When 10,000 people or more assemble in a town that claims a population of less than 1,000, that town is full of people. That was the condition in Cheyenne Monday when a crowd estimated at between 20,000 and 30,000 gathered here to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the opening of the C&A country. The vast crowd was very orderly with no accidents of any consequence, and no disorderly conduct which was very remarkable for that many people to have assembled.
It was an occasion when every-one seemed to enjoy himself; many pronouncing it the best time they ever had. There was nothing elaborate about the entertainment, but the vast crowd was kept entertained every minute.
Cheyenne has every reason to feel proud of Monday’s celebration. It was a result of united effort; it showed cooperation of other towns; it brought publicity to the town; and all Old Settlers returned to their homes with the thought that Cheyenne was indeed a hospitable town.
The float entered in the parade by Methodist and Baptist churches won the parade prize. The judges were Walter Blackburn, E.L. Mitchell and J.J. Moore.
Hundreds of horsemen rode in the parade led by Dr. C.E. Pyatt and C.F. Maddux. Conspicious in the parade were Lt. Gov. James Berry, Gene Ross, “Red John” Salyer and Senator Nat Taylor.
The Beutler Bros. staged a won-derful rodeo performance with 42 entering the events. There were many in the vast crowd witnessing the rodeo who realized that they were being privileged to see a wonderful free show in which many nationally famous rodeo stars were performers.
Dorothy Mae Purdy, daughter of the late Joe and Ollie Purdy, was crowned 1937 C&A Queen, while living in Clinton at the time.
Tiny little Yvonne Chouteau was here to dance in the parade, the great-great-great granddaughter of the first white settler in Oklahoma.
Leading the parade that year was Sam Maddux and the pretty slender girl who had helped him build a home and take a wild unsettled country. She rode beside him side saddle, as he sat tall in the saddle riding his faithful white horse.
The rain came Saturday the day Cheyenne was all set for the biggest celebration ever held in this city-but the rain merely changed the schedule but did not stop the celebration. Old timers from far states began to gather in Cheyenne Friday afternoon and night and by ten o’clock Saturday morning an estimated crowd of 10,000 people thronged the streets of Cheyenne to see the parade. It was held as scheduled but just as the parade broke up a heavy downpour of rain fell which necessitated a change in plans.
Sayre was given a prize of $10 for winning first place in out-of-town displays in the parade. Sayre had a display led by five men on horse-back carrying flags, an old horse-drawn chuck wagon, the Sayre School band, the WPA string band and thirty saddle horses ridden by Sayre men.
The Red Cross float won the first prize offered for the best Cheyenne float. In this float was a portrayal of home nursing, First Aid, knitting and Red Cross sewing.
Basket dinners were spread in church basements and homes where the old western hospitality prevailed. The 500 gallons of coffee was boiling in the big copper kettle in Black Kettle Park, but so great was the downpour of rain that none crossed Sergeant Major Creek for the coffee.
Each member of the five bands that participated in the parade was given tickets good for their dinner at any café in town. Cheyenne endeavored to see that every visitor was entertained and apparently all had a good time. Many from a distance said it was the best time they had ever had.
Thousands of people stood in the rain in front of the Rook Theatre and listened as Judge E.L. Mitchell presided during the program. Douglas Brann, a soldier at Fort Sill, home to visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.G. Brann spoke on the “Young Generation and the Old”. This was followed by a patriotic address by Robert S. Kerr of Oklahoma City.
Jim McClintic of Washington, D.C. crowned Joaneve Tunnard Queen of the C&A Country for the ensuing five-year period. “In behalf of the great Department of Interior of the US, headed by Harold Ickes, in which department I am em-ployed, I crown thee queen,” said McClintic, “for it is appropriate that the queen of an organization which has as its purpose the celebration of the opening of the C&A Country to settlement for homes should be honored by the Department of National Government under which all public domains come.”
Joaneve Tunnard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Tunnard of Cheyenne was dressed in a white satin formal dress and carried a bouquet of golden roses. Her attendants: Miss Dorothy Lee Caffey of Mangum and Miss Juanita Brown of Elk City were also dressed in white satin. Both the attendants were grand-daughters of men who made the run for homes in the C&A Country on April 19, 1892. Flower girls were Miss Patsy Hall and Miss Jeffa Ann Cross who were dressed in gold satin and carried baskets of white flowers. Miss Jean Chalfant and Miss Wanna Lee Tunnard, train bearers for the queen also wore long white satin dresses. The crowning of the queen was a beautiful display of pageantry.