A.S. McKinney’s residence on a line with Broadway. Two hundred people were out to see the work on the railroad begun. Milo Burlingame, who has labored long and hard for a railroad, plowed the first furrow. Cheyenne is happy! Thousands of people were here on July 4&5, to help to celebrate and saw the dirt moving on the new railroad. Scotty, the well known artist, took our pictures. {This railroad was never completed and the train never ran on these tracks.} Pupils graduating exercise will be held here the 21st of July. Fully 3,000 people were here for Independence Day. The Grimes Band was here and furnished plenty of music. W.H. Mouser made the opening address. The A.S. McKinney Park is an ideal place for a gathering of this kind. A closely contested baseball game between Cheyenne and Sandstone was witnessed by about a thousand people and at the close, the score stood 18-11 in favor of Cheyenne. The horserace yesterday was quite interesting at the quarter of a mile dash with Little Bob (Bowman’s horse) won the race. Buster Brown’s second, Kokanes, third. About 50 teachers from different parts of the county are here for the teacher’s normal. Frank Cole and family of Hamburg are visiting a few days in Canadian with Mrs. Cole’s parents, Judge and Mrs. Humphrey. Frank reminisced experiences of bygone days and talked about the advancement of the country. He showed bystanders the location of a spot on the present Canadian main street where a good many years ago, he roped and held a large bobcat. That was before there was any Canadian, Texas. William M. Rakes celebrated one year as Editor of the Cheyenne Star. Watermelons made their appearance on the local market when the first time this season last Sat. Atty. J.L. Anderson made business trip to Sayre Sat. Miss Weatherford, sister of Mrs. Harry Brown is here this week visiting. Alex Falconer filled three men’s places at the Cheyenne State Bank last Sat. J.J. Wilson of Hamburg was here Sat. to complete his land deal, having bought a 160 acre tract adjoining his fine farm. Growing alfalfa and stock has made Mr. Wilson rich. A.H. Carter and Burt Redden of Carpenter were here last Fri. transacting Co. Seat business. R.A. Dickey of Rankin was here Sat., says the crops in his vicinity are standing the drouth well. Rev. Walters will conduct a ME protracted meeting at Needmore School House beginning the first Sun in August. Madden Miller of Oklahoma City who is the employee of the School Land Dept of the State was visiting here last Sun.
Cheyenne Star, July 13, 1911
On July 5th, Boots Fields pulled off one of the best roping contests that was ever held in Cheyenne. Walker Huff won first prize tying his steer in thirty seconds. Fully two thousand people witnessed the roping. Walker Huff 30 sec., Oscar Caudill 39 sec., Gus Trammell 41 sec., Boots Fields 49 sec., Jack Lemons 64 sec., Pat Huff missed, Bob Trammell missed, Buster Cheatham missed, Lode Beaty, rope broke, Harlan Hopkins, rope broke, Earl Harris, broke rope. G.M. Garrett of Berlin says that the picnic in the timber out on Beaver Dam was a grand success. Baseball game between Rankin and Cheyenne on the 5th was a very close contested game and for a long time, it looked as though neither side would beat, but in the 12th inning, Cheyenne got one score ahead and therefore was winner. W.M. Hamilton and wife who live seven miles southwest of here were in town Sat. and says that his cotton crop looks fine and the bolls are more than half grown and that he raised cotton in Arkansas for 15 years and he never had a better prospect for a crop in his life and they like Roger Mills Co. just fine. Walker Huff dined at the Poindexter and Stalbird restaurant Sun. evening. J.R. Johnson moved to Butler Monday where he has a good position at a drugs store at that place. R.L. Baird and wife as well as Harry Brown and wife are attending the Chautauqua at Weatherford. Rev. H.O. White is conducting a protracted meeting at Custer Bend this week. Atty. W.H. Mouser is visiting at Madison, Indiana. The Ladies Aid Society will have a handkerchief bazaar at H.P. Dewey’s office on night of July 14. E.C. Winford while crossing the street Sat. night, fell and sprained his ankle and has been laid up with it a few days. T.L. Turner wrote from San Francisco that he has experienced an earthquake recently. Last Thurs. a big rain fell here which will do the crops good. This county has not suffered much yet on account of dry weather. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen attended the meeting at Custer Bend Sun. evening.
ROSE HILL ITEMS: Mrs. Fleming and daughter, Anna are visiting relatives and friends for two weeks in Dewey Co. Ed Perry and family spent Sun. with Charles Perry and family of Grimes. Mr. and Mrs. Erick Smith of Elk City spent Sat. night and Sun. with their daughter, Mrs. Ed Ralph. Prof. Tom Williams of Berlin visited at J.N. Miller’s Sun eve. P.W. Wright and family spent Sun with J.K. Seaton. Mrs. Alexander and sons, Linny and Leslie spent Sun afternoon with T.F. Skelton. Miss Lillian Privett is visiting with Mrs. Della Lester of Cheyenne. Claude Skelton spent Sun. with Henry Miller. C.N. Whitledge made a trip to Berlin Sat. Mr. Fleming and children, Ed Perry and family visited at Ed Ralph’s Sat. night. William Turbyfill spent Sun afternoon at the Herm home. A.J. Smith, Cheyenne’s best jeweler, was in and subscribe to the paper. B.F. Jones and son of Durham were here last Mon. and says that crops are looking fine in that area. Curt White of Durham was in town. David Hogg of Shirley, well known politician was here. Gilbert Thompson of Roll has been here several years and is doing well. He has 160 head of fine fat hogs which he will soon market. E.C. Winford & family of Cheyenne came in this morning from Tennessee where they have been to see a sister of Mrs. Winford’s who was seriously sick. Rev. Hoffman was a pleasant caller recently. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn last Sat. a fine girl. C.S. Heagy of Gem City, Texas was here last Sunday. He says that he has harvested a fine crop. Our postmistress, Mrs. Scotty Falconer left this week for a visit with her mother in Seattle, Washington. Leslie Barton celebrated at Oklahoma City on the 4&5. W.D. Kendall returned from Oklahoma City last Sat. and reports crops entirely gone east of Bridgeport but was glad to see that we had got plenty of rain out here.
Cheyenne Star, July 20, 1911
There will be a Democrat-Socialist Debate July 8 during the encampment here in Cheyenne between Nicholson of Texas and Cumbie of Oklahoma City. There will be a big camp meeting beginning Friday morning the 21st at the grove 4 miles west of Hammon just south of the Iron Bridge. Come and camp, meals held on the ground at reasonable prices and services will be conducted by Sparks of Texmo, King of Butler, White of Cheyenne, Holt, Stalcup and Moore of Oklahoma City, Dr. B.H. Carroll of Texas. Mr. Owens of Hamburg brought a wagon load of potatoes here to market Tues. Owing to the market being overstocked, he found slow trade. Mrs. A.S. McKinney is visiting her son in San Francisco. Mrs. R.N. Higgins left for Ft. Worth Sun. to have her eyes treated again. Two railroad men were here from Clinton and say they have decided to extend the Butler road to Canadian, Texas through Cheyenne, “The Washita Valley Route” and they will be back in a few days to make us a proposition. Cheyenne will be ready with another $35,000 and will not object in the least as two railroads will be better one. Last Sat. Dave Koontz was tried before Casady for aiding and abetting the burgulary of the Crawford Bank last November. The evidence was sufficient to bind him over to await the action of the grand jury in the sum of $20,000 and in default, Mr. Koontz is still in jail. John C. Thornton’s father, Grandpa Thornton died here Sunday night and the masons conducted the funeral exercises at the Baptist Church at 3:00 p.m. The family accompanied the body Tues. to its last resting place in Texas. Rev. S.L. Bulkeley & wife of Fairview are here this week visiting their mother, Mrs. Graves. Miss Flora Keen is clerking in the County Clerk’s office while Mrs. Bellamy attends the Normal. R.L. Taylor of Durham, the father of the largest family of boys in the county, was here Tuesday and reports his broomcorn crop is ready to pull right now. The students from Cheyenne entertained the teachers at the school house last Sat. night. Bob Turner went out to his farm Tues. to make arrangements to have his large crop of alfalfa cut. F.E. Herring and wife of Elk City passed through town Mon. on their way to Colorado on a pleasure trip.
ROSE HILL ITEMS: Mrs. Ada Blackburn is visiting here. Mrs. and Mrs. J.R. Robbins entertained a number of people at their home Sunday. H.L. Cobb spent Sat. night with Henry Miller. Claude Skelton visited with Willie Wilkerson Sun. T.F. Skelton & family spent Sun. with W.B. Johnson & family. The Socialist meeting was well attended on Sat. night. Mr. Martin was the speaker. Several from Rose Hill attended services at Spring Creek Sat. night. Miss Phoebe Seaton has returned home from a visit with her sister at Arapaho. Mr. Hackery has returned home. He was called to Illinois on account of the death of his wife. Misses Glee Rhoades and Lucille Mabb visited at the Miller home Sun eve. Mrs. Alexander was in Sayre Mon. Walter Miller visited the Alexander brothers Sat. night. Elmer Privett visited with Paul Rhoades Sun. Pete Strickland goes over the other day to the field where Wesley Hill is plowing corn for Ed Keen and picks a quarrel with him and as report has it, knocked Wesley off the cultivator and pounding and stamping him in the face, injuring him badly. Pete was brought to town and a preliminary trial was held and he was bound over to await the action of the grand jury in the sum of $1000, and he gave bond and was released. The Normal School at which the teachers are taught is a costly investment at $3003.00 for 17.5 days of instruction. Editorial. Mrs. Ida Poindexter has traded a half section of land for a large hotel at Wordville in Atoka Co. Oklahoma. H.D DeVillers & family visited over Sun at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Jackson. Mr. Spence and wife of Clifford were in town Sun. The Socialist are going to have a three day picnic beginning July 27 at the A.S. McKinney Park in Cheyenne. A large crowd attended the Dave Koontz trial Sat. The surveyors on the Oklahoma Pacific are busy surveying and setting the grade stakes. A fine general rain fell here Sat. night. Tom Berry’s fine delivery horse died last Thursday. This is quite a loss for Mr. Berry as the horse was valued at $150. Coleman White estimates the cotton crop in our county this year to make 7,000 bales. Don Roberts of Crawford was here Sat. as a witness in the Dave Koontz preliminary trial. The Denver and Dallas Railroad will in all probability build across the west part of the county during the coming year.
