COX, Hez D. “Daddy”


H.D. Cox, aged pioneer of Cheyenne died at 9:00 a.m. this morning, June 24, 1915 at his home of Bright’s Disease. Mr. Cox was 72 years of age, having been born October 15, 1843 in the state of Illinois. He resided there during his young manhood, after which he moved west, meeting and marrying Miss Delphia Phillips, August 19, 1860. To this union there were born six children: Don J., Jenny, Albert, Ira, Tony, and John B. Two of these, Don and Jenny survive the death of their father. Mr. Cox had eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren living. Two of the grandchildren, Mrs. Maud Ingram, Amarillo, Texas and Mrs. Gussie Reifscheider, Jacksonville, Florida and were at his bedside at the time of his death. He was among those who made the run to this county during the Cheyenne and Arapaho opening, April 19, 1892. In fact, his wife was the first white woman to see the present site of the town of Cheyenne. Mr. Cox was successful in securing a good farm near Redmoon, besides several choice town lots in this city. Since that time, he has engaged in diverse business pursuits, in all of which he has prospered and made friends.
His death created sadness in the hearts of all those that knew him and his absence will be noted and mourned only as are those everyday of whose lives is of benefit to the community in which they reside, and whose acts of kindness and generosity serve to lighten the burdens some unfortunate. He never refused to donate liberally to the just cause or deserving person; he was not the man to regard his own preferences or even his prosperity above the welfare of the community. It can be truthfully said that without such constituents as “Daddy” Cox, our town would not have surmounted the obstacles in its development that has arisen in its path, and this city has indeed suffered an immense loss in his demise.
He was among the first members of the Baptist Church at this place, and it was largely through his contributions that that church was enabled to erect a building that they now occupy. His friends may find condolment for their grief in the fact, that while on the sick bed of this, his last illness, in conversation with the pastor in relation to religious subjects, he expressed a hope of spending eternity with his Savior, and told the preacher to “meet him up there”, pointing upward toward the sky.
Inlimitable space could be used in extolling the deceased, then all his virtues would not have been fully treated. But it can be truthfully said of him that he, “fought the good fight”, whick is the best commendation for any person.
The members of the Odd Fellows Lodge took charge of the body and conducted it to the Baptist Church where the funeral services were held. The remains were then taken to the Cheyenne Cemetery where the body was lowered into the grave and the ceremony of the order was held. Thus paying a tribute of respect to a departed brother.
Cheyenne Star, June 24, 1915