J.K. Reed a pioneer citizen of Chyenne and Roger Mills County, died at his home in this city, Monday, Nov. 28th of pneumonia fever, his sicknes being of short duration.
Mr. Reed was 51 years old, dying on his birthday. He came from Texas about 19 years ago. He was the father of four childrn one by a former marriage.
Mr. Reed was a man of generous impulses and never forgot the hospiable ways of the pioneer. The stranger, never failed to find food and sheltr if he sought it at his hands. He had filled he various relaions of life, as son, husband, father, broher, friend and filled them well. Who can do more? but he is gone! Another name is stricken from the ever lessening roll of ou old settlers and a solitary woman in middle age and lonely home,are left to attest how sadly they will miss him. It must be so; these tender human ties canot be severed without a pang. “He cometh forth as a flower, and is cut down’ he fleeth also as a shadow and continueth not. For a season he flouishth, is cut down, and is gathered into that land from whose bourne no travler returns.”
The Eagle Lodge of this city perfomed the burial rites on Tusdy afternon.
Cheyenne Star, Cheyenne, OK 1DEC1910