Cheyenne Star, July 27, 1911
J.N. Miller of Grimes was here Mon. and reports that corn and cotton are looking fine. Prospects for bumper crop here was never better and business of all kinds was never better at this time of year. A set of goldbug men are talking of starting a National Bank here. SPRING CREEK ITEMS: There was quite a crowd enjoying an ice cream social at Mr. Allen’s last Tues. Henry DeWees has planted his broomcorn over the third time. E.S. Underwood is breaking sod since the big rain. H.W. Woods is doing some roadwork since the big rains. A.M. Underwood & wife entertained quite a crowd last Sun. There was a large crowd to hear the debate between Martin and Nicholson at Spring Creek last Mon. Flake Hammond’s folks have recovered sufficiently and he thinks he will be soon be able to move back to his ranch at Hamburg. James Sadler of Crawford made final proof Sat. Mr. Sadler informed us of the sad news of the death of his wife in May. T.L. Miller’s fine driving horse died Tuesday morning; he was worth at least $150. Henry Marsh of Roll was in town Tues. Drs. C.E. Tanner and brother left Tues. for Sweetwater where they have been called to do some veterinary work. H.B. Price was at our office Mon.A large crowd attended the graduating exer-cises last Fri. evening. Twenty-one of our fine boys and girls graduated from the Common Schools. P.G. Perkins of Roll was here Mon. transacting Co. seat business. ROSE HILL ITEMS: Rev. Will Klopfenstein preached a splendid sermon at Rose Hill Sun. evening. T.F. Skelton & family spent Sun. with J.N. Miller & family. Mr. & Mrs. Ed Perry and little son, Clifford, took Sun. dinner with the Johnson family. Tues of last week, being Jasper Miller’s 50th birthday, a crowd gathered at his home and gave him a fine birthday dinner. Misses Ada Williams and Esther Miller spent Sun. with the Johnson sisters. Miss Lucille Mabb entertained a number of young people at her home Sun. Mrs. Anna Cobb spent Sun at the Perry home. Monroe Bates & family took Sun dinner with Mr. Creason’s family. Several attended the ice cream supper Fri. night given at the home of T.F Skelton. The Baptist camp meeting was a total failure on account of heavy rains. Rev. H.O. White says the water was waist deep on the ground in the grove where the meeting was to be. Ed Taylor will in all probability have an ice plant by the time we have a railroad. J.F. Cole of Hamburg was in town Tues. Miss Jossie Thomas of Durham is here attending the Co. Institute and informed us that she will attend the State Normal at Weatherford this year. Miss Thomas is one of our best teachers. Fred Ogle, one of Roger Mills County’s best and substantial men was in town and informed us that he will probably move to town in a short time as he has a position in the Co. Treasurer’s office. Miss Rula Woodruff of Roll and one of those well educated teachers that makes good in her work is here this week to attend one of the best county’s institutes ever and take the examination again. Miss Woodruff will teach at Hammon this year. Rev Ivey was doing missionary work in the country this week.
Cheyenne Star, August 3, 1911
One hundred and sixteen tracts of school land comprising almost 8,000 acres will be sold at auction in Cheyenne on September 16, 18 &19. There will be a protracted meeting beginning Sat night before the first Sun in August conducted by B.G. Burns of Carpenter and Rev. M.J. Ivey of Cheyenne. The meeting will be held 5 miles east of Cheyenne, 1 mile east of Square Top School House on the Washita River. A party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hill Fri night, July 28, in honor of their sister Miss Ada Hill from Weatherford. Thirty guests assembled until 11:00 when a rain cloud arrived and they departed. Candy was served for refreshments and an enjoyable time was had. The Socialist held a three day picnic here last week. Mrs A.S. McKinney, wife of our distinguished and substantial citizen has returned from her visit with her son in San Francisco and reports having seen many wonderful sights and had a safe, pleasant and enjoyable trip.
ANGORA ITEMS: J.A. Coleman, who had been on the sick list for six weeks is slowly recovering, Dr. Allen of Leedey in attendance. Mrs. Clinton is convalescent after a severe attack of typhoid fever. Mrs. T. Newton, while going into her dugout, fell sustaining severe injuries. J.H. Wagoner was in Leedey one day last week, inquiring the price of lots. The hail on Sat did much damage to crops along the river, destroying most of the corn and cotton for several farmers. Many are taking this wet time, when nothing else can be done, to cross the perilous Canadian in quest of relishable wild plums which grow there in abundance. While working the road, Will Reed, met with an accident which came near putting out one of his eyes. It is not known whether it was part of the harness or a rock which struck the eye. Mrs. Bound’s father and mother from near Brantley visited at the former’s home over Sat and Sun. Mr. Skaggs and daughter, Mrs. Bailey are absent on a visit to relatives in Custer Co. E.M. Moore is carpentering in Leedey, the new railroad town. Mr. Honeycutt is preparing the ground on which to build a six room cement block house. People this side of the Washita have been suffering a mail famine owing to a washout of roads and bridges during the late rains. Frank Purcell who had been clerking in the Treasurer’s office for a long time will leave soon for Hammon where he has a position as a bookkeeper with the Keen Mercantile Co. Mr. Purcell is honest, reliable and a good citizen and we wish him success. Stanley J. Clark made a very able speech in favor of women’s suffrage here last Sat. We believe it would be right to give the women the right of franchise. William Rogers of Roll was here Tues. Bird Pierce of Butler was here Thurs. Mr. Pierce is a traveling salesman and has many friends here where he used to reside. T.L. Meador announces that he is now prepared to supply the watermelon market in Cheyenne two or three times a week. John Casady who is working on the Hammon Advocate was here visiting relatives and friends over Sun. We have been informed that about thirty who attended the county institute failed to pass the examination. A large crowd was out at the horse race Sat. Bowman’s horse won beating Gause’s horse about thirty feet. They say that it was a pretty race. We got another fine rain here Sun night and we really have too much rain now. Benny Monroe’s wife of Clinton is visiting Judge Tracy’s family this week. Mrs. Harry Brown has returned from a pleasant visit with home folks at Weatherford. The Roger Mills County Fair will be held in Cheyenne on September 19 – 21 of 1911. The Beckham Co. Fair will be held in Elk City Sep 12-15. R.B. Jones of Roll was here last Mon. transacting legal business. J.B. Miller of Rankin was in town yesterday. A.T. Leddy’s mother of Roll was here yesterday and made final proof of her land.
Cheyenne Star,Aug. 10&17 1911
JOHN CASADY MAKES THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT: “With this issue I assume the management of The Cheyenne Star and will make it a paper that the people of Roger Mills County will be proud”. Alfalfa hay is one penny a pound – $14 a ton, sometimes $20 a ton. J.W. Cooper and H.D. Cox are cutting their third cutting of alfalfa hay. With two railroads in sight, the population of Cheyenne is expected to reach 5,000. The WF&NW Railroad have in the field a core of surveyors running a line to Cheyenne from Hammon. No one seems to know very much about this project only that they are coming and it is thought that they are being forced out by the Oklahoma Pacific for the Butler Road. One thing about the WF&NW is that they do things, and if they have decided to build this road, they will have trains running into Cheyenne by Jan1. Word has been received here during the past few days that the other railroad, Oklahoma Pacific, had pledged their bonds and are ready to begin construction in a short time. If we secure these roads, ole Cheyenne will reach that 5,000 population mark in 12 months.
ROSE HILL ITEMS: Joe Privett spent Sat night with Henry Miller. Broomcorn has begun in earnest. Brother Caldwell gave interesting talk on the Bible Sun. Jasper Miller took load of corn to Sayre Sat. Will Johnson and wife, Mr. Rhoades & family, Mr. Rogers, Mrs. Alexander& children, Mr. Skelton & family, Elmer Privett spent Sun. at J.N. Miller house. Misses Molly and Myrtle Johnson spent Sun with Lillian Privett. A good many from Rose Hill attended church at Eden-view Sun. night. Shannon Hall, Will Turbyfill, Florence House-holder, took Sun. dinner with Clara Heim. H.L. Cobb took dinner with Henry Miller Sun. Rev. Hiatt will preach at RoseHill Aug 14. Mr. Fleming & family visiting in Dewey Co. A large number of our citizens are attending court at Arapaho this week. Guy Eakins of Carpenter was in town Sat. John Hooper of Hamburg was business visitor here. Miss Nannie Taylor returned Mon from visit with friends in Elk City. H.C. Marsh of Roll was here. Miss Carey Fields spent a few days in Elk City. Lynn Inselman of Hamburg was in town. Last Tues the stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lindley bringing a baby boy. Walker Huff of Southern Hotel is among those attending district court in Arapaho. C.A. & Henry Goode of Durham were in Cheyenne. Madden Miller, Clerk of School Land Dept. in Okla-homa City, was here. Mrs. Fred Brann is visiting her aunt in Guthrie. S. Jackson is at court in Arapaho. R.R. & James Bull were here Wed. James Begier returned from Angeline Co,., Texas. Walter Blackburn, cashier of Cotton Exchange Bank of Crawford was here on business. Sorry to note that Uncle Jim Evans is on sick list. E.L. & R.A. Mitchell & families are attending a family reunion in Missouri this week. George W. Hutton of Hammon who has the contract to build the bridge across the Washita between Hammon and Cheyenne was here this week. Mrs. Cosmo Falconer is home from visiting her mother in Seattle. The good ME sisters pounded their pastor Sun night. William W. Rakes, former editor of this paper and U.S. Commissioner left Sat for Klamath Falls, Oregon. He will probably buy property there and locate in the future. Jessie Williams of Brantley was brought to town last Mon and placed in the Co. jail. A lunacy warrant was placed against him. It appears that Williams has had an over dose of religion causing him to think that he is Jesus Christ. U.A. Albion of Sweet-water here with fine fruit from his vineyard. He states the supposition is that there will soon be a new large department store, bank and other business concerns located in Sweetwater in the near future. Rev. Wolf of Shawnee, who has been preaching to large congregation at the arbor on the public square, departed for his home Mon. Rev. H.O. White will conduct services the balance of the week.
