The 1947 Reunion of Old Settlers was marked by the great number of old timers who returned to Chey-enne for a reunion with former friends. The building now occupied by the Haight Implement Company (then the Brown Building) was set apart for the Old Settlers head-quarters thus providing better opportunity for old timers to meet others. Miss Pauline Porter was crowned Queen of the C&A Cou-ntry, the crown being placed upon her head by T.J. Mabry, Governor of NM (Mr. Mabry, an old timer of the C&A Country is a brother of Mrs. E.B. Savage of Hammon). The queen’s float built by the club women of Durham was built from lumber used by the grandfather of the queen in the first home he built in 1892, soon after the Run. The float was a 1947 version of the covered wagon. The Daily Oklahoman devoted an entire page of their Sunday Oklahoman to the 1947 Cheyenne Reunion.

The attendants (all from pioneer families) were: Darlene Lovett, Ola Mae White, Sue Trent, Ruby Keller and Lavona Maddux. Flower girls were Lanita Maddux and Nancy Holt.