It is impossible to give anything like an accurate estimate of the immense crowd that came to the Old Settlers Reunion, April 19. It has been estimated at from 5,000 to 8,000 people. It was conceded by all to have been by far the largest crowd ever assembled in Roger Mills County. They came from all parts of Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and Arkansas. Large delegations were here from Sayre, Elk City and Clinton.
The Old Timers Reunion held last Tuesday marked the thirty-fifth anniversary of the opening of the C&A Country. Old friends met on this occasion, who had not met for years. Many old timers are growing old and they realized the fact, which added a greater thrill as they visited together. Those who came farthest felt fully repaid for their trip. “I would not take anything for the day” seemed to be the sentiment of all.
Scotty Falconer, president of the organization and Secretary Della I. Young, together with the other officers and committees deserve much credit for the excellent manner in which the Old Settlers Reunion was managed.
The crowd assembled in a tent in the forenoon and Scotty Falconer, presided while a program was rendered. Alvin Moore, mayor of the city, delivered the address of welcome which was responded to by Judge Ray of Lawton, formerly of RMC and who is now recognized as one of the old timers now filling a high place in the state in the legal profession.
Dennis T. Flynn, father of the Free Homes Bill, delivered an address.
Mrs. Violina Miller of Erick, daughter of the late Dr. J.P. Miller, the pioneer doctor of RMC, sang a solo, much to the satisfaction of the old timers who were glad to once again hear her voice. This concluded the morning program.
The barbecue was conceded to be a grand success. It was a gigantic undertaking to feed the immense crowd, but due to the excellent organization of the arrangements committee none were away hungry.
Immediately after dinner the pageant portraying the development of Oklahoma was staged by the Cheyenne School on the grounds east of the site of the Old Timers, in a natural amphitheatre. The queen was Miss Frances Young, a student of Stillwater, both her father and grandfather having made the run. Music was furnished by the Elk City band. All of the parts were given in appropriate costumes; announcements were made through megaphones by Mr. James and Mr. Nickols.
Then came a talkfest in which F.E. Herring of the firm of Herring and Young, early store men in RMC, as well as a leading mercantile firm at the present time, made a splendid speech eulogizing the old timer who had passed from life, those who had gone into larger fields, and those who remained as useful citizens.
While the speaking was going on a portion of the immense throng enjoyed a baseball game between Cheyenne and Strong City in which Strong City won with a score of 25 to 11.
As a conclusion of the day’s program the old timers danced the old time waltz, square, two step, etc. with some of them attired in the old time clothes.
Mrs. Miller, wife of the first doctor to locate in the territory, was present and her daughter, Violina, had a place on the program. Mrs. Cash, who had a part in two “runs” and Mrs. Alice Hendricks, one of the three women in Cheyenne on the opening day, were present. Jim Lester, 1927 sheriff of Roger Mills County has taken part in FOUR RUNS and naturally welcomed back the old timers.
A display of relics incident to the history of the Cheyenne-Arapaho country was to be seen in the window of the C.V. Rice grocery, the history of which would make a story in itself.
The celebration was held on a hill just east of the city and the pageant and other attractions were given in a natural amphitheatre enabling the assembled thousands to have an exceptional view, adding much to the pleasure. No more beautiful or fitting place for such an event could be found in the entire state.
It is a difficult matter to attempt to tell of the events of the entire day for every moment was crowded with pleasure and entertainment. For instance “Cap” Story was there and he was one of the oldest of the old timers. Going along the street he met a man who was in the same “outfit” with him in his cowboy days and they were talking about the time their camp was invaded by a drove of skunks and the time they had getting rid of them. J.D. Taylor of the Clark Barber Shop was there and looking at the old-fashioned dance, said that he used to dance that way in the Cheyenne country thirty years ago. Pete Thurmond said his father established the first store in Cheyenne thirty-five years ago that day, while the Blackburns and others had stories of events of those days when the country was new. Mrs. Young also was able to relate many interesting incidents of the old days. She and Mr. Young located in the country in ’80 or ’81 and have lived there ever since. Col. Herring paid some splendid tributes to the pioneers, as did Judge Mitchell, Dennis Flynn and other speakers.
The hospitality of Cheyenne must not be overlooked. Had it been a city of many times its size there could have been no improvement on the arrangements or the manner in which they were carried out. The businessmen just quit their places of business and took their various places in the line of work and it is remarkable how so small a group handled such a gigantic undertaking. The ladies, too, were busy and did their part and the manner in which everything worked out is certainly a credit to their ability and their progressive spirit.
Miss Frances Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Young, was the Old Settlers Queen in 1927. She had the distinction of having both her father and grandfather in the run, and having them both present at her coronation. Dennis T. Flynn, Father of the Free Homes Bill, placed the crown, which was a relic of Indian beads and feathers, upon the head of the young queen. It was at this reunion that the crowning was made the climax of a gorgeous pageant and has been included in each program. Frances graduated from A&M College and became a teacher in the local high school where she assisted in directing the pageant in 1922. Frances Warrington now lives in Colombia, South Carolina.
Queen attendants: Sarah Shaw, Bonnie King, Blanche Steere, Alia Belle Berry, Mary Jo Caffey, Vashti Young, Edith Parker {unable to come were Nellie Leary, Julia Tracy, Amy Taylor, Georgia Cole and Theresa Shaw}.