Calvin Clayton Archer was born July 31, 1879 at Glendale, Missouri and departed this life May 7, 1964 at his home in Cheyenne, Oklahoma at the age of 84 years, nine months and one day.
He was converted at a Baptist Revival at Three Corners forty years ago.
He leaves to mourn his departure his wife, Olive Martha (Pike) Archer of the home address and ten children. They are Lawrence Archer, Sayre; Loyd Archer, Milwaukee, Oregon; Minnie Bonser, Arnett; Ruby Montgomery, Milwaukee, Oregon; Jewel Enyart, Alice, Texas; Nola Walker, Eugene Oregon; Marie Archer of Enid; Blane Archer, Weatherford, Lucille Martin, Portland, Oregon; and O.C. Archer of Moab, Utah; 33 grandchildren, 43 great grandchildren, one sister of Milwaukee, Oregon, Mrs. Henry Fisher and a host of friends.
Cheyenne Star, July 1964