Last Sunday, December 16, 1917, five or six small boys of this place went out for an all day hunt or outing.
They took with them some coffee and other things to eat and also a target to hunt with. They had spent the day
very pleasantly until about three o’clock when something went wrong with the gun. Little LaRoy Graves had the gun
and was attempting in his childish way, to fix it, when Arley Penrod, one of the party, walked in front of the gun just as
LaRoy pulled on the trigger—-the bullet took effect in the heart of Arley and death was instantaneous. All of the boys
except LaRoy came to town for a doctor, he alone stayed to render what ever assistance he could to his little playmate.
It was not long until he was convinced that Arley was dead and he then came to town broken hearted
over the fact that he had killed his playmate.
LaRoy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graves of Magdalena, New Mexico, who recently arrived in this city to visit.
Arley Penrod, born August 9, 1905, was the little to fear old son of Mrs. Penrod of our town.
This should prove a lesson to little boys as well as to parents. Guns, though they be of a small calibre are dangerous.
A twenty-two target will kill just as quickly as a high powered rifle, therefore should not be placed in the hands of children.
Rev. Dellinger of Arapahoe, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at this place conducted the funeral services at the
Methodist Church, Monday afternoon. The remains were laid to rest in the Cheyenne Cemetery.
Cheyenne Star, December 20, 1917