From the column of Mrs. Klina Casady…
With the passing of Myrtle Brann, Cheyenne lost one of its truly great persons. Myrtle Brann’s greatness was not due to any one or more accomplishment for which she was renowned. Her greatest was greatness of character. Many years ago muscles and bones of her body became weakened from arthritis, a disease which crippled first one part of her body, then another and another until finally it became difficulty for her to move. Frail and disabled as she was, she continued to reside alone year after year until about four months ago when other complications made it necessary for her to be placed in a hospital. There she received treatment developed by the technology of modern medicine. Although this may have eased the pain somewhat as her life was prolonged, entire release from pain came only when her life succumbed to the inevitable that befalls all mankind–death.
Myrtle Brann was imbued with the faith that comes only to those fully immersed with the spirit of Christianity. For her there was always hope. Many friends, whose visits day after day, month after month, year after year, were as much a blessing to them as to her. Her words of wisdom, her rejoicing with friends in advancement in life, the ideals she held before youth, her cheering words of condolence to those in sorrow made her life an inspiration to her friends.
During her last illness when she was in an Oklahoma City hospital she asked her neighbor, and friend, Mrs. W.F. Pasby, to send copies of a favorite poem to some friends, saying that poem expressed her sentiments. I received one of those poems which I want to share with others.
I NEEDED THE QUIET — I needed the quiet so He drew me aside, Into the shadows where we could confide, Away from the bustle where all the day long, I hurried and worried when active and strong. I needed the quiet tho at first I rebelled, but gently, so gently, my cross He upheld; And whispered so sweetly of spiritual things; Tho weakened in body, my spirit took wings; To heights never dreamed of when active and gay; He loved me so greatly He drew me away.
I needed the quiet. No prison my bed; But a beautiful valley of blessings instead—A place to grow richer in Jesus to hide; I needed the quiet so He drew me aside.
Myrtle Brann 1888 – 1971
Cheyenne Star, August 12, 1971
BRANN, Myrtle
in Obituaries