Monday night, September 13, 1915, the home of Will Gantz, near the Antelope Hills north of Durham caught fire and was completely destroyed, burning to death R.N Higgins, who was making his home with his daughter, Mrs. Gantz.
Mr. Higgins, born about 1827, was formerly of Hudsonville, Ill., but had for the past five years made his home in the Durham area. He was 88 years old and was very feeble. Being very susceptible to cold, an oil stove was placed in his room, and during the night he had dragged the stove near the bed clothing, which caught on fire from the stove. The fire was discovered about one o’clock and had gained such headway, it was found impossible to save any thing in the house. After the building had collapsed the body of Mr. Higgins was found near where a window was located. He evidently had got out of bed and attempted to escape from the flames through the window, but on account of his feebleness, he was overcome and burned to death. The body was soon removed from the burning embers. It was burned beyond recognition and was laid to rest in the Fairview Cemetery on Tuesday.
The Cheyenne Star, September 23, 1915
in Obituaries