John William Law was born in Indiana, September 14, 1956 and died in Mineral Wells, Texas December 23, 1913. Age 57 years, 3 months and 10 days. In 1890 he was married to Miss Ruth Baker of Phelps, Missouri. To this union seven children were born. All of whom were with their parents except G.T. Law, who is at Fort Washington. In 1900 the family moved to their homestead near Rankin, where they resided until a short time before he accompanied by his son, Chas. A. Law, went to Mineral Wells, Texas where they went in hope of recovering his health. Before leaving his family he said that he was feeling better than he had felt for some time. But on Thursday, December 18, he suddenly became ill and a telegram was sent to his family. His wife and son, E.S. Law,arrived two days later only to find him unconscious and on the 23rd at twelve o’clock he passed away. Funeral services were held at the ME Church at Rankin, Okla on Saturday at 10 a.m. Interment was made at the Rankin Cemetetry. His family and manty friends and neighbors sincerely mourn his death.
Cheyenne Star, Cheyenne, OK 22JAN1914