Cheyenne Star Aug. 24, 1911
School will begin Sept 4 and the people who live in the country are making arrangements to come to town to send their children to school. The greatest question that confronts these people is houses to live in during the school term. There are only 2 or 3 small house vacant in the town. At least 50 residences can be rented this fall during school term. For someone who owns lots or who is in a position to do so, this would make a good safe investment. A building would cost $30 – $400 and would rent for $12-$15 a month, thus paying for itself in about two years. Last Sun the death angel visited the home of J.J. Null who lives north of town, taking from among that family, George, age fourteen. George had been ill for some time, first taking typhoid fever complications set in and finally a locked bowel caused his death. Rev. H.O. White conducted services at the arbor on the public square Mon. afternoon, Aug 21. The Roger Mills Co. Fair Assoc. will hold Co. Fair Sept 19-21 in Cheyenne. The Fair Directors are: W.A. Adams, F.A. Beavin, W.C. Tomlinson, N.C. Miller, J.L. Jennings, Paul Oehme, J.A. Moad, Milo Burlingame, H.D. Cox, T.C. Moore. Officers of Farmers’ Institute: President W.A. Adams, VicePres. G.A. Dodgion, Sec.Trea-F.A. Beavin. The Commercial Club of Cheyenne officers: A.S. McKinney President, R.F. Baird, Secretary. The people of Hammon want the mail route of Cheyenne changed from Sayre to Hammon. They feel it is absolutely necessary to have direct mail connection to the county seat. Milo Burlingame announces that he will be selling 181 good choice resident lots belonging to George Gerlach of Canadian. T.C. Moore encourages the youth of the county to be preparing their exhibits for the co. fair. At the fair will be speeches on good subjects, things to make you laugh, watch trained monkeys, Cowboy and Indians in a sham battle with real articles, parade, and other exhibits.
ANGORA ITEMS: J.A. Coleman and wife have gone to visit relatives in Oklahoma City. Some of our people are attending camp meeting on Nine Mile. Tom Newton separated his dwelling house in Elk and moved it two miles north of here. He has it about put together again and will have a snug little place to live in. So much hot weather since the July rains does not seem to be the best thing for crops out here. They are dying as a result and the report comes that farmers will have to harvest some crops now instead of later. Mrs. Will Daniel is seriously ill with typhoid fever. Mrs. Cris’ mother suffered a stroke of paralysis recently. Her condition seems critical. Miss Pearl Salyer visited Berlin the first of the week. S. Jackson, Cashier of the Cheyenne State Bank, is in Oklahoma City this week. Mrs. Sam Brown of Elk is visiting her mother and family, Mrs. A.O. Miller at this place. A sister, Mrs. Jewel Tollison of San Antonio is also visiting. Misses Lucille McKinney and Carey Fields are spending the week in Clinton with Mrs. Florence Ganaway. We are sorry to learn of the serious illness of the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lester. Miss Martha Bonner and Miss Lela Jones have been visiting during the summer at Fairfield Texas. Miss Nene Alexander has been visiting relatives at Canadian and Lubbock, returned home last Sat. Uncle Jim Evans had the misfortune to lose a fine driving horse the first of the week while out on a drive, the horse became too hot and dropped dead. C.L. Barton who has been spending 2-3 weeks in Texas, returned home Wed. Acey Bartel, one of the popular barbers at the Owl Barber Shop is spending the week in Elk with a brother that he hasn’t seen in a number of years. Uncle Bill Kendall has bought some Jersey cattle for his farm. This was a wise thing, for one Jersey cow is worth more on a farm, than any two cows that can be had. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Keen spent Sun. at the home of George Wheeler who lives near the Texas line. R.A. Dickey of near Rankin was in town last Sat. He left us a box of the finest peaches we have seen this season. Mr. Dickey says he has lots of fruit and it is of a fine variety. Atty. T.L. Turner and family of this place, have been spending the summer in the northwest, returned Mon. T.L. says that he has the time of his life and saw lots of country that looked good but none so good as Oklahoma. Charles P. McClain has put in the very best barber chairs at the Owl Barber Shop. The other new fixtures haven’t arrived as yet, but are expected soon. When they are installed, he will have one of the best equipped shops in this part of the state. Fine rain which visited this section Mon. caused the mercury to drop several degrees. We will not need any more rain to mature the forage crop. Cotton that has been reported as throwing off on account of extreme heat, will now make an immense crop. Rev. Burns of Carpenter is conducting a series of Revival meetings at the arbor on the public square this week, assisted by Rev. Ivy, pastor of the ME Church here. Sheriff Trammell, Co Atty Grim, Judge Tracy were in Hammon on official business. Nuck Hunt of Carter is here visiting. Little Jimmy Evans celebrated his 7th birthday with friends.
Cheyenne Star Aug. 31, 1911
Wichita Falls and NW Railroad has run a second survey into Cheyenne during the past three weeks and it is reported from good authority that another core of surveyors are in the field setting grade stakes. This looks very much like these people mean to rush the work of construction through at the very earliest date possible. Everything goes to show that there is one of the biggest railroad wars being waged that this state ever knew. The OK. Pacific and WF&NW Railroads are both secretly preparing to extend lines through the territory, both headed for Cheyenne, the question is which will get here first. The WF&NW have a much shorter route and are railroad builders, and doing some of the smoothest secret work ever known in railroad circles. Last Mon. night, W.S. Ritter severely cut Cy Thompson with a knife at the Turner Pool Hall. From best reports we have is that Ritter was in the pool hall when Thompson came in. Thompson addressed Ritter in a friendly way slapping him on the back. Ritter seemed to take exception to this and words were passed. Ritter decided it was his treat but refused to pay for Thompson’s drink which was the direct cause of the trouble. A little skirmish ensued in which Ritter cut Thompson about the arm, back and face, the incision across the back is ten inches in length and is most serious. Ritter is now a fugitive from justice, officers have been looking for him since the affray. Last week Sheriff Trammel, Judge Tracy, Co Atty Grim went down to Hammon to see how the bootleggers were doing. On investigation they found that some were receiving nice shipments regularly. The officers at once took them in to ascertain whether or not they were selling the “joy water”. Lyman Hensley was arrested in Elk and placed under bond, Dave Ray was arrested in Hammon and placed under bond for his appearance at Co. Court. A complaint was filed against John Lennington and Dallas Wells. Lennington gave bond Sat., Wells still remains in jail in default of bond. It is said that some of the parties who were suspicioned took the first train out after the officers landed in town, or the number of arrests would have been larger. Four or five drags like that and Hammon would have to import some bootleggers or at least they would be thinned out some. J.A. Stephens marketed the first bale of cotton this season last Sat. in Cheyenne. The cotton was raised near the mouth of Sandstone Creek and was a good sample, bringing $4.475 per hundred, weighing 1740 pounds. With a $19 premium, it brought $96.85 which is a pretty neat sum for a bale of cotton. Herring & Young was the purchaser. Some very extensive improve-ments are underway in the city and a number of large store buildings will soon be built, while some are holding back seemingly on account of the railroad talk and not knowing just how much money to put into the buildings. If a road is run into Cheyenne, there will be at least a half dozen buildings constructed just as fast as the work can be done. Tom Nance is here in the interest of the C&O.W railroad stating that his road has a core of surveyors in the field running a line to Cheyenne and that the survey will be completed within the next 15 days, surveyors are now working between Butler and Hammon. In John Casady’s editorial he is promoting the need for sidewalks in town. Mrs. Gregoire has been ill. Mrs. Will Jurgens visiting Sayre. Charley Blackburn has been on sick list. Dr. A.B.C. Davis of Durham was in town. Burt Salyers was in Purcell. L.W. Pate was having a foundation laid for an addition to his already large hardware store. J.H. Kendall is having a large ware room built at his furniture store in the west part of town. Frank W. Norton made final proof on his homestead. Sox Bowman has purchased an auto for his livery in the city and is now ready to make hurry up trips. J.R. Dodson of near Durham was here and crop conditions there are extra good. Uncle Johnny Anderson of Red Moon was a business visitor Tues. Uncle Johnny says he has an extra fine cotton crop this year. S. Jackson has his new car, the car he had early in the season didn’t have sufficient road clearance for the roads in this part of the country. C.L. Barton has accepted a position at the Cheyenne State Bank as book-keeper. Miss Lucille McKinney has accepted position at ElkCity Graded schools. Mrs. John Burge has gone to the eastern markets to buy a complete and up to date line of millinery goods for the firm of Burge and Curry, which will soon be on display at the Odd Fellows Bldg. on West Broad-way. District Court will convene Sept. 5. Some important cases are on the docket. Walker Huff returned from southern part of state where he had been. Walker says he only saw one thing in that country that looked good to him and that was an irrigated potato farm. This farm produced 40,000 bu. sweet potatoes last year which sold readily for $2 a bu. $80,000 in one year is a pretty nice income off a farm, yet this can be done every year if you can get the water on the land. A party of nimrods from Clinton passed through town this morning on their way to the Texas line to hunt chickens. Mrs. J.R. Johnson returned to Butler accompanied by her father J.R. Casady and sister, Mrs. Robert Herring.
