The Cheyenne Star, Cheyenne, Oklahoma · Thursday, February 18, 1909
Died at her home in Cheyenne, Tuesday morning, February 16th, Mrs. Laura Virginia Evans, wife of Sheriff J. M. Evans, aged thirty-six years and twenty-four days.
Laura Virginia Murphy was born in Clay County, Missouri, January 22, 1873, and was married to James
M. Evans at Rush Springs, I. T., September 12, 1889. Of this union six children, five girls and one boy, were born, all of whom survive(sic) her.
All the love and care that an anxious and devout household and skilled physicians could devise and apply for her comfort and assistance were brought into play, but the tiat of him who rules our incomings and outgoings had been issued, and after a brief struggle, despite the prayers and entreaties of all who knew and loved her, their appeals were over ruled and the suffering spirit took its flight to that home the christian believes is the fulfilling of the life everlasting.
None but those who have sat in the shadow of a great bereavement can justly weigh such sorrow as this. Those who have gone down into the valley of suffering and stood for days by the side of a loved one, as hope atter hope dropped away as the petals. fall from the fading flower, know that such anguish cannot find solace in the kindest words. She who has gone forth could not be supported on her solitary journey by any earthly friend. The husband, with a devotion few men are capable of, whose devotion never faltered, could not detain her by the clasp of earthly love, but after the last word had been spoken, the last sign of recognition was gone, a look of peace settled on her face which proclaimed victory, and he knew that she was resting on a mighty arm.
Life will never be quite the same to those who knew her, while those who were nearest to her will long for her with unutterable longings; long for a mother’s counsel and advice and a wife’s gentle and loving sympathy. Her life was gentle but like the still waters it was deep. In her heart of hearts she carried those she loved, and her hand was never. weary, her step never faltered in ministering unto, caring for, and waiting upon those who were in any way dependent upon her. Much has been taken from the husband and sorrowing children; sweet ties have been severed, but well may they cherish her memory as a precious legacy and while we fain would say a word of comfort to the stricken ones, we can but let our tears flow in sympathy with theirs, and point them to the promise, “At eventide it shall be light.
The funeral services were held at the Methodist church Wednesday afternoon, Elder Martin, of the Christian church, of which the deceased was a consistent and devout member, officiating, after which the remains were interred in the Cheyenne cemetery.