A.F. Pierce of Hammon, died at the home of his son, Bird Pierce, traveling salesman for C.B. & R, wholesale grocery company of Clinton, last Wednesday morning at the hour of 3 o’clock.
Mr. Pierce has been afflicted for a number of years with tuberculosis, but not until the last year had this dreaded malady caused him any great uneasiness. About a year ago it seemed to develop into a quick consumption and his days for this world seemed to be few as his sufferings became more intense. He gradually grew weaker and weaker until the death angel came to convey his spirit to that place prepared for the redeemed.
Mr. Pierce was born in Tennessee in 1855, where he spent his early life. He came to this city in 1903 and became an honored citizen. He made this his home until after his wife crossed the silent river in 1913. Since that time he has made his home with his, son, Bird Pierce at Hammon.
Mr. Pierce was a member of the Baptist Church at this place at the time of his death and had been for several years. Before he made his departure into the great beyond he expressed himself as being ready to meet his maker.
He became an Odd Fellow at this place in 1908 and has been a firm believer in the principles of the order ever since. This order conducted the closing ceremonies at the cemetery in a very impressive way. A large number of Odd Fellows from Hammon assisted in the ceremonies and appeared in the procession.
Funeral services were conducted at the Baptist Church in this city by Rev. J.M. Wileman, assisted by Rev. Depew, Methodist pastor at Hammon.
Many from Hammon were present at the services, both at the church and at the cemetery. We extend to the members our heartfelt sympathy and direct them to the Creator and Savior of man for hope and consolation.
Cheyenne Star, March 8, 1917