Cheyenne Star Sept 7, 1911
At the Co Fair there will be a demonstration of canning farm products. The special premiums given: Billie Brown will give $10 for the best colt from his French draft horse, “model” and $5 for second; Mr. Wallace of Durham will give a premium for best and second best colt from his Imported Shire; the following farmers will give pigs to our boys in the corn contest: W.A Adams, J.Vosburg, F.A. Beavin, W.D. Kendall, J.F. Cole, T.C. Moore, A.S. McKinney, J.B. Smith, J.Dick Sloan and W.H. Anderson. The little three year old boy of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson who lives west of town died in this city last Thursday, August 31. The little fellow, Paul M., was a cripple, and was in feeble health before its late illness. He was buried in the Cheyenne Cemetery. The Masons offered a memorial service for 86 year old Thomas W. Thornton, their oldest member of the local lodge. He died Saturday night, July 16, 1911. He came to Cheyenne with his son, John C. Thornton about 7 or 8 years ago, when he became a member of the lodge. The following are a few of the new enterprises that will be located here just as soon as work is started on any of the three railroads that have surveyed to this place: A large hardware, a modern hotel, dry goods store, two general stores, and a large drugs store. The announcement of the death of Roger Q. Mills of Texas will come as a surprise to a vast number of people. Most people thought he had died many years ago. {Roger Mills County was named for this man} ROSE HILL ITEMS: Pulling pumps is the order of the day. J.K. Seaton, Garrett Caudill, J.N. Miller, H.L. Cobb, Henry Miller and Ed Ralph have had to pull pumps lately. Mr. Winburn and others have gone to Canon City, CO on business. F.D. Rogers & wife, J.N. Miller & wife and J.E. Perry & wife all visited Mrs. Hannah Cobb Sun. C.N. Whitledge & family and A.B. Rhoades & family Sundayed at W.H. Morings. Miss Lucille Maab spent Sun. at the Ed Ralph home. Mrs. Heim is on the sick list. Miss Anna Whitledge of Elk visited her brother Charles Whiteldge & family for two weeks. Mrs. Alexander&family, Mike Flowers, Henry & Esther Miller and Anna Whitledge were guests at the Skelton home Sun. Mrs. Charles Bates has returned home from extended visit in Nebraska. Mr. Fleming & family attended services at Edenview Sun. Sunday School at Rose Hill every Sun morning at 10:00. Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Skelton made a business trip to Sayre Sat. Dr. Terrill of Elk City conducted services at Rose Hill last Sunday. Third Sun in Sept. at 11:00 a.m., Rev. Hiatt will preach at this place. J.N. Miller and H.L. Cobb attended SS at Edenview Sun. afternoon. J.E. Perry made trip to Sayre Sat. There is some talk of a consolidated school-Rose Hill, Spring Creek and Emerson districts. It will be a great help to all. Some who would not get to go to school other ways. {actually Rose Hill closed in 1937 and went to Berlin and Grimes} P.C. Ragan returned Tues from Sayre and other points on the Rock Island. Miss Bertha Brown & Mrs. E.F. Cornells of Sayre are visiting with Mr. Cornell’s mother at this place. J.J. Moore, real estate man of this town, is in Texas attending to some land matters there. Tint Wallace of Hammon made final proof last Wed. Judge J.W. McMurtry, editor of the Hammon News was in attendance at District Court here this week. J.A. Ragan, prop. of the Ragan Dry Goods Store here was over from Sayre the first part of the week looking after his business interests. Don Roberts of Crawford is in attendance at District Court this week. A number of Cheyennites went down to Hammon last Sat. to see the horse race; but the race was not run, one of the parties paid the forfeit and the race was called off. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lovett who have been spending their vacation in Ohio, returned last week and Glenn is now back at his old job, Assistant Cashier of the Cheyenne State Bank. Rev. M.J. Ivey, pastor of ME Church, South, Cheyenne Square Top will begin a meeting at Square Top School House Tuesday night, 5:00 – 11 p.m. Charley Blackburn, Asst. Cashier of Cheyenne Cotton Exchange Bank, spent a couple of days in Sayre. Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Bynum returned last week from extended visit in Texas. J.O. Kelly of Sweetwater has been in attendance at District Court this week. William W. Rakes & wife returned from Calif. They will make their home on their farm near Hamburg. Mr. Rakes will still hold the Land Commis-sioner’s Office at the Cheyenne Star Office and continue the usual land office work. Mrs. Dr. J.E. Standifer & daughter Iris are visiting old friends and relatives here. Skillety Bill Johnson, sheriff of Hemphill Co., Texas is here this week at District Court. J.M. Warren was down from Roll this week and place an order with us for stationery with the Gem Pharmacy at that place. About 70 children of the Junior League were entertained by Miss Erma Wallace last Mon. evening at her home. A social was given last Fri. evening at the home of Erma Wallace in honor of Misses Marjorie and Katherine Falconer. The misses Falconer are going to Elk City to attend school this week. Dr. & Mrs. M.F. Burns announce birth of big baby boy at his house.
Cheyenne Star, Sept 14, 1911
Dave Koontz is now on trial for acting conjointly with Charley Koontz and R.F. Graham who are both sentenced to 40 years in the penitentiary at McAlester for robbery of Crawford Cotton Exhange Bank, on 19th date of November, 1910.
ROSE HILL ITEMS: After SS Bro Will Klopfenstein preached an excellent sermon. Bro. Caldwell of Berlin made a lecture at Rose Hill Sun afternoon. The house was full to overflowing. The subject was “Two Covenants”. Mrs Ed Perry has been sick. Sat. afternoon the patrons of Rose Hill district met to have an election of consolidation with the districts of Emerson and Spring Creek. No decision. Charles Whitledge & family took Sun. dinner at the Miller home. Mrs. Cobb spent Sun. with her daughter Mrs. Ed Perry. The Misses Flemings and Esther Miller were the guests of Lillian Privett Sun. Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Miller and little son Albert visited at the Skelton home Sun eve. Several from here attended services at Grimes Sun night. Misses Essie and Bessie Flenner, Verna Rupp, & Nellie Moring were the Sun guests of Misses Mabel & Ruth Rhodes. Walter Miller taken Sun dinner with Alexander brothers. F.D. Rogers is putting a new addition on his house. Miss Phoebe Seaton has been sick. Boots Fields returned Mon from Kansas City. Dr. White of Durham attended court this week here. Clara Dow is very low with typhoid fever at the Poindexter home here. Sheriff Cope of Sayre attended District Court here. Billy Bonner shipped some cattle to Kansas City last week and returned Fri. John Staton of Durham was visitor here. Samuel Earle of Crawford was attending court as a witness in the Koontz case. J.L.Pascal, editor of Sayre Standard was here on business. Mr. & Mrs. Horr of Texmo attended District Court. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Abe Westbrook a fine baby girl. Guy Eakins is assisting District Clerk Madden in his office during the present term of court. Mrs. John B. Early of Osborne, Missouri is here visiting brother, Charles P. McClain and mother Grandma McClain.W.O. Horr, president of the Cotton Exchange Banks of surrounding counties is attending District Court. Mrs. H.L. Hearshman of Des Moines who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Milo Burlingame, returned to her home Sat. Mr. & Mrs. C.A. Goode were down from Durham last Sat. on their way to Elk City. L.M. Lantz of near Durham, brought in an exceptionally good specimen of Capital’s Billion Dollar Grass for us to place on exhibit at the Co. Fair. H.D. Cox has alfalfa seed for sale. Dr. C.A. Howell, late of Tulane Univ. has come to Cheyenne and formed a partnership with Dr. Miller. Dr. Howell comes well recom-mended as a physician and has come here to make Cheyenne his future home. J.Q. Davis of Roll was here Wed. attending to business. H.F. Holstine who at one time lived in here and now lives in New Mexico has been here attending to real estate matters in Distr. Court. Mr. Holstine is going to take back some stock of Red hogs to his farm in New Mexico. Milo Burlingame, Roscoe Anderson attended Beckham Co. Fair at Elk City this week. They say that some of the best horses are racing there. “Waldorf Belle”, a race horse of Milo Burlingame took first money at the mile race on Monday. DURHAM ITEMS: P.S. Tro has gone to Canadian this week and will bring back a load of posts for J.F. Cole. George Reynolds left Tues for Canadian after the relatives of Homer Thurston & wife. Josie Thomas, Alma Potter and Miss Cordell left last week to attend the State Normal at Weatherford this winter. Mrs. Mary Thurston is seriously ill with typhoid fever. Homer seems to have more than his share of sickness in the family. Mrs. Barber is attending court here. The fine rain seemed to put the ground in fine condition for sowing wheat.
Cheyenne Star, Sept 21, 1911
Dave Koontz who is on trial all last week for robbing the Crawford Cotton Exchange Bank was found guilty of robbery in the first degree by the jury after fourteen hours of deliberation. An Old Settlers Reunion has been talked of recently and many times in the past, though no one seems to have the time to devote to having a gathering of this kind, while all are heartily in favor of it. Won’t be much trouble to have a day devoted to this. Dr. J.F Evans of Wilburton has moved his line of drugs from that place to Cheyenne where he will make his future home. Dr. Evans will occupy the building recently vacated by Mrs. Ida Poindexter. He and his wife will occupy temporarily the rooms over the drugs store, until he can buy suitable property when he will build a home. An English kitchen has been put in the Galloway Building. Ike Howard of Elk is here and has come to stay. Born on Tues. last to Mr. & Mrs. Willie Huff a baby girl. A.M. Dovall of Hammon was visitor here Wed. Frank Cole of Hamburg is attending the Co. Fair this week at Cheyenne. Flake Hammond of Hamburg was visitor. T.M. Miller of School Land Commission is paying the home folks a visit. A.C. Wilson, John Wilson and J.H. Carr were among those attending Co. Fair from Hamburg. Asa Bartels of the Owl Barber Shop here spent Sun. with his brother, D.D. Rev. Hiatt will preach at Square Top next Sun. H.L. Goode of Durham, who has been attending court the last two weeks, left last Sun. for a few days at Elk City. Mr. & Mrs. C.H. Hadsell of Crawford attended the Co. Fair this week. Cotton is beginning to come in pretty fast now. Mr. & Mrs. C.A. Goode of Durham spent several days in town on their return from Beckham Co. Fair. William W. Rakes of Durham was in town several days looking after the interest of his office here in town. Mrs. H.L. Goode of Durham who has been attending Dist. Court has as a witness in the Koontz case, returned to her home last Mon. W.A. Guy and R.R. Fox, both of Grow were in Cheyenne last Wed. as witnesses on a final proof. Boots Fields says that he will pay you more money for your broomcorn than any buyer in the country. He will also buy fat cows and steer calves. Charles D. Peck, formerly of Cheyenne, is with the corps of surveyors who are surveying a line from Butler to Cheyenne. Miss Lucille McKinney left Fri. for Elk City where she will have charge of a grade in the public schools this winter. Frank Silcott who is employed at the Gause Livery Barn, was kicked in the head by a horse last Wed inflicting a large flesh wound. Dr. Gregoire was called to dress the wound. DURHAM DOINGS: Everyone is busy thrashing broomcorn, which is selling on the ground for from $80 to $125 per ton to be delivered in Canadian. W.C. Barber has rented the Vredenburg place from Mrs. West and will plant 100 acres of oats there next spring. Mr. Alexander of Kingfisher has purchased the Scott Wilson place south of here on the Washita. Messrs Lloyd Grant, Lyman Vaughn are attending school in Cheyenne. Clyde Tiggard, who has been away with the Wilcox thrashing machine all fall, is home again. Miss Dixie Wagner is giving excellent satisfaction as teacher at South Antelope. Durham School will open the first Mon in Oct. with Miss Helen Heagy in charge. Miss Klina Potter, Josie Thomas & Pearl Cordell are attending school in Weather-ford. Our telephone system is in new hands and is being rearran-ged. We are hoping for better service. Broomcorn buyers are numerous, only five in this area today.
