Thomas Compton, who has been a citizen of Roger Mills County for ten years, died Monday, May 6th at 4 a.m. He taught the Blue Ridge School the past term and finished the term only six days before his death. Drs. Huntington of Sweetwater and Doc Carey of Rankin waited on him during his illness but were unable to help him.
He was born at Virden, Ill, in Sagamore County, December 29, 1849 and died May 6, 1912 at his home 5 l/2 miles south and one east of Rankin. He was 62 years, 5 mo., and 6 days old at the time of his death.
At the age of twenty he moved to Nebraska where he met and married Mrs. Nancy Alloway, who died November 12, 1899. He left two brothers and two sisters to mourn his death. One sister, and two brothers live in Nebraska and the other sister lives in Michigan. He left also two nephews, Arthur Gaines and D.A. Compton, who reside near Rankin and two stepsons together with a host of friends to mourn the loss of one so dear to them.
He was converted and joined the Baptist Church when 11 years old, but afterwards joined the Free Methodist Church and still later joined the Protestant Methodist Church. He died an active Christian with his faith pinned to a living Christ. Rev. C.R. Vasey of Rankin, conducted the funeral services and preached from the text, “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.” (Rev. 14:14) The services were held at the home after which the body was laid in the Rankin Cemetery. One stepson, Mr. O.S. Alloway of Lucerne, Okla. and two nephews were all the relatives present at the funeral. The relatives wish to extend their thanks to every one for their kind assistance. His pleasant face will be missed.
Cheyenne Star, Cheyenne, OK 16MAY1912
in Obituaries