Joe Purdy was born in Jasper, Stubens county, New York, November 22, 1859. When still a small boy he moved to Iowa where he spent his youth. While still a very young man he moved to Ft. Worth, Texas, later to Ft. Reno, Oklahoma where he was employed by the goverment.
In 1892 he made the Run when the Cheyenne and Arapaho territory was opened to settlement. He filed on a claim one mile north of Strong City where he lived for 18 years. In 1898 he was married to Ollie Ann Painter and to this union were born twelve children. He is survived by his wife and nine children who are Mrs. C.W. McCowen of Butler, Roy Purdy of Ft. Worth, Texas; Mrs. Ned Foster of Perry, Randalph, Ralph, Glenn, Alice, Dorothy, Mae and Gail Purdy, all of Clinton.
He was a member of the First Baptist Church. Mr. Purdy was a kind and loving father, a true friend and a lover of children and was honored by all who knew him.
He passed away at his home in Clinton, Tuesday evening, December 16, 1930.
Funeral services were conducted from the Baptist church in Cheyenne last Thursday afternoon in the presence of a number of friends. Interment was then made in the cemetery of Cheyenne.
Joe P:urdy resided in the vicinity for a number of years and was highly esteemed by all. He was a man who stood by his friendss through thick andc thin. Joe Purdy was one of the outstanding citizens in the development of this county and his worth was recognized by all.
Cheyenne Star, Cheyenne, OK 25-Dec-1930
Purdy, Joe
in Obituaries