Cheyenne Star, Sept 28, 1911
One of the most enjoyable events of the season was at C.L. Scott’s near Durham last Thurs. evening. A party composed of Misses Velda Thomason, Winnie & Jessie Davis, Isadora & Frances Scott, met at the hospitable home of Mr. Scott. Mr. Scott recently moved to this country from Green Forest, Arkansas and has succeeded in purchasing several farms in the area of Durham, Crawford and Roll. Mrs. Scott and her daughters are very fine musicians and entertain with some fine instrumental music. Cheyenne has decided that it is high time that something was done toward having a band. The people here have been continually confronted with petitions for money to pay bands to come here to furnish music on different occasions. Now they have decided to have a band of their own. DURHAM ITEMS: Mrs. Rakes commenced teaching a fall and winter term of school at Fairview last Mon. Shorty Lewis transacted business in Cheyenne. George Reynolds is the stalwart hay man. He is mowing and putting up a great many tons. Clara Tro is contemplating going away to school next week. She will live with her aunt at Emerson, Texas while attending school. Dicie Thomas commenced a term of school at Clifford last Mon. and there is no doubt but what she will teach them a good school. A great many farm hands are needed to harvest the enormous crop of cotton, kafir, milo, maize, corn and hay. John E. Leary made trip to Crawford. S. Jackson and A.S. McKinney made business trip to Elk City. Ike Howard has opened up a farm loan office here for the firm of Scott & Scott of Elk City. H.L. DeVillers & family visited Sun at the Dan Jackson home out on Beaver Dam. J.H. Sing who lives north of town was doing business here. Fred Hammond and Kelley Scott of Hammon were in town Sun. visiting friends. Born on Monday last to Mr. & Mrs. W.H. Mouser a fine baby girl. John Osborn, Co. Clerk left Tues for Oklahoma City on business. While there he will probably will take in the State Fair. Work is now being done on our streets, which is very badly needed. The town has purchased a large grader and is being used effectually. Charles P. McClain’s furniture for his barber shop has arrived and certainly gives things a different appearance at the Owl Barber Shop. T.C. Moore is attending at the State Fair with a large display of Roger Mills Co. Products, and it is thought that he will carry off some of the blue ribbons. Charley Blackburn is spending a couple of weeks in Elk City. Mr. & Mrs. H.L. Goode and Temple Bull, Mrs. Goode’s brother, were here Wed. Rev. H.O. White will preach at Square Top School House Sun. at 3:00. On October 11, Rev. H.O. White will give an ice cream social to the residents of Cheyenne. Mrs. Bob Trammell left yesterday for a visit near Chickasha. She will be accompanied by her husband, Sheriff Trammell and spend a few days at the State Fair. Dave Bowman has bought the pool hall formerly owned by Charles McClain and has taken charge. He has moved his family to town and will make Cheyenne his future home. A.H. Carter, former editor of the Star, Joe Moad, Jr. of Carpenter were in Co. Capital first part of the week. City Marshal Salyer performed a very good deed Tues when he killed seven of the worthless curs off our streets. We can spare several more, several more could be killed off and then we will have plenty. H.L. Lockwood and Miss Selestia Hlawacek, both well known people of Square Top area were married Mon of last week at the Baptist parsonage in Cheyenne.
Cheyenne Star, Oct 5, 1911
Exhibit from Roger Mills County makes a good showing at the State Fair. Large crowd from this area attended. RMC was awarded first place for individual Broomcorn.On the white corn, RMC took first through 7th place. Platonic Club begins new year.President Mrs. S. Jackson. Program by Mrs. W.T. Bonner, Mrs. McKinney, Mrs. Glen Lovett and Miss Carrie Fields.The club used the occasion for the celebration of the 18th anniversary of Dr. and Mrs. Tedrowe and the first anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown and seventh anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. S. Jackson. Mrs. Clyde Young was the winner of a prize for a questionnaire. Mrs. Dr. Wallace told story with the use of a ball.
Last Sunday Deputy Sheriff Irvin Hunt arrested Pete Ficklin on a warrant issued in Washita Co. for horse stealing. He was taken to Sayre Tues. and turned over to the officers of Washita Co. who took him to Cordell where he will stand trial for grand larceny. Last Sat. an automobile loaded with railroad official and English capitalists paid a short visit to Cheyenne. The object of the trip was to view the proposed route for the Oklahoma, Pacific Railroad. The Okalhoma Pacific Railroad Co. entered into a contract with the Cheyenne Commercial Club this summer to have this road built and in operation by May 1, 1912. Every few days there is a runaway team on our streets caused from carelessness of the one driving the team and those who throw loose paper on our streets. We have an ordinance against teams being left too close to vehicles on the streets. There are small children on our streets almost every hour of the day, which is very much of endanger of being run over by a runaway team. The US Land Office at Lawton has been discontinued and consolidated with the land office at Guthrie.
William H . Jencks of Grimes will start his sorghum work this week. Dr. V.V. Grant of Roll was a visitor in our city on Wed. last. Co. Atty. S. Grim and Mrs. Grim are State Fair visitors this week. Lee M. Dudney and Mr. Winn of RedMoon were here Fri. transacting business in regard to some purchases of some school land. A.S. McKinney has a carload of fine western mares that he will sell. Miss Lucille McKinney, who is teaching at Elk City this fall, visited with home folks and friends over Sunday. Grandma Fuller of Alabama has returned to her farm six miles south of Cheyenne after an absence of two years. Henry Tracy has been employed to teach the RedTop School this fall and winter. G.M. Garrett and his son in law, Charles Shufeldt of RedMoon were in town Mon. doing legal business at the Comm. Office. Herring & Young announces their gin is now repaired and in good condition and ready for your cotton. Charles D. Peck, who is with the C&OW surveying corps and surveying a line from Butler to Cheyenne, left last Tuesday for Arapaho where he has a number of cases in court. Dr. H .C. Laird, well known here, and who has a farm near town, was here for a short time Mon. Col. A.X. Grace informs us that he sold two cows with their calves last Thur. at the public sale of J.Q. Davis for $150 with other things being in proportion. M.J. Ivey, pastor, says he will preach at Square Top the second Sunday in October at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. J.Q. Davis of Roll was in the city Wed. transacting business. Judge D.G. Moore was among the State Fair visitors from Cheyenne last week as well as Co. Clerk John H. Osborn and Miss Pearl Scott. W.E. Brooks and W.A. Dennison of Roll were business visitors here last Wed.. Rufus J. Cunningham made final proof on his homestead last week. R. Jeffcoat was in the city last week. Mrs. W. H. Anderson who lives near Hamburg, was shopping in the city the latter part of the week. J.M. Evans left last night for Oklahoma City on business and will also see the sighes at the State Fair. B.D. Cooksey, one of our popular druggist is at the State Fair. Newton and Gibson Thompson of Roll were in town Sat. trading with our merchants. Mr. and Mrs. P.H. Bowman left Wed. for OKC where they will take in the State Fair. Born on Sun. last to Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Wells a baby girl, Dr. Gregoire attending.
Presbyterians will hold services at the ME Church Sun. Oct 8 at Cheyenne. J.A. Ragan, prop. of the Ragan Dry Goods Store at this place, was over from Sayre the first part of the week, looking after his interest here. Otto Mangold of Durham made final proof on his fine farm. Cleave Hughes and John A. Keller were his witnesses.
DURHAM ITEMS:Miss Helen Heagy, our teacher is boarding with H.C. Ames and family.Our school opened this morning Oct. 2 with thirty-eight pupils in attendance. George Keller is visiting his brothers, J.A. and A.F. west of here. Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Hughes have moved up to the John Noland ranch in Texas. George Hughes, who has been confined to his bed with typhoid fever, is out again. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cain, west of here, died last Sunday in Canadian, Texas where his parents had taken him for medical aid. Mrs. Augusta Corson Metcalfe sent eight paintings to Cheyenne to the Co. Fair and from there to the State Fair at Oklahoma City. The Misses Mary and Maydell Trammell have resumed their studies at Mt. Carmel Academy in Wichita, Kansas.
Cheyenne Star, Oct. 12, 1911
Last Sat. night at the hour of twelve, Charley Blackburn and Miss Nannie Taylor were united in marriage at the home of the bride in Cheyenne. Rev H.O. White performed ceremony. The groom is assistant Cashier of the Cotton Exchange Bank and the bride is one of Cheyenne’s most highly respected young ladies. The young couple will make Cheyenne their future home. Platonic Club held their meeting Thursday afternoon, Oct. 5 at the home of Mrs. Baird. Members present were Mrs. Jurgens, Mrs. S.A. Wallace, Mrs. Clyde Young, who spoke of the “Blue Back Speller” and “Bible”, the only textbooks used by her father, Dick Cann in his school days, Mrs. Fields, Mrs. Falconer and Miss Verna Young.
Mrs. H.C. Laird and little daughter, Mignon who have been visiting in St. Louis for the past two weeks will return to Hammon in a few days and on her arrival, Dr., Mrs. Laird and little daughter, Mignon, and two or three others of Dr. Laird’s troup will come to Cheyenne and put on a few entertainments. Last night Rev. H.O. White, the pastor of the Baptist Church entertained the people of Cheyenne by giving an ice cream social. Nearly every home in town was represented at this Rev. White’s anniversary celebration. The question has been agitated in our town of the necessity of a band and as a result the businessmen of our town have made a very liberal donation toward financing the proposition and the ones who will take part in the band have all agreed to give $5 each. This will make a good big payment on good instruments and the boys have the assurance that if they will work, the businessmen will take care of the future payments. A good band is one of the essential things of a live town. Cheyenne trots in that class! Reports from farmers all over the state are to the effect that crops were damaged by a frost that fell Sunday night.
Last week the Sweetwater Breeze made its reappearance to our exchange table with U.A. Albin as the editor. The Breeze was discontinued about a year ago owing largely to the fact that there was not enough business to justify the continuance of the publication. DURHAM ITEMS: We are entertaining Jack Frost these days, or rather nights. He came uninvited and many are not prepared for him. Jacob Calder has gone to Ohio to spend the winter. Messrs Charlie Klenk and Samuel Henderson went to Elk City last week on a business trip. J.A. McCord is confined to the house with bone erysipelas in his right hip. J.F. Cowardin is building a concrete grainary. Dan Cupid has made another winning – Miss Maud Kent has changed her name to Mrs. Louis Crawford. Grover Jobe, one of our energetic young men, left Sun. for Cheyenne where he will enter school. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Smith announced the birth of a daughter, September 28. Mrs. Smith was formerly Miss Vida Viola Adams. S.A. Phenis, who lives just over the line in Texas, is going to have a sale the 12th and after disposing of most of his property, he and family will move to Weatherford put children in school. A party of young people enjoyed a little dance Sat. evening at the home of C.L. Scott. Last Sunday D.T. Thomas and wife celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary at their home near Durham.
