Wednesday, April 19 had perfect weather for the Reunion of Old Timers. Several thousand from Roger Mills and adjoining counties were present and most of those attending were really old timers. This was the largest reunion of old timers ever held in the Cheyenne-Arapaho Country. The C.&O.W. had a special train for the occasion.

The parade headed by the queen and her attendants followed by the band boys, the American Legion, old soldiers, old settlers, floats of the businessmen an the various organization of the town, was every pretty. Some of the floats were especially attractive.

The principal address of the day was delivered by Governor J.B.A. Robertson who held the crowd for two hours with intense interest. Roger Mills County is a friend of the governor’s as was well displayed by the way his address was received. Governor Robertson spent the day meeting old friends and forming new acquaintances. Cheyenne well appreciates the special favor bestowed on her by the governor in his taking time to come out here and spend a day when he is so very busy.

John B. Harrison, who can claim the friendship of all his large acquaintance here, gave an address, which pleased all, especially the old timers.

F.E. Herring of the firm of Herring & Young, who resides in Oklahoma City, gave a talk reminiscent of old timers, which pleased his many friends here.

Mrs. Bessie McColgin very ably discussed the part women have had in the development of the C&A Country.

The Southwestern Teachers College gave several entertaining numbers including choruses, quartets, colonial and dutch dances which were enjoyed by all.

The old time dance and other sports concluded the day’s program. This was pronounced the best reunion ever held in Cheyenne.

Miss Archie Anderson, the daughter of Mrs. Eva Anderson of Cheyenne was the first queen of the Old Settlers in 1922. Miss Anderson had the peculiar distinction of having the crown placed upon her head by the Honorable J.B.A. Robertson, then governor of the State of Oklahoma. At that time the Queen in a highly decorated float, led the parade and was crowned just before the parade dissembled.

Arch Anderson, father of Miss Archie, was among those making the run into Roger Mills. He passed away a few weeks before the birth of the daughter and Lafayette Anderson was his brother. Archie later married and became Archie Brewer, operated a beauty salon in Stillwater and is now deceased.