Funeral services for Erma Rainy will be conducted Tuesday, July 24, 2012 at 10 a.m. from the United Methodist Chuch of Elk City with Rev. Terry Koehn oficiating. Interment will be in the White Rose Cemetery near Reydon, Oklahoma under the direction of the Martin Funeral Home of Elk City. Visitation will be on Sunday and Monday at the Marti Fueral Home.
Erma Evelyn Rainey as born December 6, 1923 in Roger Mills County, OK to Lesster nd Myrle (Sanford) Miller and passed away Fridday, July 20, 2012 at the age of 88. She graduated from Rankin High School before her marriage to Floyd O. Rainey on November 16, 1945. They established their home in the Reydon area until 1959 when they moved to Elk City where she has lived since. Mr. Rainey preceded her in death on July 21, 2010. Mra. Rainey was a wife, mother, grandmother, homemaker and a member of the United Methodist Church of Elk City.
Besies her husband, Mrs. Rainey was preceded in death by her parents, a son, Vernal Sidney Rainey nd 8 brothers and sisters.
Survivors include 4 sons: Ronald Rainey and his wife Sandi of Ft. Worth, TX, Dwayn Rainey and his ife Sharon of Elk City, Marvin Rainey and his wife Judy of Casselberry, FL, Bobby Riney and his wife Vivian of Elk Vity, OK, 16 grandchildren, 38 great grandchildren, 1 great-great grandchld, and a sister, Joan Miller Martinez of Hill, FL.
Daily Elk Citian, Elk City, OK 21JUL2012
RAINEY, Erma Evelyn Miller
in Obituaries