W.H. Mouser was a State Fair visitor last week. Mrs. F.G. Brann is visiting this week in Geary. Mrs. H.B. Brown visited with friends in Elk City. Mrs. Annie Rickey and Mrs. J.F. Johnson made business trip to Sayre. Atty. D.W. Tracy and N.B. Utt of Elk City were here Tuesday attending to some court matters. Mrs. C.W. Tedrowe visited several days in the city last week, returning to Elk City. Miss Lucille McKinney, who is employed in the Elk City Graded Schools, came here to spend Sun. with home folks. T.L. Miller, head dry goods man at Herring & Young Dept. Store, made a business trip to Elk City Wed. J.A. Ragan Dry Goods Store is among those with new advertisements. Will P. Keen returned from Little Rock, Arkansas, on his way he stopped at the State Fair in OKC. W.T. Bonner was a State Fair visitor. H.E. Rupp of Grimes, who fell under a wagon load of broom-corn last week and very badly injured, is up and around. Mrs. Nemsgern of Berlin, who was caught between a sorghum mill sweep and a post and very badly hurt last week, is able to be up and around again. W.C. Winford State Central committeeman of our county attended the State Central committee at OKC. Dr. A.B.C. Davis of Durham passed through the city in route to OKC where he will attend a meeting of the Medical Board. B.D. Cooksey, returned after few days visit at the Capitol, where he was attending to business matters and incidentally taking in the sights at the Fair. Y.J. Guthery who lives northeast of town and who is a jolly good fellow was in this city with his wife. Lost on the Cheyenne to Sayre road, a red bill book containing $110 in bills. Finder will please return same to the undersigned and receive a very liberal reward. J.A. Parrish, Cheyenne. Little Vesta Cauble is suffering from a painful wound in her foot, having run a nail in it a few days ago, blood poisoning is feared. Herring & Young announced that their gin is now repaired and in good condition and ready to take your cotton. W.A. Beaty returned from Texas where he has been attending to his interests. William H. Jencks was in our city Tues. with some of “Our Pride Sorghum”, which he made on his farm near Grimes. Carl B. Scott of Crawford made final proof on his homestead before W.P. Madden, Clerk of the District Court. W.D. Kendall will sell 40 head of premium Jersey milk Cows at public auction Oct. 28.
Cheyenne Star, Oct. 19, 1911
Dave Koontz has been sentenced to 50 years in McAlester. He was convicted with Charley Koontz and W.F. Graham in robbing the Crawford Cotton Exchange Bank on November 19, 1910. Graham having confessed to committing the robbery with Charley Koontz is also serving 40 years. Last week 21 of L.W. Pate’s friends surprised him by gathering at his home to celebrate his 54th anniversary. The following are those who were present: Mr. and Mrs. J.L.M. Curry, Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. S.H. Rimby, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Rimby, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Burlingame, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Flynn, Mr. and Mrs. R.N. Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. S.H. James, Misses Sallie Taylor, Mattie Evans, Myrtle Rimby, Messrs J.M. Evans, J.J. Moore and Charles P. McClain.
Judge Tracy is on the bench holding court. Last Mon. the fire alarm was given by the gin and a large number of volunteers turned out to fight the blaze, but before very many could reach the scene, the fire had been extinguished. The lint in the gin stands was set on fire from some cause and carried to the pipes where it was confined. Platonic Club met at the home of Mrs. Dr. Bell, and those on the program were Mrs. Jackson, Miss Verna Young, Mrs. Falconer and Mrs. Harry Brown. DURHAM ITEMS: David Hale who lives north of here is recovering from a siege of typhoid. Miss Jettie McCord who has been in Canadian for the past three months, is home again. Omer Thurston is very low with typhoid fever. George Foster is making regular trips from this place to Canadian taking wheat, broomcorn, or anything the farmers wish to hire hauled and return with coal and goods for the stores. John Keller is building an addition to his residence. Charley Klenk has purchased the W.M. Arthur farm which joins his claim. Horses are beginning to die early this fall. Mrs. Boggs and C.A. Perry both lost one this week. Walter Cloud carrier on route number one is off on his vacation. Mrs. W.R. Potter is in charge during his absence.
Alex Crawford of Wilcox township is attending court at Cheyenne as was Alan G. Carver. E.F. Sanders of Roll was in Cheyenne attending to business. W.C. Tomlinson of Durham is among those from that place attending court. Judge A.A. Brown of Hammon is here this week. Mrs. A.S. McKinney left for two week visit in Texas. J.J. Moore is having extensive improvements made about his home in the east part of town. J.W. McMurtry editor of Hammon News was here as well as E.G. Commons, cashier of the Hammon State Bank. James Atwood of the Grimes area was in town. Miss Lee of OKC, a sister of our townsman, W.H. Lee, arrived Wed to accept a position as teacher of the 7th grade in our public schools. She will take the place of Mrs. Rex Curry who has resigned because of illness. Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Ragan and daughters Lena and Beulah spent Sun. in Cheyenne visiting friends and looking after the store here. Fred Blann has purchased the Cheyenne Livery Barn of P.H. Bowman and will continue the business in the usual manner. The teachers’ regular examination will be held Oct. 26-27 in Cheyenne. W.A. Bonine of Grimes was here also R.R. Fox of Grow. Dr. Laird brought company and entertained along with 7 year old daughter, Mignon.
Cheyenne Star, Oct. 26, 1911
Those on the program for the Co. Teachers’ Assoc. for Oct 28 are: J.B. Tracy. W.A. Adams, J.B. Austin, Mrs. Libby, FA Beavin, Tom Joyner, Miss Ethel Douglas and G.D. Moss. Platonic Club met and entertained by Mrs. Harry Brown. Others there were Mrs. Glenn Lovett, Mrs. Cooksey, Mrs. Gregoire, Mrs. Thornton, Miss Martha Bonner.
M.J. Ivy will preach his last sermon at Cheyenne on Oct. 29. Will preach at Square Top also. The instruments of the Cheyenne Band have arrived and the boys are enthusiastic. They will be making good music by spring if they keep working. The teachers’ meeting was held at Sedalia on Oct 21. Among present were Miss Sprowls, Mrs. Bryant, Miss Lacey, John Burge and A.T. Burge and wife. Next meeting will be held at Custer Bend.
ROSEHILL ITEMS: The National Christian Volunteer Meeting which has been held at Rosehill School house for the past two weeks, closed Sunday. Col. C.O. Stinnett conducted the meeting and 14 souls found rest in the Savior’s love. Sun. a crowd of 3-400 people gathered at the water’s edge to comply with the rites of baptism. Seventy of the number went to Bro. Creason’s for a fine dinner. Henry Miller and Horace Cobb have bought a partnership kafir corn binder. Several from Grimes, Emerson, Needmore, Edenview and Pleasant Valley attending the services held at Rosehill.
DURHAM NEWS: C.L Holstine is building flues in W.T. Bradley’s new home. James Price is building an addition to A.F. Keller’s home. George Foster sold a fine bunch of pigs to W.C. Barber Saturday. R.W. Christian sold a fine cow and calf to Elzia Bernard this week. Ice froze on water tanks Saturday night. Charles H. Baker has been appointed administrator of his father’s estate. John Baker was thrown from a buggy Wed. and his left ankle sprained. E. Barnard killed two fat hogs Wednesday and disposed of all the meat before dark. Mrs. Daisy Hood and her young son are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Goode. Dr. A.B.C.Davis has returned from OKC. W.C. Barber, Charley Christian and W.B. Nettles took broomcorn to town Mon. for F.G. Jobe.
John Ross has completed a brick flue in W.C. Barber’s residence. W.C. says he is going to complete his house this fall. Charley Klenk was around Thurs. with a large beef and disposed of it before noon. Walter Cloud, carrier on route 1, has had Dr. Davis paint the name and number on all the boxes. Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Garver announce the birth of daughter on Wed. the 18th. F.G. Jobe’s farm sale Friday had a large turnout in spite of the disagreeable weather. Mr. and Mrs. Kiefer who live southwest of here buried a little daughter last Mon. D.B. Page is teaching at Melrose District this year. Quite a number of the children in this and neighboring schools are not yet attending on account of their services being needed in the cotton fields. W.L. Lyon from Texas was in this are this week buying up cattle. He gathered up a nice sized bunch and Burt Fay helped Mr. Lyon drive the cattle over the line into Texas. Mark Bledsoe has a patch of 20 acres of cotton that is turning out ½ bale to the acre. Signed I NO U NO.
CHEYENNE NEWS: C.M. Cole of Crawford has been at court. Dave Banner of Roll made final proof on his homestead. Frank Hobart of Hamburg was in the city. W.K. Nail who lives west of Crawford was here. Henry Hutchens made final proof. J.E. McKinney of Roll has been doing jury service. J.J. Moore has made some extensive improvement on his premises on east side of town. F.G. Brann is manager of White Lumber Co. Abe Cozart made final proof on farm north of Durham. D.S Coon, a progressive farmer of Redmoon vicinity, was transacting business at Co. seat Tuesday. J.M. Bonner, Dow Mills, Misses Erma Wallace and Mary Ella McGilvery made a business trip to Hammon last Sunday. J.J. Wilson, one of the old timers of Roger Mills Co., who lives near Hamburg, was trading in Cheyenne on Tuesday. Miss Josie V. Thomas of Durham made final proof last Tuesday. Fred Gantz of the Antelope Hills area was one of her witnesses. The stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.V. Guernsey with a young lady. It weighed 8 pounds. Among those who attended the 101 Wild Ranch Show were Mr. and Mrs. P.H. Bowman, R.M. Turner, Oscar Casady and Walker Huff. E. W. Franklin of Grimes was business visitor here. Charles P. McClain left Tues. for Colorado where he will spend the winter. Charley has been in poor health for a long time and it is hoped that the change will be beneficial to him. Attys. Perry Madden and Will Keen left for Mangum to attend court matters. We are sorry to chronicle the death of the little six year old son of Abe Westbrook, who lives four miles east of town. The little fellow had been sick for a long time with typhoid fever. Remains to be interred in the Cheyenne Cemetery this afternoon. Denny Cawley of the firm Denny Cawley and Company of Hammon was here Tues. to secure a building to put in a stock of gents furnishings.
Cheyenne Star, Nov. 2, 1911
C&OW Railroad will soon begin building from Butler to Cheyenne and then to Canadian. A contract has been let for the setting of the grade stakes between Butler and Cheyenne. It is claimed that this is a Santa Fe proposition and this road will be built to Canadian, Texas via Butler, Cheyenne and Hammon. They have run several surveys to this place and have at last found the best route obtainable. The railroad will have connections with the outside world north and south via the WF&NW at Hammon and also with the west at Canadian. The Co. Teachers met here last Sat. and was well attended. Mrs. H.O. Hass has passed away from a long bout of typhoid fever. She leaves a husband and one son. A double wedding was held last Monday at the Galloway Hotel. William Barbee and Mrs. Hattie Long and Charley Robey and Miss Sallie Crook, all of the Hamburg vicinity. Rev. M.J. Ivey, pastor of the Methodist Church solemnized the occasion.
