It is with deep feeling of regret that we chronicle the death of J.R. Burch, the father of Mrs. S. Grim of this city. Mr. Burch was 80 years old at the time of his death and was recognized as being one of the most highly respected citizens of the vicinity of Angora.
He was a veteran Odd Fellow, having been a member for forty years, and had always been faithful to the principles taught by the order — Friendship, Love and Truth were the pure principles of his heart and the practice of his life.
The I.O.O.F. Lodge at Leedey performed the burial rite at the Angora Cemetery Monday afternoon.
Rev. Hearn of Leedey conducted the funeral services and paid beautiful tributes to the memory of Mr. Burch.
The editor of the Star extends sympathy to the bereaved.
Cheyenne Star, January 13, 1916