Phenis, I.H.

I.H. Phenis has just returned from Guthrie where he and his family have been at the bedside of a sick wife and mother who died February 15. She had been at the hospital at Perry for the past three months under treatment for tumor cancer. On coming to Guthrie about thirty miles on her wasy hoe, she stopped off to visist her son, F.H. Penis, and while there was tanken dangerously ill. Her son telegraphed his father to come and she lived two week after his arrival. Her children were all present during her last hours of life. This patient wife and mtoehr leaves a husband, three sons and two daughters to mourn her loss.
Her daughters, Dora M. Hansam resides at Coweta, and Nora White resides in Roger Mills county. Her sons, S.A. Phenis resides in Hemphill County, Texas, F.H. Phenis lives at Guthrie, and B.H. Phenis lives on the old homestead.
I.H. Phenis and family were one of the old settlers of 1889, locating on a farm five miles north of Guthrie. After living there sixteen years, he moved to their present home.
The husband and family have the sympathy of the entire community.
Cheyenne Star, Cheyenne, OK