BROWN, William Tyler Brown,
Jr. “Billie, Jr.”
Jr. “Billie, Jr.”
Billie Brown, Jr. was born
September 26, 1910 in Strong City, Oklahoma and died September 7, 1989 at the
age of 78. He was born and raised on a farm northwest
September 26, 1910 in Strong City, Oklahoma and died September 7, 1989 at the
age of 78. He was born and raised on a farm northwest
of Strong City where he
lived until his death. He was a member of the Farmers’ Union. His cattle and
operation of his ranch meant everything to him. He once
lived until his death. He was a member of the Farmers’ Union. His cattle and
operation of his ranch meant everything to him. He once
said that a vacation
was to sit on his porch and look out over his cattle and his ranch. He was
married to Leeda Weber, February 26, 1938 in Elk City, Oklahoma.
was to sit on his porch and look out over his cattle and his ranch. He was
married to Leeda Weber, February 26, 1938 in Elk City, Oklahoma.
Two children
born to this union were Chalmer Lee and Melba Angele Brown. Survivors include
his wife, Leeda of the home; one daughter, Melba Brown of Elk City;
born to this union were Chalmer Lee and Melba Angele Brown. Survivors include
his wife, Leeda of the home; one daughter, Melba Brown of Elk City;
one son,
Chalmer Brown and his wife, Ann of Cheyenne; two grandsons, Terrill and Bruce
both of Cheyenne; one brother, Lance Brown of Elk City.
Chalmer Brown and his wife, Ann of Cheyenne; two grandsons, Terrill and Bruce
both of Cheyenne; one brother, Lance Brown of Elk City.
Billie also leaves behind a
host of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were in the Martin Funeral Chapel,
September 9, 1989. Burial followed in the
host of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were in the Martin Funeral Chapel,
September 9, 1989. Burial followed in the
Strong City Cemetery.
The Cheyenne Star, September 1989