Underwood, Arthur Marion

Last Sunday afternoon, September 7, 1913, while on the way home from church together with his family, A.M. Underwood was struck by lightening and was killed instantly. His wife was sitting on the seat by him in a farm wagon, holding a quilt around him to protect him from the rain that was falling when he was struck. No other occupant of the wagon was injured by the volt.
Arthur Marion Underwood was born in Leesville, Texas, December 20, 1876, was married to Miss Callie Grobe at Shrinek, Texas, October 22, 1902. To this union was born three children, two boys and a girl. He came to Oklahoma in October 1902 at which time he located southwest of the city where he lived until his untimely death. He was converted in early life and united with the ME Church South at the age of fifteen of which church he has been a faithful and consistent member ever since. He leaves a wife and three children, besides three brothers and one sister to mourn his departure.
Funeral services were conducted at his home last Monday by Rev. J.B. McCombs, pastor of the ME Church at this place. The remains were brought to the Cheyhenne Cemetery where it was taken charge of by the I.O.O.F. Lodge and the last ceremony was performed by that order of which he was a member.
Cheyenne Star, Cheyenne, OK 11SEP1913