M. W. Squires of near Sweetwater, who was knocked off his wagon by a runaway team a few days ago, died at his home last Monday morning, December 11, 1916, at three o’clock from the injuries received in his accident. The direct cause of his death was a broken rib, that penetrated his lungs, which was of such a serious nature that it produced death. Mr. Squires was recognized as being one of the very best citizens in the county and the entire community will feel his lost. No man in the county had more warm friends than did Mr. Squires. He was a man that attended strictly to his own affairs and left others alone. He was a kind and loving father and husband and a friend to all mankind.
He was a man that was loyal to his county, faithful to his creator, just with his fellowman, and all feels that he has made the world better by having living in it.
The Star joins the bereaved and the friends of the bereaved in offering sympathy and condolences.
Cheyenne Star, December 14, 1916