The five children were: Alfred Cowart born October 8, 1909 and died March 31, 1920; Elsie Cowart born July 28, 1912 and died March 31, 1920; Ora Cowart born January 2, 1915 and died March 31, 1920; Elmer Shirley Cowart born October 1, 1917 and died March 31, 1920; Mabel Cowart born November 20, 1919 and died March 31, 1920.
The parents of the five children are Elmer Jonathan Cowart (1882 1958) and Martha Elizabeth (Brown) “Lizzie” Cowart (7OCT1889 ? Sayre newspaper reported that she would recover but insane)

The Elk City Newspaper recorded the followed events.
Our citizens were shocked when the news was brought to town this morning, that Mrs. E.J. Cowart and five children, who have been living in a tent two miles southeast of here had been found with their throats cut. When the doctor arrived, the mother still showed signs of life and was rushed to the hospital but the doctors say there is little hope of recovery. Li
From all indications, Mrs. Cowart, who had never fully recovered from the flu, had committed the deed soon after the husband and father had left for his work at the Oil Mill as he had not reached town, when he learned of the tragedy.
When the news reached here, many from here rushed to the scene. It is reported that a little neighbor girl, who was driving the cows to the pasture, heard the screams in the tent and was the first to discover the tragedy. From all indications, the mother after cutting her own throat, had started out at the door and had fallen. The three younger children of four months, two and five years of age were on the bed and were apparently asleep when the deed was committed. The oldest child, a boy ten years old was lying on the floor by the bed and near him was a little girl of seven, the only one of the children who had dressed. A bloody butcher knife, razor and an ax were grim evidence of how the little ones had met their horrible death. In speaking of the tragedy, Mr. Cowart said that his wife had been despondent for the past few days, but there was nothing unusual in  her manner this morning, though she refused to eat any breakfast, after she had prepared it. At one time, he said, she had threatened the lives of her children and herself, but he had talked to her and she had seemed to feel differently about it.  He thinks that worry over the death of a little son and the recent death of a sister, also having to leave their home at Dill on account of crop failure, then ill health following the flu had probably caused her mental derangements.
The family moved here from Dill (became Dill City in 1944) two months ago and have been living in a tent near the home of her father, J.F. Brown. Just as we go to press, we learn of Mrs. Cowart’s death and that in a written statement before she died she acknowledged that she had killed her children and she did it “because she was crazy.” She also said that her husband has always been good and kind to her.
Bodies of the ( mother was actually taken to the hospital) children were brought  to Grubitz & Son Undertaking Parlor; where they were prepared for burial in the Elk City Fairlawn Cemetery
Elk City Newspaper, Beckham County, Oklahoma, March 31, 1920

Article from the Sayre Newspaper, Sayre, Beckham County, April 1, 1920
Elk City was the scene of considerable excitement yesterday morning, which as a matter of fact spread over the entire county during the day. Five little children, aged from four months to ten years, killed by their mother, who later attempted suicide, was the cause.
E.S. Cowart and family have been living in a tent on the river bank two miles southeast of Elk City. Cowart was employed at the oil mill in Elk City, and arose at an early hour yesterday morning, going to his work at the mill. About eight o’clock a little girl, a daughter of one of the farmers, driving a cow to pasture, heard groans coming from the tent and discovered the mother and five children with their throats cut.
The little girl ran home and gave the alarm, and an investigation was started at once by the neighbors. The five children were dead and the mother lay unconscious with her throat cut. Physicians were called, and the woman removed to the hospital at Elk City, where at noon she had recovered consciousness sufficient to admit that she was the author of this horrible crime. Physicians say that it is probable that the woman will recover.
That the woman is insane goes almost without saying, for few there be among us who could conceive of a mother in her right mind killing her own five little children.
Sheriff Francis, County Attorney Minton and Judge McComas, were notified and went to Elk City about ten o’clock yesterday forenoon. Careful investigation disclosed that the crime had been committed with a razor, butcher knife and pocket knife, while the skull of one of the children had also been crushed.
Article in the Kansas City Times, April 7, 1920
Elk City, Ok. – With their heads badly crushed and their throats cut, five small children of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cowart were found dead last week in a tent in which they had been making a temporary home, three miles south of here. The wife and mother lay beside the children with her throat badly slashed. An ax, razor and butcher knife, all bloodstained, were found in the tent.
Judy Tracy