Died at his home near Strong City, November 20, 1917, George Marland “G.M.” Scott of heart disease.
At the time of his death he was 77 years of age; left a wife and seven children,
43 grand children and four great grandchildren. He was a Civil War Veteran.
Funeral services were conducted at the Strong City Baptist Church, Rev. J.M. Wileman of Cheyenne,
leading after which interment was had at the cemetery.
Deceased, commonly known as Grandfather Scott, had made his peace with God
some fifty years prior to his demise. His faithful life and earnest prayers won many to his Master
and there are many stars for his crown.
His last words were: “Death has lost its sting” and smiling calmly, he went to dwell with Him
who said: “I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also.”
Cheyenne Star, November 29, 1917