Two deaths in one home. Mrs. J.S. Tucker and son die within four days of each other. They formerly lived here at Cheyenne, Okla. After a long lingering illness of many months, Mrs. J.S. Tucker gave up the battle of life and passed over the great beyond last Friday morning, surrounded by devoted husband and seven kids, whose loving attention has been untiring since she was stricken. Funeral services at the ME Church Saturday morning at 10:00 with Rev. Hicks officiating.
A large crowd was present to pay honor to a citizen whose many redeeming virtues and Christian traits of character had been humbly and meekly impressed on the entire community in Ochiltree County.
True sympathy is extended to the devoted husband and those left to mourn with him, the absence of a self-sacrificing mother whose constant aim in life was to provide a happy home with those she loved. The following relatives from abroad were present at the last sad rites: Miss Lily Tucker, Vanderbilt Hospital, Nashville, TN; Dr. and Mrs. Buck, Eldorado, Okla; the latter being a sister of the deceased. Mrs. Kate Huff, Cheyenne, Okla; a sister of Mrs. Tucker; Mrs. L.F. Summers, a daughter and Mr. Lewis Tucker, both of Eldorado, Oklahoma.
Ochiltree County Star, August 5, 1915
in Obituaries