It is not often a country paper is called upon to chronicle the demise of two members in one family within four days of each other, but this is the sad duty of this paper this week.
Last Friday, July 30, 1915, Mrs. J.S. Tucker lost her battle with her lingering illness. On Monday afternoon, August 1, 1915, Dewitt Tucker, son of Mrs. J.S. Tucker, age 19 years, who was working in the harvest field, was kicked by a horse and brought to town at once, but his injuries were beyond medical control, and he died Tuesday morning, August 2, 1915 about 10:00. If the most tender sympathies that flows from a human heart serves as consolation, the doubly afflicted father and husband certainly has the most sincere condolences from the entire community. How forceably are we again reminded of the scriptures admonition, “In such an hour as you think it not, the Son of Man cometh”. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at 10:00.
Ochiltree County Star, August 5, 1915
TUCKER, Dewitt
in Obituaries