John T. McClure was born in Richlen County, Ohio, April 10, 1834 and died at the home of his son, Curtis McClure at the ripe old age of seventy nine. He was the oldest of a family of seven boys and one girl, four of whom are still living. Mrs. Sarah Porter, of Kiel, Okla, S.A. McClure of Pratt, Kan, W.P. McClure of Liberal, Kan, and J.W. McClure of Kingfisher, Okla at the age of seven years he moved with his parents to Jackson, Ill, where he grew to manhood and after ten years of prospecting in the mountains he settled in Butler County, Kan in 1870. He moved to Kingfisher, Okla in 1904 and in 1905 he moved to Durham, Day County, Okla. He was married to Miss Lucy McClean, August the 5th, 1876 and to them were born five children, four of whom have preceded him, leaving his widow and one son, Curtis McClure to mourn his loss. Services were conducted by Elder J.T. Holland at the son’s home. Words of consolation were spoken from Thess 4 chapater and 6 verses: “For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so then also them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him for this we say by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and reamin unto the coming of the Lord, shall not prevent them which are asleep, for the Lord himself, shall descend from heaven with a shout and with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first. (First that is before, the living saints are changed from corruption). Then we which are alive and remain, shall be caught up togethedr with them in the clouds, to meet tghe Lord in the air and so we shall ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. J.F. Holland
Cheyenne Star, Cheyenne, OK 26JUN1913
McClure, John T.
in Obituaries