J.G. Bull, a pioneer citizen of this county, died at his home near Crawford, Monday night, July 13, 1915 of cancer. He had been a sufferer for several years, but very seldom complained. Mr. Bull, born February 18, 1866 was 48 years of age, and had lived in this county for fifteen years. He was one of the influential citizens of our county and had a very large acquaintance throughout the county. Jim Bull was honest in his convictions, and has always been an active and energetic man, giving liberally of his labor and means to build up the better institutions of our country. He always had a good word for his friends.
Besides a devoted wife and three children he leaves other relatives and a host of friends.
The burial services were held at the Dickason Cemetery (Silent Home Cemetery) near Roll, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma, the Odd Fellows Lodge officiating. The Sentinel extends sympathy to the relatives as a true friend of the deceased.
Roger Mills Sentinel, July 1915