DURHAM ITEMS: M.L. Bryson has completed a new barn, 28×34 for J.E. Saunders. Mrs. Storms over the Texas line, while nursing Johnnie Ross, contracted the disease, typhoid and is seriously ill at her home. Johnnie is up and attending school. There was a dance in J.E. Saunders’ new barn last Sat. Have you seen the comet? There will be a pie supper at the town hall in the near future for the benefit of the Methodist Church. L. M. Bryson is building a house for Samuel Alexander. C.L. Scott has purchased the William W. Crawford place southeast of here in consideration of $3000. Mr. Crawford as soon as he can dispose of his crops, will return to Arkansas from which place he came two years ago. Mrs. Crawford’s health has been very poor since she came here. Mr. Cole installed a telephone in J.A. McCord’s home Wed. John Foster is working for J.A. McCord this month. Will Nettles went to town Sun. on a load of broomcorn, took cold and is now in bed. The civil suit Vaughn vs. Gantz which was called in Judge Carver’s court Wed. was compromised. Mr. Gantz paying the costs. A Mr. White who lives east of here was fined $25 and costs by A.G. Carver, our Justice of the Peace, Wed. for making a “gunplay” in a dispute with a neighbor about rent. Our stores are paying .20 per doz for eggs, .15-.25 for butter. Grain is scarce and high. I NO U NO
Louis Harris of Roll was here Mon. Miss Lucille McKinney, one of Elk City’s popular teachers, spent Sun. with home folks. Willie Keen returned Fri. from Mangum where he had been attending to legal matters in the District Court. Perry Madden has returned from District Court at Mangum. R.B. Welty of Roll was here Mon. Mrs. A.S. McKinney returned Wed. from Terrill, Texas where she has been at the bedside of her mother who died last Friday. Col. C.Y. Libby of the firm Funston and Libby, auctioneers of Rankin, was a business visitor here Wed. Mrs. C.A. Jencks of Grimes received a week’s visit by her sister and family of Rankin, Illinois. Newt Thompson of Roll was trading with our merchants on Mon. Atty. A.A. Brown of Hammon was attending to legal matters. Last Tues. Fred Tunnard purchased from Walker Huff the building occupied by the Star Meat Market. A.C. Bradshaw, editor of the Leedey Times was in town Tues attending to business. Prof. G.D. Moss, principal of Hammon Public Schools was here attending the Teachers’ Meeting. L.W. Pate will erect an addition to his already large hardware just as soon as the weather will permit. It will be a building, when completed, 30×60 feet with 16 feet walls, together with several ware rooms. Miss Ora Black, one of the teachers f the Hammon Schools and former teacher of graded schools here was among those teachers who attended meeting last week. Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Madden and E.L. Mitchell returned from Dallas where they visited and saw the sites. Leon Young return from Texas where he has been delivering cattle to Frank Trammell., The first snow storm came in Wed. afternoon and is still falling. This is the earliest snow that this country has experienced in several years. The Halloween Party was given last Tues. at Mrs. Isabelle Fields’ home in the east part of the city, to the youngsters of the town. Miss McGee, a sister of E.C. Winford, who has been teaching in our public schools resigned her position last Mon. M.A. Clark, a Socialist lecturer will address the people of Cheyenne at 7:30 p.m. on the 6th day of November.
Cheyenne Star, Nov. 9, 1911
T.L. Finch, one of our county’s progressive and energetic farmers who lives on the NW ¼ of Sec 12-12-25 about 12 miles southwest of Cheyenne, has kept an accurate account of the cost of raising and marketing of broomcorn raised on 11 acres of his land. His records show that he has cleared $340.85 off the tract or $30.99 per acre and he still has left the broomcorn seed and the fodder grown on this land. Fourteen members of the Platonic Club waded through the snow on Tuesday to the home of Mrs. W.T. Bonner and enjoyed an afternoon study and fun. Mrs. Lovett conducted the lesson, Mrs. Jackson presented a review of a play to be given locally. Mrs. Falconer and Mrs. Dr. Wallace sang several Scottish aires, accompanied by Mrs. Lovett. There was a short bobbing for apples. Mrs. Fields won the prize for she came up out of the water with a generous bite. Pumpkin pie and coffee were served.
Mr. Mart Nichols and Miss Emma Jones were united at the home of the bride’s parents on Sun. Oct. 29. Allen G. Carver officiating. The young couple will live on Mart’s farm north of Durham. Miss Emma is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Jones, pioneer settlers of this country. R.F. Graham returned states’ evidence against his pals following the Crawford Bank robbery and has made application for transfer from the McAlester pen feeling he is in danger from the men against whom he testified. Graham turned states’ evidence against Bob, Pete, Walter & Gus Howard, John Kirk and David Koontz. Graham was convicted and sentenced to 40 years in the pen where the other men are confined.
DURHAM ITEMS: Mrs. J. Allen McClure is ill again. Will Price sold a load of oats to W.C. Barber last week. George Hughes took seven wagon loads of hogs to Canadian, Walter Cloud and family left for their future home in Kentucky. Bob Christian and Archie McCord took two loads of oats to Canadian Monday. F.G. Jobe sold 23 hogs and 200 bushels of corn to W.C. Barber. Thomas Gillespie sold a tract of 87.5 acres of land near Hamburg to his brother, Daniel Gillespie. J.E. Saunders has sold his farm southwest of here to W.C. Richardson of Hemphill Co in consideration of $4500. Charley Christian and Bob Pullum have rented Jess Hartshorne’s farm and going to keep bachelor’s hall next year. Mr. Burgess of KY who is to be the rural carrier on route one has not arrived and C.A. Perry is traveling the route these days. Mr. and Mrs. J.O. Moon are the proud parents of a daughter who arrived with the snowstorm Thursday night. Messrs Rhodes and Earle, merchants at Crawford have traded their business at that place to James Redden for a farm near Elk City. George Lewis is making quite a few improvements on his place this fall. Thirty acres of fencing, a cow shed, new hennery, and a room and porch added to the house. George is a hustler and has a good helpmate. Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Keller entertained a party of young people in their new home Halloween night. Dr. Huff amputated a forefinger of J.A. McCord’s right hand last Tues. Mr. McCord got a sandbur in his hand some 3-4 months ago, which caused bone erysipelas and necessitated the loss of a finger to save the hand. Halloween night, some “joker” got busy around this town and nearly turned it upside down. They turned Mr. Carver’s hogs out of the pen; upset a load of corn by turning the wagon over; put a buggy on top of the pool hall; and in various other ways had a good time. Boys will be boys and sometimes they never grow to be men.
Dr. Davis and his daughters, Miss Winnie and Jessie, entertained at their home east of here on Halloween evening. I NO U NO
CHEYENNE: Dr. Evans has had a glass front put in his drugs store on Broadway. Co. Supt T.C. Moore is visiting schools in the north part of the county. Uncle Jim Evans is attending District Court at Arapaho this week. John Salyer (Cheyenne City Marshal) and daughter, Pearl, are doing witness service at Arapaho this week. Uncle Jerry Huffine and C.H. Hadsell of Crawford were here. E.N. McGlothlin of Hamburg was transacting business in town on Thursday. The old awning in front of Ed Taylor’s confectionary has been torn down and a new one erected. A.S. McKinney left this morning for the railroad with a load of hogs which he will ship to market. S.Jackson, cashier of the Cheyenne State Bank is attending District Court at Arapaho this week. Judge A.A. Brown is tending to legal matters last week. Tom Shaw, a pioneer citizen of Hamburg area was here Tues. transacting business with our merchants. William S. Swearinger of Hammon made final proof Tuesday. Dr. Bell, Mesdames J.L. M. Curry and Volina Miller left Wed. for Mangum where they will attend Methodist Conference. Johnny Hall who had been employed by the Gerlach Mercantile of Canadian was here. Mesdames S. Jackson, Clyde Young and Glenn Lovett left Tues. for Chickasha where they are attending a meeting of the State Federation of Women’s Clubs. A.J. Woods, one of Rankin’s substantial citizens, was attending to matters in Cheyenne on Mon. Sam Bowman was served with a subpoena by telephone Tues. to appear in District Court at Arapaho and give testimony on behalf of the state in a certain cow stealing case. Rev. James J.Hoffman, pastor of the Presbyterian Church here, will hold regular services at the ME Church Sunday, Nov. 12. R. M. Turner has purchased the Cheyenne Livery Barn and two lots from Walker Huff. He is contemplating the erection of a concrete building, two stories high on the lots, the second floor to be used for office rooms.
ROSE HILL ITEMS: About 50 friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Miller Sun, Nov 5 at 8:00 to witness the marriage of their youngest daughter, Esther to Horace L. Cobb. The meeting at Edenview was a great success with quite a number making the start to live a new life. If weather permits, baptism will be administered next Mrs. Young’s 1 mile west and 1.5 miles south of Berlin. Miss Sarah Creason has had charge of the song services at Edenview. Earl Smith of Doxey visited friends and relatives. Drew Younker is staying in the Ott Davis house till the Ford Merkin place is vacated by the Ed Ralph family who will move to the Erick Smith Place near Doxey. A Halloween party was given at the Ed Perry home, Lucille Mabb being hostess.
SQUARE TOP NEWS: School started Mon. with Wayne Cook as teacher. A.E. Whittom of Carpenter is visiting a few days. Berdie Watson and Family spent Sunday with Ed Casady. J.E. Barker made a trip to Doxey this week. Miss Della Vicks’ father and mother from Ohio are here to visit. Little Jay Maltby has been quite sick this week. Memory and Ora Calvert visited at R.B. Jones Monday. Quite a number of Square Top people attended sale at Mr. Cramer’s. T.M. Malones were host to Halloween party.
Cheyenne Star, Nov. 16, 1911
Several large and substantial buildings are contemplated being built in Cheyenne in the near future, but those who are figuring on erecting these buildings, seem to be holding back to see what all this railroad talk amounts to. Mrs. B.D. Cooksey entertained Platonic Club last Thurs. pm. Among the members present were Mrs. R.A. Mitchell, Mrs. McKinney, Mrs. Harry Brown, Mrs. Bonner and Mrs. Fields who all had parts on the program. Miss Hallie Elaine Gasaway, a reader of excellent ability presented the story of the “Little Minister” by J.M. Barrie, last Sat. night at the school house. The next lyceum will feature Homer T. Wilson who will give a lecture on Dec. 11 at the School House. On Wed. last at the Southern Hotel in Cheyenne, W.B. Hibler and Miss Maud Myrtle Moad were united in marriage. J.R. Casady officiating. Witnesseth by Joe Moad, Jr. Hiblers will live at Hammon. Mr. Hibler is employed as a tinner by Truax and Hopkin Hardware Co. Miss Moad is the daughter of J.A., proprietor of the Moad Telephone Co at Hammon. Herring & Young announces their gin is now repaired and will be running regular. R.F. Graham who was sentenced to the penitentiary from this place to serve 40 years for robbery of the Crawford Bank last Nov. has been transferred to the Granite Reformatory. Graham together with the Co. Atty of Washita Co, petitioned the Governor alleging in the petition that Graham’s life was in danger as a number of other prisoners who Graham had testified against were liable to kill him. E.W. Franklin of Grimes was in the city last Sat. attending to business before he leaves for Canon City, Colo., where he will make his future home. He had a public sale a short time ago and sold everything except a team of horses, which he will drive through to Colorado.
