J.M. Alexander, a farmer who was about 65  years of age, committed suicide by taking carbolic acid, at his home near Sweetwater last Tuesday, June 12, 1917 after returning from Erick where he had been on business.
Mr. Alexander, who was born in 1852,  bought the George Feiland farm last winter and planted a crop this spring. Everything seemed to go dead wrong for him–his crop was short and his financial affairs got into a tangle and he grew despondent after brooding over business matters and at last he decided to end his troubles. On his way home from town, he remarked that he only intended to use about six feet of that sand, but nothing was thought about the remark until he had taken the poison.  He lived about three hours after taking poison.
Mr. Alexander was well liked by his neighbors and no other cause can be attributed for his taking of his own life. He leaves a large family to mourn his death.
Cheyenne Star , June 14, 1917