Hugh Cary Marshall, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Marshall born at Rankin, Okla., June 2, 1913 died February 6, 1917 at the
age of one year, eight months and four days.
He was the youngest of thirteen children, ten of whom are living.
The little fellow started to follow his father down to the mail box, where he was haying the road and on being told to
go back, started to return. In a few minutes his mother and brother, who were in the house missed the baby and hurried out to look for him, only a few moments elapsed before his mother found his lifeless little body floating with the broken ice in the large cement watering tank.
Dr. Cary was immediately called and although he arrived in an incredibly short time, nothing could be done and the little body was laid to rest in the Rankin Cemetery Wednesday afternoon February 8, 1917.
Words of loving sympathy and comfort were spoken by Rev. Charles Hagemeirer of the ME church, while neighbors and friends tried in every way to show their sympathy in this sad hour to the heart broken father and mother, grandparents and children.
However, the greatest comfort of all comes from the lips of the risen Lord, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.”
Cheyenne Star, February 15, 1917