DURHAM ITEMS: After the stormy period this community turned out “enmasse” and went to Canadian with oats, corn, broomcorn, cotton and hogs. There had been no hauling done for nearly two weeks. John Keller’s house is nearing completion. W.B. Powell is entertaining his father from Missouri. Mr. Burgess is the new carrier on route number one. Mr. Klenk has rented the south 80 acres of his farm to Samuel Henkerson for next season. George Lewis and Albert Coffman took broomcorn to Elk City last week for Mr. Crawford and returned with loads of groceries for W.C. Barber. W.W. Crawford and family left Sat. for their future home in Arkansas. Their sale last Thurs. was well attended and everything sold well. Albert Coffman took them to the railroad at Elk City. There was a dance at J.E. Saunders new barn last Sat. night. W.C. Barber stepped on a rusty nail last Sat. so he is now on the slightly injured list. Frank King is planning an addition to his residence. Mr. and Mrs. John Keller will entertain with a dance in their new home next Fri. night. W.C. Tomlinson sold a load of oats to W.C. Barber. George Morgan and Will Landon took oats to Canadian Tues. for W.C. Tomlinson, returning they brought loads of merchandise for Barber’s Store. Mrs. Alice Bryant and Allen Duke returned Tues. with goods for Bull’s Store. INOUNO Vera Johnson has been sick during this week with tonsillitis. Oscar Scott of Hammon was here Sat. as was P.G. Perkins. Effie Applegate made final proof on her homestead near Roll last Tues. William Barbee of Hamburg made final proof on Tues. G.W. Foster and Charles Wagoner of Hammon were here Sat. I.M. Howard, manager of the Scott & Scott Farm Loan Co. at this place made a business trip to the north part of the co. the latter part of the week. F.M. Bates of Carpenter was a business visitor here Sat. Mrs. L.A. Blazier of Rankin was here Wed. and left an order for sale bills. She will hold her sale on Fri. Dec. 1. A.X. Grace will cry the sale. Frank Thacker of Weatherford and Miss Grace Blackburn of Sayre are the new teachers in Cheyenne. Steve Tucker who has been living in Texas for several years, a former resident of this place, returned to Cheyenne the latter part of the week together with his little girls. Steve will probably make this his home in the near future. The Star Office printed sale bills for N.A. Pounds who lives 3 m. west and 2 ½ south of Rankin. His sale will be held Wed. Nov. 22. The English Kitchen Café is now under new management. Allie Gregory having sold his interest to C.G. Butts who will continue to conduct a first class café. Roscoe Anderson was in Cheyenne last Sat. and left an order with us for sale bills. He will hold his sale on Mon. Nov. 27. There will be a large stock of implements and good stuff. Linley and Gause want all the turkeys in Roger Mills Co. They will pay the highest market price. Fred Gantz of the Antelope Hills vicinity was a visitor here Sat. While in town he had us print bills advertising a big sale at his place 2 m. e. and 2 m. n. of Durham on Nov. 29. Rev. E.A. Townsend will be the new Methodist pastor of this place. Roscoe Johnson of Butler was in town Sun and Mon. He is of the opinion that the C.& O W Railroad will begin grading west from that place before the end of the year.
Cheyenne Star, Nov. 23, 1911
The Platonic Club observed Statehood Day in a program at Mrs. Fields’ home last Thurs. afternoon. Others who appeared on the program were Mrs. Thornton, Mrs. Jurgens, Mrs. Falconer, Mrs. Lovett, Miss Carey Fields, Mrs. Turner. The Philharmonic Club will stage “The Man from Nevada” on Fri. night, Dec. 1 in the auditorium at Cheyenne High School. Square Top will hold a literary every Sat. night. They will have a box supper Nov. 25. Proceeds will go to the Christmas Tree. Millers Brothers Show will be in Cheyenne all next week under canvas. Last Sun. Earl Meadow, his little sister and Ralph Coon were playing in a cave they had made in a bank near the home of D.S. Coon who lives near RedMoon, when the bank caved in. The two boys were caught by the dirt while the little girl in trying to get out, was only caught by her feet. Her screams attracted the attention of Hastin Seago and wife who were at the Coon Home and ran to the child’s assistance. By the time they reached the scene, the little girl had freed herself. She told Mr. Seago where the boys were entombed so he at once began digging, rescuing Ralph Coon first, who was still alive. He then set to work digging out the little Meadow boy. When he was found, he was standing up with his head thrown back and his neck broken. The funeral services were held at Cheyenne Cemetery last Mon. afternoon where the remains were interred. H.O. White conducted the service. Charles P. McClain has returned from Colorado where he has been the past two weeks for his health. He has some business interests here to attend to and then he will return to Englewood, Colorado where he will spend the winter. Last Sun. a party was organized to go out on Current Creek to pick some persimmons. The party consisted of Mrs. Huff, son Walker, Steve Tucker and children, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Sox Bowman, Mrs. and Mrs. Willie Huff, J.L. Anderson, I.M. Howard, S.A. Stauffer, and Si Thompson. The party was joined by Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hensley and children of Elk City. J.O. Eakin of Hammon was here Mon. Elmer Short has accepted position as meat cutter at the Star Meat Market. W.H. Lee one of Cheyenne’s popular druggist went to Sayre Tues. Sheriff Trammel and undersheriff Hunt were in Hammon on official business last week. Atty John C. Hendrix was attending legal business last week here. J.W. Crawford and John Rankin of Rankin were transacting business here Tues. Dr. Evans, proprietor of the City Drugs Store made a business trip to Sayre last week. H.D. Cox returned last week from New Mexico where he has been for a couple of weeks visiting his son, Don. Bert Dearing, proprietor of Everybody’s Dry Goods Store of Hammon visited Cheyenne Mon. Boots Fields returned to Cheyenne last Fri. from Canadian where he has been for several weeks buying broomcorn and cattle. E.A. McCaskill who lives 8 miles west and 3 m. n. of Cheyenne was in town and had us print his farm sale bills for Dec. 4. Dick Mitchell made trip to Oklahoma City this week. Joe Tunnard of Amarillo, Texas was here visiting his parents. S. Jackson, Dr. Gregoire, R.M. Turner and several others were in Sayre District Court Tues. Mr. and Mrs. D.G. Moore have gone to Gravett, Arkansas where they attended the funeral services of Mrs. Moore’s mother. Will Klendseick will have a sale at his farm 3 ½ m s. of Cheyenne and 1 ½ w. on Nov. 29.
DURHAM ITEMS: Mr. and Mrs. Conley of Chicago are visiting Mrs. Conley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Burton. The Misses Dolly Wilson and Izona Scott were business callers in our burg Tues. Mrs. Anna Dripp has resigned as the “Hello Girl” at North Central on the James Line and she and Mr. Dripp have moved back to the home place south of here. A prairie fire last Mon. destroyed between 35 and 85 tons of hay belonging to Alex Crawford and J.G. Bull northeast of here. Why aren’t people more cautious about fire? A large crowd attended the dance and oyster supper at John Keller’s last Fri. night. Arthur Bullard was calling on old neighbors here last Fri. Messers George Lewis, Pete Tro, and Allen Duke returned from Elk City this week with goods for both stores here. Mr. Funston of Rankin was in this area Fri. and Sat. demonstrating and placing cream separators. Vernal Penrod has taken Orville White’s place on the Hamburg-Gem City Star Route. Mrs. I.M. Frank entertained for her sister, Miss Anna Leach of Yale, in Payne Co. Oklahoma last Fri. evening. Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Grant are visiting in Guthrie. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Churchill left Mon. for extended stay in Arkansas. Bob Baxter went to Canadian Sun. for the material to complete W.C. Barber’s house. Dr. Huff has purchased an automobile and is very generous with it. Last Sun. he took Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Potter for a spin. Another dance Fri. night at Mr. Saunders’ barn. Lots of cotton still in the field, pickers scarce. INOUNO
Cheyenne Star, Nov. 30, 1911
Last Sun. Sheriff Trammell placed Newt Cantrell a 16 year old boy in jail on the charge of forgery. Cantrell has confessed and told how he and Ed Carpenter had successfully forged a number of small checks. Carpenter would make the checks payable to Cantrell and sign some citizen’s name to it that had money in the bank. Cantrell would go to the store and get the check cashed. Cantrell was arrested in Shamrock. Carpenter is still at large. Sheriff Trammell expects to apprehend him soon. Charley McCaskill was born Oct 10, 1900 and died Nov. 10, 1911. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed McCaskill. Henry Tracy who is teaching at Red Top, spent Sun with home folks.Bert Redden, one of Carpenter’s merchants was here first of week. J.T. and Grover Wilson and John Morris of Hamburg were trading in the city Sat. Miss Annye Birmingham of Canadian Texas is here visiting Mrs. Sam Bowman and other old friends. B. Gillespie of Hamburg was here Sat. J.C. Thornton, C.C. Day, J.M. Bonner and Dow Mills went to Elk City Sun. Misses Nene Alexander, Irma Wallace left last Thurs for Okla. City where they did some winter shopping, returning Sun. Cheyenne Star printed sale bills for J.S. Davidson advertising sale at his farm 2 m. s. and 1 m. w. of Durham on Tues. Dec. 12. Roscoe Anderson’s sale which was to be held last Mon. has been postponed to Dec. 2 owing to the extreme cold weather the first part of the week. Miss Tene Vessels who is teaching in the Dead Indian School spent Sat and Sun. visiting in Cheyenne. B.F. Bynum and family left Tues. for Crawford where they will spend Thanksgiving with old friends. Today is Thanksgiving Day and our businessmen will close their various places of business at 10:00 a.m. and stay closed for the remainder of the day. Mary Hlawacek of Hammon who is well known to citizens of Cheyenne, died Tues. Remains laid to rest in Hammon Cemetery Wed. Rev. Townsend is the new pastor of the ME Church at this place, formerly of Snyder. Preached his first sermon here on Sun.