The entire community of Cheyenne was saddened by the death of A.G. Cross, known as “Whitey“, which occurred on last Friday evening, in an Elk City hospital. His death was the result of an automobile accident, which happened on Tuesday preceding his death. In this accident in which is brother, Lance received a broken leg, it was thought at first that the injuries of “Whitey” were not serious, until the following day when his condition was first recognized as serious. He grew worse and Friday it was thought that an operation might save him, but he passed away while on the operating table. It was found that his pelvic bone and internal organs were crushed, and nothing could have been done for him.
The large auditorium of the Methodist Church would not nearly accommodate the large crowd that gathered for the funeral Sunday afternoon. Rev. Carleton, pastor of the Baptist Church, preached the sermon assisted by Rev. Hill, pastor of the Methodist Church and the Tunnard Funeral Home in charge. C.V. Rice gave a sympathetic rendition of “Crossing the Bar” as a vocal solo.
The Services at the grave were in charge of the American Legion Post of Elk City, which furnished a firing squad for this occasion, commanded by Pete Hill, assistant postmaster there. This detail acted as a guard of honor, accompanying the casket from the funeral home to the church, where it formed in double rank and presented arms as the deceased veteran was borne between them by soring comrades. After sermon, which was eloquent and comforting, the procession headed for the cemetery, where a very solemn and impressive burial ceremony was enacted. The firing squad stood at attention while the hearse bearing the remains of “Whitey” approached the grave, and rendered the automary salute of men under arms when the body neared and was placed at rest. Then followed the firing of a last salute and the playing of taps, which never fails to tug at the heart strings of the hearer. The “echo” was played by Douglass Brann of this city. The American Flag that draped the casket was presented to Mrs. Cross by Mr. Hill, the commander of the firing squad.
The pallbearers were life-long friends and comrades of “Whitey” in the World War. They were Douglas Kendall, Hoyt Little, Henry Warren, E.B. Tracy, Mayo Cox and George Miller.
“Whitey” Cross was truly a man with a big heart and whose sympathies were always with those in distress or trouble and his purse strings were always loosed to those who were in need. He numbered among his friends many men who are considered the down-and-outers, because his friendship never changed because of reverses. He held a peculiarly warm place in his heart for old people, which was evidenced a short time ago when he spent a day going around town visiting aged people, who were shut-ins. His entire life was that of helping his friends over rough spots.
Alfred Glenn Cross was born in Cheyenne, October 14, 1898 and passed from life March 12, 1937 at the age of 38 years and five months. In 1917, he volunteered for service in the cause of his country, although he was far under the age for enlistment.
On June 29, 1922, he was married to Faye Combs of Cheyenne and to this union were born three children all of whom, with his wife, survive. The children are Marian, age 13; Bill age 11; and Frances Ruth, age 8.
Other survivors are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cross of Cheyenne, one sister, Mrs. Gertie Bowman of Albuquerque, New Mexico; three brothers, Charlie, Dean and Lance, all of Cheyenne; also a host of nieces, nephews, uncles, aunts and other relatives.
In 1927, he united with the Baptist Church of Cheyenne to which faith he held until the time of his passing.
Interment in the Cheyenne Cemetery, Cheyenne, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma.
Cheyenne Star, March 1937